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Australian Pump Industries is urging plumbers to check their eligibility to claim the instant asset write-off ahead of the end of the financial year.
“We traditionally see a surge in demand for drain cleaning Jetters at this time of year as plumbers race to buy before the 30 June deadline in order to maximise their tax return”, said Aussie Pumps Operations Manager Hamish Lorenz. The company has built big runs of both Class A and Class B 5,000 psi Jetters with Honda Industrial V-Twin engines as part of the launch of their new Deluxe Jetter range.
Featuring strong new stainless steel frames, heavy duty “Big Berty” pumps, and stainless steel reels, the Jetters not only perform but look schmick.
“Plumbers are often judged by the state of their gear on the ute. Now is a great time to not only upgrade and up spec Jetters but also to take advantage of exceptional competitive prices from Aussie Pump Distributors and maximise your tax return,” said Lorenz. Further details are available at aussiepumps.com.au.