Importance of a Simple & Unique Website Design

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Importance of a Simple & Unique Website Design The meaning of a simple web design is “A website which looks great to the eyes and without any eye distracting color or anything on the web pages which do not force the visitors to go away from the website.” For any business and service providers a simple website design is a great way to attract the visitors. A simple web design helps in holding the visitors to go through the whole website and inspire them to use the services which are being offered by the website. Sometimes it’s very difficult to design a simple website. Web designers put their hard efforts in designing. A simple web design can be spoiled when the website and its content is not well organized and 10 out of 3 web designers fails to complete the simple tasks in the website designing due to which the business related to the websites can lose their popularity. So there are some points which can help in creating a simple and unique web design. 1. Alignment of the content and design: The alignment of the content and design of the website must be perfectly done because if it is not aligned properly no one is going to read the content of the website. The font, color, design of the text in the website must be eye catching and also if possible the technical words should not be added in the content so that a non technical person also reads the text and not get away from the website. 2. Visual disturbance: There must not any visual disturbance in the web pages. Such as unnecessary pop-ups, blinking text, icons or any other distracting features which could lead the visitors to left the website. 3. Smooth Navigation: The absence of smooth navigation also force the visitors to left the site. So the navigation must be smooth on every page of the website. 4. Responsive website: The web design must be responsive. It is the big factor which greatly affects the visits of the people. Because in today’s time the people like to surf internet on the handy devices like mobile and tablets etc. 5. Easy to access: The website is said to simple when the pages in the website are easily accessible that means the internal page linking must be done accordingly. 6. Consistency of General Elements: The general elements such as business name, logo, social media presence and their links must be present on the website. These all elements make the good impression on the customers. 7. Remove unnecessary elements: When designing the website some designers skip to remove the unnecessary elements from the website such as social media sharing buttons, author name, widgets, related posts and side bars etc which are of no use in the website. Studies have shown that these elements are the reason behind the bounce rate of the visitors. There are many other factors which prove that the simple designs of the websites are very much liked as compared to the complex one. The customers enters in the websites to just know about the website before accessing the other pages of the website so if they found the information easily they are supposed to go to the internal pages of the website. So, this is the creativity of the web designer that how they design the website so that it looks simple and unique. To do so you can contact the best Web Designing Company.

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