Masters Viewbook

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MISSION The Masters School celebrates active participation, deep understanding, and meaningful connection. A community of diverse individuals, we gather to learn, to strive, to dare, to do—to be a power for good in the world.

AT THE MASTERS SCHOOL, we live by the tenet: Do It With Thy Might. But might means much more than what meets the eye. It’s more powerful than strength and stronger than force. It’s as multifaceted and nuanced as our uniquely individual students. Might is personal. It’s putting everything you have into doing what you love. It’s facing challenges with your best effort and discovering the natural leader within. It’s a conversation that begins with careful listening and ends with reaching a greater understanding. It’s trusting your individual voice and confidently uncovering who you are with courage.

The Masters School is a coeducational day and boarding school that engages fifth through twelfth grade students in a rigorous college preparatory curriculum. Located on a majestic 96-acre campus, we are just 12 miles from New York City.


When Eliza Bailey Masters founded the School in 1877, she proclaimed that she would educate each student to be a “power for good in the world.” Since then, students have been drawing upon this power—this might—to strive, to dare, to do—to create a presence that is unique and profound. Find out how you will discover your might at Masters.




IT TAKES COURAGE TO SPEAK UP It also takes courage to listen. At Masters, we care about both. In some of the Middle School classrooms, and in every Upper School classroom—including labs—you’ll sit side-by-side and face-to-face around an oval-shaped Harkness table. After a teacher introduces a topic, he or she will facilitate a dynamic discussion among you and your classmates. Every day is different, depending on where the conversation takes the class. This requires letting go of preconceived notions and moving beyond comfort zones. It means admitting you’re wrong. It often involves getting stuck. But through thoughtful dialogue, you’ll help each other push ahead on a path of inquiry. Together, you’ll invent creative solutions to problems. By tackling the most difficult questions, you’ll hone your critical, creative and collaborative thinking skills. You’ll need to bring everything—your fears, your doubts, your opinions to the table.

You will graduate from Masters well prepared for college, with a strong academic foundation, a real set of life skills, a genuine love of learning and a commitment to Masters’ mission of “being a power for good in the world.”


It’s intellectual exploration at its best.




AS IS TRUE FOR EVERYONE YOU MEET AT MASTERS, YOU CAN BE YOURSELF. In our culture of kindness and inclusion, every type of diversity is celebrated—whether it’s race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, age, physical abilities, religious beliefs, political beliefs or any other ideologies. We have dancers, singers, scientists, athletes, you name it. Bring your whole self to Masters.

This is true for teachers, too. You will get to know them so well, you may know their favorite

foods or their childhood memories. Your connection with teachers will be meaningful—and you’ll find they’re just as individual as you. You’ll see a lot of yourself in them, brave at the core—brave enough to try and fail so that next time, you can try and succeed. Teachers don’t just care about you getting it right; they care about offering vital opportunities to learn according to your individual needs and desires. And because of this, you will be prepared to excel in college and beyond. Teachers expect your best, but not just the conventional best. Learning becomes an act of individual empowerment—an act that you will continue to perfect all your life.





QUESTION EVERYTHING AS EARLY AS FIFTH GRADE, STUDENTS BECOME MASTER QUESTIONERS. Through discussion and experience-based learning, as well as collaborative, interdisciplinary group projects, you will become adept at the act of searching for answers, even though your findings will often lead you to bigger questions. In preparation for an all-Harkness Upper School, some classes in Middle School are conducted around a Harkness table as well. Every year of Middle School is framed by a scholastic theme. Within that theme, you’ll embark on hands-on learning. In studying the ancient world, you might create an original puppet opera or conjure your own myth. In examining diversity, you may take a trip to the Tenement Museum or Ellis Island. In exploring the implications of liberty and the American identity, you may travel to Philadelphia for a history tour or visit several places in Boston that tell the story of the American Revolution. In addition to academics, Middle School focuses on learning to be a good person. Classes are small, so teachers and advisors can make meaningful connections with you. A strong emphasis is placed on character development and the core values of respect, responsibility, compassion and integrity.


SHATTER STEREOTYPES School Expeditions • Sloop Clearwater • Ellis Island • Metropolitan Opera • The Lower East Side Tenement Museum • Museum of Chinese in America (MOCA) • Philadelphia History Tour • West Point, the United States Military Academy • Seining in the Hudson River • Canoeing in Constitution Marsh • Boston


Because research shows that boys and girls learn differently, Masters classes are single-gender in the formative years of sixth through eighth grade. In a nurturing environment that takes into account the unique learning styles of each gender, you’ll feel selfconfident, empowered and able to more effectively form your own voice. You’ll enjoy a balance—while you learn separately, boys and girls spend recess, lunch and all-school activities together. Your time in Middle School will culminate with an 8th Grade Experience class that will address important life topics and meet as a whole grade to help with the transition to Upper School co-ed classes.




Faculty Advisors

THROUGHOUT YOUR UPPER SCHOOL CAREER, you’ll shape your education with complex courses that spark your interests. Whatever fascinates you—whether it’s world religions, writing short stories or environmental science, you’ll dig as deep as you like with nearly 150 courses to choose from. For those who seek the challenge of college-level coursework, we offer more than 15 Advanced Placement courses, in addition to our own college-level courses. Those enrolled in AP classes are required to take the College Board AP exam and are well-prepared to do so, with approximately 80% scoring a 4 or 5 to receive college course credit. There is no discipline too difficult, no limit to

From day one at The Masters School, you’ll receive guidance as you chart a path towards your own definition of success. At the beginning of every academic year, you will be assigned a faculty advisor who you will see four times per week—individually and in small groups. With your advisor’s unconditional support, your potential will be discovered, and you’ll thrive because of a healthy balance and a customized program of academic challenges that will best fit your needs and interests.

how far you can explore. Through roundtable conversations, you’ll confront the hard questions head on. You’ll go from asking to knowing. You’ll face change with curiosity instead of fear—opening doors to mastering complex ideas, adaptability and growth.

The right trajectory designed with your interests in mind will help you continue

to open doors beyond Masters. The strength of our college outcomes is a testament to the talented students admitted, the outstanding education received at Masters and the unparalleled guidance the College Counseling Office provides from day one. Many of our students get into schools with acceptance rates of less than 25%, including all eight Ivy League institutions. With each graduating class, the School continues to have large numbers of early decision applications, coinciding with a strong number of acceptances—a testament to the emphasis our college counselors put on finding the right that make them stand out in a crowd, excelling in the areas colleges, universities and employers consider essential.


fit from a range of options. Students leave Masters armed with the skills and knowledge




MASTERS SCHOOL TRADITIONS Morning Meetings are a beloved tradition that occurs three mornings a week in the Middle and Upper Schools. Students gather among a supportive audience of peers to lead powerful and inspirational assemblies covering a variety of topics that range from musical performances to thought-provoking matters of spirituality to reflective Senior Speeches that impart meaningful advice. Each student performer or speaker is greeted with enthusiastic clapping and cheering by their classmates.

Delta/Phi Rivalry

IN OUR SIGNATURE UPPER SCHOOL PROGRAMS, core subjects will come to life as you chart your course through real-life situations. As a freshman studying World History, you’ll explore today’s New York City as a means of examining urban life in the ancient world. As a sophomore, you’ll investigate current global issues, understand legislative procedures and cultivate debating skills in Model United Nations. For your Masters Thesis as a senior, you’ll team up with a teacher to craft a completely original course of study that involves in-depth research across disciplines, writing and presenting a scholarly paper and completing a creative project that culminates in a performance, lecture or exhibition. By the time you leave Masters, you will have started to create the foundational stories of your life, with a strong conviction about whom you wish to become.

Upon admission to Masters, every student is assigned as either a Delta or Phi—to continue a longtime on-campus friendly team rivalry. Family members are always on the same team. Students participate in a tug-of-war on Founder’s Day and compete in contests during Spirit Week. Delta stands for Dobbs and is blue. Phi stands for Ferry and is red. Together they make the School’s color—purple.

MLK Celebration During a two-day celebration of diversity and inclusion, an ethos that is of utmost importance at Masters, the entire School celebrates the life and legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr. through impactful speeches, songs and

videos, as well as original and well-known poetry readings. This tradition provides an opportunity for students to express themselves, celebrate and recommit to the legacies and responsibilities that Martin Luther King, Jr. left for the world.

Masters Matters A day full of symposia, workshops, social events and animated discussions centered on a selected theme. Past themes have included sustainability, race, creativity and humor. The Masters Matters event brings together members of the entire community—students, alumni, parents, faculty, staff—in the spirit of intellectual exploration and to show support for the School’s mission.

Junior Games For over 35 years, the annual Junior Games have exemplified service learning at its finest. More than 220 student volunteers contribute in some way to hosting children with special needs and their families from throughout Westchester County for a fun-filled game day. Masters students are each paired with a child, and as they lead the children through obstacle courses and ball pits, they gain a deeper understanding of empathy, compassion and the gift of service.


Morning Meeting



SOLVE FOR TOMORROW Construct the robot of your dreams. Find a solution to complex engineering problems while earning college credit through a partnership with Rochester Institute of Technology. Masters’ Engineering Program allows you to think, do and make—all the while, cultivating a mastery of thought that is hands-on and projectbased. Throughout the four-year curriculum, you will solve open-ended problems that require planning, documentation, communication and advanced professional skills—all essential to a career path in engineering. Through individual and collaborative activities, you will learn technical representation and documentation of design solutions according to technical standards, and use current 3-D design and modeling software to represent and communicate solutions. In addition, you’ll develop computational methods that are commonly used in engineering, including statistical analysis and mathematical modeling. Access to this type of scientific knowledge and application at the high school level sets the stage for inquiry for life.




Become an entrepreneur and start your own company. In Design Thinking and Social Entrepreneurship, you will have the opportunity to take a human-centered approach to creative and innovative thinking that joins together societal needs with metrics for business success. Through dynamic Harkness discussions, you’ll come to understand the mindset of entrepreneurs and how business can drive social change. You’ll explore the fundamental principles of inspiration navigation, product/service creation and prototyping, real-world implementation and smallbusiness operational skills. Recent student projects include a personal composter, a solar-charged, battery-operated compost bin that consumers can use in their backyards to produce nutrientrich soil for gardens or landscaping. Another team of students pioneered WePool, a free service that would enable location-based affinity groups to set up carpooling schedules with each other through the use of a mobile app. What will you dream up?





Students at Masters know that they can’t be who they want to be without the support of others. As part of MISH, Masters Interested in Sharing and Helping, students, teachers and staff unite to effect positive change in each other, the community and the world. As a member of the Masters community, you will be able to contribute to a distinct ethos of generosity, thoughtfulness and community involvement that pervades the School. Inspired by the principles of founder Eliza Bailey Masters, virtually everyone at Masters finds profound meaning in making a difference—whether it’s fundraising to build water wells in Africa, tutoring in local underserved communities, helping out at a local food pantry or traveling to Jonestown, Mississippi to repair homes. At MISH Morning Meetings, representatives from charities visit the School to share their missions and good work and enlist fundraising support from our community. In service learning initiatives, students have confidently and successfully planned for and led groups of 100 people or more in various settings. It all circles back to being a power for good in the world, a critical component of the School’s mission.

Leadership is a daily activity at Masters because everyday choices affect whether or not a community is made better and stronger. As part of the Ethical Leadership Project, you will not only sharpen basic leadership skills, but also gain a greater understanding of who you are and what you value—a revelation that will empower you throughout your whole life. This self-exploration work is embedded in the curriculum—through film viewing, current event discussions, role-model exercises, leadership-style exercises and team-building activities. The Ethical Leadership project is also promoted among the faculty with meetings and workshops tailored specifically to them and conducted throughout the year. While many Middle School teachers weave ethical leadership concepts into their classes, beginning in the ninth grade, you’ll develop your skills in-depth. You’ll grow as a leader in the classroom, on the athletic field, in the dorms and through community service. With faculty mentors as examples—always working to share best practices and learn the latest research findings at conferences—you will gain the skills to hold true to who you are and your convictions, especially in challenging situations.



A leader is someone who can take charge and guide a group, but can also sit back and know when it’s time to afford others an opportunity to voice their opinion.


Leading means not being afraid to say what’s on your mind.


Your official title is inconsequential—you can be a leader at any stage in your life, throughout your whole life.


Our Global Studies Program will inspire you to engage with and understand the critical issues facing today’s world as well as prepare you for the wider, more complicated world ahead. Through a variety of international educational opportunities, your current views of the world will be challenged and expanded upon. These experiences will leave a lasting impression that will change how you see the world and how the world sees you. Companies today seek out employees who can think globally, those who have been exposed to and engaged with the world beyond their own and can comfortably navigate all types of diversity with empathy and a strong ability to forge connections. Upper School students have participated in transformative experiences like a two-week-long homestay at a Tibetan Buddhist monastery in Lijiang, China, and a progressive boarding school in Tokyo, Japan. They’ve joined students from one of our partner schools in the Dominican Republic to help make repairs to their nursery schools, spoken with political leaders and explored historical and social issues in Santo Domingo, and more—all in the company of their host families. Students have also traveled abroad for spring break to destinations such as Cuba and Montreal. In addition to exchange students visiting campus, you will get to interact with peers who come from over 30 countries. In becoming global citizens both abroad and on campus, you’ll hone your interpersonal skills and cultural knowledge, important differentiators that can be applied to all aspects of life.







02 • ARTS •

CHOOSE YOUR LENS WRITE AND DIRECT PLAYS. COMPOSE AND PRODUCE MUSIC. Hold a gallery show. Choreograph a dance. The Masters School takes great pride in the strength of its performing and visual arts programs. Art is a vital way for you to get to know yourself and others. It builds confidence and develops empathy. While the arts are an integral part of the curriculum, you can also make the most of a broad range of co-curricular arts opportunities, such as dance, drama, painting, photography and music in its varied forms.


As part of ninth grade digital photo classes, students created self-portraits on translucent paper—so they can be seen from both sides. An Upper School art teacher had students work in pairs and collaborate as subject and artist. They engaged in conversation with each other to discover how they wanted to be portrayed and how they wanted to portray others. In addition to displaying their art on the windows of the Fonseca Center and holding an artists’ reception, students took part in a global participatory art project

called Inside Out, in which over 260,000 people have participated in 129 countries—to share their stories and transform messages of personal identity into art for everyone.

Great Gig Every spring, students from the performing and visual arts departments collaborate to recreate an iconic record album during a live performance called Great Gig in the Sky. Throughout the year, you’ll rehearse and plan while immersing yourself in the music and style of the album. The result is a spectacular event featuring voices, lights, projected video and dance. Past shows have featured Green Day’s American Idiot and U2’s The Joshua Tree. In Middle School, students participate in a similar event called the 8th Grade Arts Expo, in which every eighth grader is assigned to a band. Together they have to come up with a name and an album cover for the band, and then write and perform their song for parents and peers.

Puppet Operas In Middle School, enthusiastic fifth graders participate in a yearlong interdisciplinary project to create and perform an original Puppet Opera. Students begin with a trip to the Metropolitan Museum of Art to explore ancient Egyptian culture. Then, back in the classroom, they write original plays based on their inspiration from the museum trip and their work in humanities class. Next, the students design and create their characters as puppets in visual arts class. In music class, they visit the Metropolitan Opera to learn how to compose and notate their story as an opera. The culmination is an eagerly anticipated performance of the Puppet Operas in Doc Wilson Hall.


Inside Out


02 • ARTS •

SHARPEN YOUR CREATIVE EDGE Wherever you go at Masters, you see students making something new. You see them lining up their focus, trusting their inner compass and building personal power. In Middle School, you’ll take arts classes four times per week, with

instruction in piano, music theory, composition, world music, drawing, painting, photography and more. And those are just examples of arts classes that are part of the curriculum. If a spark is ignited, you can pursue it—whether it is a passion for dancing, playing in a rock band, performing in musical theater or participating in a choral ensemble.

In Upper School, you can follow your creative voice as far as it wants

you to go. In a ninth-grade humanities course, you can study dance, drama, visual art and music studies. In all years of Upper School, you can pursue intensive private lessons and master classes in the artistic disciplines that match your creative vision. There is no limit to how deeply you can delve into an art. There is as much room, support and instruction as you can draw upon.



Advancement and Pre-Professional Opportunities



If the arts are your passion, Masters can help you explore anything

and the Hudson Valley Singers. Our graduates have creatively

Tower is the award-winning student newspaper of The Masters School. All Tower staff writers are enrolled in a journalism class and encouraged to find their voice as they develop articles of journalistic interest to the School community and strive to adhere to journalistic best practices.

empowered themselves to pursue the arts at conservatories and


Amnesty International Book Club Chemistry Club Cinema Society Computer Science Club Creative Writing Club Culinary Society Debate Team Diversity Ambassadors Economics Club E-Sports Club Flag Football Club Gaming Club Garden Society Gender Sexuality Alliance Health Studies Club International Club Jam Club Junior State of America Latinos Unidos Middle Eastern Club Model United Nations Onyx Science Research Club Sustainable Food Club The Wall Street Club Young Activists Club

you want to do or be. In addition to arts opportunities on campus, you can take advantage of intensive pre-professional programs, such as those at Manhattan School of Music Pre-College, Juilliard, Mannes College Preparatory Division, and Westchester Music Conservatory, among others. Masters also has affiliations with Westchester Symphonic Winds, Westchester Jazz Orchestra

have become professional artists, dancers, musicians and actors. Co-curriculars Co-curricular programs take place in the fall, winter and spring seasons. We call them co-curriculars, not extracurriculars, because we consider them essential elements of our curriculum. You can act in theatrical productions, dance, volunteer for service learning programs or work on our three school publications. Given our incredible diversity, Masters is a melting pot of preferences and possibilities—an encouraging place to try new things. After-School and Co-curricular Arts BOOM Percussion Band Dance Company Fall Play Masters of Rock MastersSingers Musical

Open Art Studio Performance Lab/Workshop Preludes Musical Theater Troupe Student One-Act Plays Theater Tech Visual Arts

One of the oldest clubs at The Masters School, Panache annually publishes literary and visual works of expression that reflect the artistic diversity found within the School community.

Before 19 Literary Journal A journal written and edited by seniors enrolled in a creative nonfiction class. Each issue’s original essays, written in a variety of stylistic approaches and voices, demonstrate the wealth of experience and reflection that can occur before the age of 19.






STUDENT-ATHLETES AT MASTERS ARE AT THE TOP OF THEIR GAME. Our talented, dedicated coaches lead our athletes—many of whom have been honing their athleticism from an early age—with instruction that cultivates not only skill, but also good sportsmanship. Our students take athletics seriously while enthusiastically supporting one another—on the tennis court, on the lacrosse field, on the fencing strips and everywhere they compete. Whether you are a serious athlete or just trying a sport for fun, there are plenty of options. Just as you’ll hone your strategic thinking skills, develop an ability to listen carefully and learn to understand the viewpoints of others around the Harkness table, sports will provide you with another collaborative learning opportunity that fosters confidence and independence to help you


emerge as a front runner in every field in life.


02 • ATHLETICS • Our extensive athletics and physical education programs challenge our athletes while honoring participation, achievement and effort. The Masters School strives to provide a meaningful and exciting experience for all in a competitive,



yet inclusive setting. In fifth and sixth grade, you’ll

In seventh and eighth grade,

get a start by taking physical

you can join interscholastic sports

education as well as participating

teams. You’ll practice during the

in a variety of games and physical

day and play games after school.

activities that are both instructive

You may choose dance as your

and fun:

athletic requirement.

Baseball Basketball Cooperative Games Field Hockey Fitness Health Classes Lacrosse

Soccer Softball Squash Swimming Tennis Track and Field Volleyball

Middle School Athletic Teams Baseball Basketball Cross Country Dance Fencing Field Hockey Indoor Track

Lacrosse Soccer Softball Swimming Track and Field Volleyball

In Upper School, in addition to participating on an interscholastic team for three to six seasons in ninth and tenth grades, you’ll challenge yourself and others to work hard and work as a team.

Upper School Athletic Teams Spring

Cross Country Field Hockey Girls’ Tennis Girls’ Volleyball Soccer

Baseball Golf Lacrosse Softball Boys’ Tennis Track & Field Boys’ Volleyball

Winter Basketball Fencing Indoor Track & Field Squash Swimming

I’ve been here since I was 10 years old. Coming here was the best decision I made in my entire life. This will always be my home and favorite place on earth.

– SAM, CLASS OF 2017

Masters Soccer & U-18 Women’s National Team

I was fortunate to have my dream come true — soccer and education.

Co-Curricular Physical Fitness Fitness Training Running Club

Ultimate Frisbee Yoga

– AHAMAD, CLASS OF 2017 Soccer/Track

I had no idea what fencing was and what it entailed before coming to Masters, so I am very thankful to the school and to my coaches for teaching me a sport I found a deep passion for.

– JORDAN, CLASS OF 2017 Fencing







With 200 boarding students hailing from 20 different states in the U.S. and more than 30 countries around the world, and nearly 80 international students on campus at any given time, you will find yourself among a dynamic convergence of cultures that will make you more open-minded and globally aware. Additionally, with students hailing from 90 different zip codes, even our day students add to our diverse and vibrant community.

The campus is alive with activity 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Over 60% of our faculty

live on campus and many of them come from areas beyond the East Coast. Friendships bloom between boarders and day students, between community members of varying cultures, ethnicities, linguistic and socioeconomic backgrounds. There is no set path, no mold, no one way to be. The beauty is in the diversity.

When you live on campus, you’ll feel right at home. Residential faculty will know you well,

and lifelong bonds will be created. Faculty are readily available to help with homework, give advice or just to serve as an example of the Masters values of integrity, service and concern for others.



Afghanistan Albania Australia Bermuda Brazil China Denmark Dominica Egypt Germany Ghana Hong Kong Iran Israel Jamaica Japan Kazakhstan Korea Malaysia Mozambique New Zealand Nigeria Russia Saudi Arabia Senegal Spain St. Vincent & The Grenadines Switzerland Taiwan Thailand Ukraine United Kingdom Venezuela Vietnam


United States 20 states



WEEKENDS AT MASTERS Always wanted to score tickets to the hottest Broadway musical or visit the Metropolitan Museum of Art? Want to go to a Yankees or Red Bulls game? How about joining your friends on the squash court? On weekends, both boarding and day students are invited to participate in a wide range of activities and trips. Stay on campus and shoot hoops, play tennis, bake cookies in the dorm kitchen or get help with a special art or music project from one of the teachers living on campus. Or join your friends for weekend brunch in the Dining Hall before heading to a movie. Whatever you choose to do, you will find like-minded friends who make you feel at home.

SAMPLE WEEKEND TRIPS AND ACTIVITIES Deep-Sea Fishing Rock Climbing Empire State Building Midsummer Night’s Dream at the Metropolitan Opera Alvin Ailey Dance Theater New York Yankees


Radio City Christmas Spectacular War Horse at Lincoln Center Red Bulls Soccer New York City Ballet NYC Street Fair Trapeze School

New York Comic Con Ice Skating at Rockefeller Center West Point Football Games Broadway Shows Kayaking the Hudson S’mores around the Bonfire



02 • CAMPUS •



Our beautiful 96 acres—with park-like spaces, woods and paths, expansive playing fields, students gathering on the quad and more—have all the makings of a college campus. Just a five-minute walk from campus leads you to downtown Dobbs Ferry, a quaint historic town with sweeping Hudson River views and other attractions that students enjoy during their downtime. Just a 40-minute train ride brings you to bustling New York City. Our places and spaces support our students just as much as the people who surround them throughout their learning experience. At Masters, you will have the freedom to grow in every possible direction.


What do you want to know? Masters Hall provides the perfect conditions for possibility. Named in honor of the School’s founder, Eliza Bailey Masters, the structure is a hub of learning crafted for the 21st century. With the guidance of an academic librarian, students actively embark on intellectual exploration. Upper School students can be found exchanging ideas around the Harkness table or drawing upon the latest learning technology, such as ceiling-mounted LCD projectors, a digital media lab and a language lab.

Our newest addition to The Masters School is a 75,000-square-foot building that was designed to encourage shared experiences and the expression of diverse opinions. The expansive space, with glass walls, allows students to see each other pursuing activities in the arts and athletics—and to try something new. What could be better than discovering a newfound enthusiasm for

something with unconditional support from your friends and teachers? Unearth a passion for fencing, create a captivating podcast, choreograph a lyrical dance or swim competitively with the encouragement of your teammates.

New York, New York Only in New York can you get tips from an economist

on the trading floor of a Wall Street institution, attend a General Assembly session at the United Nations, or tour Grand Central Terminal to learn more about urbanization and the Gilded Age—and do all of this as part of your course of study at Masters. New York City serves as a second campus to students, as well as being their playground. On a Saturday, students might

head there to picnic in Central Park or attend a Broadway show, while on a Monday, AP Chemistry students might visit Columbia University’s research labs. Spanish language students might interact with immigrants in Washington Heights, and art students in the New Digital Media class might visit the Whitney Museum. With New York City only 40 minutes away, anything is possible.


Maureen Fonseca Center for Athletics and Arts


02 • BEYOND MASTERS • College Counseling


By the time you leave Masters, you’ll have discovered the meaning of might. You’ll stretch your perspective, become stronger with every new life experience. You’ll continue going from growing to knowing and embrace adversity as a challenge, never an obstacle. You’ll empower yourself to question everything before taking your next big step. You’ll bring your ideas to life—and shatter stereotypes and disrupt the status quo in the process. You’ll find your limits are further than you thought. You’ll be an astrophysicist, a professor, a journalist, a scientist, a dancer, a professional soccer player or whatever it is you aim to pursue.


Dream of studying theater at NYU? Computer science at Pomona College? Particle physics at M.I.T.? Classics at Oxford? How about harp at Oberlin’s Conservatory of Music? Students at The Masters School get into the colleges that best help them reach their goals. Because our students master a comprehensive curriculum through active intellectual exploration, they don’t burn out. At Masters, you’ll grow stronger and more capable. In ninth grade, you’ll meet your college counselors. As with every Masters learning endeavor, our approach is personal. Our team will work with you to find out your unique educational goals. They’ll guide you through a process of self-exploration to construct the right vision for what the next stage in your life might look like and find the right fit. They’ll bring more than 130 college representatives to campus and share stories of how Masters students regularly make their mark in college and beyond.

College Acceptances/ Matriculations College is a big deal, a pivotal point in your life—and you can count on Masters to ensure you are well prepared. Masters students are highly sought after for their self-confidence, work ethic and ability to define and achieve success in new ways. A direct reflection of the diverse student body at Masters, our graduates matriculate at a broad range of colleges and universities, including the most selective institutions in the nation and abroad. From small liberal arts colleges to large public universities, music conservatories to art schools, Masters is very proud of the diversity and range of our college matriculations. Visit for a complete list.



You’ll be someone no one else has been. And you’ll do it—



DISCOVER WHAT A MASTERS EDUCATION CAN DO FOR YOU We welcome the opportunity to meet with you, answer any questions and guide your family through the admission process.

LEARN MORE We encourage you to visit our website – – to learn more about the advantages of a Masters education. And to see the vibrant Masters community in action, follow us on Facebook and Instagram.


Masters has allowed me to find myself. Knowing who you are, who you’ll be and how you’ll give back to the world are the most important parts of life. Masters is the place where I discovered my might.


Open Houses and Informational Sessions are offered in the fall and spring. These feature a tour and the opportunity to speak with administrators, teachers, students and current parents.

ON-THE-ROAD VISITS Members of the Office of Admission attend education fairs across the United States and internationally. Call 914-479-6420 or visit for scheduled dates.

PERSONAL MEETING AND TOUR Families are encouraged to schedule a visit to campus for a meeting with a member of the Office of Admission and a personal tour with one of our knowledgeable and friendly student ambassadors.


CONTACT US Office of Admission 914-479-6420

The Masters School admits students of any race, color, national or ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs and activities generally available to students at the School. It does not discriminate on the basis of color, national or ethnic origin, sexual preference or gender identity in administration of its admission policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic and other school-administered programs.

49 Clinton Avenue Dobbs Ferry, NY 10522 914-479-6400

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