Unlocking the ACT WorkKeys Test ®
Preparation for achieving the Silver National Career Readiness Certificate
Locating Information 2016 –17
Table of Contents Introduction...............................................................................................................7 Lesson 1: Reading a Form..........................................................................................9 Lesson 2: Filling Out a Form....................................................................................19 Lesson 3: Reading a Table........................................................................................27 Lesson 4: Reading a Bar Graph...............................................................................41 Lesson 5: Reading a Line Graph (with a Bar Graph)...............................................51 Lesson 6: Reading Diagrams, Maps and Floor Plans..............................................61 Additional Practice...................................................................................................73 Conclusion..............................................................................................................137
Practice Test #1......................................................................................................139 Practice Test #2......................................................................................................183
2015-2016 MasteryKeys Lesson Plan Week 2: Building Trades & Construction (BTC) Day 2: Locating Information (LI) Learning Objective(s) LI1 L3: Fill in one or two pieces of information that are missing from a graphic. LI1 L4: Find several pieces of information in one or two graphics. LI3 L6: Use the information to make decisions. The Hook What about Forms? What is a form? (Student responses may vary.) A printed document with blank spaces for information to be inserted. Examples are listed on the next slide. Entrance Ticket 5 points (LI1) 1. What can be said about employment opportunities in these building trades and construction careers? 2. Carpenters are in high demand. What types of things do carpenters build and/or repair? List as many things as you can think of! Introduction (I do) Read introduction to Lesson 2 “Filling Out a Form” p. 19. Activity << Need 2015-2016 Mastery Keys Locating Information Printables >> (You do) Fill out a job application. (I do) Model filling out the form on a document camera, if available. If not, fill an application out and make copies to distribute to the class as you discuss the correct way to fill out the applications. (We do) Make corrections to job applications before turning them in. Have another student review your work and sign their name at the bottom of your paper. Assignment 10 points (LI1) (You do) Students will complete LI workbook Lesson 1 p. 24-26 Exit Ticket 5 points (LI1) << Need 2015-2016 Mastery Keys Locating Information Printables >> 1. Make a list of any errors you see on this job application. 2. Based on this application, what kind of person do you think the applicant is? 3. You are the manager. Are you going to call this applicant in for an interview? Why or why not?
Building, Trades, & Construction Locating Information Entrance Ticket
Learning Targets
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ACT WorkKeysÂŽ Practice
Exit Ticket
Entrance Ticket
1. What can be said about employment opportunities in these building trades and construction careers? 2. Carpenters are in high demand. What types of things do carpenters build and/or repair? List as many things as you can think of!
Entrance Ticket
Learning Targets
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ACT WorkKeysÂŽ Practice
Exit Ticket
Learning Targets
Entrance Ticket
Fill in one or two pieces of information that are missing from a graphic.
Find several pieces of information in one or two graphics.
Use the information to make decisions.
Learning Targets
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ACT WorkKeys® Practice
Exit Ticket
Introduction – Filling Out Forms
Entrance Ticket
Learning Targets
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ACT WorkKeys® Practice
Exit Ticket
Introduction â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Filling Out Forms
What is a form? A printed document with blank spaces for information to be inserted.
Entrance Ticket
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ACT WorkKeysÂŽ Practice
Exit Ticket
Introduction – Filling Out Forms
Examples of Forms Job Applications Contact Information Forms College Applications Patient Registration Forms Entrance Ticket
Learning Targets
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ACT WorkKeys® Practice
Exit Ticket
Lesson 2
Filling Out a Form It is essential that you be able to read forms and use the information that they contain. All too often, your job will require you to fill out forms. The Locating Information WorkKeys test measures your ability to handle this task by providing a blank form and asking you questions about how you should fill it out. Below is an example of a form that might show up on the WorkKeys Locating Information test:
You work for an Internet service provider as a repair specialist. The ticket below is submitted upon each visit to clients.
ABC ISP SERVICE REQUEST TICKET 1. Client Name: 2. Client Number: 3. Client Address: 4. Service Package Type: 5. Monthly Payment: 6. Description of Problem: 7. Problem Resolved: Y/N?
8. Date of Visit: 9. Repair Specialist Name:
The words after each number tell you what each blank line is for. First, you fill in the client name, then the client number. You may ask at that point, “What is a client number?” If it’s an important detail, the test will fill you in when you read the question. Don’t worry if you run across information that doesn’t make sense. What matters is that you keep reading and keep trying to figure it out. Next comes client address, then service package type, then monthly payment. Then you write the description of problem, decide if the problem is resolved (yes or no), and give your date of visit before providing the repair specialist name.
Activity – Filling Out a Job Application
Fill out the job application.
Pretend that you are actually applying for this job, and that you really want the job!
I am going to apply for same job.
Let’s compare applications and see how we did!
We’ll make corrections and have a peer review your work before you submit!
Entrance Ticket
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ACT WorkKeys® Practice
Exit Ticket
Please Type All Information Requested Except Signature
Job Application – Form
Basic Information Name Present Address
How long have you lived at this address? Telephone Number If under 18, please list age
Position Applying For When can your start working?
Employment type desired? Education TYPE OF SCHOOL
Social Security No.
Select days and list hours willing to work No Pref Thursday Monday Friday Tuesday Saturday Wednesday Sunday Full-Time
High School
Full or Part
College Other Background Check Do you have a valid driver’s license? What is your means of transportation to work Driver’s License Number Have you had any accidents during the past 3 years? Have you had any moving violations during the past 3 years?
Expiration Date
How many? How many?
Have you ever been convicted of a crime? Yes No If yes, explain number of conviction(s), nature of offense(s) leading to conviction(s), how recently such offense(s) was/were committed, sentence(s), and types of rehabilition.
Work Experience Name of Employer Address City, State, Zip Phone Number
Name of Supervisor
Employment Dates
From To Your Last Job Title:
Pay or Salary
Start Final
Reason for Leaving (be specific) List the jobs you held, duties you performed, skills used or learned, advancements or promotions while you worked at this company.
Name of Employer Address City, State, Zip Phone Number
Name of Supervisor
Employment Dates
From To Your Last Job Title:
Pay or Salary
Start Final
Reason for Leaving (be specific) List the jobs you held, duties you performed, skills used or learned, advancements or promotions while you worked at this company.
References Please list two references other than relatives Name Position Company Address
Name Position Company Address
Notification and Agreement I certify that all information provided by me is true, accurate, and complete. I understand that falsification, misrepresentation, or omission of fact on this application or any other accompanying or required documents will be cause for denial of employment or immediate termination of employment, regardless of how or when it is discovered. I authorize the investigation of all statements and information contained in this application. I release from all liability anyone supplying information, and I also release the employer from all liability that might result from conducting an investigation. Signature
ACT WorkKeys® Practice
Locating Information Workbook Pages 24-26
Entrance Ticket
Learning Targets
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ACT WorkKeys® Practice
Exit Ticket
You work for a television manufacturer as an inspector. The ticket below is submitted each day at the end of your shift. When filling out the ticket, you list 54 televisions inspected and 4 televisions failed. On which line should you write the number 4? A. 1 B. 2 C. 4 D. 5 E. 8 You work for a television manufacturer as an inspector. The ticket below is submitted each day at the end of your shift. When filling out the ticket, you list 62 televisions inspected and 6 televisions failed. On which line should you write the number 62? A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 7 E. 9 You work for a television manufacturer as an inspector. The ticket below is submitted each day at the end of your shift. When filling out the ticket, you list 48 televisions passed and 8 televisions failed. On which line should you write the number 48? A. 2 B. 3 C. 5 D. 6 E. 8 You work for a television manufacturer as an inspector. The ticket below is submitted each day at the end of your shift.
INSPECTION TICKET 1. Test Procedure: 2. Televisions Inspected: 3. Number Passed: 4. Number Failed: 5. Error Types (List Applicable): 6. Relevant Departments (List Applicable): 7. Date of Inspection: 8. Inspector Number: 9. Inspector Name:
You are going to take an assessment test at school in the Testing Department in Building A. You register for a modern physics exam. What should you write on line 1 of the testing form shown below? A. Modern physics B. Jake Spencer C. Testing Department D. Building A E. 1-880-555-1284 You are going to take an assessment test at school in the Testing Department in Building A. You register for a modern physics exam. What should you write on line 3 of the testing form shown below? A. Modern physics B. Jake Spencer C. Testing Department D. Building A E. 1-880-555-1284 You are going to take an assessment test at school in the Testing Department in Building A. You register for a modern physics exam. What should you write on line 4 of the testing form shown below? A. Modern physics B. Jake Spencer C. Testing Department D. Building A E. 1-880-555-1284
You are going to take an assessment test at school in the Testing Department in Building A. You register for a modern physics exam.
Registration Form for Assessment Tests Tests: _______________________________________________(line 1) Name: _____________________________________________(line 2) Department: _________________________________________(line 3) Building: ____________________________________________(line 4) Telephone: __________________________________________(line 5) Student Number: ____________(line 6) ISBN: _____________(line 7)
You are submitting an annual assessment report for your company. You are currently an assistant editor making $26,000 yearly. You ask for a promotion to a senior editor position paying $32,000 yearly. What should you write on line 2 of the annual report? A. April Young B. Assistant editor C. $26,000 D. Senior editor E. $32,000 You are submitting an annual assessment report for your company. You are currently an assistant editor making $26,000 yearly. You ask for a promotion to a senior editor position paying $32,000 yearly. What should you write on line 5 of the annual report? A. April Young B. Assistant editor C. $26,000 D. Senior editor E. $32,000 You are submitting an annual assessment report for your company. You are currently an assistant editor making $26,000 yearly. You ask for a promotion to a senior editor position paying $32,000 yearly. What should you write on line 4 of the annual report? A. April Young B. Assistant editor C. $26,000 D. Senior editor E. $32,000 You are submitting an annual assessment report for your company. You are currently an assistant editor making $26,000 yearly. You ask for a promotion to a senior editor position paying $32,000 yearly.
Annual Report Name: ______________________________________________(line 1) Position: ____________________________________________(line 2) Salary: _____________________________________________(line 3) Desired Position: ______________________________________(line 4) Desired Salary: _______________________________________(line 5) Current Address: ______________________________________(line 6) Current Telephone: ___________(line 7) Signature: _________(line 8)
Exit Ticket Review this sample job application as if you were a manager in charge of hiring for the company. 1. Make a list of any errors you see on this job application. 2. Based on this application, what kind of person do you think the applicant is? 3. You are the manager. Are you going to call this applicant in for an interview? Why or why not?
Entrance Ticket
Learning Targets
example slide
ACT WorkKeysÂŽ Practice
Exit Ticket