Brand Guidelines
Corporate Brand Guidelines ensure that the visual design elements of THATSpace are applied correctly in every application THATSpace is identified. These guidelines should be followed to give THATSpace a global uniform corporate identity, greater visibility and powerful marketing possibilities.
Your brand is what other people say about you when you’re not in the room. –Jeff Bezos, Founder of
The THATSpace Corporate
Our mission is to help the
Mark is comprised of two
general public to be more
elements: The Logotype
productive and help them
and THATSpace Plug
locate the best possible
space available to Plug in
The Plug alone should only
to Productivity.
be used where just a small
This was the perfect fit as
legible mark is required.
it also embodies the spirit
The Logo should always have a minimum clearance zone around it to ensures clarity of communication and prevents the logo from becoming lost or crowded.
of THATSpace Logo.
abcdefghi ABCDEFGHI 123456789
abcdefghi ABCDEFGHI 123456789
abcdefghi ABCDEFGHI 123456789
Roboto Thin
Roboto Regular
Roboto Bold
For continuity and simplicity, we use one typeface to form the THATSpace Logo and in our communications: Roboto. It has been chosen for its clarity, legibility and versatility. All font styles in the Roboto font family are permitted for use on additional materials where no required template exists.
THATSpace Green
THATSpace Blue
THATSpace Gradient
Pantone 2256C, 2257U
Pantone 2381C, 2171U
Linear gradient combining
CMYK 68,0,71,0
CMYK 73,29,0,0
RGB 83,179,110
RGB 59,149,210
Web# 52b36d
Web# 3a95d2
THATSpace Green and Blue with a location of 35% at a 0Ëš Angle
Correct Usage
Incorrect Usage
Do not stretch or distort
Do not cut off any part of
the logo
the logo
Do not use colour in
Do not change the
any way other than as
proportions of any part of
described in the guidelines
the mark in relation to the other parts
That Solution Ltd © 2016