HOW TO CHOOSE A MATCHA BOWL Being a true matcha lover does not count until you use real Japanese accessories to make one and drink. Every matcha tool is beautiful and serves unique purposes where Japanese matcha bowl USA is considered the most essential one because it is where you prepare it and get the great quality you won’t find in any ordinary cup or bowl.
THE IMPORTANCE OF CHOOSING A MATCHA BOWL: Today matcha is everywhere now in our ice creams, doughnuts, an lattes with having striking color and refreshing flavor. Who to say where matcha can’t go? But for all novice people who are enjoying this amazing and distinctive tea, very little have known the real way to make traditional tea bowls and drink.No matter how many times you try to make matcha green tea in your modern utensils you won; get the feeling of making it in the Japanese matcha bowl USA.
WHAT MAKES A PERFECT BOWL FOR MATCHA? So, you want matcha green tea to be vibrant green, clump-free, and with a smooth froth with tiny nonexistent bubbles. Seeing a lot of bubbles in your matcha tea or lack indicates the right way how good you are at making matcha.The tea masters from Japan and have a nice lovely smooth froth that consistently makes it perfect.You can make matcha with little foam or froth and it not wrong to serve it in a Japanese bowl and prefers to drink it.
HOW TO DRINK USING A MATCHA BOWL? First, place your left hand under the bowl and your right hand rounding the side of the bowl. There isn’t a lot of water that goes into a matcha bowl, so it’s meant to drink in 3 sips.
WHY YOU HAVE TO CHOOSE A MATCHA BOWL (CHAWAN) IN THE FIRST PLACE? To make matcha green tea at home the traditional way you need a good quality Japanese matcha bowl USA that looks slightly flatbottomed bowl with a wide opening. You need a wide opening so you have plenty of room for the whisk to move around. It is meant to be sipped using hands and matcha bowls are unique in shape and color to denote the true beauty of it.
W W W . C E R E M O N I A L G R A D E M A T C H A . C O M