Portfolio, Mateo Franco

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Mateo Franco Grimaldo

I’m a Colombian born in Bogota to a middle class family. Through both my upbringing and formal architectural education, I have developed an acute awareness of my privilege in a country where scarcity defines the lives of most. This has inspired me to dedicate part of my professional career to help address these inequalities with the tools I’ve been given in my architectural education, specially through housing, a right that has become a privilege in Colombia. I believe that through honesty, effort, and empathy, architects can be useful social agents, and contribute to make a difference in my country.

1. Academic study

a) Contemporary Social Condenser: Towards prural and social housing. Page 3

2. Personal project

a) Casa LQ. Page 10

3. Practice experience

a) Secondary Learning Centre. Page 12

b) Competition for the Urban Integration of the Exterior Spaces of the Medellín Metropolitan Theater. Page 14

c) Colegio los Nogales Preeschool. Page 15

4. Techical studies

a) Secondary Learning Centre. Page 16

b) Casa CA. Page 17

Academic study

Project 1: Contemporary social condenser, towards plural and social housing

Location: San Martín, Bogotá, Colombia

Classification: Academic work

Type: Individual work

Awards: Undergraduate thesis award, Honorable mention

Date: 2021 - Last year bachelor’s degree thesis

Supervisor: Prof. Christian Binkele Peluffo

Sup. Email: cbinkeli@javeriana.edu.co

Social segregation of urban space has intrigued me as a phenomenon that shapes Bogota´s citizen’s’ interactions and access to public and infrastructure facilities. Vulnerable sectors of society are often relegated to the periphery, characterized by lower housing quality. Reinterpreting Moisei Ginzburg Narkomfin social condenser, I propose the integration of diverse economic, and cultural groups within a central and historic area of the city, an area historically defined by the coexistence of various social groups within distinct urban fragments.

This proposal is broadly developed in two parts. Firstly, a master plan integrates San Martin, an underdeveloped and deteriorated neighborhood, with the services of the area. Second, a design of one of the new housing projects, following the principles of a social condenser. This includes formulating basic spatial strategies and defining the general typologies and uses that shape the entire project.

Elaborated by Mateo Franco. (2021) Master plan, urban plan.

The process started with the study of historical buildings designed to integrate communities of various backgrounds. The most relevant example was Dom Kommuna Narkomfin, designed to homogenize the classes of the Soviet Union. This idea was reinterpreted to value diversity through tipological variations, and the inclusion of collective building services. Next, I identified an area with an existing mix of social groups to avoid imposing external dynamics. The area also needed a strong offering of public services and development potential, leading to the selection of San Martín.

Elaborated by Mateo Franco. (2021) Conceptual contemporary condenser, collage.
Compiled from publicaion. Movilla, Espegel (2013) Hacia una nueva sociedad comunista: la casa de transición del Narkomfin, epílogo de una investigación, Hábitat y habitar N°9, Sevilla University, Sevilla.
Elaborated by Mateo Franco. (2021) Concentration of public facilities and public spaces, metropolitan plan.
Elaborated by Mateo Franco. (2021) Preexisting public spaces, plan.
Elaborated by Mateo Franco. (2021) Multidimensional poverty, plan. The darker areas respresent highest poverty rates.
Elaborated by Mateo Franco. (2021) Land value, plan. Darkest is highest.
Elaborated by Mateo Franco. (2021) Urban facilities, plan.
Elaborated by Mateo Franco. (2021) Land uses, plan.
Elaborated by Mateo Franco. (2021) Master plan axonometric drawing.
Elaborated by Mateo Franco. (2021) Master plan axonometric drawing.
Elaborated by Mateo Franco. (2021) Master plan, section.

After analyzing the area’s extensive public facilities, the master plan focused on connecting the fragmented neighborhoods through a public space intervention, centered around a linear park. Low-consolidated polygons were selected to develop housing for diverse users. After selecting one of these sites, the architectural design phase started with multiple design iterations.

Elaborated by Mateo Franco. (2021) Process use iteration
Elaborated by Mateo Franco. (2021) Process site iteration
Elaborated by Mateo Franco. (2021) Process sructure iteration.
Elaborated by Mateo Franco. (2021) Uurban plan and architectural process sketches.
Elaborated by Mateo Franco. (2021) Architectural section studies, process sketches.
Elaborated by Mateo Franco. (2021) Master plan, public spaces intervention, plan.
Elaborated by Mateo Franco. (2021) Master plan, public facilities intervention, plan.
Elaborated by Mateo Franco. (2021) Master plan, Housing projects, plan.

Each iteration focused on a specific subject: the program, the site, and the diverse needs of potential users. Ultimately, given the presence of multiple architectural heritage buildings, the chosen variation was the one that best connected with the master plan and existing landmarks. This phase also included designing a collective building that fostered community interaction through careoriented activities.

Elaborated by Mateo Franco. (2021) Architectural intervention, plan.
Elaborated by Mateo Franco. (2021) Landmarks, scale, and public spaces, diagrams.
Elaborated by Mateo Franco. (2021) Architectural intervention, axonometric drawing.
Elaborated by Mateo Franco. (2021) Community facilities, floor plans.
Elaborated by Mateo Franco. (2021) Architectural intervention, general section.
Elaborated by Mateo Franco. (2021) Public spaces, perspective.
Elaborated by Mateo Franco. (2021) Tower, perspective.
Elaborated by Mateo Franco. (2021) Tower typologies, plan.

At the base of each tower, collective laundries and work areas were developed. Three main typologies were designed, to accommodate various types of family structures. A 2:1 section borrowed from the Dom Kommuna was adapted to reduce costs by minimizing circulation spaces. Finally, a diagrid structural system was implemented to free up interior spaces, ensuring flexibility and efficiency.

Elaborated by Mateo Franco. (2021) Typical tower uses distribution, axonometric drawing.
Elaborated by Mateo Franco. (2021) Diagrid structural system and facade brick lattice axonometric drawing.
Elaborated by Mateo Franco. (2021) 4 rooms unit and 1 room unit, floor plan.

Personal Project

Project: Casa LQ

Built area: 204m2

Location: Macanal, Colombia

Classification: Independent professional work

Client: P. Lehoucq

Credits: Ar. Mateo Franco

Team: Architectural design, Ar. Mateo Franco. Structural design. Eng. Antonio Franco. Electrical design, Eng. Claudia Zuluaga. Hydraudical and gas system design, Eng. Bernardo Rodríguez. Construction budget, Ar. Jorge Gonzáles. Contribution: Directed he architectural design process and the project from its conceptualization to architectural construction details. Coordinated a multidisciplinary team of experts across four specialized areas.

Date: 2024 - Currently

The house project is located in a small municipality in the department of Boyacá, characterized by the Chivor Reservoir and the surrounding valley landscape. The temperate climate, with high daytime temperatures and cool nights, required the house to adapt to significant temperature variations.

The architecture is defined by a large eave that provides shade from early morning, while the facade opens almost entirely to extend the living spaces outdoors. This design expands the main hall into a front gallery, reminiscent of vernacular architecture.

A simple, strictly modulated reinforced concrete structure ensures efficiency. The use of stone and cast concrete incorporates locally sourced materials and workers.

The house is placed using terraces aligned with the natural slope, minimizing alterations and respecting pre-existing conditions. Split levels reduce level differences, creating a design with minimal environmental impact, flexible use, extensions to the exterior, and responsiveness to the user specific needs, principles essential to quality housing, which I aim to explore further.

Designed by Mateo Franco, drawing elaborated by Mateo Franco (2023) General axonometric.
Designed by Mateo Franco, drawing elaborated by Mateo Franco (2023) Main floor, plan.
Designed by Mateo Franco, drawing elaborated by Mateo Franco (2023) Exterior view, perspective.
Designed by Mateo Franco, drawing elaborated by Mateo Franco (2023) General, erspective section.

Practice Experience

Project 1: Secondary Learning Centre

Built area: 5.433m2

Open spaces area: 820m2

Location: Bogotá, Colombia

Classification: Professional work

Client: Colegio Anglo Colombiano

Credits: Taller de Arquitectura de Bogotá, Daniel Bonilla, Marcela Albronoz

Team: Ar. Daniel Bonilla , Ar. Mateo Franco, Ar.

Juan Ramírez, Int. Juan J. López, Int. Julián Ramos

Role: Lead Architect

Contribution: Developed and led the architectural design process from its conceptualization to architectural construction details, under the direction of Daniel Bonilla. Coordinated a multidisciplinary team of experts across six specialized areas.

Date: 2023

Supervisor: Chief architect Daniel Bonilla

Sup. Email: daniel.bonilla@daniel-bonilla.com

The client sought to construct a new building that centralized various dispersed activities across the campus, including school directives, administration, educational support for disabled children, the secondary library, and art support rooms. The site, located at the central plaza of the school, shaped the primary intention: to integrate the building with the open spaces through the creation of voids while addressing accessibility needs for users of the educational support areas. This required elevating these open areas.

These essential objectives were achieved through a grand set of stairs and bleachers facing the central plaza, supporting outdoor activities and connecting open spaces to the second floor, which serves as the building’s reception area.

Designed by TAB, drawing elaborated by Mateo Franco (2023) General, perspective section.

Aiming to fulfill the main objectives, we developed iterations exploring these concepts. The program was distributed across floors for independence and connectivity. V-shaped columns near the facade maximized interior space and seamless transitions. Each space was defined by openness, height, and features like the triple-height pyramid leading to the library, ensuring functionality and developing spatial hierarchy.

Designed by TAB, drawing elaborated by Mateo Franco (2023) Open spaces, perspective.
Designed by TAB, drawing elaborated by Mateo Franco (2023) General, axonometric drawing.
Designed by TAB, drawing elaborated by Mateo Franco (2023) Level 2, plan.
Designed by TAB, photographs by TAB (2023) Construction process.

Project 2: Competition for the Urban Integration of the Exterior Spaces of the Medellín Metropolitan Theater

Result: 2nd prize nationwide

Built area: 7.472m2

Open spaces area: 15.063m2

Location: Bogotá, Colombia

Classification: Professional work

Client: Medellín Metropolitan Theater

Credits: Taller de Arquitectura de Bogotá, Daniel Bonilla, Marcela Albronoz

Team: Ar. Daniel Bonilla , Ar. Mateo Franco, Ar. Juan Ramírez, Int. Andrea Zamora , Int. Carol

Martínez, Int. Natalia Gutierrez

Role: Lead Architect

Contribution: Developed and led the architectural design process from its conceptualization to general architectural drawings, under the direction of D.Bonilla. Led the office architect’s team.

Date: 2022

Supervisor: Chief architect Daniel Bonilla

Sup. Email: daniel.bonilla@daniel-bonilla.com

I was the lead architect for our team in a national competition to integrate the open spaces of Medellín’s Metropolitan Theater. The proposal emphasized the importance of the Medellín River as the city’s primary linear park and connected the theater to this vital project through the intervention.

The design featured a linear building that introduced new service areas and defined a new open theater plaza. A green esplanade created new leisure spaces and linked the theater to Medellín’s Administrative Center and the convention center. This strengthened the area’s position as a cultural cluster, while focusing on the pedestrianization of the main roads.

The project’s integration of these preexisting elements earned the office second place in the highly competitive Medellín architecture scene.

Designed by TAB, model elaborated by Mateo Franco drawing elaborated by Andrea Zamora (2023) General, axonometric drawing.
Designed by TAB, Drawing elaborated by Mateo Franco and Natalia Gutierrez (2023) General, plans.
Designed by TAB, model elaborated by Mateo Franco drawing elaborated by J. Felipe Pinto (2023) Esplanade, perspective.
Designed by TAB, model elaborated by Mateo Franco drawing elaborated by Juan Ramírez (2023) General, axonometric drawing.

2.Tubular metalic tensor 3. Laminated flooring 4. Ceiling structure 5. Drywall ceiling 6. Tubular metalic balauster

Project 3: Colegio los Nogales Preeschool

Built area: 2.500m2 approximately.

Location: Bogotá, Colombia

Classification: Professional work

Client: Colegio los Nogales

Credits: Taller de Arquitectura de Bogotá, Daniel Bonilla, Marcela Albronoz

Team: Ar. Daniel Bonilla , Ar. Laura Gutierrez, Ar. Cesar Grisales, Ar. Manuela Amado, Ar. Mateo Franco. Int. Valentina Barrios, Int. Juan C. Silva

Role: Architectural supervisior

Contribution: Architectural construction supervisor representing the office that designed the building. I was part of the construction team, ensuring adherence to construction details and resolving technical and specification issues, including the re-structuring of several design details.

Date: 2022

Supervisor: Chief architect Daniel Bonilla

Sup. Email: daniel.bonilla@daniel-bonilla.com

I was the architectural construction supervisor representing the architectural office that designed the building, Taller de Arquitectura de Bogotá. My role involved ensuring adherence to construction details and resolving technical and specification issues, including the re-structuring of several design elements.

The building consists of three irregular volumes forming a triangular void, designed as the primary collective space for children and staff to play and interact. Construction presented several challenges, such as the execution of the triangulated concrete roof and wooden ceiling, as well as the adjustment and redesign of specific spaces. These included the occupational therapy classroom, several windows, and the ramp, whose structure, railing, and underside ceiling required restructuring to ensure functionality and safety.

Designed by TAB, Photograph by Alejandro Arango (2023) Main entrance.
Designed by TAB, Photograph by Alejandro Arango (2023) Ramp and secondary entrance.
Designed by TAB, drawing elaborated by Mateo Franco (2022) Ground floor, plan. Ramp typical section adjustment, section. 1.Tubular metalic handrail
Designed by TAB, drawing elaborated by Mateo Franco (2022) Ramp adjustment, axonometric drawing.

Designed by TAB, detail and drawing elaborated by Mateo Franco (2023) Corridor seats and visor, section and axonometric drawing.

Designed by TAB, detail and drawing elaborated by Mateo Franco (2023) Corridor seats and visor, section and axonometric drawing.

Technical Studies

Project 1: Secondary Learning Centre

Location: Bogotá, Colombia

Classification: Professional work

Client: Colegio Anglo Colombiano

Credits: Taller de Arquitectura de Bogotá, Daniel Bonilla, Marcela Albronoz

Role: Lead Architect

Date: 2023

Supervisor: Chief architect Daniel Bonilla

Sup. Email: daniel.bonilla@daniel-bonilla.com

Designed by TAB, detail and drawing elaborated by Mateo Franco (2023) Facade, section.
1.Laminated glass window 12mm 2.Reinforced concret V shaped columns. 3. Long format extruded brick 5. Laminated glass window 8mm 6.Tubular metalic handrail 7.Reinforced concrete

Project 2: Casa Ca

Location: Tenjo, Colombia

Classification: Independent professional work

Client: Cuervo Ariza family

Credits: Ar. Mateo Franco

Date: 2024

Role: Principal Architect

Designed by Mateo Franco, drawing elaborated by Mateo Franco (2023) Courtyard laticce, axonometric drawing and construction detail.
Designed by Mateo Franco, drawing elaborated by Mateo Franco (2023) Facade sections, construction detail.
Designed by Mateo Franco, drawing elaborated by Mateo Franco (2023) Facade section, construction detail.
1.Gravel roof insulation 2.Nivelation mortar 3.Long format extruded brick 4.Preexisting wall 5.Laminated flooring 6.Preexisting beam 7.Reinforced concrete slab 8.Drywall ceiling 9.Brick wall
1.Long format extruded brick

Contact information: E-mail: grimaldofrancom@gmail.com Telephone: +57 3223640278

Franco Portfolio

Selected works 2024


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