IJBC 2011

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ijbc 2011 (have a look - Infopack 1)

Hello there, and welcome to this first infopack for IJBC 2011. Before we start this journey together, we suggest you get yourself a nice cup of your favorite beverage! Perhaps you are not able to attend IJBC this year, however we hope that you will take the time to sit back and enjoy this reading. The International Junior Branch Conference 2011 (IJBC) will be a bit different from what we are used to. We have aimed to make this IJBC a place for JB to think about who we are and where are we going. IJBC 2011 will remain a forum and a place for training, both at a basic and an advanced levels according to the participants’ needs. Yet, IJBC 2011 will also be a forum for all of us to take the time an reflect upon what JB truly is, and how are we moving forward. We want to benefit from the advantage of having all NJRs gathered together to build the future for Junior Branch. Whether or not you are attending IJBC we hope that you will take active contribution through JBPedia and the social media! IJBC 2011 will take place in Bali as well as in your very own computer screen! This infopack will provide you with some of the most important information about IJBC 2011. You will find logistical and practical information, as well as information regarding the content and what we expect from you as a participant! Welcome to the International Junior Branch Conference 2011 Mateo, Tore and James IJRs and Candidate 2011

During the past year, since IJBC 2010 in Berlin, a lot of things has happened. Countries has undergone revolutions, and taken power over long lasting regimes. Japan has been exposed to one of the largest and most devastating earthquake and tsunami in the history. Osama Bin Laden has (presumably) been killed by US Marine Soldiers on the other side of the planet. In CISV we feel the changes too, although they aren’t always very clear. We want to take the time during IJBC 2011 to reflect upon what has happened during the last year, both inside and outside CISV, and as a united Junior Branch we want to share ideas to create sustainable solutions to the issues we are facing. We can do local trainings, regional meetings and workshops, but only if we stand together as a global movement are we able to make the real difference. IJBC is the only space for all of us to meet and build a united IJB! We envision IJBC 2011 not only as a setting for training, but also a space where you as a participant will get the chance to share your visions and have an impact on the way things are working on an international level. We want to hear your thoughts, your input and active contribution on projects related to our common work in JB. At IJBC 2011 you will get new tools that will help you strengthen and lead your JB forward. We will try to understand JBs role in a broader context, and we will look at our impact on various levels. You will laugh with people you didn’t know before, and you will listen to music you didn’t imagine even existed. You will be surprised, you will share and experience good vibes! Are you ready? Are you ready to take action?

We are! So lets get is started!

Before IJBC we expect you to: read the infopack and ask any questions you might have, answer the “expectations survey� get to know your JB and your needs, have a meeting with your IJBC 2011 delegation to know each other and prepare for IJBC write down all the ideas you have about JB and the everything you want to share during IJBC update your own JBPedia page! write down your personal goals and things that will be a challenge for you

During IJBC we expect you to: actively engage in discussions and be an active participant ask any questions you might have bring your ideas forward challenge yourself in order to achieve your personal goals to enjoy the time at the hotel in Bali contribute to make IJBC 2011 accessible to people back home (online tools!)

After IJBC we expect you to: keep working on any projects that you may have started during IJBC use your new tools in order to develop your JB keep asking any questions you might have keep bringing new ideas forward to your regional team and the IJB Team take action on PEACE ONE DAY

brick ¦brik¦

window ¦ windō¦


verb ¦kən strəkt¦ [ trans. ]

build or erect (something) form (an idea or theory) by bringing together various conceptual elements, typically over a period of time

build ¦bild¦ verb ( past and past part. built ¦bilt¦)

repair 1 ¦ri pe(ə)r¦

construct (something, typically something large) by putting parts or material together over a period of time use as a basis for further progress or development

drain ¦drān¦

increase the size, intensity, or extent of (something)

the content, All walls need a firm foundation, you have to mix a prepare the mortar, lay the line of bricks, work your way up arranging the bricks and finish it up! The content for IJBC 2011 is divided into 5 Blocks |bricks| each one containing different sessions, elements, concepts and tools allowing you to build your very own wall, your IJBC...

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