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Upcoming Cl a ss Reunions
Class of 1957
The MD Class of 1957 will hold their annual luncheon reunion on Sat., Oct. 7, 2023 at Turoni's (Forget-Me-Not-Inn), 4 N. Weinbach Ave. at 11 a.m. For more info contact Ann Burdette at 812-437-9950
Class of 1958
The MD Class of 1958 will have their 65th class reunion on Friday September 29, 2023 at the Hadi Shrine. Reservations letter with more information will be sent out. Reunion committee: Art Scheller treasurer, Jo Ann Morris & Mary Ann Schrieber
Class of 1960
Every Wednesday, the male graduates of Mater Dei's class of 1960 try to get together for lunch. Anybody who was or would-have-been in this class is welcome to join each Wednesday For additional information, please email Leonard "Larry" Adams at lcadams706@gmail com
Class of 1968
The class of 1968 will have their 55th year class reunion on September, 30, 2023 at Bishea House in Burdette Park Casual dress, social will begin @3 pm, Meal @5 pm. Fried chicken and meat tray will be provided. Bring a covered dish, drinks and lawn chairs. RSVPby 8/01/23 to kirschklan9@yahoo.com or text to 812-449-5890
Class of 1971
The class of 1971 is gathering for a 70th birthday celebration and 52nd class reunion on Saturday, September 30, 2023 It will take place at Hilltop Grove Doors will open at 3:00 PM Invitations and additional details will be mailed out at a later date
Stay connected with classmates and find the latest on the class Facebook page: Mater Dei Class of 1971
Class of 1973
July 14, 2023 812 Venue, 1401 N. Boeke Road, Evansville, IN Cost: $50 00 per person Cocktail
Hour: 5:00-6:00 PM - Cash Bar (no outside beverages are allowed) Dinner Buffet: 6:00-10:00
PM, Menu: Salad, Steak Medallions, Grilled Chicken, Baby Bakers, roasted veggies and cake. Checks payable to: Mater Dei High School Class of 1973 Mail to: Jim Dewig, 8003 Middle Mt Vernon Road, Evansville, IN 47712. Reservations & Monies due by June 16, 2023. Facebook Page: Mater Dei Evansville 1973 50th for updates.
Class of 1993
The class of 1993 hopes to see you at the 30th reunion on Saturday, September 30, 2023 in Evansville, Indiana! Join the Facebook group: @MaterDeiClassof'93 More details to come. Please email mdclassof1993@gmail.com with questions.
Hostinga Reunion?
We'd be happy t o provide m ailing labels and updat ed class list s t o assist in your planning
We'll also updat e our w ebsit e and bi-annual alum ni m agazines t o get t he w ord out
If you w ould like t o incorporat e a privat e t our of t he Mat er Dei cam pus w it h your classm at es, please cont act Mallory Hert elw e'd love t o be part of your upcom ing reunion dat es!