2 minute read
Marlene Weaver
Marlene M. (Singer) Weaver is a proud member of Mater Dei’s first graduating class of 1950. She attended the annex for three years and served as an assistant editor for the Little Memorial newspaper.
As a senior, under the supervision of Mr. Ellert, she served as assistant editor of the Hi-Lights newspaper and has fond memories of a field trip to the Courier & Press. She wrote articles and poems for both papers and helped with the yearbook. She attributes her love for literature and poetry to Sr. Mary Gertrude.
Marlene holds countless memories dear from her time at Mater Dei, especially the lasting friendships. Spiritually, though, she is grateful for Father Wm Lautner who provided sound guidance to the students as they developed their faith. Besides faith, she remembers a message from Father Lautner that still impacts her today: “A country is only as good as its women.” After graduating, Marlene met and married Victor Weaver, a 1950 graduate of Memorial, and he, too, became a supportive fan of the Mater Dei school and community. Once married, Marlene worked at Old National Bank, and in addition to staying at home for ten years to devote time to her children, she dedicated 26 years to the bank before retiring in 1998. derson ‘76, Marc Eric Weaver ‘77, Gary Lee Weaver ‘79, David Alan Weaver ‘80.
As a life-long fan of the school, Marlene wants others to know that Mater Dei provides a “[q]uality education grounded in faith” with “engaged students who know attending Mater Dei is a great opportunity.”
Sadly, in 2001, Marlene’s husband Victor died in an accident, but as an active Catholic and devoted fan, she has stayed involved.
As a 30-year member of The Legion of Mary, she spent years visiting shutins and hospitals and even served the Eucharist to the homebound. Even today, she makes calls to praying members and attends weekly meetings at St.
Philip Church. For her years of service and dedication to The Legion of Mary, she received the Brute Award for her work at Sacred Heart.
Besides her church work, she has attended nearly all football games and loves wrestling. All four of her sons wrestled, and she cheered on the boys at holiday tournaments and state finals even after her sons had graduated. She has even supported the girls basketball team at the state finals.
Today, Marlene serves as class representative and works on class reunions. She’s been involved with Mater Dei work days and made contributions to fundraisers, the yearly alumni, the auditorium and the prayer garden. 27