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Faith in Action

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In Memoriam

In Memoriam


in Action By Chad Breeden

COVID may have changed the way our students provide service, but it has not stopped their desire to put their Faith into Action in the community and around the halls of Mater Dei. Although the students of Mater Dei have not been able to go out and participate in service opportunities they have found new and helpful ways to make their efforts felt by those in need.

With limited contact restrictions and organizations not accepting volunteers during this time, our students have found other ways to make an impact. Whether it’s collecting money for a can drive during the holidays, or simply doing their part around the school with all the extra cleaning and sanitizing duties. The students of Mater Dei have proven that their desire to serve is much greater than any virus or obstacles you place in the path and it is a great pleasure to bear witness to their efforts each day.

ELECTED OFFICIALS EST. 1956Mater Dei-Ville 2020 Student Council Mayor: Meredith Hagerty Clerk: Allie Rusk Judge: Blaise Kelley Councilpersons-at-large: Greg Mayer Collin Maurer Morgan Wilmes Class Presidents: Danielle Gries (12) Pete Doepker (11) Lindsey Boeke (10) Wyatt Stratman (9) MATER DEI HOSTED THE FIRST EVER VIRTUAL INAGURATION!

APPOINTED OFFICIALS Comptroller Megan Muensterman Clerk Affiliates Ellsa Bonnell, Paige Denning Police Chief Hunter Gillenwater Fire Chief Cole Ross Prosecuting Attorneys Mary Eppler, Sydney Maasberg Defense Attorneys Madi Boehman, Ethan Mulherin Public Relations Commissioners Rachel Luigs, Hannah Smith, Esther Wannemuehler Parks and Recreation Commissioners Jackson Brantley, Max Dezember, Chris Reising Chaplain Mallory Weber Service Board Heads Sydney Kleiman, Joe Liba Historians Olivia Hamilton, Jordan Seiler Homeroom Representatives: Julia Dassel Mary Eppler Evan Herr Megan Muensterman Leah Richey Mallory Weber Lauren Ahola Lucy Fitzgibbon Julie Heldman Eli McDurmon Madeline Rentchler Calvin Stratman Miaka Conkling Belle Farmer Abby Kiesel Luke McDurmon Molly Schmitt Lauren Turner Kayla Capps Kylie Frey Ella Kane Claire Ross Alison Schiff Elijah Wannemuehler

Fall 2020 NHS Inductees Justin Abney Lauren Ahola Jessie Bacon Nicholas Boots Jackson Brantley Peter Doepker Ava Effinger Emma Elfreich Zachary Fisher Devon Folz Ben Glaser Conor Greaney Allie Griese Julie Heldman Kayla Hollingsworth Alexa Kassenbrock Alyssa Kempf Sophie Kleiman Isabelle Koch Jamie Luigs Emma Macke Chrissy Marx Greg Mayer Eli McDurmon Collin Maurer Aleilah Nisley Mina Reising Nathan Schneider Kasey Seibert Calvin Stratman Audrey Vibbert Addy Waller Anna Wampler Kennedy Wenger Morgan Wilmes


Membership in Mater Dei High School’s Chapter is an honor bestowed upon deserving students by the faculty and shall be based on the criteria of scholarship, service, leadership, and character. In April of each year, all students who are eligible scholastically (i.e., candidates) shall be notified and asked to complete and submit the candidate application. Applications are due in early May. Notification letters will be mailed over the summer, with Induction in early August.

All Teachers complete an evaluation second semester of each applicant’s leadership, service, and character as witnessed in and outside of the classroom. A committee of administrators, campus minister, athletic director, and two department chairs will make the final membershipp selections. The chapter adviser(s) will serve as a non-voting member.

To be considered for membership, a student must demonstrate/ provide the following:

Minimum G.P.A of 3.7 Two teacher signatures supporting your application to NHS As a junior, a student must be enrolled in and complete at least one college credit and/or advanced placement course. As a senior, a student must be enrolled in and complete at least two college credit and/or advanced placement courses. A 30 second or less video of yourself explaining why you want to become a member of the National Honor Society. The video may be serious or humorous, but you must be well groomed and presentable. A resume (complete with names and contact information for sponsors, coaches, etc.) of your school and community involvement, demonstration of leadership, and any work experience over your high school career.

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