MaterialDistrict Rotterdam 2020 - Exhibition Catalogue

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20—22 FINSA proudly presents the new melamine collection: 32 new designs and 5 new textures.




Jeroen van Oostveen Editing

Sigrid Lussenburg Content management

Sigrid Lussenburg, Jasmijn van den Goorbergh Project management

Anders2 – Annemarie Kleve Graphic design

HOUDBAAR Concept Vormgeving Fotografie Lay out

vanRixtelvanderPut ontwerpers Printing

Zwaan Printmedia Paper

Paper advised and supported by SPM Cover: Klasik/feltmark 230 gsm

Inlay: Archive paper 80 gsm with watermark


Materia Exhibitions B.V. – Naarden 2020 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher. 2

Three themes of Sustainability 18 Exhibitors Zone A 24 Interview with Leonne Cuppen 48 Exhibitors Zone B 52 Interview with Daan Bruggink 72 Exhibitors Zone C 74 Interview with David Heldt 92 Exhibitors Zone D 94 Exhibitors Zone E 118 Exhibitor index 128


Neolith Urban Boutique met in de hoofdrol Sofia Cuprum & Calacatta Gold

Kom op onze stand E07 nog veel meer kleuren en toepassingen ontdekken

NEOLITHÂŽ, ONTWERP, SLIJTVASTBAARHEID, VEELZIJDIGHEID, DUURZAAMHEID. Binnen- en buiten gebruik: Keukenbladen, Vloeren, Wandbekleding, Meubels, Gevels. Bestand tegen vlekken, krassen, chemicaliĂŤn, extreme temperaturen en blootstelling aan UV-stralen. Maximum formaat, minimale dikte. Verschillende afwerkingen. Meer dan 50 beschikbare modellen. Bezoek ons in onze nieuwe Neolith showroom in Amsterdam: Amstel 135 / 2de verdieping, 1018 EN Amsterdam, Nederland Telefoon: 0031-6 28 52 66 76


Michel Oprey & Beisterveld Natuursteen BV |

maandag tot vrijdag van 10:00 tot 17:30 uur Zaterdag van 10:00 tot 17:00 uur

Ontdek nu meer op |


GEEN ZORGEN – DE LUCHT IS SCHOON! Met emissiearme rubber vloerbedekkingen voor gezonde leefomgevingen Goede binnenlucht en een rustige leeromgeving zijn van bijzonder groot belang in kinderdagverblijven, scholen en universiteiten. Onze hoogwaardige vloerbedekkingen zijn daarom gemaakt van emissiearme materialen, die extreem sterk zijn en de geluidproductie minimaliseren.



Meer weten over wat Broeinest UTR allemaal te bieden heeft of wil je je direct inschrijven voor een training? Scan dan de QR-code รณf ga naar

BAARS & BLOEMHOFF EN BROEINEST OPENEN DEUREN IN UTRECHT! Of je nu met jouw klant op zoek gaat naar materialen voor zijn of haar interieurproject, een training bijwoont om te leren werken met Solid Surface of de mogelijkheden van materialen als Really en Forbo Desktop wil ontdekken, in Broeinest UTR ben je aan het juiste adres. In het hart van het Broeinest bevindt zich een veelzijdig trainingscentrum, inclusief 5-assige CNC-frees, kantenlijmmachine en platenopdeelzaag van Klingelnberg-Klauss en de nieuwste producten van PCK en Leitz-Service B.V. Boven het trainingscentrum ontvouwt zich het kantoor van Baars & Bloemhoff. Met de komst van Broeinest UTR is iedere Baars & Bloemhoff vestiging vervlochten met een materialenbibliotheek, waar de decoren uit ons brede assortiment op A4-formaat of groter te vinden zijn. Zien we jou binnenkort in Utrecht? We zijn te vinden in De Werkspoorfabriek op de Schaverijstraat 9E.






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Ceramic innovations 11

Beyond flooring IVC is de commerciĂŤle tak van IVC Group, gericht op het creĂŤren

van unieke vloeren voor corporate & kantoren, retail, horeca en recreatie, woonprojecten, onderwijs en gezondheidszorg.

IVC Group, opgericht in 1997, is de grootste Europese fabrikant

van Carpet Tiles, Luxury Vinyl Tiles (LVT) en Heterogeneous Vinyl. Als onderdeel van Mohawk Industries en met faciliteiten over de hele wereld, blijft IVC bovendien steeds dicht bij u, waar u ook bent.

Bezoek ons op stand B28. 12

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A TREE ABSORBS SOME 25KG* OF CO2. EACH YEAR. BUILD CO2 FRIENDLY WITH PEFC-CERTIFIED WOOD Timber continues to store CO2 throughout its entire life cycle. Timber from PEFC-certified forests is renewable as PEFC requires forest owners to preserve the forest and its biodiversity. See what PEFC can do for your sustainable plans on


*Get to know all about trees and CO2: co2trees

De wereld achter architectuur en bouwtechniek

Bouwwereld is vernieuwd! Ontvang acht keer per jaar: - Projectinformatie en de mens achter de realisatie van de projecten. - Inspirerende bouwtechnische en architectonische oplossingen - Inzicht in hoe verschillende disciplines in de bouw samenwerken.





aviljoen Vijversburg, Tytsjerk Friesland. Als je het snel

logische en eenvoudige gebouw is een positief bedoeld, jaloers-

uitspreekt, ben je er al langs gereden. Niet omdat het

makende lofzang op eenvoud en technisch meesterschap op

onvindbaar is, maar omdat het, gelegen op een land-

het gebied van design, engineering en gedurfde uitvoering. Het

goed omringd door, op dit moment, een mooie Indian

paviljoen kenmerkt zich door slim gebruik van mechanica- en

Summer aan kleurenspektakel, zo ongelofelijk mooi transparant

materiaaleigenschappen. Een onder het maaiveld wegzakkend

is. Zelfs als het regent”, aldus Lars Courage, van COURAGE

verblijfsgebied, de betonbak, functioneert van buitenaf gezien

architecten uit Apeldoorn. “Rust en sereniteit in vorm. Eenvoud en helderheid in detail. Niets te veel, niets te weinig. Een geslaagde balans om de magie van verwondering jouw deel te laten zijn. De beleving van het paviljoen is zowel van buiten naar binnen als ook van binnen naar buiten een ode aan eenvoud en de kracht van daglicht. Respect voor de moed van de opdrachtgevers Stichting Op Toutenburg, de architecten en de glasconstructeur. Integrale aanpak van esthetiek en bouwtechniek gaan hand in hand. Het aaibaarheidsgehalte van het paviljoen is hoog. Met je handen tastbaar de eenvoud van materiaalgebruik en vorm opnemend, als ware het dat je een gebouw in braille wil lezen. Voelen van en aan eenvoud.” “Het architectenduo Junya Ishigami (Junya Ishigami & Associates, Japan) en Marieke Kums (Studio Maks, Rotterdam) hebben, als oud SANAA-collega’s, de handen ineengeslagen en met hulp van de expertise van ABT uit Velp een absoluut tijdloze transparante glasstructuur gemaakt. Het dak zweeft op het glas. Slechts een enkele primaire doorsnede. Dit ogenschijnlijk


als een onzichtbare inklemplint voor de glasgevel. Hierdoor lijkt het glas vanaf het maaiveld uit het niets te ontstaan en enkel het dak te dragen. De onzichtbare inklemming van het dak aan de glasgevel is achter een alles verbindende daklijn weggewerkt. Het plafond is ontkoppeld van de glaslijn, waardoor er een akoestisch dempend plenum met klimaatinstallatie ontstaat.” “Samen met afzuiging door kleine spleten op overgang van wand naar vloer ontstaat er een samenwerkend ogenschijnlijk onzichtbaar geheel. Hier is het eerlijkheid troef. Het ambacht van maken is terug en dat is te zien op de kruising van de verticale overgangsnaden van de glaspanelen in de verbindingsvoeg van de betonbekisting. Perfect gekozen. De krimpscheuren en lichte verkleuring van het beton tonen eerlijkheid.” “Een enkele kritische kanttekening is het verlichtingsplan. Als de verlichting aangaat, is de illusie in één klap voorbij en verwordt het paviljoen tot een ‘landingsbaan’ van spotjes, deels gemultiplied door de reflectie van het glas. Hier was een vergelijkbare zorgvuldigheid van een door een lichtontwerper gemaakt ‘onzichtbaar’ verlichtingsplan op zijn plek geweest. Lampen uit en ‘let the magic happen’.” ■



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Juryvoorzitter Taco Schmidt Wij zoeken de Creative Heroes van 2020: Mensen die door een ondernemende houding, maatschappelijke betrokkenheid en bovenal een groot creatief vermogen impact gerealiseerd hebben. Ken of ben jij de Creative Hero van 2020? Meld je voor 1 april 2020 aan op

Ben jij de Creative Hero van 2020? Hoofdsponsor






MATERIALDISTRICT ROTTERDAM GOES CIRCULAR! Three themes of sustainability: Energy Transition, Circularity, and Wellbeing

Starting this year, MaterialDistrict Rotterdam commits fully to the Circular Economy. Because everything within spatial design is made of materials, there is a lot to gain in this field by switching to sustainable materials. But what is a sustainable material? To make the overarching concept of sustainability easier to grasp, we have divided it into three main themes: Energy Transition, Circularity and Wellbeing. Below, each of the themes are explained. Introduction

oil, and gas, CO2 is generated, which

by the year 2050. That was stated in the

fossil fuels are non-renewable; though there

The Netherlands have to be fully circular national programme Netherlands circular in 2050, presented by the Dutch government

in September 2016. The ‘Take, Make, Waste’ model of the linear economy causes many

environmental problems, including climate

change and plastic soup in the oceans. That is why this model has to be changed into

the ‘Make, Use, Return’ model of a circular

is a lot of debate about how much fossil fuel there is left exactly, relatively easily

accessible reservoirs of oil and gas will most likely be gone in 50 years. Therefore, it is

crucial to start using alternative, renewable energy sources, to counter climate change and to prevent an energy crisis.


In 2019, the Dutch government presented

Energy Transition

over 600 agreements have been recorded

The major part of the economy, about 80%, still runs on fossil fuels. By burning coals, 18

contributes to climate change. Additionally,

the so-called Climate Agreement in which to prevent the emissions of greenhouse gasses. For example, in 2030, 70% of all

controlled manner by external stimuli, such

as stress, moisture, electricity, or light. These changes are reversible and can be repeated. Smart materials are included under Energy Transition because in many cases they

can replace energy consuming, complex

equipment, use fewer to no energy, and in

some cases can even generate energy, like materials with integrated solar cells. electricity has to come from renewable


to be gas free.

increasing dramatically. Simultaneously, we

sources, and in 2050, 7 million houses have

Materials can help in the energy transition. We discern two types: energy saving materials and smart materials.

Materials that save energy are, for example, insulation materials, preferably made of

sustainable materials, such as biobased or recycled materials (see ‘Circularity’).

Then there are smart materials, which are

especially designed materials that have one

or more properties that can be changed in a

The global need for raw resources is

throw away a lot of material, unnecessarily wasting value, polluting the environment and changing the climate.

From the aforementioned Netherlands

Circular in 2050, the Dutch Grondstoffen-

akkoord (Raw Materials Agreement) arose, an agreement between governments, companies, unions, nature and

environmental organisations, knowledge

institutions, financial institutions and other social organisations to make the transition to a circular economy possible. Over 330


“For a healthy environment, it is important to use as many natural materials as possible.”

companies and organisations have signed the Raw Materials Agreement.

The term circularity refers to the (preferably indefinite) reuse of raw resources. Within this theme, we discern two cycles: the biocycle and the technocycle. Biocycle

The biocycle consists of biobased materials, meaning, materials made from natural,

living sources. These sources can be vegetal

or animal, but have in common that they are renewable and thus replenish themselves.

Wood or wool are examples of these types 20

of materials. Within the theme of circularity, we are looking for biobased materials

made both of green materials and their waste streams, such as coffee grounds,

chitin (made of the shells of crustaceans), or mycelium (the root system of fungi).

Bioplastic, whether or not biodegradable, is also included in this category. Additionally, biotechnology is an important part of the

biocycle. This term refers to the manipulation of biological processes, with which materials can be made or even cleaned up, like

mushrooms or bacteria that eat plastic.

Examples of biotech materials are mycelium ‘leather’, synthetic spider silk, and SCOBY

(a symbiose of micro-organisms that form a thick gel-like membrane). Technocycle

The term technocycle includes ‘technical’ materials, or non-organic materials that

have to be processed or made before use, such as (petrochemical) plastic, metal,

concrete, and glass. All of these are made with finite raw materials and are thus

non-renewable. Even more than in the biocycle, it is important that these raw

resources are used with care, as long as

possible, and keep their value (although,

materials are materials that breathe, that

biobased materials). Materials that now

acoustic materials, materials that clean the

the aim is of course to do the same with end up on the landfill or even in the

environment have to be reused and

preferably upcycled, gaining a similar or better value than in their previous life. Wellbeing

While we have never before been able to

treat or cure so many illnesses and diseases, public health is declining. We stay indoors

more and thus see less sunlight, move less because we sit more, work longer, stare at

are antibacterial, heat or moisture regulating, air, or materials that are just beautiful. Not just materials in the interior are

important, construction materials can also contribute to a healthier environment.

Materials like CLT (Cross-Laminated Timber), NUR-HOLZ (wooden construction system without glue or nails), concrete without cement, or straw are examples of such materials.

a computer screen all day, are exposed to

Innovation Partners

particulate matter, etc. Depression, obesity,

possible come into contact with sustainable

polluted air filled with smells, nitrogen and

and stress reign supreme. We are becoming ill from plastics and glue, which often

contain volatile organic compounds (VOCs), substances that have harmful effects on

the environment and humans. That is why

wellbeing in the built environment is put in the limelight the past couple of years.

The term wellbeing is used in the broadest sense. For a healthy environment, it is

important to use as many natural materials as possible. Green materials have a

soothing effect. Other examples of healthy

To ensure that as many designers as

material solutions for the built environment, MaterialDistrict Rotterdam boosts our

partners that make sustainability a priority and that have developed sustainable

(material) innovations, by labelling them as Innovation Partner. These Innovation

Partners, marked with a star on the floorplan, were selected by our independent Advisory Board, consisting of Leonne Cuppen (Yksi Expo), David Heldt (Connecting the Dots), and Daan Bruggink (ORGA architects), interviews with whom you can find elsewhere in this catalogue.




Armstrong Ceiling Solutions Stand A01

ELEGANZA SEAMLESS ACOUSTICS Armstrong Ceilings has launched its new

seamless, acoustic ceiling system ELEGANZA® that absorbs sound and combats the

underestimated danger of noise pollution. ELEGANZA® has a 100% seamless

appearance and has been specially developed for a significantly better acoustic environment in homes.

With its class A acoustical performance, the

system offers the highest sound absorption,

while its classic smooth appearance reflects light better for clear, open spaces.

Find out how ELEGANZA® helps architects with designs that stimulate all the senses.

Holland Laminati Stand A03

PLACABOIS BY HOLLAND LAMINATI Holland Laminati is an independent

Products such as laminates (Apra and

wood based panels and laminates for the

Krono) and real wood veneered panels

importer and distributor of decorative

Netherlands. The company offers a wide range of creative and unique solutions

for both the interior, the kitchen and the furniture industry.


Fenix), decorative panels (Smart and Swiss from Placabois are serviced from its central warehouse. Moreover Holland Laminati

welcomes all architects and their customers in its recently opened state-of-the art showroom in Ravenstein.


CooLoo Stand A05

This year CooLoo is back at MaterialDistrict Rotterdam with the focus on circularity. They believe we can create beautiful sustainable, circular and high-quality

collectible design from waste that is easy to re-use, repair and refurbish. Shaping a better world by thinking circular!

CooLoo is developing and creating new materials and coatings with waste from

the leather, cork, marble, plastic and even

money paper industries. At MaterialDistrict Rotterdam you will find a preview of the

CooLoo Circular Canopy Collection by Thed

Konings which will be launched at Masterly during the Salone del Mobile in Milano.


RTS Preidel Stand A06

Acoustic wallcovering from recycled PET

bottles. RTS supplies and processes acoustic wallcovering in its own shapes. Available in multiple designs. Design according to your design are by our own production with a

short delivery time. In addition to supplying

3D designs, full-colour recycled felt is one of the other sustainable applications.


Stephan Siepermann Vormgeving Stand A07


The new cabinet MAMMUT by Stephan

Siepermann is inspired by metal shipping containers. It is a surprising translation

into wood, yet redesigned and simplified into a beautiful and clever working piece of furniture.

MAMMUT is enormous and therefore can

holds a big quantity of stuff. Its inside can be customised as a wardrobe, filled with shelves or a combination of the two.

This is the first working model in pinewood and many more woodtypes are possible. MAMMUT is another example of a larger

collection of metal objects translated into wood.

Please visit our stand and meet us.

Sky Floors Stand A08

SKY FLOORS Sky floors are floors especially designed for those who dare to stand out. For instance, they can spice up an otherwise blandlooking office, enrich an exclusive

architectural space or sparkle up a dull

dance floor. From a modest sky with delicate clouds, to a bright and sunlit landscape with rainbows or even a whole galaxy; anything is possible with a Sky floor.

The floors are unique and custom made for each customer. The creative process

encourages the colours to mix instinctively and form unexpected patterns. This is

what gives sense of wonder. Let your floor awaken your fantasy.


Alphenberg Leather Stand A09


Therefore, Alphenberg is able to contribute,

leather applications in the world of INTERIOR

of any thinkable architectural project.

when it comes to innovative high-end

DESIGN and STYLING. A reliable partner

with unequalled professional knowledge

and accustomed to out-of-the-box thinking.

ECOLURIAN ALGAL TILES Ecolurian Design Team are true innovators

often in a surprising way, to the realisation The company’s forte is delivering made

to measure when it comes to installation, finish and colour-perfection.

Ecolurian Stand A10

when it comes to developing advanced

wall tile collections thanks to Ecolurian’s state-of-the-art production capabilities.

Ecolurian offers two versions of the tiles. Algal Tile Pure is a version without the

coating with natural performance to absorb wetness from the indoor areas. Suitable

for dry interiors. Algal Tile Advanced is a modified version with higher water and

moist resistant performances. The coating

solution has been developed in cooperation with Dutch company Akzo Nobel. Suitable for semi-wet areas.


Féline Stand A11

SUSTAINABLE AND ACOUSTIC FELT FÉLINE specialises in high quality wool and PET felt. We focus on combining

sustainability with acoustic values and a

trendy colour line. Therefore, all our felt is

produced without the use of water or drying machines in the felting process. Our felt is made with renewable, recyclable and/or recycled materials. Féline wool and PET

felt is available from stock in a wide variety of colours and thicknesses. With our

Amsterdam based production facilities, we can produce our felt with various backings and treatments. Some examples are selfadhesive felt, felt wall covering and fire resistant felt.

Wonderwall Studios Stand A12

WONDERWALL STUDIOS • LOVE FOR WOOD Mission: To create joyous panelling from

be salvaged and upcycled, giving discarded

enhances your interior. We strive for the

we’ll turn a weathered girder into a striking

salvaged woods that enriches surfaces and highest quality to produce panelling that will last a lifetime.

How: We scour the land for woods that can 28

timber a second lease on life. Typically,

collection of unique wall tiles. It’s a reincarnation of sorts.

Crafted, locally, rocked globally.

Sappi Symbio Stand A13

SYMBIO: IN TOUCH WITH NATURE Revolutionise your product with Sappi

cellulose fibres derived from wood and a

of wood and designability of plastic for

Symbio is suitable for a broad range of

Symbio by combining the best qualities optimised product properties. Benefit from a more natural look, soft and warm touch,

high rigidity and low density. Sappi Symbio is a biocomposite combining high quality


plastic material such as polypropylene.

applications across furniture, appliances, consumer electronics and automotive,

providing durable and sustainable materials for your products.

Beton-Lab Stand A14

Sustainable cement-free concrete is for the taking! Beton-Lab has developed a design wall tile to demonstrate the possibilities

of concrete with an 80% carbon footprint

reduction. This geopolymer concrete (GPC) has been made accessible for aesthetic

concrete and for many more applications. Beton-Lab specialises in concrete product design. By experimenting with materials

they’re able to surprise people with their designs. Besides several of their own

designs, like the Summit and Modi wall tile,

they also work on custom bespoke projects. Think of concrete wall decorations, panels and products.


Eddyboy Stand A26

EDDYBOY RADIATOR Yes, radiators can be sexy. Sustainable

and vertically, heated electrically or by

every radiator has its own unique

with several finishes, ceramic blasted,

stainless steel radiator, stylish eyecatcher, appearance. A combination of industrial engineering and craftsmanship.

The Eddyboy radiator is manufactured

with laser technology and hydroforming.

The radiators can be used both horizontally

central heating. All models are available polished, powder coated or even copper look. Produced and tested according to the EN442 standards.

Model: Regular 325 Watt , Super 1309 Watt, guarantee 10 year.

Arktura Stand A27

PLFueling possibilitiesŽ At Arktura creativity, expert knowledge and cutting-edge technology shape everything we do, whether it’s exploring form and

understanding of the creative process.

function in our preconfigured architectural

Each of our divisions draws on these shared

our Solutions Studio.

intelligent and visually stunning results.

systems, or partnering with clients through

Our multidisciplinary team brings together 30

architects, designers and engineers a deep

values and resources to produce precise, Meet us at MaterialDistrict Rotterdam to see how our potential can work for you.


Houthandel van Dam Stand A28

Last year we presented the first member of the Noir Thermodified Wood-Family.

This year we are back with both Fraké Noir and a new relative, Vuré Noir.

Vuré Noir is made from thermally modified

spruce with the same benefits as Fraké Noir, but with a completely different appearance.

Both Noir members are grown in sustainably

managed forests and with our own production department we are able to offer a wide

variety of options in the highest quality. Noir, Sustainable, Flexible, Beautiful!

Arpa Nederland Stand A30

MATERIALISING SUSTAINABILITY The concept is about “Sustainability as a

more durable materials. “Core technology”

HPL and FENIX® materials. Sustainability,

innovative materials for the interiors. Those

Key Driver for Innovation” related to Arpa for Arpa Industriale, is linked to both

production process and products. The

development of Arpa products is focused

on more sustainable raw materials and on

and durable surfaces are created to deliver are the key elements of the new products that we will show at MaterialDistrict Rotterdam 2020.


Arpa Nederland Stand A29

INNOVATION AND SUSTAINABILITY “Bloom” is the new lignin-based technology

with enhanced wear resistance will be an

core of selected Arpa HPL and FENIX NTM®

Under the name of VIS, this novelty

increase use of natural raw materials in the decors. With Bloom, lignin technology is introduced to significantly reduce the

amount of phenol in the resin by 50%. 32

“VIS” HPL Collection is a new collection

created by ARPA’s R&D department to

absolute preview at a Dutch Exhibition. collection combines premium finishes and selected decors.

Finsa Stand A31

NEW MELAMINE / HPL COLLECTION FINSA is launching its new decor collection,

as Teide and Ideal matt, fulfil the new

designs follow the latest trends with,

Overall, these new designs are the starting

Gama Duo 2020-2022. These melamine

unicolours, wood structures and materials replications such as leather, textile, stone,

cement and metal. Five new textures, such

OCCONY At Occony we believe in a world where

decors completely.

point for developing fresh ideas, and makes Gama Duo the tool that allows to imagine and create the spaces we live in.

Occony Stand A32

quality furniture is made from natural and renewable resources.

Healthy and recyclable. Endlessly. Form follows nature.


Jeroen Wand Stand A34

LAMINATED COFFEE TABLE Pieces of veneer are pressed together to

together in a specific mould, combined with

from the industrial process of laminating

and gains its strength. The manual process

form a sturdy whole. The technique stems where a sheet of veneer is used to cover the less attractive material underneath. Here,

veneer is used throughout the whole object. By pressing the different layers of veneer

solid wooden parts, the material is shaped

allows for freedom in arranging the different

parts of veneer, where each object can have an individual, unique structure.

Tabled Design Stand A35

THE BEAUTY OF SUSTAINABLE HARDWOOD The devil’s tree they call it; the Prosopis

these trees and processes it into timber,

America to Africa. It overgrows large parts

Namibian slums in the process. This

Juliflora tree that man brought from South of the African landscape and destroys all

native trees and plants by sucking the rare

water from the soil. Tabled Design harvests 34

schooling unemployed youth from the hardwood is the basis for our range of

circular furniture items that is inspired by the solitude of the Savannah landscape.

Cartoni Design Stand A36

CARTONI DESIGN At Cartoni we combine our knowledge of

and designs that fit in a broader societal

and designers create healthy and durable

healthy components. By creating a simple

design and sustainability to help architects designs without losing sight of aesthetics. We feel strongly about taking our

responsibility to create healthy projects

MARBLELOUS Marble grit is a by-product of the marble

context. At Cartoni we research and source system and sharing our knowledge, we help them get ahead.

Matthijs Bruinenberg Stand A37

quarrying industry that has little worthwhile applications in current time. This project

explores what alternative role marble grit can play in contemporary design.

The Marblelous vases explore how the

layering process of adding material through absorbing multiple layers of marble grit,

can be used for both aesthetics, creating

an attractive gradient of material, but also for a necessary function in the vase.

The bottom of the vase has received

significantly more layers then the top,

creating a necessary reservoir for the water.


Enis Akiev Stand A38

PLASTIC STONE TILES The Plastic Stone Tiles consist of post-

named plastiglomerate. Based on this, Akiev

were the questions, “What is waste?” and

developed methods to give lightweight

consumer plastic waste. Origin of the work “Where is ‘away’?”. Waste is unused material and there is no ‘away’. The majority of plastic waste ends up in the sea and integrates

into nature by forming a new kind of rock

investigated rock-forming processes and packaging waste a marbled appearance.

By focusing on post-consumer plastic waste Akiev wants to change the perception of waste and show its unique aesthetics.

Studio Chardé Brouwer Stand A40

AFTERLIFE A funeral takes its toll on the environment.

seeds. As we pass on, the earth can still use

as we pass on, to give our body back to

with the Afterlife material, we transform

How beautiful would it be to support nature the earth and help nourish it? Afterlife is a new wearable material that is completely

biodegradable created out of leftovers from the food industry and infused with flower 36

our body to feed on. By combining our body an end into a beginning, creating a greater purpose after death. Shifting the definition

of a cemetery into something less grim, for example, a forest or park.

The Wool Studio Stand A41

THE WOOL STUDIO The Wool Studio started with the desire

through the right materials or design. Only

while being inside your home, office or

used to create the range of our collection.

to create a strong connection with nature public space. We hope we can inspire you

to create magical places with our materials. To create something unique we are in very close contact with our customers, interior designers and architects to guide them

the finest materials nature can provide are We can proudly say that our carpets are

hand tufted in a process of dedication and dignity in Europe.

Let’s create together!

Stand B57

Thin Plywood Industry KOSKISEN OY, Thin Plywood Industry Otavantie 395 52550 HIRVENSALMI, FINLAND T +358 20 553 41

Koskisen Thin Plywood Koskisen Thin Plywood


Cellulose Factory Stand A42

SUSTAINABLE SINGLE-USE PRODUCTS Cellulose factory is driven by the

revolutionary vision of a more sustainable health sector. Our solution is developed

to supply the demand of single-use pulp

products. By converting hospital waste into raw material, we create an environment

friendly single-use product. Where reusable products cause more damage to the

environment, our product is focused on

delivering on the highest demands of the Green Deal.

Company New Heroes Stand A43

BIOBASED CREATIONS With storytelling and imagination, we show

in which waste of the agricultural sector is

materials and design. At the Dutch Design

‘Exploded View’ and ‘Tafel van Brabant’

the possibilities and beauty of biobased

Week 2019 we pioneered with The Growing Pavilion. A pavilion made out of biobased

materials like mycelium and other materials 38

processed. For our new projects, such as

we would like to work with new ‘proof of concept’ and experimental biobased

materials. We hope to meet you at our stand.

Studio Wae Stand A44

CIRCULAR MODULAR CARPETS The exceptional carpets with geometric

The designs are inspired on M.C. Esher.

of the 3 biggest carpet tile producers of

size which makes every carpet unique as it

designs are made with production failures The Netherlands: Interface, Tarkett (Desso) and Forbo. Studio Wae has collaboration

contracts with these sustainable frontrunners to expand the lifecycle of these wastes.


You can create your own colour, shape and always fits in the space. Due to the unique click system the loose tiles click together, so you can go crazy on your creation. “Create your own Wae.”

mFlor Stand A46

mFLOR is happy to present a new dessin in the Authentic Collection. Our Authentic

range really is the most authentic design

floor. With the addition of ‘Natural Touch’ (In Register Embossing), the surface texture of the floor exactly matches the design. You

can both see and feel the knots. Moreover,

the Authentic ranges come in two different patterns. For the most natural colour

variations and pattern gradients. The new item is the mFLOR 25-05 “Authentic Oak

XL” collection with the size 150 x 23cm. Also available as the herringbone item, “Parva Oak” with the size 60.96 x 11.43 cm.


QbiQ Stand A45

QBIQ WALL SYSTEMS IS CRADLE TO CRADLE SILVER CERTIFIED! Sustainability is an integral part of our

At QbiQ we find it self-evident that, in line

of innovation in the field of sustainability

raw products that are also C2C certified.

environment. QbiQ has been at the forefront for years and this is increasingly yielding

tangible results. The use of materials has

been kept to a minimum, due to the minimalistic design of our wall concepts and due to the far-reaching limitation of waste streams. 40

with our C2C certificate, we apply semiExtensive, strategic alliances with our partners have resulted in good news! Since the beginning of 2020 all QbiQ system walls are C2C Silver certified.

Beal International Stand A47


generation binder, fully customisable and

designed to be mixed with many aggregates:

It is possible to work it vertically for furniture for example.

stones, shells, broken bottles, metal parts...

The novelty of the system is the photo-

(concrete, screed, tiles, medium wood, mul-

natural light for 10 minutes gives

As it can be applied on many substrates

tiplex...) both inside and outside, this mineral coating is not limited to floors only.

luminescence. Exposure to artificial and the possibility of being luminescent for

8 hours, being ideal for moving in the dark.

TOO The ZOO Stand A48

WORK WAS NEVER SO BEAUTIFUL Sometimes you enter a space that just feels

TOO the ZOO is a Dutch label that focuses

with our furniture. It has to look and feel

furniture for offices, hotels and public

good. We want to create that same feeling good without explanation.

on designing and developing inspiring spaces.


IQ Deco Stand A49

IQ DECO SMART COTTON WALL COATING Wall covering in an eco-friendly manner. Our wall covering is made out of natural

cotton and decorative mineral stones. This

unique cotton finishing is easily applied and available in 60 different colours. The product offers many benefits. Directly applicable on most surfaces. Acoustic absorption, due to porosity of the surface. Fire resistant, the

flame doesn’t expand. Most of thermal heat

is lost through wall and ceilings, the material acts as a thermal, sound and light proof

insulation and avoids energy loss. In case the cotton wall gets damaged it is easily repaired with a little water.

Open Design Centrum Stand A5o

WE CREATE YOUR DESIGN Open Design Centrum is a design

manufacturer with a in house production

facility. We help clients all over the world

with top quality services and design work.

One off projects, production runs and large volume orders – we make your wildest designs come true.

We make use of fast & precise manufacturing techniques such as CNC milling and laser cutting & engraving. Combined with our

technicians, engineers and product designers, we can create almost everything.

Between laser cutting and CNC milling we

can cut and engrave practically any material; from stone to silk to lemons to leather. 42

NATURAL BEAUTY When wind and sea interplay, this capricious

Donkersloot Stand A51

pattern of ripples in the sand emerges. A

silent proof of nature’s power and beauty.

Exactly what this biobased rug embodies. Its character being rugged and vigorous.

The natural flax fibre in the linen gives the carpet durability, longevity, sustainability and a pearly shine as time passes. Being

all natural with a 100% linen facepile and 100% jute backing, this rug is completely

biodegradable. A rug that keeps attracting the eye, but leaves no trace.

Gommans Stand A52

DUKTA® - FLEXIBLE WOOD BY GOMMANS When will you incorporate “Dukta® - flexible wood” in your designs?

wood” fits perfectly into any design.

Even though the design aspect is often

foregrounded, the acoustic function brings

In the past year, Gommans has seen a growing enormous benefits. Testing institutes number of designers and architects from the

commend that acoustic function. How

in their designs. They confirm what Gommans

be when you too incorporate “Dukta® -

Benelux implement “Dukta® - flexible wood” has always believed in: “Dukta® - flexible

enthusiastic will your client’s response flexible wood” in your design?


Eeuwenhout Stand A53

EEUWENHOUT As wood becomes scarcer (and quality

declines), Eeuwenhout goes around the

world in search of old barns, houses and factory buildings where wooden beams,

planks and poles have already proven their

soundness for longer than a century, mainly in authentic American barns. Their unique

dimensions, durability and stability, together with their weathered appearance combine to form aesthetic gems‌ a true revelation

for modern architecture and contemporary interior design. Reclaimed barnwood has

the FSCÂŽ 100% recycled label. Experience the unique aura of barnwood.

Stikkistudio Stand A54

DIRTY SAND Incineration of household waste is an

used in construction, lowering the quality

treatment. However, this process generates

this low-value residue resulted in a series

internationally recognized waste processing a new residue of unburned particles and ashes that remain on the bottom of the

incinerator. This residue is known as bottom ash. Bottom ash is mostly landfilled or 44

of building materials. Our goal to upcycle

of interior tiles made from 80% bottom ash. The residue is transformed into glass and has, therefore, a circular lifecycle.

COMPLETELY NUTS I found out that you can turn armour

Studio Sedated Stand A55

(exoskeleton) of shell animals, among

others things, a “coconutcrab�, into chitin

and from this chitin you can make biological glue. I decided to make my own material

for my graduation project. Because I studied product design in the first years and now

specialise in materials, in this book you will find a large number of test that were

necessary for the creation of the material.

Studio Wae Stand A56

PLATFORM PRORAIL WITH IMPACT ProRail opens the Wae to circular

from a Northern Province platform has

Train passengers that arrive at Bunde

This has a CO2 impact of 20 tonnes and

collaboration with Studio Wae.

Station will walk over some Dutch History. The pavement on this station is 76%

circular. Meaning that the old pavement

been recycled and re-used as a resource. we save 270 tonnes on extraction of raw materials. This is great for our climate! Create your own circular Wae.


3A Composites Stand A57

LEADING BRANDS FOR RETAIL The full range of display materials to

3A Composites GmbH develops, manufactures

value and the associated lifestyle over an

these retail worlds: DIBOND®, FOREX®,

stage retail worlds. Communicating brand extended period of time and all around the world is what makes unique retail worlds.

The Mosaic Factory Stand A58

and markets high-quality material for



RECYCLED WINDOW GLASS MOSAIC Luckily, the supply of recycled materials is increasing and we are glad we can contribute to this.

The TMF® Valencia glass mosaic collection is a hexagon mosaic that contains at least 87% recycled window glass. In addition to

the trendy shape and beautiful colours, this type of mosaic is also a sustainable choice.

The Valencia series is standard available in

9 different colours and 2 variants: in a mix of high gloss and matt and a variant in single matt. This single matt is besides the wall, also suitable to use on the floor.


WHEN YOU CAN’T EVEN HEAR AN ELEPHANT COMING. 2tec2 high tech flooring comes standard with acoustical Comfort Backing® • 70% walking noise reduction • 0,15 w sound absorption • 19 dB impact sound reduction

2tec2 woven vinyl flooring for workspaces, hospitality, healthcare, retail and public spaces.



Motion by

Frans Gommans B.V. Vasco da Gamaweg 10 NL-5928 LD Venlo T +31 (0)77 327 85 00 E




Leonne Cuppen studied at the Design Academy Eindhoven. In 1990, right after graduation and together with two fellow students, she founded Yksi Design as a studio and Yksi Expo as a foundation to stimulate Dutch Design. Some years ago, the design firm split up and Leonne Cuppen went on with Yksi Expo and with her new company Yksi Connect to set up projects and link young designers with the industry. More and more, her focus is on sustainability and circularity. What is her vision on the future of design? How do we build or design in 10 years

More and more companies focus on

In 10 years, sustainable and circular design

because they see the market growing, or

if it were up to you?

and construction should be the standard, and I have faith that we can make this

future possible, because a real transition is

happening now. Sustainability and circularity were the undercurrent for a long time, but are getting more and more momentum in recent years.

You can see it happening on trade shows

because of pressure from the inside out.

Recently, 300 Amazon employees signed

an open petition to demand the company puts more effort into becoming climate neutral by 2030. Additionally, IKEA is

making serious strides to becoming fully circular in 10 years, a very ambitious endeavour.

and events, like in Milan, at Dutch Design

Personally, I try to contribute by passing

District Rotterdam. Young designers

Yksi Expo and Yksi Connect. Along with

Week in Eindhoven and also at Material want to be relevant and contribute to a

better world, preferably with an impact. They want to offer solutions for the challenges we face, on ecological,

economic and social levels. They aren’t driven by high ideals or political vistas, but are looking for practical and pragmatical solutions. 48

sustainability and circularity as well, if only

on my knowledge to young designers via the Young Talent Team, I host exhibitions, presentations, projects and workshops

revolving around sustainable and circular designs. I include as many companies as possible, to ensure that those young

designers have access to the too often

closed-off world of the hardcore industry faster and more easily.

“Actual change can be made by forming collectives.� 49

“We have to start manufacturing and consuming in a fundamentally different way.” Actual change can be made by forming

collectives. Making the world a better place

together, with the help of creative processes, is the future of design.

What can every architect or designer do differently tomorrow to make the world a better place?

The role of design has shifted over the

years. I have been trained as interior and

product designer in the 80s, when the main focus was on aesthetics - ‘making things

more beautiful’ - and on adding meaning or

emotional value. Little by little, sustainability became an additional goal: limiting damage to the environment, or rather, preventing it.

Now, we are in the next stage, and circularity

are currently too occupied with incidents

and putting out fires. We run from CO2 and

climate problems to nitrogen, and from food waste to plastic soup. It is up to designers

and architects to look at the broader picture, to see the connections. That is something you can start with tomorrow. With everything you think of and make, you have to consider the effects on humans and the environment, on both the short and the

long term. Keep asking yourself questions:

can’t you do it differently, aren’t there better, more sustainable alternatives? That goes for any product or object, for every raw

resource and material, for every connection you make.

is starting to become a central concept.

Which advice would you give designers

the environment, saving energy, or recycling.

Eventually, we have to bring about a tran-

humans and the earth. That requires

manufacturing and consuming in a funda-

Circularity goes much further than sparing It is about restoring the balance between


systems thinking and a holistic view. We

and architects?

sition, not just in energy. We have to start

mentally different way; our whole lifestyle

setbacks. On a large scale, with large parties

road, but as the Chinese say: every journey

many people think.

has to change. It will be a long and bumpy

of 1000 kilometres starts with the first step.

and much publicity – that alone makes

In that transition, designers

As a commercial company, I can appreciate

important role. In fact, I think they bear

with DSM, creates impact by radically

and architects can and should play an

the responsibility to use their knowledge and skills for that transition, which also requires ethical awareness.

My advice? Dare to take that step, dare to assert yourself as an independent

professional. The freer and more selfaware you present yourself, the more

you can achieve. I found that out when I made the conscious choice to make

sustainability and circularity and integral

Niaga. This start-up, by now a joint venture

redesigning products like floor covering and matrasses. Closer to home, I find inspiring what Daria Biryukova as a participant of

the Yksi Expo Young Talent Team manages to achieve. Basically by herself and with

lots of perseverance, she connected with

the ceramics industry and she is trying to

make substantial changes with a glaze that consists of 60% of incinerated household waste.

part of my philosophy. Soon, that led to new contacts and clients that fit within that route.

Above all, I recommend designers and

architects to let themselves be inspired by

nature, because that is the best example of a circular system. Nowhere else you’ll find better examples of closing cycles.

Name an example of an architect or

designer who makes the world a better or more sustainable place.

For architecture, names come to mind

like Thomas Rau, Paul de Ruiter, Bjarne Mastenbroek, and Daan Bruggink.

Fortunately, their good example is being followed. In the field of design, which is

my field of expertise, Dave Hakkens is a good example, mainly because of the

international community he built around his open source project Precious Plastic.

I also have a lot of respect for Boyan Slat (The Ocean Cleanup); it is amazing how

he tries to make a wild idea reality, despite 51

Kourasanit Stand B04

100% NATURAL PRODUCTS FOR INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR SPACES Houses evolve and change along with

The walls and floors are vital parts of the

merely meeting his basic needs, but rather

Using “earthly colours” is a great way of

society. Modern man isn’t content with

seeks to create functional, stylish, great

looking spaces. The hectic pace of modern life makes our home a place of refuge.

Michel Oprey - Magna Stand B13

spaces we live in.

creating cosy, unique environmentally-

friendly spaces, with singular philosophy and

clear, identity that stands out from the crowd.

GLASKERAMIK® PATINATED Glaskeramik Patinated is produced by

upcycling glass and is itself 100% recyclable. It has a unique, translucent optical quality that shows its crystal-like brilliance when

lit up. When left naturally patinated, it has

a unique appearance, half-reflectance and texture.

Particularly striking, is the magnificence

resulting from when a Glaskeramik sheet is back-lit.

Glaskeramik patinated exists in 8 colours and can be used for internal decoration,

furniture, flooring, wall covering and even for external facades. Both for inside and outside walls. 52


Isovlas Building Insulation Stand B26

Isovlas Building Insulation has an unrivalled temperature damping factor, and thus

thermal storage capacity. In summer, with

outside temperatures of 30˚C, results in an interior temperature of about 23˚C (with

mineral wool, this is about 28˚C). In winter, the opposite is true: with 5˚C Isovlas PL keeps the interior temperature at 21˚C

(with mineral wool about 19˚C). By insulating your building with Isovlas, you create a comfortable interior climate.

MATUDE WOODLINE The sound-absorbing and sustainable wall

Matude Stand B27

and ceiling panel.

Due to the specific styling combined with

the use of materials, Matude Woodline is the product that makes a positive contribution to both the eye and the ear. The handy

panel (2400x600mm and 3030x600mm) is made out of PET with strokes of veneer on black MDF.

Matude-Bruynzeel instructs how to reach the correct sound absorption by advising the

thickness of the insulation material behind

the panels. Every room and every project is unique, increase your comfort and discuss your project with our acoustic specialist.


IVC Group Stand B28

IVC-COMMERCIAL, BEYOND FLOORING IVC is the commercial division of IVC Group,

As of 2015, IVC Group is part of Mohawk

corporate & office, retail, hospitality &

in all things flooring, with a heritage of

dedicated to creating unique floors for

leisure, housing, education and healthcare projects. Founded in 1997, IVC Group is

Europe’s leading manufacturer of carpet

tiles , luxury vinyl tiles (LVT) and sheet vinyl. 54

Industries Inc, the world’s market leader craftmanship that spans more than 130

years. This broadens IVC’s global reach –

bringing us closer to you, wherever you go.

OFFICE JUNGLE What do sailing boats, the international

Studio Boing Stand B29

space station and chimpanzee sanctuaries

have in common? They all look completely

unlike offices do. The Office Jungle envisions offices that are designed to be as wild

as jungles and as extraordinary as space stations.


VeroMetal Stand B30

VeroMetal® is the cold liquid metal which realises a real metal finish on about every surface and design. VeroMetal® offers

an enormous design freedom and new

possibilities to design with real metal. For

example, bronze, copper, brass, iron / rust,

zinc, tin or stainless steel. VeroMetal® can be applied by spraying, cast or rolling and is suitable for internal as well as exterior

projects. After application, the surface can

be sanded, polished, patinated, same as if it would be the original sollid metal.


i-did Stand B31

I-DID: SOCIAL AND CIRCULAR We believe in a social and circular society.

in which the character of the original clothing

no one is excluded. That is why we guide

with acoustic felt from recycled jeans and

A society where everyone contributes and people who have been on welfare payments to work, by making acoustic products.

We discovered that discarded clothing

produces a new raw material. A design felt,

can be seen. We combine our recycled felt hardboard made from cellulose waist to

produce beautiful and functional acoustic design solutions as well as other design products such as bags and accessories.

Fairf Stand B32

SUSTAINABLE PAINT BY FAIRF Fairf is a Dutch paint brand offering high

from a waste stream and contributes to a

and DIY market. The product portfolio

fossil resources. The paint is sustainably

quality plant-based paint for the professional contains a variety of wall paints and

lacquers, all water based and without toxic

additives. The plant-based binder is sourced 56

global CO2 reduction by not tapping into produced in The Netherlands in a solar

powered factory. Fairf offers a sustainable and clean alternative to “regular� paint.


La Gaoude Atelier Stand B33

Hévé is a captivating textile that grasps

the craftsman’s gesture. This soft matter is made from a linen canvas which is

handcoated with natural rubber latex. The comb that is used to apply latex is

drawing shimmering reliefs on the surface. Hévé can divide a space or enrich it with its raw and expressive character and

offers great flexibility of use. Hévé is a soft material which properties are similar to those of leather. Hévé can be cut raw, sewn, glued, stapled, padded...

Orac Decor Stand B34

SKIRTING: THE FINISHING TOUCH Are you looking for that perfect skirting

A skirting board is an elegant connection

touch? A stylish skirting board that hides

do so much more. They add character to

board to give your interior that finishing your ugly cables discretely? Or a cover

skirting to quickly camouflage your old

skirting boards? Orac Decor® knows what

the right wall skirting can do for your interior.

between the floor and the wall. But skirtings your interior, can visually raise the ceiling, are a convenient way to cover a messy

seam between the wall and the floor... In short, they are essential in any room!


Milliken by Enzovoort Stand B35

MILLIKEN ARCTIC SURVEY Milliken’s high acoustic and sustainable

carpet plank collection ‘Arctic Survey’ takes as its inspiration the movement, structure and evolving forms of ice in the Arctic.

Milliken’s in-house design team studied the organic patterns found in giant ice structures.

They discovered how a combination of high and low-relief combine with translucent and opaque colours to stunning effect.

They looked to Ernest Shackleton’s well documented journey to the Antarctic in

1901 to reference giant ice structures as they were discovered by explorers.

Studio Sarmite Stand B36

PINESKINS PineSkins is a versatile, leather-like material made of inner bark of pine trees.

Ranging from earthy brown to deep

terracotta colours and a scent of wood,

PineSkins reflects a strong visual identity

while considered a by-product of the tree

cutting industry. In order to become flexible, the freshly harvested bark is treated with a bio-softening solution and enhanced with colour pigments and natural wax.

On a broader level PineSkins looks at the current use of resources in forests with

the aim to create more balanced methods and contexts in defining the future for the forest and its resources. 58

BIO NANO SCOPE BOX Bio^mi has developed a Bio Nano Scope

Bio^Mi Stand B37

Box with 3D printed nano structures inspired by nature. We can learn from nature how to develop sustainable materials. By enlarging we make the invisible nanoscale tangible. All Nano structures have functional

properties such as self-cleaning, structural

colouring, natural adhesive, fog catching, etc. The laser cut and laser engraved box

contains six 3D models and cards with

information. The models and box are also available as DIY-files. The goal of the box

is to inspire designers, scientists, business and education to learn from nature and collaborate.


MasterTop PUre floor design BREEAM A+ score 7% lagere onderhoudskosten 50 jaar levensduur Geluiddempend

BEZOEK ONS OP STAND C 51 59 Flooring 140x105.indd 1

13/01/20 15:49

Morgan Ruben Design Stand B39

THE MOTUS Inspired by a blade of grass, seemingly

caught in a gust of wind, the Motus standing lamp has a simple yet elegant shape. It is

composed of natural materials such as the

finest quality of wood and precious metals, finished to a high degree of perfection.

Moreover, the Motus utilizes the state of the art LED lighting in order to achieve the quality of daylight.

Circular Economy principles are at the

core of the development and production

process. As such, the Motus allows for easy disassembly and refurbishment at the end of its lifecycle.

Studio CTT Stand B40

BOTTOM ASH In the Netherlands one person’s household waste produces an average of 57.5 kg of

bottom ash per year. Bottom ash is what remains after burning household waste at waste-to-energy plants. It offers

opportunities for new circular materials, preventing further exploitation of our planet’s limited natural recourses.

In most applications bottom ash is an

anonymous ingredient. At Studio CTT we

believe this is a shame. By incorporating it in a colourful terrazzo all the ingredients become visible, allowing them to show their individual value and beauty and

confront us with our throw-away society.


Alouane Said Stand B41

VESTIGES Inspired by the ruins of the city of Carthage,

printing techniques into ceramics and other

compose indoor and outdoor façades.

Through this technique Alouane wants

this collection of tiles can be used to

Alouane is modelling relief and textures directly from actual ruins and shaping

them into tiles. Her method is based on transferring photography and modern

modelling materials used for architecture. to create physical and visual connexions

between the historical ruins of a city, and today’s environment.



Eurovitegroup Stand B44

CERAMIC INNOVATIONS The Eurovitegroup is an agent and

Sizes we are able to deliver go up to 160x320

At MaterialDistrict Rotterdam we present

up to 3m wide, toilet conversions and tables

distributor of ceramic tiles.

large size ceramic slabs from Casalgrande Padana and Cooperativa d’Imola, brands we exclusively represent. 62

cm, so tailor made solutions like washbasins matching the wall or floor are all possible

design solutions. Ceramic slabs will change the way we see tiles.



housing developers or consumers select

compared to assess the sustainability and

to access reliable data concerning their

information can be easily viewed and

health of an interior and how it fits into a circular economy.

Interior designers, facility managers,


products and materials from the database environmental and health impacts. A mood board can be created as well displaying

more detailed information on the products.

2tec2 Stand B46

2tec2 manufactures high tech woven vinyl flooring that combines the best

characteristics of both hard and soft surface flooring. This flooring is suitable for public spaces, retail, health care, hospitality &

workspaces. Besides the easy maintenance and the contemporary design look, 2tec2 high tech flooring has excellent acoustic

properties. Thanks to the Comfort BackingÂŽ there is an impact sound reduction of 19dB, walking noise reduction of 70% and

0.15Îąw sound absorption. Discover all the advantages of 2tec2.


Flokk Stand B47

A SUSTAINABLE DESIGN JOURNEY Our DNA: We abide by our motto of

which we shall exploit by combining

innovative new products and pursuing an

and quality with outstanding design.

“different and better�, working with

offensive marketing strategy, with the ocus on health and the environment.

These trends originate in Scandinavia,

with Flokk as a frontrunner in the field,

Nature@Home Stand B48

environmental awareness, ergonomics Our promise: When it comes to seating

solutions and soft seating, no manufacturer

takes the environmental effects of its materials and processes more seriously than Flokk.

KEBUN RAYA Inspired by nature and the love for natural forms and structures, Nature at Home

creates sustainable interior decoration from rest materials. We use the waste matter from nature as raw materials to create beautiful, convenient wall panels.

The Kebun Raya is new to our collections

and consists of even squares with a three

dimensional feeling to it. The Kebun Raya

is made out of Asian teak wood. The wood

panels and related decorative products are designed and produced with the aim of

preserving the natural beauty of nature.



BrickNic Stand B49

Hollow clay bricks that can be filled with raw ingredients and stacked together to

make a temporary outdoor oven. The bricks build social ties through a shared cooking and eating experience. Inspired by the

age-old process of brick-firing in East Africa, this collaborative project aims to put social

interaction back on the menu and celebrate community spirit.

At a Bricknic event, each participant is provided with a brick to fill with the

ingredients of their choice. Everyone then

gets together to discuss the plan, build the

oven, light up a fire and cook the food inside the bricks. Afterwards, the oven is taken apart and it‘s time to eat!

In collaboration with RÖMERTOPF©

THE JOY REVOLUTION Novacolor introduces at MaterialDistrict

Novacolor Stand B50

Rotterdam several new paint and plaster

products, one of them will be Archi+ Pietra Intonaco. A decorative plaster, based on hydraulic lime with mica pigments.

This plaster can create old natural stone finishes for interiors, which has become an inspiration for interior architects and

designers. It is part of the new Mass Balance Approach of Novacolor. Where Novacolor meets the challenges of ecology and

sustainability, reducing emissions of CO2,

using biomass resources and is contributing to the protection of the world and the welfare of its inhabitants.


Nophadrain Stand B51

GREEN & UTILITY ROOFS BY NOPHADRAIN Nophadrain develops and produces systems that enable vegetation and paving for foot and vehicular traffic on roofs and parking

decks. Our smart and CE-marked drainage systems combine the various functional layers for a utility roof construction in a single product.

Fully embedded in our company philosophy

“maximise the open space� is one of the key strengths of our systems: the combination of thin layer compositions with excellent

mechanical properties. It enables planners and applicators to reduce the composition height of trafficable (green) roof systems to the minimum.

RAW Paints Stand B52

SUSTAINABLE PAINT POWDER RAW Paints has developed paint powder formulas for various applications. Our

products are produced and delivered in

powder form. How to get paint? Just add water, mix and start painting!

With these products we reduce on:

usage: mix what you need, no left over paint production: no water used for production transport: no transport of water

environment: no additives needed to keep the paint preserved.

In addition, our products adhere perfect

on moist surfaces and therefor are even more sustainable. Paint the world clean together with RAW Paints! 66

ACOUSTIC TREND Acoustic Trend sets standards in quality

Acoustic Trend Stand B53

not only in the Netherlands. Our attention to detail is also appreciated outside the borders. Acoustic Trend likes to work

enthusiastically with motivated clients,

builders and critical architects. With material knowledge and technology, Acoustic Trend makes a significant contribution to the process and the result.

Our wood-veneer assortment currently

consists of 6 products; Grill, Linear, Toptrend, ceiling and wall panels, 3D panels and Mini Micro Panels.

Sileather Stand B54

WE MAKE THE WORLD LAST LONGER Sileather is a pioneer in performance

As a silicone textiles solutions company,

innovative techniques, Sileather is able to

of eco-friendly, sustainable, easy to clean,

leather made of 100% silicone. With our

redefine high performance fabrics through the best combination of leather textures and the superior advantages of silicone.

we strive to offer the world a better solution weatherproof, and highly durable performance fabrics that can be applied in various

applications, even in extreme environments. 67

Iris Lucia Megens Stand B55

BETWEEN THE LINES Iris Lucia Megens wishes to explore the

boundaries of imaginative design. To do

so, the technique of drawing with a 3D pen is essential for this project. The futuristic

scenario of directly visualising and producing a desired product, in the single act of drawing.

The only design tool you need is the pure power of imagination and personalised

drawing skills. If you want something, you draw it and it becomes a real product.

Creating and producing by the means of

drawing still seems to be a future fantasy,

but for her it’s all about dreaming about this new opportunity.

Caracterr Stand B56

FEEL FREE ON SOLID GROUND A home or building is more than just a

decorations; you have unparalleled potential

an individual identity - a character.

seamless floors are expertly applied by

roof over your head. You want to give it The floor determines the atmosphere. With a Caracterr seamless floor, you can create the space you desire. In modern

colours, smooth or rough, with or without 68

for creating your own personal style. The

hand and come with a five year guarantee. The floors are of lasting quality and have

the capacity to lift a space and allow it to

shine. LEOXX is the exclusive dealer for the Dutch project market.


Koskisen Oy Stand B57

Koskisen Thinplywood product portfolio

includes birch veneers suitable for surfaces of furniture and multifunctional thin plywood.

Birch veneer is especially good for surfaces

of furniture and toys. Thin plywood is suitable for demanding interior design and furniture industry use, lamps, sport equipment, toys and instruments.

Concept : Baeten Hylebos Architecten




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Daan Bruggink, architect and founder of ORGA architect, is seen as a visionary and designer with a great influence on the construction of tomorrow. He has an extensive and diverse portfolio of sustainable projects, constructed in natural, bio-based materials. His biophilic architecture strengthens the bond between human and nature. As part as the MaterialDistrict Advisory Board, Daan sheds his light on subjects like sustainability and the future of architecture. How do we build or design in 10 years

built environment. This means that property

If we look at the sustainability timeline, a

related illnesses of their employees. This

if it were up to you?

clear trend is visible. In the 70s, the Club of Rome proposed the idea ‘limits to growth’.

That was the first time it was pointed out to us that our current lifestyle could not last,

because of the use of fossil fuels (mainly oil) and its consequences: CO2 emissions and

global warming. Thus, the energy problem

was born. By now, we can, if we really want

to, tackle that problem, and starting in 2020, we have to build almost energy neutral.

In the 90s, people started to ask questions about material use. Cradle2Cradle was

means principles will have to change, and property owners will have to start looking differently at their property. The energy

focus we have seen in the last couple of

decades, like the material focus we have

now, can only be applied if it does not have a negative effect on property users.

Architects will start using more and more

pure, natural materials. Traditional materials like glue and polyurethane foam (PUR) will lose the battle.

born, Al Gore released his famous ‘An

What can every architect or designer do

to developments like material passports,

a better place? And which advice would

Inconvenient Truth’. These things have led circularity and other such material-related

differently tomorrow to make the world you give designers and architects?

sustainable developments.

Every architect or designer can already

The final step in this sustainability timeline

have on their surroundings and users.

is well-being: the health question within the 72

owners will be held responsible for building-

consider the effects the applied materials Do the materials leach? What kind of paint

is used? Do the materials contain glue? Architects and designers are the link

between manufacturers/suppliers and end

crisis. Circularity does not instantly offer a solution to current problems.

users. One can already start eradicating

Name an example of an architect or

Just stop using those.

or more sustainable place.

materials that contain toxic substances.

Aside from that, it is useful to ask about

the life cycle of the used materials. How

are they obtained? How much energy and

material does it take to make them? What happens with the waste? What happens

with the material at the end of the product’s life?

Thinking about circularity is important.

Are the products detachable and demountable? If so, what can you do with them? Can they at least be brought back to

the raw material? Don’t forget circularity

offers solutions to problems of the future. A detachable, demountable building will

only be demounted in 50 years, while we are currently in the middle of a climate

designer who makes the world a better There are numerous examples of designers that are working with sustainability. I think every responsible designer/architect has

to consider it nowadays. Often, the loners are the ones that take the leap, but they need the rest to make further progress.

A good example is Interface. The founder, Ray Anderson was asked in 1994 what

the company did for the environment. He

couldn’t answer that question and decided

then and there to turn Interface in the most sustainable, climate-restoring company in

the world. An unprecedented ambition, but through perseverance and of course the

support of many people, Interface has now become a forerunner in sustainability. It is possible, if you put your mind to it!


Michel Oprey - Quarella Stand C13

QUARELLA Quarella brings with great passion marble

including flooring, wall cladding, benchtops,

design and high quality to a worldwide

elements. Quarella is specialised both in

and quartz engineered stone with Italian market.

In line with the latest design trends they offer a wide range of products, finishes

and solutions for numerous applications

interior design solutions and constructive

large scale project and distribution segments where their long standing experience and dedicated technical support makes them

make them distinctive. Spadon represents Quarella in the Netherlands.

DuoLino Stand C25

LAMINATED LINOLEUM We are DuoLino, and in collaboration with

Forbo we have developed a new material out of residual furniture linoleum. By using only

bottom layer.

leftover material coming from the factory.

We laminated eight layers of furniture lino-

Furniture linoleum is made out of these

can be used for various purposes, such as

natural resources: linseed oil, resin, wood 74

flour, limestone and pigment. With a paper

leum to create our own new material that

making table tops and chair seats, like we did.

TFD Floortile Stand C26

WOVEN L+ INNOVATIVE LVT This floor of woven PVC yarns gives an

(antibacterial) protection. This also makes

to the weaving technique you experience

designs with natural hues are coordinated

attractive warm look to your interior. Thanks the luxurious feeling of carpet, but you

experience all the advantages of a PVC floor. It is the only woven floor with an EPTTM top layer treatment that offers

DESIGNED ACOUSTICS EASY Noise Control specialises in room

this floor suitable for very intensive use. The and therefore easy to combine. This offers

creative possibilities to mix and match and to create unique design patterns yourself.

Easy Noise Control Stand C27

acoustic solutions to reduce reverberation and improve comfort. With a broad range

of materials and inhouse R&D, styling and

production facilities we support you to create a perfect acoustic design. Our professional,

experienced mounting team completes the project by installing the products on site.


Iboma Lopik Stand C28

NEW EGGER DESIGN COLLECTION From a joint initiative of the five Dutch

you. In addition to new high-profile decors

of the new Egger Design Collection 2020-

improvement, Egger products now

suppliers, we present to you the eye-catchers 2022. We are incredibly proud of this new

collection and as always happy to share all

documentation, sampling and products with 76

and structures, thanks to an innovative

contribute to a healthier indoor climate.

We are pleased to inform you about this!


Waterweg Stand C29

Waterweg is developing building materi-

als from dredged sediments. Dredge is an abundant and expensive waste stream,

that unfortunately brings along a lot of CO2 emissions, while it is only applied for low

value applications. We want to show that

dredge can have a high quality application

as well. Our first product under development is a water permeable tile. Next to the

problem of a dredge abundance we also tackle the problem of floods after heavy rainfall in urban areas. In the future we

aspire to make different building products such as cladding and street furniture.

TEMPO TEMPO will be your partner for acoustic

Tempo Stand C30

comfort and decoration. Our range of

acoustic absorption equipment includes


- bring designers’ ideas to life with tailor made production

- are certified by an independent lab for sound absorption : ÎąW =1.

- have a high sound absorption quality on

every frequency of the audible spectrum.

- offer 146 colours and 4 finishes to fit any

decoration style. In addition, digital printing allows a total personalized choice

- are Euroclass Bs2d0 and A+


ArcelorMittal Stand C31

ARCELORMITTAL SPECIALS ArcelorMittal Construction has an extremely extensive product portfolio in terms of metal roof sheeting and wall cladding.

Our department ‘Specials’ is continuously developing new systems to keep up with

the newest building designs and ideas of

architects. We use various materials such as stainless steel, weathering steel (Indaten®), aluminium and pre-painted steel.

We also use a wide array of colours and

coatings. If we combine these elements

with an unique design you will get the most unique end result.

Aldowa Stand C32

FULL-COLOUR BIPV Aldowa dares to think big and to shine in

a mark. We like to dream further and we

of knowledge, creativity, experience and

the façade construction. ALDOWA GREEN

complex projects. Our secret: the combination craftmanship. Aldowa has many years of

experience in engineering, production and

Works on this next step.

assembly of metal cladding.

Together with our partners we realize solar

One who can realize dreams definitely leaves

colours, images/patterns and dimensions.

We are able to deal with all types of metal:


are always ready to take the next step in

facades, BIPV. We offer a big variety of


Hommage Departement Stand C33

The designs of Hommage Department are inspired by art, architecture and industrial

design. The unconventional lamps owe their quality image to their pure materials and sleek forms, especially when combined

with the classic Edison bulbs. The handmade products of Hommage Department are

attractive as separate decorative element and also offer many possibilities for

playful combinations. We never get bored! Come and see our new ceiling plate solutions and check out how pure

materials and lamps come together @hommagedepartment.


Aldowa Stand C34

We are Aldowa! We dream of distinctive

architecture that attracts attention. Designs

that will define skylines. Bridges and flyovers admired by all who pass by. We are proud to say “Aldowa did that”. Whatever you

envisage, take the next step with Aldowa. We can turn your design dreams into (a metal) reality.

We have successfully completed a number of projects. From Rotterdam’s Markthal to Hilton Hotel Schiphol; from PVH Europe

Campus to the New Atrium. We would love to hear more about your dream. In fact, we want to make your dream our dream too!


The New Raw Stand C35

THE NEW RAW The New Raw transforms plastic waste into

The New Raw is a Research & Design studio

street furniture and building components

based in Rotterdam (NL), founded in 2015.

design. This zero-waste approach

and nominated for various design and

with robotic 3D printing and participatory optimises the recycling process of plastic by introducing new digital and design

technologies in the recycling process of discarded materials.

The studio’s work has been shortlisted

innovation awards, such as the Fast Company World Changing Ideas, lastic Recycling award, Dezeen awards.

Studio Mixtura Stand C36

GEO SLATE Slate Roof tiles have been used for centuries

Europe have been closed. The production

and castles in the Netherlands. They have

research project, Studio Mixtura tested

to cover historical monuments, churches, great features such as water resistance

and durability and can last several hundred years, often with little or no maintenance. But today, major quarries of Slatestone in 80

process is very unsustainable. For this

advanced techniques to create a sustainable alternative based on waste streams of slate stones and other mineral residues sourced locally in the Netherlands.


Studio Yoon Seok Hyeon Stand C37

Ceramics can be partially reused in con-

struction, but glazed ceramics can hardly

be recycled. In many cases, glaze contains toxic substances and it causes contami-

nation. Yoon started experimenting with a

resin from the Ott tree. To glaze a ceramic

surface, Ott does not have to be baked as it dries out with air. It is not extremely strong yet elastic surface that cannot be affected by water, acids, fungi etc. Ott has another

special feature. If you heat it up considerably, it will evaporate, so that you can get

pure clay again. It is therefore ceramics can be sustainable and circular.

FADING COLOURS Fading colours is a colour study for a textile

Ceciel Berden Stand C38

collection, trying to mimic the principle of

colours that will change into another colour. Due to a dyeing process consisting of

several layers of synthetic colours and

natural colours, these yarns and textiles are able to change colour.

The textiles can be used as a window

covering or room divider and comes to life through sunlight. As time passes and the light starts playing with the colours, the

different colour layers become visible one

by one. It makes you aware of the influence that your surroundings and time have on colour.


Rodruza Stand C39

LIVING BRICKS Rodruza’s Living Bricks bring every building

colour, size or finish you choose, Rodruza’s

pure white and deep black facing bricks.

shine. The bricks enable architects to bring

to life. Aesthetic, stylish and premium quality, Fresh grey variations, bold yellow tints or

more classic colours. Smooth, textured or

sintered. Hilversum size, Dutch size or BSS, handmade or moulded… No matter which

Studio Lena Winterink Stand C40

ceramic facing bricks will let your design

their ideas to life, help builders to deliver more appealing projects and allow users

to enjoy buildings that combine aesthetics with functionality.

AGEING TEXTILE Inspired by the ageing process of copper

roofs, this collection of textiles emphasises the beauty of longevity. Handmade out

of second hand copper wire and organic

unbleached cotton, the textiles are given

sculptural and antibacterial qualities that invite to touch. Over time the copper will

oxidise, gradually creating an irreversible

colour change in the cotton. Suitable as a wall piece or room divider these textiles

restore value in the connection we have with the materials in our interior.


Studio Lisa Ortsen Stand C41

TURMERIC AS ‘MOOD BOOSTER’ Turmeric is a special herb, to which healing

couldn’t comprehend till now?

turmeric, or yellow root as it is also called,

Scientific research shows that colours

powers are attributed. The applicability of intrigues me. The question that puzzles

me: have we reached the limit or can we use its healing power in different ways

still? Ways that tingle our senses or that makes us use our senses in ways we

Turmeric has a full ochre yellow colour. can influence the psyche of a person. This

colour can improve your concentration, your memory and your mood. A combination of functionality and beauty.

CoE Biobased Economy Stand C42

LOCAL BIOCOMPOSITES Biocomposites consist of natural fibres

which ensures that the product stays rigid

which could be a biobased plastic or fungus

Biocomposites have many advantages and

such as flax, hemp, straw, reed and a binder, hyphae. The fibres give strength to the

material and the resin holds it together,

and protects the fibres from moisture.

applications for instance in construction.


Duracryl Flooring Systems Stand C43

NDURANCE, CIRCULAR LIQUID FLOORING Endurance is the capacity of something

to last or to withstand wear and tear. This describes perfectly the characteristics of

Ndurance. It is a strong, tough and sturdy liquid applied floorcovering made up to 50% post-consumer recycled content.

Ndurance contains no plasticisers and stays flexible overtime.

Seamless, durable resilient floorcovering with excellent properties. A perfect

floorcovering without cutting losses,

without welded seams and therefore

perfectly suited for schools, offices and medical facilities.

Regge Tegels & Vloeren Stand C45

FONDOVALLE CERAMICA BY REGGE TEGELS With more than 50 years of experience, we

environment and the land; it is a company

sale of porcelain floor and wall tiles and

come together every day to offer the Italian

are a market leader in the production and slabs. Ceramica Fondovalle has pursued

the goals of aesthetic refinement, quality, a

focus on detail, technological development and innovation, safeguarding the 84

made up of people, ideas and materials that and international markets the best of Italian design in ceramics. This is why technical

design, aesthetic study and pursuit of stylistic rends is very important to Fondovalle.

Vescom Nederland Stand C44

STRONG BASIC UPHOLSTERY FABRIC Acton is a strong basic upholstery fabric

red, turquoise and different shades of green.

coloured blend introduces a playful note.

on office and conference chairs. Just the

that feels aesthetically pleasing. The multiThe fabric has a dry matte finish and comes in an impressive array of 39 fresh young

colours, with options ranging from essential neutrals to bright hues of yellow, orange,

The fabric is easy to apply and ideal for use

thing for an open-plan office! Acton is flame retardant, wear resistant (90,000 rubs

Martindale,), light and colourfast. A musthave for the office market.


Moso International Stand C46

MOSO BAMBOO X-TREME CLADDING Bamboo X-treme cladding profiles offer

achieves the highest durability class thanks

building. Boards are available in several

process. Contrary to other wood products, it

many design possibilities for sustainable width and different profiles, allowing various installation methods. Bamboo X-treme

cladding is made of thermally modified

and compressed bamboo and the material

to the unique Thermo-Density production

reaches fire safety Class B-s1-d0 (EN 13501-1),

without the impregnation with fire retardants. Bamboo is the fastest growing plant on this planet and is abundantly available.

Blossom Architecture Stand C47

CIRKO FURNITURE A high-tech furniture range made of lowtech

by the producer, is easily taken apart and the

tubesand wooden tops of ash wood from

range is being further developed to a

residual material. Made of used cardboard Zwolle.

It is technically designed with in mind the circular design principles. In other words:

‘end of life’ the furniture can be taken back 86

raw materials can be reused. The furniture

product which can be produced in relatively small series. To strengthen the meaning of Circular Economy it is even a possibility to purchase the product as its own.

IDYLIUM Idylium is exclusively distributed by

Idylium by Kayden Stone & Ceramics Stand C48

Kayden Stone & Ceramics.

Idylium’s mission is to produce a collection of large format slabs in mineral stone that is able to express every stylistic vision of the present.

The foundation of Idylium true proposal lies in an innovative, exclusive, and proprietary production technology that ensures the best physical-mechanical and hygienic performance of the finished product.

Idylium is the first in the world to produce

a collection of slabs with continuous veins. Next to this Idylium has a continuously updated and growing collection.


Barrisol Normalu Group Stand C50

a World leader in stretch ceilings and walls

for more than 50 years. Barrisol distinguishes itself with innovative acoustic solutions,

unique lighting sheets for every application, and, our latest asset, a climate ceiling that

cools or warms your space invisibly, quietly and comfortably.

Barrisol has consistently placed great

importance on environmental friendliness and preservation. In this process, Barrisol has chosen to add to its range, new biosource fabrics. The Biosourcée® range

incorporates a plant-based plasticizer and is 100% recyclable.


Master Builders Solutions by BASF Stand C51

LIQUID PU FLOORING BREEAM A+ LISTED The sound-deadening polyurethane liquid

available in an almost infinite number of

design are A+ listed for BREEAM. They offer

opportunities for creativity in terms of

flooring systems, MasterTop PUre floor 7% lower maintenance costs, 50 years

expected service life and are well-suited to public buildings such as schools, shopping centres, hospitals and offices. They are

RAL and NCS colours, which provides major shapes, patterns and designs hence these floors are an attractive solution for architects and interior designers.

PyraSied Stand C52

ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY PLASTICS Out of our respect for life in general and

The eco-friendly alternative of acrylic is

environment in particular, we at PyraSied

clear, opal and more than 15 colours, made

respect for our materials, people and the

have been working on putting together a

collection of eco-friendly plastics. We now

offer an environmentally friendly alternative within our important product groups. 88

Greencast®. A collection of cast acrylic in from 100% recycled acrylic. Within our

design plastics, we introduce Smile Plastics®,

made from plastic waste, and Durat® Palace, our sustainable solid surface collection.


UNSEAM Stand C53

What if your product could shape itself into 3D, instead of labour intensive assembly?

UNSEAM developed fabrics and a patented technique that causes textile to form itself into a pre-programmed 3D shape.

The benefits: less manual assembly and the

digital process makes on-demand production and small batches feasible. 3D shapes can

range from small textures to large scale like furniture. The composition of the textiles and the technique will be adjusted for

your application, with fully renewable and

biodegradable options available. We want to make your product more circular and sustainable.

Studio Lionne van Deursen Stand C54

BIOLOGICAL GROWN MATERIAL Studio Lionne van Deursen developed a

transparency. With this material the studio

natural pigments. The material is created by

Deursen focuses on experimental material

collection of biological fabrics dyed with

bacteria spinning fibres of cellulose and has

leather-like qualities. The collection contains a variety of different colours, texture and

designed light objects. Studio Lionne van

research and product design to give insight in the possibilities of new biobased materials.


Guardyl Stand C55

GUARDYL PRO速 GUARDYL PRO速 is an extremely resistant

solution for rubrail for yachts, outdoor

and feel. This innovative PVC polymer is

GUARDYL PRO速 is available in different

flexible profile with a natural wood look

maintenance free and keeps its original colour over time. The durability of the GUARDYL PRO速 makes it the lasting

The Good Plastic Company Stand C56

bridge rails and many other applications. colour. The product is developed and produced in The Netherlands.

GOODBYE BAD PLASTIC. HELLO GOOD PLASTIC. The Good Plastic Company is a mission-

driven organisation that is determined to contribute to solving the problem of the 400 million tonnes of plastic waste that are generated annually.

We produce environmentally friendly

panels from recycled plastic that can be used to create modern-looking environ-

mentally-conscious furniture and interior design elements. They are high quality

and have the lowest ecological footprint

possible. Each panel is made from a single type of plastic so it can be recycled easily, extending its use in the circular economy indefinitely. 90

CLAYS, LIQUID EARTH Earthen Floors, also called Adobe floors, are

Duracryl Flooring Systems Stand C57

used over thousands years in the ancient

world. Based on the pure natural materials

sand, silt, wood and clay, they proved to be

durable and longlasting. Duracryl improved this ancient technique to a liquid poured

version on site. The natural characteristics of the earthen floor are maintained and

improved with resilient features of today.

Clays is a blend of pure sustainable materials. The clay forming the natural pigment to

achieve the beautiful richness of a natural floor. Clays is available in 10 colours

Velvet& 213

Ken je Spicy Yellow al? Ontdek ook luscious green, lavish rust, carbon grey, creamy beige en mysterious grey in ons lookbook op Velvet& 224

Ontdek de &-collectie 22 Fluid& nieuw in 2019 | 48 Fashion& | 49 Velvet& De &-collectie is de belichaming van hoe wij tapijttegels ontwerpen. Vol lef en dynamiek en tegelijkertijd ook gesofisticeerd & luxueus. Met de &-collectie voeg je heel wat personaliteit toe aan elke ruimte.

Fashion& 206

Fashion& 105 | | +32 (0)52 80 80 80 91


DAVID HELDT Connecting the Dots

Part of the independent MaterialDistrict Advisory Board, David Heldt is producer and curator of various international design exhibitions such as Design Language, Tuttobene or Enlightened Design. He studied Architectural Design (BA) at ArtEZ Institute of the Arts in Enschede and Design Futures (MA) at Goldsmiths University of London. In 2009, he founded the design magazine Connecting the Dots. What are his views on sustainability and the future of architecture and design? How do we build or design in 10 years

Designing becomes redesigning; new

Function, form, and concept are qualities in

becoming a whole new industry.

if it were up to you?

which we can express ourselves. We can execute them tirelessly in all imaginable

combinations. That’s great for the industry, but it’s a system for the old economy. In

the coming years, the subject will be what

something is made of and how that can be

This strongly influences how the world

will start to look, a new design language is inextricably interwoven with a mindset in which new is viewed as wasteful and reshaping and reusing as innovative.

returned to the economy as a useful building

This may sound utopian, but already we see

about Material Follows Material.

reuse. In recent years, brands have been

block. Our current time and future will be all

Our principles of what design is about

has changed drastically in recent years.

20 years ago, we learned to start with a concept to create something original,

that the avant-garde is starting to focus on experimenting with recycling their waste materials into new products, or leasing

instead of buying furniture. The main theme is the circular economy and circular building.

beautiful and new. In 10 years, design will

Brands will increasingly devote themselves

already there: already mined material will

phase is that reuse will become their core

be about creating something that was

be in the limelight. Renovation will become cheaper than building something new,

recycling will be cheaper than new material, and local will be cheaper than imported. 92

methods to reuse existing products is

to the reuse of their used products. The last business. The contemporary designer thinks in loops and no longer linearly. Once that

system is scaled up, it becomes a revenue

model. Ikea becomes a thrift store, Adidas a

Designers and architects do not create,

they compose. They aren’t gods, but smart material managers always looking for a better solution. In this day and age, the

better solution lies not in making something more beautiful, something lighter, or more spectacular. Now that the profession of

design has been more clearly defined, their

role is more important than ever. Designers that realise and smartly use their potential

as material manager will be able to leave a better world than they found.

Which advice would you give designers and architects?

It is too bad that studios are forced to

produce, otherwise, I would advise to refuse

an assignment in which the terms or budget

cannot lead to a satisfactory solution. Or just make sure you will find a very smart solution, because that is where chances lie nowadays.

rubber recycling factory, and Lego and Avis

become a chain for renting building materials. What can every architect or designer do differently tomorrow to make the world a better place?

I think a small redefinition of the terms ‘designer’ and ‘architect’ is the most

important start. We are supposed to be

creatives, however, I think creativity is a

misleading term. It implies a human can create. But we can’t. Everything in the

universe we use is a combination of already existing materials. Even new ideas are

really merges of already existing ideas.

Name an example of an architect or

designer who makes the world a better or more sustainable place.

I think Simone Post is a good example, partly because she works with large companies,

ensuring her ideas have impact. Additionally, I think an organisation like Label Breed is

really great, which brings together designers and manufacturers to find new applications for their production techniques. Graduation work is still searching but encouraging.

Much attention goes to material research

and redesigning production chains. When

this generation of designers has found their place in the industry, exciting things can happen. Smart rethinking is the future.


OVPolymers Stand D01

BEER POLYMER BY OVPOLYMERS OVPolymers is a developer, producer and supplier of green polymer solutions. The

Beer Polymer is a polymer that is based on residue of the beer brewing process. The

standard versions of this material consist of 30% beer and 70% green/biopolymers.

Depending on the application and process

technique (e.g. injection moulding, rotation

moulding and extrusion), there are different grades of the compound available. Ranging from long-term use materials which are

industrially decomposable, to short-term use materials which are composable in about 2 months.

Pretty Plastic Stand D02

PRETTY PLASTIC Pretty Plastic aims to produce facade

use. Pretty Plastic contributes to a circular

look great, are safe in use, easy to apply,

raw materials are used over and over again.

claddings out of upcycled plastic waste that last forever and can be recycled again after 94

economy where waste does not exist and From trash to tile!

GRID SPACE DIVIDER Using larch wood veneer from the Baars &

David Derksen Design Stand D03

Bloemhoff’s Shinnoki collection, we have

created a set of space dividers. Not only do they serve to parse out a room, they can

also hold various design elements, such as LED lamps or even acoustic foam.

Using industrial laser cutting machines,

precise parts are cut and put together as a building kit without any screw or glue. The parts can be easily assembled and

disassembled and transported in a compact way. The Grid dividers can be produced in

their current form or easily be adapted for specific projects.


HuisVeendam Stand D05

HuisVeendam is an innovative company producing sustainable surface materials

from biodegradable binders and organic

fibre waste streams from various sources.

Our bio-laminates are designed for indoor applications and are typically used as a

decorative finishing for walls, objects and

furniture. We are VOC-free and only use local materials so we fit well in the sustainability strategy of you interior design. Besides our

basic collection we offer custom bio-laminates to match your design and story of choice.

Our technology enables you to communicate a sustainable vision knowing that every

part of the product is produced with bio-

degradable, traceable and local resources. 95

Redfort Stand D06

FROM FANTASY TO FACTORY At Redfort, we believe in 21st century

and technical solutions. Every square meter

fabrics for architecture that combine

We adapt to the architect’s needs and offer

craftsmanship. We deliver tailor-made craftmanship with off-the-shelf materials

Studio Samira Boon Stand D07

can be unique. No repetition. No limitations. a new world of graphical opportunities.

TEXTILE ARCHITECTURE, A PROMISING FUTURE Studio Samira Boon advises and collaborates with (interior) architects to install site-

specific solutions. We present an innovative approach to architecture, not as a static

and immutable structure, but as a living framework and presence. Textiles are a

particularly promising material due to the

lightweight, acoustic and flexible properties. Our projects and research have resulted

to multiple textile innovations, which have

been rewarded with e.g. the Creative Heroes Award and the Architizer A+Design-Award.



1000graden Stand D08

Turning tiles into custom-made tile panels.

1000graden is also Dutch for 1000 degrees, the Celsius temperature of the ceramic kiln for melting glazes. We produce tile panels for home interiors, restaurants, shops.

The signature 1000graden custom made tile panels, are the result of years of experience in painting and glazing.

Get inspired for your next project by the portfolio. Whether we make a hand

painted tile panel, or a digitalized design o reproduce, you will be sure to have something eye-catching.

Our handcrafted design is both contemporary and timeless.


Het Groene Kabinet Stand D09

This flooring system is built up with a 12

mm stabilising plate made of birch plywood as a carrier material and a solid 5.5 mm

reclaimed hard-wooden top layer so that it is possible to sand it during use if desired.

The tiles are modular and can, just like any other floor, be laid floating with a knife and

groove system so that they can for example be taken to a next location.

The regulations concerning responsible organization in the corporate world are

rapidly becoming stricter. This floor gives you the opportunity to visualise the

sustainable goals of your company in a very unique way.


Vyva Fabrics Stand D10

VYVA FABRICS HEMP COLLECTION Vyva Fabrics presents a new fabric line for furnishings based on fine fibres in HEMP, the perfect link between indoor and outdoor living.

Hemp is one of the most antique botanical fibres, its origin dates back to 6,000 years

ago. Grown without the use of fertilisers and chemical products, it is the most suitable natural textile material for outdoor living

because it is resistant to extreme weather

conditions. It has been used for centuries to make cords, sails and tents.

Contact with nature is the inspir ation for this new fabric.

Heracleum Composites Stand D11

HERACLEUM COMPOSITES Atelier Schaft tells a new story about the

crop. The plant spreads quickly on unused

the invasive plant into a series of new

extremely light. Invasive plants like this

infamous Giant Hogweed and transforms material applications. The material options offer a replacement for various traditional materials; this way Erik van Schaften

changes the weeds into a potential new 98

sites, requires no maintenance, and is

form the material source of the future.

The plant can be transformed into strong cardboard composite, lightweight foam, and aesthetic veneer.


Hydro Extrusie Benelux Stand D12

The Hydro Idea Profile in the picture shows the excellent malleability of the aluminium extrusion technique and how to apply this

to integrate various options in the design of

an aluminium extrusion profile and increase

the functionality of the design. The mission of Hydro is to contribute to a more sustainable society by developing natural resources for

products and solutions in an innovative and efficient way. Aluminium is one of the few

materials that is infinitely recyclable without loss of quality, consuming a small fraction

of the energy required to produce primary aluminium.


Regeneration Design Stand D13

Green Light is made of beverage carton waste, a natural fibre sheet material that is fully

recyclable. For Grass Light, we use local grass clippings, which is an organic waste stream. Nowadays, we discover that we can make building materials, paper, packaging and

consumer products with mowed grassfibres. By using biobased materials, carbon dioxide

can be cleaned up and captured what contributes to climate recovery (Regeneration). This is called the biobased economy.

From organic waste streams and renewable resources to biomaterials to Bio Design,

initiative and part of Regeneration Design. 99

OVPolymers Stand D14

COFFEE POLYMER BY OVPOLYMERS OVPolymers is a developer, producer and supplier of green polymer solutions. The

Coffee Polymer is a polymer that is based on used coffee grounds. The standard

versions of this material consist of 30% coffee and 70% green/biopolymers.

Depending on the application and process

technique (e.g. injection moulding, rotation

moulding and extrusion), there are different grades of the compound available. Ranging from long-term use materials which are

industrially decomposable, to short-term use materials which are composable in about 2 months.

Allee Allee Stand D26

MIND TO MATTER... Come build with us Act-02 at D26. We give

for personal, organizational and social

the delusion of the day is lurking. We create

inspiration sessions and development paths.

attention, are alert, offer purpose. Because

connections in border areas where no man’s land prevails. We facilitate new perspective 100

development through exhibitions, workshops, Discover what you contribute and pass on to the world.

NATURE REDEFINED Stoneable engineers ultra-thin real stone

Stoneable Stand D27

panels that bring the experience of nature into any architectural space. Our panels

have a thickness of only 1.5mm and they are flexible, lightweight, extremely strong and water resistant. Consisting of a 100% real natural stone top layer, Stoneable can be

applied to almost any surface or material, even on corners and round objects.

Stoneable is nature redefined as a design object, a stylish surface or a structural element in both public and private environments.

Diresco Stand D28

DIRESCO BIO-UV QUARTZ COMPOSITE Diresco quartz composite is a unique mix

Diresco has perfected over the years. Our

pigments. Brought perfectly into balance to

in an incredibly strong material and is

of quartz granules, BIO resins and colour

create a stunning, hardwearing, sustainable product. Our team of experts has bonded these natural ingredients via a unique

scientific production process. One that

exhaustive research efforts have resulted designed to last for generations. Thanks to the unique resins, D-Quartz surfaces can be used for indoor as well as for outdoor applications!


Baars & Bloemhoff Stand D29

COMPOSITIONS IN COLOUR Which ingredients and building blocks make

strong colour combinations.

answer to this question in an architectural

in which shapes and structures dominate?

an interior? Baars & Bloemhoff provides an

landscape composed of volumes, colour fields and objects. From soft green to a bold lava look, the Gama Duo collection from Finsa encourages creativity and invites you to 102

Looking for a ton-sur-ton colour scheme

The Mix&Match collection from Getacore will help you find unity in your interior. Finally, Decospan searches for new

dimensions in composition with their veneers.

FLOATING BRICKS Many producers of building products have

ROFFAA Stand D30

standardised their processes in such a way

that they produce their product in, for them,

the most efficient way. Sometimes efficiency leads to residual flows. The remaining

materials are recycled again. For example, panes of glass that do not fit the module size go into the glass container and are

processed again into glass, faulty produced bricks are crushed and used in another brick or used as road fill.

With the Floating Bricks we combine two residual flows. On the one hand rejected

glass planes and on the other hand rejected brick strips.


Hunter Douglas Stand D31

After the successful launch of HeartFelt® ceilings in 2017 and HeartFelt® walls in

2019, Hunter Douglas has further developed its innovative product: HeartFelt® Baffles.

As a result, architects and interior designers,

once again, have a high-quality design choice from the Hunter Douglas product range.

Luxaflex® offers indoor and outdoor sun protection for offices, where climate and light control are central, practice spaces

where hygiene requirements prevail and

for hospitality properties where appearance and ease of use are required.


Connection Walls Stand D32


ready-to-use wall panels for creating your

desired environment at fairs, events, shops and others. It’s the only wall system that

is 100% recyclable. Even the print can be

removed from the panels to print again, on the same panels.

CONNECTION WALLS are quick and easy to set up and dismantle thanks to a very

simple connection system. It offers extensive possibilities to cover all your needs and are even easier thanks to our full service.

Studio PMS Stand D33

STUDIO PMS Studio PMS is a Utrecht fashion collective. The trio thinks that digitising design

processes has the potential to make

industries more sustainable. PMS has

therefore embraced interdisciplinarity as

a design principle and have often looked for innovative and alternative ways of

communicating fashion. They believe it’s no longer justified as a contemporary

designer to produce something, simply

based on our own fascination. During all

their projects, the studio is constantly trying to redefine tactility in the digital realm.


Decolegno Stand D34

BESPOKE SURFACES IN INTERIOR DESIGN With the Italian brand Cleaf, DecoLegno

protection regulations, earning the

and solutions for the furniture and interior

and environmentally responsible attitude is

offers a wide range of innovative surfaces

design industry. Cleaf’s high quality standard

means the use of cutting-edge technologies,

the latest generation machinery and always working in compliance with environmental

company FSC certification. A sustainable

embedded in the entire production process

in order to optimize energy and raw material consumption and to achieve high quality standards.

Decolegno Stand D35

HPL SPECIALS BY DECOLEGNO Be inspired by the High Pressure Laminates

natural wood structures to raw stone types

will find 47 distinct decors and colours

this HPL sheet material you create and

Specials collection from DecoLegno. You for all horizontal and vertical applications

where appearance, durability, resistance to stains are the usage criteria. Varying from

and from 3D textile to quilted leather. With develop unique and high-profile interiors and furniture.


Modulyss Stand D36

HI, WE ARE MODULYSS We design, manufacture and supply

carpet tiles for the commercial market. From inspiration, design and R&D to

production and packaging … we take care

of (y)our carpet tiles every step of the way. We always aim to inspire, across the

world, to deliver products that push the

boundaries of performance & design with a sustainable approach.

Shaakira Jassat Stand D37

AQUATECTURE WATER HARVESTING PANEL Aquatecture is a panel designed to harvest rain water. This modular panel can be

installed on façades of buildings, making water harvesting an integrated building

feature. It can also be used as free standing elements in landscapes, creating water-

harvesting stations in cities. Aquatecture is designed to collect falling rainwater as it trickles over the open punctures of the

panel. In principle, the water that is collected is transported down to a collection tank

and pumped back into the building’s grey water system.


Ekotex Wandafwerking Stand D38


offices, schools and health care. The wall-

natural glassfibres and a biobased finish.

buildings that need to achieve high-end

generation wallcovering. Made of 100%

Thanks to its special qualities, it is perfect for any space where people want to feel special: living spaces, retail, hospitality,


covering range is the ideal solution for

aesthetic appeal balanced with circularity, sustainability, wear-resistance, clean air,

durability and a very low environmental impact.

Suit’d Suits Stand D39

Each detail matters when you are giving

shape to your interior. So, why is it that most sockets and switches are so dull? Why not appreciating these intensive used interior products a bit more?

Dutch design brand Suit’d® Suits offers a

diverse range of styling products for sockets, switches and related parts. Its ranges vary

from handmade ceramic tile models, frames and covers – in various designs, to the

natural touches of sustainable sourced

wood materials. Dutch arts & craftsmanship finely combined with industrial elements,

resulting in catchy and well-fitting solutions.


DUNGse Stand D41

DUNGSE - MAKING SHIT HAPPEN! Dungse is a range of new-building materials created out of cow dung that resemble

properties of traditional materials like wood, concrete, wool and plastic. With its versatile characteristics, Dungse can be applied in many ways to enhance everyday living. You need to look, feel and smell our products to be able to imagine the

possibilities that cow-dung provides.

We believe it is crucial to embrace nature in its entirety and reimagine possibilities that are conducive to life for our future generations.

If you’re a believer too, let’s collaborate!

Atelier Cagnoni Stand D43

PLASTIC CULTURE Plastic Culture, we cultivating bioplastic from a selected latex-based vegetable

containing natural rubber. We produce both food and natural bio-polymers from the same plant, in order to achieve a green, organic, degradable plastic production. From the seeds to the objects, Plastic

Culture research project is developing in

collaboration with Gerard Van Buren and Han Wösten from the Botanical and the Bioinspired Innovation department of

Utrecht University. Plastic Culture is being

granted in 2019 by Stimularingsfonds, which is supporting the studies through the Talent development programme.


STONE 3D PRINTING Concr3de is empowering freedom of

Concr3de Stand D44

design for architects, designers and makers through a strong, sustainable and durable material made of stone powders and

recycled products like sand and marble powders. Using Armadillo, the first 3D

printer for stone materials, Concr3de allows to 3D print any shape with a precision of

0.1 millimetres for design, construction and architecture. Concr3de wants to challenge

you to dream a better and more sustainable future.


Circular Design Stand D45

PRODUCTS FROM RECYCLABLE MATERIALS Circular Design focuses on designing and

that materials considered as ‘waste’ do not

materials. Our expertise primarily covers

can be reused as resources. Think of, for

manufacturing products from recyclable different types of plastics. By recycling a

variety of (plastic) materials, Circular Design also wants to raise awareness among third parties (companies and public authorities) 110

always need to be destroyed, but rather

example, reusing old central heating pipes, shampoo bottles, obsolete or outdated

billboards, old crates, reels, caps and plastic garden furniture.


Tierrafino Stand D46

Tierrafino Clay provides the most beautiful and healthy paints and plasters. Tierrafino gives your room, workspace, or home a

beautiful finish. Tierrafino clay products come in many colours, are all natural,

and improve indoor climate and comfort. Tierrafino optimises air and moisture,

saves energy and CO2, is fully circular and

provides an ideal combination with modern heating technologies. Therefore Tierrafino

Clay is a perfect fit addressing your building needs (and climate goals‌).


Forbo Eurocol Stand D47

Forbo Eurocol will present DecoDesign,

a stylish floor and wall finishing, at stand

no. D47. DecoDesign is an innovative and decorative finishing system based on a

water-based plastic coating, ColourCoat.

With DecoSpray, available in the combinations Warm, Cool and Primary, the finisher can apply a unique design on this coating so that no wall or floor will be the same.

Then, the coating is primed and provided

with a mat coat of paint. Both the finisher and the client will benefit: thanks to the

rapid drying time of all the coats, a project can be performed and completed the same day.


Moduplus Stand D48

MODUPLUS: ENDLESS RE-USABILITY A seat system with an infinite lifespan

and infinite possibilities while having a minimum impact on the environment.

In order to have an innovative product

it is necessary to think from scratch and

break free from traditional processes and

techniques. With only a seat and a back you have everything you need to create an seat area. A specialised system ensures that the upholstery on the base elements can be

replaced or be cleaned. The base elements can be easily connected without the need for tools. The Moduplus system is suitable for both project and home use.

Wellsun Stand D49

LUMIDUCT Glass is a beautiful building material.

However, glass architecture has a large share in the CO2 emissions of the built

environment. This is the main reason that more regulation is being introduced to reduce the use of glass in buildings.

Therefore Wellsun has developed the

Lumiduct. The Lumiduct enables beautiful

glass faรงades to cut the energy use of glass buildings in half, enabling architects to

create beautiful glass architecture which is sustainable and comfortable as well.


QbiQ Stand D50

QBIQ WALL SYSTEMS IQ SOLO QbiQ Wall Systems creates attractive and

During MaterialDistrict Rotterdam, we

ease. In the design of our wall concepts, we

IQ Solo, a Cradle to Cradle Silver certified

unique working spaces in which you feel at pay great attention to aesthetics. Our core values are minimalism, transparency and

sustainability. In the IQ Atelier, together with you, we create innovative wall concepts.

BIO4PRODUCTS We are in the process of moving from a

proudly present our latest innovation: partition. IQ Solo is a monoblock wall

system of 1.5mm thick steel panels, filled with a circular insulation material.

When are you going to use the IQ Solo?

Bio4Products Stand D51

fossil- based economy towards a bioeconomy – where we use our natural

resources in a responsible, sustainable way. Bio4Products is a multi-company

collaboration to accelerate this process,

creating a range of new bio-based products, more sustainable than their predecessors. Thanks to an innovative new technology all kinds of renewable biomass can be

transformed into products such as resins, insulation foams, and wood modification products.


Foreco Stand D52

NOBELWOOD FAร ADES NobelWood is an innovative product that

is a perfect substitute of tropical hardwood faรงade panels. It is made from the fastest growing softwood in the world, which is

treated with a bio-based resin, made from

the waste of sugarcane processing. Thanks to this treatment the faรงade panels get an

luxurious appearance that can be compared to tropical hardwood.

This diverse product can now be combined

with a weatherproof Fire Retardant Exterior treatment. The result: an unique product which is maintenance free and can be

applied to structures that must meet high requirements of fire safety.

Eurofelt Stand D53

EUROFELT FELT AND HI-TEX SOLUTIONS Architects, project designers and designers

products at our own production location in

felt easy to process; it can be cut or pun-

high-quality material. Eurofelt ensures opti-

like to work with felt. The structure makes

ched into various shapes and does not need to be finished.

With our sustainable wool felt we make 114

Sneek, with passionate professionals and

mum choice of materials and for processing into a semi-finished product or end product. Customization is always our starting point!


TRIBAR by Nooyen Stand D54

Tribar is a specialized company in the

production of high-quality industrial con-

structions and architectural applications of

steel products. It’s multidimensional with an industrial and robust look, made from triangular steel. This stylish utilitarian product is durable and has special applications.

Tribar is suitable for façade cladding, treads, partition or wall cladding or base mate-

rial for freestanding volumes. It fulfils in

allowing or shielding light, in transparent

closing of views and in isolation of sound, and as an image-determining element in the perception of an architectural space.


BZW Holland Stand D55

Revolutionary bio sourced thermal insulating solution: insulation boards produced from meadow grass. Gramitherm® excels in

insulation against the cold of winter as well as summer heat. It is the first 100% clean insulation material and exhibits the best ecological balance in its category!

Wherever grass grows, Gramitherm® is a viable insulation solution.

- Excellent thermal efficiency (λd = 0,040 W/(m,K)

- Simple and quick installation - Non-toxic, non-irritating

- 100% recyclable materials

- Exceptional humidity regulator for home comfort


RikMakes Stand D56

COMPOSTBOARD Compostboard is RikMakes’ first example

that shows the beautiful possibility of living

with nature. This product shows how nature can be embedded in our products and living or working environments.

Compostboard is a material made from

natural fibres and binders. The fibres come from local organic waste streams as hemp chips, straw dust, and old flowers.

Compostboard gives the interior a beautiful atmosphere by showing natural surfaces. In the afterlife of Compostboard, the

material breaks down to nutritious fibres

and sugars. Leaving its surrounding more fertile.

Archisonic Stand D57

LEADERSHIP IN ACTION Dematerialisation, upcycling and life cycle management are the foundation in the

product development of ARCHISONIC®’s high-performance acoustic absorbers.

Instead of extracting new material, the

product relies on the upcycling of single-

used plastics with a positive carbon footprint. The complete ARCHISONIC® product range has been LEED accredited and Cradle to Cradle Certified™. Due to its flexibility in

application it offers the design community limitless possibilities to address acoustical challenges.



Vink Kunststoffen Stand D58

Acrylic glass in a completely new light. A fascinating material with boundless

opportunities. All of our meshes and inlays are captured inside the acrylic and float

between the poles of visually-soft materiality and solid transparency. Benefit from these special properties for a surprisingly wide range of possible applications.

Profit from the prizewinning material for

creating sensational wall-cladding, exclusive pieces of furniture or for your individual design projects as each panel is hand-

made and unique, a precious piece of art, incomparable and stunningly beautiful.


wallcovering upholstery curtain Vescom Nederland B.V. t +31 493 350 767

VES019-22 Adv beurscatalogus MaterialDistrict 140x105.indd 1


19-12-19 12:35

Fespa Stand E02

INSPIRED BY PRINT With a unique initiative three FESPA

respond to the growing demand for unique

during MaterialDistrict Rotterdam 2020.

everything is possible. Digital printing

Nederland members present themselves With the slogan ‘Inspired by Print’ Agfa,

PPP Nederland and Van Iwaarden Artwork together show the possibilities of printing parts of the interior. In doing so they 118

interiors. Walls, floors, ceilings and windows: techniques offer designers all the freedom they need and allow for the delivery of custom-made products.

Interface Stand E03

LOOK BOTH WAYS Carpet Tile and LVT. Every mix is a match.

textures blend seamlessly in a series of

by composite ground materials, Look Both

confetti. Plush and flat. Carpet and LVT.

Some things work better in pairs. Inspired Ways™ combines hard and soft flooring with intentional design in one cohesive collection. Playful patterns and urban

striking combinations. Concrete and

Look Both Ways tiles can be mixed to

create exciting floor designs that embrace the unexpected.


Sto Isoned Stand E04

ARCHITECTURAL CLADDINGS BY STO An individual faรงade design requires a

Architectural Claddings from Sto include

architects, together with the professionals

natural stone tiles, prefab plaster shapes,

variety of materials. Sto thinks along with of StoDesign. With that in mind, Sto will

present various design options, with the focus on Architectural Claddings. 120

various cladding materials such as brick slips, glass panels, 3D faรงade elements, special plasters and glass mosaic. Create unique

buildings with Architectural Claddings by Sto.

Nora by Interface Stand E05

OPPOSITES THAT ATTRACT Noraplan unita combines rubber and granite

balancing act. Featuring a unique

and at the same time invitingly homely.

rubber and granite, the floor highlights

in a new colour palette Purist-minimalist

Contradictions in interior design? Not for nora systems. The noraplan unita rubber floor covering achieves precisely this

combination of the natural materials

the contemporary industrial look and at

the same time lends rooms a harmonious and distinctive atmosphere.


Michel Oprey - Neolith Stand E07

YOUR IMAGINATION AS ONLY LIMITATION Thanks to the format and physical-

It consists of subjecting the 100% natural

ideal for limitless indoors and outdoors

temperatures. This is called sintering.

mechanical characteristics, Neolith results applications in the commercial and

residential area: countertops, flooring, cladding, faรงades, furniture.

Your imagination is the only limitation!


raw materials to very high pressures and

The Sintering Technology used by TheSize gives Neolith physical and mechanical features which are unprecedented in the construction industry.


Jansen by ODS Stand E08

JANSEN BY ODS STEEL CIRCULAR FAÇADE What if the world’s most sustainable steel

circularity, but we developed an integral

combined with the world’s most light-

market players on top of that. We have

curtain wall system (Jansen Viss) were

weight steel construction system (Skellet)?

That is exactly what we have done, offering a gigantic CO2 reduction and wide choice of light weight construction types. Jansen

by ODS not only decided to move towards 124

service in collaboration with multiple

become experts at connecting the dots,

i.e. how a Steel Façade Community deals with reversible design, because

construction waste is a design flaw.


PEFC Nederland Stand E09

USE TIMBER TO PRESERVE THE FOREST PEFC is the largest international label

store CO2 throughout its entire life cycle.

Specifying PEFC-certified timber

renewable as forest owners are required to

for sustainable forest management.

demonstrates corporate commitment to reverse deforestation, conserving

bio-diversity and acting in a socially

responsible manner. Trees absorb CO2 while growing. Timber continues to 126

Timber from PEFC-certified forests is

preserve forest & biodiversity. PEFC timber is available in many varieties: Engineered Wood, like CLT, LVL, traditional timber frame & panels, flooring, staircases, windows & doors.

Inspired by Print Met een uniek initiatief presenteren drie bij FESPA Nederland aangesloten bedrijven zich tijdens Material District Rotterdam 2020. Onder het motto ‘Inspired by Print’ laten Agfa BV, lwaarden Artwork en PPP Nederland gezamenlijk zien waartoe de branche van visuele communicatie in staat is op het gebied van Digital Deco. FESPA Nederland 085 - 760 03 33








A 1000Graden 2TEC2 3A Composites Acoustic Trend Aldowa Aldowa Allee Allee Alouane Said Alphenberg Leather ArcelorMittal ARCHISONIC Arktura Armstrong Ceiling Solutions Arpa Nederland Arpa Nederland Atelier Cagnoni

D08 B46 A57 B53 C34 C32 D26 B41 A09 C31 D57 A27 A01 A30 A29 D43

97 63 46 67 79 78 100 61 27 78 116 30 24 31 32 108

D29 C50 A47 A14 B37 D51 C47 B49 D55

102 87 41 29 59 113 86 65 115

B56 A36 C38 A42 D45 C42 A43

68 35 81 38 110 83 38

D44 D32 A05

109 104 25

C Caracterr Cartoni Design Ceciel Berden Cellulose Factory Circulair Design CoE Biobased Economy Company New Heroes & Biobased Creations Concr3de Connection Walls CooLoo




D03 D35 D34 D28 A51 D41 C25 C57 C43

95 105 105 101 43 108 74 91 84

C27 A10 A26 A53 D38 A38 D53 B44

75 27 30 44 107 36 114 62

B32 A11 E02 A31 B47 D47 D52

56 28 118 33 64 111 114

A52 C55

43 90

D11 D09 A03 C33 A28 D05

98 97 24 79 31 95


B Baars & Bloemhoff Barrisol Normalu Group Beal International Beton-Lab Bio^Mi Bio4Products Blossom Architecture Bricknic BZW Holland


David Derksen Design DecoLegno DecoLegno Diresco Donkersloot Dungse DuoLino Duracryl Flooring Systems Duracryl flooring systems

E EASY Noise Control Ecolurian Eddyboy Eeuwenhout EKOTEX Wandafwerking Enis Akiev Eurofelt Products Eurovitegroup

F Fairf Féline Fespa Nederland Association FINSA Flokk Forbo Eurocol Foreco

G Gommans Guardyl

H Heracleum Composites Het Groene Kabinet Holland Laminati Hommage Department Houthandel van Dam HuisVeendam




H Hunter Douglas Architectural Nederland Hydro Extrusie Benelux





B31 C28 C48

56 76 87

B45 E03 A49 B55 B26 B28

63 119 42 68 53 54



J Jansen by ODS

K Koskisen Oy Kourasanit Netherlands

B57 B04

69 52

L La Gadoue Atelier



C51 A37 B27 A46 E07 C13 B13 B35 D36 D48 B39 C46

88 35 53 39 122 74 52 58 106 112 60 86

M Master Builders Solutions by BASF Matthijs Bruinenberg Matude Bruynzeel mFLOR Michel Oprey – Neolith Michel Oprey – Quarella Michel Oprey – Magna Milliken by Enzovoort modulyss Moduplus Morgan Ruben Design Moso International



B48 B51 E05 B50

64 66 121 65

A32 A50 B34 D14 D01

33 42 57 100 94

E09 D02 C52

126 94 88

D50 A45

113 40

B52 D06 D13 C45 D56 C39 D30 A06

66 96 99 84 116 82 103 25

A13 D37 B54 A08 A07 A54 E04

29 106 67 26 26 44 120


I i-did Iboma Lopik Idylium by Kayden Stone & Ceramics INSIDE/INSIDE Interface Nederland IQ DECO Iris Lucia Megens Isovlas Oisterwijk IVC Group


Nature@home Nophadrain Nora by Interface Novacolor

O Occony Open Design Centrum Orac Decor OVPolymers OVPolymers

P PEFC Nederland Pretty Plastic PyraSied Xtreme Acrylic

Q QbiQ QbiQ

R RAW Paints Redfort Regeneration Design Regge Tegels & Vloeren RikMakes Rodruza ROFFAA RTS Preidel

S Sappi Symbio Shaakira Jassat Sileather Sky Floors Stephan Siepermann Vormgeving Stikkistudio Sto Isoned





S Stoneable Studio Boing Studio Chardé Brouwer Studio CTT Studio Jeroen Wand Studio Lena Winterink Studio Lionne van Deursen Studio Lisa Ortsen Studio Mixtura Studio PMS Studio Samira Boon Studio Sarmite Studio Sedated Studio The New Raw Studio Wae Studio Wae Studio Yoon Seok-Hyeon Suit’d® Suits

D27 B29 A40 B40 A34 C40 C54 C41 C36 D33 D07 B36 A55 C35 A56 A44 C37 D39

101 55 37 60 34 82 89 83 80 104 96 58 45 80 45 39 81 107

A35 C30 C26 C56 A58 A41 D46 A48 D54

34 77 75 90 46 37 111 41 115



B30 C44 D58 D10

55 85 117 98


V VeroMetal Vescom Nederland Vink Kunststoffen Vyva Fabrics




C29 D49 A12

77 112 28


T Tabled Design Tempo TFD Floortile The Good Plastic Company The Mosaic Factory The Wool Studio Tierrafino TOO the ZOO TRIBAR by Nooyen


Waterweg Wellsun Wonderwall Studios



Korte Stukken 5 5371MN Ravenstein +31 486 42 55 24 +31 486 42 58 88



Standno. Exhibitor

A01 A03 A05 A06 A07 A08 A09 A10 A11 A12 A13 A14 A26 A27 A28 A29 A30 A31 A32 A34 A35 A36 A37 A38 A40 A41 A42 A43

B28 B29 B30 B31 B32 B33 B34 B35 B36 B37 B39 B40 B41 B44 B45 B46 B47 B48 B49 B50 B51 B52 B53 B54 B55 B56 B57 C13 C25 C26 C27 C28 C29 C30 C31 C32 C33 C34 C35 C36 C37 C38 C39 C40 C41 C42 C43 C44

A44 A45 A46 A47 A48 A49 A50 A51 A52 A53 A54 A55 A56 A57 A58 B04 B13 B26 B27 134

Armstrong Ceiling Solutions Holland Laminati CooLoo RTS Preidel Stephan Siepermann Vormgeving Sky Floors Alphenberg Leather Ecolurian Féline Wonderwall Studios Sappi Symbio Beton-Lab Eddyboy Arktura Houthandel van Dam Arpa Nederland Arpa Nederland FINSA Occony Studio Jeroen Wand Tabled Design Cartoni Design Matthijs Bruinenberg Enis Akiev Studio Chardé Brouwer The Wool Studio Cellulose Factory Company New Heroes & Biobased Creations Studio Wae QbiQ mFLOR Beal International TOO the ZOO IQ DECO Katoenstuc Open Design Centrum Donkersloot Gommans Eeuwenhout Stikkistudio Studio Sedated Studio Wae 3A Composites The Mosaic Factory Kourasanit Netherlands Michel Oprey – Magna Isovlas Oisterwijk Matude Bruynzeel

IVC Group Studio Boing VeroMetal® i-did Fairf B.V. La Gadoue Atelier Orac Decor Milliken by Enzovoort Studio Sarmite Bio^Mi Morgan Ruben Design Studio CTT Alouane Said Eurovitegroup INSIDE/INSIDE 2TEC2 Flokk Nature@home Bricknic Novacolor Nophadrain RAW Paints Acoustic Trend Sileather Iris Lucia Megens Caracterr Koskisen Oy Michel Oprey – Quarella DuoLino TFD Floortile EASY Noise Control Iboma Lopik Waterweg TEMPO ArcelorMittal Aldowa Hommage Department Aldowa Studio The New Raw Studio Mixtura Studio Yoon Seok-Hyeon Ceciel Berden Rodruza Studio Lena Winterink Studio Lisa Ortsen CoE Biobased Economy Duracryl flooring systems Vescom Nederland

Standno. Exhibitor

Standno. Exhibitor

C45 C46 C47 C48 C49 C50 C51 C52 C53 C54 C55 C56 C57 D01 D02 D03 D05 D06 D07 D08 D09 D10 D11 D12 D13 D14 D26 D27 D28 D29 D30 D31 D32 D33 D34 D35 D36 D37 D38 D39 D41 D43 D44 D45 D46 D47 D48 D49

D50 D51 D52 D53 D54 D55 D56 D57 D58 E02 E03 E04 E05 E07 E08 E09

Regge Tegels & Vloeren Moso International Blossom Architecture Idylium by Kayden Stone & Ceramics Barrisol Normalu Group Barrisol Normalu Group Master Builders Solutions by BASF PyraSied Xtreme Acrylic UNSEAM Studio Lionne van Deursen Guardyl The Good Plastic Company Duracryl Flooring Systems OVPolymers Pretty Plastic David Derksen Design HuisVeendam Redfort Studio Samira Boon 1000Graden Het Groene Kabinet Vyva Fabrics Heracleum composites Hydro Extrusie Benelux Regeneration Design OVPolymers Allee Allee Stoneable Diresco Baars & Bloemhoff ROFFAA Hunter Douglas Architectural Nederland Connection Walls Studio PMS DecoLegno DecoLegno modulyss Shaakira Jassat EKOTEX Wandafwerking Suit’d® Suits Dungse Atelier Cagnoni Concr3de Circulair Design Tierrafino Forbo Eurocol Moduplus WELLSUN

QbiQ Bio4Products Foreco Eurofelt Products TRIBAR by Nooyen BZW Holland RikMakes ARCHISONIC Vink Kunststoffen Fespa Nederland Association Interface Nederland Sto Isoned Nora by Interface Michel Oprey – Neolith Jansen by ODS PEFC Nederland


EXHIBITORS CONTACT INFORMATION A 1000Graden Stand D08 Jansstraat 73 2011 RW Haarlem, NL T +31 (0)23 5421800 E I 2TEC2 Stand B46 Boulevard Industriel 98 7700 Moeskroen, BE T +32 (0)48 7460049 E I

Allee Allee Stand D26 Sophia van Wurtemberglaan 9 5616 BM Eindhoven, NL T +31 (0)6 53254590 E I Alouane Said Stand B41 7 Villa des gobelins 75013 Paris, FR T +33 (0)6 81409093 E I Alphenberg Leather Stand A09 Tielenstraat 7 5154 RC Waalwijk, NL T +31 (0)73 7470085 E I

3A Composites Stand A57 Alusingenplatz 1 78224 Singen, DE T +49 (0)773 19413500 E I ArcelorMittal Stand C31 Krommewei 8 Acoustic Trend 4004 LZ Tiel, NL Stand B53 T +31 (0)344 631746 Moermond 1-1 E 1082 CL Amsterdam, NL I T +31 (0)6 29494594 E I Aldowa Stand C34 Overschieseweg 32 3044 EE Rotterdam, NL T +31 (0)10 2083788 E I Aldowa Stand C32 Overschieseweg 32 3044 EE Rotterdam, NL T +31 (0)10 2083788 E I


ARCHISONIC Stand D57 Bodenhof 4 6014 Luzern, CH T + 41 (0)41 5665555 E I Arktura Stand A27 Scheepsbouwweg 8 Unit A4 3089 JW Rotterdam, NL T +31 (0)6 3864349 E I

Armstrong Ceiling Solutions Stand A01 Bijster 37 4817 HZ Breda, NL T +31 (0)76 5230200 E armstrongplafonds@knaufarm I Arpa Nederland Stand A30 Nieuw Mathenesserstraat 69 3113 AE Schiedam, NL T +31 (0)10 2857315 E I Arpa Nederland Stand A29 Nieuw Mathenesserstraat 69 3113 AE Schiedam, NL T +31 (0)10 2857315 E I Atelier Cagnoni Stand D43 Brugmanstraat 63 5621 BW Eindhoven, NL T +31 (0)6 86443624 E I

B Baars & Bloemhoff Stand D29 Schaverijstraat 9E 3534 AS Utrecht, NL T +31 (0)30 2882134 E I Barrisol Normalu Group Stand C50 Aambeeldstraat 10 1021 KB Amsterdam, NL T +31 (0)85 0603332 E I

Barrisol Normalu Group Stand C49 Aambeeldstraat 10 1021 KB Amsterdam, NL T +31 (0)85 0603332 E I

Bricknic Stand B49 Von Flotowlaan 1 5653 AD Eindhoven, NL T +31 (0)6 44251767 E I

Circulair Design Stand D45 Verrijn Stuartweg 26L 1112 AX Diemen, NL T +31 (0)20 3415021 E I

Beal International Stand A47 Rue du Tronquoy, 8 5380 Fernelmont, BE T +32 (0)81 835757 E I

BZW Holland Stand D55 Lingedijk 7 4197 HA Buurmalsen, NL T +31 (0)34 5745487 E I

CoE Biobased Economy Stand C42 Lovensdijkstraat 63 4818 AJ Breda, NL T +31 (0)88 5258174 E I

Beton-Lab Stand A14 Catharijnesingel 57 3511GE Utrecht, NL T +31 (0)6 34064637 E I


Company New Heroes & Biobased Creations Stand A43 Tolhuisweg 2 1031 CL Amsterdam, NL T +31 (0)20 3697966 E I

Bio^Mi Stand B37 Loosbroeksestraat 1d 5384 SV Heesch, NL T +31 (0)6 48490050 E I Bio4Products Stand D51 Rue d’Arlon 63 1040 Brussels, BE T +32 (0)2400 1007 E I Blossom Architecture Stand C47 Willemskade 29 8011 AD Zwolle, NL T +31 (0)6 53501260 E I

Caracterr Stand B56 Distributiestraat 61C 4283 JN Giessen, NL T +31 (0)183 201018 E I Cartoni Design Stand A36 Gustav Mahlerplein 1 1082 MK Amsterdam, NL T +31 (0)6 15333937 E I Ceciel Berden Stand C38 T +31 (0)6 11762820 E I Cellulose Factory Stand A42 ‘s-Gravendijkwal 8H 3014 EA Rotterdam, NL T +31 (0)6 14668302 E mylene.achenbach@ I

Concr3de Stand D44 Scheepsbouwweg 8 Unit A4 3089 JW Rotterdam, NL T +31 (0)6 39869179 E I Connection Walls Stand D32 Langestraat 224 9240 Zele, BE T +31 (0)52 573920 E I CooLoo Stand A05 Energiestraat 11B 5961 PT Horst, NL T +31 (0)6 30934342 E I


EXHIBITORS CONTACT INFORMATION D David Derksen Design Stand D03 Voorhaven, 57 3025 HD Rotterdam, NL T +31 (0)6 55366499 E I DecoLegno Stand D35 Industrieweg 13A 1521 NC Wormerveer, NL T +31 (0)75 6165064 E I DecoLegno Stand D34 Industrieweg 13A 1521 NC Wormerveer, NL T +31 (0)75 6165064 E I Diresco Stand D28 Industrieweg-Noord 1134 3660 Oudsbergen, BE T +32 (0)89 856944 E I Donkersloot Stand A51 Nijverheidswerf 37 1402 BV Bussum, NL T +31 (0)88 2400800 E I Dungse Stand D41 Egholm , 41 2133 BB Hoofddorp, NL T +31 (0)6 15829833 E I


DuoLino Stand C25 Pastoor Botsstraat 19 1566 DV Assendelft , NL T +31 (0)6 19416740 E I

Eeuwenhout Stand A53 Veldstraat 365 9140 Temse, BE T +32 (0)3 7106640 E I

Duracryl Flooring Systems Stand C57 Elandstraat 91 2901 BK Capelle aan den IJssel, NL T +31 (0)10 4505231 E I

EKOTEX Wandafwerking Stand D38 Dieselweg 9 3752LB Bunschoten, NL T +31 (0)33 2471515 E I

Duracryl flooring systems Stand C43 Elandstraat, 91 2901 BK Capelle aan den IJssel, NL T +31 (0)6 51400511 E I

E EASY Noise Control Stand C27 Gessel 62 3454 MZ De Meern, NL T +31 (0)30 2270800 E I Ecolurian Stand A10 Willemstraat, 30 9934 BC Delfzijl, NL E I Eddyboy Stand A26 Van Der Keilenstraat 56 2140 Borgerhout, BE T +32 (0)499 364816 E I

Enis Akiev Stand A38 Lützlongericherstr. 36-38 50739 Köln, DE T +49 (0)160 92561176 E I enisakiev Eurofelt Products Stand D53 Klompenmakersstraat 10 8601 WR Sneek, NL T +31 (0)515 412541 E I Eurovitegroup Stand B44 Galvanistraat 12 Postbus 60 6710 BB Ede, NL T +31 (0)318 664555 E I

F Fairf Stand B32 Seinhuiswachter 9 3034 KH Rotterdam, NL T +31 (0)10 3046075 E I

Foreco Stand D52 Damholterweg 5 7722 KJ Dalfsen, NL T +31 (0)529 431548 E I

Holland Laminati Stand A03 Korte Stukken 5 5371 MN Ravenstein, NL T +32 (0)472 495956 E I


Hommage Department Stand C33 Oudegracht aan de werf 264 3511 NV Utrecht, NL T +31 (0)6 24273222 E I

FĂŠline Stand A11 Jarmuiden 7 1046 AC Amsterdam, NL T +31 (0)20 6116025 E I

Gommans Stand A52 Vasco da Gamaweg 10 5928 LD Venlo, NL T +31 (0)77 3278500 E I

Fespa Nederland Association Stand E02 Bijlacker 7 1902 AL Castricum, NL T +31 (0)85 7600333 E I

Guardyl Stand C55 Kalshoven 17a 4825 AL Breda, NL T +31 (0)76 7502391 E I

FINSA Stand A31 Westerhavenweg 12 4382 NM Vlissingen, NL T +31 (0)118 471222 E I


Flokk Stand B47 Blaak 28 zijentree 3011 TA Rotterdam, NL T +31 (0)88 0910900 E I Forbo Eurocol Stand D47 Industrieweg 1-2 1521 NA Wormerveer, NL T +31 (0)75 6271600 E I

Heracleum composites Stand D11 Rotterdamseweg 404 2629 HH Delft, NL T +31 (0)6 22348439 E I Het Groene Kabinet Stand D09 Vlampijpstraat 94 3534 AR Utrecht, NL T +31 (0)6 38221554 E I

Houthandel van Dam Stand A28 Stationsweg 12 3981 AC Bunnik, NL T +31 (0)30 6563614 E I HuisVeendam Stand D05 Transportweg 38 9645 KZ Veendam, NL T +31 (0)598 371654 E I Hunter Douglas Architectural Nederland Stand D31 Piekstraat 2 3071 EL Rotterdam, NL T +31 (0)10 4962222 E I Hydro Extrusie Benelux Stand D12 Alcoalaan 1 5151 RW Drunen, NL T +31 (0)416 386100 E I


EXHIBITORS CONTACT INFORMATION I i-did Stand B31 Televisiestraat, 4 M 2525 KD Den Haag, NL T +31 (0)30 2762668 E I Iboma Lopik Stand C28 Ambachtsweg 6 3411 MJ Lopik, NL T +31 (0)348 558100 E I Idylium by Kayden Stone & Ceramics Stand C48 Hallenstraat 12 E 5531 AB Bladel, NL T +31 (0)6 11158296 E I INSIDE/INSIDE Stand B45 Zuid Hollandlaan 7 2596 AL Den Haag, NL T +31 (0)88 5580100 E I Interface Nederland Stand E03 Industrielaan 15 3925 BD Scherpenzeel, NL T +31 (0) 332775555 E I IQ DECO Katoenstuc Stand A49 Cas Oorthuyskade 20 A 1087 BB Amsterdam, NL T +31 (0)20 4220001 E I 140

Iris Lucia Megens Stand B55 Frontstraat 2 5405 PB Uden, NL T +31 (0)6 15110536 E I

Kourasanit Netherlands Stand B04 Verrijn Stuartweg 40 1112 AX Diemen, NL T +31 (0)6 14851283 E I

Isovlas Oisterwijk Stand B26 Moergestelseweg, 30a 5062 JW Oisterwijk, NL T +31 (0)13 5210858 E I

Krown.Bio Stand A02 Celebeslaan, 47 1217 GV Hilversum, NL T +31 (0)6 51575113 E I

IVC Group BV Stand B28 Nijverheidslaan 29 8580 Avelgem, BE T +32 (0)56 653211 E I


J Jansen by ODS Stand E08 Donk 6 2990 AB Barendrecht, NL T +31 (0)180 640887 E I

K Koskisen Oy Stand B57 Otavantie 395 52550 Hirversalmi, FI T +358 (0)2055341 E I

La Gadoue Atelier Stand B33 1A Rue de la Petite ĂŽle 1070 Anderlecht, BE T +32 (0)478 942009 E I

M Master Builders Solutions by BASF Stand C51 Karolusstraat 2 4903 RJ Oosterhout, NL T +31 (0)162 425190 E I www.master-builders-solutions. Matthijs Bruinenberg Stand A37 Verzonken Kasteel 128 5071 KE Udenhout, NL T +31 (0)6 11119937 E I

Matude Bruynzeel Stand B27 Waardsedijk-Oost 16 3417 XJ Montfoort , NL T +31 (0)348 750682 E I

modulyss Stand D36 Zevensterrestraat 21 9240 Zele, BE T +32 (0)52 808080 E I

Nora by Interface Stand E05 Belgiestraat 14 5171 PN Kaatsheuvel, NL T + 31 (0)33 2775555 E I

mFLOR Stand A46 Koppelstraat 23 7391 AK Twello, NL T +31 (0)571 750600 E I

Moduplus Stand D48 Beneluxbaan 10 5121 DC Rijen, NL T +31 (0)16 5744057 E I

Novacolor Stand B50 Magelhaenstraat 23 7825 VL Emmen, NL T +31 (0)591 676727 E I

Michel Oprey – Neolith Stand E07 Havenweg 18 6101 AB Echt, NL T +31 (0)47 5417000 E I

Morgan Ruben Design Stand B39 Hopakker 91 3514 BV Utrecht, NL T +31 (0)6 28388201 E I


Michel Oprey – Quarella Stand C13 Havenweg 18 6101 AB Echt, NL T +31 (0)475 417000 E I

Moso International Stand C46 Adam Smithweg 2 1689 ZW Zwaag, NL T +31 (0)229 265732 E I

Michel Oprey – Magna Stand B13 Havenweg 18 6101 AB Echt, NL T +31 (0)475 417000 E I


Milliken by Enzovoort Stand B35 Molenallee 51 7384 AP Wilp, NL T +31 (0)85 4884764 E I

Occony Stand A32 Van Der Vijverstraat 38 1093 KD Amsterdam, NL T +31 (0)6 45784569 E I Open Design Centrum Stand A50 Tolstraat 186-188 H 1074 VN Amsterdam, NL T +31 (0)20 7527552 E I

Nature@home Stand B48 Belder 27 4704 RK Roosendaal, NL T +31 (0)165 744007 E I

Orac Decor Stand B34 Biekorfstraat 32 8400 Oostende, BE T +32 (0)59 803252 E I

Nophadrain Stand B51 Mercuriusstraat 10 6468 ER Kerkrade, NL T +31 (0)45 5355030 E I

OVPolymers Stand D14 Ceintuurbaan 15 8022 AW Zwolle, NL T +31 (0)6 48139606 E I


EXHIBITORS CONTACT INFORMATION OVPolymers Stand D01 Ceintuurbaan 15 8022 AW Zwolle, NL T +31 (0)6 48139606 E I

QbiQ Stand A45 Hoorn 234 2404 HK Alphen aan den Rijn, NL T +31 (0)88 5010500 E I

Rodruza Stand C39 Sint Canisiussingel 20 6511 TJ Nijmegen, NL T +31 (0)24 3297450 E I



PEFC Nederland Stand E09 Kokermolen 11 3994 DG Houten, NL T +31 (0)30 6930040 E I

RAW Paints Stand B52 Leidsevaartweg 1 2106 NA Heemstede, NL T +31 (0)6 11397897 E I

ROFFAA Stand D30 Schiemond 20 3024 EE Rotterdam, NL T +31 (0)10 3330455 E I

Pretty Plastic Stand D02 Obiplein 18 D 1094 RB Amsterdam, NL T +31 (0)20 2374993 E I

Redfort Stand D06 Van Diemenstraat 410-412 1013 CR Amsterdam, NL T +31 (0)20 8450626 E I

PyraSied Xtreme Acrylic Stand C52 Apolloweg 26 8938 AT Leeuwarden, NL T +31 (0)58 7676100 E I

Regeneration Design Stand D13 Europalaan 2B 3526 KS Utrecht, NL T +31 (0)6 41341763 E I

Sappi Symbio Stand A13 Biesenweg 16 6211 AA Maastricht, NL T +31 (0)43 3822 433 E I


Regge Tegels & Vloeren Stand C45 Vonderweg 25 7468 DC Enter, NL T +31 (0)547 385916 E I

Shaakira Jassat Stand D37 Fuutlaan 14 K 5613 AB Eindhoven, NL T +31 (0)6 13823976 E I

Rik Makes Stand D56 Gagelstraat 8 5611 BH Eindhoven, NL T +31 (0)6 14851415 E I

Sileather Stand B54 Yanling Road 89, Room 1311 510000 Guangzhou, Guangdong, CN T +86 (0)2087046567 E I

QbiQ Stand D50 Hoorn 234 2404 HK Alphen aan den Rijn, NL T +31 (0)88 5010500 E I


RTS Preidel Stand A06 Kelvinring 20 2952 BG Ablasserdam, NL T +31 (0)78 6920888 E I


Sky Floors Stand A08 Goirkestraat 85-02 5046 GE Tilburg, NL T +31 (0)6 29767166 E I

Studio Boing Stand B29 Ring 15 3195 XB Pernis / Rotterdam , NL T +31 (0)6 24340727 E I

Studio Lisa Ortsen Stand C41 Walchersestraat 30c 3083 NM Rotterdam, NL T +31 (0)6 39296155 E I

Stephan Siepermann Vormgeving Stand A07 Oudegracht 266 werfkelder 3511 NV Utrecht, NL T +31 (0)6 20440951 E I

Studio ChardĂŠ Brouwer Stand A40 Adikade 66 3531 WS Utrecht, NL T +31 (0)6 50563886 E I

Studio Mixtura Stand C36 Torenallee 22-04 5617 BD Eindhoven, NL T +31 (0)6 20184204 E I

Studio CTT Stand B40 Oude Borculoseweg 1 7478 RK Diepenheim, NL T +31 (0)6 13565181 E I

Studio PMS Stand D33 Bemuurde Weerd o.z 74 3514 AV Utrecht, NL T +31 (0)6 39814491 E I

Studio Jeroen Wand Stand A34 Bayeuxlaan 7 5654 AX Eindhoven, NL T +31 (0)6 52138114 E I

Studio Samira Boon Stand D07 Oosterlijke Handelskade, 12M 1019 BM Amsterdam, NL T +31 (0)909 3203449 E I

Studio Lena Winterink Stand C40 Witte de Withstraat 117 1057 XR Amsterdam , NL T +31 (0)6 52717959 E I

Studio Sarmite Stand B36 Schifferstrasse 11 60594 Frankfurt , DE T +49 (0)176 57969636 E I

Studio Lionne van Deursen Stand C54 Udenseweg 2 5405 PA Uden, NL T +31 (0)6 11500274 E I

Studio Sedated Stand A55 Bilserbaan 5a 6217 JD Maastricht, NL T +31 (0)6 34052161 E I

Stikkistudio Stand A54 Achter de lange stallen 33 4811 HM Breda, NL T +31 (0)6 28482616 E I Sto Isoned Stand E04 Lingewei 107 4004 LH Tiel, NL T +31 (0)344 620666 E I Stoneable Stand D27 De Lange Beemden 45 3550 Heusden-Zolder, BE T +32 (0)11 922930 E I Straw Blocks Systems Stand A33 Diepenheimseweg, 150 7275 AR Gelselaar, NL T +31 (0)545 481579 E I


EXHIBITORS CONTACT INFORMATION Studio The New Raw Stand C35 Schiemond 20-20 3024 EE Rotterdam, NL T +31 (0)6 47848080 E I Studio Wae Stand A56 Gansstraat 170 Voormalig Pieterbaan centrum 3582 EP Utrecht, NL T +31 (0)6 21205032 E I Studio Wae Stand A44 Gansstraat 170 Voormalig Pieterbaan centrum 3582 EP Utrecht, NL T +31 (0)6 21205032 E I Studio Yoon Seok-Hyeon Stand C37 Hertog Hendrik van Brabantplein 17 5611 PE Eindhoven, NL T +31 (0)6 25436885 E I Suit’d® Suits Stand D39 Zeezwaluwstraat 4 2583 RS Den Haag, NL T +31 (0)6 30829617 E I


T Tabled Design Stand A35 Van Beuningenstraat 11a 2582 KE Den Haag, NL T +31 (0)6 41732118 E I TEMPO Stand C30 3, Avenue de l’Europe St Germain sur Moine 49230 Sevremoine, FR T +33 (0)2 41702431 E I TFD Floortile Stand C26 De Vesting 2 7722 GA Dalfsen, NL T +31 (0)529 431466 E I The Good Plastic Company Stand C56 Bolderweg 26C 1332 AV Almere, NL T +31 (0)20 2215779 E I www.thegoodplasticcompany. com The Mosaic Factory Stand A58 Canadabaan 7C 5388 RT Nistelrode, NL T +31 (0)88 5064064 E I

The Wool Studio Stand A41 Laan van Waalhaven 35 2497 GN Den Haag, NL T +31 (0)70 4062146 E I Tierrafino Stand D46 Archangelkade 23 1013 BE Amsterdam, NL T +31 (0)20 6892515 E I TOO the ZOO Stand A48 Lisdoddelaan 39 3451 PL Vleuten, NL T +31 (0)30 8887162 E I TRIBAR by Nooyen Stand D54 Vuurijzer 15 5753 SV Deurne, NL T +31 (0)6 55854414 E I

U UNSEAM Stand C53 Brederodelaan 52 2061 KK Bloemendaal, NL T +31 (0)6 53504235 E I

V VeroMetal® Stand B30 Buizerdweg 6a 6374 BS Landgraaf, NL T +31 (0)45 5313080 E I

Vyva Fabrics Stand D10 TT. Vasumweg 140 1033 SH Amsterdam, NL T +31 (0)20 6599523 E I

Wonderwall Studios Stand A12 Maasheseweg 79D 5804 AB Venray, NL T +31 (0)6 15292476 E I


Vescom Nederland Stand C44 Sint Jozefstraat 20 5753 AV Deurne, NL T +31 (0)493 350767 E I

Waterweg Stand C29 Noordsingel 104-1 3032 BH Rotterdam, NL T +31 (0)6 29355252 E I

Vink Kunststoffen Stand D58 Bergvredestraat 7 6942 GK Didam, NL T +31 (0)316 298930 E I

WELLSUN Stand D49 Molengraaffsingel 12 2629 JD Delft, NL T +31 (0)15 2023613 E I



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Vaktijd schrift over projec tinrich ting en (interie ur)arch itectuu



27 e jaarga ng nr 6 decem ber 2018

Kennisplatform over projectinrichting & (interieur)architectuur

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Vaktijdschrift voor de hele interieurbouwbranche in Nederland en BelgiĂŤ

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sinds 1989

verschijnt tweemaandelijks

sinds 1989

verschijnt tweemaandelijks



Prinses Máxima Centrum Utrecht 8 Domstate Utrecht 14 AZ Zeno Knokke-Heist 20 EEHT Best 28 Kanunnik Petrus Jozef Triest Plein Melle 32

Big Green Egg Europe De Lier Amvest Amsterdam Rabobank Gouda IGS GeboJagema Eindhoven Witteveen+Bos Deventer Binst Architects Antwerpen Van Spaendonck Tilburg


Column EGM

sinds 1989

verschijnt tweemaandelijks

THEMA HOTELS EN RESTAURANTS 8 14 20 26 34 40 46 53

Column EGM Interieur

PRODUCTDOSSIER PROJECTSTOFFERING Heimtextil 2019 40 Productinformatie projectstoffering 43

PRODUCTDOSSIER SANITAIR ISH Productinformatie sanitair

54 59

OPGELEVERD Eosta Waddinxveen Lounges Sheremetyevo Moskou CTOUCH Eindhoven

44 48 56

OPGELEVERD LocHal Tilburg Stadhuis en Provides IJsselstein

62 68

INTERVIEW Joel Booy, Studio Truly Truly


BEURZEN Meubelbeurs Stockholm Ambiente MaterialDistrict Rotterdam

76 80 84

BEURZEN imm 2019 Domotex 2019

66 70


88 96 98


72 81 82

Staybridge Suites Den Haag Inntel Utrecht Centre De Kazerne Eindhoven Paviljoenen Overtreders W Lebkov & Sons Amsterdam EAST Amsterdam

10 16 22 28 34 38 47

Column EGM Interieur PRODUCTDOSSIER VERLICHTING Euroluce Productinformatie verlichting OPGELEVERD Dow Benelux Terneuzen Gemeentehuis Kontich (B) Stadhuis Amsterdam Foyer Nationale Opera & Ballet Amsterdam


Zuidoever Amsterdam




BEURZEN Salone del Mobile Fuorisalone

86 92 100 111 114



APRIL - MEI 2019 | #2 | JAARGANG 30

PI, vakblad voor project en interieur is het toonaangevende magazine in Nederland en België over interieurarchitectuur en interieurproducten voor de totale projectmarkt: kantoren, horeca- en winkelinterieurs, openbare gebouwen, gebouwen in de culturele sector, de zorgsector en het onderwijs. Het blad verschijnt zes maal per jaar in een oplage van zo’n 9.000 exemplaren.

THEMA HERBESTEMMING Innovation Powerhouse Eindhoven Colliers International Amsterdam Hotel AUGust Antwerpen Oude stationsgebouw Delft WPP campus Amsterdam Kulturhus Haaksbergen Statenzaal Utrecht

JUNI - JULI 2019 | #3 | JAARGANG 30

Iedere uitgave wordt vormgegeven rond een relevant thema en biedt de lezer gerichte informatie en inspirerende reportages. De redactie bespreekt innovatieve en toonaangevende interieurarchitectuur en vormgeving, recent opgeleverde projecten in binnen- en buitenland; maar ook interviews, columns en beursnieuws behoren tot de redactionele formule.

sinds 1989

verschijnt tweemaandelijks

sinds 1989

verschijnt tweemaandelijks


PULSE Delft Gebouw Atlas Eindhoven UVA REC ABC Amsterdam Gymnasium Nijmegen Porta 1070 Anderlecht De Wereldboom Amsterdam

sinds 1989

verschijnt tweemaandelijks


THEMA ONDERWIJS 8 14 20 26 32 38 43

48 54

56 62 68

10 18 24 32 38 44

Museum De Lakenhal Leiden Het Predikheren Mechelen Naturalis Leiden Forum Groningen Paviljoen Park de Hoge Veluwe

8 14 22 28 34



Column EGM interieur

PRODUCTDOSSIER WANDEN EN PLAFONDS Productinformatie wanden en plafonds 48

PRODUCTDOSSIER VLOEREN Productinformatie vloeren


PRODUCTDOSSIER PROJECTMEUBELEN Meubelbeurs Brussel 40 Productinformatie projectmeubelen 42

OPGELEVERD IT4Succes Delft Stadswinkel Rotterdam Luitjens Retail Axel

50 56 62

BEURZEN Design District 2019 Interieur Collectie Dagen

OPGELEVERD Aalberts Utrecht EDGE Amsterdam The Station Amsterdam Frame Offices Haarlem De Rugged Elm Amsterdam

58 64 70 76 81

68 73

EVENEMENTEN London Design Festival 2019



86 96 98

Column EGM Interieur

Thonet & Design



78 88 90


Column EGM interieur



OPGELEVERD The Garage Amsterdam KBK bouwgroep Volendam HumanTotalCare Son DTI Group Wijk en Aalburg Bolidt Innovation Center Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht Jewel Changi Airport Singapore

50 56 62 68 74 80

EVENEMENTEN Dutch Design Week



88 94 97

DECEMBER 2019 - JANUARI 2020 | #6 | JAARGANG 30


show us your best interior designs and submit your work from 1 june 2020 154



GRATIS VAKNIEUWS Wekelijks op de hoogte van het laatste nieuws op het gebied van architectuur Schrijf u nu gratis in:



The fully modified walnut-like hardwood Fraké Noir gives a building a touch of class. This product is impact-resistant and dimensionally stable, making it both practical and versatile. Sourced from sustainably managed forests and assigned to Durability Class 1, Fraké Noir meets the most stringent standards.


FRAKÉ NOIR is een product van Houthandel van Dam.


FRAKENOIR.NL Topics ranging from wood biorefinery to green chemical industry; from precision agriculture to ecomodernism; and from new sustainable materials to genetic modification.






KMMA Tervuren - Stéphane Beel Architects | Foto © Luca Beel

Villa S Den Haag – RAU Architecten | Foto: © Marcel van der Burg


architectuur. Dankzij de aantrekkings kracht van uitzonderlijke mechanische die een Jansen ramen, deuren eigenschappen en gevels in staal zijn al hoge en draag vermogen mogelijk Jansen is groot al bijna 50 jaar een begrip in het de 50belasting jaar VISS een begrip in de architectuur. Dank zij maken, hebben wijDankzij aan iconische projecten kunnen van architectuur. de aantrekkings kracht hergebruikpotentieel, de sterkte en esthetische meeuitzonderlijke werken. Doormechanische recent onderzoek is staal, ook die nog eigenschappen een eigenschappen van het materiaal werken gebleken dat het duur zame draag karakter van stalen hoge belasting en groot vermogen mogelijk wij vaak mee aan iconische projecten. Onderzoek vliesgevels de circulaire economie ten goede komt. maken, aan iconische projecten kunnen wijst uithebben dat ditwij duurzame karakter de circulaire meewerken. Door recent onderzoek is ook nog economie ten goedede komt. Jansen VISS behaalde beste scorevan in de gebleken dat het duur zame LCA karakter stalen markt en dus ook DUBO keur. Zo kanten degoede archi tect vliesgevels de circulaire economie komt. Staal is duurzaam. In Jansen systemen je de of opdrachtgever meerdere eisen in één vind gevel ideale verhouding van materiaalgebruik eneisen, comfort. verenigen. Optimaal hergebruik, akoestische Jansen VISS behaalde de beste LCA score in de Staalthermische kan worden hergebruikt daarom strenge isolatie eisen en Zo brandweerstand markt en oneindig dus ook DUBO keur. kan en deisarchi tect worden probleemloos geïntegreerd, zonder dat een opdrachtgever ecologisch verantwoord De voor of meerdereproduct. eisen in keuze één de gevel esthetiek in hetOptimaal gedrang Samen met archi tect staal getuigt dus nietkomt. alleen van akoestische goede smaak, het verenigen. hergebruik, eisen, en opdrachtgever grenzen opzoeken verleggen. strenge thermische isolatie eisen enenbrandweerstand is een bewuste en intelligente keuze. De esthetische Dat worden is en blijft onze probleemloos geïntegreerd, zonder dat de benefits krijg je passie. er gratis bij. esthetiek in het gedrang komt. Samen met archi tect en opdrachtgever grenzen opzoeken en verleggen. Dat is en blijft onze passie.

by ods


e .indd 1

by ods 20/03/18 10:43


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