Healthy Growing Thriving
Annual Report

Annual Report
I invite you to consider: What does the phrase Raise Babies Who are Healthy, Growing, and Thriving mean to you?
For me, it means every family has the best possible start in life. It means no matter where we live, there is accessible and highquality healthcare, affordable childcare, and sufficient resources to thrive. The quality of our lives should not be dictated by where we live, work, or play.
As a parent, I had to make what felt like impossible choices between my sons' safety and well-being and what my husband and I could afford to ensure it. Parenting is hard enough; parenting Black children in racist communities and being forced to choose between their safety and equitable care is morally wrong. The United States Surgeon General recently released a new public health warning around parental stress. We need a culture change where families are truly prioritized.
I am convinced that there are better ways to support parents and our children, and that is what this year’s report focuses on.
We dive deep into the third phrase of MCC’s impact statement: Raise Babies Who are Healthy, Growing, and Thriving. This phrase captures our present – where our work supports parents and young children every day; and our future – where all parents have the resources they need, and children grow and thrive with economic security and in a community of abundant support.
This past year, we held steady at just over $18M, while broadening our scope of services to include reproductive healthcare access, expanding our work into two new counties, Berks and Chester, and opening a brick-and-mortar site in Bucks County. We continued fighting for policies that support parents, such as statewide Paid
Leave. We leveraged community-based relationships and collaborated with new and existing funders to deepen our impact. Last, MCC completed a refreshed strategic plan that will guide the organization for the next few years, focusing on organizational resilience, thought leadership, and economic security.
Each of you helped make this impact possible, and your support is needed to ensure we bridge our present to the promise of our future
When I look at each of my sons, I am thankful for the men they have become, and I remain steadfast in my hope for a bright future for every child MCC serves.
My deep thanks to the dedicated MCC team, as well as the broader community of donors who partner with us to help MCC create an abundant future for all families. Please join us for another year of transformational impact.
Warm regards,
Marianne A. Fray President & Chief Executive Officer Maternity Care Coalition
Doaa knows that parenting is a continual learning process. One thing Doaa has learned in her eight years of parenting is that she needs to make time to take care of herself to ensure her children are growing and thriving.
When she heard about MCC’s parenting education groups through her youngest son’s preschool, she was excited to get involved. With four kids, ages 8, 6, 4, and almost 1, Doaa has plenty of parenting experience. However, she believes it is crucial to engage with other parents, especially in the early years with a child, when everything seems new again.
Two nights a week for six weeks, the group gave Doaa the chance to talk, listen, and take in the lessons taught by Liz, MCC’s Parenting Education Coordinator. Doaa liked the group structure and how each topic, including early literacy and the importance of establishing routines, was relevant to her life. Perhaps more importantly, connecting with other parents reminded her to be open and honest about her struggles as a parent and that she is not alone. She says, “It’s one hour of the day where I can talk with others about parenting, and we can motivate each other.” Her struggles were not unique, and it was encouraging to talk with other parents who were going through the same things. As Doaa said, “We are doing our best, always.”
Doaa strives for balance in raising her children. Like flowers, she aims to provide the sun and water to “help them not just grow, but bloom.” In addition to growing up healthy, she wants to ensure they are self-confident and “become the perfect person for themselves.” Attending MCC’s parenting group helped her refocus on these goals, and she is thankful for the village she gained in the process.
– Doaa's 4-year-old, on what it means to grow. “ “
Having a head, body, arms, and legs.
Getting stronger muscles.
Economic security is one of the strongest predictors of long-term well-being. It influences health, child development, and the environment people live in.
In Pennsylvania, over a third of children aged 0-5 are considered low-income, and 16% of those children are living in poverty. During MCC’s strategic planning, economic security was identified as one of our organization’s top three priorities because we know it’s critical to the health of families.
MCC is determined to continue advocating for Paid Family and Medical Leave, and our team is excited to explore other policy levers to increase prenatal-to-three economic security.
Thank you for helping us fight for systems change.
Your investments and support are what allow our work to advance!
1,559 families were served through our home visiting and childcare programs.
Our Early Head Start (EHS) program is focused on child development, health, and family well-being.
87% of children enrolled in EHS improved their approaches to learning, and 84% improved their social behavior skills.
MCC hosted and attended
260 community outreach events
Mayra is grateful that she found MCC during her first pregnancy. Before joining the MCC staff as the Bilingual Parenting Education Specialist, Mayra participated in the Nurturing Parenting course. From both a participant and facilitator perspective, she knows firsthand how impactful MCC’s parenting education courses can be.
As a course facilitator and a member of the Hispanic community, she is “honored to have this role” and passionate about providing support for other Latino parents. Many of the parents she works with are immigrants and the connections they make during the program and through their shared background and experiences are invaluable. According to Mayra, “It’s a connection they may not have felt since moving here.”
parents in parenting and childbirth education groups
Mayra aims to foster a compassionate environment in her classes where parents feel safe to share their successes and struggles while learning how to nurture their children physically and emotionally. One of her favorite things to talk about in class is play. She encourages parents to read to their children, color with them, sing songs, and get creative with imaginative play. “Doing these activities with our children helps create that bond and make it stronger,” Mayra says.
Mayra did not have a lot of support while raising her first child and says, “The course really opened my eyes.” She credits it for helping her learn how to have a positive relationship with her child.
In order to thrive, Mayra believes first and foremost that children need to have a strong support system, so they feel secure. With this foundation in place, they can flourish. MCC’s parenting courses help families create this foundation and feel confident.
Mayra also appreciates how MCC’s programs provide multiple ways for parents to engage and get the support they and their families need. From providing basic need items and resources to more long-term services like home visiting, family therapy, and more, she is glad that MCC can meet families where they are and support them during each step of their parenting journey.
With their arms stretched in the air, Bigger!
on what it means to grow. “ “
– Mayra's
3401 I Street, Suite 407
Philadelphia, PA 19134