Getting Started with Gestational Diabetes – A One Week Plan Do you need a gestational diabetes meal plan for one week? Did you just fail your 1 hour GTT or 3 hour GTT? Let me explain to you what you can do…
What sort of meal plan do I need with gestational diabetes? First of all, a meal plan is a great place to start. I am glad that you are here and trying to learn more about gestational diabetes. It’s a short term condition, and if you are like me, you will be fine with doing whatever it takes to make sure the baby is healthy! So, to begin with, you need to plan out your day. Start with learning what is a carbohydrate. You can read the labels on your foods, and if you look towards the middle to bottom of a label, it tells you “Total Carbohydrate” (per serving). This is the amount of carbohydrate – and carbohydrate is what increases your blood sugar. You want to start out with eating only 30 – 45 grams per meal. If you are having a hard time keeping your blood sugars under control, aim for the lower amount. So plan out what you will eat at each meal that is carbohydrate. Then add in the fat and proteins. You can have extra on the protein and fat, and it won’t affect your blood sugar too much. So, pick a slice or two of whole grain bread – then add vegetables and meat and make a big sandwich. Eat some carrots with it, or a salad with just a light dressing. Have a cheese stick or cottage cheese or other snack throughout the day.
What sort of options do I have with gestational diabetes meal plans? To continue reading the rest of this article please click here
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