Renal Diet Guidelines for Kidney Dialysis:On Dialysis You Can Follow Renal Diet Guidelines to Make Your Meal Plan Easier Renal diet guidelines must be carefully followed in order to go through dialysis safely. This diet allows the body to process the food that is essential for your dialysis to work. Failure to adhere to this diet will result in the body swelling and the potential failure of the vital organs of the body. When you are on kidney dialysis, controlling certain minerals and nutrients becomes vital to your health and well-being. You may want to consider purchasing a renal diet meal plan to help you follow the renal diet guidelines that are needed on dialysis.
Here Are The Renal Diet Guidelines To Help You Get On Track With Your Diet 1. Processed and salty or (sodium) foods must be eliminated and managed through reading labels and watching how much salt you put into food that you prepare. 2. Be careful about hidden forms of sodium such as baking powder or soups and dressings. 3. Eat foods that are whole foods and unprocessed to help limit the amount of added minerals such as potassium and sodium. 4. Eat only fresh fruits and vegetables or canned fruit (read the label). 5. For the Renal Diet Guidelines on protein, eat only about 6-9 ounces of fresh and pure meat daily. 6. Try to not eat canned foods because they contain large amounts of sodium. 7. Drink only the amount of fluid between dialysis that your doctor tells you to, and most of it should be plain water. 8. Be careful about potassium intake as well, and eat only the amount of higher potassium fruits (banana & cantaloupe) that you can manage without increasing your potassium levels in your blood. If you adhere to these renal diet guidelines when you are going through dialysis, then you will find the process to be far easier and more comfortable. Your health will return faster when these renal diet guidelines are followed, and you will find that you feel better between dialysis treatments as well.
Why Should I Follow The Renal Diet Guidelines To continue reading the rest of this article please click here
Š Healthy Diet Menus For You, LLC 2011