What Makes Basic Phones Still The Best Phone To Use? In today’s modern time, innovation continues pushing ahead and the consumers have not much choice but to go with the flow however, there are exemptions. Most of the people have turntables and tune in to music on vinyl or have started shooting photographs on film cameras again, despite the fact that digital pictures are far simpler to process and share. There are numerous reasons behind this, such as the desire to disconnect from using too much technology and gadgets, trying to find distractions to stay away from their fixation on social media and other time-consuming habits which are deemed to be very unhealthy ways of living. Most people have found these things achievable by the right choices of gadgets to use on a daily basis. In many recent news and studies, it appears that best basic phone from the previous decades are beginning to make a big come-back into our present lives.
Why people would rather choose a basic phone over a smartphone? Smartphones are astounding. They associate us with our reality in manners we most likely couldn't envision our telephone doing only a couple of years back, however people are quickly starting to realize their downsides like their addictive features which disconnects a lot of us from the real world, quick depleting batteries, and its ridiculously enormous size, and the potential dangers it could cause to one’s mental and physiological health.
Ongoing news that has made rounds in the mainstream media about how a massive group of individuals – both from the younger and older generations – are coming back to outdated, basic phones rather than the latest smartphone models. The smartphone market isn't backing off, yet it has been reported many people are now picking a much simple phone for a wide scope of reasons.
For what reasons are individuals coming back to the old basic phone? ● Size. The little, the better! It has a more pocket-accommodating size which makes it easier to bring anywhere. You’ll never have to ask if it will fit in your bag or pocket. ● Batteries. – no need to be charging every couple of days. It can save you time and it can give you three days up to a week of uninterrupted texting and calling functions. ● Simplicity. Smartphones have made everyone so addicted to social media. Going back to the use of a basic phone makes life simple and less complicated. No complications mean no stress and worries. Furthermore, as late research has begun to reveal, the lesser time you spend seeing others' "immaculate lives" via social networking media, the more fulfilled and the more substance you can give to your own life ● Durability. There is no doubt that basic phones are designed to withstand any kind of dropping from hard surfaces. Just imagine how many times have you accidentally dropped your first cellphone? The thing about it is you won’t have to lose $1000 just to have your phone replaced because of a broken glass screen. ● Security. This is another advantage of having a simple device that doesn’t store any kind of confidential information that will potentially put one at risk when they have their phones lost or stolen. ● User-friendly. The features and functions of the old school basic phones are very easy to use and navigate that anyone who chooses this can enjoy its very basic features. The basic phone’s main focus is to enable one to text and call but there are other useful features that can be very efficient in everyday living such as calendar, calculator, notes and a reliable alarm. ● Sound Clarity. Phone calls using basic phones tend to have a better sound than the modern smartphones due to the design which is specifically developed and only intended to give users a better reception on the other end of the line.
The majority of us cannot avoid spending most of our time working on computers and once we get home, we tend to use some of the advanced
technology that is available within our reach again like tablets and laptops. Having a break from all of these things are possible with the use of basic phone and you’ll be surprised at how beneficial it would be in our lives. Most of us don’t notice what is happening around us due to the fact that our attention is focused on that glossy LED screens of our smartphones.