Let’s Create
Let’s Create
“Looking at art is one way of listening to God.”
When I heard the theme of this year’s annual report, I couldn’t help but think of those who share their gifts of artistic expression. Some of you may recall Sister Wendy Beckett who hosted a
documentary series on art history on BBC several years ago. When I first saw her program, I had just returned from studying and traveling in Europe and visiting great art museums. Sister Wendy guided the viewer down the hallways of these wondrous homes of the masters. As I watched one particular episode, I was transported in time to my visit to the Vatican Museum. There are moments were we can honestly say we are awestruck and made speechless by the wonder of God. The birth of my two children will forever be etched in my memory. The other moment was when I stood beneath the Sistine Chapel ceiling and marveled at the beauty created by Michelangelo. Here was the ultimate tribute to God and the true fulfillment of the capacity of the artist to create. My parents shared their love of the arts with me and my siblings from a young age. We
“To create one’s own
attended performances, visited museums,
world takes courage.”
and as we grew older, we enjoyed movies, literature, and music together. In his spare
time, my father painted and sketched and loved photography. Both of my parents engaged in stained glass projects, and my mother was also skilled at knitting, crocheting, and quilting. My childhood home was filled with paintings, framed
This appreciation of culture is
“I saw the angel in the marble
and carved until I set him free.” a gift I try to pass along to my
own children. In our own ways,
we all try to express ourselves
through art. Eventually we focus our time and energy on that which fills our soul with passion. Michelangelo hated to paint, and he reluctantly took on the ceiling project, which would consume him for four years, plus another four years on the Last Judgment panel. His passion was sculpture, and he left the world with dozens of masterpieces, honoring God by maximizing his gifts and talents. Every school year is like a blank canvas, a clean sheet, a fresh start. What we create may very well become a masterpiece. In truth, what we create are future artists, each of whom will transform the world in various ways as they follow their passion and serve those around them. Our graduates will become leaders, whether they serve as doctors, lawyers, teachers, working professionals, mothers, fathers, husbands, and wives. In our own way we are all artists, curious about the world. I am reminded about this sense of wonder when I experience our students. Over the course of four years, they transition from childhood to adolescence to young adulthood. I experienced this transition last spring as my older son walked across the stage at graduation—four years never passed
“Every child is an
so quickly. Amidst the sadness of time
artist. The problem is
marching on came the ultimate moment
how to remain an artist
of celebration and a family reunion to
once he grows up.”
mark the milestone. This was a special moment, never to be forgotten.
Thank you for blessing our community with your gifts and sacrifices. Your support is truly appreciated. May God bless you and your loved ones.
photographs, lamps, blankets, quilts, and rugs—all created by my parents. They
had season tickets to the Spokane Symphony, and they played music of all types
Steve Schmutz
as they read in their sitting room.
Contents ANNUAL REPORT 2015/2016
2 4 6 8 10 17 23 24
CREATING FAITH Addi Schmidt Meets Pope Francis
CREATING FUTURES Congratulations to the Class of 2016
CREATING SUCCESS School Highlights from the Past Year
CREATING Their OWN PATHS Wildcat Whereabouts
PAINT BY NUMBERS End of Year Report
CREATING “LIKES” Top Social Media Posts from the Last Year
Creating a Lasting Impression “You are
Matthew Schambari started at Archbishop Murphy as the Campus Minister in the summer of 2010. He believed AMHS was missing a critical retreat program, KAIROS, which has the power to change the lives of students.
enough, you are worthy of
In the Spring of 2012, Matt was promoted from Campus Minister to President. That same spring, he also helped institute the AMHS Guatemala Service Trip.
God’s love, and you will do great things.”
The following year, Matt led the AMHS community in celebrating the 25th anniversary of the school. He took this opportunity to remember the past, renaming the “Old Main” building to “Holy Cross Hall.”
- Matthew Schambari
In 6 years, Matt developed Christlike leaders for the transformation of the world. Through the KAIROS retreat program, he transformed the minds of young people with his powerful story of faith and resilience. Matt left AMHS a better place: more faith-centered, more service-centered. He believed in acknowledging the past and moving forward toward the future. Matt Schambari touched many lives.
Summer 2010 Matt and his family move to Washington State and he begins working at Archbishop Murphy High School.
2011 Matt begins the AMHS KAIROS Retreat Program
2012 Matt is promoted from Campus Minister to Vice President
May 1, 2012 Matt becomes President
taught me that there is good in ing. Som etimes everyon it’s jus e and to be. H t not w e enabl here yo ed me t u’d expe o have situatio ct it a posit n I’m in iv e o utlook , and ev on ever ery per truly c son I’ve y hanged met. On my life KAIROS, , and I Love yo he want to u Mr Sc thank h hambar im i. f ” o r that. – Jarod Martin, Class o f 2016 everyth
ng 2014 airos, Spri Matt at K
Matt with
Jacks on Yo st
“He taught me to see the best in everyone, and to lead by example. Everywhere he went he brought a positive uplifting presence.”
2012 In partnership with two other staff members, Matt establishes the Guatemala Service Trip
–Jackson Yost, Class of 2017
April 21, 2013 As AMHS celebrates its 25th anniversary, Matt names Holy Cross Hall in honor of the first name of the school, Holy Cross High School
ore y sophom came in m i r a b m a “Mr Sch y, and at op Murph h is b h c r year at A anged. thing ch y r e v e t en ho that mom core of w find the s u d e p l He he ave faith st and h u r t D N A we are, GREATLY chambari S r M . d r in the Lo ool high sch only my t o n D E P SHA we ho I am. t also w u b e c n ie he exper erything ul for ev f k n a h t d are all assion an ope his p h I d n a , has done AT AMHS.” ontinue c l il w e lov f 2012 a, Class o t a l l a B y e – Courtn
2015 Because of its success and high demand, KAIROS expands to three retreats a year
2016 The St. Thomas Chapel project breaks ground
If you had one wish, what would it be? How would you narrow down the thousands of options to pick that one perfect moment? If you are senior Addi Schmidt you pick a moment so perfect it will stay with you for the rest of your life. In spring of 2015, Addi was diagnosed with Stage 3 brain cancer and granted a wish through the Make A Wish Foundation. She could have chosen anything she wanted but upon reflection knew her faith had been her backbone while fighting cancer. She wanted to choose a moment that would inspire her. Meeting Pope Francis was that moment.
written by addi schmidt
The pain that you’ve been feeling can’t compare to the joy that’s coming. . –Romans 8:18
I was on my way to my first day of radiation after being
taking an African safari. I was lost. I had many people trying
diagnosed with brain cancer and I found myself in a state
to influence me in my decision but at the end of the day I
of anxiety of the unknown. I had been so strong up to
wanted to choose something that meant more to me than
this point but everything had just started to settle in and
a fun memory that I would just have in that moment. I knew
become a reality. Just a month prior, I was living life like a
that meeting the pope was something that would have a
typical high schooler, finishing up my junior year basketball
lifelong impact on me, that would change my life forever.
season, spending lots of time with my friends, and eagerly
My faith had brought me this far and was something that I
anticipating my senior year to come. Then, within a couple
turned to everyday to get me through this challenge in my
of weeks, I had undergone brain surgery, was diagnosed
life. Pope Francis was someone who inspired me daily. For
with stage 3 brain cancer, and was now on my way to my
me, he was the most inspirational person in the world and
first day of proton radiation. My world had turned upside
someone who reminded me in this hard time what to focus
down and was nowhere that I thought it would be and the only real thing I could
on. He encouraged me to turn to God in a time like this and strengthened my
turn to and rely on was my faith to get me through this difficult time.
faith. I was honored that I was given the opportunity to meet such a significant person.
As I was driving I began to break down and cry for the first time. That was the moment I got the call from the Make-A-Wish foundation. When they told me
Ten months later, I was on my way to Italy and next thing I knew I was in the front
I had been granted a wish, I burst into tears. I didn’t really believe what they
row of the Papal Audience in the Vatican in a crowd of 45 thousands people and
were telling me at first. Everything up to that point had been so foreign and
to my surprise was about to meet the pope. The pope gave a beautiful message
this too did not feel like it was real, but it gave me hope. It got me through the
that was very powerful and spoke to me. He told us that we cannot spread our
first day and I started to believe that this was going to be one of the lights at
faith with our mouths but instead to spread it with our actions. Then shortly after,
the end of the tunnel even though I still had no idea what I was going to do or
the pope blessed us and I found myself shaking hands and meeting the most
what the possibilities could be. I did not truly understand the significance of this
influential person in my life. Pope Francis put a loving smile on my face and I
opportunity until I got home that night and told the rest of my family about this
was speechless. I was at a loss for words but I knew he knew what I was doing
opportunity. Everyone has wishes and things that they come up with throughout
there and how much that moment meant to me. In that moment I felt healed
their lives that they want to do, but when it comes down to it and you could
from everything that has happened and I knew everything was going to be okay.
have anything in the world, it is hard to figure out one wish that you will truly
It’s hard times like these that all you can do is surrender to your faith and Pope
cherish forever when you are given that chance. I could have had anything I
Francis really showed me what that meant. I feel humbled by this experience
wanted, whether that be something glamorous such as having a shopping spree
and so blessed that I will be able to have this memory to look back on for the
in Paris, or something adventurous like riding elephants in Thailand, or even
rest of my life.
Today, Addi is cancer free. While she knows there will be challenging moments ahead, her faith and the words of Pope Francis will guide her along the way.
Creating Futures 2016 GRADUATES
Mitchell J. Albin• Tej Asher• Emily Ann Austin•* Marissa H. Baer•* Austin Andrew Bailey•* Mavrick James Barela Kelsey Terese Barrett Susana Alessandra Bartra Brett Bean•* Gabrielle Aidan Benzschawel Benjamin Joseph Beyer Steven Robert Bolton, Jr.• Emma Louise Bonifazi•* Danielle Rose Booth•* Mitchell Borseth• Ellen Grace Bradley•* Lauren Kristine Braswell• Kiersten Elizabeth Brown•* Parker Wilson Buchanan• John Trace Burtsche•* Zane Alan Carlton• Andrew Clifford Arthur Cary Ryan Jacob Vendiola Castillo•* Xingrui Chen•* Annalisa Maria Clough• Lindsey Nicole Collison-Ris•* Emily Catherine Behrndt Crone Ethan James Crout Jesse Kathryn Daher Tara Elizabeth Darrow•* Katie Elizabeth Darst Dylan Thomas Daviscourt• Riley Alexander Dawes•* Cody William Dilley
Gabrielle Marie Ducheane• Austin C. Earl Megan Ehlebracht•* Lucas Domenic Fantin Claire Jennifer Feeney• Shunshun Feng•* Kianna Renee Garmanian•* Diana Gutierrez• Roman Alexander Hagge• Ashley Taylor Halmans•* Bailey Singh Halpin•
Emily Nicole Hansen• Bryce Alexander Hawkins Brady Patrick Henderson• Maura Currie Howley• Wenyi Huang• Meaghan M. Hyatt Kerry Jackson Ninna Donnalee Jacobsen•* Euiseok Jeong•* Daniel Owen Johnson• Payton Anker Johnson
Tanner James Johnson• Holly Fuling Jones• Darion Gene Joseph Elizabeth Anne Judge Dylan Patrick Kelly Maureen Rose Kelly•* Alexander Peter Kenny• David Sungjoo Kim^ Jonghun Kim David C. Kimsey Austin James Koch• Allyson Kathleen Kowalchuk• Reilly Ann Krueger•* Alexis Kassidy Ladue• Lauren Ashley Langston• Bryce Wayne Lewis-Smith•* Samantha Hailey Ligman•* Sierra Sezate Loch•* Madisson Mae Lowdon Clare Theodora Truitt Lyons•* Madeline Nicole Maher•* Matthew Dang Xuan Mai•* Kyle Michael Malone•* Jacqueline Nichole Manning• Nicole Lale Manuel•* Jarod D. Martin•* Mallory Jo Martin Alyson Danielle Matriotti•* Kaelee Rose McCloskey•* Charles Cracraft Crittenden McDonald• William Arthur McDonnell•* Daniel Francis McMorrow John Nicholas McVickar•* Trevor Andrew Mello•
Caitlin Erin Mitchell•* Maria Emma Mkrtchyan• Kacey Olivia Moore Zachary James Munko Stephen Kristian Murnane• Samuel Atkins Myers•*† Esha Nayana Nath•* Alyssa Grace Nicholas• Cameron Tyler Nix•* Blake Timothy Nixon•* Brenna Ann O’Kelley•* Emelia Jane Ostheller Praneeth Madhav Palla• Joshua Pangilinan Parafina•* Mackenzie Karine Parker James Poirier• Prieuer Pretorius•* Jacob Price Mercedes Desiree’ Catherine Richa’rd Baylee Marie Robertson• Theodosios George Roussos•* Jordan Marie Ryan•* Alejandro Jose Saavedra•* Addison Nicole Schmidt• Houston Charles Schmutz• Matthew Howard Schroeder Myra Shad• Peter Anthony Sheehan Samuel Henry Skranak•*
Devin S. Smith• Duncan Michael Stevenson•* Madeline Grace Stratton• Andrew Michael Sudol•* Adrian Janusz Szymanski•* Joanne Susan Talbot Cresencia Maria Talley•* Sebastian Gia-Huy Tang•* Zachary Keith Tharp David Titus• Luke Saur Van Hollebeke•* Aiden D. Waite•* Megan Marie Wall•* Weiyi Wang• Alan Connor White Ciara Catherine Williams• Natalia Deanne Wilson• Koalii Clayton Wright Tyler L. Wyant Lydia Ulfatyu Yusaf• Haoting Timi Zhang•* Zhang He• Peter Everett Zupke•*^ •Honors (3.2-4.0 Cumulative GPA) *Members of National Honor Society (3.6-4.0 GPA) ^National Merit Commended Scholar †National Merit Finalist
Washington Bellevue College Central Washington University Cornish College of the Arts DigiPen Institute of Technology Eastern Washington University Edmonds Community College Everett Community College Gonzaga University Pacific Lutheran University Saint Martin’s University Seattle Pacific University Seattle University Shoreline Community College South Seattle Community College Spokane Falls Community College University of Puget Sound University of Washington University of Washington, Bothell Washington State University Wenatchee Valley College Western Washington University Whitworth University Oregon Concordia University, Oregon George Fox University Lewis & Clark College Linfield College
Oregon State University Pacific University Southern Oregon University University of Oregon University of Portland Western Oregon University Willamette University California Academy of Art University Azusa Pacific University California Lutheran University Chapman University Concordia University, California Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising Loyola Marymount University Menlo College Mount Saint Mary’s University Occidental College Pepperdine University Saint Mary’s College of California San Diego State University Santa Clara University University of California, Irvine University of California, Riverside University of California, Santa Barbara University of Redlands University of San Diego
University of San Francisco University of Southern California University of the Pacific Vanguard University of Southern California Westmont College West Alaska Pacific University (AK) Arizona State University (AZ) Arizona Western College (AZ) Boise State University (ID) Brigham Young University, Idaho (ID) Carroll College (MT) College of Idaho (ID) Colorado School of Mines (CO) Colorado State University (CO) Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University (AZ) Montana State University (MT) Montana Tech (MT) Northern Arizona University (AZ) Sierra Nevada College (NV) Utah State University (UT) Utah Valley University (UT) University of Alaska (AK) University of Arizona (AZ) University of Colorado, Boulder (CO) University of Denver (CO)
University of Idaho (ID) University of Montana (MT) University of Nevada, Reno (NV) University of Northern Colorado (CO) Midwest Benedictine College (KS) Case Western Reserve University (OH) Clarkson College (NE) Creighton University (NE) DePaul University (IL) Hamlin University (MN) Haskell Indian Nations University (KS) Indiana University (IN) Kansas State University (KS) Michigan State University (MI) North Park University (IL) Northwestern University (IL) Ohio State University (OH) Oklahoma State University (OK) Purdue University (IN) Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology (IN) University of Michigan (MI) University of Minnesota, Twin Cities (MN) University of St. Thomas (MN) Xavier University (OH)
East Berklee College of Music (MA) Boston University (MA) Brooklyn College (NY) Canisius College (NY) Fairfield University (CT) Fordham University (NY) Lafayette College (PA) Pennsylvania State University (PA) Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (NY) Rochester Institute of Technology (NY) St. Bonaventure University (NY) St. John’s College (MD) South Baylor University (TX) Clemson University (SC) Georgia Institute of Technology (GA) Harding University (AR) Southern Methodist University (TX) Texas Christian University (TX) University of Alabama (AL) University of Miami (FL) Vanderbilt University (TN) Canada University of British Columbia University of Calgary University of Victoria
Creating Success
2015/2016 HIGHLIGHTS
ATHLETICS league champions: Girls Soccer Boys Soccer Football Volleyball Baseball
volleyball: sixth in state
softball: allyson matriotti named conference offensive player of the year for the third year in a row
football: third in state anfernee gurley named herald Athlete of the Year Anfernee Gurley and Jackson YosT make USA National Team
king 5 joins amhs for morning pep rally
boys soccer: state academic champs, back-toback state champs matt williams named herald boys soccer player of the Year coach mike bartley named boys soccer coach of the year
CO-CURRICULARS “Big fish” box office success
AMHS joins wa state “adopt the roadway” program
new chapel takes shape gong show mock trial takes third in state
mr murphy brings in packed crowd
fine arts four students win scholastic art awards emma bonifazi payton white Holly Jones Claire Li
Chinese new year celebration
DECA sends students to international competition in Tennessee
Creating Our Own Paths
Dave Hasslinger is a
Stephanie Martens
Nate Weddle and his
CPA and works as a
and her husband
wife Holly welcomed
Vice President and
Christian welcomed
their second daughter,
Senior Relationship
Mila Rose Martens
McKenzie. McKenzie
Manager for
Wirgler on 15 January
joins big sister Madison.
Washington Federal.
2016 in Portland,
Nate and family live in
Dave and his family
Oregon. The family
Cave Creek, AZ.
live in Kirkland.
lives now in Lima, PerĂş where Christian manages an Austrian
Morgan Wolff works as a full-time counselor
company’s Peruvian branch and Steph
with the Everett School District.
manages the home and baby side of life.
Katie (Buerge)
Heidi (Miklautsch) Kuipers is a member of our John Martens
Matthew and Brenna Feely welcomed baby
Leadership team and
Charlie in late September. Brenna, Matt and
was vital in starting
Charlie reside in Seattle, WA.
this scholarship for an AMHS Junior. Heidi is a Senior Director for Stella and Dot and lives with her husband Joel and two kids, Aiden and Avery in Issaquah.
Trojovsky and her husband welcomed a
Jen (Richardson) Bowman and her
daughter Bea on January 1st, 2016. Katie works at Gene Juarez Academy as a teacher.
husband Andrew are
Barbara Taylor and
expecting their
husband Christopher
Talia (Poitevin) Alcantar got engaged to
second child in
Brooks were married in
Kevin Mahnke while vacationing in Ireland.
September 2016.
West Linn, OR on July
Talia is a program manager for Boeing
Baby Bowman will
2nd, 2016. Barbara
in Everett and a member of the Board of
join big brother Blake.
works as a teacher in
Trustees at AMHS.
the Portland area.
2003 Ashley Wellington-Fahey launched her own business, The Relish, for female sports fans, in January 2016. This twice-weekly newsletter features the latest in sports, pop-culture and eCommerce, all for the female fan. Ashley lives in San Francisco.
Doug Sparacio
Adam Ferrel and
graduated from the
wife Jolie welcomed
Police Academy and
baby boy Rowen on
currently serves
February 7th, 2016.
Everett. Doug and his
They reside in the
wife Lauren recently
Portland, OR area.
bought a home in
Taylor (Graff) Tillery
Arlington, WA.
Adrienne (Mequet) Anderson and her husband Corbin welcomed their second child Grayson. He joins big sister Andie. They live in Puyallup.
and husband Andrew
Matthew Campbell on July 9th, 2016 in Snohomish, WA surrounded by family, friends and many AMHS alumni. Katie works as a teacher at Archbishop Murphy
Dejan (DJ) Sughrim and wife Becky were married on March 12th, 2016. DJ works as a
Kyla (Thompson) Bartelheimer and
were married in Seattle
husband Peter welcomed their newest baby
on April 16th, 2016.
boy, Case, in February via roadside delivery!
Taylor is a traveling
Duncan and Paisley are excited to have a new
nurse and is currently in
Nick Anderson and his
little sibling.
wife Mikaela are expecting
Craig Duncan and
Zach Kramer is working
their first child. They live in
his wife Jen were
as the Interim Associate
married in
Director for Westside
Under the Eiffel Tower and
Snohomish on
Student Life at Central
surrounded by family,
August 15th, 2015
Washington University
Shannon McCann got
and are expecting
in Ellensburg.
engaged to Ryan Reese.
their first child around Thanksgiving. Craig Katie Myers married
High School.
works as a technical recruiter for Amazon.
Shiloh Keo and his wife Keanna welcomed their third son, Kato on June 3rd, 2016. Kato
Liz Kennedy and her
joins brothers Kruz and Kingston. Shiloh won
partner Andres
the Super Bowl this year as a member of the
welcomed their
Denver Broncos.
second son, Otto in March. He joins big brother Oliver. Liz runs a successful handmade blanket business called Paradise People.
personal trainer and group fitness instructor at SJCC Mercer Island.
They are set to tie the knot in the fall.
Taylor Loutsis recently received the Most
Lauren Bardin and
Outstanding Young
Craig Murphy got
Alumnus Award from his
engaged in July.
national fraternity, Phi Kappa Theta. He was recognized for his continued work in Rwanda and Congo.
2010 Sky Muller is the
Blake Sutton
Kaylan (Carroll)
Ryan Loutsis and
Sports Director and
graduated with
Flores and Steven
Patrick Callaghan are
weeknight Sports
Honors from the
were married July
currently traveling the
Anchor at KVAL News
University of Illinois
23rd in California.
country serving on the
in Eugene, OR. This
College of Veterinary
Sister MaireMichael
National Evangelization
year he served as
Medicine. He is
Carroll ‘13 served as
Team (NET). NET puts on
keynote speaker at
currently an intern at
maid of honor. Kaylan works as an RN at
the VCA Animal
Aegis in Shoreline.
our STAR Breakfast. Kimberly Liebhaber
Hospital in Aurora, IL.
are engaged to be married in summer
Leonard Wood, MO where she is an
Jessica Elekes
Advanced Initial
graduated from the
Training Platoon
Seattle University
Leader for Heavy
School of Law in
May. In law school, Jessica capitalized on her mock trial experience, placing first in two Seattle
husband Eric were married in the fall surrounded by family, friends and many alums! Krisitin Ehlebracht lives in San Francisco and works as an ICU RN in the Washington Hospital Healthcare System in Fremont, CA.
personal and spiritual support.
recently moved to Ft.
Megan (Kirchgasler) Furstenberg and her
retreats around the country for high school youth in need of
Marie Adams
and Erik Daviscourt
Operators entering the US Army. In May, she was promoted to First Lieutenant. Taani Tupou and
University School of Law mock trial
Meg Balch were
competitions with her partner, AMHS alum
married on June
Lillian Kaide (‘09).
24th, 2016 in Seattle.
Rachel Shober was
Meg teaches second
accepted into the University of Texas Southwestern Medical School in Dallas. She will begin her studies this fall.
grade at St. Thomas
Michael Elhardt spent the past year as a Princeton in Africa fellow in Ghana working for a renewable energy company. Danielle Leonard
More School in Lynnwood and Taani was
got engaged to
recently signed as an undrafted free agent by
Brock Slavin in May.
the Seattle Seahawks.
Max Van Hollebeke graduated from the
Cheyenne Hoza
Mary Van Hollebeke was accepted into the
Connor Mulvaney
University of Washington’s Foster School
graduated from the
Disney College Program and will be working
just finished his
of Business with a focus in marketing and
Divers Institute of
at Walt Disney World in Florida while taking
freshman year at
a professional sales certificate. He is now
Technology, where
classes through Disney. This past winter
Montana State
working as a tech recruiter at TEKsystems in
she was the only
she studied abroad in Rome where she
University where he
female in her class,
studied cultural communication and travel
was involved in
Conner Ballew graduated from UW in the
and served as Class
journalism, and enjoyed visiting Vatican City
many activities
spring with his master’s degree and has been
President. She is
every chance she got. Mary is a senior at
including MSU
admitted to Caltech’s Electrical Engineering
working as a
the University of Washington and has been
Leadership Institute and St. Baldrick’s
Ph.D. Program where he plans to research
commercial diver in
working for the Sheraton Hotel in downtown
Foundation. He spent the summer working
biophotonics and biomedical imaging.
Seattle for two years.
as a zipline guide in Ketchikan, AK.
In May, Anna Maher was recognized as a Husky 100. The Husky 100 recognizes 100
UW undergraduate and graduate students Anna Hogenson
from Bothell, Seattle and Tacoma in all areas
recently completed
of study who are making the most of their
an internship at
time at the UW. Anna is entering her senior
Archbishop Murphy
year at UW where she is double majoring in
High School for the
Early Childhood & Family Studies as well as
Faith-Based Leaders
program at the University of Portland. She is entering her senior year double-majoring in Psychology and Theology with a minor in Education.
Collin Daviscourt married fellow Wildcat Nicole Ponton this past summer in Snohomish.
Life is a great big canvas, and you should throw all the paint you can on it.
–Danny Kaye
CLASS OF 1992 Craig Stephen Salzillo’s life ended unexpectedly and far too soon on January 22, 2016. Craig was born on May 14, 1974 and spent most of his life in the Seattle area. A carpenter by trade, he relocated to Juneau, AK in 2011, where he immediately became an integral part of the community. Anyone who met him was taken by his quick smile and kind heart. He was an active member of the Juneau Gun Club. He found great joy in his role coaching the club’s youth team. His greatest loves were his longtime girlfriend, Hanna Sebold, his family and his dogs, Oliver and Buster. He is survived by his brother and sister-in-law, Ralph and Laura Salzillo, of Le Claire, Iowa, and his brother, Joe Salzillo, of Mukilteo. See more at www. legacy.com.
CLASS OF 1996 Ross Douglas Hoagland, II came into this world on August 11, 1978 and left us suddenly
A son, Stephen H. Good Sr., born to Margaret and John Good in Butte, Montana on September 10, 1941, left
on December 15, 2015 at the tender age of 37.
his earthly home on December 30, 2015, to dwell in the house of the Lord. He transitioned from this life into
Ross was raised in Everett. Ross was a free spirit
eternal life with grace and joy in the presence of several of his children. He was a son, brother, brother-in-law,
and lived his life on his own terms in the Everett
husband, father, father-in-law, grandfather, great-grandfather, and faithful friend. Good was instrumental
area, although he had friendships as far south
in helping found Archbishop Murphy High School and is commonly referred to as one of the “kitchen table
as Tacoma and as far north as Mt. Vernon. See more at www.legacy.com.
Stephen H. Good, Sr.
families.” He leaves Sandra, his soulmate and wife of 55 years; his sister, Carlin; ten children; 19 grandchildren; and six great-grandchildren.
Creating a Legacy thank
HISTORIC $1,000,000 + Anonymous Bart‡ and Carolyn Murphy $500,000 to $999,999 Carla and Jack‡ Heath^ The Norcliffe Foundation $250,000 to $499,999 The Archdiocese of Seattle Boeing Gift Matching Program# Lon and Joan Carlson*+ Jeffrey and Jodie Cymbaluk*+ Marshall and Katherine Cymbaluk^ Don‡ and Millie‡ DeMers The Elizabeth A. Lynn Foundation The Frost and Margaret Snyder Foundation Fulcrum Foundation Brian Hilgendorf*+ Terry and Susan Lucas*+ James and JoAnn Mulligan*
$100,000 to $249,000 Mark Anderson and Lisa Gianelli+ Cambridge Institute E.L. Wiegand Foundation Bertha Feaster Clara McNaughton^ Mark and Marna McNaughton*+ Microsoft Matching Gift Program John and Katherine Robinett*+ St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church, Bothell St. Mary Magdalen Church, Everett William and Patricia Terhar*+ $50,000 to $99,999 Winnifred Downey Britt and Linda Fletcher+ Jeffrey and Tracy Green* Cary and Maureen Halpin*^ Richard and Mary Henderson*^ Shawn and Kathleen Hoban*+ Holy Rosary Church, Edmonds Mark and Carolyne Howley+ Immaculate Conception Church, Everett
Knights of Columbus - Everett Council #763 Gene Lynn^ Jeffrey and Lisa Lynn* Dennis and Mary‡ Maher+ Joseph Marquart‡* David and Natale Marshbank*+ James and Catherine McDade St. Thomas More Church, Lynnwood Duane and Mary Schireman Preston and Jill Simmons+ Herbert Sprute*+ $25,000 to $49,999 Monti and Maryanne Ackerman Ray and Ann Adams Anonymous BCH Investments Agnes Bertoldi Frank and Marjorie Bueler Donald and Marla Carter*+ Nicholas de Chadenedes and Gail Wellenstein+ Richard Cooper and Robin Hilton+
GIVING Craig and Amy Corkery Cecile Eberle Adolf Eitner^ Stephen and Sandra Good*+^ Rick and Christi Heath*+ Thomas and Margaret Hoban*+ William and Patricia Jack+ Ernest and Debra Kawamoto+ William and Anna Lucas^ Mike and Julia McDonnell Michael and Karla McGuire*^ Timothy and Judith McNamara*+ Anne Nelskog^ Michael O’Kelley and Tyra Malmborg-O’Kelley David and Hope Pettinger+ Martin and Mary Pointon*+ Martin and Laureen Robinett Rubatino Refuse Removal, Inc. Patrick and Denise Ryan+ Terry and Roberta Ryan*+ St. John Church, Mukilteo St. Pius X Church, Mountlake Terrace
Idamae Schack Walter and Melissa Selden+ Robert and Doree Shandera+ Herbert Sprute Albert Smith and Kristine Brynildsen-Smith Ellen Stormo Joseph and Michele Suchan*+ Daniel and Mary Thacker*+ United Way of King County United Way of Snohomish County Verizon Foundation John Wirth‡ Peter and Ruth Wolff*+
Endowments These community members have chosen to establish endowment funds at Archbishop Murphy High School. An endowed fund provides a permanent source of funding for AMHS. These endowed funds may be established by bequest for many purposes, such as: • Tuition Assistance • Faculty and Staff Professional Development • Support of programs such as those in the arts, athletics, and clubs A fund created by your bequest can carry your name, the name of a family member, or another person you wish to honor. CARLSON FAMILY ENDOWMENT The Carlson Family Endowment was founded by Lon and Joan Carlson. This Endowment provides financial aid to female students who are involved in a variety of school activities. Lon and Joan’s children, Megan (10) and Beth (13), are both alumni of AMHS. CHET WILKERSON ENDOWMENT Cheston Wilkerson was salutatorian as well as ASB President of Holy Cross High School’s first graduating class in Everett, now known as Archbishop Thomas Murphy High School. Chet passed away in March 2003. This endowment was founded to honor all that he gave to the school as its first official student leader. Each year this scholarship is given to a current junior who demonstrates leadership qualities.
$100,000+ Jeffrey and Jodie Cymbaluk *+ The Norcliffe Foundation $50,000+ Anonymous Carla and Jack‡ Heath^ $25,000+ Craig and Amy Corkery+ Fulcrum Foundation Mark and Carolyne Howley*+ The Elizabeth A. Lynn Foundation $10,000+ Monti and Maryanne Ackerman+ The Boeing Company# Andrew and Jen Bowman* Daniel and Delita Camilleri+ Lon and Joan Carlson*+ Taiwei Cheng Rita Dy Oh^ Coast Real Estate Advisors, LLC Mike and Julia McDonnell+ Microsoft Matching Gift Program# Robert and Tracy Myers+ Peter and Jennifer Newman+ Preston and Jill Simmons+ Thomas Yetman* $5,000+ James and Amy Alberts+ Motor Trucks, Inc. FIRST Google Air Van Moving Axis Roof & Gutter, Inc. Rick and Christi Heath*+ Karl and Heidi Hedeen+ Thomas and Margaret Hoban*+ Shawn and Kathleen Hoban*+ William and Patricia Jack+ Thomas and Joelle Kelly*+ Dennis and Mary Maher+ Jack Martens+ Thomas and Monica McDonough*+ Corbin and Dorice McNeill Foundation^ William and Mary Mozingo+ Patrick and Nicole Mulvaney+
Integrated Rehabilitation Group Michael O’Kelley and Tyra Malmborg-O’Kelley*+ Ronald and Darla Quinton+ John and Bridget Rauvola+ Kevin and Carolyn Reid+ Todd and Lori Thompson+ Huib van Leeuwen+ David and Kelly Votava+ Nicholas de Chadenedes and Gail Wellenstein+
Steven and Stephanie Schmutz+ Jeffrey and Heather Schweinfurth James Shaffer+ Shaffer Crane & Equipment Co. James and Alina Sinclair+ Coastal Community Bank Kevin Thomas and Naomi Lester+ Watson Security Company Wells Fargo Foundation# Anthony and Mikki Williams+ David and Cindy Wilson+
$2,500+ Jeffrey and Suzanne Adams*+ Talia Alcantar* Eric and Susan Amsberry+ Matthew Beyer+ Peter and Stephanie Boden+ Kirk and Kristin Borseth+ Marcus and Anita Breneman+ The Capital Group Companies, Inc.# Elizabeth Carlson Megan Carlson John Chu and Lyng Wong+ Marshall and Katherine Cymbaluk^ Adolf Eitner^ Richard and Renee Ellison+ Everett Junior Wildcat Football Excel Vending Roger and Brenda Flake+ Les Schwab Tire Center Viggo and Aileen Forde+ Vegan and Sonja Garmanian+ Rodney and Deborah Hagge+ Cary and Maureen Halpin^ Earthscapes NW, Inc. Jerry and Marcelle Jensen Gary and Sylvie Kacmarcik+ Thomas and Ann Kelly*^ John Kelly^ Heidi and Joel Kuipers+ Richard and Roberta League^ Joseph and Salli McCann+ Stewart and Toni Robertson+ H & L Sporting Goods Kevin Ryan and Vuthy Chou+ Bishop Sylvester Ryan Duane and Mary Schireman*+
$1,000+ Randy and Dawn Bergau+ John and Kelli Bradley+ Steven and Kimberly Brown+ Jane Brown Caig and Suzanne Buchanan*+ Michael and Melissa Burns+ Brett and Kendra Carlton+ Colin and Patricia Cary+ Darci Chowen+ Alexander and Meghan Crane Mike and Charie Crisler+ Carlos and Jennifer de Mello E Souza+ DH & L Michael and Catherine Dire*+ Ms. Pamela Dooner+ James and Margaret Doud+ Mike and Najwa Elmorr+ Frank and Teresa Fewel* Neal and April Forde Kevin Fraley James and Janet Gaffney Jeffrey and Tracy Green+ Jerome and Heidi Halmans+ Fiona Haynes+ Patrick and Rae Ann Henderson+ Frederick Hines David and Marion Hogle+ John and Maria Horning+ Michael and Milray Howell+ Eduardo and Martha Huarez+ Donna Hyatt+ Joshua and Cheryl Jansen Scott and Ingrid Johnston+ Timothy and Millie Judge*+ Todd and Shannon Jurdana+
Includes monetary and in-kind donations to annual fund, auction and other events, endowments and capital campaign contributions. Brent Keck and Kathryn Palmquist-Keck+ Deacon Dennis and Mary Kelly*+ Immaculate Conception/Our Lady of Perpetual Help School - Everett Steven and Mary Knox+ Donald and Shannon Kowalchuk+ Ronald and Kelly Krueger+ Jeff and Layne Langston+ Perry and Layne Langston+ James and Mitzi Larrick+ Paul Lawrence Eric and Karen Ligman+ Cory and Kandice Long+ Michael and Laura Mallahan+ YMCA David and Deborah Masters+ Andrew and Rebecca Matriotti+ John and Tammy Matusak Mike and Janet McAuslan+ H & M Electric, Inc. Patric and Cynthia McElroy+ Bruce McKinnon Michael and Katherine McVickar+ Charles and Krista Miller, II+ Barbara Miller Mr. and Mrs. Steve Montoya+ Anthony and Vera Munko^ Brian Murphy* Martin and Karrie Napeahi+ Joe Neussendorfer and Rebecca Hover Robert and Heather Nichols+ Jeffrey and Leslie Nix+ Timothy and Rebecca Nixon+ Werner, O’Meara & Co., PLLC David and Hope Pettinger+ Dennis Ries Ray and Alison Riojas+ Sharon Rojas Terry and Roberta Ryan+ Patrick and Denise Ryan+ John and Malia Santucci+ Matthew and Sally Schambari Kevin and Marjorie Schmidt+ Schmidt Family Chiropractic, PLLC Donald and Anne Schmutz^ James and Sara Schrader+ Timothy and Pam Schwartz+ John and Shirley Serwold^
Pat and Angie Sievers* Thomas and Marion Skalley+ Alan Skranak and Diana Manning+ Joseph and Michelle Smith+ St. Mary Magdalen School - Everett John and Laura Stoeser*+ Erick and Erica Streelman William and Patricia Terhar*+ Lawrence and Kelli Thode+ Paul Davis Restoration Dennis and Mary Thompson+ John and Lisa Tran+ Gaylon and Joanne Vander Yacht Edward and Victoria Villacorta+ David and Michelle Waite+ Gary and Carolyn Weikel^ Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC Richard Wemhoff and Frances Regdos*+ Trevor and Dorine White+ Darrell and Maria Wilson+ Kevin and Maggie Wilson Alex and Christine Wollin $500+ Darin and Judy Aaby+ Patrick and Linette Albin+ Amgen Foundation# Shane and Kimberly Anderson+ Craig Antich+ Tom and Monica Antone^ Kiran and Rupa Asher+ Remo and Aloria Ashley+ Spencer Astone and Terhas Yosef+ Awards Forever Robert and Deanna Axley+ Scott and Jeanette Bader+ August and Amy Bader+ William and Gwenn Baer+ T. and Carolyn Bagley+ Alford and Kimberly Bailey+ Aaron and Carol Bailey+ Robert and Elizabeth Baldwin+ Scuttlebutt Brewing Co. Phillip and Cynthia Bannan^ Alexander and Lynn Barashkoff+ Timothy and Connie Barnes+ William and Julie Barrett+ Renee Barrows+
Manfred and Karen Bartz+ Martin and Kristine Benum+ Stephen and Wendy Bingham+ Lisa Birch+ Timothy and Rena Blair+ Michael and Lisa Blaise+ Karlene Bolton+ Lauren Brandt+ Bryan and Christine Braswell+ LeeAnne Brawner+ Eric and Julie Brogren+ Don and Heather Brown+ Thomas and Lisa Budinick+ Steve and Joanne Burkett+ Jebidiah and Angelina Burnett+ Brian and Laura Caferro+ Joe and Angela Campbell+ Tony Carabello and Theresa Langan-Carabello+ Andrew Carter, Jr.+ Bryan and Meagan Castillo+ Philip and Maria Castillo+ Josephine Castro+ Steven Chancellor+ Scott and Teresa Claggett+ Stephen and Monika Clough+ John and Sheryl Conderman*+ Todd and Mary Conover+ John and Mary Jo Costello^ Timothy and Liza Cox+ Curtis and Jeannie Crone+ Patrick and Helen Damitio+ Tobin Darrow and Sandra Walters+ Major and Kalyane Darst+ Amulya and Sachala Das+ Kurt and Kimberly Daviscourt*+ Gary and Deborah Dawes+ Felix and Sharon de Leon+ Don and Laura Decker+
*Board Member (Past or Present) +Parent (Past or Present) ^Grandparent (Past or Present) (yr) Alumni # Matching Gift Donor ‡Deceased
DEMERS ENDOWMENT Don and Millie DeMers believed in Catholic education. After hearing about AMHS from a friend, they graciously established an endowment and included AMHS in their estate plans. This incredible gift provided the impetus and wisdom that pushed AMHS to create the structure for named endowments moving forward. The DeMers Endowment partially funds the tuition of up to four student annually. These students demonstrate financial need and maintain a good academic standing. JOHN MARTENS ENDOWMENT This endowment leaves a legacy in memory of John Martens and his fellow Holy Cross Alumni, in the form of a merit-based award for students of Archbishop Murphy High School. This merit-based scholarship is awarded to a minimum of one qualifying student per year in memory of the late John Joseph Martens IV, Holy Cross Alumnus class of 1996. KRISTI BARTZ ENDOWMENT Kristi Bartz challenged herself to make a difference in the lives of the people she met, and to continue to grow in her own relationship with God. Her strong faith was evident in the way that she loved and cared for others. This memorial endowment was organically created through the outpour of community support from other area high schools to her fellow students, family, and friends. Each year an outgoing senior is honored with the Kristi Bartz Scholarship for their excellence in leadership, academic achievements and involvement in campus, co-curricular and community activities. NUESSENDORFER SCHOLARSHIP Motivated by a desire to recognize his parents’ commitment to their children’s education and the Catholic faith, Roland and Josephine Neussendorfer’s son, Joseph, started this scholarship in their honor in 2000. This endowment supports the educational goals of Catholic teens.
MURPHY SCHOLARS ENDOWMENT Bart and Carolyn Murphy established a scholarship program in the memory of Bart’s brother, Archbishop Thomas J. Murphy. Annually, the recipients of these awards are recognized by the high school as Murphy Family Scholars. Priority in the selection of Murphy Family Scholars is given to students who have strong academic records, demonstrate financial need, and express a commitment to continue to complete the sacramental process of initiation through confirmation. TERRY ENNIS ENDOWMENT The Archbishop Murphy High School Board of Trustees founded the Terry Ennis Memorial Endowment Fund in June of 2008 to honor late coach, teacher, mentor, and friend Terry Ennis. Terry’s love for nurturing young student-athletes changed the lives of thousands of athletes and students. The Terry Ennis Memorial Endowment Fund is a perpetual memorial that provides tuition assistance to students in need. The Ennis family, in conjunction with the AMHS leadership, annually chooses recipients who would not otherwise be able to afford an AMHS education. EBERLE ENDOWMENT Michael and Cecile Eberle were residents of Everett WA for over 70 years. They were fixtures in the community. Mike and Cecile left a lasting impact on AMHS by creating this endowment in 2000 to support the AMHS Athletics Program. Although, Mike and Cecile are no longer with us, their legacy lives on through their six children, 13 grandchildren, and growing group of great-grandchildren- many of whom have chosen an AMHS education. Mike and Cecile left a lasting impact on AMHS by creating this endowment in 2000 to support the AMHS Athletics Program.
Elizabeth Devenny Robert and Sara Jane Diaz+ Leonard and Stephanie Dietlin+ Paul and Joyce Dini+ Michael Doherty Jeffrey and Carolyn Dorney+ Eric and Amanda Downing Edward and Diedra Ducheane+ Paul and Gwendolyn Duffy+ Stephen and Carol Dunaway+ Pauline Elliot+ Joel and Ashley Gaffney Gaffney Construction Inc. Thomas and Allison Gawecki+ Vicente and M. Rose Gonzalez+ Glenn and Marguerite Grossenbacher+ Cynthia Hansen+ Karl and Theresa Hausmann+ Michael Helton+ Gino Herrera and Jonnell Quarrie+ Charlene Hilgendorf+ Garth and Sandy Houlihan^ Thomas and Kimberly Howard+ InvestEd Gary and Denise Jannusch Brenden and Cindy Johnson+ Family Dental Care of Mill Creek Brian Kelleher and Kimberly De Tuerk+ Patrick and Brynne Kelly+ James and Susan Kenny+ Jae and Jong Kim+ Mark and Darlene King+ James and Diane Klinger Chadwick and Debra Knowles+ Gary Lollis and Melba G Cogar-Lollis Troy and Katherine Lowery+ Janusz and Agelika Lukomski+ Francis and Ketal MacWan+ Adrian Manuel and Kehaulani MeheulaManuel+ Sam Michael+ Kimberly Miller+ Daniel and Erin Mitchell+ Ken and Beth Mock+ Yudith and John Moir+ Stephen and Donna Muller+ James and JoAnn Mulligan* Bart T. and Cecilia M. Murphy
Nilesh Nath and Jasmita Maharaj+ John Oberst and Tanya Pitts+ Victor and Kristin Obillo+ John and Mary Kate Olson* Jason and Sarah Pauly+ Buffalo Square Chevron James and Carla Phillips+ Mark and Julie Pinard Mike Reilly Steve and Jean Reynaud+ Dr. Michael Riojas+ Martin and Laureen Robinett+ Juan and Rosalva Rosario+ David Russell James and Michelle Ryan+ Florencio and Scarlett Saavedra+ St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church, Bothell Jonathan and Erin Sand+ Earl and Michelle Schmidt+ William and Kimberly Schmidt+ Natalie Schmidt Timothy Shin and Lisa L. Song+ Kaufer’s David and Teresa Smith+ David and Heather Sommer+ Brad and Molly Sonne+ Richard and Silvia Spehar Donald and Michele Statile+ Richard and Ona Steigenga+ Patrick and Mary Jo Sweeney+ Phirou Tep and Sokunny Prom+ Daniel and Mary Thacker*+ Home Run Solutions, LLC Jacob and Katie Thompson Christopher and Karen Towey+ Hue and Minh Troung UMC Charitable Foundation Charles and Marisol Vernay+ Mark and Albany Walters+ Alex and Morgan Walters Roger and Gwen Westlund+ Randy and Tiane White+ Kenneth and Tina Willis+ Jeff and Dena Wilson+ Nathan Wilson and Anne Hedges-Wilson+ James and Elizabeth Wilson+ Peter and Ruth Wolff*+ Matthew Wright+
Jana Zitnik Craig and Karyn Zupke+ $250+ Ray and Ann Adams+ Robert and Elaine Adams^ Aerojet Vincent and Kathleen Alkire+ Donald and Carla Anderson+ Clark and Wendy Bachofer+ Michael Balicki Rick and Dawne Barela+ Jack and Elaine Barnes+ Joseph and Pamela Barron+ Javier Bartra and Teresa Guevara+ Joseph and Julie Bodmer+ Thomas Bonifazi and Genevieve Fritschen+ Stephen and Susan Booth+ E.A. Bowen Roger and Kristyn Brodniak Sara Buchanan Michael and Barbara Burns Thomas and Elizabeth Byrne+ Matthew and Kathryn Campbell Steven Canter and Anita Shad+ Christopher and Jennifer Caputo+ John Clapp Brice and Kathryn Cobean Debbie Cooper+ Glenn Crout and Elizabeth Muslandin+ Jill Daher+ John and Cici Daviscourt+ Susan del Signore+ Patrick and Jacqueline Doyle+ John and Mary Duffy Marie Duverger-Green+ Joseph and Ann Ennis William Erwert Bill and Sheri Feeney+ Mayanne Feliciano+ First Clearing, LLC David and Marcia Flake Craig and Erin Forde+ John and Annie Galgano+ Brieanne Gershick Blaine Gilchrist-Smith Derek and Tracy Glynn+
Includes monetary and in-kind donations to annual fund, auction and other events, endowments and capital campaign contributions. Thomas Graff and Tracy Waggoner+ Gavin and Michelle Graham+ Mr. Troy Grasseth Quantez and Jessica Gurley+ Stephen and Kimberly Gyuro+ Barry and Sandra Hachler^ Joseph and Leigh Hall Jason and Elizabeth Hauck+ Rick and Milea Hecht+ Richard and Mary Henderson*^ Barbara Higbee+ Dennis and Ellen Hill+ Answerline Telemessaging, Inc. Ms. Mary Jensen^ Edward and Judith Jones+ Michael and Renee Kluck+ Konrad and Juliane Koss+ Mary Kozlovsky Mark and Kimberly Kramer+ James and Dana LaMarre+ Michael and Marie Malone+ Jason and Kerrie Mayans+ Tony and Georgann McConn+ Timothy and Paige McDonald+ Abraham and Mary Patricia Mejia+ Christopher Morrison+ Donald and Tracey Mosier+ Joseph and Kela Ness+ Victoria Nwachukwu+ Daniel and Joanne Olson+ Michael and Aidaluz Pabisz+ Christopher and Kimberly Pastega Greg Poitevin and Marsha Savery+ John and Erin Pribble Timothy and Angelique Ptacek+ Estaban and Ileana Quiyono+ Robert and Karen Reed+ David Ris and Kimberly Collison-Ris+ Louis Siggins+ Sheila Siggins+ Thomas Smith and Charles Douthit+ Target Wayne and Janis Tavis Rhonda Taylor+ Torre and Kendra Treece+ Minh and Hue Truong+ United Way of Snohomish County John and Camille Vandermeulen+
Eric and Rachel Vaughn+ Jeffrey Wagner and Margaret O’Meara+ Andrew Waldow Steven Watson and Wendy Thomason+ Michael and Margo Weyers+ Clay and Nancy Whittaker+ Dan and Christy Williams+ James and Katherine Wilson+ Morgan and Linnea Wolff Ford and Jennifer Wright+ Amy Yarno+ Jami Zellner Frank and Julie Zitnik+ $100+ American Century Investments Foundation Jarred and Danielle Appleby William and Carol Arkell+ Jesus Joaquin Arroyo and Ma. Digna Sahagun Arroyo+ Azul Restaurant and Lounge Kimkhue Bach+ Mary Baehm+ Louis and Cordelia Bailey+ Robert Baker John Barrett Daniel and Judy Bartelheimer Troy and Kathleen Bean+ Bruce and Brenda Bequette+ Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Marge Bissell Florent and Lynn Briand+ Lloyd and Kathy Brodniak Albert Smith and Kristine Brynildsen-Smith Wendy Burnham John and Anne Callaghan+ Karin Christianson James Cos Napa Valley Speciality Wines, Inc. Cribari Vineyards Inc. Kenneth and Elizabeth Dobson+ David and Whitney Doran Maria Doyle David and Ellen Duncan+ Joseph Duncan Jon and Kimberly Echols
Michael and Mary Ann Ehlebracht+ David and Dionra Eitner Jessica Elekes John and Susan Espinosa Todd and Mary Fantin+ Matthew and Brenna Feely Kathleen Fitzpatrick Jim and Kathryn Floyd+ Thomas Fraioli Adrian Freuen and Kate Chesledon-Freuen L. Ralph and Harriet Gamman glassybaby LLC Mark Goddard+ Teresa Guy+ Armando Guzman Tyler and Jessica Hammond James and Barbara Hauschel+ Troy and Deidra Haworth Edward and Stephanie Haynes+ Jason Hensley Thomas and Maureen Hoban^ Erik Hoerauf and Nancy Martin-Hoerauf+ Coreen Howley Madeline Huggins Halley and Stacy Hupp+ Terry and Tamara Jacobsen+ Kenneth and Colleen Johnson+ Dwight and Holly Johnson+ Paul and Amy Johnson+ Christopher and Samora Joseph+ Douglas Keil Patrick Kelly Jane Kenefick Jacqueline Kintner^ Frank and Patricia Klarich Jeffrey and Linnea Koivu Edison and Janet Lacanilao+ Mark and Lisa Latta Jeff and Sheri Leach David and Jacqueline Leferink+ *Board Member (Past or Present) +Parent (Past or Present) ^Grandparent (Past or Present) (yr) Alumni # Matching Gift Donor ‡Deceased
EBERT MEMORIAL ENDOWMENT Dr. Joseph Ebert practiced medicine in Everett for 50 years until his retirement in December of 2000. He brought a remarkable skill and deep humanity to his work that was recognized in awards over the years by local hospitals and civic organizations. When the former Board of Trustees Member passed away in 2002, the family created the Dr. Joseph William Ebert Memorial Fund at the Archbishop Thomas J. Murphy High School in his honor. SIMMONS FAMILY ENDOWMENT Preston and Jill Simmons are models of giving back to the community. Not only for all of the expertise and volunteer hours they have poured into Archbishop Murphy High School, but in the Greater Snohomish County region. Preston and Jill Simmons decided to start the Simmons Family Endowment in order to support students so they can have access to an Archbishop Murphy High School education. They witnessed first hand, what an impact an AMHS education can have through the experience of their two sons and their classmates, PJ ‘12 and Connor ‘14.
Are you interested in setting up an endowed scholarship at AMHS or have you remembered AMHS in your estate plans? Let us know so we can ensure your philanthropy is honored and enable AMHS to carry out the intentions of your commitment. Contact Christine Wollin, Director of Development, with any questions at 425-379-6363 or cwollin@am-hs.org.
Includes monetary and in-kind donations to annual fund, auction and other events, endowments and capital campaign contributions.
Matthew and Lauren Leiker+ Yvonne Martens+ Kenneth and Kris Lewellen+ Jason and Denise Longoria+ Franciso Lopez and Jessica LopezMontalvo+ Jonathan and Theresa Lucas+ Tyler Lucken Christopher Lyons and Deborah Truitt+ Gary Maguire Shannon McCann Sean and Tracy McCarron+ Dylan and Trudy McDanniel+ Catherine Meehan+ Trevor Mellick Miyakos Teriyaki Reda and Nermeen Mikhail+ Santhosh and Meryl Moolayil+ Morgan Stanley Alfred and Katherine Muller Daniel and Mary Murray+ Allen and Michele Nicholas+ Bernard Niedermeyer Olympic View Montessori Douglas and Mary Anne Petesch Jason and Michelle Petterson Peace Phan Ryan Reese John and Maureen Reid* Je’An and Monique Rich’Ard+ Alicia Rivera+ David and Kathleen Robinson+ Timothy and Linda Robison+ Robert and Anna Rutherford+ Washington Sabers William and Susan Schmidt^ Walter and Stephany Schneider+ Robert and Kimberly Serwold Kelly and Valerie Sheehan+ Stanley and Jill Sinex+ David and Allison Sinex Robert and Paula Stevenson+ William Strickland Todd and Therese Strothman+ Tom Talbot and Karen Weiss+ Tremper & Co., LLP Umpqua Bank Value Village/Savers
Louie and Lynn Van Hollebeke+ Gregory and Kristin Van Hollebeke Leo and Meghan Van Hollebeke+ John Veleber+ Kay Waiss^ Michael Welter , Jr. and Kristin Norton+ Randy and Char Wicklund+ Gerald and Margaret Wiese+ Jessica Woodruff Carrie Wright+ Wycoff Insurance Agency, Inc. Up to $99 Amazon Smile Foundation Andrew Baldassarre Connie Barnes David and Mary Bell+ Martin Bonin Ryan Bourke Don and Sara Brown^ Anthony and Amanda Busch Michael and Carol Caldwell Margaret Carlin-Good Sarah Carney Brian and Debora Chiesi Narin Chou Richard and Julie Colgan+ Rey Corujo Joseph and Caroline Daher^ Ben and Erin Davidson Margarito and Raquel De La Torre Slabbinck Art Studio Darren Agee and Diane Diaz+ Robert and Lisa Dini Kari Dobler Colleen Donahue+ Jan Durrell E Fundraising Barry and Judith Fairfax Mike and Meagan Farrell+ John Fecker and Jane Bakken William and Lisa Frahm+ Jacqueline Gargiulo Robert and Deborah Gilmore Michael Greaves Casey and Cheri Groves+ Nancy Hall Ashley Halmans
Edward Heard Tricia Hernandez Cory and Deborah Hitchcock+ Angela Hollar Damien Holman Doris Holzer Avera Houar Maura Howley Peter Hristou Angela Iannoe Chong Sil and Jang Uk In Jordan James b. and Kathryn Johnson Steven and Nancy Juntwait Daniel and Sonia Keenan Sean and Kimberlie Kilroy Brian and Lori Kormanyos+ Robert Kuchcinski Beverlee Lasswell^ Luke and Amy Lavin Steven Lefebre Rex and Amy Lewandowski David and Alexandra Lewis Patricia Lodge+ Ron and Kathy Lovell^ Jared Lynn Kate Mallahan Michael Malone John Mansfield Marty Martinez Keegan McAdam Michael and Whitney McClincy+ Jay McDonald Isaac Melum Adrian Mercer Mill Creek Wellness Center Jeffrey Miller and Carol Puccinelli+ Stephanie Mock John and Tamara Moir Muenchkreuzer Candle Co. Shirley Nah+ Emma Nelson Stephen and Kathleen O’Brien+ John and Sharon Palmer+ John and Christina Parker+ Julie Pelayo Ponnleu Pich James Price+
Thomas and Michelle Quinn+ William and Mary Rawlins^ A. John Sanchez and Mary Lou Sanchez Michael Scanlon Mrs. Beverly Schultz David and Julie Schwarz+ Benjamin Shively Amanda Sigala Cassandra Snyder Phoung Sok Jesse and Ashley Speredowich Daria Spezzano Linda St. Mary Louis and Mary Steigerwald Paul and Anna Stevens Mark Thomason Phi Long and Christy Tieskoetter+ Deborah Walsh and Dick Hopp Golftec Leah Warshawski Doug and Kathy Wartelle Emma White Alex Woelkers Alexandria Zitnik Brant and Tina Zwiefel Business Partnerships Air Van Moving Axis Roof & Gutter, Inc. Buffalo Square Chevron Coast Real Estate Advisors, LLC Coastal Community Bank H & L Sporting Goods Home Run Solutions, LLC Les Schwab Tire Center Watson Security Company YMCA Booster Club Donald and Carla Anderson Anonymous Joseph and Pamela Barron Stephen and Wendy Bingham Michael and Barbara Burns Joe and Angela Campbell Colin and Patricia Cary Bill and Sheri Feeney Roger and Brenda Flake
Jim and Kathryn Floyd Thomas and Allison Gawecki Teresa Guy Fiona Haynes Answerline Telemessaging, Inc. David and Marion Hogle Chadwick and Debra Knowles Mark and Kimberly Kramer Charlene Matts Charles and Krista Miller, II Joseph and Kela Ness Olympic View Montessori John and Malia Santucci James Shaffer Stanley and Jill Sinex Robert and Paula Stevenson David and Kelly Votava Mark and Albany Walters Fine Arts Council Donald and Carla Anderson Stephen and Wendy Bingham Tony Carabello and Theresa Langan-Carabello Colin and Patricia Cary Alexander and Meghan Crane Thomas and Allison Gawecki Stephen and Kimberly Gyuro Fiona Haynes John and Maria Horning Dwight and Holly Johnson Edward and Judith Jones Gary and Sylvie Kacmarcik Edison and Janet Lacanilao David and Jacqueline Leferink Mr. and Mrs. Steve Montoya Daniel and Mary Murray Louis Siggins David and Kelly Votava Craig and Karyn Zupke *Board Member (Past or Present) +Parent (Past or Present) ^Grandparent (Past or Present) (yr) Alumni # Matching Gift Donor ‡Deceased
The AMHS Annual Report is published by: Archbishop Murphy High School 12911 39th Avenue SE Everett, WA 98208 425-379-6363 www.am-hs.org EDITORIAL TEAM: Shannon McCann Director of Communications and Marketing Christine Wollin Director of Development Jana Zitnik Alumni Director With special thanks to Char Hilgendorf Office Manager Mary Knox Controller PHOTO CREDITS: Tate Johnston ’15 Erica Streelman Printed in the USA. © 2016 by Archbishop Murphy High School. All rights reserved. Archbishop Murphy High School is an inclusive community and as such publishes letters to the editor and class notes as submitted by our alumni and friends. These submissions do not necessarily represent the values or beliefs of Archbishop Murphy High School.
2015-2016 AMHS Board of Trustees Thomas F. Kelly Chair Thomas Hoban Vice Chair
Paint by Numbers
Terri Fewel Secretary Millie Judge Treasurer Sue Adams Talia Alcantar Caig Buchanan Jeff Cymbaluk Kurt Daviscourt Cathy Dire Kristin Dixon Thomas McDonough Roman Miller Larry Moore Brian Murphy Shannon O'Kelley John Olson Duane Schireman Pat Sievers Bruce Stewart T.C. Thacker Tom Yetman Matt Schambari ExOfficio (School President) Rev. Hans Olson Archdiocese Deanery Representative Thomas E. Kelly Emeritus
FINANCIAL (unaudited)
Net Tuition & Fees
Fundraising Events
Fees and other revenue
student activities and clubs revenue
Athletic & Booster Club Revenue Fine Arts Council & Parents Association Revenue & Support
Expenses* Academics
General & Administrative*
Athletic Programs
Student Services
building Loan Interest
*exclusive of $553,659 in depreciation & amortization and $187,508 of loss on disposal of fixed assets
Archbishop Thomas J. Murphy High School is a Catholic,
college preparatory school that welcomes students of all faiths. True to the spirit of the gospel, Archbishop Murphy
nurtures the full development of the gifts that God has given to each student, fosters service as an outgrowth of faith, and values diversity. Working with parents as partners in the educational ministry, we strive for academic excellence, spiritual enrichment,
and Christlike leadership for the transformation of the world.