PantherTracks Fall 2014

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FALL 2014




2014 Mock Trial Team:

NATIONAL CHAMPIONS A Look Inside Prep’s New Campus Additions 2013/2014 Annual Report




Seattle Prep is a Catholic, Jesuit college preparatory school. We embrace the Ignatian ideals that God may be found in all things, that each person is sacred and that we are created to serve others in community. Our mission is to form discerning, transformational leaders who are intellectually competent, spiritually alive, open to growth, loving and committed to justice.


Dear fellow alums, parents & friends, It’s hard to believe that this time last year I was writing to you from my temporary office in the Prep-owned craftsman across the street. With the completion of construction on Adelphia Memorial Hall in August, I returned to the former Peyton Hall where I have spent a good part of my days over the past 10 years. And, let me tell you, it is stunning. I still get a thrill as I pull up to work six weeks after we moved in! If you weren’t able to join us for the grand opening events in August, please give me a call or shoot me an email to set-up a tour—we’d love to show you around. Of course, the new buildings are not all we have to celebrate this year. We have kicked off our new One-to-One iPad program, welcomed the Class of 2018 and cheered our Mock Trial team as they brought home the national championship. And all of these triumphs are because Seattle Prep has so many people who support our work through their dollars, time and creativity. So, THANK YOU for all you do to make our school such an incredible place. Have a fantastic fall! Jen (Tullis) Russell ‘99


Fall 2014 Volume 23, Number 2 Panther Tracks is published by: Seattle Preparatory School Kent Hickey, President 2400 11th Avenue East Seattle, WA 98102 206-577-2141 Director of Communications: Jen (Tullis) Russell ’99 Director of Development: Liz Brennan Development Department: Michelle Audino Becky Burns Carol Caflisch Garrett Cook Katrina Freeburg Shannon Hendricks Designer: Mathes Design Printer: ColorGraphics Photo Credits: 2013-2014 Yearbook Staff, Michael Danielson, Doug J Scott, Kathy Mathes, Yuen Lui, Mike Penney Photography, Peter Schmidt If you would like to send a letter to the editor, update your information, or contribute a written piece for consideration to Panther Tracks, please send the information to the address listed, or e-mail Seattle Prep is an inclusive community, and as such, publishes class notes as submitted by our alumni and friends. These submissions do not necessarily represent the values or beliefs of Seattle Preparatory School.


2014 Mock Trial National Champions stand on the steps of the Wisconsin State Capitol in Madison. Back row (l to r) Patrick Paulsen, Will Daniels, Max Kroeger, Casey Schmidt, Anna Ferron, Elizabeth Shields, Alex McCulloch. Front row, (l to r) Caroline Genster and Molly McCarthy.

Panther Tracks




Seattle Prep Mock Trial Brings Home National Championship In May 2014, our State Champion Mock Trial Team traveled to Wisconsin for the National Championship – and brought home the first place trophy!


New Spaces on Campus A photo tour of all the beautiful new spaces and places, including the new Adelphia Memorial Hall and Our Lady of Montserrat Chapel


Faculty Updates


2014 Graduates


Senior Seminar Speaker

Hear from new Diversity Director Deino Scott ’74 and Athletic Director Mark Cross

Plus the list of colleges granting acceptance to these outstanding grads

Wireless technology pioneer John Stanton


Getting to Know


2014 Distinguished Alumni


Prep Endowments Change Lives


2013/2014 Annual Report

Ed Paulter

Jesuit priests – and brothers – Frank and Richard Case, classes of ‘56 and ‘60

Catherine Chang ‘14 shares her gratitude

List of contributors and financial report

IN EVERY ISSUE 2 24 28 50

President’s Letter Sports Update Class Notes & In Memoriam Then & Now



President Hickey (left) with Fr. Fitterer, SJ


rep faculty, staff, parents and students were greeted with great changes when we returned to campus this fall, although perhaps the greatest change that awaited could not be seen. It was easy to see, of course, the new spaces that have transformed our campus. So many worked so hard over the past five years to lift our vision from the drawing table onto the grounds of Seattle Prep. The results, as evidenced by the pictures in this issue of Panther Tracks, are even better than we expected: Our new Learning Resources Center, designed in large part by its outstanding Director, Regina Melonson, finally provides a space that befits the extraordinary work of the LRC staff and its students. Adelphia Memorial Hall (AMH) is both strikingly beautiful and fully functional. It now becomes the academic center of our campus, and so much more. AMH – the “two for one” solution that allowed us to address the seismic threat posed by Adelphia Hall and completely renovate a dilapidated Peyton Hall – will provide an exceptional educational environment for generations of Panthers. Peyton Plaza, centered by the IHS inlay that is the symbol of the Society of Jesus, is the nexus that connects campus buildings and provides gathering spaces for Prep students (a sociable lot) to talk, laugh and not text (which is still a rule violation!).


The heart of Prep – our Catholic, Jesuit tradition – is now firmly embedded in the heart of campus. Our Lady of Montserrat Chapel, tucked snugly between McHugh Gymnasium and AMH, transports every visitor into the sacred with the first step taken through its entrance. Finally, our terrific Community Ministry staff now has a terrific Community Ministry space, one bearing the name of – you guessed it – a pretty terrific guy: Fr. Paul Fitterer SJ, at age 83 the energizer bunny of the Jesuit Order. And Fr. Paul needs to be very energetic this year because he is the only Jesuit on campus. That is the greatest change at Prep that can’t be seen – the Jesuits who are not here. For most of our graduates, especially those from the 1940s, 50s and 60s, it is probably difficult to imagine a Prep that is not filled with Jesuit priests and misters. But the Jesuits saw this coming years ago and, to their credit, have been preparing for this day for some time. Knowing that their numbers were diminishing, the Jesuits began programs and initiatives to make sure that their spirituality and “way of proceeding” would thrive in their institutions even with only a few, or even one, Jesuit on staff. Many of our faculty/ staff have, for example, participated in the bedrock of Ignatian spirituality, the Spiritual Exercises. Our Director of Ignatian Formation, Matt Barmore, is a lay person who wrote his doctoral thesis on being Jesuit with a mostly lay teaching staff. And the Jesuits have taught us to immerse ourselves in our Jesuit tradition each day through symbols, prayers, pedagogy, organizational structure and even our vocabulary. These kinds of things, well planned and practiced, have led many Jesuits to remark that their schools feel more Jesuit now than ever before. Lay people are carrying the torch; the 500 year old tradition thrives. And, thankfully, the Jesuits aren’t going anywhere. I suspect that their numbers will bump up next year, perhaps with another priest and a couple scholastics missioned to Prep. But this year presents both a challenge and an opportunity: to live our Ignatian charism in a manner that would please those Jesuits who prepared us for this day.

Kent Hickey President, Seattle Prep

Fall 2014

One May, 2014 weekend in Madison, Wisconsin, Seattle Prep made history: the Mock Trial team brought home the school’s first national championship.

Panther Tracks





he breakthrough victory for the Panthers came after six straight years of 3-1 records at Nationals. Years of coming tantalizing close to the championship round finally ended when tournament officials announced the finalists in the shade of the Wisconsin State Capitol dome. To reach the fifth and final round, Seattle Prep won trials against teams from Iowa, Florida, Connecticut and


Illinois. The final trial took place in the ornate, majestic Wisconsin Supreme Court room in the State Capitol where a distinguished panel of attorneys and judges from around the country served as the “jury” of scorers. The case was a civil suit for wrongful death at a rave party on a hot summer night in the Wisconsin woods. The victim’s estate claimed that his partner in their energy drink business had poisoned him with a caffeine overdose because he was about to leave their company and

take their secret drink formulas to a competitor. The defense argued that the victim’s history of medical problems and drug use led to his death. From the moment the case came out on April 1, students on 46 state championship teams from around the country honed their rhetorical and acting skills as they studied up on cardiology, toxicology and intellectual property rights to prepare themselves for the competition. On the first day of classes in

Fall 2014

September, I invited three of the team’s seniors – Molly McCarthy, Caroline Genster and Max Kroeger – to join me for lunch and give me the inside scoop on what life is like as a 17-year-old lawyer. All three came to Prep knowing they wanted to participate in Mock Trial. Max, who was involved in speech in grade school, noted that our Mock Trial program was a major factor in his high school decision-making process. Both Molly and Caroline had older sisters on the team and arrived at Prep ready for tryouts. Molly, who is also the daughter of coach Andy McCarthy, says, “I always knew I wanted to participate in Mock Trial but I’ve gotten even more into it than I expected to. I have made all my best friends in the program.” The three laugh when I ask if Mock Trial is their primary extracurricular

Panther Tracks

activity. Max says, “We joke that it’s a cult or an addiction, but it’s true” and Molly adds that, “If you want to move up in the program, it takes an incredible time commitment.” I was curious about the process of preparing for a competition like State or Nationals and was surprised to learn that it’s not just about writing arguments and scrimmaging. The three explain that not only do you have to write, practice (and memorize) speeches, you need to do the kind of prep one would expect from a real-life trial lawyer. Max notes that when they were preparing a case that involved a propane tank explosion, they took a field trip to a gas station in Fremont where they learned up close how the valves and systems worked. And their preparation for the National competition (a case about poisoning) involved visiting the Poison

Control Center for toxicology research in addition to meeting with a coroner to learn about the autopsy process. Caroline shares, “Our coaches have such amazing connections in the community. We were lucky to be able to develop a really deep understanding of the context of the case.” Molly points out that the witnesses on the team also have their work cut out for them: “They have to create an interesting and likeable character and have to do a lot of research into making that character believable.” The group has a lot to say about the experience of going to Nationals. Max says, “For me, the nerves never end at Nationals until you’re on the plane ride home.” Molly agrees that it’s nerve wracking but clarifies, “We are all really close and we knew we were all going to pull our own weight. We were in it together and that made it a


lot of fun. We kept reminding ourselves ‘we’re just here to have fun!’” The feel of Nationals seems to be a mix of good natured rivalry (Caroline says that when they faced South Carolina in the finals, whom they lost to the year before, the sentiment was “It’s payback time!”) and enjoyable socializing with other teams from around the country. Molly shares how nice it is to be around other kids involved in the same intense activity you are: “They understand what a commitment this is. And they get your jokes about evidence!” When it came to that moment of discovering they were one of the final two teams standing? “More nerves!” says Max. But that may have been hard to believe for the onlookers who witnessed the Panthers deftly capturing the national title in the final round against South Carolina. However, what stood out in this historic moment for the team wasn’t personal glory: it was seeing long-time and beloved coaches Mr. McCarthy and Ms. Freeman take in the win. Several of the students noted that Ms. Freeman started dancing on the Capitol plaza when the finalists were announced. Caroline says, “Mr. McCarthy just had the biggest smile on his face! That was the best part for me.” Max adds, “We’re here for just four years of high school, but he’s at it every year. This means so much to him.” The trio is quick to note that it’s not just the support from coaches that helped their success but the involvement of parents, alums and the broader Seattle legal community. The King County champions from Franklin High School worked up both sides of the case and


scrimmaged, as did four members of the Washington Bar. King County Superior Court Judge William L. Downing presided over one of the Franklin scrimmages. In addition to coaches Andy McCarthy and Jen Freeman, among the many adults who supported the team in Madison were Taylor Larson’07, along with two attorneys – Joe Genster and Megan Coluccio ’04. Erica Strathern ’08 coordinated all the arrangements for the team and made sure everyone got where they needed to be on time and elegantly coiffed. Three members of Prep’s 2004 state championship team – Megan Coluccio, John Bailey and Sarah McCarthy – celebrated their tenth high school reunion in Madison, not Seattle.

Over two dozen parents, aunts and uncles, and other supporters made up the rest of the Washington entourage. The team also felt the support of faculty, parents and students back home. “Our teachers were so great about working with us on assignments and rescheduling tests we missed. They really understood how hard we were working and made sure to let us know they were proud of us and excited for the team” says Caroline. So what’s next for these three and the rest of the Mock Trial team? “Well, let’s say that we’re very pleased we’re returning all of the lawyers for this year” says Molly, who notes that most of

Fall 2014

“Our success in Madison was due to our ability to draw on the strengths of the Seattle Prep community and the city at large. Not only do we have many skilled lawyers among our parents and alumni, we also have coaches and students from other teams who volunteered to scrimmage with us and supported us in our quest for the national title.”

schools at the national competition had a large number of graduating seniors. “We’ll face a lot of competition, but we’re ready for it.” But as excited as the three are about the 2014-2015 season, they are

Panther Tracks

unanimous in their plans to pursue something other than law as a career. Caroline hopes to incorporate her Mock Trial-ignited love of public speaking in her future career, and Max says that while he doesn’t plan to go into law, the

skills he has learned through the program can translate into so many different areas. And Molly says that while law is probably not for her, she notes that “Mock Trial has given me so much more confidence and that will be useful no matter what I end up doing.” When I caught up with Mr. McCarthy and asked him about what made the difference for the team this year he said, “We have had excellent teams for over a decade. This year’s group had amazing talent and work ethic. We have lost some close rounds at Nationals over the years. This year our presentations, which always emphasize preparation and professionalism, resonated with the jurors and got us those few extra points when we needed them in the close rounds.” And, like his students, he was also quick to credit others for helping the team bring home the championship: “Our success in Madison was due to our ability to draw on the strengths of the Seattle Prep community and the city at large. Not only do we have many skilled lawyers among our parents and alumni, we also have coaches and students from other teams who volunteered to scrimmage with us and supported us in our quest for the national title.”


I T ’ S A N E W D AY



Fall 2014

The first day of school looked a little different this year.

Instead of carrying bags

full of textbooks, students could be seen toting slick new iPads. And instead of standing in McDonnell room 207, where he held court for 30 years, Señor Café could be spotted enjoying his new digs in Adelphia Memorial Hall. What may be most noteworthy among all of the changes, however, is how much has remained the same. The focus this year, as always, is on forming young women and men for others. And that focus can be seen everywhere, right down to the detail in our new spaces. From the contemplative design of the new chapel to St. Ignatius quotes engraved in stone, reminders of our Jesuit identity are everywhere. In the coming pages we take you on a virtual tour of our new spaces: Adelphia Memorial Hall, Our Lady of Montserrat Chapel, the Fr. Paul Fitterer, SJ Center for Community Ministry and the new Learning Resource Center. If you haven’t yet had a chance to see them in person, please do come by for a visit. The doors to the alumni office (floor 3 of the new AMH) are always open to you.

Panther Tracks



s the aesthetics and signage committee (comprised of Prep alums, parents and staff) wrestled with what artistic

elements to add to the new building, one priority became clear: communicate the school’s history and Jesuit identity. With Peyton Hall now virtually unrecognizable by remodel and Adelphia Hall coming down in summer 2015, we wanted to make sure that students and visitors still feel the powerful history our campus has experienced. As guests enter AMH, they are met with a wallsized mural of Adelphia Hall and plaza pictured in 1923. As they move upstairs to the Patricia & James Navone ’54 Great Room, they are greeted with a large historical collage depicting Prep in


the pre-MRC era. And diners in the Smith Family Café enjoy the playful backdrop of students experiencing life at Prep from the school’s inception to the current day. Even more important than making sure our history is felt is the expression of our Catholic, Jesuit identity. Quotes by St. Ignatius can be seen as one enters campus from the street (“Go forth and set the world on fire”) and upon entry to AMH (“Act as if everything depended on you; Trust as if everything depended on God.”) AMH E NT RY & H E NNING AT RIUM





Fall 2014

“We wanted to honor our mother and father because Seattle Prep has been a great influence on our family throughout the years and has shaped who we are today. My father attended Seattle Prep as have all five of us children and eight


grandchildren so far. –Jeannine (Navone) Christofilis ’90

Six Navone granddaughters attended Prep during the ’13–’14 school year.


Panther Tracks





And, of course, we added the incredible Our Lady of Montserrat Chapel. As described in the previous issue of Panther Tracks, the Chapel is significantly located in the heart of our campus, making a strong statement of the school’s commitment to the spiritual formation of our young people. It is a modern, striking and simple space for prayer, reflection and liturgical celebration. But as contemplative as the space is, there is an architectural reminder that we are to be “contemplatives in action”: the doors to the chapel open completely to our plaza, our campus and our world. Here, we share some of the chapel’s artfully planned details.

C RUC I F I X Artist: Trung Pham, SJ Bronze casting: Two Ravens Studio This crucifix, a gift from the Seattle Prep Filipino American community, captures the central concept of Christian faith – the Paschal Mystery of the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The work depicts an inbetween, yet intertwining, moment when Christ is dying and rising at the same time.


STAINE D G LASS WINDOWS O F MONTSER R AT Artist: Edward Arnot Entitled “Journey,” this piece recalls the physical journey of St. Ignatius and represents the spiritual journey of our students at Seattle Prep. Together with the statue of La Virgen de Madonna and the tapestry of St. Ignatius, it tells a story: On pilgrimage to the Holy Land, Ignatius sojourned to the town of Montserrat, in the Northeast of Spain. In the church of the Benedictine abbey, he kept a vigil of arms for one whole night before the altar of Our Lady of Montserrat. There, he resolved to lay aside his worldly garments to don the armor of Christ.

Fall 2014

RE LIC G IFT Seattle Prep received a St. Ignatius Loyola Relic from the Layman family. Dr. James Layman, class of 1941, acquired the bone relic in 1959 as thanks for the medical care that he provided for the Jesuits at no cost. Dr. Layman, who received the Seattle Prep Distinguished Alumnus Award in 1986, served as the primary internist for the Jesuits in Seattle for over 50 years and was the team physician at Seattle Prep for over 20 years. The Chapel also proudly displays a wood carving by Fr. Robert Pospicil, SJ in the Fr. Joe Small, SJ Reflection room thanks to the generosity of the Layman family.* *Dr. & Mrs. James Layman Jr. ‘41, Dan Layman ’73, Pat Layman ’65, Sarah Layman, Sean Layman ’68 and Justin Speyer ’98.

L A V IRG E N DE MADO NNA This painted wooden statue, also known as the Black Madonna, was bought at Montserrat itself. It is located next to the stained glass window, but gives a different praying experience allowing one to pray by touching the statue.

BAPTISMAL POOL This baptismal pool welcomes people into the serene space of the Chapel as well as welcoming the faithful into the Church through baptism. The stone in the middle of the pool serves as a baptismal bowl while allowing the water to trickle down on four sides to create a rippling effect. Three glass wall panels in front of the pool can slide into a wall pocket to create a private yet open space for baptism.

TA P E ST RY O F ST. I GN AT IUS Artist: Arturo Araujo, SJ Tapestry: Magnolia Editions This tapestry was made from the same loom in Belgium that made the tapestry in the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels. In the image, Ignatius of Loyola stands in front of an altar as he offers himself to the service of God.

A LTA R Designer: Francis Nguyen, SJ This Altar is designed to celebrate our gratitude to our communities, both past and present. The wood for this centerpiece in the Chapel was reclaimed from the original Adelphia Hall. Below the Altar is the relic of St. Ignatius. The Altar is simple but substantial, with two color tones to convey its depth and symbolize the unity of past and present communities. The Ambo and Tabernacle were also designed by Francis Nguyen, SJ using reclaimed wood from Adelphia Hall.

Panther Tracks


“The new Paul Fitterer, S.J. Center for Community Ministry enables Seattle Prep to provide a welcoming and attractive place for us to minister to students and train students in helping each other grow.” – Brian Mack, Director of Community Ministry



Welcome to the new LRC! We invite you to learn more about this special program and how its new space was designed with students in mind in this interview with director Regina Melonson.



Describe the history of the Learning Resource Center (LRC) for our readers. How did it come about? How has it grown over the years? In 1994, with the encouragement of the then Academic Dean, Diana Plumis, I founded the LRC as a way to provide academic support to students with diagnosed learning differences. We began by providing individualized study skills support and assistance in obtaining standardized testing accommodations. Our first year we enrolled a total of 12 students. Twenty years later, we enroll, on average, 90-95 students annually. Over the past

20 years we have served about 500 students in the program. Our services now are much more comprehensive and include classroom and standardized testing accommodations, access to class lecture notes through our peer notes program, a wide variety of technological supports and tutoring services, as well as on-going skills development trainings, e.g. writing, test taking, note taking and self-advocacy. The LRC program has been recognized by specialists and educators in the Seattle community as one of the best programs of its kind in the private high school setting.

Fall 2014

Why is it important for a school like

Tell us a little bit about the new

Prep to make LRC services available to

LRC space. How does the design

students? How have you seen students

support the program’s goals? The

impacted by the LRC? Seattle Prep

new LRC space was designed to be student-centered, to help students access the support services they need to become self-sufficient learners. We wanted a place that was welcoming and accessible to all, and that conveyed to our students that they are important and genuinely cared for. The outcome is a space that truly captures those intentions. The color palette of blues and greys offers a calm, serene environment and the multi-functional space design and natural lighting, as well as the location just off the elevator of McDonnell Hall, achieves this beautifully. There are areas available for students who need quiet, distraction-free testing space or individual work spaces. There are also areas for small group testing, tutoring and conferencing. The design also accommodates students in need of a space for confidential meetings. We have round tables with padded chairs, as opposed to desks, to ensure that students are comfortable in the new space. We are so very grateful to the donors who made it all possible, many of whom are current and former LRC families.

has led the way among private Catholic high schools in this area, providing a comprehensive program of support services for students with diagnosed learning differences. We do so because it helps us live out our mission of service and of justice. We serve the families in our community who desire a Seattle Prep education for all of their children. The existence of the LRC allows us to serve the children in these families who need support. These services are at the heart of what we do to be studentcentered. In addition, we are a school committed to justice. The LRC’s goal is to equalize the academic playing field for students. Each year we get the pleasure of working with bright, capable, amazing kids – kids like many of us, who may, given certain circumstances have difficulties that can get in their way. We try to build bridges to make learning more accessible. One of the ways we do this is by providing our students with training in self-advocacy – the ability to take action to obtain appropriate and effective support for their learning needs. We view this as one of the most important skills that our students need for high school, college and for life. We have seen numerous examples of students coming into high school feeling as though the academic life at Prep is an insurmountable difficulty they cannot overcome. And we watch their transformation as they develop skills in advocacy to tackle the obstacles that come their way. There is no greater joy for us than watching our students cross the stage at graduation because we fully understand what it took for them to reach that point.

Panther Tracks

What are your greatest hopes for the future of the program? My

greatest hope for the future of the LRC is that we continue our mission to support the students entrusted to us using the best practices and current research, but most importantly that we continue to nurture and care for students and families who need the support the LRC provides.

AN ALUM’S STORY: “Until the beginning of my senior year I was convinced that I wasn’t smart enough for an A on my report card, wasn’t good enough to make my parents proud and wasn’t worthy enough to be successful. To put it simply, school had been a constant struggle and had never come easily for me. After being diagnosed with ADHD in my junior year, I stopped wondering why things were the way that they were and questioning why I couldn’t seem to get the grades that my classmates made look so easy. The Learning Resource Center at Prep took me under its wing and stuck by me throughout my junior and senior years. The staff helped guide me up the road to success by teaching me and encouraging me to be my own advocate. They helped me strip my label of “the dumb one” both from my mind and the minds of others and made me feel worthy of success and accomplishment for the first time in my life. I have come a long way and am now a successful college student – something I once thought would not be possible. I look forward to the challenges the future holds and hope to continue to improve as a student and as a person. My talents are many, my commitment to learning is unmatched and my openness to new things is growing. I am so thankful to my teachers in high school, most especially for the LRC for helping me feel this way.”



With all the new spaces on campus this fall, it’s easy to overlook a number of key staff transitions as well.

New Diversity Director

New Athletic Director

Tell us about your background and what inspired you to take on the Director of Diversity role. I am an alum – class of ’74. I have been back at Prep 12 years and came on board as a coach and then taught English and P.E and Health. It was like coming home. As far as the Diversity Director position; I think it’s a good fit. It is an area that is of great interest to me and I know there is much work to be done. What do you see as an average “Day in the Life” of the Diversity Director? What will you spend your time doing? The role of Diversity Director is multi-faceted, as I have quickly found out. I have not really experienced that “average day.” Each day is different. They may include meeting with students in need, staff meetings, teaching Health class, meeting with parents of current students, meeting with parents of prospective students, crunching data, meeting with reps from school cultural clubs and/or developing services for staff. There may be a meeting with President Hickey or with a board member. I’m also busy planning some of our events like the Martin Luther King, Jr. assembly and the Asian Student Summit.

Ed Paulter leaves a large void to fill, but our new AD is up to the challenge! Learn more about Mark’s background and why he’s excited to be at the helm of Panther athletics.

Deino Scott ’74

How would you describe the goals of the diversity program? My personal goals are to make Prep a welcoming and comfortable place for all students as well as a place that embraces and celebrates our diversity. I’d love to see more staff of color and be known in the greater community as “the” school that is the most welcoming in Seattle. What are you most looking forward to about your new position? What do you think will be most challenging? I look forward to interactions with students, parents and staff on a daily basis. I’m always excited to talk about Prep. The biggest challenge is just that diversity has so many pieces. There is always another piece of the puzzle to work on; it is a very dynamic area!


Mark Cross

Tell us a little bit about your background and what brings you to Prep. Why was the position of Athletic Director appealing to you? I am a native Seattleite, born and raised in the Rainier Valley neighborhood of south Seattle. I graduated from Ballard High School where I participated on the football team as a quarterback and middle linebacker. After spending the first few years of college not knowing what I wanted to do career-wise, I finally decided to dedicate myself to the field of education, earning a bachelor’s of science degree in Physical Education along with my teaching certification for Health and Fitness.

Fall 2014

I began my teaching career in the Federal Way School District as a Physical Education teacher at Lakota Middle School where I taught grades 6-8 for four years and also coached a variety of sports such as football, girls and boys basketball, and track and field. The last two years that I was employed at Lakota, I also served as the school’s athletic director. In 2010, I began working at Seattle Prep as an instructor in the PPD department as well as an assistant coach for the football team and JV girls basketball program. I also taught drivers education at Seattle Prep for a year. After spending two years at Seattle Prep, I took a position as the athletic director at Evergreen High School in the Highline School District. Following two years of serving as the AD at Evergreen, I now return to Seattle Prep as the athletic director as well as an assistant football coach and instructor in the PPD Department. I was immediately attracted to the athletic director position at Seattle Prep because of my previous positive experience at Prep as a teacher and coach. The Seattle Prep community is a very welcoming and tight knit community that is very supportive. I also enjoy the time I spend with the hard working students at Seattle Prep. I am very blessed and humbled to have this wonderful opportunity. What is your general philosophy re: the role of athletics in schools? I believe that athletics are a great way to teach students the fundamental skills, concepts and strategies of a sport, but most of all I feel that interscholastic athletics help students develop a variety of vital skills that will prepare them for life such as perseverance, time management and team work. Participation in school sports is also a great way to create a strong sense of school spirit, community and pride.

Panther Tracks

When administered in the appropriate manner, interscholastic athletics will provide students with challenges that will help them to better understand who they are as people and to strive to reach their maximum potential in all areas of life--not just athletics. I believe that interscholastic athletics are also a great way to provide authentic learning situations that will promote character building and humble leadership. Do you think it’s important for all kids to participate in athletics in some way? I believe that it is important for kids to get involved in athletics at a young age not just to help them develop fundamental movement skills but also because it’s so important to health and fitness. However, I’m a huge supporter of all co-curricular activities. Not all students may enjoy participating in

career at Seattle Prep. I would also make sure that the student truly understood that he/she should never feel ashamed about asking for help or support. What are some key goals you have for Prep athletics over the next several years? • Maintain an already strong athletic program that operates with upmost integrity and looks to capitalize on opportunities for improvements. • Continue to develop our brand as an Athletic Department with a strong tradition. • Create multiple avenues to celebrate our students’/Athletic Department’s successes. • Development of an end of the year all sports celebration for athletes and coaches.

“I feel that interscholastic athletics help students develop a variety of vital skills that will prepare them for life such as perseverance, time management and team work.” athletics as much as I do and their involvement may come in other forms such being an avid fan or supporter. One thing that is really great to see at Seattle Prep is the high percentage of student participation in athletics but also the high participation from athletes in other co-curricular activities on campus! What advice would you give to a student worried about balancing athletics with class work? I would encourage that student to talk with a coach and teacher to set up a plan to help the student become successful in both arenas. It may be also helpful to pair this student with an upperclassman who had similar worries in his or her

What are you most looking forward to about your new job? Most nervous about? I’m most looking forward to building meaningful relationships with Seattle Prep students in the classroom as well as through athletics. In my former position at Evergreen, the AD was not allowed to teach or coach, so I’m very excited to get back into the classroom to teach and also on the football field as a coach. Educating students is why I got into the field of education, so I’m really happy to be working closely with students again. I think I’m most nervous about dealing with the terrible traffic every morning on I-5 as I commute from Northeast Tacoma!


Congratulations to the Class of 2014 Pierre Francis Albi Elliott Michael Allen Ellery Dee Andrews Kylie Kim Arrowsmith Madeline Helen Artis Kayla Aulii Ayres Virginia Clayton Barnhart Madison Ann Barton Annie Grace Baur Alexander McMorran Bautista Matthew Thomas Bentley Tyler Alexander Bianchetto Griffin Jack Bills Madeline Hawley Birkhold Keegan Charles Boehm Madeline Gray Bosserman Timothy Joseph Bowers Matthew Gerard Brennan Emma Ruth Brethauer Daniel James Bryan Elizabeth Reed Buhler 18

Madison Grace Burnett Taylor Gene Butler-Hawkins Caroline Virginia Cacabelos Mark Anthony Juan Caindec Claire Marie Calfo Joseph Robert Campbell Rachel McKenzie Carlson Noah Patrick Cavanaugh Frank Connor Fielding Cech Catherine Chang Anne Marie Chiles Clayton Newell Comiskey Nathaniel Gray Crawford Margaret Rose Delaney Melissa Clare Dickinson Ryan Richmond Doerfler Claire Dollard Nathan James Dullea Gabriel Evan Dunatov Peter Nicholas Eusebio Stuart Alexander Fairchild

Theresa Faltesek-Gibbons Benjamin James Faricy Saba-Chu vanHaagen Farwell Elise Danielle Katheleen Feider Alyssa Megan Feldsine Cole Bradley Fisher Rena Jean Flick Marques Eric Friend Tristan Joseph Corpuz Frigillana McNeil Carter Fulmore Daniel Alejandro Galindo-Navarro Joseph Anderson Giesa Claudia Gara Gietzen Addison Gifford Austin Alexander Giftopoulos Anna Carslin Gilbert Anne Kathryn Gillis Katherine Ann Gleason Isaac Edward Grams Samuel Louis Gubelman Charles P. Halbert VII Fall 2014

Academic Award Gabriel Evan Dunatov Ellen Clare Harris Leadership Award Mary Ann Marti Santucci Magis Award Rachel McKenzie Carlson Daniel Alejandro Galindo-Navarro JSEA Award Isabella Kathryn Kres-Nash Keenan Rory Swezey Leary

William Ingalls Hall Maxwell Cameron Hanson Joseph McDonald Hardy Ellen Clare Harris Mark Henry Harris Connor Francis Heffernan Alexander Robert Hendricks John Troseth Henning Adrienne Claire Guerra Herkes Dominic Matthew Guerra Herkes Laurence Marquise Hicks Rachelle Peredo Hobayan Katherina Anna Hofstetter Kristoffer Kjell Holmes Erin Marie Howard Jon Barringer Iseman Sophia Marie James Matthew Walter Jensen

Panther Tracks

Daniel Joseph Johnson Emma Mariel George Johnson Margaret Elizabeth Jones Tessa Katherine Jordan Isabel Faye Kelly Enkenyelesh Dereje Ketsela Kyunghyun Ko Kevin Ryan Kocher Isabella Kathryn Kres-Nash Sean Michael Kron Laurel Lee Kuehl Andrew James Lamb Aidan Gill Larson Keenan Rory Swezey Leary Aidan Guzzo L贸pez Theresa Roselle Maloney Jessica Espino Mangaliag Laura Ruth Marck Patricia-Allyson Mallillin Martinez Sandra Genevieve Matthews Jenay Danielle McAuley Riley McCoy Alexander Robert McCullough Margaret Mary McDonald Katherine Patricia McMullan Madeline Kathryn McReynolds Aman David Michael Dylan M. Moorleghen Alexandra Morales-Garcia Meghan S. Mullally John Yates Murphy Omar Chung Mussehl Mari Toshiye Nakata Jacqueline Reland Navone Michael Atkins Nelson Sarah Anne Newhall Julia Thanh-Thao Nguyen Sinclair Elizabeth Nitz Emmiline Marie Nordale Benjamin Robert Conley Olwell Daniel Joseph Ostrander Nicole B'Lou Pavlovic Annika Catherine Pedersen Annika Leah Perez-Krikorian Ryan Bradley Perkinson Dakota Lyn Peterson

Caroline Berith Petgrave Nadine Pierre-Louis Madeline Leah Poor Mia Marie Portuese Timothy Joseph Prusa Michael Patrick Reilly Beatrice Snowpine Renaud Spencer Corbett Reppond Nicole Marie Rise Abigail Kathleen Rockwell Katie Elizabeth Mahony Rolnick Savannah Jane Kneeland Salem Rilee Dennehy Sanders Bimaldeep Sandhu Mary Ann Marti Santucci George James Sarantinos Emily Taylor Savidge William Barton Schaeffer Casey Peter Schmidt Spencer Arceo Schulz Charles Raymond Shafer Andrew Charles Shields Desiree Melinda-Anisha Simmons Margaret Elizabeth Slack Caleb Wilson Smith Rachel Jessica Smith Ryan L. Sodora Bailey Elizabeth Sonne Clare R. Spotts Patrick William Stanton Luke Straus Luke William Targett Yael Joselyn Tellez-Rodriguez Joseph William Teplicky Jr. Michael Jacob Thorson Patrick Delance Tjandra Stephanie Nicholson Todd Emily Alice Tyler Geeneil Iris Tiburcio Umagat Taylor Ann Van Hare Andr茅 Amiel Varnado Jr. Caitlin Marie Vinopal Eugene David Wackerbarth Elizabeth Rachel Wong Natalie Joyce Wong Monica Celeste Zunick


Colleges and Universities Offering Admission to the Class of 2014 The Seattle Preparatory Class of 2014 submitted over 1400 applications and were accepted to 143 different colleges and universities. The graduates will be attending 62 separate institutions of higher education and were offered over $23,300,000 in merit scholarships over the next four years. Please note that a number of highly selective colleges and universities award need based aid only.

Washington State Public Universities Bellevue College Central Washington University Eastern Washington University Evergreen State College University of Washington University of Washington-Bothell University of Washington-Tacoma Washington State University Western Washington University

Jesuit Colleges and Universities Boston College College of the Holy Cross Creighton University Fairfield University Fordham University Georgetown University Gonzaga University Loyola Marymount University Loyola University Chicago Loyola University Maryland Loyola University New Orleans Marquette University Regis University Saint Louis University St. Joseph’s University Santa Clara University Seattle University University of San Francisco Xavier University

Catholic Colleges and Universities Carroll College DePaul University Dominican University California Saint John’s University Saint Mary’s College of California University of Notre Dame University of Portland University of San Diego Villanova University

Private Colleges and Universities Bates College Baylor University Boston University Brown University


Butler University Carleton College Case Western Reserve U Chapman University Claremont McKenna College Colby College Colorado College Cornell University DigiPen Institute of Technology Drexel University George Fox University George Washington University Harvard University Ithaca College Lawrence University Lewis & Clark College Linfield College Macalester College Manhattanville College Northeastern University Northwestern University Occidental College Pacific Lutheran University Pomona College Reed College Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Rice University Rochester Institute of Technology Scripps College Seattle Pacific University Southern Methodist University Texas Christian University Trinity College Trinity University Tulane University University of Denver University of Hartford University of Miami University of Puget Sound University of Redlands University of Rochester University of Southern California Vassar College Wake Forest University Westmont College Whitman College Whittier College Whitworth University Willamette University Williams College Yale University

Out of State Public Universities Arizona State University Auburn University Boise State University Cal Poly San Luis Obispo College of William & Mary Colorado School of Mines Colorado State University Georgia Institute of Technology Michigan State University Montana State University Northern Arizona University Ohio State University Oregon State University Purdue University Rutgers New Brunswick Texas A&M University U of California Berkeley U of California Davis U of California Los Angeles U of California San Diego U of California Santa Barbara University of Alabama University of Arizona University of Colorado Boulder University of Hawaii Manoa University of Idaho University of Illinois University of Maryland College Park University of Michigan University of Mississippi University of Montana University of Oregon University of Vermont University of Virginia University of Wisconsin Madison

International Universities American University Paris McGill University University of British Columbia

United States Service Academies United State Military Academy United States Naval Academy

Fall 2014



John Stanton


ll seniors are required to take one of four seminars during their second semester: Sin and Forgiveness, Disease and Social Responsibility, Literary Exploration of Human Nature (LEHN), or Economics, Ecology and Ethics (E3). Like Collegio, each seminar is team taught and interdisciplinary in nature. For example, in LEHN seniors are guided through All the King’s Men by an English teacher while exploring the philosophical and theological themes that dovetail with the narrative through the instruction of a theology teacher. The seminars are intended to be capstone courses. In 2013 the seminar instructors invited Jim Sinegal, founder of Costco, to give the seniors a capstone speech toward the end of the semester. This year another distinguished guest, wireless pioneer John Stanton, spoke to the class of 2014.

Panther Tracks

The seminar instructors prepared the seniors for Mr. Stanton’s talk by asking them to read a chapter from Jared Diamond’s Collapse. The chapter focused on the historical, cultural and geographical differences between the Dominican Republic and Haiti, two countries located on the same island that are traveling down very different paths, one hopeful, one much less so. Mr. Stanton spoke with the seniors about his experience bringing wireless services into these countries, the challenges and opportunities, and then described the devastation caused by the earthquake in Haiti a few years ago. He skillfully drew connections between Haiti’s economically and politically impoverished conditions and the painful experiences of its people.

Mr. Stanton then offered some life lessons for the seniors to ponder. One of these was to carefully consider the wisdom of choosing a major for a specific career. He noted how his liberal arts studies at Whitman College didn’t set him on a career path in wireless (since such a thing was unknown at the time), but did prepare him for the opportunity when it unexpectedly arose. Mr. Stanton also struck a chord with the question: What do the founders of Google, Facebook and Twitter have in common with the founders of much older corporations such as Ford and GE? All were founded by twenty-somethings. “So,” said Mr. Stanton, “if you want to know where you will find the next great opportunity, the last person to ask is an old guy like me!” (Publisher’s note: Mr. Stanton is not old. He is seasoned.)

John Stanton and his son Patrick ’14 (in blue shirt) pose with President Kent Hickey (far left) and the Senior Seminar teachers: (l to r) Matt Barmore, Brian Elsner ’97, Brian Meza ’92, and Heidi Kim.


Born in: Family:

Paterson, New Jersey my wife Rita (we just celebrated our 30th anniversary)

Schools attended:


Ed Paulter


n this issue’s Panther Spotlight, we get to know long-time and much loved coach, teacher and former Athletic Director Ed Paulter a little better. Ed retired in June after enjoying a 30-year career as a Panther. We could not be happier for him and his wife, Rita, as they embark on new adventures. Baseball Coach and Prep teacher Max Engel ’96 says, “As a coach, Ed Paulter taught me the value of hard work and leadership. I loved playing for him. He embraced who I was as a person and an athlete and always motivated me to do my best. As a mentor, Ed taught me how to navigate a career as a teacher and coach. He provided me with valuable insight on how to structure both lesson plans and practice plans. He was always well prepared and extremely organized. As a friend, Ed showed me the importance of loyalty. No one close to Ed would ever question his loyalty to them or love of them. He attended both my wedding and my father’s funeral. His office door was always open to me and he would always be willing to lend and ear or give advice. I will forever be grateful for my relationship with Ed Paulter. I am constantly inspired by the impact that he has had on my life.”


Saint Mary’s Elementary; Seton Hall Prep; Boston College (Class of ‘72); University of Maryland, and Seattle University Best job during your youth: golf caddy Favorite high school memory: athletics (football, basketball and baseball) Favorites subjects of scholastic study: US History Favorite pastimes: beach walking/hiking/climbing I never thought I’d become: a high school teacher I always knew I could: disregard the rain and remain in Seattle Worst advice given to me was: don’t move to Seattle Given by: high school friend Best advice given to was: give high school teaching a chance Given by: climbing partner Favorite life moment so far: marrying Rita in 1984 If I could have one “redo” it would be: moving to Seattle sooner When did you come to Prep: August 1984 What lead you to apply for a job at Prep? a friend saw an employment notice What subjects have you taught at Prep? US History/Economics/ World History What has been the biggest challenge at Prep? lack of athletic facilities on campus What has been the greatest blessing? coaching with former players How do you see the school evolving? new on-campus educational facilities and off-campus athletic venues will enrich Prep’s stellar faculty and student-athletes My favorite Prep memories are: coaching baseball, basketball and football What I’ll miss most about Prep is: being part of such a vibrant and caring community What’s next? retirement on Sunset Beach on Whidbey Island with Rita and our dog Bailey

Fall 2014

2 01 4 D I ST I N G U I S H E D A LU MN I

Fr. Frank Case, SJ ’56 and Fr. Richard (Dick) Case, SJ ’60 Like his older brother, Fr. Dick Case, from the Prep class of 1960, was ordained a Jesuit priest 12 years following his high school graduation. Also like the elder Fr. Case, Dick held a number of important roles within the Society of Jesus: he directed the Diocese of Fairbanks, served as president of Gonzaga Prep (where he implemented a remarkable program, called Fair Share, that makes a Jesuit education possible to students from a variety of economic backgrounds) and is currently the pastor of St. Aloysius Gonzaga Parish in Spokane. Both Frank and Dick are humble leaders who have dedicated their lives’ work to the Catholic Church and the

Fathers Frank and Dick Case at graduation.


athers Frank Case, SJ ’56 and Dick Case, SJ ’60 hold the distinction of being the first sibling pair to share a Seattle Prep award. When examining the criteria for the award, it became clear that both men equally exemplified the Prep graduate: smart, hardworking, generous, faith-filled and committed to living a life in service to others. Fr. Frank Case graduated from Prep in 1956 – a class, he notes with some pride, that was made up of “self-admitted scoundrels.” Fr. Case was ordained 12 years after graduating from Seattle Prep and then went on to teach economics at the Albers School of Business at Seattle University, where he also served as Rector of the Jesuit community. Frank held a number of very important appointments within the Society of Jesus, including serving as Provincial of the Oregon Province and General Secretary at the Jesuit Curia in Rome. He is now at Gonzaga University, where he holds the position of Vice President for Mission.

Panther Tracks

Both Frank and Dick are humble leaders who have dedicated their lives’ work to the Catholic Church and the Society of Jesus. They are exceptional men; kind– hearted, thoughtful and deeply caring.

Society of Jesus. They are exceptional men; kind-hearted, thoughtful and deeply caring. We consider it a privilege and honor to award them with our 2014 Distinguished Alumni Award.


Spring Sports Recap



The Baseball team ended the season with a 10-7 conference record and a 12-11 record overall, placing third in the very tough Metro League Mountain Division. During the regular season the Panthers had some notable victories defeating Eastside Catholic on the road 6-3, and Ingraham High School 4-3. The Panthers fought hard in Metro League Tournament play but fell short to Lakeside in a loserout game. The Panther baseball team had two First Team All-Metro League athletes and graduated nine seniors. The Panthers look forward to the 2015 baseball season. The Tennis team finished the season with a 7-4 record playing in the strongest division in the Metro League. Following the Metro League individual tournament, the Panthers advanced 10 athletes into the Sea-King District tournament. The Panther tennis athletes gave it all they had in the tournament advancing one

boys doubles team and one girls doubles team into the second round. The Panthers will return a solid group of athletes next season. The Softball team ended their regular season with a seven win and nine loss conference record and an 11 win/13 loss season. The team played hard throughout the regular season and had great wins vs. Chief Sealth (18-12) and Blanchet (14-13). The team battled in the Metro League Tournament defeating Rainier Beach and Chief Sealth. The Panthers advanced into the District tournament and gave Bellevue High School a tough game, but ultimately lost to the Wolverines. The Panther softball team graduated four seniors and also had two First Team All-Metro Athletes. The Panthers will return a strong core of athletes next spring and can’t wait for another exciting season. The Girls Lacrosse team finished the

Fall 2014

Follow Prep sports on Twitter: @seaprepsports

2014 regular season, coming in second place in a very competitive D1 Metro League. The Panthers had a record of six wins, six losses and one tie overall and enjoyed some exciting victories throughout the season. Some of the highlights of the season included defeating Kennedy Catholic 13-7 and Mercer Island 8-7. The Panthers did a great job of persevering throughout the season and working together as a team. The team advanced into the State playoffs against Glacier Peak High School but fell a bit short in a tough loss. The Girls Lacrosse team graduated a solid group of 12 seniors this past spring but have a young core of athletes returning next season. The Boys Lacrosse team finished their season with a five win and four loss conference record and a nine win and six loss record overall. As a result of their team play throughout the season, the Panther Tracks

Panthers finished in third place in a very tough D1 Metro League. Some of the highlights throughout the season include victories over Shorecrest High School 9-8, Nathan Hale 12-9, and Lakeside 8-6. The team qualified for the State playoffs for the third year in a row and defeated Everett High School in the first round by a score of 6 to 5, but ran into a very tough Mercer Island in the second round. The Panthers will return a solid core next season and are looking forward to another promising run next spring. The Boys Soccer team ended the season with a record of 7-10-3. The Panthers fought through adversity throughout the regular season and worked hard to put together a few great victories. The team defeated Eastlake 1-0 and Eastside Catholic 2-0. The Panthers advanced into Metro Tournament play with victories over Chief Sealth and

Bainbridge. After being defeated by Ingraham and Nathan Hale, the Panthers found themselves in a Metro/KingCo crossover game against Mercer Island. Despite the loss to Mercer Island, the Panthers played with heart and pride. The boys soccer team graduated 10 seniors this past spring and had three All Metro Mountain athletes selected. The Prep Track team returned to the 2014 season with more significant experience. The Panthers stayed competitive throughout the season and sent a great group of athletes to the Metro Championships. The boys team finished seventh at State. Joe Hardy came in 1st place in the 1600 and 3200. The boys 4 X 100 relay team placed fourth and two Panthers came in seventh and ninth place. The Panthers will return a solid nucleus of athletes for a promising 2015 season. 25


Prep Endowments Change Lives


or many Seattle Prep students, submitting their application for enrollment is an act of faith. The uncertainty of meeting standards set by the admissions office, (future) teachers, and (future) peers, is intimidating. But even more intimidating for some students is the high cost of tuition. Applications are accompanied by a heavy dose of prayer and a belief that if accepted, students will also be blessed by a financial aid award that enables them to register. Shortly before Catherine Chang ‘14 applied to Prep, her father lost his job. Her mother’s wages as a caretaker barely covered living expenses for their family. At first, attending Prep was something Catherine “didn’t even dare to consider,” but she was attracted to Prep’s reputation for rigorous academics. Her father attended a Catholic school while growing up in Vietnam and her mother was impressed by Catherine’s education at St. Paul School. “If I don’t try, I’ll never know,” she said. “I prayed over it. I thought if this is God’s will, he’ll help me (get into Prep).” Her prayers were answered by generous members of the Prep community, including a local foundation and an individual donor, who had established endowments at Seattle Prep for tuition assistance. “On the day I was supposed to interview with another high school, I got a phone call from Prep saying that most of my tuition was covered,’ Catherine shared. “It’s a fantastic education experience with no burden for my family.” Catherine nurtured her love of languages at Prep. She spoke


The S.O.S. Foundation Scholarship Maureen and Joe Brotherton ’72 provide an annual tuition assistance award to support a Brotherton Scholar at Seattle Prep, in addition to students at four other institutions, through their S.O.S. Foundation (Supporting our Success). “I didn’t receive scholarships when I attended Prep,” said Joe. “I wasn’t from a wealthy family. We were able to afford it, but tuition has gotten more expensive (relatively).” “In the 1960s and 1970s,” Brotherton continued, “a middle class family could probably afford tuition without a great sacrifice. Now that’s less true. Those of us who have been lucky enough to make money because of our great Prep education, have the opportunity to make up that difference.”

Vietnamese and Mandarin at home, took four years of Spanish, was tutored after school by Frau Khouri, Prep’s German teacher, and taught herself the Korean alphabet by watching You Tube videos. “Throughout my entire Prep journey, the donors really helped me focus on my path. I want to help other students from my neighborhood so they can attend Prep, too.” “When I write a thank you letter to a donor, I make a promise to do well. My goal is to keep this promise to them and to myself. I fully understand that receiving an education at Seattle Prep is a blessing, so I try my best to make the most of it every day.” Like many scholarship recipients, Catherine expressed her gratitude by paying it forward. “I know that when I learn, it is

Fall 2014

“It is through your generosity that I and many other students are able to attend Seattle Prep.” “I speak for myself and the other so that I can give back to my community when I grow older and so that I can be of greater service to others. I hope that all that I do will be Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam. Prep focuses a lot on justice and service. I learned about both sides of service; it’s important to get to the root cause of solving problems; not just do service, but to try to address the issue.” In addition to tutoring fellow Prep students in Spanish, Chinese, English and History, Catherine also tutored immigrant children at the Refugee Women’s Alliance. “I want to help them overcome the same language barriers that I had to overcome. For these children, I strive to be the tutor that I wish I had,” said Catherine. She also participated in the Liturgy Choir and Academic Advisory Council, while serving in leadership positions for the National Honor Society, Peer Mentoring program and Senior Pilgrimage retreat. Sharing her experience at the 2013 Appreciation Dinner prior to the Christmas Choir Concert, Catherine spoke on behalf of many Prep students. “It is through your generosity that I and many other students are able to attend Seattle Prep.” “I speak for myself and the other students and families assisted; we are sincerely thankful for all of your help. Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to lead in my service to others, to share my knowledge and to learn to learn, learn to live and learn to love.” This fall Catherine enrolled in the Honors Program at UW with plans to study Spanish and pre-med. “In the future, I hope to be a surgeon, a doctor or a US ambassador. I’m not sure which, but I am sure that I want to be one of Seattle Prep’s benefactors.” Last year, almost 160 Prep students received financial aid grants totaling over $965,000, half of which came from the Seattle Prep endowment. There are over 60 named endowments and 22 funds for tuition assistance established by individuals, foundations and senior classes.

students and families assisted; we are sincerely thankful for all of your help. Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to lead in my service to others, to share my knowledge and to learn to learn, learn to live and learn to love.”

“We rely heavily on our Annual Fund and SPREE Auction to supplement endowment earnings,” said Liz Brennan, Director of Development. “Our endowment is currently at $17 million, but we need to be closer to $25 million. This would generate close to $1.2 million in tuition assistance annually and enable us to provide most our tuition assistance from endowment revenue. We would be able to keep tuition reasonable and use the operating budget for capital improvements, faculty and staff professional development and operating reserves.” “I tell my kids, if you’re lucky you’ll get one memorable teacher, in elementary school, high school and college,” said Brotherton. “I’d like to hope that every kid at Prep has one.” Brotherton encourages parents and alumni to think about the benefits of directing philanthropy close to home by creating an endowment for tuition assistance. “I give talks about active philanthropy. You can do it internationally, but also in your own community, at Prep.” “Everyone already knows you can’t take it with you. You can get a lot more pleasure out of gifting if you do it while you’re alive.” “An endowed gift will be one way your legacy will survive. It’s a chance to do whatever is important to you – people will forget your name; but if you think your values are important, this is a way to have your values live on.”

To learn more about supporting tuition assistance or other activities at Seattle Prep by creating an endowment, contact Katrina Freeburg, Director of Major Gifts and Planned Giving at or 206-577-2237 or visit Did you receive tuition assistance at Prep? Share your story of gratitude at

Panther Tracks



1938 Dan Lyons and his wife Mary travelled to Ireland in the spring of 2014 with their son Dan Lyons ’51, his wife Blanca, their daughter Ashling and her husband Tom. They toured Limerick and Galway and visited with family and friends.

1950 Bill (Willie) Nickerson shared memories of his Sacred Spaces during his time at Prep, inspired by the Spring 2014 Panther Tracks. One was in the Panther office where he could write, free from distraction, for the school paper. Another was in Adelphia Hall where Fr. Bob Renner taught him about the handling of books. His final sacred space was at St. Peter’s Mission Church where he served Mass for Fr. Joe Logan.

1972 Michael Hindery began his new position as Vice President for Finance and Administration at his alma mater, Santa Clara University, in June 2014.

1989 Mary-Bridget (Gleason) Pehl is the curator for her couture consignment business, MB Finds, which she opened in 2011.

1993 Patrick Collins and Heidi Larson are happy to announce the birth of their baby, Marlowe.



Paul McKillop, John Comick,

John Bencich and his wife Tricia welcomed their first born son in February 2014. He was born 5 weeks early, weighing 4.5 lbs. He’s a healthy and happy little boy.

Mike Cooney and Matt Cade gathered at Mission Ridge in March 2014 for the 1st Annual Class of 1973 Ski Trip Reunion.

1996 Ryan Fleming and his wife Caroline welcomed their third child and first girl, Josephine (Josie) Marie Fleming on November 12, 2013.


Patrick Solari and his wife Kimberley welcomed their daughter Meghan Jeanne Solari on June 21, 2014.

1959 Ford Davidson married Rebecca Carlin on August 17th in a ceremony presided over by Fr. Paul Fitterer, S.J. in a chapel in Vail, Colorado. Ford’s groomsmen were Prep alumni Ryan Dwyer ’98, Harper Davidson ’99, Cavan O’Keefe ’00 and Marshall Davidson ’01.

Gene H. Rafanelli was inducted into the Arizona Veterans Hall of Fame in October 2013 for his service to military veterans and veterans’ causes since completing a 30 year Army career in 1993. Gene resides in Scottsdale, AZ and remains active in many military service organizations.


John Rudolf has taken a new position as a freelance journalist for the Huffington Post.

1999 1976 Scott Grimm was featured as one of the “Anchor Men” in the May 2014 edition of Seattle Met Magazine for his research on a 900-pound anchor his team believes to be the one lost by the HMS Catham on its Vancouver Expedition of the 1790s.

Jamie (Carr) and Joe Cronin welcomed their daughter Kylie Blair Cronin via emergency Cesarean on June 16. She was born weighing 2 lbs. 8 oz. Kylie is now home with her parents and growing stronger by the day.

Fall 2014




John Bush shared news and pictures of his travels in Colombia last spring.


2010 Ryen Bartlett is studying at Chapman University in California and is producer of the film Barstow. Kevin Cacabelos was honored with the LMU History Department’s Outstanding Academic Achievement Award.

Charlie Spencer-Davis, after being stopped a quarter mile from the finish of the 2013 Boston Marathon, crossed his first marathon finish line at the Paris Marathon on April 6, 2014. Robert Gavino was featured in the article “God in all things including SU’s drag show” in Seattle University’s Spectator in March 2014.


Joseph Godlewski graduated in the Spring of 2014 from U.W. with a BS in Computer Engineering. In May, Joe moved to Sunnyvale, CA and started work at Yahoo as a Software System Development Engineer.

Brett Frank-Looney participated in the Red Bull “Can You Make It?” challenge in which his team travelled from London to Berlin using only Red Bull as currency for food, lodging and transportation. His team reached Berlin a day early.

2013 Andrew Hermann spent his fourth summer in the Dominican Republic with Education Across Borders.

Michael Goodwin was featured in Georgetown University’s Hoya 225 Faces Project.

2014 Track ’14 team members Keegan Boehm ‘14, Keenan Leary ‘14, Joe Hardy’14 and Andy Reischling ’15 traveled to the Arcadia Invitational in Southern California this past April. Under the guidance of Coach Doc Roberts they ran to first place in the 4x1600 Meter Relay Invitational.

Panther Tracks



This beautiful memorial rock, designed and donated by Sarah (Ostler) Morris ’94 and the Class of 1994, honors the memory of three classmates: Amy Davis, Alex Edelstein and Michael Magnano. The etching is of the lyrics to “Friends” by Michael W. Smith, a song that holds great significance to their class. The memorial rock was dedicated at the all-school reunion in July and will continue to be a powerful reminder of these three incredible people our community lost much too soon.

A LUM N I Howard Lang ’43 Howard passed away on May 28, 2014. Howard was preceded in death by his wife of 60 years, Mary, in 2009. He is survived by his five children: Daniel, Michael, Sheila, Molli, and Patrick, five grandchildren, two great-grandchildren, his longtime house manager Yolanda and his loyal dog Angel. Edward J. “Jack” Terhar ’46 Jack passed away March 25, 2014. He was the loving father of Marie Gunn (Brad), Betty Robertson (Wayne), Jack (Sue), Bill (Patty) and Meg and had 12 grandchildren and 15 great-grandchildren. Jack was preceded in death by his loving wife of 61 years, Betty and his daughter, Nora Terhar Stamnes. Robert (Bob) F. Yellam ‘46 Bob passed away peacefully at his home in San Diego on August 25, 2014. Bob is survived by his wife of 22 years, Paula and his brother, Richard ’50 (Donna), daughters Kathy MacDuff (Paul), Janet Ferguson (Glen) and son, Rob Yellam, five grandchildren and three greatgrandchildren.


Arthur T. Lane ’48 Art was married to Eleanor (Brown) Lane and was blessed with five children: Stephen Lane, Nancy (Hood), Annette, Maureen (Mastrobattista) and Mary Anne (Strow) and ten grandchildren. Winn F. Brindle ’52 Winn died in Seattle on June 18, 2014. He was the beloved husband of Joan, who passed away in August; proud father of Karen, Kimberly, Christopher, Cherie, Rebecca and Philip and grandfather of 13. Fr. Joseph Stocking, SJ ’52 Fr. Joseph Stocking, SJ, died on July 26. Fr. Joe is survived by his brother Michael Stocking and his wife Ann; his nephew, Joseph and spouse Mariana; his niece Elizabeth McCormack and her husband Gary. Fr. Michael James Ryan ’55 The beloved brother, cousin, uncle and pastor died May 19, 2014 at the age of 76 after more than four decades of parish ministry, teaching and extensive travels. Preceded in death by his sister Mary Pat Heins, Father Ryan is survived by his brother, Tim Ryan (Beverley), and 16 nieces and nephews.

Fr. Stephen R. Baxter ’64 Fr. Baxter passed away on February 5, 2014. He had been the pastor of Sacred Heart Parish in Halstead, KS since July of 2007. Richard Philip Niemer, Jr ’68 Richard passed away unexpectedly on December 3, 2013. The loving father of his dear Tessa Rose, Richard is also survived by his mother. James Christopher “Chris” O’Hearne ’70 Chris passed away July 19, 2014. He was married on May 5, 2009 to Jacqueline O’Hearne (née Makela) and will be missed by his family and many friends. Joseph X. Mead ’72 Joe passed away on July 3, 2014 and is survived by his sons; Paul, Robert (Nancy), granddaughter, Madeleine, and siblings George ’67, Mary, Stephan ’70, David ’71, Mark ’73, Theresa, K.C. ’77 and John ’79. Albert S. “Steve” Quinn III ’73 Steve passed on August 27, 2014 and is survived by his fiancé, Danielle Halstead, his three boys, John, Conner and Ryan, his mom, Jackie, brothers Tom ’74, Joe ’75, Tim ’77, Charles, Matt, Robert and Peter and sisters Lisa, Theresa and Colleen.

Michael Zelensky ’73 Michael is survived by his wife, Myra; daughter, Alexa Ruth; mother Rose Zelensky; sister, Gena (David) McReynolds and several nieces and nephews including Ethan McReynolds ’18. Don Kirsch ’77 Don lived in Louisville, KT and is survived by his wife, Terri.

FRIE NDS OF P R EP Sally Alma, mother of Wim Alma ’63 and grandmother of Liz Giedraitis ’88 and Christine Parks ’91. David Carlson, father of Hailey ’12 and Rachel ’14. Richard Ronald Cecchi, father of Bob Cecchi ’77 MRC, grandfather of Madeleine Cecchi ’18. Frances Flett, mother of Scott Flett ’65 and grandmother of Tavis Flett ’01. Joe Hornick, father of Bob ’94, Paul ’96 and Theresa ’99. Tess Matusek, former Prep English teacher. Andrea Losh Papageorgiou, sister of J. Brian Losh ’67.

Fall 2014

PA N T H E R A L U M N I W E E K E N D J U LY 1 8 – 2 0 , 2 0 1 4

Panther Tracks


Alumni Calendar The year flies by with all of the activities at Prep. Mark these dates on your calendar so you don’t miss the fun! For further information check our website,, or call the alumni office, 206-577-2149.

November 2014

(l to r) Chris Saites, Kyle Taylor ’98, Mike Morgan ’97 and


Carson Rasmussen at the 2014 Alumni Golf Tournament


Brian DiJulio ’79 Chair Brett Franceschina ’04

Fall Play “Taming of the Shrew”


SPREE Auction

December 2014

8 11

Christmas Concert Advent Mass


February 2 015

20-22 & 27-MAR 1

Spring Musi cal “Pippin”

Luis Aragon ’97 Susie (Brazil) Bailor ’80 Kelly (Nolan) Daniels ’99 Beth (Greger) Derrig ’77 MRC Michelle Diego-Smith ’94 Kevin Erickson ’93

March 2015


32nd Annual Alumni Basketball Tournament

Eric Hampton ’80 Tom Hoffer ’80 Marc Linafelter ’68 Brian Losh ’67 Sarah (Ostler) Morris ’94 Yosh Ohno ’65 Shelly (Hackett) Pfeiffer ’94 Rena (Caso) Piercy ’80 Ted Plumis ’92 David Poitry ’56

15 July 20

n Reunio lumni A nd and Weeke r Panthe Golden heon c n d Lu Mass an


May 2015


All School Mass


Arts Week


Distinguished Alum Award Presented at Graduation Alumni Golf Tournament


Jane Powers ’80 Dave Raney ’95 James Rudolf ’96 Bill Sauvage ’86 Kevin Smith ’79 Jordan Wheeler ’06

32 Fall 2014

The following pages list contributions to Seattle Prep during the 2013/14 fiscal year ending June 30, 2014. Included are gifts and sponsorships made through the following appeals and events: Annual Appeal, SPREE Auction, Endowment, Student Support Fund and Alumni events. Contributions to Building Our Future: The Campaign for Seattle Prep are listed separately beginning on page 44.


Frank Firmani Chair Lisa Stewart Chair Elect John Hickman ’70 Secretary Kent Hickey President Karen Andersen ’79 Rev. Jack Bentz, S.J. John Carrosino ’75 Lanny Ching ’66 Serena Cosgrove, Ph. D. ’81 Jeri Donnelly Annie George Matthew Griffith ’97 James Henning Jorge Madrazo Cuellar Rev. Jeff McDougall, S.J. Mary McKay Vial Joanie Moran Mike Nelson Rev. Natch Ohno, S.J. ’66 Helen Santucci ’79 Michele Smith Denise Tabbutt Dan Twining Dale Vogel


What a year it has been and what a year it will be! It is with tremendous pride and gratitude that we start the 2014-15 school year with the opening of Adelphia Memorial Hall and Our Lady of Montserrat Chapel –shining examples of the dedication and hard work by all facets of the Seattle Prep community. Over the course of three short years, this community constructed a new state-of-the-art academic building, erected a beautiful chapel and increased our endowment to support our students. The efforts of the administration, faculty, staff, alumni and volunteers have been nothing short of monumental. We could not have completed these projects without our design and construction partners led by Sellen Construction, LMN Architects and Hennebery Eddy Architects plus support from numerous subcontractors and vendors. Their complete commitment to the project and school allowed us to deliver a lasting legacy to the Prep campus. Thank you all! In addition, and not to be overlooked, is the extreme generosity of our annual fund donors and those who have contributed directly to our endowment, including the graduating class of 2014. We could not continue to grow our tuition assistance program to move toward our goal of making a Prep education available to all deserving students without this support. Our work of educating students in the Jesuit tradition has been raised to a new level. Adelphia Memorial Hall provides a perfect back drop to the introduction of the new One-to-One iPad program bringing technology into the classroom. Our new chapel is the physical and spiritual heart of our campus and a visible reminder of the faith formation that is fundamental to the Prep education. We will celebrate our success and take care to continue to grow and improve in all areas. On behalf of the Board of Trustees, thank you for your continued support and belief in the value of a Jesuit education. Seattle Prep is more than a school – it is truly an institution. It is an honor to be part of this community. Yours truly, Lisa L. Stewart Chair, Seattle Prep Board of Trustees

Mark Wheeler ’69

Panther Tracks


Sellen Construction Company Carol & Larry Sexton Megan Struthers & David Shoultz Michele & Brad Smith ✦ Ellen & John Tobin ✦ Vicky & Angus Walker ✦ Katy McHugh White & Kelly White ♥ IGN ATIAN CIRC L E $10,000 +

Anonymous (1) Sharon & Dick Abrams ’55 L Treva & Glenn Barnhart ♥ Kath & Rich Barth ✦ Barbara & Brian DiJulio ’79 ♥ Elaine & Greg Duncan ’66 L Sharon Evans & Brad Miner Victoria & Mark Fanning ♥✦L Kate & John Goodwin †♥L Donald Graham, Jr. Denise & Frederick Graham ✦ Mary (Breskovich) ’80 & Mike Lee ♥L Maureen & Jim Lico ✦ Mary & Joe Magnano ’63 ♥L Nicki & Mike Nelson ✦ Rosemary & Lou Oberndorf ’63 ♥L Sheron & Roger O’Connell ’60 ♥ Christine & Pat Pendergast ♥✦ Judy Pigott L Carmen Valdes & Jeffery Robinson ♥ Nancy & John Rudolf Terry Gillespie & John Stanton ✦ Denise & Mark Tabbutt ✦ The Seattle Foundation The Thompson Family Foundation Deb & Bob Thompson


KOST KA C I R CL E $7,500 – $9,999

Mary & George Birchfield ♥ Julie & Bob Breshock ✦ Sharon & Peter Faricy ✦ Jennifer & Jeff Gietzen ♥ Dawn Winters & Peter Grimm ’70 ♥ Natalia Mackevicius Michele & Mitch Usibelli ✦

A D EL P HI A C I R C L E $5,000 - $7,499

Betty Lou & Elwin Anderson Class of 2013 ♥ Julie & Dan Coleman ’74 ♥L Judy & John Curran ’57 ♥ Suzanne Daly & Scott Davis Michele Godvin & Gaston Deysine ✦ Gwen & Joe Geivett Margaret & Erik Giesa Sheila & Mike Goodwin ’66 ♥ Terry & Kent Hickey †♥✦L Arlene & Patrick Hyde ✦ Jen & Len Jordan Sylvia & Peter Kim Cherise & Rob McAuley, Jr. ♥ Kathie & Jim Morino ✦ Andrea & Nelson Nakata ’81 ✦ Kari Anderson & Mark Pavlovic ✦ Fredde Yockey-Perry & Phil Perry ’58 ♥ Paula & Ron Pessner Jr. Susanne Pruitt Heidi & Rick Rasmussen II ✦ Lisa & Bob Ratliffe ✦ Gayle & Henry Riggs Jean & Kirk Robinson Seattle University

P R E S I D E N T’ S C I R C L E

Lois Jean Broadway & William Reynolds Michelle Jensen & Darwin Roberts Ronna & Peter Schmidt Karen & Robert Sheppard IV Mimi & David Skow Peggy Skow Anne Ward & Don Soriano Katie & Bill Teplicky ’76 ✦ Jeanette & Brad Thorson Sidney Thorson Evelyn & Timothy Vinopal Gina & Tim Wackerbarth Terry Werner ✦ Kathy Greer-Wilkes & Tom Wilkes ✦ Daiva Tautvydas & Roger Wylie Johnelle & Paul Zarutskie

$3,700 - $4,999

Anonymous (1) Robin & Mark Alfieri ’78 Karen Andersen ’79 ✦ Eric Anderson Claire & Jeff Arrowsmith ✦ Deborah & Edward Artis Sarah & Kevin Beshlian Christie & Todd Biesold Laurie & Joe Blattner Kathleen & Justin Bloch Ann Evans & Bill Clumpner Leanne & Garrett Conaty Jannie & Jim Curtin Johanna & Brian Dennehy Nicole & Tim Engle ✦ Siobain Guichon & Jim Eschweiler Phil Feldsine Cindy & Frank Firmani Zandra Navarro-Villicana & Cesar Galindo-Legaria ✦ Tami & Dan Greenshields Heidi Peacock & Max Hanley Susie McDonald & Robert Hardy Johnese Spisso & Ross Hartling ✦ Vilma Quijada & Michael Kelly Meta & Jeffrey Lee Joyce & Grant Lingg Carolyn Lathrop & Rob Malinowski Gisele & Harry Matthews ✦ Mike Matthews ’79 ✦ Karen Smiley & Karl Melder Sarah (Ostler) ’94 & Mark Morris Julie & Andrew Morrow Pierre Mourad Sara & George Poor, Jr ’78 Cynthia Davis & Jeff Rahlmann Kathy McGonigle & David Rawlings

XAV I E R C I RCLE $2,500 - $3,699

Shelley & Frank Buhler ✦ Patricia Joyce & Angelo Calfo Linda & Mike Clarke Coughlin Porter Lundeen Amy & Bill Ferron Terri & Joe Gaffney ’63 ♥L Robin & Peter Jones Abbe Jacobson Kopf & Curtis Kopf ✦ Anne Freitas & Michael Leslie LMN Trish & Todd Lum Judy & Jim McAteer ’48 ♥ Donna & Gary Merlino ’58 ♥ Susan Allemann & Dave Messner ✦ Sarah (Ostler) ‘94 & Mark Morris Misty & Jim Nordale Deborah & Pat Ostrander ♥ Samantha & Matt Parent ’87 Lucy & Jerome Rose ’59 Katerina Sayles ✦ Lisa Stewart ✦ TRUEbenefits, LLC Mary McKay Vial & Peter Vial ♥ Eileen & Robert Wagstaff Marianne & Joe Zech ’75

Fall 2014

♥ Scholarship Endowment Contributor † Current or Former Faculty or Staff

REGIS CIRCLE $1,000 - $2,499

Karen & Steve Adler ✦ All City Fence Beth & Thomas Anderson Veronica Asui †♥ Marcel & Allen Ballinger Llora Zichittella & David Beninger Stephanie & Michael Benjamin ✦ Kathleen Sullivan & Dan Berger Celesta & John Bjornson Katy & Kevin Blair Cindy & Bob Blais Jennifer Cargal & David Bley Julie & Willie Blue Ann & Bruce Blume ’72 Karla & Joseph Bocek † Meri & Tony Boisen Mary Ann & Dick Boulanger ’47 ♥ Fran & John Bradley ’56 Kirsten & Kelly Bray ✦ Liz & John Brennan †♥✦L Maddy Connolly & Alec Brindle, Sr. ’56 Joan & Winn Brindle ’52 Carol & Robert Bubar George Buck ’44 Michelle Terry & Kenneth Burton Deanna & Michael Butler Carol & Mike Caflisch †✦ Betsy & David Carlson ✦ Kathy Van Olst & Richard Carter Bonnie & Frank Cech ♥ Amy & Brian Clancy ✦ Clark Nuber, PS Class of 1963 ♥ Carolyn & John Comick ’73 Kristin & Doyt Conn Jean & Pat Corr ’76 ♥ Debbie Crawford-Zygar & John Zygar ♥ Karen & Jeffrey Daniels Shannon & Paul Dauber ✦ Joyce & Dick Davidson ’57 ♥

Panther Tracks

Kristin Lear & Scott DeMartine Sistie & Bradley Dickinson Shirley & Steve DiJulio ’69 ♥ Karrie and Jerry Dinndorf ’58 ♥ Terri Rambosek & Jeffrey Donahue ✦ Meaghan & Paul Dowling Martha & Jeff Downer ✦ Deanna Sundvick-Egge & Jon Egge ’61 ♥ Bill Eisiminger ’61 Jody & Mike Elsner † Janelle & Gerald Engley ✦ Dana & Stephen Erickson Expert Drywall Katrina Harvie-Watt & Marc Faerber Mimi & Todd Fairchild ♥ Jeanne & Campion Fellin Karen Deklaver-Fletcher & Curtis Fletcher ✦ Karen & Douglas Fletcher Tammi & Brian Floyd Austra & Grant Gauger ’53 Maureen & Adam Gavin ✦ Adrienne & Jim Gemperle ’81 Geo Engineers, Inc. Jill & Jon Gilbert Glacier Peak Capital, LLC ♥ John Gordon Cheryl & Bill Gossman Eloise & James Grams ♥ Liz & Frank Grant Katie & Matt Griffith ’97 ♥ Tania & Hubert Guillot de Suduiraut ✦ Morella Troconis & Horacio Gutierrez Molly Haggarty Vlahovich ’87 Megumi & John Haskin Kristin & Tyler Hathaway ’98 Brenda & Tom Heflin Robin & Andy Hendricks ’83 †✦ Margaret & Richard Hendrickson ’63 ♥ Clare Henry & David Pultorak Michelle & John Henry Christina & Randy Hermans Tom Hoffer ’80 ♥ Patty & Steve Hopps ’62 ♥ Jennifer (Gleason) ’82 & Mike Hyde Teresa (Hampton) ’81 & Marc Jensen ♥ Shareen & Evan Johnson ♥ Danica Kaloper Kristin & Lawrence Kent Carla and Martin Kerner ✦ Erin Keyser Norton ’79 Margaret Murphy & Ed Khalfayan

✦ SPREE 2014 Fund-a-Need Contributor

Heidi & Eric Kiersky Gary Kocher Carol & Steve Koehler ’62 ♥L Meredith & Gregory Lambert James Lambeth ’54 Sharon & Emmett Lane ’63 ♥ Howard Lang ’43 Susan Leaverton †L Melinda & Sam LeClercq ✦ Jennifer & Jeff Lewis † Betty Linke Betsy & Brian Losh ’67L Del Lui ♥ Joanne & Andy MacDonald ’71 Maria & Jorge Madrazo Rowayne & Tom Maguire Jennifer Porter & Harold Malkin Robin & Ken Martin Lorraine Barrick & Paul Maybee Ana Lena & Mark Mayhle Patty McBride Brooke & James McCurdy ✦ Roberta & Larry McHugh ’58 ♥ Nicole (de Turenne) ’96 & Ray McKinley Karen & Brian McManus Jean McMullan Areatha & Doug Mendenhall ’63 ♥ Susan & Mark Minerich ’70 Barbara & Dave Mitchell, Jr. ’62 ♥ Portia Moore Laurie Clay & Leo Morales ’78 Kanjamat & John Mullally Helen & Alex Muller ’50 Nelson Electric Jim Nuernberg ’61 Becky O’Boyle ’85 & Ed Fotheringham Sara Ellen & Bill Orr Jocelyn Roemer-Patchen & Ray Patchen ✦ Karen Cole & Francis Payne Janet & Brandon Pedersen Sandy & Jeff Pedersen Mary (Gleason) ’89 & Tom Pehl Kay & Kelly Pickering ’58 ♥ Shonagh & KC Pleas ’77 Bonnie & Brian Plikaytis ’69 Jane Powers ’80 ♥✦L Cathy & Greg Rafanelli ’64 ♥ Liese & Ramnath Rajesh Joanne & John Ramsay III ✦ Ramsett Mechanical Co, Inc. Raskob Foundation for Catholic Activities, Inc.

L Panther Legacy Society

Debbie & Kevin Read ’78 ♥ Cec and Daniel Regis ’57 ♥ Maureen & John Reid †♥ Eileen & John Renner, Jr ’62 Catherine Torlai & Warren Rheaume Stephen Rising Jeanie & Tom Robinson ’64 † Sue & George Rockwell Juliet (Gleason) ’84MRC & Stephen Roger ✦ Dana & Stephen Ross Nicole Dacquisto Rothrock & Tim Rothrock Jess & James Rudolf ’96 ♥ Kathleen & Richard Sanders Jodi & Sandy Sanders ’63 ♥ Mary Ann & Lester Sauvage ♥ Phyllis & Mike Shea ’55 Laura & Martin Siemion ’74 Eileen & Jim Simpkins Tracy Smith Sound Community Bank Maria & David Spanel Kim & Dan Stockwell Geri & John Stukel Jim Sullivan ♥ Mary & Herry Sutanto Laura & Michael Targett Helen & Roland Teodoro Caren & John Tidwell Susan Hoffman & Brian Turner Theresa & Dan Twining United Way of King County Michelle & Ed Wardian Washington Asset Management ♥ Ruth & Phil Waters ’51 Gardis Meergans & Livingston Wernecke Sue & Stuart Young ♥


P EY TON CIRCL E $500 - $999 Anonymous (2) Janice & Bruce Abe †♥ Jasmine & Steve Adamek ’72 Maureen & Maxime Albi ♥ Susan & Michael Allen Michele & Romulo Almeda, Jr. ’85 Laurie & Curt Altig ✦ Jo Ann & Richard Ambur ’53 Maureen & Alex Anderson Cristina & Jerrold Bailet Lucy Homans & Hugh Bangasser ’64 Nancy Hanson & Matt Barmore †✦L Wendy Rogers-Bermudez & Gerardo Bermudez Bonnie & Charles Beyer Cathy Tanaka & Robert Bianchetto Johnny Bianchi ’88 Elizabeth & Michael Bladow Julie & Greg Boehm Jolene & Rick Boyle †✦ Lori Brennan Monica (Hill) ’88 & Dave Brethauer ’88 Monica & Anders Brown Bobbie & Bob Brown ’56 Cara & Darby Brown, Jr. ’60 ♥L Karen & Curt Bryan Liz & Ken Burnett, D.D.S. Becky & Jim Burns †♥✦L Leeanne & Louis Burwell Teresa & Joe Cannon ’71 Michelle Doyle & Jeff Cantor ♥ Glynis & John Carrosino ’75 Nancy Sheckler-Cecchi & Bob Cecchi ’77 Mary Beth & Dr. David Celio Corlynda & Wesley Chism Jr. Bob Christopfel ♥ Becca (Shapiro) ’94 & Cameron Cohen Audrey Pan Collins ♥ Sue & Greg Coluccio †♥✦ Laurie & Kelly Corr ’66 Karen Schorr Craig ’90 & Ryan Craig ’90 Erin Cullen Harris ’87 & Geoffrey Harris Kim & Mark Dales Heather & Stephen Dawson Pam & Mick Deines ’62 ♥ Rochelle & Roy Dela Cruz Jan & Guy DiJulio ’56 ♥ Jeri & Doug Donnelly Stacy & Steve Duex ’74 Cristina & Robert Dugoni Carolyn & Chris Eagan ’61 Carolyn Feldsine Joy & Desmond Fernandes Amber & Vincent Ferrese †♥


Jeanne & Wayne Fleek ’57 Julie & Andy Flor ’82 Leigh & Tom Floyd Roger Fritz ’63 JoEllen Gehl-Loeb ’80 & Don Loeb Leah & Peter Giacobazzi ’56 Karen & Mark Gifford Kathryn & Bill Gillis Ann & Tom Gores ’66 L

Mary & Gary Gray ’51 ♥ Lisa & Rick Green ♥ Maureen & Bryan Gummersall ’81 † Lori Guzzo Kristine & Colby Hanover ’00 Lindsay & Hunt Hanover ’97 Myra & Jack Hanover III ’66 L Suzanne & John Hansen ✦ Erin Cordry & Eric Hanson Laura (Giorgetti) ’81 & Erik Hanson Celeste & Matthew Harmon Pamela & Victor Harned Cynthia & Russ Hazzard Shannon & Matt Hendricks ’82 †♥ Lori & Bill Henneger Mary Guerra & William Herkes Carolyn & John Hickman ’70 L Christa (Schille) ’89 & Steven Holland ♥ Paula & Jim Houston Sue & Dan Huberty L Michele Hughes ’82 Cathy & Kevin Hylton L Joyce & Al Irvine ’67 Marnee (Pierson) Iseman ’77 Marilyn & Dick Jaeger ’64 Mollie & Kris Jensen Adrianna & Peter Johnson ♥ April & Anthony Joseph ✦ Elizabeth & Ronald Kardokus Megan & Mike Kelly †✦ Heidi Kim & Alec Campbell †✦ Trudi & Kevin Knight Arlene & Bob Kokesh ’49 Brad Komen Janet Komen Irina & Paul Kuebler Kathleen Vasquez & Paul Kurose Jane & Peter Lamb Jana Barber & Roy Lamb Karri & Bill Lange Cheryl & Pat Layman ’65 ♥ Erin Swezey & Tim Leary Jamie Leigh ’94 Greg Lewis Michelle & Marc Linafelter ’68 L Kay & David MacVicar ✦ Julie Barbo & Mark Maghie Sharon Maghie L Janet & Dick Manning ’50 L Carolyn & Brett Marck Barb & Brian Marquardt Lynda & Douglas Martin ♥ Ruthann & Jerry Martin ’67

Riley & Mike Martin ’70 † Lynn & Rob Martin ’63 Annie George & George Mathew Shannon (Powell) ’92 & Bob McCarter Betsy & Andy McCarthy †♥ Jill & Phil McCune Toni & Douglas McElroy ✦ Chuck McHugh ’42 ♥ Anthony Merola ’68 L Andrea & Mark Metcalf ’81 Celeste & David Michael ’74 ♥ Louise & Geoff Miller ’49 Marsha & Vincent Miller III ’70 Lederle Tenney & Bill Motzer Heather & Mike Murphy † Karen Freeman & Kevin Murphy ’74 Martha & Walt Niehoff ✦ Mary Kuhn & Jim Nye Maureen & Darrell Ottele Jennifer & Jesse Ottele ’92 Ellen Pan Jeff Parietti ’73 Patriot Fire Protection Inc Diana Turner Perkinson & Brad Perkinson Shelly Kay (Hackett)’94 & Medby Pfeiffer ’94 Fati Le & Khanh Pham Andrea & Richard Piacentini ♥ Kimberly & Ted Plumis ’92 Mary & Martin Pointon Ruth & Jim Powers ’76 Julie Dunlap & Joe Pritting Michelle & Nick Psyhogeos Val Ritchie †♥ Theresa (Navone) ’83 & Neil Roberts Patty Rothwell Karla & Charles Russell ’61 ♥ Palwinder & Harjit Sandhu ♥ Helen (Sauvage) ’79 & Bob Santucci ’77 Athena & George Sarantinos ✦ Janice & Blair Savidge Joan & Ralph Saxton ’59 Margaret & Mark Scheibe ’67 Ali & Gil Schoos ♥ Janet Schorr ’88 Sheelah & Dave Schreiber ’62 L Phuong & Craig Scukas Jody & Tim Shields ♥ Carolyn & Dan Small ’45 Paula Sodora Linda & Paul Sorensen ’68 Lynn & John Spotts Libby & John Stoner Penny & Rob Sullivan, Jr. ’59 Lawrence Swezey Agnes & John Tarnowski Lienda & Sony Tjandra Pat & Jerry Toussaint ’55 Kathy & John Tullis †✦ University Book Store Nancy Bird & Dale Vogel Thomas Vogl, Jr. Carolyn (Sumulong) ’92 & Rob von Behren

Sandra & Michael Walls Judy & David Waltier ’58 ♥L Washington Women’s Foundation Nancy & Mike Watt Chris Wheatley ’73 Tracy & David Wilson Ed Woods ’74 Linda & Robert Yahn ♥

G A R R I G A N CI RCLE $250 - $499 Joyce & Bob Adair ’47 David Alloway ’97 Marilee & Tom Anderson Deborah Andrews Jacobsen & James Jacobsen Anning-Johnson Michelle & Tony Audino † Erin Magee & David Aust Gail & Sean Ayres ♥✦ Kim & Jean-Rene Basle ’75 Kerry & Jeff Bauman ’71 Cindy Price Baur & Bob Baur ✦ Erin Duffy ’80 & James Belcher Colleen & Jeffrey Bell Shaun Bell Amy (Bauer) ’93 & Shaun Bennett Tricia & Fred Bentley III Sophia Zervas-Berg & Arvid Berg ♥ Jenny & Tom Bergquist ✦ Patricia Blake David Bobroff ’75 Jill & Tom Boehmer ’70 Carol & Tom Borda ’70 Michael Borte Sally Borte Patricia & Stephen Brown Leslie Cahill Bratrud ’90 & John Bratrud Paul Cahill ’70 Tessa Evans-Campbell & Christopher Campbell Tiffany & Justin Campbell Campbell Nelson Nissan Mark Capeloto ’72 Jami & Rob Carroll ’77 Jennifer & Jim Chamberlin Robin Repanich & Tim Chiangpradit Class of 1993 ♥ Ellen Sweeney-Clawson & D.R. Clawson †♥ April & Jim Collier † Kay & Bob Comiskey Chris Comunale ’00 Bridget & Dick Cooley

Fall 2014

♥ Scholarship Endowment Contributor † Current or Former Faculty or Staff

Lynn & Mike Cordova ’73 Linda & Chuck Dagg ♥ Teresa & Ted Davis Therese & John Delaney Kay & Joe Demarte ’70 Beth & Shaun Dennehy Marc DiJulio ’72 ♥ Lois & Bob DiJulio ’59 ♥ Kary & Mark Doerfler Ingrid & Darren Feider Kimberly Phillips & Jeff Flinn Donna & Cameron Foster ♥ Katie & Jesse Franklin IV Michelle & Joel Frauenheim ’88 Kendall & James Frazier Marilyn Wagoner-Funk & Chris Funk ’70 Michael Galang Pam (Connell) ’87 & Karl Garand Mary Beth & Dick Gemperle Karen & Bill Giffin, Jr. ’64 Carol Gilmore Sauter ♥L Virginia & Tag Gleason ’70 Grant Goodall ’00 Melinda Harper-Graaf & Ed Graaf Nancy Hurlbut & Patrick Grimm ’77 ✦ Barbara Hampson Cheryl Woodard & James Haney Erin & Collin Hathaway ’96 Susan & Rick Hathaway ♥ Mary & Tim Healy ’51 David Heye ’73 Kit & Charlie Hiatt Dree Hudson Daugherty & Charlie Hudson ’72 Susan & Charles Jackels Lisa & Jeffrey James Bill Jenkins ’66 Linda & Carl Jensen, Jr. ’58 ♥ Brigitte Fortin & Douglas Johnson Lucy & Rodney Johnson Celia & Verne Justice Martha Noerr & Jeff Keane ’71 Trish & Dan Keaton ✦ Patrick Kehoe ’59 Chelsea King ’01 Lisa & Marshall King Molly Kledzik & Christopher Staehli Annemarie & Bernhard Klinke Chris Kocher Erika Koehler-Stafford ’95 & Jerrod Stafford Mike Kremer ’80 Earl Lane ’63 Maxine & Bob Larson ’43 Anne & Brian Lawler Shannon & Brian Lennon ’85 Carol & Pat LePley ’66 Susan & Kenneth Lewis, Jr. Mary & Joe Lynam Lisa & Jeff Lynn ’76 Sandra (Blair) ’83 & Eric Maddox ♥ Maria & Cezary Marcjan Anne & Rick McGee

Panther Tracks

Cindy & Gene McGrath ’62 Lisa & Tom McKenny ✦ Phil McLean ’56 Bill McMullan Carl Michelotti ’55 Andrea Miller Catherine & Eugene Moloney ’46 Stacie (Craves) ’94 & Kris Moore Sally Morrison ♥ Sorelys & John Mullins Misook Chung & Bob Mussehl Jeffrey Nicholls ’83 ♥ Margaret & Joe Niemer ’69 Cindy & Michael O’Brien ✦ Janet & Patrick Oishi ✦ Mitsuko Okada † Karen & Greg Olson ’81 Cynthia & Jose Padilla Kathleen & John Parry Ben Pasquier ’03 ♥ Deborah & Richard Patneaude ’69 Janice & Ronald Pelayo Amy & Richard Pelly ✦ Mary & Jack Peterson ’72 Carol Chilk & Frederick Pickel ’70 Martine Pierre-Louis Lisa & Matthew Quinn R & D Masonry Ryan Raisio ’93 Kristen Clark & Jeff Reddy ’97 Julie & Matt Reimann ’89 Molly & Ted Reischling Kathy & John Richardson III ✦ Mary Ann & Paul Roberts Riza De Jesus & Fred Robinson ’71 Laura Robinson ’94 & Roger Krosevic Alicia Scalzo Wilmoth ’95 & Jon Wilmoth Barbara & Tom Schaeffer Kim & Brian Schliesman Karen & Daniel Schnebele Debra & Joe Schober Claudia & Anthony Scioly ’69 Cathy & Paul Seely ’65 Jo & James Smith ’49 Kevin Smith ’79 Diane & Mark Smith Megan & Michael Stanley Marty Sullivan ’02 Kathryn Macaulay Sullivan & Thomas Sullivan Concepcion & Carlos Sumulong Alison & Stuart Swanberg Sandy & Bill Taylor ’61 ♥ Abby Mulugeta & Zebene Techane Cheryl & Rick Tedrow ’77 Lisa & Jim Toepel ✦ Mark Ulloa ’71 Linda & Bob Van Hare Phuong Nguyen & Todd Vien Jenelle & Mark Walhout Washington Glass & Glazing Sarah (Dunnam) ’94 & Andrew Watts ♥

✦ SPREE 2014 Fund-a-Need Contributor

Florence & Pat Webb ’63 ♥ Clare Hausmann Weiand & Bill Weiand †♥ Kristoffer & Timothy Whitters Suzanne Williams ’89 Debby & Dean Wilson ♥ Heidi Pauwels & Dale Winebrenner Robin & Kevin Ylvisaker Linda & Michael Zaugg †♥ Tina & Hasan Zeer Sharon Stone & Ron Zipse †✦ Mary Jo Gillis & John Zunick ✦

PA N TH E R C LU B $100 - $249 Anonymous (1) Margaret & Frank Adam Angie & Brett Aggen Diane & Joe Ahern Michele & Gary Albrecht ’55 Marilyn & John Allen Kathy & Guy Alloway Pauline Alokolaro † Janet & Richard Andersen ’49 Sheri & Fred Andrews Nancy Kelley & Tom Angelovic ’61 Annette & Hal Antonson ’56 Craig Arthur ’87 † Lynn Arthur Princess Ayers-Varnado Monica Orellana & Kevin Bailey Doni & Carlos Balansay Britta (Bede) ’02 & Stephan Banchero ’00 ♥ Dawn & Richard Bangert II ♥ Meghan Barnes ’00 Chris & Ken Bauer Stacey & Steve Bean ✦ John Beattie ’53 Sheila (Connolly) Beer ’87 Lisa & Jeff Behrman ’77 Sandy Bergman Bei & Joe Bernal †♥ Geralyn & Todd Bertellotti Sharon & Joe Betzendorfer ’49 Juana & Michael Bhaskaran Carol Dullmeyer & David Bills Pam & Mike Bing ’71 Sean & Drew Blazey Elaine & Tom Bligh Maralyn & Jack Blume ’45 L Alice & Ron Bollinger ’51 Kathleen (Esperas) ’81 & James Borgman Serena & Mark Boulanger ’64 Nancy & Clarke Brant ’63 ♥ Rita & Rob Brautigam

L Panther Legacy Society

Mary Kay Brennan & Theresa Wood Joyce & Stevan Broderson Kate & Steve Bronson ’85 Colleen (Cox) ’88 & Bruce Broughton Paula Becker & Barry Brown Cindie & Steve Brown III †♥ Anna & Steve Brunette Tricia & Bill Buchanan ’70 Sylvia & Leland Bull John Bulman ’41 Susan & Dan Bureau Sandy & Rafael Burga Melinda & Matt Burks † Leslie Lindskog & Chris Burrows ’70 Nancy & John Busse Pat & Don Byington ’45 Beverly & Jim Cacabelos ’77 ♥ Patricia & Edwin Cadag Sharon & Joe Cade ’72 Carol & Matt Cade ’73 Maureen Cahill ’08 † Jean Campbell & Ellen McGough Heather & Julian Campbell Jean & David Cantu ’74 Gray & Doug Cantwell Hortensia Castillo-Carey & Jay Carey ’65 Geoffrey Carey ’64 Terry & Tim Carney ’74 Molly Carson Caryn & Scott Cary Julie & Ross Case ’70 Kristy & Bill Cassels Margaret Mayes & Charles Cerveny Donna & Tom Chan ’52 Carol & Rick Chandler Mary & Jay Charles ’54 Patricia & Kenneth Chastain ♥ Lisanne Chastain ’97 Nicole Chastain ’95 Joanne & Ivar Chhina Clarissa & Lanny Ching ’66 Ann & Jack Christiansen Kathleen & Michael Chudecke ’72 Dorie & William Clancy ’53 Sandra & Bill Clark, Jr. ’61 Patricia Clayton Hal Cline ’53 Flan Collins ’94 & Tom Hardy ♥ Kerry & Carmon Comunale Kathleen (Foy) ’99 & James Conklin ✦ Patty & Pat Coogan ’53 L Amy Cooper, Red Twist Jackie & Jac Cooper Caroline (Tobin) ’79 & Chris Corr ’79 Lucretia & Dan Costello ’60 David Craddock Leslie Craddock Pat Crowley ’71 Sandra Watson & Terrence Cullen Isa D’Arleans Tim Davidson ’63 Judy Davis †♥


John Daviscourt ’71 Lexie de Turenne ’02 Tracey & Tim Dean ’78 Dora DeRitis Gayle & Jim Dever ’53 Shiloh & Don deVera Elizabeth & Peter Dierich Sue & Vic Dmitriev † Mildred Douthit Aurora & Dominick Driano Pam & Steve Drugge ♥ Robin & Robert Dullea Cathy (Buckley) ’88 & John Dummer Ryan Durkan & Charlie Burdell Marilyn & Dave Easton Kathy & John Ehrenberg Mary-London & Bob Eldred Kathy & Larry Ellestad JoAnn & Paul Elo Dana & Brian Elsner ’97 †♥ Elisa and Max Engel ’96 † Dina (Hababa) Erickson ’85 Tauna & Philip Evans Norma & Tom Evered ’57 Joe Faccone ’46 Mary & Dennis Falcone Sahar & Yousif Farjo Karen & Ross Fay ’64 ♥ Kathy & Jim Feek Bill Fellows ’70 † Cherilyn & Tom Ferguson ’70 ♥ Caroline & Ryan Fleming ’96 Mary & Tim Flood ’51 Fran & Ollie Flor ’56 Noemi & Pete Flor ’87 David Foley ’59 Debra & Frank Forgette ’70 Vicki & Lee Forte Rachel Forte † Grace & Javier Fosado III Nancy & Chris Fox John Fox Jerel Frauenheim ’89 Janie & Herbert Freer ’70 Jerilyn Fowler-Friend & Michael Friend Karen & Fritz Frolich ’57 Katharine & Stephen Fuller Stacey & Ben Gaffney ’92 William Garcia Ruth Gavino ’89 & Smith Lutu ♥ Gloria & Dick Gedrose † Joann & John Ghiglione ’48 Claudia Gietzen ’14 Geraldine & Bob Giuntoli, Sr. ’56 Vera & Jim Glascock ’73 John Gleason Jocelyn & Michael Go Lisa & Paul Godlewski Kelly Goodwin Adduci ♥ LouAnn Grady Mary & Pat Grady Jeannie & Charles Gravenkemper


Ryan Groshong ’04 Cora & Steve Guanlao Melissa & Jim Guerci ’67 Maria & John Guinasso, Jr. Andrea (Losh) ’93 & Chris Hackman Rebecca Hagelin Mullin ’98 ♥ Anne & Dave Hall Bill Hall ’89 Geoff Hamill ’77 Alex Hammerle-Hoover Hayley Martin-Hampton & Eric Hampton ’80 Susan & Zack Hangauer ’62 Megan (Olson) Hanni ’98 Karen & Norm Hardy † Susan & Thomas Harvey ’85 Tracy & Chris Healey ’73 Georgianne & Steve Hedrick ’71 Mike Heinrich ’57 Angie Hellermann ♥ Anja & John Helmon Stephanie (Drugge) ’90 & Todd Henderson †♥ Mike Henderson-Baker ’99 ♥ Katy Henrickson ’91 Rita Heye Timothy Hicks Cathy Stevulak & Leonard Hill ’77 Alice & Paul Hill Violetta & Albert Hobayan Debra & George Hofbauer Lynn Holmes Michael Holmes ’52 Matt Hoover ’76 Lori & Tom Huling ♥ Mary Anne & Ed Hunt ’51 Marie & Don Ibsen ’55 Cara Jacobson ’89 Kim & Pat James Joyce & Bill James ’57 Cathy & Bill James Marisa & William Jeakle Irene & Christopher Jellen ’85 Ellen & David Jenner Ann & David Jennings Monica & Brian Johnson Nicole & Jerry Johnson, Jr. Pat & Jim Johnston Jamie Polito & Jim Johnston †♥ Clare & Robert Jones ’50 Jeffrey Katayama ’08 Shirlee Tsuchida-Katayama & Ken Katayama Sharon & Philip Kearns ’53 Jennifer (Curran) ’92 & Ronald Kelly ♥ Judy & David Kennedy ’59 Colleen Kerschbaum Philip Killien ♥ Marinilka & David Kimbro Kevin Kingman ’01 Dan Kingsbury ’68 Jack Kinsella ’56 Joann & Bill Kirch ’51 Melissa & Arne Klubberud ’94

Alice Kres Renee & Joe Kristof ’69 Adele & Steven Kroeger Susan & Larry Kron Kathy & Walt Krueger † Roz & Patrick Kwan L Ken LaGrandeur ’51 Brigid & Bruce Laing ’50 John Landon ’67 James Larson ’69 Dianne & Roland Layton ’60 Waltraut & Frank Lehmann Bill Lenihan ’48 Shirley & David Lewis Lori & Patrick Linke ’85 Mardy & Eric Lippke ’80 Judy & Fred Logan ’61 Betsy & Larry Lorenz ’62 L Lisa & Kevin Lovejoy ’77 Kristina Franz-Lundberg & Dan Lundberg Anh Thu Nguyen & Quang Luong Keri & Rob MacAulay ’74 Sheila & Marco Magnano, Jr. ’60 L Meghan (Comunale) ’96 & Milo Magnano, Jr ’96 Mary & Patrick Mahoney Gail Marshall & Leslie Mallonee Theresa & John Maloney III Rick Markov ’61 Chris Martin ’68 Andrew Martinez ’03 Dale Martinez Mike Masterson ’89 Marianne & Alvin Matsumoto Marje & Larry Mattson Megan McAuliffe-Bartot ’89 & Jay Bartot † Joan & Mike McBride Elaine & Dave McCambridge ’74 Ellen & Pat McCoy ’56 Jean & Tim McCoy Becky & Jim McCutchan ’74 Gretchen & Jim McDevitt ’61 Tracy & Mick McHugh ’61 ♥ Colleen Browne & Dan McKillop ’62 Barbara & Russell McKinney ♥ Margaret & Ron McMullen ’52 Judy & Curly McNamee ’63 ♥ Julie Schoenfield-McNeill & Colin McNeill George Mead ’67 Amy & Jim Medved Regina & Wayne Melonson †♥ Cole Mercer ’03 Irene & Aaron Merz ’89 Marilyn & Dean Messmer Angie Miller, Posh Sportswear Patti & Don Miller ’55 Ina Miller Bill Miner, Jr. Collette Mitchell Anne & Paul Mocha Jennifer Paris & Brian Moe ✦ Linda Moline

Marisa Monroe ’96 Michael Monroe ’95 Linda & Ric Monroe Joanie & John Moran Jeanine & Timothy Morley Mike Morrison ’71 Jerry Murphy ’52 Bridget Murphy Quinn & Joseph Quinn Moya Murphy Zaboukos ’90 & Troy Zaboukos Melissa & Adam Myhre ’92 Daphne & Paul Myhre Concha Navarro † Jill & Jim Navone MRC ’77 Gregory Nelson Harry Nelson ’45 Dieu-Thuong Nguyen Tran Quach & Hoang Nguyen Tom Nguyen †✦ Joan & Mike Niggemeyer † Ingrid & Russell Niles ’64 Margi & Peter Niu Michael O’Connell ’62 Lisa Sowder & Nick O’Connell ’75 Karen & Patrick O’Donnell Sheelagh & Steve Odsather Rodi & Phil O’Loane ’64 Shane O’Mahony ’94 Ann & Jim O’Neil ♥ Janet & John O’Neil, Jr ’76 †✦ John Osterman ’36 Christine & Jon Ovenell Sallie & Dale Palella ’55 Susan & Michael Palmer ♥ Chris Seiler & Jeffrey Parkins Rita & Ed Paulter † Mary de Rosas & Paul Peterhans † Mary Anne & Doug Petesch Brian Peyton ’79 Megan Piehler ’80 Dana Cashman & Glenn Pingul ✦ Colette & Frank Piro ’54 Michele Plorde ’80 Theresia Podany Denise & Andrew Pohlmann Frank Powers, Jr ’45 Cathy & Rodney Prentice Erin & John Pribble Kate & Mike Price Carl Propp ’59 Mike Quillin † Virginia & William Quinn ’41 Gene Rafanelli ’59 Marcy & Ralph Rafanelli ’52 Julieta Raggio & Boris Gorodnitsky Jim Raisio Susie & Marty Rall ’74 Maria & Nicolas Ramirez Kristi Raymond Joneschild ’97 & David Joneschild ♥ Susan & David Read ’65 ♥ Jane & Jack Reagan ’64 Amy & David Reuter

Fall 2014

♥ Scholarship Endowment Contributor † Current or Former Faculty or Staff

Edie & Tom Richards ’49 Cathy Seneviratne ’98 & Micah Richardson † Sheila Cosgrove & Gregg Ridgeway Erin Rieger Baranick ’00 Annette & Roger Rieger Heidi & Bill Rigert ’79 Doane Rising Maude & John Roark ’49 Kay Robinson Kathleen Rockwell Pat & Dave Rogers ’60 Christine Ingebritsen & Jim Rogers ’77 Janet Johnson & Chip Routt Carlen Ruelos ’96 Allison (Schultz) & Chris Ruettgers ’95 Elizabeth & Stephen Rummage Catherine & Kevin Ruoff ’74 Jennifer & Dave Salem ♥ Cyril Sanchez ’96 M A & Bruce Sangeorzan Steve Santi ’75 June Ann & Phil Sauntry ’61 Cathy & Lester Sauvage, Jr ’75 Bill Sauvage ’86 Catherine & Donald Schafer Claudette & John Schnell ’51 Michael Scott ’39 Cindy (Schober) ’82 & Tom Seib ’82 † Mary & Bob Sepulveda Shannon (Weed) ’94 & Alton Shader Judith & Ken Shafer Leslee & Tim Shanahan Mikki & Boyd Sharp Judy Nakashima-Shoji & Brian Shoji Emily Showman ’99 Louise & Paul Sifferman ’48 ♥ Frances & Stan Sifferman ’43 Cassandra & Ken Simmons Ann Marie Slevin † Donald Sodora Lois & John Spellman ’45 Vicky & Greg Stamolis Leslie & Michael Stapleton ’67 Erin & Rich Stearns †✦ Renny & Bruce Stewart ’79 Strideline Michael & Robbin Sullivan ’57 Shari & Casey Sullivan ’74 Susan Swope ♥ Neil Tarte ’46 Rebecca Bicknell & Matt Taylor ’93 Grant Telfer ’59 Charles Tenney, Jr. Marge & Ed Terhar ’46 Bryan Thorn ’91 Michele (Charles) ’81 & John Thornquist Katie & Paul Thurman Debbie Vonnahme & Dan Tobin † Laura & Michael Tobin Deborah Phillips & Winship Todd Tim Towey ’53 Rayanne & Tom Trebon ’62

Panther Tracks

Judy Moschetto & Nobi Tsuzuki Virginia & Daniel Turner Jimmy Twining ’01 ♥ Beth & Mike Tyler Roberta & Toshio Uno Abeba & Scott Vandenburgh Margarita & Anwar Vanegas Sam Vial ’07 Tierney Vial ’11 Will Vial ’05 Bud Voermans ’55 Theresa Kwesele & Kim Wakwesele Roberta & Jim Walsh ’56 Gretchen & Peter Ways ♥ Peter Webb ’63 ♥ Brad Weinrich ’94 Pam Swanborn & Mark Wessel Mary & Steve West ’68 Gina & Paul Williams ’67 Carol & Richard Williams Rosalyn Williams ♥ Mary & Richard Willy Colleen Martin & Chapin Wilson III Ginni & Bill Wilson ’68 L

Sheila (Eagan) ’89 & Jon Winemiller Cathy & Tony Wise Linda & Michael Wishkoski ♥ Laurey & Mike Wittman Ann & Richard Woods ’49 Omi & Ted Woodward Sarah & Nick Woodward ’00 ♥ Alexander Zarutskie ’11 ♥ Dee & Tony Zimmerman ’56 Monica & Clement Zipp, Jr. ’72

BLU E & W HI T E C LU B $1 - $99 Kate Adler ’13 ♥ Jeanne & Bill Akers ’41 Emily Aleinikoff ’13 ♥ Ashley Allen ’00 Dorothy (Godsil) ’89 & Aaron Ambuske George Anderson ’13 ♥ Natasha Anderson ’92 Carla & Mike Babich Jennifer & Mike Baechler ’62 Michelle Bagshaw ’86 Laura & Justin Baker ’93 Renard Bansale ’13 ♥ Jun-Ji & Randy Barber Bill Barber Natasha Baron ’13 ♥ Elizabeth & Andrew Barrett ♥ Christine & Keith Barton

✦ SPREE 2014 Fund-a-Need Contributor

Carol Batchelder ♥ Layne & Ricardo Bautista Elaine Becker Molly (Findley) ’96 & Brandon Bede ’96 Bryson Bede ’99 ♥ Nancy & Patrick Beecher ’69 Indy & Chris Behrman ’85 Kjerstin (Ramsing) & Christopher Bell ’00 Amanda Bergman ’02 Gill Biesold-McGee ’13 ♥ Joe Blaschka, Sr. ’44 Sam Blattner ’13 ♥ Brian Bligh ’99 Elaine & George Brand ’46 Jeanine Brannen & Bruce Insley Charlie Brennan ’13 ♥ Julien Brundrett ’13 ♥ Ryan Bubalo ♥ Michelle & Mark Buchanan Rich Budinich, Jr. ’71 Barbara Bulzomi DeAnne & Frank Buono ’57 Charlie Burke ’05 ♥ John Bush ’05 Rachel & Matt Butler † Ron Buzard ’49 Teresa (Schroeder) ’96 & Matt Byers ’96 Tom Cain ’61 Frances Nolan & Willie Callison Barbara & Don Campbell ’50 Kathy & Rich Cannon ’70 Milo Cantor ’13 ♥ Mike Caplice ’51 Mary Ann & Norton Carlson Rachel Carlson ’14 ♥ Ryan Caruso ’03 ♥ Judy & Chris Casper ’65 Lee & Steve Chang Conrad Chavez ’82 Peter Christiansen ’11 Rita & Peter Chudecke AJ Colasurdo ’43 Irish Coles ’48 Bernadette Corde Theresa & Chris Crean ’93 Dorothy & Dave Crean Claire & James Creim ♥ Ronnie & Bob Cross Colleen Cross-Foster ’91 Karyn Andriesen & Michael Danielson † Inola & Danny de la Cruz Will Delaney ’13 ♥ John DeMan ’50 Nancy & Dan Dennehy ’76 Kari (Erickson) ’93 & Dave Denton Steve DeShazo ’00 ♥ Patt & Jim Dietz George DiJulio, Jr. ’68 ♥ Joan & Jim DiJulio, Jr. ’47 ♥L William Dingus `75 Connor Donnelly ’04 Patrick Donnelly ’08

L Panther Legacy Society

Ross Donnelly ’05 Trevor Doran ♥ Patricia & Dennis Dorratcague ’64 Colleen & Wayne Dumas Cathy Dunn ’89 & Joseph Hewitt Laura Widdice ’82 & Richard Dunn ’82 Brian Earl ’85 Dianne Egan Robin & Robert Ehli ’57 Daniel Eiben ’64 L Robbie & Jim Elder ’76 Michael Ellestad ’98 Lisa Keith & David Ellinger †♥ Marypat & Fred Elliott Julia & Christopher Emby ♥ Tricia (Cassels) ’91 & Andrew Enfield Mike Fahey ’66 Dick Falcone ’57 Grant Feek ’00 ♥ Amy & Caj Fernstrom ’91 Teresa LaCugna Fields & Brian Fields ’77 MRC †✦ Erin Fields ’81 & David Shaner Tom Figel ’03 ♥ Shannon Greene & William Fisher Allison (Bauer) ’97 & Peder Fitch Leslyn & Michael Fitch Fr Paul Fitterer, SJ † Mary Kay & John Fitzgerald ’51 Chris & Dean Fliflet ♥ George & Phyllis Flood Mary Floyd ’13 ♥ Fr John Foster, SJ ’51 ♥ Brett Franceschina ’04 Regan (Romstad) ’97 & Nate Furman Georgia & John Galus ’71 Matt Gasparich ’00 ♥ John Gay III ’80 Geri & Bob Geraghty ’64 Chelsea Gibson ’13 ♥ Betty Gifford Janell & Geoff Gilmore Teresa Colello & Steve Gilmour ’71 Courtney (Crean) ’95 & James Goodheart ’95 Judy & Brian Gough ’67 Kimberlee Austin & Jason Graham ’89 Jennifer (Barthe) ’88 & Paul Graves Mike Griffin ’45 Kathleen & Matthew Groshong Jamie Guinasso ’13 ♥ Kit & Jack Guise ’52 Conner Hagen ’13 ♥ Mary Kay Haggard ♥ Sandy & Chip Halbert Reilly Hall ’73 Sheila & Bob Halligan ’55 Kay & Doug Hanafin Jake Hanover IV ’96 Aladene & Jim Harney ’53 Jerry Harrigan ’40 Patricia & Mark Harris Lorraine & Dennis Hartmann


Kris Hausmann Emma Healey ’13 ♥ Cheryl Healy †♥ Erik Heggelund ’03 ♥ Anthony Hellermann ’13 ♥ Mary & Paul Heneghan, Jr. ’79 Matt Henn ’82 Margaret & Fred Herb ’54 Bernadette Laqueur & Paul Herstein Connie & Jack Hevly ’50 Emily & Eric Hiatt Theresa & Ralph Hill Nick Hippert ’68 Dane Hofbauer ’02 Jeanine Holmes Jim Hoover ’66 ♥ Rosalie & Jim Hopper ’49 Patrick Hopps ♥ Sandra & Garth Houlihan ’52 Kalynn Huebner ’12 Kathy & Joe Hueffed ’90 Lucia & Geoffrey Hui Rich Hulsman ’02 Laura & Rick Hupf ’68 Phil Hurvitz ’80 Pat & Al Hyde ’56 Caitlin Hylton ’08 Matthew Hylton ’05 Jo Ann & Ron Ibsen ’55 Daniel Illich Jim Ingraham ’57 Keiko & Mike Intlekofer ’66 Nettie & Allen Israel ♥ Elizabeth & Craig Jackman Eric Jaeger ’90 Scott Jaeger ’93 Karen Keyes-Watkins & Dan Jellen ’82 Cat Jimenez ’13 ♥ Dick Jones Silvana Junge Thomas Junge Paula & Benoit Jurion Don Kardong ’67 Suzanne & Travis Keeler ♥ Mulunesh Hagos & Zerai Keflu Lucy Kelly ’12 Donna Keyser Kyri & Brad Khouri † Chris Kiehn † Bethany & Tim King ’86 Amy & Pat King ’85 KPMG Community Giving Campaign Kathy Krikorian & John McLaughlin Leah (Macatangay) ’02 & James LaCamp Shawnee Weir & Greg LaFlam ’65 Allison Lange ’13 ♥ Frank LaRiviere ’46 Staci Sleigh-Layman & Dan Layman ’73 Mary Layman L Al Lebar Josh Lehman ’98 Rozenn Lemaitre


Patti Lennartson Rachel Lether ’13 ♥ Diane & Lee Libby Paul Liebert ’64 Annie Lindberg ’99 Sharon & Kenneth Longaker Jr. Kathleen & Mike Lovejoy Marilynn & John Luckovich ’50 Larissa Lumb Mielke ’03 Mary & Dan Lyons ’38 Molly & Marco Magnano III ’92 Caitlin Maguire ’06 Simon Makowicki ’13 ♥ Grainne O’Leary & Paul Marchione ’83 Robert Markey ’45 Judy & Ronald Marshall Tom Martin ’04 ♥ Deborah & Loren Matlick ’91 Alberta May-Koehler & Jim Koehler Kirk McAnlis † Sharon & Kevin McCarty Le Anne (Cadag) McClaskey ’99 Maggie McDonald ’14 ♥ Sally Sue (MacLean)’83 & David McDonald Georgia & Michael McEvoy ’45 Lacey McGarry ’03 Madeline & Michael McKenzie Mary & Paul McKillop ’73 ♥ Barbara & Dennis McLaughlin ’65 Jill & Bob McLean ’59 Stacie (Otter) McMillan ’80 Maureen & Bryce McWalter ’68 Mary & Steve Medalia ’55 Cheryl & Dan Merritt† Karen & Mike Merz ’74 Alicia (Collora) ’93 & Brian Meza ’92 † Donna & David Michaelson ’58 Natasha & Daniel Miller Jackie Miller ’05 Barbara & Chip Miner ’81 Mary & Mark Mitchell † Mimi (Bettineski) ’82 & Jim Moloney Michael Moreland ’60 Yasmin Mudah `93 John Paul Mullally ’01 ♥ Bente & Paul Mullally ’66 Megan Murphy Barbi & Wil Nelp Mari Lou & Tom Nolan ’51 William O’Connell ’53 Cathy & Mark Ohlstrom ’75 Ben Olwell ’14 ♥ Joan Ellering-Olwell & Bill Olwell ’74 ♥ Celine & Charles Osborn ’67 Andrew Osborne ’00 ♥ Darlene DeGhetto & Steve Osmek Kellyann & Kevin Padon Pamela & Jack Palmer ’60 Shelley Palmer ’04 Dave Patneaude ’03 ♥ Deborah Walters & Dan Patterson ’69 Robert Pearlman

Amy (Mecklenburg) ’94 & Francisco Perez Rena (Caso) ’80 & Brian Piercy † Dora & Jose Pineda † Frank Podany ’85 Katherine (Powers) ’81 & Glenn Podany ’81 Amy & John Podany ’80 Deborah & William Poppy ♥ Jessica (Abbott) ’99 & DJ Powers Margaret & Pat Pressentin ’63 ♥ Brady Price ’13 ♥ Elliott Price ’10 ♥ Dan Pugel ’69 Lisa (McNaughton) Pugh ’03 James Purcell ’63 Laurie & Kirk Putnam ’71 Jeffrey Quinn-Cane ♥ Dennise & George Raffo ’62 Bob Ramseth ’62 Barbara Read ♥ Diane & John Redenbaugh Deborah & Ben Reppond Anastasia Rittman ’07 Judy & Paul Rittman Shea Robinson ’00 ♥ Kristin & Eric Rogers ’83 Linda & Jim Rogers ’47 L Kelsey Romstad ’03 Kathy & Mort Romstad Margaret & Jack Rucinsky Ann Kuder & John Russell Mary & Robert Russell Dick Ryan ’53 Theresa Santucci Steve Scalzo ’66 ♥ Laura (Sauvage) ’82 & Steve Scheer Regina Arceo-Schulz & Bryan Schulz Patricia & Joe Scudder ’53 Betty Shurick Barb & Tom Skoda ’60 Monica & Bill Smersh ’77 Craig Smith ’68 Karen & Gene Smith ’62 ♥ Mary Mead Smith & Smithy Smith ’66 Maggie & Glen Snyder Stacie and John Sollars ’77 Rebecca & Joseph Souther Glenna & John Spates, Jr. ’40 Angie (Walum) Spencer ’89 Charlie Spencer-Davis ’11 ♥ Mary Spencer-Davis Winnie & Sam Sperry Allyson Sprague ’03 ♥ Karen & Eric Stern Dorothy & James Stitt ’52 Joan & John Sullivan Janet & John Sullivan ’48 Christian Sumulong ’00 Mary & Brian Sweeney ’70 Diana Bender & Louis Sweeny Janeth & Dale Talty Nick Tarlson ’73 Brandy Taylor

Bryan Taylor ’95 ♥ Norma & George Taylor ’45 Tina Teodoro ’13 ♥ Lew Thayer ’06 Linda & Jack Thomas ’52 Kirstin (Reid) ’89 & Dan Thompson ♥ Robert Thompson Linda & Jim Thorburn ’70 Nate Thramer ’07 Kristen Tordillos † Kathleen & Cliff Townsend Anne Marie Twining ’03 ♥ Colleen & Mark Tyerman ’71 United Way of Bergen County Cherrie & George Van Hollebeke ’57 Michael Vavrichek ’02 Marti & Wayne Vavrichek ♥ Leonie & Rene Villanueva Michelle & Terry Virdell Pat & Gary Volchok ♥ Mina Waldowski Lenore Waldron ♥ Chris Wales ’13 ♥ Stephanie Read & Ed Walker Ellen Walker ✦ RoxAnn Ward Joan & Bob Weis Luke Welch ’99 L Anna Wheatley ’05 Jeannette & Mark Wheeler ’69 Michelle & Kevin Wherry ’74 Don White ’46 Paula & Michael Wickersham Kathy & Robert Wilkens Sheila Wilkie Allison & Scott Willhite BJ Taylor-Williams & Don Williams ’45 Max Winkelhake ’13 ♥ Jodie (Curran) ’96 & Jeff Wise ♥ Maureen Wishkoski & Ed Moore † Kit-May & Sheldon Wong Nicole Collora ’95 & John Wood ’94 †♥ Kelly (DiJulio) ’02 & Brian Woodward ’02 ♥ Richard Wright ’64 Cortney (Comunale) ’98 & Stanford Wyatt ’98 Dee & Frank Yanak ’46 Donna & Richard Yellam ’50 Erika (Eng) Yelle ’82 Molly & Guy Yogi Matt Yukubousky ’04 Bette & Ralph Zech ’43 Danny Zorotovich ’98

Fall 2014

♥ Scholarship Endowment Contributor † Current or Former Faculty or Staff

✦ SPREE 2014 Fund-a-Need Contributor

L Panther Legacy Society

2 01 3 - 2 01 4 ALU MNI DO NO RS BY CLASS YE AR 2 015 If your class year ends in a 0 or 5, this is your year for a reunion! Make plans now to join your classmates July 24-26, 2015 on the Prep campus. Please contact Garret Cook in the Alumni Office at 206-577-2149 if you would like to help plan your reunion events.

1 93 6

John Osterman

1 93 8

Dan Lyons

1 939

Michael Scott


Jerry Harrigan John Spates, Jr

1 9 41

Bill Akers John Bulman William Quinn


Chuck McHugh ♥


AJ Colasurdo Howard Lang (deceased) Bob Larson Stan Sifferman Ralph Zech


Joe Blaschka, Sr George Buck George Flood


Jack Blume L Don Byington Mike Griffin Robert Markey Michael McEvoy Harry Nelson Frank Powers, Jr Dan Small (deceased) John Spellman George Taylor Don Williams


George Brand Joe Faccone Frank LaRiviere Eugene Moloney Neil Tarte (deceased) Ed Terhar (deceased) Don White Frank Yanak

1 9 47


Irish Coles John Ghiglione Bill Lenihan Jim McAteer ♥ Paul Sifferman ♥ John Sullivan

1 9 49

Richard Andersen Joe Betzendorfer Ron Buzard Jim Hopper Bob Kokesh Geoff Miller Tom Richards John Roark James Smith Richard Woods

1 95 0

Don Campbell John DeMan Jack Hevly Robert Jones Bruce Laing John Luckovich Dick Manning L Alex Muller Richard Yellam

1 95 1

Ron Bollinger Mike Caplice John Fitzgerald Tim Flood Fr John Foster, SJ ♥ Gary Gray ♥ Tim Healy Ed Hunt Bill Kirch Ken LaGrandeur Tom Nolan John Schnell Phil Waters

1 952

Winn Brindle (deceased) Tom Chan Jack Guise Michael Holmes Garth Houlihan Ron McMullen Jerry Murphy Ralph Rafanelli James Stitt Jack Thomas


Richard Ambur John Beattie William Clancy Hal Cline Pat Coogan L Jim Dever Grant Gauger Jim Harney Philip Kearns William O’Connell Dick Ryan Joe Scudder Tim Towey

1 954

Jay Charles Fred Herb James Lambeth Frank Piro

1 955

Dick Abrams L Gary Albrecht Bob Halligan Don Ibsen Ron Ibsen Steve Medalia Carl Michelotti Don Miller Dale Palella Mike Shea Jerry Toussaint Bud Voermans

1 956

Hal Antonson John Bradley Alec Brindle, Sr Bob Brown Guy DiJulio ♥ Ollie Flor Peter Giacobazzi Bob Giuntoli, Sr Al Hyde Jack Kinsella Pat McCoy Phil McLean Jim Walsh Tony Zimmerman


Frank Buono John Curran ♥ Dick Davidson ♥ Robert Ehli Tom Evered Dick Falcone Wayne Fleek Fritz Frolich Mike Heinrich Jim Ingraham Bill James Daniel Regis ♥ Michael Sullivan George Van Hollebeke


Jerry Dinndorf ♥ Carl Jensen, Jr ♥ Larry McHugh ♥ Gary Merlino ♥ David Michaelson Phil Perry ♥ Kelly Pickering ♥ David Waltier ♥L

1 959

Bob DiJulio ♥ David Foley Patrick Kehoe David Kennedy Bob McLean Carl Propp Gene Rafanelli Jerome Rose Ralph Saxton Rob Sullivan, Jr Grant Telfer


Darby Brown, Jr ♥L Dan Costello Roland Layton Marco Magnano, Jr L Michael Moreland Roger O’Connell ♥ Jack Palmer Dave Rogers Tom Skoda


Tom Angelovic Tom Cain Bill Clark, Jr Chris Eagan Jon Egge ♥ Bill Eisiminger Dick Jones Fred Logan Rick Markov Jim McDevitt Mick McHugh ♥ Jim Nuernberg Charles Russell ♥ Phil Sauntry Bill Taylor ♥


Mike Baechler Mick Deines ♥ Zack Hangauer Steve Hopps ♥ Steve Koehler ♥L Larry Lorenz L Gene McGrath Dan McKillop Dave Mitchell, Jr ♥ Michael O’Connell George Raffo Robert Ramseth John Renner, Jr Dave Schreiber L Gene Smith ♥ Tom Trebon


Clarke Brant ♥ Tim Davidson Roger Fritz Joe Gaffney ♥L Richard Hendrickson ♥ Earl Lane Emmett Lane ♥ Joe Magnano ♥L Rob Martin ♥ Curly McNamee ♥ Doug Mendenhall ♥ Lou Oberndorf ♥L John Penny ♥ Pat Pressentin ♥ James Purcell Sandy Sanders ♥ Pat Webb ♥ Peter Webb ♥


Hugh Bangasser Mark Boulanger Geoff Carey Dennis Dorratcague Dan Eiben L Ross Fay ♥ Bob Geraghty Bill Giffin Dick Jaeger Paul Liebert Russ Niles Phil O’Loane Greg Rafanelli ♥ Jack Reagan Tom Robinson Joe Wright


Jay Carey Chris Casper Greg LaFlam Pat Layman ♥ Dennis McLaughlin David Read ♥ Paul Seely


Lanny Ching Kelly Corr Greg Duncan L Mike Fahey Mike Goodwin ♥ Tom Gores L Jack Hanover III L James Hoover ♥ Mike Intlekofer Bill Jenkins Pat LePley Paul Mullally Steve Scalzo ♥ Smithy Smith, Jr


Brian Gough Jim Guerci Al Irvine Don Kardong John Landon Brian Losh L Jerry Martin George Mead Charles Osborn Mark Scheibe Michael Stapleton Paul Williams

Bob Adair Dick Boulanger ♥ Jim DiJulio, Jr L Jim Rogers L

Panther Tracks



George DiJulio, Jr ♥ Nick Hippert Rick Hupf Daniel Kingsbury Marc Linafelter L Chris Martin Bryce McWalter Anthony Merola L Craig Smith Paul Sorensen Steve West Bill Wilson L

1 9 69

Patrick Beecher Steve DiJulio ♥ Joe Kristof James Larson Joe Niemer Richard Patneaude Dan Patterson Brian Plikaytis Dan Pugel Anthony Scioly Mark Wheeler

1 970

Tom Boehmer Tom Borda Bill Buchanan Chris Burrows Paul Cahill Rich Cannon Ross Case Joe Demarte Bill Fellows Tom Ferguson ♥ Frank Forgette Herbert Freer Chris Funk Tag Gleason Peter Grimm ♥ John Hickman L Mike Martin Vincent Miller III Mark Minerich Frederick Pickel Brian Sweeney Jim Thorburn

1 97 1

Jeff Bauman Mike Bing Rich Budinich, Jr Joe Cannon Pat Crowley John Daviscourt John Galus Steve Gilmour Steve Hedrick Jeff Keane Andy MacDonald Mike Morrison Kirk Putnam Fred Robinson Mark Ulloa



Steve Adamek Bruce Blume Joe Cade Mark Capeloto Michael Chudecke Marc DiJulio ♥ Charlie Hudson Jack Peterson Clement Zipp, Jr

1 973

Matt Cade John Comick Mike Cordova Jim Glascock Reilly Hall Chris Healey David Heye Dan Layman Paul McKillop ♥ Jeff Parietti Nick Tarlson Chris Wheatley


David Cantu Tim Carney Dan Coleman ♥L Steve Duex Rob MacAulay Dave McCambridge Jim McCutchan Mike Merz David Michael ♥ Kevin Murphy Bill Olwell ♥ Marty Rall Kevin Ruoff Martin Siemion Casey Sullivan Kevin Wherry Ed Woods

1 975

Jean-Rene Basle David Bobroff John Carrosino William Dingus Nick O’Connell Mark Ohlstrom Steve Santi Lester Sauvage, Jr Joe Zech

1 976

Pat Corr ♥ Dan Dennehy Jim Elder Matt Hoover Jeff Lynn John O’Neil, Jr ✦ Jim Powers Bill Teplicky ✦

1 977

Jim Cacabelos ♥ Rob Carroll Geoff Hamill Leonard Hill Kevin Lovejoy Jim Rogers Bob Santucci Bill Smersh John Sollars

1 977 MRC

Jeff Behrman Bob Cecchi Brian Fields ✦ Patrick Grimm ✦ Marnee (Pierson) Iseman Jim Navone K C Pleas Rick Tedrow

1 978

Mark Alfieri Tim Dean Leo Morales George Poor Kevin Read ♥

1979 Karen Andersen ✦ Caroline (Tobin) Corr Chris Corr Brian DiJulio ♥ Paul Heneghan, Jr Erin Keyser Norton Mike Matthews ✦ Brian Peyton Bill Rigert Helen (Sauvage) Santucci Kevin Smith Bruce Stewart

1 9 80

Erin Duffy John Gay III JoEllen Gehl-Loeb Eric Hampton Tom Hoffer ♥ Phil Hurvitz Mike Kremer Mary (Breskovich) Lee ♥L Eric Lippke Stacie (Otter) McMillan Megan Piehler Rena (Caso) Piercy Michele Plorde John Podany Jane Powers ♥✦L


Kathleen (Esperas) Borgman Erin Fields Jim Gemperle Bryan Gummersall Laura (Giorgetti) Hanson Teresa (Hampton) Jensen ♥ Mark Metcalf Chip Miner Nelson Nakata ✦ Greg Olson Glenn Podany Katherine (Powers) Podany Michele (Charles) Thornquist


Conrad Chavez Richard Dunn, Jr Andy Flor Matt Hendricks ♥ Matt Henn Michele Hughes Jennifer (Gleason) Hyde Dan Jellen Mimi (Bettineski) Moloney Laura (Sauvage) Scheer Cindy (Schober) Seib Tom Seib Laura Widdice Erika (Eng) Yelle

1983 Andy Hendricks ✦ Sandra (Blair) Maddox ♥ Paul Marchione Sally Sue (MacLean) McDonald Jeffrey Nicholls Theresa (Navone) Roberts Eric Rogers

1984 MRC

Romulo Almeda, Jr Brian Earl Dina (Hababa) Erickson Christopher Jellen Pat King Brian Lennon Patrick Linke Randy Petgrave Frank Podany Juliet (Gleason) Roger ✦


Dave Brethauer Monica (Hill) Brethauer Colleen (Cox) Broughton Cathy (Buckley) Dummer Joel Frauenheim Jennifer (Barthe) Graves Janet Schorr


Dorothy (Godsil) Ambuske Cathy Dunn Jerel Frauenheim Ruth Gavino ♥ Jason Graham Bill Hall Christa (Schille) Holland ♥ Cara Jacobson Mike Masterson Megan McAuliffe-Bartot Aaron Merz Mary (Gleason) Pehl Angie (Walum) Spencer Kirstin (Reid) Thompson ♥ Suzanne Williams Sheila (Eagan) Winemiller


Leslie Cahill Bratrud Ryan Craig Stephanie (Drugge) Henderson ♥ Joseph Hueffed Eric Jaeger Moya Murphy Zaboukos Karen Schorr Craig


Colleen Cross-Foster Tricia (Cassels) Enfield Caj Fernstrom Katy Henrickson Loren Matlick Bryan Thorn



Becca (Shapiro) Cohen Flan Collins ♥ Arne Klubberud Jamie Leigh Stacie (Craves) Moore Shane O’Mahony Sarah (Ostler) Morris Amy (Mecklenburg) Perez Shelly Kay (Hackett) Pfeiffer Medby Pfeiffer Laura Robinson Shannon (Weed) Shader Sarah (Dunnam) Watts ♥ Brad Weinrich John Wood ♥


Nicole Chastain ♥ Nicole Collora ♥ Courtney (Crean) Goodheart James Goodheart Erika Koehler-Stafford Michael Monroe Allison (Schultz) Ruettgers Alicia Scalzo Wilmoth Bryan Taylor ♥


Brandon Bede Molly (Findley) Bede Matt Byers Teresa (Schroeder) Byers Max Engel, Jr Ryan Fleming Jake Hanover IV Collin Hathaway Meghan (Comunale) Magnano Milo Magnano, Jr Nicole (de Turenne) McKinley Marisa Monroe James Rudolf ♥ Carlen Ruelos Cyril Sanchez Jodie (Curran) Wise ♥


Steve Bronson Thomas Harvey Becky O’Boyle

Natasha Anderson Ben Gaffney Jennifer (Curran) Kelly ♥ Marco Magnano III Shannon (Powell) McCarter Brian Meza Adam Myhre Jesse Ottele Ted Plumis Carolyn (Sumulong) von Behren



Michael Ellestad Rebecca Hagelin Mullin ♥ Megan (Olson) Hanni Tyler Hathaway Josh Lehman Cathy Seneviratne Cortney (Comunale) Wyatt Stanford Wyatt Danny Zorotovich ♥


Michelle Bagshaw Tim King Bill Sauvage


Craig Arthur Sheila (Connolly) Beer Erin Cullen Harris Pete Flor Pam (Connell) Garand Molly Haggarty Vlahovich Matt Parent

Justin Baker Amy (Bauer) Bennett Chris Crean Kari (Erickson) Denton Andrea (Losh) Hackman Scott Jaeger Alicia (Collora) Meza Yasmin Mudah Ryan Raisio Matt Taylor

David Alloway Lisanne Chastain Brian Elsner ♥ Allison (Bauer) Fitch Regan (Romstad) Furman Matt Griffith ♥ Hunt Hanover Kristi Raymond Joneschild ♥ Jeff Reddy


Fall 2014

♥ Scholarship Endowment Contributor † Current or Former Faculty or Staff

19 9 9

Bryson Bede ♥ Brian Bligh Kathleen (Foy) Conklin ✦ Mike Henderson-Baker ♥ Annie Lindberg Le Anne (Cadag) McClaskey Jessica (Abbott) Powers Emily Showman Luke Welch L


Charlie Burke ♥ John Bush Ross Donnelly Matthew Hylton Jackie Miller Will Vial Anna Wheatley

2006 2000

Ashley Allen Stephan Banchero ♥ Meghan Barnes Kjerstin (Ramsing) Bell Chris Comunale Steve DeShazo ♥ Grant Feek ♥ Matt Gasparich ♥ Grant Goodall Colby Hanover Andrew Osborne ♥ Erin Rieger Baranick Shea Robinson ♥ Christian Sumulong Nick Woodward ♥

2 0 01

Anonymous (1) Chelsea King Kevin Kingman John Paul Mullally ♥ Jeffrey Quinn-Cane ♥ Jimmy Twining ♥

2 0 02

Britta (Bede) Banchero ♥ Amanda Bergman Lexie de Turenne Dane Hofbauer Rich Hulsman Leah (Macatangay) LaCamp Marty Sullivan Michael Vavrichek Brian Woodward ♥ Kelly (DiJulio) Woodward ♥

2 0 03

Ryan Caruso ♥ Tom Figel ♥ Erik Heggelund ♥ Larissa Lumb Mielke Andrew Martinez Lacey McGarry Cole Mercer Ben Pasquier ♥ Dave Patneaude ♥ Lisa (McNaughton) Pugh Kelsey Romstad Allyson Sprague ♥ Anne Marie Twining ♥


Connor Donnelly Brett Franceschina Ryan Groshong Tom Martin ♥ Shelley Palmer Matt Yukubousky

Panther Tracks

Caitlin Maguire Lew Thayer

2 0 07

Anastasia Rittman Nate Thramer Sam Vial


Maureen Cahill Patrick Donnelly Caitlin Hylton Jeffrey Katayama

2 01 0

Elliott Price ♥

2 01 1

Peter Christiansen Tierney Vial Alexander Zarutskie ♥

2 01 2

Kalynn Huebner Lucy Kelly

2 01 3

Kate Adler ♥ Sarah Aker ♥ Emily Aleinikoff ♥ George Anderson ♥ Renard Bansale ♥ Natasha Baron ♥ Serena Bernthal-Jones ♥ Gill Biesold-McGee ♥ Sam Blattner ♥ Charlie Brennan ♥ Julien Brundrett ♥ Josh Campbell ♥ Milo Cantor ♥ Stephanie Carl ♥ Maddie Cavanagh ♥ Will Delaney ♥ DJ Fenner ♥ Mary Floyd ♥ Chelsea Gibson ♥ Jamie Guinasso ♥ Conner Hagen ♥ Nicole Hall ♥ Susie Hanafin ♥ Emma Healey ♥ Anthony Hellermann ♥ Hannah Hickey ♥ Marian Hunt ♥ Cat Jimenez ♥ Phylly Knight ♥ Allison Lange ♥ Jack Leaverton ♥ Rachel Lether ♥ Simon Makowicki ♥

Lauren Matthews ♥ Indigo Maybee ♥ Hannah O’Brien ♥ Katie O’Neil ♥ Will Plattner ♥ Brady Price ♥ Susannah Reischling ♥ Luke Scalzo ♥ Ryan Smith ♥ Tina Teodoro ♥ Chris Wales ♥ Max Winkelhake ♥

2 01 4

Pierre Albi ♥ Kayla Ayers ♥ Ginny Barnhart ♥ Caroline Cacabelos ♥ Mark Caindec ♥ Joe Campbell ♥ Rachel Carlson ♥ Noah Cavanaugh ♥ Connor Cech ♥ Clayton Comiskey ♥ Nate Crawford ♥ Peter Eusebio ♥ Stuart Fairchild ♥ Saba-chu Farwell ♥ Daniel Galindo-Navarro ♥ Claudia Gietzen Ike Grams ♥ Matt Jensen ♥ Daniel Johnson ♥ Emma Johnson ♥ Tess Jordan ♥ Jenay McAuley ♥ Katy McMullan ♥ Maddie McReynolds ♥ Ben Olwell ♥ Dan Ostrander ♥ Dakota Peterson ♥ Tim Prusa ♥ Bimal Sandhu ♥ Emily Savidge ♥ Andrew Shields ♥ Clare Spotts ♥ Patrick Stanton ♥ Luke Targett ♥

✦ SPREE 2014 Fund-a-Need Contributor

CLASS O F 2 014 E NDOWME NT DO NO RS Maureen & Maxime Albi Pierre Albi ’14 Kayla Ayres ’14 Gail & Sean Ayres Ginny Barnhart ’14 Treva & Glenn Barnhart Caroline Cacabelos ’14 Beverly & Jim Cacabelos ’77 Mark Caindec ’14 Joe Campbell ’14 Rachel Carlson ’14 Noah Cavanaugh ’14 Sarah & Tim Cavanaugh Connor Cech ’14 Bonnie & Frank Cech Clayton Comiskey ’14 Nate Crawford ’14 Debbie Crawford-Zygar & John Zygar Christine & Manny Eusebio Peter Eusebio ’14 Stuart Fairchild ’14 Mimi & Todd Fairchild Saba-chu Farwell ’14 Daniel Galindo-Navarro ’14 Ike Grams ’14 Eloise & James Grams Teresa (Hampton) ’81 & Marc Jensen Matt Jensen ’14 Daniel Johnson ’14 Emma Johnson ’14 Shareen & Evan Johnson Adrianna & Peter Johnson Tess Jordan ’14 Jenay McAuley ’14 Cherise & Rob McAuley, Jr. Katy McMullan ’14 Maddie McReynolds ’14 Ben Olwell ’14 Joan Ellering-Olwell & Bill Olwell ’74 Dan Ostrander ’14 Deborah & Pat Ostrander Dakota Peterson ’14 Caroline Petgrave ’14 Randy Petgrave ’85 Tim Prusa ’14 Bimal Sandhu ’14 Palwinder & Harjit Sandhu Emily Savidge ’14 Andrew Shields ’14 Jody & Tim Shields Clare Spotts ’14 Patrick Stanton ’14 Luke Targett ’14

L Panther Legacy Society

NAME D E NDOWMENTS Joseph Preston Alex, Jr ’65 Memorial Endowment Amanda Knox ’05 Scholarship Endowment Ariel Endowment Brandmeier/Daubenspeck Endowed Scholarship Building Our Future Endowment Joe Cali ’89 Memorial Endowment Margaret Ann Campeau Memorial Endowment Chaplin Memorial Endowment Class of 1941 Endowment Class of 2010 Endowment Class of 2012 Endowment Class of 2013 Endowment Class of 1962 Endowment in Honor of Terese & Joshua Howard ’90 Craig Alan Corkery ’65 Memorial Endowment Costello Family Endowment Jill Curran ’00 Memorial Endowment Amy Davis ’94 Memorial Endowment Michael Dennehy ’51 Memorial Endowment Norma & Guy DiJulio Memorial Endowment Alex Edelstein ’94 Memorial Endowment Diana B Ferrant Endowment Corrine & Mike Fiedler Endowment Fisher Endowment Fr Paul Fitterer, SJ Endowment Theresa & Henry Gai Memorial Endowment Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Endowment Fr James A Gilmore, SJ Memorial Endowment Vlasta & Joseph Giustino Memorial Endowment Anne Jane Gleason Memorial Endowment Growing in the Spirit Endowment Todd Hansen ’65 Memorial Endowment William Randolf Hearst Foundation Endowment Virginia Satterberg Helsell Memorial Endowment Jesuit Endowment Lamb Technology Endowment Learning Resource Center Endowment Donald D MacLean ’41 Memorial Endowment Charlotte Y Martin Memorial Endowment Mathieu / Rafanelli Music Endowment McCaffray Family Endowment Fr Christopher J McDonnell, SJ Memorial Endowment Ella & Thomas McHugh Memorial Endowment George Mead Endowment Morrison Family Endowment Gerald P Murphy ’52 & Frances J Murphy ’48 Science Endowment Norcliffe Foundation Endowment Rosemary and Lou Oberndorf ’63 Endowment Roger O’Connell ’60 Scholarship Fund Fr Richard D Perry, SJ Endowment Peyton Endowment Read Family Endowment John & Della Rehnstrom Endowment Mae E Riener Memorial Endowment Rollie Robbins Memorial Endowment Sauvage Family Endowment Seattle Prep Alumni Endowment James P St Germain Class of 1965 Endowment Norah Muldoon Ward Memorial Endowment John Brooks Williams Scholar Endowment Joseph C Wittman ’34 Memorial Endowment Barbara & John Woodman Endowment Philip & Fredde Yockey Perry Endowment



Endowments that are partially funded and are part of the Seattle Prep Endowment Fund: Class of 1945 Endowment Class of 1957 Endowment Class of 1958 Endowment Class of 1961 Endowment Class of 1963 Endowment Class of 1995 Endowment Class of 2004 Endowment Class of 2008 Endowment Class of 2011 Endowment Class of 2014 Endowment John M. Goodwin Endowment Harry Carey Memorial Endowment DiJulio Family Endowment Gustafson Endowment Ignatian Educator Endowment Richard W Sandstrom ’64 Endowment St Madeleine Sophie Endowment Mr Dave Thomas, SJ Endowment Titcomb Family Endowment John “Brady” Twohy Endowment Mark Zamberlin ’75 Memorial Endowment

IN-K IND DO NO RS AA Party Rentals Chateau Ste. Michelle Classic Catering The Confectionery, Kristi & Lance Holmes Fastsigns, Kristi & Lance Holmes Foley Sign Company, Andrea & Mark Metcalf ‘81 Terry & Kent Hickey The Love Jacks, Brian DiJulio ‘79 Madison Cellars, Sheri & Fred Andrews Mathes Graphic Design, Kathy Mathes Olympic Eagle Distributing, Anne & Steve Knight On Safari Catering Pacific Northwest Catering Pagliaci Pizza Precision Press Prop Gallery Michelle Psyhogeos Puget Sound Moving, Inc. Sellen Construction Company Sugee’s Talking Rain Beverage Company Tim’s Cascade Snacks Tranche Cellars, Lauri & Michael Corliss Washington Asset Management, Barbara & Brian DiJulio ’79, Brad DiJulio ‘04 Yuen Lui Studio, Del Lui

MATCH ING G IFT COMPANIES & FO U NDAT IO NS 266 gifts totaling $198,558

Alaska Airlines Amgen Foundation Bank of America Foundation Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Boeing Bristol Myers Squibb Campbell Nelson Nissan Capital One Expedia Goldman, Sachs & Co Google, Inc Humana IBM JP Morgan Chase Foundation Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc Medtronic Foundation Microsoft Morgan Stanley Dean Witter New York Life Foundation PACCAR Foundation Pfizer Foundation Russell Investments The Seattle Foundation Shell Oil Company Foundation Stephen Bechtel Jr Foundation Verizon Foundation Washington Women’s Foundation Wells Fargo

Contributors to Building Our Future: the Campaign for Seattle Prep through September 15, 2014. This list includes donors to Adelphia Memorial Hall, the Fr. Paul Fitterer, S.J. Community Ministry Center, our new Learning Resource Center, Ohno Field at Montlake, Our Lady of Montserrat Chapel, Peyton Plaza, and all donors who helped build our endowment during the Building Our Future campaign. ST IGNATIUS LOYOLA CIRCLE ($1,000,000 +)

Aven Foundation Joan & Don Merlino ’60 Donna & Gary Merlino ’58 The Norcliffe Foundation Terry Gillespie & John Stanton ST STANISLAUS KOSTKA CIRCLE ($250,000 - $999,999)

Vada May & Jack Corkery Maureen & Jim Lico Riley & Nancy Pleas Family Foundation Nancy & John Rudolf Denise & Mark Tabbutt ST ALOYSIUS GONZAGA CIRCLE ($100,000 - $249,000)

Anonymous (1) Karen Andersen ’79 Kath & Rich Barth


Susan & Roger Belanich ’56 Maralyn & Jack Blume ’45 Rita Daubenspeck Nicole & Tim Engle Victoria & Mark Fanning The Feldsine Family in honor of Peter J. Feldsine Cindy & Frank Firmani Fr Paul Fitterer, SJ Family Lynn & Mike Garvey Margaret & Erik Giesa Pam & Jay Green III Joshua Green Foundation Mike Matthews ’79 Cherise & Rob McAuley, Jr Carol Navone-Bonnie ’80 & Shelby Bonnie Rosemary & Lou Oberndorf ’63 Karen & Yosh Ohno ’65 Lucy & Jerome Rose ’59 Elaine & Joe Shephard, Jr ’62 Katie & Bill Teplicky ’76


Treva & Glenn Barnhart John Bianchi ’62 Mary & George Birchfield Laurie & Joe Blattner Julie & Bob Breshock Maddy Connolly & Alec Brindle, Sr ’56 Patricia Joyce & Angelo Calfo Jeannine (Navone) ’90 & Dino Christofilis Laura & Max Clough Ryan Durkan & Charlie Burdell Sharon & Peter Faricy Mary & Alan Frazier Frazier Family Foundation Frost & Margaret Snyder Foundation Zandra Navarro-Villicana & Cesar Galindo-Legaria Cheryl & Bill Gossman Kay & Doug Hanafin Cindy & Jay Henning

Jennifer (Gleason) ’82 & Mike Hyde Carol & Steve Koehler ’62 John McKay, Jr ’74 Andrea & Nelson Nakata ’81 Pat & Jim Navone ’54 Sheron & Roger O’Connell ’60 Paula & Ron Pessner Jr Carmen Valdes & Jeffery Robinson Elizabeth Rudolf The Seattle Foundation Seattle Prep Parent Association Michele & Brad Smith Karleen Snetsinger Pam & Ron Taylor ’65 Ellen & John Tobin Theresa & Dan Twining Nancy Bird & Dale Vogel Fr Dick Ward ’43 Sandy Brouwer-Wright & Tom Wright

Fall 2014

ST ISAAC JOGUES CIRCLE ($25,000 - $49,999)

Anonymous (2) Eric Anderson Michelle & Tony Audino Cristina & Jerrold Bailet Nancy Hanson & Matt Barmore Biesold Family on behalf of Gill Biesold-McGee ’13, Casey Schmidt ’14 & Colby Biesold, in memory of Gill Centioli, their great-grandfather Christie & Todd Biesold Mary Ann & Dick Boulanger ’47 Carol & Robert Bubar Kathy Van Olst & Richard Carter Julie & Dan Coleman ’74 Barbara & Tom Ennis Amy & Bill Ferron Terri & Joe Gaffney ’63 Gwen & Joe Geivett Kate & John Goodwin Terry & Kent Hickey Hylton Family Anne Marie Koehler ’99 Chris Koehler ’92 Erika Koehler-Stafford ’95 & Jerrod Stafford Mary (Breskovich) ’80 & Mike Lee Carla & Donald Lewis LMN Betsy & Brian Losh ’67 Sheila & Jim Mallahan Elisa McGee Patty & Scott Meden Betsy Miller Estate of Captain David Miller Kathie & Jim Morino Jill & Jim Navone MRC ’77 Patriot Fire Protection, Inc. Christine & Pat Pendergast Fredde Yockey-Perry & Phil Perry ’58 Andrea & Richard Piacentini Judy Pigott Michelle & Nick Psyhogeos Len & Laurie Quadracci Family Heidi & Rick Rasmussen II Lisa & Bob Ratliffe Dave Read ’38 Scott Redman Kathy & John Richardson III Sue & George Rockwell Mary & Greg Rockwell ’62 Kathleen Rockwell Jean & Jack Rosling ’53 Steve Scalzo ’66 Ronna & Peter Schmidt Megan Struthers & David Shoultz Anne Ward & Don Soriano Doug Stewart Lisa Stewart Michele & Mitch Usibelli Terry Werner ST PETER CANISIUS CIRCLE ($10,000 - $24,999)

Anonymous (3) Beth & Thomas Anderson In honor of Sandy & Don Bacic Llora Zichittella & David Beninger Katy & Kevin Blair Fran & John Bradley ’56 Maureen & Joe Brotherton ’72 Peter Brundrett

Panther Tracks

Carol & Mike Caflisch Lesley & Brad Canfield Teresa & Shane Carew Amy & Brian Clancy Judy & John Curran ’57 Ford Davidson ’97 Michele Godvin & Gaston Deysine Debby Tsuang & David Diekema Barbara & Brian DiJulio ’79 Jeri & Doug Donnelly Meaghan & Paul Dowling Kim & Mike Durand Tammi & Brian Floyd Leigh & Tom Floyd Casey Gibson ’03 Chelsea Gibson ’13 JB Gibson ’10 Kristy & Mike Gibson Jennifer & Jeff Gietzen Ann & Tom Gores ’66 Tami & Dan Greenshields Dawn Winters & Peter Grimm ’70 Tania & Hubert Guillot de Suduiraut Morella Troconis & Horacio Gutierrez Mary Read & Philip Henderson Robin & Andy Hendricks ’83 Estate of Ina Marie & James Henry Carolyn & John Hickman ’70 Joan & Andrew Holman Katy & John Hunter Mollie & Kris Jensen Megan & Mike Kelly Margaret Murphy & Ed Khalfayan Derval Langan & Tom Killalea Terri & Michael Killeen Sylvia & Peter Kim Trudi & Kevin Knight Anne & Steve Knight Lynne & Norman Langseth Susan Leaverton Maria & Chris LeCuyer Tina & Tim Lee ’72 Maria & Jorge Madrazo Mary & Joe Magnano ’63 Robin & Ken Martin Michele & Patrick McClean Jill & Phil McCune Kathleen & Cholly Mercer Susan Allemann & Dave Messner Sharon Evans & Brad Miner Kanjamat & John Mullally Amy & George Murphy Deborah & Pat Ostrander Jeff Parietti ’73 Janet & Brandon Pedersen Sandy & Jeff Pedersen Christine & Pat Pendergast Carol & John Penny ’63 Pam & Ryan Pleas ’74 Susanne Pruitt Joanne & John Ramsay III Nancy & Terry Read ’70 Maureen & John Reid Laureen & Martin Robinett Jean & Kirk Robinson Jeanie & Tom Robinson ’64 Dana & Stephen Ross Jules & Roger Runacres Kathleen & Richard Sanders Helen (Sauvage) ’79 & Bob Santucci ’77 Athena & George Sarantinos Phuong & Craig Scukas

Sellen Construction Company Carol & Larry Sexton Joanna & Scott Smith Tracy Smith Kim & Dan Stockwell Geri & John Stukel Mary & Herry Sutanto Jeanette & Brad Thorson Martin Tobias Kathy & John Tullis Susan Hoffman & Brian Turner Linda & Bob Van Hare Michelle & Ed Wardian Jackie & Rich Watkins Renee Willette & Jay Schwartz Marianne & Joe Zech ’75 ST PETER CLAVER CIRCLE ($5,000 - $9,999)

Anonymous (1) Jasmine & Steve Adamek ’72 Anne Read-Andersen & Erich Andersen Claire & Jeff Arrowsmith Damian Augustyn, MD ’70 Erin Magee & David Aust Joseph Berson Deirdre & Fraser Black Julie & Willie Blue Karla & Joseph Bocek Linda & John Bowers, Jr Linda & Tim Boyle Helene & Bill Bradley ’61 Liz & John Brennan Monica (Hill) ’88 & Dave Brethauer ’88 Patricia & Stephen Brown Cindie & Steve Brown III Michelle Terry & Kenneth Burton Betsy & David Carlson Glynis & John Carrosino ’75 Families of the Class of 2013 Janet & Kay Clawson April & Jim Collier Patricia & Ted Collins Sue & Greg Coluccio Carolyn & John Comick ’73 Patty & Pat Coogan ’53 Martha & Jeff Downer Deanna Sundvick-Egge & Jon Egge ’61 Jody & Mike Elsner Janelle & Gerald Engley Sheree & Brad Fisher Jana & Daniel Flinn Kimberly Phillips & Jeff Flinn Julie & Andy Flor ’82 Theresa & Jerome Frigillana Diane & Mark Gary Maureen & Adam Gavin Mary Beth & Dick Gemperle Sheila & Mike Goodwin ’66 Lisa & Rick Green Corinne & Russell Hagen Margaret & Jon Hallgrimson Erin Cordry & Eric Hanson Johnese Spisso & Ross Hartling Brenda & Tom Heflin Shannon & Matt Hendricks ’82 Hennebery Eddy Architects John Hopcroft ’57 Lori & Tom Huling Carla & Terry Irvine ’66 Teresa (Hampton) ’81 & Marc Jensen Heidi & Eric Kiersky

Kathy & Walt Krueger Jana Barber & Roy Lamb Melinda & Sam LeClercq Martha Ways & Tim Lee Jennifer & Jeff Lewis Lisa & Matthew Lydon Paul Maffeo ’58 Barbara & Mike Malone ’62 Lynda & Douglas Martin Laurie Black & Stafford Mays Judy & Jim McAteer ’48 Michele (McDonald) McCarthy ’85 John & Cat McDowall ’89 Kristine & Steve McHugh ’80 Katie & Chris McReynolds Solange & Mike Mecham Regina & Wayne Melonson Sarah Hunter & Paul Meyer Stacie (Craves) ’94 & Kris Moore Lederle Tenney & Bill Motzer Heather & Mike Murphy Martha & Walt Niehoff Amy & Richard Pelly Lisa & Don Percival Louise Piacentini Cathy & Greg Rafanelli ’64 Liese & Ramnath Rajesh Raskob Foundation for Catholic Activities, Inc Kathy McGonigle & David Rawlings Debbie & Kevin Read ’78 Jess & James Rudolf ’96 Janice & Blair Savidge Savidge Investment Real Estate David Scalzo Ann & Matthew Shanahan Karen & Robert Sheppard IV Maria & David Spanel Ann (Kokesh) ’80 & David Stout Jim Sullivan Kathryn Macaulay Sullivan & Thomas Sullivan Anne Marie Twining ’03 Jimmy Twining ’01 Paul Twining ’08 Mary McKay Vial & Peter Vial Gina & Tim Wackerbarth Stephanie Read & Ed Walker Gardis Meergans & Livingston Wernecke Katy McHugh White & Kelly White Kristoffer & Timothy Whitters Robin & Kevin Ylvisaker Sharon Stone & Ron Zipse ST JOHN DE BRÉHEUF CIRCLE ($1,000 - $4,999)

Anonymous (4) Janice & Bruce Abe Karen & Steve Adler Laurie & Curt Altig Maureen & Alex Anderson Shawn Anderson Deborah Andrews Jacobsen & James Jacobsen Raymond Angelillo Gail & Sean Ayres John Bauer, Sr Cindy Price Baur & Bob Baur Arnold and Mabel Beckman Foundation Stephanie & Michael Benjamin Kathleen Sullivan & Dan Berger Wendy Rogers-Bermudez & Gerardo Bermudez Bei & Joe Bernal Sarah & Kevin Beshlian


Cathy Tanaka & Robert Bianchetto Alice & Bob Bishop Elizabeth & Michael Bladow Joe Blaschka, Sr ’44 Jennifer Cargal & David Bley Jill & Tom Boehmer ’70 Annabel Branigan Kirsten & Kelly Bray Cara & Darby Brown, Jr ’60 Karen & Curt Bryan Tricia & Bill Buchanan ’70 Shelley & Frank Buhler Becky & Jim Burns Family The Burnsteads Leslie Lindskog & Chris Burrows ’70 Leeanne & Louis Burwell Michelle Doyle & Jeff Cantor Nancy Sheckler-Cecchi & Bob Cecchi ’77 Bonnie & Frank Cech Ann Brockenbrough & Michael Cenname Margaret Mayes & Charles Cerveny Clarissa & Lanny Ching ’66 Linda & Mike Clarke Class Of 1960 Class of 1963 Class Of 2009 Ellen Sweeney-Clawson & DR Clawson Carol Bracken Clemency & John Clemency Audrey Collins Frank Coluccio ’76 Kay & Bob Comiskey Heather & Thomas Cooney Jean & Pat Corr ’76 Debbie Crawford-Zygar & John Zygar Jannie & Jim Curtin Marta & Lucio Dalla Gasperina Karen & Jeffrey Daniels Shannon & Paul Dauber Molly & Bob Davidson Judy Davis Suzanne Daly & Scott Davis Teresa & Ted Davis Suzette & Leon de Turenne ’63 Pam & Mick Deines ’62 Cay & Peter del Valle Therese & John Delaney Janet & Ned Delmore ’69 Judy Tokuyoshi-DeShaw & Don DeShaw Gayle & Jim Dever ’53 Judy & Paul Devine Jan & Guy DiJulio ’56 Shirley & Steve DiJulio ’69 Karrie & Jerry Dinndorf ’58 Kary & Mark Doerfler Janene Drafs & Steve Gahler Cristina & Robert Dugoni Robin & Robert Dullea Carolyn & Chris Eagan ’61 Maribeth & Peter Eagan Elisa & Max Engel ’96 Dana & Stephen Erickson Christine & Manny Eusebio Mimi & Todd Fairchild Mitch Fanning ’12 Jeanne & Campion Fellin Joy & Desmond Fernandes Amber & Vincent Ferrese Teresa LaCugna Fields & Brian Fields ’77 MRC Karen Deklaver-Fletcher & Curtis Fletcher Foley Sign Company, Inc Becky O’Boyle ’85 & Ed Fotheringham Jennifer Freeman Kathleen & Pierre Gallant


Sandy & Jerry Gallwas Gloria & Dick Gedrose Adrienne & Jim Gemperle ’81 Alisa Luber & Joe Genster Joann & John Ghiglione ’48 Jill & Jon Gilbert Kathryn & Bill Gillis Carol Gilmore Sauter Glacier Peak Capital, LLC Jocelyn & Michael Go John Gordon Mary & Pat Grady Eloise & James Grams Katie & Matt Griffith ’97 Maureen & Bryan Gummersall ’81 Teri Gustafson Lori Guzzo Marie Lawrence & Stephen Hadley Gary Haggard ’58 Brenda & Michael Haggarty Ann & Jan Hajnosz Suzanne Rapp, MD & Mark Hamilton Susan & Zack Hangauer ’62 Lindsay & Hunt Hanover ’97 Suzanne & John Hansen Susie McDonald & Robert Hardy Kristina Ryhn & James Harman Celeste & Matthew Harmon Megumi & John Haskin Erin & Collin Hathaway ’96 Cynthia & Russ Hazzard Anne & Tim Healey ’77 Margaret & Richard Hendrickson ’63 Hennebery Eddy Architects Clare Henry & David Pultorak Mary Guerra & William Herkes Kit & Charlie Hiatt Debra & George Hofbauer Tom Hoffer ’80 Emmet Hogan Kristi & Lance Holmes Patty & Steve Hopps ’62 Paula & Jim Houston Creg Howard ’62 Lisa & Christopher Hoyt Jennifer (Rogers) ’00 & Spencer Hurst ’95 Ginny & Bart Hutchinson Arlene & Patrick Hyde Joyce & Al Irvine ’67 Elizabeth & Craig Jackman Vicki & Jerry Jager ’51 Lisa & Jeffrey James Kim & Pat James Linda & Carl Jensen, Jr ’58 Brigitte Fortin & Douglas Johnson Shareen & Evan Johnson Kris & Ted Johnson Robin & Peter Jones Jen & Len Jordan Mickie & Barry Jostol Maria & Tom Kearney Ann & Bob Kelly Carla & Martin Kerner Jenell Kheriaty & Sullivan Shaw Lisa & Jim King Gary Kocher Mary Ann & Tom Kofler Brad Komen Janet Komen Abbe Jacobson Kopf & Curtis Kopf Adele & Steven Kroeger Irina & Paul Kuebler Karen & Darin Lang

Karri & Bill Lange Deborah & Scott Larsen Rita & John Larson ’79 Gar LaSalle ’65 & Nina Ferrari Cheryl & Pat Layman ’65 Erin Swezey & Tim Leary Carol & Pat LePley ’66 David Lester Susan & Kenneth Lewis, Jr Michelle & Marc Linafelter ’68 Joyce & Grant Lingg Kay & David MacVicar Fr Paul Magnano ’60 Rowayne & Tom Maguire Carolyn Lathrop & Rob Malinowski Jennifer Porter & Harold Malkin Dorothy & Kim Mallick Veronica & Rodrigo Mangaliag Lauretta & Lou Marchesini Carolyn & Brett Marck Kristina & Bill Marti ’62 Kathy Mathes Annie George & George Mathew Stacie & Greg Maurer Pat & Jim Mazure Sheila & Mike McCanta ’61 Betsy & Andy McCarthy Chuck McHugh ’42 Roberta & Larry McHugh ’58 Nancie & Michael McKay ’69 Lisa & Tom McKenny Karen & Brian McManus Jean McMullan Deana & Greg McNeill Karen Smiley & Karl Melder Areatha & Doug Mendenhall ’63 Irene & Aaron Merz ’89 Andrea & Mark Metcalf ’81 Kat Spellman-Miner ’87’ & Stuart Miner ’85 Barbara & Dave Mitchell, Jr ’62 Portia Moore Joanie & John Moran Sarah (Ostler) ’94 & Mark Morris Vince Mosca Pierre Mourad Elizabeth & Jim Moyer ’61 Concha Navarro Nelson Trucking Company, Inc Joan & Mike Niggemeyer North Star Electric Northwest Cascade, Inc Jim Nuernberg ’61 Mary Kuhn & Jim Nye Cindy & Michael O’Brien Michael O’Connell ’62 Jim O’Hanlon Judy & Terry O’Keefe ’61 Ann & John O’Neil, Sr Janet & John O’Neil, Jr ’76 Jeanne-Marie Osterman & Hal Pearson Jennifer & Jesse Ottele ’92 Christine & Jon Ovenell Kellyann & Kevin Padon Chris Seiler & Jeffrey Parkins Maria Solorio & Michael Patrick Rita & Ed Paulter Kari Anderson & Mark Pavlovic Diana Turner Perkinson & Brad Perkinson Marge & John Petrie ’65 Heather & Mike Pfau Fati Le & Khanh Pham Kay & Kelly Pickering ’58 Dana Cashman & Glenn Pingul

Lisa & Joe Piper Shonagh & KC Pleas ’77 Bonnie & Brian Plikaytis ’69 Diana & George Plumis ’56 Denise & Andrew Pohlmann Sara & George Poor, Jr ’78 Ruth & Jim Powers ’76 Erin & John Pribble Julie Dunlap & Joe Pritting Fr Frank Raffo ’61 Cynthia Davis & Jeff Rahlmann Rainier Investment Management, Inc Erin & Dave Raney ’95 David Read Helene & Brian Reed Cec and Daniel Regis ’57 Kathy & Tim Reilly Eileen & John Renner, Jr ’62 Amy & David Reuter Lois Jean Broadway & William Reynolds Val Ritchie Michelle Jensen & Darwin Roberts Theresa (Navone) ’83 & Neil Roberts Karen & Alan Robertson Juliet (Gleason) ’85 & Stephen Roger Patty Rothwell Kelly & Marc Rudd Barb Rush Karla & Charles Russell ’61 Jen (Tullis) ’99 & Stephen Russell ’99 Jodi & Sandy Sanders ’63 Robin & Dick Sandstrom ’64 Tricia Sandstrom Mary Ann & Lester Sauvage Nancy & Paul Savage Katerina Sayles Karen & Daniel Schnebele Debra & Joe Schober Ali & Gil Schoos Becky & Jack Schwaegler Cathy & Paul Seely ’65 Julie & George Shaw Leo Sheehan ’38 Barbara & Joe Shickich, Jr Jody & Tim Shields Eileen & Jim Simpkins Catherine & Stephen Slack Bob Small Lira & Joe Small ’69 Sue & Bill Small ’74 Julie Snowden Angela & Ron Souza Lynn & John Spotts Megan & Michael Stanley Marsha & Terry Steele ’65 Rebecca & Henrik Strabo Sandy & Bill Taylor ’61 Helen & Roland Teodoro Wenche & Mark Titus ’90 Bob Thompson, Jr ’65 Katie & Paul Thurman Caren & John Tidwell Diane & Todd Timberlake Stephanie & Jeff Twining ’05 Doris & Jim Van Olst Adriana Neagu & Joe Verschueren ’69 Patricia & Duke Vogt ’65 Mary Helen & Gaylord Wahl Vicky & Angus Walker Lorna & Norland Walter Judy & David Waltier ’58 Washington Asset Management Washington Women’s Foundation

Fall 2014

Ruth & Phil Waters ’51 Clare Hausmann Weiand & Bill Weiand Jeannette & Mark Wheeler ’69 Mary Whitman Kathleen O’Brien & David Wieck Kathy Greer-Wilkes & Tom Wilkes Joan & Mike Willingham Debby & Dean Wilson Paula & Mark Wilson Maureen Wishkoski & Ed Moore Connie & Roman Wong Daiva Tautvydas & Roger Wylie Linda & Robert Yahn Sue & Stuart Young Linda & Michael Zaugg ST JOHN FRANCIS REGIS CIRCLE ($1 - $999)

Anonymous (6) Fana Kassa & Michael Abraha ACF West Inc Angie & Brett Aggen Diane & Joe Ahern Max Aigner ’12 Cristi & Paul Aigner ’77 Maureen & Maxime Albi Mike Albrecht ’57 Fe & Romeo Alcantara Joy & Joe Aldrich Alison & Steve Aleinikoff D Kraucki-Alex & Gregg Alex ’67 Ashley Allen ’00 Susan & Michael Allen Venicia Allen-Johnson David Alloway ’97 Shari & Wim Alma ’63 Pauline Alokolaro Dorothy (Godsil) ’89 & Aaron Ambuske Susan & Arne Andersen Natasha Anderson ’92 Sheri & Fred Andrews Fr Michael Angelovic ’57 Nancy Kelley & Tom Angelovic ’61 Craig Arthur ’87 Linda & Ben Astrom Kendall (Bingham) ’96 & Robbie Ault Amy McIlwaine & Anthony Bacon Doni & Carlos Balansay Linda & Steve Banchero, Jr ’70 Britta (Bede) ’02 & Stephan Banchero ’00 Lucy Homans & Hugh Bangasser ’64 Dawn & Richard Bangert II Jun-Ji & Randy Barber Sandra & John Barnes ’56 Elizabeth & Andrew Barrett Kim & Jean-Rene Basle ’75 Carol Batchelder Layne & Ricardo Bautista Stacey & Steve Bean Kathy & Don Bear Bryson Bede ’99 Janice & Brew Bede Diane & Joe Bee ’66 Nancy & Patrick Beecher ’69 Lisa & Jeff Behrman ’77 Colleen & Jeffrey Bell Rebecca & Roger Bellerive Tricia & Fred Bentley III Fr Jack Bentz, SJ Sophia Zervas-Berg & Arvid Berg Alicia Bernal Judith Bernal Geralyn & Todd Bertellotti Mary Helen & David Bever

Panther Tracks

Jody & Hunt Beyer Linda & Dick Bianchi ’61 Carol Dullmeyer & David Bills Janet & Don Bingham Florence Bishop Carrie & Steve Biskupic Matt Blangiardi ’96 Mary Rose & Michael Blatner Jan & Ken Block Meri & Tony Boisen Maryanne & Dan Bonney ’62 Carolyn & Jerry Bosch Martin Bosworth ’81 Ann Bowers Jolene & Rick Boyle Nancy & Clarke Brant ’63 Catherine O’Connell & Steve Brazil ’72 Valerie & Edward Breen Paul Breen ’37 Charlie Brennan ’13 Mary Kay Brennan & Theresa Wood Kelly & Eric Brewe Anne & Mike Brixner ’66 Joey Brotherton ’04 Dolores & Bob Brusic ’48 Ryan Bubalo John Bulman ’41 Barbara Bulzomi DeAnne & Frank Buono ’57 John Burch Susan & Dan Bureau Charlie Burke ’05 Tom Burke ’61 Melinda & Matt Burks Joan & Fred Burnstead John Bush ’05 Rachel & Matt Butler Beverly & Jim Cacabelos ’77 Tom Cain ’61 Maria Corazon Caindec & John Caindec Frances Nolan & Willie Callison Heather & Julian Campbell James Cannon ’66 Teresa & Joe Cannon ’71 Kathy & Rich Cannon ’70 Marilyn & Jeffrey Carl Mary Anne & Dick Carr ’61 Gary Carson ’99 Ryan Caruso ’03 Connie & Rich Carvill Caryn & Scott Cary Julie & Ross Case ’70 CJ Castillo ’00 Debbie Centioli Jennifer & Jim Chamberlin Donna & Tom Chan ’52 Mary & Jay Charles ’54 Nicole Chastain ’95 Joanne & Ivar Chhina Kelly & Steve Cho Ann & Jack Christiansen Bob Christopfel Sandra & Bill Clark, Jr ’61 Sidney Clarke Class of 1951 Class of 1952 Class of 1954 Class of 1970 Class of 1993 Class of 2004 Carly Clawson ’11 Kendra Clawson ’09 Marie & Philip Co Flan Collins ’94 & Tom Hardy

Nicole Collora ’95 & John Wood ’94 Marcia & Pat Coluccio Mary & Mark Comstock Jackie & Jac Cooper Sue & John Cooper Priscilla Cordell Tracy Cornell Caroline (Tobin) ’79 & Chris Corr ’79 Serena Cosgrove ’81 & Martin Bosworth ’81 Lucretia & Dan Costello ’60 Carol & Tim Coulter Jason Courter Claire & James Creim Pat Crowley ’71 Shirley & Gary Cummings ’61 Caroline & Raymond Cutuli John Czak ’62 Linda & Chuck Dagg Kelly (Nolan) Daniels ’99 Karyn Andriesen & Michael Danielson Joyce & Dick Davidson ’57 Cindy & Pat Dawson ’71 Noel de Turenne ’98 Decatur Head Beach Association Maureen & Dan DeFrancia Fr Gene Delmore, SJ ’56 John DeMan ’50 Michael Dennehy ’15 Ann & Anthony DeRocco Steve DeShazo ’00 Shiloh & Don deVera Linda & John DeVitis ’75 Shannon & Joe Dickinson Michelle Diego-Smith ’94 & David Smith Donna & Chris DiJulio ’69 George DiJulio, Jr ’68 Joan & Jim DiJulio, Jr ’47 Marc DiJulio ’72 Lois & Bob DiJulio ’59 Sue & Vic Dmitriev Camille (Sheppard) ’78 & Gary Dohrn Melissa Dold & Kyle Cook Terri Rambosek & Jeffrey Donahue Barbara & James Donnelly Jim Donovan ’54 Trevor Doran Ashley Douglas McManus ’05 Pam & Steve Drugge Angela Dugan & Anders Rosenquist Yvonne & Roland Dunatov Tim Easter ’61 Marilyn & Dave Easton Molly (Shea) ’94 & David Ebel ’89 Dianne Egan Dan Eiben ’64 Bill Eisiminger ’61 Lisa Keith & David Ellinger Betty & Hank Elliott, Jr ’49 Dana & Brian Elsner ’97 Julia & Christopher Emby Barbara & Robert Engel ’55 Geri and Glenn Evans ’61 Tauna & Philip Evans Norma & Tom Evered ’57 Rolita & Okey Ezeonu Joe Faccone ’46 Shelley Faivre Elli & Al Falk Jenny Chan-Fang & Dong Fang Karen & Ross Fay ’64 Grant Feek ’00 Bill Fellows ’70 Cherilyn & Tom Ferguson ’70 Tom Figel ’03

Connie & Bradley Fitterer Carol & Bob Flajole ’61 Stephanie Marvin & Pat Fleege, ’62 Karen & Douglas Fletcher Julie & Joe Flick Chris & Dean Fliflet Garrett Fliflet ’99 Ian Fliflet ’96 Nate Fliflet ’03 Phyllis Flood David Foley ’59 Vicki & Lee Forte Rachel Forte Grace & Javier Fosado III Donna & Cameron Foster Fr John Foster, SJ ’51 Sandra Foy Brett Franceschina ’04 Darcy & Steve Franceschina Catherine & Jesse Franklin IV Chelsea & Steven Frankovich Kendall & James Frazier Janie & Herbert Freer ’70 Katie Frigon Shane Frigon Katharine & Stephen Fuller Jill & Troy Fulmore Carl Fundeen ’61 Calvin Fung ’44 Paula & MC Fusco Joan & Alan Gangl Pam (Connell) ’87 & Karl Garand Jessica (Cross) ’93 & Matt Gardner Matt Gasparich ’00 Ruth Gavino ’89 & Smith Lutu Geraldine Gayda Karen & Mark Gifford Lyndsey & Brad Gillis Marilyn & Kevin Ginnever John Gleason Helen Marie & Terry Gleason ’96 Lisa & Paul Godlewski Donna Goff Sherry & Steve Gonnella ’67 Karin & Tom Goodenough ’87 Kelly Goodwin Adduci Jenny Gore Mary Kate Grady ’06 Mary & Gary Gray ’51 Catherine & Trey Green Laurie & Joseph Greene John Griffin ’61 Mary & Ron Gubelman Timothy Hagan Rebecca Hagelin Mullin ’98 Mary Kay Haggard Sandy & Chip Halbert Anne & Dave Hall Annette Ghee & Burt Hamner Hayley Martin-Hampton & Eric Hampton ’80 Megan (Olson) Hanni ’98 Kristine & Colby Hanover ’00 Myra & Jack Hanover III ’66 Conor Hansen ’01 Martin Hanson ’61 Karen & Norm Hardy Pamela & Dan Harkins ’66 Barbara & Pete Harper ’61 Marilyn Harris Linda & Ross Hartwich Susan & Rick Hathaway Gary Haugland Larry Hawkins Rita & Winslow Hayes ’74


Tracy & Chris Healey ’73 Cheryl Healy Mary & Tim Healy ’51 Erik Heggelund ’03 Nadine Heichel Angie Hellermann Stephanie (Drugge) ’90 & Todd Henderson Mike Henderson-Baker ’99 Mary & Paul Heneghan, Jr ’79 Lori & Bill Henneger Jacqueline & Paul Hennes ’61 Christina & Randy Hermans Emily & Eric Hiatt Lois & Jim Higgins ’53 Cathy Stevulak & Leonard Hill ’77 Eugenia and Bob Hilton ’66 Roselyn & Eric Hogan Karen & Ed Hogan, Jr Christa (Schille) ’89 & Steven Holland Jeanine Holmes Lynn Holmes Julie & Nick Holt V Jim Hoover ’66 Patrick Hopps Margaret & William Houghtaling Fr Pat Howell, SJ Dree Hudson Daugherty & Charlie Hudson ’72 Anna Hughes Vera & Ronald Hughes Marnee (Pierson) Iseman ’77 Nettie & Allen Israel Janet Janhunen Thomas Janssen Marisa & William Jeakle Irene & Christopher Jellen ’85 Bill Jenkins ’66 Julie & Matt Jensen Adrianna & Peter Johnson Lucy & Rodney Johnson Pat & Jim Johnston Jamie Polito & Jim Johnston Carol Jones Andrew Jordan ’01 April & Anthony Joseph Julia & George Kaercher Elizabeth & Ronald Kardokus Don Kardong ’67 Trish & Dan Keaton Julie & Martin Kee Suzanne & Travis Keeler Jennifer (Curran) ’92 & Ronald Kelly Aimee Do & Stephen Kennedy Susan Kennedy Kyri & Brad Khouri Chris Kiehn Philip Killien Heidi Kim & Alec Campbell Bethany & Tim King ’86 Bonnie & John King, Jr ’61 Melissa & Michael Kinnee John Klekotka ’79 Chris Kocher Verdell & Ed Kolling Susan & Larry Kron Ella & Bob Krull ’54 Janet Bogus & Eric Kuehl Kathleen Vasquez & Paul Kurose Max Kwan ’05 Ken LaGrandeur ’51 Molly (Leaverton) ’04 & Jim Lamb ’04 Meredith & Gregory Lambert Earl Lane ’63 Sharon & Emmett Lane ’63


Sue & Jim Lane, Jr Connie & William Lange James Larson ’69 Staci Sleigh-Layman & Dan Layman ’73 Mary Layman Sean Layman ’68 Jeanne Marie Lee Lois & Peter Leff Josh Lehman ’98 Ruth & Dale Leman Anne Freitas & Michael Leslie Cora & Mark Lijek ’69 Lori & Patrick Linke ’85 Natasha & Scott Loftin Judy & Fred Logan ’61 Barbara Loners Melanie and John Lovejoy ’69 Don Luby ’59 Marilynn & John Luckovich ’50 Kristina Franz-Lundberg & Dan Lundberg Kristin & Scott Luttinen Norma & Jim Lykken ’69 Mary & Joe Lynam Katherine & John Lyon ’44 Jane & Jim Lyons ’50 Keri & Rob MacAulay ’74 Karin Ogren & Brian Mack Sherine & Drew MacLean ’78 Joan MacLean Sandra (Blair) ’83 & Eric Maddox Jodi & Bob Madigan ’61 Meg Healey Magee & David Magee Sharon Maghie Margo & Paul Makowicki Gail Marshall & Leslie Mallonee Theresa & John Maloney III Theresa & Will Maloney ’76 Mary & Douglas Manning Kelsey Mariani Jean & James Mark Rick Markov ’61 Judith & Charles Marshall Kristi & Frank Martin ’69 Riley & Mike Martin ’70 Lynn & Rob Martin ’63 Tom Martin ’04 Turie & Tom Martineau ’69 Gisele & Harry Matthews Julie & Greg Matz ’89 Jonathan McAfee Shannon (Powell) ’92 & Bob McCarter Sharon & Kevin McCarty Merridy & Mike McChesney ’62 Duncan McCoy ’10 Matt McCoy ’08 Riley McCoy ’14 Jean & Tim McCoy Maura McCulloch Pat McCullough ’66 Michael McCutcheon ’00 Gretchen & Jim McDevitt ’61 Maggie McDonald ’14 Sally Sue (MacLean) ’83 & David McDonald Sean McDonald ’11 Toni & Douglas McElroy Anne & Rick McGee Cindy & Gene McGrath ’62 Tracy & Mick McHugh ’61 Mimi & Tucker McHugh ’67 Joe McIntyre Christine & Bill McKay ’76 Mary & Paul McKillop ’73 Barbara & Russell McKinney Kathy Krikorian & John McLaughlin

Tom McMullen ’66 Judy & Curly McNamee ’63 Kathy & Stan McNaughton Sally & Jon McQuiston Nancy & Neil McReynolds Maureen & Bryce McWalter ’68 George Mead ’67 Anthony Merola ’68 Alicia (Collora) ’93 & Brian Meza ’92 Celeste & David Michael ’74 Donna & David Michaelson ’58 Erika & Bruce Michels Therese & Paul Michels ’81 Kari-Mae (Hickman) ’91 & Jeff Miles Natasha & Daniel Miller Patti & Don Miller ’55 Candie & Gregor Miller ’70 Alene & Marin Miller Marsha & Vincent Miller III ’70 Mike Minerich ’69 Collette Mitchell Mary & Mark Mitchell Anne & Paul Mocha Mimi (Bettineski) ’82 & Jim Moloney Laurie Clay & Leo Morales ’78 Jeanine & Timothy Morley Sally Morrison Ron Mulberg John Paul Mullally ’01 Megan Murphy Linda & Patrick Naughton ’65 Kelly & Bret Neely Joseph Nguyen, SJ Tom Nguyen Jeffrey Nicholls ’83 Lynn & Matthew Nichols Patricia & Clark Nicholson Nadine Nielsen Northwest Center Sally & Michael O’Brien Karen & Patrick O’Donnell Helen Oesterle Cathy & Mark Ohlstrom ’75 Mitsuko Okada Ann & Jim O’Neil Lucy (Pulford) ’82 & Paul Osborn Andrew Osborne ’00 John Osterman ’36 Marita Otto Jason Overleese ’91 Cynthia & Jose Padilla Robert Page Susan & Michael Palmer Diane & Robert Parry Eli Pasco ’17 Leila Ramac-Pasco & John Pasco Ben Pasquier ’03 Marta Pasztor & Steve Shipe Jocelyn Roemer-Patchen & Ray Patchen Dave Patneaude ’03 Mary & Jim Patneaude ’71 Deborah & Richard Patneaude ’69 Deborah Walters & Dan Patterson ’69 Maria & Brian Paulsen Robert Pearlman Carrie & Doug Pedegana Janice & Ronald Pelayo PEMCO Foundation Sara Perkins Bertie Perry Mary de Rosas & Paul Peterhans Kay Peters Peterson Young Putra Randy Petgrave ’85

Shelly Kay (Hackett) ’94 & Medby Pfeiffer ’94 Phillips Real Estate Services, LLC Linda & Pierre Pinard ’61 Pamela & Paul Plumis ’66 Kimberly & Ted Plumis ’92 Deborah & William Poppy Jane Powers ’80 Nisha & Sam Prajapati Cathy & Rodney Prentice Margaret & Pat Pressentin ’63 Kate & Mike Price Dan Pugel ’69 Greg Puppione Mike Quillin Florence Quinn Virginia & William Quinn ’41 Jeffrey Quinn-Cane Patti & Ed Rademacher Jourdan Radloff ’99 Gene Rafanelli ’59 Marnel Ramirez ’17 Maria & Nicolas Ramirez Bob Ramseth ’62 Brenda & Elmer Range Sandy Rath Kristi Raymond Joneschild ’97 & David Joneschild Barbara Read Susan & David Read ’65 Mike Read ’76 Paul Reed Maria & Dan Reid Dan Reid ’96 Jules Reid Molly & Ted Reischling Catherine Torlai & Warren Rheaume Dolores Rheaume-Brusic Cathy Seneviratne ’98 & Micah Richardson Maureen Ridgway Pat & Randy Riffe Sheryl Yamamoto & Stephen Riggins Pete Riley ’96 Doane Rising Beth & Mitch Robbins Michael Robinson ’98 Shea Robinson ’00 Andy Rockwell Meredith Rockwell ’04 Barbara & Sax Rodgers Mike Roland Chuck Roni ’76 Nicole Dacquisto Rothrock & Tim Rothrock Janet Johnson & Chip Routt Linda & Tom Ruggles Anne Russell Tracey & Gregory Russell Ann Kuder & John Russell Tim Russell Rev Michael J Ryan ’55 Jennifer & Dave Salem Palwinder & Harjit Sandhu Sylvia & Rob Sargeant, Sr Grace & Mendel Saturnino Cathy & Lester Sauvage, Jr ’75 Joanne & Mike Scallon ’62 Ann Scearce Wally Schaefer Barbara & Tom Schaeffer Kathy & Tom Schafer ’68 Laura (Sauvage) ’82 & Steve Scheer Erin Scherer Kim & Brian Schliesman Erik Schmella ’00 Steve Schmitz

Fall 2014

We sincerely apologize for any names we may have misspelled or inadvertently omitted from our donor list. Please direct concerns to Jennifer Russell, Director of Marketing & Communications, at, 206-577-2103.

Meridith & Robert Schrader Sheelah & Dave Schreiber ’62 Schwab Charitable Fund Nancy & Alex Schwalier Claudia & Anthony Scioly ’69 Lori & Deino Scott ’74 Michael Scott ’39 Sandra & Gregory Sessler Judith & Ken Shafer Judy Nakashima-Shoji & Brian Shoji Louise & Paul Sifferman ’48 Frances & Stan Sifferman ’43 Tom Sifferman ’61 Janice & Jim Silva ’64 Julie Braybrooks & Gregory Simon Laura Brady & David Simpson Nicole Sine ’00 Asa & Preston Singletary Ned & Kayla Skinner Guild Barb & Tom Skoda ’60 Mimi & David Skow Ann Marie Slevin Mary Jane & Gregory Slye Christine Smith Craig Smith ’68 Karen & Gene Smith ’62 Kevin Smith ’79 Diane & Mark Smith Jerilyn DeCoteau & Tod Smith ’74 Donald Sodora

Damian Sokol ’66 Charlie Spencer-Davis ’11 Mary Spencer-Davis Amy Spivey Allyson Sprague ’03 Crista Sun St John Biz Alpaugh & Joe Stacey Chris & Tom Stamnes ’61 Vicky & Greg Stamolis Lori & Jim Stark ’57 Richard Stevenson Wendy Stevenson Betsy & John Stillings Libby & John Stoner Bob Strom ’72 Marie & Rudolph Stuppard Barb & Jim Sullivan, Jr Marion & Jack Sullivan, Jr ’51 Marcene & Brian Sullivan Shari & Casey Sullivan ’74 TJ Sundgren Betty & Jerry Sweeney Diana Bender & Louis Sweeny Susan Swope Ray Sylvester ’63 Katharine Hayner & Stephen Syrjala Janeth & Dale Talty Laura & Michael Targett Bryan Taylor ’95 Kyle Taylor ’98

Sue & Ty Taylor Abby Mulugeta & Zebene Techane Cheryl & Rick Tedrow ’77 Grant Telfer ’59 Selome Teshome ’98 & Abiy Mesfin Kirstin (Reid) ’89 & Dan Thompson Colleen & Jerry Tiberio ’76 Debbie Vonnahme & Dan Tobin Deborah Phillips & Winship Todd Debo & Ernie Tolentino Karen & Pete Torelli ’61 Stacy Donovan ’02 & Jeff Torrance ’00 Rayanne & Tom Trebon ’62 Jeff Tufarolo ’69 Doreen & Brady Twohy Beth & Mike Tyler Mark Ulloa ’71 Geeneil Umagat ’14 Salvatore Vacca Margarita & Anwar Vanegas Marti & Wayne Vavrichek Elizabeth Vernaiz Sam Vial ’07 Will Vial ’05 Phuong Nguyen & Todd Vien Leonie & Rene Villanueva Pat & Gary Volchok Erica & Michael Voolich ’61 Mina Waldowski Jenelle & Mark Walhout Joan & Bob Wallace

Roberta & Jim Walsh ’56 Stephen Walter ’03 Mary Lou & Bill Walther RoxAnn Ward Sarah (Dunnam) ’94 & Andrew Watts Gretchen & Peter Ways Florence & Pat Webb ’63 Peter Webb ’63 Mary & Steve West ’68 Meg & Barrett Westbrook Michelle & Kevin Wherry ’74 Michele & Geoff White Terri & Greg Whittle ’66 Paula & Michael Wickersham Allison & Scott Willhite Rosalyn Williams Tracy & David Wilson Kristen Wilson ’98 Renee & Stephen Wilson Jodie (Curran) ’96 & Jeff Wise Linda & Michael Wishkoski Nicole Collora ’95 & John Wood ’94 Kelly (DiJulio) ’02 & Brian Woodward ’02 Sarah & Nick Woodward ’00 Molly & Guy Yogi Alexander Zarutskie ’11 Ann Zech ’00 Denise & Jerry Zech, Jr ’70 Tina & Hasan Zeer Ruth & James Zepeda Danny Zorotovich ’98

F INA N C I A L I N F O R M AT I O N For year ending 06/30/14*

*Unaudited figures


JUNE 30, 2014

Tuition and Fees...................................................................... $



Annual Appeal.......................................................................... $ 830,783


Other............................................................................................ $ 333,591


SPREE Auction (net)............................................................. $ 283,574


Transfers from Endowment................................................ $ 602,000


For Tuition Assistance: $581,000 For Faculty Purposes: $21,000

TOTAL REVENUES............................................................................ $



JUNE 30, 2014

Salaries and Benefits............................................................. $



Tuition Assistance................................................................... $ 1,157,757


Plant/Security/Maintenance............................................... $ 835,668


Academics/Student Life...................................................... $ 758,703


Administration/Development............................................ $ 621,911


SUBTOTAL EXPENSES.................................................................... $



Campus Design & Development....................................... $ 1,080,515


Capital Expenditures............................................................. $ 114,258


TOTAL EXPENSES..............................................................................$ 14,105,533





2400 Eleventh Avenue East Seattle, WA 98102-4098


SAME LOCATION, SAME GAME ... 30 YEARS APART Tossing around a football on Peyton Plaza (alums will remember it as the parking lot) in 1984 and before our new buildings opened in August 2014.

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