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125 Years of Prep Launch of the Alumni Service Corps Fr. Kroehler: Quiet Generosity
Welcome to the 125th Anniversary issue of Panther Tracks. We hope you will enjoy reading glimpses of our history. But these are only glimpses. There is so much more we could have included, if only space would allow. By that “more” I don’t mean more historical facts or dates. The more I mean is more about the wonderful personalities and quirky moments that add so much to the flavor of our school. Some of my favorite Prep moments are ones that don’t fit neatly into anniversary publications: Like that time in 1898 when a belligerent Irishman, Terence O’Brien, refused to allow his mother’s grave to be moved from Holy Cross Cemetery (where Prep’s campus currently resides) to Calvary without the Irish soil she was buried in. For days he sat, shotgun in hand, until finally a bishop got him to relent when he promised to move all that dirt along with his mom. Or the story about the 33 graduates in the Class of ’33. There were supposed to be 34, but the principal at the time, Fr. McNamara SJ (“old tiger eye”), thought it would be “unique” to have “33 in ’33,” so he flunked out a senior. And how about that kid from the Class of 1945 who got pummeled in the first round of a boxing match with a bruiser, but persevered through three more rounds despite a very broken nose. That kid – John Spellman – persevered all the way to the governor’s mansion. There are just too many stories to tell about Fr. Hess, SJ, certainly the most tortured teacher in Prep’s history. They generally involved things like removing the pins from the hinges of his classroom door so that it would fall flat on the floor when he entered the classroom. Others include the brawl with Blanchet after a basketball game in the 50s when Fr. Murphy, SJ was decked; the student who occasionally broke into “Louie, Louie” while playing piano at Mass; or the anonymous freshman (let’s call him Mark Metcalf ’81) who threw a penny out of a classroom window that accidentally hit the car of Dave Thomas, SJ, the Jugmaster himself, spidering the windshield and almost geting Mark kicked out of school on his very first day at Prep. Behind all the moments are so many remarkable people and so much caring. When our alumni gather together, that’s what they are really saying as they tell stories to and about each other. What Prep is about is the relationships in the moments, many that last a lifetime. That penny that brought Mark Metcalf and Dave Thomas together, for example, also brought about a friendship that lasts to this day. If I encounter a dollar on the ground I pick it up. I probably do the same for quarters, dimes and even nickels. But I often don’t pick up pennies, and that’s a real loss. Life is made up of penny moments. It’s the small things, the little moments, that accumulate over time to make for a rich life. That includes the life of a school, and Prep has been richly blessed by so many penny moments over the past 125 years. Kent Hickey President Seattle Preparatory School
Fall 2016 Volume 25, Number 2 Panther Tracks is published by: Seattle Preparatory School Kent Hickey, President 2400 11th Avenue East Seattle, WA 98102 206-577-2141
2 Prep Celebrates 125 Years
DIRECTOR OF COMMUNICATIONS AND MARKETING: Ben Mawhinney bmawhinney@seaprep.org
A look back at the people, events and changes that have shaped Seattle Prep since it began in 1891
12 Congratulations to the Class of 2016
DIRECTOR OF ALUMNI RELATIONS: Kathy Krueger kkrueger@seaprep.org
A list of Prep’s newest alumni, and the universities that offered acceptance
14 Distinguished Alumni Award
DIRECTOR OF DEVELOPMENT: Liz Brennan lbrennan@seaprep.org
Kent Hickey’s presentation speech to Gary Merlino ‘58 and Don Merlino ‘60
20 The Blume Family Scholarship Endowment
DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT: Stephanie Benjamin sbenjamin@seaprep.org
Maralyn & Jack Blume ‘45, on why “nothing is more important than providing for kids who need it”
Becky Burns bburns@seaprep.org
21 Fr. John Koehler
Alice Evans aevans@seaprep.org
Katrina Freeburg kfreeburg@seaprep.org
Class of ‘61 alumni share memories of this avid outdoorsman and outstanding mathematician
35 Annual Report
Shannon Hendricks shendricks@seaprep.org
A list of contributions made to Seattle Prep during the past year
DESIGNER: Mathes Design PRINTER: ColorGraphics
PHOTO CREDITS: 2015-2016 Yearbook Staff, Michael Danielson Ben Mawhinney If you would like to send a letter to the editor, update your information, or contribute a written piece for consideration to Panther Tracks, please send the information to the address listed, or e-mail alum@seaprep.org. Seattle Prep is an inclusive community, and as such, publishes letters to the editor and class notes as submitted by our alumni and friends. These submissions do not necessarily represent the values or beliefs of Seattle Preparatory School.
16 24 28 31
Sports Recap Alumni News & Events Class Notes In Memoriam
FROM THE EDITOR Dear alumni, parents & friends, Happy birthday! All of us connected to this wonderful school deserve well wishes on our shared 125th anniversary. Collectively, whether reading this now or remembered in spirit, we have created a school rich with history built by experiences both significant and unexpected, both deliberate and spontaneous. That deserves to be celebrated, and we look forward to taking time to reflect upon and honor this milestone throughout the year. With so many amazing stories and photos fit into this special edition of Panther Tracks, I will keep my welcome brief and leave you to browse these pages. As always, please feel encouraged to contact me with feedback, additions, or ideas for future stories, even if it feels like it has been 125 years since you have last been in touch. Sincerely, Ben Mawhinney Director of Communications & Marketing bmawhinney@seaprep.org SEATTLE PREP PANTHER TRACKS | FALL 2016 |
“This city is beautifully situated in the hills, formerly covered with trees where men had to let in daylight with axe in hand. On the east is an immense lake of fresh water. To the west is Puget Sound which is connected to the ocean…. The climate is so mild the grass is green all the year round.” – Fr. Augustine Laure, SJ March, 1890
1891 Our history begins on September 27, 1891 in rented space at St. Francis Hall on the corner of Sixth Avenue and Spring Street.
Illustrated map of Seattle in 1891 Courtesy of Library of Congress, Geography and Map Division
1891 If Fr. Laure’s description of Seattle sounds like a marketing piece, there’s good reason why. Throughout much of the 19th century the Society of Jesus (Jesuits) and the Catholic Church as a whole, ignored Seattle. The cities that appeared poised to hit it big were places like Spokane, Tacoma, Port Townsend and Vancouver. That all changed toward the end of the century. Seattle emerged as the preeminent city in the Pacific Northwest and never looked back. Fr. Laure, a visitor to Seattle, took notice and, after he filed his report, so did his Jesuit superiors. It was decided that the Society of Jesus needed to establish a foothold in Seattle. That job was given to two other Jesuits, Fathers Victor Garrand, SJ and Adrian Sweere, SJ, the co-founders of Seattle Preparatory School. They opened their school to girls and boys at St. Francis Hall (corner of Sixth Avenue and Spring Street) on September 27, 1891. Father Garrand expressed great hope for the success of the new school, and Seattle itself, in a letter to his superiors: “Our mission in Seattle resembles those in New Orleans, New York and San Francisco. We are in the middle of a mixed population with an assortment of adventurers from all over the world. Not even the Romans had a more noble origin.” The course of studies at this new Jesuit school was based upon the course of studies at all Jesuit schools, the Ratio Studiorum, a curriculum first established by the Jesuits in the 16th century. It remains as the foundation of a Prep
Cast for “The Martyr Boy”, 1904
education today. Another constant, from the recollection of an early graduate: “The old days had the ever prevailing Jug with time spent after school memorizing the works of some of the famous Latin and Greek authors, and scholars wrestling with the copying of the famous sayings of famous men.” A.E. Prickett, 1925 Echo.
The 1909 baseball team: (L-R) W. Earles, N. Pecarovich, J. McAteer, Beezer, Riley, G. McAteer, J. Earles, Coughlin, Burke, Patten, M. Pecarovich (from the 1927 Echo yearbook)
1894 Immaculate Conception School, as Prep was known in its earliest years, moves to Madison and Broadway, into a building constructed on land purchased from a Seattle founder, Arthur A. Denny. While Prep’s first students in 1891 included girls, only boys are allowed into the school from 1894 until Prep once again becomes co-educational in 1975. The new building, designed by Fr. Garrand, SJ himself, now bears his name and is the oldest on Seattle University’s campus.
1898 The school is renamed “Seattle College.” Despite the name, students are primarily of high school age and graduate with high school diplomas. The first B.A. degree is not conferred until 1909.
1902 Blue and White are adopted as the school colors.
Seattle Prep owes much of its good fortune, and its second-to-none campus on North Capitol Hill, to fish. In 1918, T.C. McHugh, an extraordinarily generous man and devout Catholic, sold his interest in the Deep Sea Cannery Company and made a “pledge to God” to donate much of his new wealth to charity. The following year found the Swedish Baptists, the builders and owners of Adelphia College since 1905, in a very different financial condition: bankruptcy. They sold Adelphia Hall and their seven acre property (the Interlaken campus) to T.C. McHugh and his wife Ella who, in turn, donated it to the Jesuits to serve as the new campus of Seattle College. Adelphia Hall served as Prep’s primary academic building from 1919-2013.
1905 A few miles north of the Seattle College campus on Madison and Broadway, on the other side of Capitol Hill at a site overlooking Portage Bay, Adelphia Hall is constructed to serve as the primary academic building for a Swedish Baptist seminary.
Tuition is $5.00 per month.
T.C. and Ella McHugh’s gift also represented a return of the Capitol Hill property to Catholic ownership. In the late 19th century, the land that is now Prep’s campus served as the first Catholic cemetery in Seattle, Holy Cross. Bishop O’Dea decided, however, that the swampy land wasn’t a suitable resting place for the departed (as did Seattle’s Health Department), so he transferred the residents to Calvary Cemetery in northeast Seattle and sold the property to the Swedish Baptist Church in 1905. The residence hall on Delmar served as home for Prep’s Jesuits from 1919 until the 1965 earthquake, which left it “red-tagged” for demolition. The building’s foundation remains intact and Prep’s bus barn is now located on the site. Prep still owns the undeveloped land from Delmar to Boyer, close to Portage Bay and under the shadow of the 520. For the McHughs, the foresight of their gift proved both prudent and meaningful. “The best investment my husband and I ever made was investing in Seattle Prep. It was the one investment that no one could ever take away and one which would continue to give back for generations to come.” Ella McHugh
1923 The Panthers of Prep play their first football game against the Fighting Irish of O’Dea, a 7-0 Prep victory at Broadway Playfield. The name of Prep’s yearbook changes from “Palestra” to “Echo.”
Seattle College Orchestra, 1927
Lou Gehrig and Babe Ruth visit Prep. The Babe addresses Prep students and then hits fly balls from the Adelphia Hall entrance to 10th Avenue.
Dedicated to the popular St. Joseph parish priest, William A. Garrigan, SJ Gymnasium opens just five days before the Wall Street stock market crash and is long considered the best high school gym in the city. In addition to serving as the home of the Panthers, Garrigan Gym is also home to the Seattle College Maroons, Seattle Pacific College Falcons and huge “sock hops.” Also this year, Seattle College officially separates from Seattle College High School and moves to Broadway and Madison, where it remains to this day as Seattle University.
A group of mothers, led by Katherine Dunne Logan and Louise O’Callaghan, form the Seattle College Mothers Club, the precursor of the Parent Board. First task: To help raise funds for the construction of Garrigan Gym (“a dollar a brick”). During the Great Depression, the Mothers Club cans food for the Jesuits. Éamon De Valera
1930 Éamon De Valera, President of Ireland, addresses an assembly in Garrigan Gym. Edward J. Coen, beloved teacher at Seattle College High and Seattle Prep from 1907-1947, had persuaded the president, and old friend from rebellion days, to come to Seattle.
1933 Seattle College High School changes its name to Seattle Preparatory School.
Students attending Mass in the school chapel, 194o
1945 Roll of Honor Students
Prep adds a south wing around Garrigan Gym, which provides a student chapel, study halls and cafeteria. Known as the “Christy L,” the wing is remodeled in the early 80s and named McDonnell Hall (now the oldest building on campus).
Fr. Christopher McDonnell, SJ
1937 Fr. Christopher McDonnell, SJ becomes Principal, President and Rector and remains at Prep until 1956. Students begin to learn the power of a whistle.
1941 – 1945 Many Prep students leave school to enlist. War Stamps are sold in the school lobby.
1949 An earthquake rattles campus and bricks fall from Adelphia as students flee from the building.
of the five Jesuit schools in the Province
of co-education and a six year degree
Spokane, Jesuit in Portland, Bellarmine
program – one that would include both
in Tacoma, Seattle Prep) had to be closed
a high school diploma and a BA in
because there were not enough Jesuits on
Humanities. Fr. Healy partnered with
hand to adequately staff all of them. Given
Fr. Louis Gaffney, SJ, Seattle University’s
the number of other Catholic high schools
President, as well as numerous teachers,
in Seattle, Prep became the number one
administrators, parents and experts in
option for closure.
ironing out the details.
This speculation spun into a fury and
The admission of women to Seattle Prep
The “radical change” came in the form
(Loyola in Missoula, Gonzaga Prep in
An unintended negative impact of
Fr. Galbraith eventually decided to keep
the new model was a precipitous drop
Prep open – on one condition: Prep had to
in enrollment in the early 1980s, which
come up with a new direction that would
led to the return of the “senior option”
and the creation of Matteo Ricci College,
be a “radical change.” The design and
in 1985. The return of young women to
a joint venture between Prep and Seattle
implementation would be left to a wise,
Prep for the first time since 1893 was,
University, grew out of a perceived Jesuit
conscientious administrator, Fr. Tom
and remains, an intended positive impact
manpower crisis in 1973. The Provincial at
Healy, SJ, along with five young Jesuits
of the “radical change.”
the time, Fr. Galbraith SJ, decided that one
assigned to assist him.
John Goodwin leads Prep to football championships in ’65 and ’66. Prep wins another championship in ’68. 1953
The Seattle Prep Grade School Speech Tournament begins, a tradition that continues to this day.
Prep holds its first auction. Fr. Steve Kuder, SJ names it SPREE (acronym for “Seattle Prep’s Reach for Enduring Excellence”). Demolition of the old Jesuit Residence
A campus BBQ in ’91.
The underground parking garage and St. Ignatius Hall open. St. Ignatius serves as the primary learning space for Collegio, the integrated humanities curriculum created in 1975 that continues as a cornerstone of Prep’s educational model to this day. Also, the statue of St. Ignatius is installed at the center of campus, joined in 2015 by the statues of Mother Mary and Child Jesus. Prep’s President Thomas F. Healy SJ (right) and Seattle University’s President William Sullivan SJ (left) receive an award from US President Gerald Ford for the innovative approach to learning fostered by the creation of Matteo Ricci College (MRC).
The Jesuit Residence is transferred to school operations and named Peyton Hall in recognition of the family who bequeathed a wheat farm in Sprague, WA to Prep in 1947 (later sold to create the Peyton Endowment). The core of Peyton Hall is used in the construction of Adelphia Memorial Hall in 2014.
1983 Thomas C. McHugh Gymnasium, named after the “Second Founder” of Seattle Prep, opens.
New Computer Lab
Marilyn Kavanaugh and Steve Koehler ’62 establish the Alumni Basketball Tournament, a spirited three day event that draws alums from across the nation.
1991 Athletic Hall of Fame established with “First Five” inductees: Art McCaffray, Walter McGovern (both 1940 graduates, part of the “Wonder Class”), Tom Gorman ’64, Don Kardong ’67 and legendary football coach, John Goodwin.
1991 – 2015
Prep wins 30 State Championships in athletics, including six in boys tennis (1990s), three straight in girls volleyball (2001-2003) and three in six years in girls soccer (2010, 2011 and 2015). SEATTLE PREP PANTHER TRACKS | FALL 2016 |
Kairos comes to Prep. The junior retreat, an opportunity for reflection and deepening faith, profoundly impacts Prep’s culture and the lives of the 2,500 students who have experienced it thus far.
Prep’s campus is transformed with the demolition of Adelphia Hall (due to threat from earthquake) and construction of Fr. Thomas F. Healy, SJ Chapel and Theater, Lee Family Arts Center, Adelphia Memorial Hall, Rudolf Playfield (on site of Adelphia Hall), Peyton Plaza, Ohno Field at Montlake and Our Lady of Montserrat Chapel.
2007 PULSE, Prep’s dance team, is created in 2007 and continues to thrive today.
2007 – 2015
2013 Joe Hardy ’14 smashes the cross country record at Seattle’s most historic course, Lower Woodland, with a time of 14:56.
Fr. Paul Fitterer, SJ, Kathy Krueger and Mike Niggemeyer
2014 Mock Trial wins the National Championship in Madison, Wisconsin. The program, arguably the most successful in the country, wins twelve State Championships and nine Top 10 National finishes from 2003-2016.
2015 Sam Hiatt ’16 (girls soccer) is named Gatorade State Player of the Year, joining past recipients Theresa Hornick ’99 (softball), Joy Hollingsworth ’02 (basketball), and Spencer Hawes ’06 (basketball).
2016 Prep’s history is steeped in the magis and cura personalis because of its people, including Mike Niggemeyer (40 years), Kathy Krueger (38 years) and Fr. Paul Fitterer, SJ (38 years at Prep and 63 years as a Jesuit). Happy 125th Birthday Seattle Prep! SEATTLE PREP PANTHER TRACKS | FALL 2016 |
Bailey Aggen Blake Anderson Megan Aust Jacob Bailet Bradley Balansay Olivia Bean Frances Belcher Lauren Beninger* Jojo Bentley Juan Bernal Ebbe Bertellotti Amita Bhaskaran Alicia Bianchetto Luc Birchfield Lizzy Birkhold Natalie Birkhold Isak Bjornson Benjamin Bladow Ryan Blair Will Blattner Jordan Blue Brian Bowers Patrick Bowers Katie Brennan Cooper Brethauer Avery Brown Lillie Brown Noah Brown Sarah Buchanan Kevin Bureau Riley Burton Cullen Carter Jessica Cary Parker Cech Joe Chamberlin
Maddie Chhina Lauren Chiangpradit* Dylan Chism Seth Chism Jack Clancy Keane Collins Elise Craddock Julia Davis Matteo de Suduiraut Kate Delaney Rachel Dickinson Karina Diekema Samantha Eco Jackson Faerber Davis Fairchild Megan Faricy Stephen Fellin Anna Ferron
Aria Flaherty Landon Fletcher Anna Fotheringham Tom Frigon Anna Fuller* Conor Garand Rachel Gemperle Ellie Giesa Olivia Gilbert Sahreenah Glispie Joshua Go Georgia Green Veronica Gubelman Sean Gummersall Yonas Habte Kristina Hall Mia Hallgrimson Ruby Hampton
Hope Harmon Elise Henn Allie Hermans Samantha Hiatt Wolf Hofmann Davis Hoover Maddy Hunter Joe Hyde John Jackman Elizabeth James Emma Jensen* Helen Johnson Robbie Johnson Elena Joseph Meghan Kearney Emma Kelly Katie Kocher Hiatt Konen
Kassandra Krohn Erik Kuebler Ellie Lamb Caroline Lambert* Jesse Lewis Matthew Lico Alexis Losse Jonathan Luong Kyle Lydon Campbell Maghie Thomas Mallick Maggie Malone Kristina Mangaliag Nolan Manning Alex Martin Chris Martin Matt Martin Jack McCune
Meghan McLaughlin Feven Mekonenn Ian Melder Nick Mocha Derek Mourad Shane Mullins Kate Murphy Sam Murphy Juliet Navone* Joe Nelson Michelle Nguyen Willow Nye Elise Osmek John Ostrander Blake Owens Martin Padilla Sue Park Patrick Paulsen
COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES OFFERING ADMISSION TO THE CLASS OF 2016 Jane Pendergast Nathanial Post Jack Price Evan Pruitt Maddie Quinn Joe Ratliffe Christopher Rawlings Sarah Reuter James Rheaume John Rheaume Lucy Ridgeway
Leeds Rising Max Rothrock Evan Sarantinos Mikayla Savage Randall Schalk JT Schulz Christopher Sheppard Elizabeth Shields Hanna Shiferaw Natalie Simpson Christian Smith Sophie Stern Chase Stockwell Frankie Stoner
Cammy Stukel Daniel Sullivan Chris Sutanto Tieran Sweeny-Bender Maya Tawatao Surafel Techane Clarissa Teodoro* Iris Thatcher Greta Tobin Jasper Turner Nathan Usibelli
Day’JaMae Vallieu Eric Van Hare Michael Van Hare Philip Vien Chelsea Villanueva Ben Wagstaff Katie Walker Ava Wardian Aaron Whitters Nicole Wilson Tessa Winkelhake Jalen Woodward Lauren Ylvisaker Jana Zisette
* Indicates a student who graduated from Matteo Ricci College in 2016
Washington State Public Universities Bellevue College* Central Washington University Eastern Washington University The Evergreen State College* University of Washington** University of Washington-Bothell* Washington State University** Western Washington University** Jesuit Colleges and Universities Boston College** College of the Holy Cross Creighton University* Fairfield University Fordham University Georgetown University* Gonzaga University** Loyola Marymount University** Loyola University Chicago** Marquette University** Regis University Saint Louis University Santa Clara University** Seattle University University of San Francisco* Xavier University Catholic Colleges and Universities Carroll College DePaul University John Paul the Great Providence College Saint Martin’s University** Saint Mary’s College of California St. John’s University New York St. Mary’s University Texas University of Dallas University of Notre Dame* University of Portland** University of San Diego* Villanova University* Private Colleges and Universities American University Bard College Bates College Baylor University Bennington College* Boston University Brigham Young University Bucknell University* California Lutheran University Case Western Reserve Chapman University
Claremont McKenna College** Colgate University Colorado College Cornell College Cornell University* Davidson College Duke University* Elon University Embry Riddle Aeronautical* Emory University George Washington University* Gettysburg College* Hampshire College Harvard University* Hofstra University Howard University Kalamazoo College Lehigh University* Lewis & Clark College Linfield College Macalester College Marist College Mills College Morehouse College Mount Holyoke College New York University* Northeastern University Oberlin College Occidental College* Pacific Lutheran University Pacific University Pitzer College Princeton University* Reed College* Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Scripps College* Southern Methodist University* St. Olaf College* Stanford University* Temple University Texas Christian University** The New School Trinity University Tulane University** University of Miami University of Puget Sound University of Redlands University of Southern California** University of the Pacific Ursinus College* Vanderbilt University* Vassar College Wake Forest University* Wartburg College Washington University in St. Louis*
Whitman College** Whitworth University Willamette University* Out of State Public Universities Boise State University** California Polytechnic San Luis Obispo** College of Charleston Colorado Mesa University Colorado School of Mines Colorado State University* El Camino College* Indiana University Bloomington* Miami University Ohio* Michigan State University Montana State University* North Carolina State Oregon State University Portland State University Purdue University San Diego State University* Texas A&M University The Ohio State University The University of Iowa* University of Alabama University of Arizona University of California Berkeley* University of California Davis University of California Irvine University of California Los Angeles** University of California San Diego University of California Santa Barbara University of California Santa Cruz University of Colorado Boulder** University of Idaho University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign* University of Maryland College Park University of Michigan* University of Minnesota Twin Cities University of Montana University of Nevada Las Vegas University of Nevada Reno University of North Carolina University of Oregon** University of Utah* University of Virginia Virginia Tech Weber State University International Universities Richmond American School London University of British Columbia* University of Victoria
*Indicates schools where students from the Class of 2016 will matriculate. **Indicates where more than one member of the Class of 2016 will matriculate.
2016 Distinguished Alumni Award
Gary Merlino ’58 & Don Merlino ’60 By Kent Hickey, President, Seattle Preparatory School
The following is the transcript of Kent Hickey’s speech given during the 2016 Graduation Ceremony. On behalf of the Seattle Prep community, it is my honor to share some words with you about this year’s Alumni Award recipients, two brothers, Gary Merlino ’58 and Don Merlino ’60. Gary’s first day of high school was a big day for him: a big disappointment. He went to his local public school – with an enrollment of 2,000 – and, as he said, “I just felt lost.” Gary’s parents, Anne and Mario, supported him in his decision to go to Seattle Prep instead, even though this came at great cost for the family. Don arrived at Prep two years later. The cost for the Merlinos was the financial sacrifices they had to make to send their boys to Prep on a very limited income (a sacrifice I know many of our families today make as well). Gary and Don helped out by selling doughnuts door-to-door and newspapers at the train station. There was also the sacrifice of time: Gary and Don would walk three miles from their White Center home to the nearest bus stop to come to Prep. Their commute was two hours each way, every day. But Gary and Don will tell you that the sacrifices were more than worth it. Here’s what they say they learned at Prep: • How to prioritize your time • Ability to focus on a goal • Confidence in the ability to succeed • Respect for others, to not judge
“Be not inhospitable to strangers, lest they be angels in disguise.”
(Hebrews 13:2)
Two years ago, Prep dedicated the Our Lady of Montserrat Chapel. That would not have happened without the generosity of Gary and Don. As I think about what they learned at Prep (respecting others, not judging) I understand better why they picked this quote from scripture for the chapel entrance: “Be not inhospitable to strangers, lest they be angels in disguise.” (Hebrews 13:2) After Prep, these two graduates threw themselves into their work and, over the decades, built two incredibly successful companies: Gary Merlino Construction and Stoneway Concrete. They built their companies by taking on the small jobs no one else wanted and then working diligently, ethically and passionately to excel. Over the years as their reputations grew, so did the demand for their work. A brief aside: A while back a friend of mine from Milwaukee asked me to meet with a young college grad who had moved to Seattle. He wanted to talk about his career goal: The college grad wanted a job at Starbucks that would involve traveling to Central America to educate coffee growers about sustainable farming practices. As we talked, it became clear he knew nothing about farming and little about coffee, like, for example, how to make it. Let’s maybe start there, I suggested. This memory came to mind when I thought about Gary and Don, men who were not ashamed to start low while aiming high, who believed that honest hard work was a virtue that carried its own reward (virtus in arduis). The next time you land at SeaTac Airport, thank Gary and Don for landing safely because they built your runway. Also thank them for having the humility, desire and work ethic over a lifetime of work to learn how to build it right: • Pride in a job well done. • Knowing your employees are your most valuable asset and compensating them fairly. • Joy in family, especially their beloved wives, Donna and Joan. • Trust in God – Gary believes it was divine inspiration that brought him and his brother to Prep. A favorite quote: “You get out of life what you put into it.” Thank you, my friends for living those words and thank you also for accepting this year’s Distinguished Alumni Award.
Seattle Prep Baseball experienced a successful 2016 campaign. They concluded their season with a 17-10 record and were one of two Metro League teams to advance to the state tournament for the second consecutive year. After finishing the regular season 3rd in their division, the Panthers won four straight games in the Metro Tournament against Franklin, O’Dea, Bainbridge and Lakeside before falling in the Metro championship game. The baseball season ended after a 5-4 loss to Columbia River in the state tournament. Junior Will Rahlmann earned first team All-Metro while senior Jacob Bailet, junior Jesse Franklin and junior Jacob Terao grabbed second team honors. The baseball team was also honored to win the State Academic Championship with a team GPA of 3.62. “I am extremely proud of my players and their dedication to schoolwork, especially when baseball demands a significant amount of their time,” Program Head Max Engel
This year was one of those eye opening seasons, for both the coaching staff and for the players. The team practiced and played really hard and found good results. Softball had a strong senior class, with great leadership and strength to lead the way. The rest of the core helped start off a tough schedule and allow for growth throughout the season. As a team, Seattle Prep came away with notable wins, including the All Metro Team Sportsmanship award. The team was able to earn two spots on the First Team All-Metro, both seniors – Karina Diekema and Sarah Buchanan – and three players to the All-Metro Mountain Division team in senior Cammy Stukel, sophomore Madison Burmester, and junior pitcher Katie Erickson.
’96 said. “I also am incredibly proud of and want to acknowledge the hard work and commitment of this faculty, who work tirelessly to ensure that our students have a positive learning experience. I thank each of you for the impact you have had on our players. The Academic State Championship reflects what a wonderful community of teachers and student-athletes we are blessed with at Seattle Prep. I am constantly humbled by all of your efforts.”
Mark Frisby ’60’s return to lead the Panthers to a 16-3 record advancing to the Metro championship for the first time in four years. The boys team comprised of Aaron Yuan, second in state in singles, Matt Zech and Alex Blattner finished third in doubles, lead the team to a second place trophy overall in State. The girls’ doubles team of Mary Pat Lee and Maria Philip earned fourth in state. This was a return to competition at the top level.
Co-ed Tennis Seattle Prep’s tennis team began its resurrection under program head
The team was blessed with great senior leadership on the boys side of Cooper Brethauer, Chris Martin, Matteo Guillot de Suduiraut, Evan Pruitt and the guidance of Jessica Cary for the girls. “The team was a privilege to coach,” Frisby said. “They were extremely hard working and positive in their approach to the game and this bodes well for the future.”
Boys Lacrosse Boys lacrosse fielded 50 players this season, split between the varsity and JV teams. The varsity team again competed in the Division I of the Metro league finishing in 4th place behind Eastside Catholic, Bainbridge and O’Dea. The team finished the regular season with a record of 11-5 and lost in the opening round of the playoffs to Kamiak. The Panthers were led by captains Michael Van Hare, Eric Van Hare and Cullen Carter. Senior Joe Chamberlin was honored as an Academic All-American after the completion of the season. Senior Eric Van Hare and sophomore Sergei Jacobs earned first team all-league while sophomore Will Loughlin grabbed second team honors. The future looks bright for the Panther lacrosse players with lots of talent rising up the ranks and another strong class of freshmen joining the program this year.
Girls Lacrosse The Seattle Prep Girls Lacrosse team finished the season with a strong record of 11-3. Having welcomed seven new freshmen, the Panthers worked hard to find success racking up big wins against Holy Names, Kennedy and Bellevue. The girls solidified a spot in the playoffs well before the end of the regular season, but drew a tough first round opponent, Mercer Island, who made it as far as the state semi-final game. Over the course of the spring, the Panthers were led by junior Ruby Fulmore, who tallied 40 goals, 36 draw controls and 18 caused turnovers on the season. She was joined by teammates Annie O’Brien and Bella Oishi in receiving All-Conference Awards. Senior Kate Murphy was one of four players state-wide to receive the Academic All-American Award. The team had much to celebrate in the 2016 season and will look forward to carrying that momentum into next year.
In its inaugural season, Seattle Prep Rowing has gone from putting boats to water for the first time in February all the way to the medal stand at the Brentwood Regatta & US Rowing Northwest Youth Championship in May. Seattle Prep officially kicked off its rowing program February 22, 2016 and, after a wind-shortened Covered Bridge Regatta outside Eugene, saw much of the racing canceled, the team finally made its full debut at the Brentwood Regatta, the largest scholastic rowing event in North America hosted by a single school. During the three-day regatta, the 47th in the history of the event, Seattle Prep qualified for the Grand Finals in four events, taking home the bronze medal in the Junior A Novice Men’s Quadruple Sculls with Coxswain. At the NW Youth Championship, Seattle Prep advanced to the Grand Finals in over half its events, finishing 4th overall in the Men’s Novice Eight and 6th overall in both the Men’s and Women’s Novice Fours. In each of these events, Prep advanced to the Finals only after defeating multiple programs who had beaten them previously this season. Prep also completed medal winning performances in two of their timed finals, taking home Gold (freshman Elisa Simon and Alex Tuminello) and Silver (sophomore Emma Conaty and freshman Grace Brem) in the Women’s Novice 2x.
Co-ed Track The Panthers enjoyed another successful season, although a few late season injuries held them a bit short of achieving all of their goals. It was a record setting season with senior Keane Collins setting school records in the 100 and 200 meter dashes. Collins also scored big in three events in the State Championships. He was 3rd in the 200 meters, 6th in the 100 meters and 6th in the long jump. The girls also saw a few records broken. Freshman Aisha Watt set a school record in the 200 meters, while freshman Helena Reischling set a class record in the 400 meters and placed 5th in the event at the State Championships. The 4 x 200 relay of Michelle Steele, Aisha Watt, Natalie Birkhold and Elena Joseph placed 5th at State while setting a new school record.
Boys Soccer The boys soccer program entered the year with more questions than answers. Losing fourteen players off of the 2015 roster, many questioned whether or not the team could even be competitive in the very challenging Metro League. The answer surprised many as the team proved competitive and fought hard in each and every game. Though the season had its ups and downs, ending with a record of 5-92, there was a spirit in the team that proved the program proud. At one point, the team strung together a four game win streak, only to be set back at the end of the season with some challenging losses. Senior Parker Cech earned All-Sound Division first team honors. Looking forward, the young men look to take the lessons from the season and find ways to win more key moments in these close and competitive matches. Finally, the young men showed themselves to be well-balanced student athletes. The team captured the WIAA 3A Academic State Championship; the second time the program has won the award. The coaches are very proud of the team’s success in the classroom. SEATTLE PREP PANTHER TRACKS | FALL 2016 |
First Day Of School 2016 For new and returning students alike, sometimes the new year brings a little confusion as to where they need to be or who to ask for what. Fortunately, Brian Mack, Director of Community Ministry, was skating around with large "Ask Me!" signs plastered all over himself, ready to help any student in need.
The Blume Family Scholarship Endowment
Maralyn and Jack Blume ’45 have been a part of Seattle Prep since the early 1940s, and their recent decision ensures they will be a part of Prep’s future for generations. Their scheme to cut class as high school sweethearts was uncovered by Fr. Christy McDonnell, SJ when the note Maralyn forged from Jack’s mother was accidentally addressed to ”Fr. McDonald.” Despite a few hacks in the boiler room, Jack still expresses strong affection for his hero. “Fr. McDonnell contributed greatly to my value system. He was strict, but always fair and I learned a lot about being a good person from him.” The Blumes started giving to Prep almost seventy years ago, the same amount of time Jack’s classmates have gathered for annual reunions. Their primary focus is endowment. “Nothing is more important than providing for kids who need it,” shared Jack. Several years ago they made a provision in their wills to establish the Blume Family Scholarship Endowment. Recently, Jack realized they had the opportunity to start helping students immediately. He began funding the endowment with a gift in Maralyn’s name during the Prep for Tomorrow campaign in connection with GiveBIG. “We are called to live by Gospel values, to care for each other. Jesus favored those in need. And in Discipleship with Christ, we need to do the same. One way to do this is through scholarship support to Prep.”
This sentiment is echoed by Jack’s daughter, Carolyn, and her husband John Hickman ’70. “Ignatian discernment is about becoming who you are and doing more – the magis. A Jesuit education challenges students to engage the world and make it better. That debate (happening in classrooms) gives life meaning. We believe in the importance of diversity in the community and conversations at Seattle Prep to build up God’s Kingdom.” In the absence of tuition assistance and the endowments that support it, some of those student voices would be lost and those conversations would be fundamentally changed. This fall, the Blume Family Scholarship Endowment will join other funds in providing tuition assistance and work study grants to more than 26% of Prep students. To learn about this and other endowed funds, visit www.seaprep.org/endowments. Today Jack continues to be a part of daily life at Prep as a face on the mural in the Smith Café. See if you can pick him out above.
Fr. John Koehler The quiet generosity of an avid mathematician and outdoorsman By Katrina Freeburg, CFRE, Director of Individual Giving
“Probably the best evidence of his kindness is that I’m not still at Prep at age 73 trying to understand enough geometry to pass the tests and graduate.” – Phil Sauntry ’61
As a quiet, unassuming man, Jesuit novice Fr. John Koehler stood out from his Prep colleagues. “Mr. Koehler was possibly the first geek many of us met,” John Cannon ’61 recalled fondly, before many of us knew what a geek was. “His hair was barely combed, his outdated glasses were lopsided, and his cassock looked slept in, boasting a generous dusting of chalk. He was modest and naive in his brilliance.” Rick Markov ’61 also praised Fr. Koehler’s intelligence. “He was something of an anomaly in those days: we were discouraged to think about attending the UW (that bastion of atheist and liberal views), and yet Cozy* was going there for his PhD. He was reluctant to talk about it, but one day we got him started. Theoretical mathematics was over our heads and I don’t remember making any sense of it. I wish I had the opportunity to replay the tape from that day to see what I could understand now.” *”Fr. Koehler’s nickname came from a popular drummer known as ‘Cozy Cole,’ and some irreverent types applied the name to Mr. Koehler,” said Phil Sauntry ’61, but other alumni say no malice was intended. (See his adjacent Faculty Portrait from the October 1961 Prep Panther.) “Mr. Koehler taught me to use basic skills to solve problems that were beyond my current levels,” Bill Taylor ’61 extolled. “His help led me into mechanical engineering. He was a great teacher, helping students get an understanding of the basics of math.” Sauntry ’61 was more candid about his own aptitude for math. “If my memory is correct, Mr. Koehler had the sad task of trying to teach me geometry. It was more than should have been asked of anyone.” His mild manner sometimes allowed students to get the best of him. “He taught the 2A geometry class and was among a subset of faculty with a truly gentle spirit,” shared John Griffin ’61. “Among his qualities, I clearly remember that he was very kind, shy and respectful. He seemed the antithesis of the Vice Principal whose roles included taking students to the boiler room for a paddle for some minor rule infringement. “Early during sophomore year, while writing on the blackboard, someone threw a paper ball that caught his eye. He turned around and said, ‘Come on, you guys, stop that!’ in a soft-spoken tone of voice, a voice that no other teacher ever used. He was so upset that he stopped teaching and told us to study our books for a while. “Subsequently, the “boys” did take it easy on him as he was really different from most other teachers. I remember being struck by how classmates thought of him after that; some had more respect, while some seemed to think he was weak. I admired and liked him very much.” Mick McHugh ’61 echoed this sentiment. He was “extremely bright, somewhat of an absent minded professor; a really swell guy!” Classmates Sauntry and Cannon agreed. “Probably the best evidence of his kindness is that I’m not still at Prep at age 73 trying to understand enough geometry to pass the tests and graduate,” wrote Sauntry. Fr. Koehler carried his affinity for students and connections with Prep alumni to the college classroom. Cannon continued, “I took calculus from Fr. Koehler at Seattle University. As Griff (John Griffin ’61) and Markov mentioned, he was a kind soul. He told three of us class knuckleheads, ‘There is no way you can catch up and pass this course, but if you come after class for a few days, I’ll give you a chance.’ He gave us just enough insights to squeeze through. Thanks for the break, Cozy!” Gary Cummings ’61 recalled seeing Fr. Koehler in Prep’s hallways as a “very quiet, unimposing (figure) with a tiny smile as though he had an inner secret.” Was his secret that some of his students would learn to love math as much as he did? Or that his gentle manner hid a competitive athlete? While students may have been intimidated by his math prowess, many found a connection with Fr. Koehler outside the classroom, where his personality changed completely. Guys recall Fr. Koehler offering continued on next page SEATTLE PREP PANTHER TRACKS | FALL 2016 |
Photo: St. John Vianney Parish
Fr. John Koehler
continued from previous page football tips in the locker room or running with the track team. “He was an avid basketball player and wasn’t bad either. He was very quiet until he got on the court, then look out, he turned into a very different person!” shared Bill Bradley ’61. After almost twenty years as a Jesuit, Fr. Koehler was incardinated in the Archdiocese of Seattle. As a parish priest, he was assigned to St. John Vianney Parish. Parishioner Richard Bianchi ’61 recalled Koehler traveling around the world and sending Christmas letters detailing his journeys. The years at Seattle Prep must have made as profound an impact on Fr. Koehler as they did on his students. When he passed away in 2013, Fr. Koehler left a bequest to Seattle Prep, which was placed in the Seattle Prep Endowment for tuition assistance. Board Chair and former Finance Committee Chair Dan Twining summarized the impact of this gift. “Fr. Koehler’s bequest is a sign of his dedication and generosity and will help support the 26% of our students who receive tuition assistance. From the comments of former students, Fr. Koehler demonstrated a deep desire for students to learn and be successful both in and out of the classroom. His influence will continue at Prep by supporting tuition assistance and allowing students to continue to learning and succeeding.” This story was edited for length. To read the complete story or learn about other individuals who included Seattle Prep in their estate, visit www.prepfortomorrow.org
We look forward to celebrating our 125th Anniversary at this year’s Annual Auction! To make a donation, be a sponsor or attend please visit www.seaprep.org/SPREE ONLINE AUCTION: Friday, November 4th at 12:00PM to Sunday, November 13th at 9:00PM 22
Prep Launches Alumni Service Corps By Brian Meza ’92 ASC Director, Science Teacher I remember my return to Seattle Prep, 20 years ago this summer. Sitting just outside the gym, near where St. Ignatius now stands on our plaza, I was charged with supervising middle school basketball campers on our lunch break, a summer job I’d held since graduating from Prep a few short years before. A long-time faculty member approached me asking if I knew anyone who could teach high school science. As if preparing for this moment my whole life, I replied, “I can.” The reality is that teaching at Seattle Prep was not in my plans, but I can’t imagine myself now on any other path. Where are you in your journey? I am excited to announce the beginning of a new program at Seattle Prep, the Alumni Service Corps (ASC). We will welcome back young alums, for a year of post-college service to the school. Volunteers will engage in a variety of experiences on campus, including participation and leadership in retreats, clubs, tutoring, service projects, development, admissions, and coaching. The participants will live simply in community, while modeling the characteristics of Graduates at Graduation (open to growth, intellectually competent, spiritually alive, loving, and
committed to justice) for our current student population. The program will be our school mission in action. Whether our volunteers choose to join this program out of gratitude for their Jesuit education and Seattle Prep experience, or they are intentionally seeking an opportunity to explore education as a career, we believe the Alumni Service Corps will be a formative experience for the entire community. The ASC began nationally 25 years ago in the Missouri Province, and continues today, placing volunteers in one of six schools in the U.S. Central and Southern Province. Seattle Prep will join an additional group of Jesuit schools, outside of the national program, who are actively seeking volunteers from their own pool of recent graduates. We will share the same mission of an integrated vision of service and gratitude while living in community. The Alumni Service Corps is an example of the magis, a term in Jesuit education that is often defined as “the more.” A commitment to the magis is a commitment to actively be better, not better than, nor a comparative at all. Magis refers to how we ask students and faculty three questions: What have I done? What am I doing? What more can I do? Often these questions can end with unique phrases, such as: for myself, for others, for my school, for God. This program presents an opportunity for us to be better at connecting to the mission of our school and Jesuit education at large – helping students find their gifts, and seeing God in all things. Simon Sinek’s TED Talk, “How Great Leaders Inspire Action,” continues to be a formative touchstone for me in my reflections on teaching and leading. Applying his Golden Circle, starting with the WHY, addressing the HOW next, and ending with the WHAT, serves as a model for me in connecting first and always to mission in my work. We are called to communicate
from the why first, from our core values. The motivation for the ASC program comes directly from our school mission. In other words, we can learn from how this program has transformed the culture of fellow Jesuit schools, as well as the magis that calls each of us to always ask how we can be “better.” In addition, we are committed to working closely with our alumni, recognizing all who have graduated from Seattle Prep as part of our larger community. We are starting the ASC program because we believe it will allow us to connect with the gifts of our alumni and help model the mission of our Graduates at Graduation to the entire Seattle Prep community. We will be a school that lives its mission of service by providing examples of graduates serving in our school. Faculty will have consistent reminders of their work in forming students as they share leadership roles with ASC volunteers. Current students will see daily examples of leadership and service as they learn from ASC volunteers in classrooms, athletic fields, and service agencies for example. Finally, the volunteers will be living in community, experiencing a year of service as authentic spiritual and leadership formation. Matt Barmore, former Prep principal and current English teacher uses the phrase, “coincidence is just another alias for God.” Perhaps this article and news of our Alumni Service Corps finds you at the perfect time, like Seattle Prep reached me so many years ago. Teaching and learning, helping students recognize and capitalize on their gifts is life-giving and fills me with gratitude. Responding to this daily call, while growing in my understanding and commitment to mission, reminds me that we are part of a community of learners. I am hopeful you will visit our webpage to learn more about the program at www. seaprep.org/ASC. Please also reach out to me with any questions at bmeza@seaprep.org.
This program presents an opportunity for us to be better at connecting to the mission of our school and Jesuit education at large – helping students find their gifts, and seeing God in all things. SEATTLE PREP PANTHER TRACKS | FALL 2016 |
Alumni News & Events Letter from Kathy Krueger, Prep’s New Director of Alumni Relations
I am delighted to continue to serve the Seattle Prep community in my new role as Director of Alumni Relations. I am working with a dynamic and dedicated development team led by Liz Brennan. In September 1979, I began teaching freshman Collegio with the inimitable Brady Twohy, and working as a counselor. Sandra Foy, Brady and I counseled Seattle Prep students for their first three years of the six-year Matteo Ricci College program, before they moved on to Seattle University. In 1984, Seattle Prep’s administration, led by Fr. Thomas
Healy, SJ, introduced the optional senior year. 57 students chose to remain for their senior year, which created the need for college counseling and a wonderful opportunity for me. McHugh Gymnasium was the site of their graduation and the senior class honored me as their graduation speaker. Working with Seattle Prep students is constantly invigorating and lifegiving. Fast forward to June 2016 when 173 seniors graduated and 100% of them are attending four year universities and colleges this fall. The Jesuit high schools and colleges work closely together through the Jesuit High School College Counselors Association. As one of the founding members, and later President, I have experienced so many warm friendships over the years with students, high school counselors and college and university admissions officers. I am grateful to Seattle Prep for this opportunity to re-connect with old friends, our graduates, after having counseled many of you on your choices of college for the past 31 years. The 2016 Alumni Weekend was a fantastic event and gave me the opportunity to see so many Prep graduates including the classes of ’81, ’96 and ’06. Alumni Weekend 2017 is scheduled for the weekend of July 20-23 when the class of 1967 will be honored as Golden Panthers! Alumni Weekend will also be a celebration and renewal of old friendship for the classes of: 1932, 1937, 1942, 1947, 1952, 1957, 1962, 1967, 1972, 1977, 1982, 1987, 1992, 1997, 2002, 2007 and 2012. Seattle Prep’s campus is stunning and has improved in so many ways. 720 students are attending Seattle Prep this academic year. We are a very blessed community. Please contact me for a personal tour or with any questions you may have. Our new website provides you the opportunity to update your alumni record. My direct line is (206) 577-2149 or e-mail me at kkrueger@ seaprep.org.
Prep Receives Donation to Library and Art Department in Memory of David Ames ’89 Janet Haltom-Ames, mother of Ken Ames ’83, Helen Marie Gorman ’86 and David Ames ’89 made a generous gift of numerous unique art books to Prep’s library and Art Department. She had collected these books over the years throughout her work at the Seattle Art Museum. This is a very fitting tribute to David, who loved everything about Prep and had a deep appreciation and love for art. Please stop by the library to see this beautiful new collection.
Past Parents Finding AMDG Past parents Jack & Ann Christiansen (Peter ’11) made a point of adding the St. Ignatius altar in the Church of the Gesù to their walking tour on a recent trip to Rome. “Can’t miss the home of the Jesuits!” They were also struck by the statue of St. Ignatius crushing ignorance underfoot at St. Peter’s Basilica. “It was so appropriate to the learning philosophy at Prep.”
Spencer Hawes ’06 Returns to Campus for Prep Basketball Camp
Save the Date! Parents of Past Prep Students (POPPS) are invited to a wonderful social in the Patricia and James Navone '54 Great Room at Seattle Prep on Saturday, April 29th, 2017 at 6:30PM. Look for more information this winter.
Spencer Hawes ’06, current member of the Charlotte Hornets, returned to campus in June to speak at Panther basketball camp. Spencer addressed middle school student-athletes on the importance of academics, time management and work ethic while also answering questions that ranged from his favorite teammate to his favorite food. Spencer spent much of his summer in the Seattle Prep McHugh gym working on his game in preparation for the upcoming NBA season. Even with a busy schedule, the 2006 Gatorade Player of the Year and McDonald’s All-American found time to speak to the next generation of Panther hoopsters.
Annual Fr. Sullivan, SJ Fun Run The Annual Fr. Sullivan, SJ Fun Run was held on Saturday, August 27 at lower Woodland Park. An enthusiastic group of alums participated in the two-mile race with Prep’s Cross Country teams!
Left to right: Brian Elsner ‘97 Athletic Director, Mark Sullivan ‘74, Terry Leahy ‘73, Jeff Parietti ‘73, Steve Adamek ‘73
Left to right: Julia Eug '06, Shannon McCarty '09, Katie Jensen '09, Maureen McCarty '05 SEATTLE PREP PANTHER TRACKS | FALL 2016 |
Panther Alumni Weekend Panther Reunion Weekend was a huge success, with some of the most well-attended events in recent memory occurring both on and off campus. Great memories were both shared and created as Panthers from all over the country gathered together to celebrate their time at Prep. Thank you to our class reunion committee members for your time and efforts in organizing your class events. It was great to have so many alumni back on (and off!) campus. We hope to see even more of you next year!
“We didn’t get a ton of photos because we were having so much fun! Overall: a great event – a good casual atmosphere that allowed for a lot of fun memories to be shared and catching up.” Thomas “Mick” Newell ‘06
“The Class of 1956 held their 60th reunion at Seattle Prep during the school reunion weekend. The reunion committee is very grateful for all help provided by the Seattle Prep staff making this a reunion to remember.” John Bradley ‘56
“Our 20 year reunion was a huge success with about 90 classmates and their guests joining in the celebration weekend to reconnect! The class of ‘96 enjoyed food, drinks and a stroll down memory lane with our senior class video!” Michelle Cahill ‘96
“We had a decent turn out (about 40 with some spouses attending) and three of them had never been to any reunion before. Glad they came (one from London). The space was perfect and thanks, Prep, for the keg! We had a couple men from one of the other parties on campus come over and socialize with our class too. A very fun evening!” Teresa (Hampton) Jensen ‘81
Save the date for next year’s Alumni Reunion: July 20-23, 2017! SEATTLE PREP PANTHER TRACKS | FALL 2016 |
CLASS NOTES 1950s Fr. Thomas DeMan, OP ’54, recently retired as Director of the Dominican Retreat Center at McKenzie Bridge, OR on his 80th birthday
John Bianchi ’62 smiling with Mario Andretti who is taking a moment to feel out the driver’s
in September. He has served there for 14
seat of John’s 1948 Indy car at the Indy 500 at Indianapolis Motor Speedway this past
years. Fr. Tom will then board Holland
Memorial Day weekend. This was the 100th running of the Indy 500, and as part of the
America Maasdam in Seattle as a chaplain
anniversary celebration there was a major gathering of 100 vintage Indy cars spanning the
for a six week cruise to Australia and New
entire length of the race’s existence. All 100 cars were invited to have an exhibition run prior
Zealand. On his return, Fr. Tom will live at
to the Indy 500. John was thrilled to drive his car around the track!
the Dominican house on the campus of the University of Arizona, Tuscon. court ruled that students do not “shed their
Tony Zimmerman ’56 and his family traveled
constitutional rights to freedom of speech
to Uganda to visit their friend Fr. Francis
or expression at the schoolhouse gate.”
Muwonge whom they have been helping for almost fifty years. They took deflated
Bill Hall ’89 married Candice Bassell at
soccer balls, and then donated them to
the Seattle Aquarium. In attendance were
many schools selected by Fr. Francis. Tony
Charlie Hall ’94, Brad Kaloper ’89, David
thought Uganda was a beautiful country
Martin ’89, Kevin Judson ’89 and Andy
and the people were very friendly. Tony and
Taylor ’89. The spirit of David Ames ’89
his family had a great time for two weeks.
Michael Connors ’82 is a teacher in the
Pat Prociv ’69 flew from Seattle Prep directly to the UW, banked hard right, and attended Clover Park Voc. Tech, obtaining his FAA Aircraft Mechanic’s Certificate in 1972. Married 43 years to Michele Dorratcague who has volunteered at Prep dances and the Panther Den, (brother Dennis is ’64). Pat worked in the US Navy aviation at sea and shore, and 38 years in many facets of the professional General Aviation maintenance industry. Pat’s blessing, the frosting on the cake, is being able to teach this honorable profession and now for the last five years at South Seattle College’s Aircraft Maintenance Technicians’ course. He thanks Seattle Prep for the solid foundation for life.
Washoe County School District in Reno, NV where he recently invited Mary Beth
was also in attendance.
Tinker from Washington D.C. to speak
Joe Hafner ’93 and his wife Lindy celebrated
to students about the importance of the
their 20th anniversary on the Island of
First Amendment. In 1965, Ms. Tinker
Ometepe, Nicaragua on June 28th. Their
was a 13 year old eighth grade student in
non-profit, Go For Hope International
Des Moines, Iowa. She and her siblings
(www.goforhope.org) is in its fifth year of
and other friends chose to wear black
leading service-learning trips to Nicaragua,
armbands to school to mourn the dead on
in partnership and support of children’s
both sides of the Vietnam War conflict.
The students were sent home from school and were subsequently allowed to return
Bryce Fisher ’95 flew in from Chicago in
without their armbands, but in protest
June to co-chair the 11th Annual Driving
Mary Beth and her fellow protesters wore
Out Golf Tournament (formerly Gilda’s
black clothing to school for the remainder
Club) to benefit Cancer Pathways. $25,000
of the year. Mary Beth’s protest lead to
was raised to provide much needed
the landmark Supreme Court decision:
programs and services for families touched
Tinker v Des Moines in 1969 where the
by cancer!
Lucas Welch ’99 & Sara Poth ’99 Nearly 20 years after Sara Poth declined Lucas Welch’s invitation to accompany him to the 1996 Seattle Prep Homecoming Dance, the two were married in front of friends and family at Willows Lodge in Woodinville, WA. Julie (Zarek) Caliri ’97 was the matron of honor. Sara and Lucas reconnected at the Class of 1999’s ten year reunion and are thankful to Liz West ’99 for planning that fantastic event. The couple live in the Ballard neighborhood of Seattle with their nine year old daughter, Brooklyn.
Max Engel ’96 In June 2016, Fr. Paul
Brian Ahern ’05 graduated from Gonzaga
Fitterer, SJ baptized Rollie Engel, son of
University in Business. After completing
Max Engel ‘96 and his wife, Elisa.
two years with the Jesuit Volunteer Corp in Houston in August 2013, Brian
Adam Poth ’96 In 2015, Adam transitioned
is continuing his service commitment
from active duty into the Naval Reserve and
working at the Chicago Jesuit Academy, an
currently instructs on the EA-18G at VAQ-
all-boys middle school. In addition, Brian is
129, NAS Whidbey Island. Additionally,
completing his MSW at Loyola University
he was hired by Alaska Airlines as a First
Officer and is currently based in Seattle flying the Boeing 737. Adam has already had a few fellow Panthers on his flights and looks forward to seeing more!
2000s Chris Comunale ’00 Fr Paul Fitterer, SJ baptized Asher Communale, son of Chris Communale ’00 and his wife, Jessica. Proud Godparents are Meghan (Comunale) Magnano '96 and Milo Magnano '96.
Victor Arcega ’01 is in his first year of residency in internal medicine at Monmouth Medical Center in Long Beach, NJ. Adam married Maya (Dawn) Poth on August 27th 2015 at Villa Carlotta on the shores of Lake Como. Adam and Maya would also like to announce the birth of their daughter, Zella Grace Poth, born July 12th 2016, weighing 8 pounds and 1 ounce.
Colleen Wilkie ’96 recently opened Shug’s Soda Fountain and Ice Cream Parlor in the Pike Place Market.
Katie (Harrington) Lovejoy ’97 completed her capstone project for her Master of Library and Information Science at the University of Washington in June 2016. Katie’s project was building the Seattle Prep archives.
Marshall Davidson ’01 has moved to Birmingham, AL where he is teaching at Christo Rey High School. Christo Rey schools combine academic rigor and corporate work-study programs to empower students from economically challenged families to graduate from high school prepared to and flourish in college.
Angela LaSalle ’01 graduated in May 2016 from Columbia University’s School of
Trip Maguire ’07 is attending medical school at Eastern Virginia Medical School in Norfolk and, after years of hard work, he is a commissioned officer in the United States Navy Reserve, Medical Corps. Trip will graduate in 2019, at which point he intends to request to be put on permanent active duty status and be assigned to the Fleet Marine Force.
Joseph Gannett ’08 is in medical school at The Cooper Medical School of Rowan University. Joe visited Prep last spring and loved the new additions to the campus.
Jackson Knight ’08 In August 2015, Jackson married Samantha Riddle (now Knight). They met as undergraduates at Loyola Marymount University. They now live in Los Angeles, where she is an elementary school teacher and he is a corporate attorney at White & Case LLP.
International and Public Affairs with a Master’s Degree in Energy and Resource Management. Angela is thriving in New York but hopes to move back to the PNW in a few years.
2010s Emily Albi ’10 is going to graduate school at Sciences Po in Paris, doing a Master’s in International Energy. Prior to graduate school Emily worked on Amazon’s Energy and Environment team. Emily has had a wonderful time helping out with Prep’s Mock Trial team as a volunteer coach. Monica Haggerty ’10 already has a plane
Jacob Zittoli ’11 After eight years in the
Rachel Lether ’13 is a senior at UC Berkeley
apparel and entertainment industries,
where she is the coxswain for women’s
Jacob’s current project is working at Logo
rowing team. During high school she was
Unltd in Kirkland. His company loves
a coxswain at the Pocock Rowing Center
good design. The company specializes in
where she won an athletic scholarship to
branded merchandise but the main focus is
Berkeley. Rachel has had an outstanding
creating custom apparel.
athletic career in college. She won 2 NCAA D1 Crew Championships on May 29th.
Daniel Bladow ’12 A 2016 graduate of
ticket to be the first to visit Emily in Paris.
the Peace Corps in Mozambique where
Stephanie Lewis ’13 is thriving at Boston
Alison Cutuli ’10 graduated from Gonzaga
he will be a high school math teacher.
College. She will graduate in May 2017.
The national language of Mozambique
Junior year Stephanie studied abroad in
is Portuguese; by the time he returns
Italy. She has interned at Goldiebox in the
to Seattle after his Peace Corps service
Bay Area prior to junior year; this past
commitment is fulfilled he hopes to be
summer she interned at Deloitte & Touche
fluent in Portuguese.
in Manhattan. She has been offered a
University in 2014 with a B.A. in psychology. Alison completed a year of service with the Jesuit Volunteer Corp working as a university minister at the University of Detroit Mercy. Alison
position at Deloitte & Touche in NYC after
continues to live in Detroit and takes
Fletcher Collins ’12
graduate business classes and is a graduate
is completing
assistant. Alison started a Center for Social
his senior year at
Keenan Leary ’14 is
Montana State
in his junior year
school. She visited Prep recently.
University where
at Occidental
he is a
College majoring
Brianna Balansay ’11 graduated from
linebacker and
in Cognitive
co-captain of the
Science with a
Bobcats Football
Religious Studies
minor. The
Entrepreneurship, while also working in community outreach at a Jesuit elementary
Stanford in 2015 and is currently in her first year of medical school at New York Medical College.
Patrick Leary ’11 graduated with honors in Journalism with a minor in History from Marquette University. He completed a post-graduation O’Brien Fellowship with the Arizona Republic and then landed a position as a crime beat reporter with the Racine Journal Times. In addition, Patrick also covers stories on politics, civil rights and homelessness. His former Marquette roommate, Travis Smith ’11 lives in Washington D.C. where he is in graduate studies in English at Georgetown University.
Both her V2 8 and UC Berkeley Team won.
Gonzaga University, Daniel is serving in
USTFCCCA recognized
Walker Maghie ’12 graduated from the
Keenan with the
College of Wooster in May 2016 and has
moved to Chicago where he is a teacher for Teach for America.
Academic Individual Award for helping the Tigers finish 4th in the D III West Region during
Annabelle Hufana ’13 graduated from Seattle
the cross country season. Keenan took 3rd
University in May and is a member of
place in the 10,000 meter race at the 2016
the Jesuit Volunteer Corps for 2016/17.
SCIAC Conference meet.
Annabelle is the Outreach Assistant for Mustard Seed Loaves and Fishes School
Andy Reischling ’15 runs cross country at
in Sacramento, CA. Mustard Seed School
Pomona College. His team placed sixth
was established in 1989 to meet the needs
at the NCAA National tournament his
of homeless children. Annabelle is thrilled
freshman year and Andy won fifth place in
with this opportunity to be a woman for
the SCIAC conference in the 5k running a
others through JVC.
IN MEMORIAM The following is a list of deceased Seattle Prep alumni and friends who we were notified about by October 1, 2016. Please join us in prayerful remembrance of those who have passed away.
William “Bill” Roberts ’33 Bill Roberts, was born near Hermiston,
An active participant in Spokane civic
grandkids. He loved playing basketball and
life, Bill was on Gonzaga University’s
volleyball into his mid-life, and went on
Board of Regents for many years. He
many epic camping and fishing expeditions
held membership in the Spokane
in the North Cascades and the Olympics.
Chamber of Commerce, the Little Hoover
David is survived by his brothers, Dan
Commission, the Knights of Columbus,
’48 and Joe ’53; and sister, Carol; as well
and was a past President of the Spokane
as his children, Terry ’70, Mary Fran,
Club and the Prosperity Club. He was an
Stephanie, Anne and David. He had nine
OR on November 18, 1915 and passed away
Executive Secretary of the Spokane Tax
grandchildren, including: Prep alums
April 13, 2016. During the 100 year “dash”
Payers’ Association. In the 1950’s he was
`Sean Henderson ’02, Andrew Walker ’08,
between those dates, he lived a full and
instrumental in retaining minor league
Joe Walker ’11, Nina Andersen ’11 and Steve
interesting life.
baseball in Spokane.
In childhood years on the farm he
Bill and Marguerite enjoyed a marriage
William “Bill” Powers ’39
enjoyed outdoor activities and rode in the
of sixty years until her death in 2001. Bill is
Pendleton Roundup Parade. The family
survived by his children: Tracy, Molly, Mac
moved to Seattle where Bill graduated
and Sue; four grandchildren and four great-
children. A lifelong Queen Anne resident,
from Seattle Prep and Gonzaga University
Bill attended St. Anne’s School, Seattle
and its School of Law. Bill met the love
Bill Powers was the fifth of eight
Prep, Seattle College (University), and The
of his life, Marguerite McCarthy, and
David Read ’38
University of Washington Law School.
married her after his passing the Bar
David passed away in August 2016. He
During WWII, Bill served with the 313th
Exam. Prior to WWII, he practiced law with
was the oldest of eight brothers to graduate
Infantry Association, 79th Division
Marguerite’s father, Joseph M. McCarthy.
from Seattle Prep (with sister Carol
which landed on Normandy Beach in the
Bill joined the U.S Navy in 1942, serving
graduating from Holy Names Academy).
fourth wave ashore. He participated in the
as a communications officer on the
He received his undergraduate degree from
taking of Cherbourg, as well as battles in
U.S.S. Guadalcanal, which found fame by
Seattle University, his Master’s Degree
Normandy, St. Lo, The Liberation of Paris
capturing the U505 German submarine in
in chemistry from Notre Dame, and his
and battles in Germany and in Belgium.
1944. Bill and Marguerite later attended
PhD in chemistry from the University of
After the war, Bill met Joyce Bennett
many reunions of the Guadalcanal Task
Illinois. After serving as a naval officer
who would become his wife of 62 years.
Group in Chicago, where the sub is
in World War II on the Kadashan Bay on
Together they raised five children; Billy,
displayed at the Museum of Science and
the Pacific front, David was a professor of
Lizann, Dave, Greg and Margi; and were
chemistry at Seattle University for over
blessed with seven grandchildren. Bill
After the war, he joined the family
35 years, retiring with emeritus status in
worked as an attorney; first in private
business, Union Iron Works, eventually
1986. In 1951, David married his first love,
practice with Whitmore, Vinton, Powers
becoming president. When the business
Goldie Simeon, and had three children.
and Ishikawa, and later as house council
was sold in the 1960s, he returned to
After Goldie’s untimely death from cancer,
for Murray Franklin Inc. Bill was an avid
practice law through the 1980s.
he married Margaret Doonan in 1963. They
volunteer and was active in Scouting and
Bill continued to enjoy a lifelong love of
soon welcomed two more children. David
youth sports. He was president of Queen
golf, shooting his age at 90. He was a long
was predeceased by his wife, Margaret.
Anne Youth Association, and the Queen
time member of the Spokane Country Club
David was a life-long learner who spent
Anne Recreation Advisory Council. Bill
and played with the Northwest Senior Golf
many happy hours researching various
coached youth football and baseball and is
Association. He had been a duck hunter
historical characters and periods. With the
still known to many as “Coach Powers.” Bill
since youth and could be found at the
help of his son, Terry and his brothers, he
spent his later years playing golf with his
family duck hunting spot every weekend
built a cabin on Whidbey Island that was
wife and friends and enjoying his family.
during the season. He was well into his
the setting for countless family gatherings,
90’s when he had his last shoot.
creating great memories for his kids and SEATTLE PREP PANTHER TRACKS | FALL 2016 |
Albert Susanka ’45 Albert passed away on September 27, 2015 in Mission Viejo, CA. He was surrounded by Marjorie, his loving wife of 66 years and his seven children. Albert was well known for leading the Rosary before daily Mass at St. Bonaventure Catholic Church for many decades and for his devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. He is survived by his wife, Marjorie (Redding) Susanka; his seven children: Margie, Mary, Alice, Mark, Matt, Bridget, and Bert; as well as 24 grandchildren and 16 great grandchildren.
Thomas “Tom” Stoneciper ’48 Tom passed away on June 3, 2016. He was born in Langdon, ND, and moved with his family to Seattle in 1937. Tom grew up in Greenwood, attended John B. Allen Elementary and Seattle Prep, and was a regular at the Ridge Roller Rink. He served in the Air Force from 1950 to 1953, and married his ex-wife Audrey (nee Gill) in 1960. Starting as a timekeeper at Boeing, Tom worked his way up to the Budget Department, and in 1976 took a job in Tehran; after the Iranian revolution erupted, he was one of the last 31 Boeing employees helping evacuate others, courageously outstaying even the shah. Tom packed a lifetime of travel into those three years, carting his family from Europe to India to Africa. Upon retiring, Tom took to writing songs. He enjoyed golf and in his later years was a formidable walkersometimes logging seven miles a day in his eighties. Tom is survived by his three children: Gary, Laura, and Donna; and two grandchildren.
Joseph “Jody” Melia ’49 Jody passed away on August 19, 2016 in Knoxville, TN. After Seattle Prep, Jody attended Santa Clara University on
a football scholarship, and went on to graduate from Seattle University Jody spent his entire career in sales and marketing, most recently known as “Promo Joe” He was the head usher for many years at All Saints Catholic Church. He enjoyed being involved in business networking groups, and was an avid sports fan. Jody was preceded in death by his beloved wife of 62 years, Shirley Melia, and sons Andrew and Jeffrey Melia. He is survived by his daughters Marianne, Carol and Lisa, and sons Mike and Shawn; eight grandchildren
William “Bill” Melvin ’50 Bill passed away on April 21, 2016. He lived in Spokane. He is survived by, Frankie, his wife of 55 years, daughters Tracy and Terri and five grandchildren, He is survived by his sister, Judy and his brothers Peter Melvin and Michael ’53. Bill was a lifetime devoted member of the Catholic Church, served in the Army ACS (Alaska Communication System) during the Korean Conflict, and belonged to Knights of Columbus. He was a dispatcher for Greyhound for many years and owned
and four great-grandchildren.
Hall’s Stamp Shop. Bill exercised with
John O’Brien ’49
his buddies whose wives were in Frankie’s
John passed away on June 16, 2016. He attended Seattle University, was a batboy for the Seattle Rainiers, worked on the Highway 2 railroad tunnel, lived on a houseboat on Lake Union, was an early airlines steward and then worked as an expeditor for Boeing. John was a finance manager for several corporations, including Westinghouse, Coca Cola, Flying Tigers, Munson Sporting Goods, Meyerson Wine Warehouse and Tunturi Sporting Goods. John married Miriam (Miki) Frances Flaherty in 1954, in Boise. John and Miki settled into married life in Seattle, and then
friends in water aerobics, socialized with red hat society, was a fan of the Zags, Seahawks and Mariners. He thoroughly enjoyed ocean vacations at Lincoln City and traveled the world via 13 cruises with Frankie in retirement.
John McAlerney ’51 John passed away on April 4, 2016. John worked for the Seattle/King County Health Dept. for 40 years, retiring as a Senior Environmental Health Specialist; served in the Army/National Guard for over 20 years; and was a member of the Knights of Columbus. Family and faith
spent a few years in Oregon. They lived the
were the center of John’s life. After raising
Whidbey Island, and after a few years John
40 years, John and his wife Bridget moved
next 27 years in Southern California raising the family in Ballard, where they were their eight children. In 1989, they moved to active parishioners at St. Alphonsus for retired. He walked almost daily on Sunlight Beach, spent many mornings at the Clover Patch, volunteered for Senior Services and was a greeter at St. Hubert. John is survived by his wife Miriam (Miki); seven children: Julie, Doug, Molly, Brian, Jay, Andy and Brendan; 13 grandchildren; seven great-grandchildren; and one great-great-grandchild. Tom was predeceased by his son Aaron and grandson Ramon.
to Edmonds and Holy Rosary Parish, later moving to the Crista community in Shoreline where John lived the last few years at the Nursing Center. John was preceded in death by his loving wife of 57 years, Bridget. He is survived by his children, Maureen, Kevin, Colleen, Kathleen and Conan; three grandchildren; and four great-grandchildren.
James “Jay” Lockett ’52 After graduated from Seattle Prep, Jay
passing and was involved in community
enjoyed a pint of Guinness--his favorite--at
events, HOA business, gardening and
the Guinness factory in Dublin.
attended the University of Washington.
fitness. He celebrated both his 80th
Jay served honorably in the US Army,
birthday and 50th wedding anniversary last
lessons and soaring over Puget Sound with
including a tour in Germany. He began
year surrounded by family and friends.
his buddy, Jim Blake, getting together with
a banking career in Seattle that spanned more than 30 years. Jay favored smaller banks focused on customer service. He
In retirement Jay enjoyed taking flying
his Prep classmates, and singing in the St.
Gerald “Jerry” Heppell ’54 Jerry passed away on June 05, 2016. After
Louise Men’s Choir. As an inaugural season ticket holder, Jay
graduating in chemistry from UW and
was the ultimate Seahawks fan, spending
receiving a Ph.D. from UCLA, he took a
many happy Sundays at the stadium with
movies, trivia and exchanges on e-bay. Card
memorable post-doc fellowship in Sweden.
his brother Pat ’59. A devoted Mariners
games, camp fire and camping anywhere
Before returning to the US, he and his wife
fan, Jay attended at least 20 games a season
in Oregon was a good time! He was a good
traveled and camped for seven months in
cheering from the Ichiro Section.
man who will be missed by family and
Europe. He later earned an MBA from the
friends who respected and loved him.
University of Portland. Jerry had a long
daughters, Michele Thornquist ’81 and
career in the high-tech industry at DuPont,
Meghan Lezcano; and four grandchildren.
retired from banking in 1996. Jay was an avid reader. He enjoyed old
Jay is survived by his children from his
Jay is survived by his wife, Mary;
first marriage to Mary Crockett: Susan,
Tektronix and HP. He enjoyed fishing
Nancie, Mary Z, Lucy, Amy and Jim. Jay
(especially with his sons), camping and
married Rebecca “Becky” Watts in 1981. He
extensive travel with family and friends.
was a loving stepfather to Michael, Shawn,
Jerry is survived by his wife of 58 years,
class president. He played football and
Karen and granddaughter Allyson.
Donna; brother, James ’60; sons, Kevin and
baseball and participated in Sodality and
Scott; and grandson, Dylan.
Pep Club.
John “Jay” Charles ’54
John Oaksmith ’62
George Skahill ’53 George passed away on May 11, 2016.
Fred Logan ’61 While at Prep, Fred was his freshman
After receiving his master’s degree from
Jay passed away on May 11, 2016. He
Stanford, George headed to Long Island,
was raised in the Magnolia neighborhood
was born and raised in a large Catholic
NY, where he lived in a house with
of Seattle, where he attended St. Margaret
family on Capitol Hill and attended St.
bachelor friends and started his career in
Catholic School. After Seattle Prep, Jay
Patrick’s Grade School, Seattle Prep
the aerospace and defense industries as
attended Seattle University. In the late
and Seattle University. With a quick wit
an electrical engineer. In 1964, he met
1950’s he enlisted in the United States
and a mischievous laugh, John worked
the love of his life, Nancy Rosato. They
Army, serving with the Medical Corps.
in the fishing industry at Oaksmith
married the following year. Daughters
While attending UW and working at the
Boat Sales, Trident Seafoods and in his
Karen and Sharon completed the family,
Polyclinic in downtown Seattle, Jay met
retirement years found his calling as a
and life became a happy routine as the girls
the love of his life, Mary Louise Campbell.
retail wine steward in Las Vegas. He will
grew. George worked for many defense
He was a laboratory technician and she a
be remembered for his signature Hawaiian
contractors over the years, eventually
registered nurse. It took three tries, but she
shirts, LA Dodgers’ jackets, and his love of
starting his own firm, NTL Technologies.
finally agreed to go out with him and they
discussing sports of all kinds.
He invented several antennae systems
married a year later in 1961 in Marysville.
and held many patents. After both girls
Jay continued his career in science,
Stacy, Jennifer, Pam and Bob and his
married, George and Nancy were thrilled
transitioning to medical equipment sales
seven grandchildren; his sisters Ruth, Sue,
to welcome three grandchildren. George
until his retirement.
Cammy, Mary and brothers Mauri ’54,
and Nancy lived the snowbird lifestyle for
He was proud of his Welsh and Irish
John passed away on April 16, 2016. He
John is survived by his four children,
Jerry and Steve, and several nieces and
the last 12 years, splitting the year between
heritage and was able to visit both
nephews, including Scott Hendrix ’87 and
Florida’s Gulf Coast and Long Island.
countries with his family. They toured
Justin Hendrix ’99. He was preceded in
George enjoyed an active life until his
the countryside, traced his ancestry, and
death by his wife Anna Stepetin. SEATTLE PREP PANTHER TRACKS | FALL 2016 |
Hugh Evans ’63 Hugh passed away on March 15, 2016.
Chris Jarvis ’75 Chris passed away on May 2, 2016. He
He was laid to rest with full Military
was surrounded by family and friends.
Honors at Arlington National Cemetery
Chris is survived by his children, Jack and
in Arlington, VA. After graduating from
Will Jarvis; their mother, Molly O’Connor;
Prep, Hugh attended UW and Gonzaga
his siblings, Barbara and Bruce ’64; and
Law. He was a highly decorated veteran of
nieces, Nora and Charlotte.
the Vietnam War, having proudly served as a 1st Lieutenant with the 1st Infantry Division “The Big Red One” earning many
Tom Graham ’87 Tom Graham passed away on July 27,
commendations including three Purple
2016. He was a long-time resident of
Hearts, two Bronze Stars with a “V” for
Vashon and worked as a craftsperson at
Valor and a Silver Star for Gallantry in
Pike Place Market. He is survived by his
mother, Christine Vaughan and brother,
Hugh was a successful barrister,
David Jebousek ’85.
and huge Gonzaga supporter.
Amy, and his daughter Nicole.
Duane Acheson, uncle of Greg Duncan ’66
George Irwin ’67
Steve Aleinkoff, father of Emily Aleinkoff ’13
science teacher Pauline Alokolaro and
seven children. George lived and farmed
mother of Prep Admissions Director Ann
in the Enumclaw area for the last 31 years
Jackie Madill, sons Morgan and Brady Irwin, along with six grandchildren. He was a founding member of the Seattle
Aggie Anstett, mother-in-law of Rich Cannon ’70; grandmother of Charlie Cannon ’10 and Monica Cannon ’12
University Soccer Team and a lifelong
Ethel Barcott, mother of Donna Merlino,
supporter of youth sports and competition.
mother-in-law of Gary Merlino ’58
He loved to fish and hunt and cook, and committed the later years of his life to the
Clarice May Bocek, mother of former
advocacy of rural life.
Trustee Julie Coleman and former Prep
Robert Sylvester ’70
Scott ’98, Chris ’03, Kevin ’04, Kelly ’07
Robert Sylvester passed away on August
parent Mary Comstock; grandmother of and Riley ’11 Coleman and Sarah ’08 and
11, 2016. He was born in Seattle on April
Stephanie Comstock ’12
1, 1952 to Raymond and Beatrice Sylvester.
Charlene “Char” Collora, mother of Jeanne
He is survived by his daughter, Olivia ’09,
’04, Mariette ’02, Nicole ’95, Alicia ’93 and
brothers, Raymond ’63 and Stephen ’75,
Andy Collora’91
and companion, Colleen.
Anita Alokolaro, mother of Prep math and
He was born in Mitchell, SD, the sixth of
and is survived by his wife Paddy, daughter
Jolene Gehl, mother of JoEllen Gehl-Loeb ’80 Anne Maximo, mother of Chloe Maximo ’19 Fayne McCaffray Loew, mother of Ted McCaffray ’59 and Steve McCaffray ’61 and widow of Ted McCaffray ’33 Maria “Lucy” Medina, mother of Lupita ’04, Felipe ’08 and Paco ’10 Yerkes Medina Martha Ries, mother of Lauren Day ’20 and Ryan Day ’20 Raymond F. Rowan, father of Raymond C.
David Taylor, father of Alexandra Taylor ’09,
Christine and Bill and their beloved mother
George passed away on August 19, 2016.
Director of Financial Assistance
Rowan ’65
progressive thinker, gifted fly fisherman, Hugh is survived by his children
Vic Dmitriev, husband of Sue Dmitriev, Prep’s
Leo Costello, brother of John Costello ’47
brother of Ron Taylor ’65 Teresa Niggemeyer, sister of Prep science teacher Mike Niggemeyer Shirley Wall, wife of Bill Wall ’46 Nick Waltner, father of Maggie Walter ’20
ANNUAL REPORT 2015/2016 Dear Seattle Prep Community, As I begin my tenure as Board Chair for 2016/17, I reflect back on my nearly 20year association with Seattle Prep. Over that time frame, the one real constant has been change, except of course for Father Fitterer who doesn’t seem to change. A lot has happened in the last 20 years, and changes will occur in the future, but Prep will continue to graduate “men and women for others,” and who are well prepared to succeed in college and beyond.
SEATTLE PREP 2015/2016 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Mark Wheeler ’69 Chair Dan Twining Chair Elect, Secretary Kent Hickey President Karen Andersen ’79 Lanny Ching ’66 Russell Dawson ’72 Jeri Donnelly Greg Duncan ’66 Rolita Ezeonu Frank Firmani Cesar Galindo-Legaria Annie George Matthew Griffith ’97 Jennifer (Gleason) Hyde ’82 Rosa Kim Fr. Jeff McDougall, SJ Mary McKay Vial Mike Nelson Fr. Natch Ohno, SJ ’66 Dave Raney ’95 Helen (Sauvage) Santucci ’79 Lisa Stewart Denise Tabbutt Dale Vogel
Prep’s latest construction projects have been completed, but fundraising will always be a constant. In 2016/17, Seattle Prep will welcome for the first time students from Seattle Nativity School; these students are supported financially through the generosity of many supporters. While “major” construction projects have been completed, we will continue to have “minor” projects to complete, like a rooftop terrace on Adelphia Memorial Hall. Your continued financial support is appreciated. This year the Seattle Prep Community will celebrate, in conjunction with Seattle University, our 125th Anniversary. On September 22nd we held our 125th celebration on the site of the old Adelphia Hall. I would also like to add my welcome our new Principal, Erin Luby, to campus, as well as welcome Jenell Kheriaty back in her new role as Assistant Principal for Academics. In 2015/16, we successfully prepared for and completed the Sponsorship Review and Accreditation process, and in 2016/17 we will be begin implementing the results and recommendations from those reviews. In conjunction with the Sponsorship Review and Accreditation, the Board of Trustees ratified the Seattle Prep Strategic Vision and Goals 2016-2021. The Strategic Vision and Goals will be the guiding document to develop and implement operational plans for growth in Seattle Prep in the Five Pillars of: Community and Student Support; Teaching and Learning; Resources; Catholic, Jesuit Mission and Identity; and Governance and Organization. Seattle Prep is a strong, vibrant community that really feels like family. We have several alums filling roles as teachers, administrators, coaches, and trustees as well as parents of alums as teachers and trustees. We look forward to a fantastic 2016/17 school year in the classrooms as well as all the co-curricular activities in which our students participate. Thank you for your support and I look forward to an exciting year ahead. Sincerely, Dan Twining Chair, Seattle Prep Board of Trustees
We are incredibly grateful for your generosity. The following pages list contributions to Seattle Prep during the 2015/2016 fiscal year ending June 30, 2016. Included are gifts and sponsorships made through the following appeals and events: Annual Appeal, SPREE Auction, Endowment, Student Support Fund and Alumni Events and matching gifts procured by our donors. Also included are payments made toward pledges to the Building Our Future campaign, Our Lady of Montserrat Chapel and the Plaza and Play Field during the 2015/2016 fiscal year.
Ignatian Circle ($10,000 +) Anonymous Sharon & Dick Abrams ’55 ♦ Arnold & Mabel Beckman Foundation George & Mary Birchfield ★ Anne & Jeff Blackburn ✦ Mary Ann Boulanger ★ Maddy & Alec Brindle, Sr ’56 ★ Bill Brinton, Jr ✦ Patricia Joyce & Angelo Calfo Sarah & Tim Cavanaugh Nancy Sheckler-Cecchi & Bob Cecchi ’77 ★✦ Laura & Max Clough Heather & Thomas Cooney Rita Daubenspeck ★ ♦ Meaghan & Paul Dowling Elaine & Greg Duncan ’66 ♦ Nicole & Tim Engle Barbara & Tom Ennis Sharon & Peter Faricy ✦ Carolyn Feldsine Phil Feldsine Cindy & Frank Firmani ✦ Zandra Navarro-Villicana & Cesar Galindo-Legaria ✦ Sandy & Jerry Gallwas Leslie & Scott Gannon ✦ Lynn & Mike Garvey Gary Merlino Construction Co, Inc Cheryl & Bill Gossman Donald Graham, Jr Denise & Frederick Graham Cindy & Jay Henning Lisa & Chris Hoyt Megan & Michael Kelly ▴ ✦ Sylvia & Peter Kim Lakeside Industries ★
Mary (Breskovich) ’80 & Mike Lee ★✦♦ Tina & Tim Lee ’72 ✦ Maureen & Jim Lico ✦ Wendy Qi & Paul Lin Natalia Mackevicius Laura (Mattson) ’93 & Dave Matter ✦ Cherise & Rob McAuley, Jr ✦ Karen Smiley & Karl Melder ✦ Joan & Don Merlino ’60 ★ ✦ Donna & Gary Merlino ’58 Susan Allemann & Dave Messner ✦ Sharon Evans & Brad Miner Kathie & Jim Morino ✦ Carol Navone-Bonnie ’80 & Shelby Bonnie Nicki & Mike Nelson ✦ Karen & Yosh Ohno ’65 ♦ Sam & Matt Parent ’87 ✦ Paula & Ron Pessner Jr Nancy Pleas Heidi & Rick Rasmussen II Lisa & Bob Ratliffe ★ ✦ Laura & Jordi Ribas ✦ Riley & Nancy Pleas Family Foundation Carmen Valdes & Jeffery Robinson ★ Linda Rogers Becky & Michael Ronan ✦ Elizabeth Rudolf Nancy & John Rudolf ★ Bev & Tim Ryan ’51 Sellen Construction Company Elaine & Joe Shephard, Jr ’62 Lisa Stewart ✦ Stoneway Concrete Denise & Mark Tabbutt ✦ Pam & Ron Taylor ’65 Katie & Bill Teplicky ’76 The Thompson Family Foundation Beth & Duncan Thieme ✦ Deb & Bob Thompson Theresa & Dan Twining ✦ United Way of King County ★ Michele & Mitch Usibelli ✦ Rosa Kim & Bennet Wang ✦ Terry Werner ★ Marianne & Joe Zech ’75 ★ ✦
Kostka Circle ($7,500 +) Anonymous Robin & Mark Alfieri ’78 Christie & Todd Biesold ✦ Gretchen & Sean Brennan ✦ Johanna & Brian Dennehy ✦ Elaine Mandapat & Ken Hammer Rita Chin-Henry & Brian Henry Terry & Kent Hickey ★ ▴ ♦ Kathleen & Vincent Hui ★ Jennifer (Gleason) ’82 & Mike Hyde ★ ✦ Jen & Len Jordan Carla & Martin Kerner ✦ Anne Marie Koehler ’99 Chris Koehler ’92 Carol & Steve Koehler ’62 ★ ♦ Erika Koehler-Stafford ’95 & Jerrod Stafford Carol & John Penny ’63 ★ Lucy & Jerome Rose ’59 Karleen Snetsinger Mary & Herry Sutanto Ellen & John Tobin Kathleen O’Brien & David Wieck ✦
Adelphia Circle ($5,000 +)
Xavier Circle ($2,500 +)
Celesta & John Bjornson ✦ Jennifer Cargal & David Bley Karla & Joseph Bocek ▴ Marisa D’Angeli & Thomas Brogan Susan & Larry Butcher ✦ Kathy Van Olst & Rich Carter Bonnie & Frank Cech Jeannine (Navone) ’90 & Dino Christofilis Amy & Brian Clancy ✦ Marie & Philip Co Lisa & David Cole ✦ Victoria & Mark Fanning ✦ ♦ Amber & Vincent Ferrese ★▴✦ Amy & Bill Ferron ✦ Brad Fisher Sheree Fisher ▴ Tammi & Brian Floyd ✦ Leigh & Tom Floyd ✦ Theresa & Jerome Frigillana Tana & Andrew Gall ✦ Adrienne & Jim Gemperle ’81 Kate & John Goodwin ★▴✦♦ Charmaine & Sidney Graham, Jr Tami & Dan Greenshields Susan & Chris Hancock Kristin & Tyler Hathaway ’98 Brenda & Tom Heflin Kit & Charlie Hiatt Jill Hofstrand Patty & Steve Hopps ’62 ★ Suzanne & David Huey ✦ Katy & John Hunter Liz & Craig Jackman ✦ Tara & Troy Jacobson ✦ Marisa & Bill Jeakle ✦ Jude Kavalam Derval Langan & Tom Killalea Abbe Jacobson Kopf & Curtis Kopf Irina & Paul Kuebler ★ ✦ Jana Barber & Roy Lamb ✦ Karri & Bill Lange ✦ Christine & Mark Leahy ✦ Kris & Albert Lee III Anne Freitas & Michael Leslie Greg Lewis Joyce & Grant Lingg Betty Linke ★ ✦ Paula & Stephanos Margaritis Kim Tossman & Sean Matt Pat & Jim Mazure ★ Jill & Phil McCune ★ ✦ Polly & Steve McKay ’58 ★ Steven Merlino J Scott Moffitt, DDS Jane & Scott Moffitt Pierre Mourad Kanjamat & John Mullally Andrea & Nelson Nakata ’81 ✦ Pat & Jim Navone ’54 Julia & David Nenke Misty & Jim Nordale ✦ Rosemary & Lou Oberndorf ’63 ★ ♦ Alida & Douglas Oles Jeanne-Marie Osterman & Hal Pearson
Anonymous Mona & Dean Anderson Claire & Jeff Arrowsmith Barb & John Bender ✦ Stephanie & Mike Benjamin ▴ ✦ Kathleen Sullivan & Dan Berger
★ Endowment Contributor ▴ Current or Former Faculty or Staff ✦ SPREE Fall 2015 Fund-a-Need Contributor ♦ Panther Legacy Society
Beth & Thomas Anderson ★ Anne & Joe Baldwin ✦ Sarah & Kevin Beshlian John Bianchi ’62 Laurie & Joe Blattner ✦ Monica (Hill) ’88 & Dave Brethauer ’88 ★ Monica & Anders Brown ✦ Dina & Ballan Campeau ’70 ★ Julie & Dan Coleman ’74 ✦ ♦ Judy & John Curran ’57 ★ Suzanne Daly & Scott Davis ★ Debby Tsuang & David Diekema Kristin & Mark Fleischauer ✦ Amanda & Michael Gaberman Margaret & Erik Giesa ★ Ann & Tom Gores ’66 ♦ Dawn Winters & Peter Grimm ’70 ★ Tania & Hubert Guillot de Suduiraut ✦ Betty & Dick Hedreen Michelle & John Henry ✦ Karen Roetman & Mark Hill John Hopcroft ’57 ★ Linda Walton & Andy Hoyal ✦ Arlene & Patrick Hyde ✦ Mollie & Kris Jensen ✦ Colleen & Tyler Johnson ✦ Christine Kessler ✦ Melinda & Sam LeClercq ✦ Clark Lindsay ’90 ✦ Sheila & Jim Mallahan ▴ ✦ Maria & Cezary Marcjan Robin & Ken Martin ★ ✦ Ana Lena & Mark Mayhle Katy McHugh White & Kelly White ★ John McKay, Jr ’74 ✦ ♦ Jill & Jim Navone ’77 MRC Cheryl Nelsen Colleen & Paul Nowak ✦ Sheron & Roger O’Connell ’60 ★ Russell Osterman ★ Janet & Brandon Pedersen Christine & Pat Pendergast ★✦ Fredde Yockey-Perry & Phil Perry ’58 ★ Andrea & Richard Piacentini Puget Sound Bank Joanne & John Ramsay III Kathy McGonigle & David Rawlings ★ Scott Redman Jean & Jack Rosling ’53 Steve Scalzo ’66 Becky & Joe Sherman Slalom Doug Stewart ✦ Kim & Dan Stockwell ✦ Mari & Craig Swanson, Jr ✦ The Russell Family Foundation Linda & Bob Van Hare ✦ Venture General Contracting LLC Jarvis & David Weld ✦
Jeff Parietti ’73 Ruth & Jim Powers ’76 ★ Cindy Davis & Jeff Rahlmann Catherine & Stephen Ramsden Raskob Foundation for Catholic Activities, Inc Maureen & John Reid ★ ▴ Stephen Rising ★ Jeanie & Tom Robinson ’64 ▴ ♦ Maria (Dinndorf) ’82 & Charlie Royer ’82 ✦ Lisa & John Russell ✦ Margot & Troy Saharic Athena & George Sarantinos ★ ✦ Seattle University Carol & Larry Sexton ★ ♦ Karen & Robert Sheppard IV ★ Joseph S Simmons Construction, Inc Ednea & Claudio Simon Mimi & David Skow Peggy Skow Tracy Smith Geri & John Stukel The Seattle Foundation ★ Dave Thomas, SJ ★ ▴ Tommy Bahama TRUEbenefits, LLC Kara & James Tuminello ✦ Vicky & Angus Walker
“Thank you for giving me chances to explore the things I love and also for challenging me to try harder and continue to improve.” – Madeleine ’18
Regis Circle ($1,000 +) Jasmine & Steve Adamek ’72 Laurie & Curt Altig Karen Andersen ’79 ✦ Marlee & Mark Anderson ✦ Trish & Steve Anderson Sheri & Fred Andrews Marc Angelillo Mary Clausnitzer & John Anicker III Mirvat & Ghazi Asmar Michelle & Tony Audino ▴ ✦ Erin Magee & Dave Aust ✦ Cristina & Jerrold Bailet ✦ Darcy Barry & Steven Waldron Kim & Jean-Rene Basle ’75 Llora Zichittella & David Beninger Cathy Tanaka & Robert Bianchetto Carol Dullmeyer & David Bills ★ Elizabeth & Michael Bladow Katy & Kevin Blair ✦ Cindy & Bob Blais ★ Julie & Willie Blue Linda & John Bowers, Jr ✦ Linda & Tim Boyle Jacqueline & Gregory Brackett Fran & John Bradley ’56 Liz & John Brennan ★ ▴ ✦ ♦ Lori Brennan ✦ Mary Kay Glover & Kip Brockmyre III Patricia & Stephen Brown ★ ✦ Karen & Curt Bryan ✦ Becky & Jim Burns ★ ▴ ✦ ♦ Michelle Terry & Kenneth Burton ✦ Sarah Oyer & Michael Cerceo Bob Christopfel ★ Audrey Collins ★ Patricia & Ted Collins Carolyn & John Comick ’73 Kathleen (Foy) ’99 & James Conklin ✦ Kristin & Doyt Conn
Patty & Pat Coogan ’53 ♦ Jannie & Jim Curtin Chardon & David Dankers ✦ Shannon & Paul Dauber ✦ Pauline Kang’ethe-Day & Jon Day ✦ Karen Deklaver-Fletcher Therese & John Delaney Teri & Jim DeOra Linda & John DeVitis ’75 Jan & Guy DiJulio ’56 ★ Shirley & Steve DiJulio ’69 ★ Karrie & Jerry Dinndorf ’58 ★ ✦ Terri Rambosek & Jeffrey Donahue ★ ✦ Elizabeth & Shawn Dougherty ’85 ✦ Kim & Mike Durand ▴ Susan & Manuel Eco Deanna Sundvick-Egge & Jon Egge ’61 ★ Jody & Mike Elsner ▴ Janelle & Gerald Engley ✦ Dana & Steve Erickson Katrina Harvie-Watt & Marc Faerber Mimi & Todd Fairchild Jana & Daniel Flinn Julie & Andy Flor ’82 ✦ Laura & Stu Ford Vicki & Lee Forte Becky (O’Boyle) ’85 & Ed Fotheringham Fulcrum Foundation Kersten & Dave Gaba ✦ Vanessa Gallant Sandy & Jerry Gallwas Austra & Grant Gauger ’53 Maureen & Adam Gavin JoEllen Gehl-Loeb ’80 & Don Loeb Courtney & Ira Gerlich ’98 Jill & Jon Gilbert ★ ✦ Liz & Frank Grant Lisa & Rick Green ★ John Griffin ’61 ★ Katie & Matt Griffith ’97 ★ Molly Haggarty Vlahovich ’87
Ann & Jan Hajnosz Kay & Doug Hanafin ★ Lindsay & Hunt Hanover ’97 Celeste & Matthew Harmon ★ Tracey & Jim Hawk Suzie Heid-Skilling & Bill Skilling Robin & Andy Hendricks ’83 ▴ Shannon & Matt Hendricks ’82 ★ ▴ ✦ Christine & Tim Henn Tom Hoffer ’80 ★ Narina & Daniel Irby ✦ Carla & Terry Irvine ’66 Kim & Pat James Teresa (Hampton) ’81 & Marc Jensen Kesli & Chuck Johnson III April & Anthony Joseph Elizabeth & Pete Kain ✦ Danica Kaloper Jennifer & Mike Kavanagh ✦ Maria & Tom Kearney ✦ Kathleen & Rich Kelly, Jr ’66 Heidi & Eric Kiersky Kate Kingen ’05 & Pat Garrison ★ Kirchner Foundation Gary Kocher Kristine Smith & Douglas Kopp ✦ Elizabeth & Rodney Kratz ✦ Kathy & Walt Krueger ★▴✦ Lis (Briggs) ’83 and Paul LaBellarte ’83 ★ Alex Landes ✦ Rebecca Moyle & Tyler Lange ’99 Barbara & Gar LaSalle MD, MFA, FACEP ’65 Susan Leaverton ▴ ♦ Martha Ways & Tim Lee Matt Lico ’16 ★ Michelle & Marc Linafelter ’68 ♦ Betsy & Brian Losh ’67 ♦ Carol & Jim Loughlin ✦ Del Lui Lisa & Matt Lydon ✦ Stefanie & Chris Lynch ✦ Joanne & Andy MacDonald ’71 Maria & Jorge Madrazo Mary & Joe Magnano ’63 ★ ♦ Rowayne & Tom Maguire Jennifer Porter & Harold Malkin Leigh Ann Lucero & James Malzewski Kristina & Bill Marti ’62 ★ Kathy Mathes Mike Matthews ’79 ★ Anne & Rui Maximo Marianne Greenbaum Maxin & Michael Maxin Steven McClean ✦ Brooke & Jim McCurdy John & Cat McDowall ’89 Chuck McHugh ’42 ★ Nicole (de Turenne) ’96 & Ray McKinley Margot & John McLaughlin ★ ✦ Brooks McMahon ’91 Kelly McMahon Kacy McNaull Regina & Wayne Melonson ★ ▴ Erica Merchant Irene & Aaron Merz ’89 ✦ Andrea & Mark Metcalf ’81 ✦ Marsha & Vincent Miller III ’70 Bethany & Zachary Miller ✦ Jenelyn Torralba-Miranda & Gary Miranda Laurie Clay & Leo Morales ’78
Sarah (Ostler) ’94 & Mark Morris Amy & George Murphy Heather & Mike Murphy ▴ ✦ National Philanthropic Trust ★ Mary Kuhn & Jim Nye ★ Cindy & Mike O’Brien ✦ Maureen & Darrell Ottele Grace Palisoc ’90 & Henry Mah Amy (Henn) ’85 & Nick Pavelich Sofia Aragon & Brian Peyton ’79 Fati Le & Khanh Pham Tamara & Donald Philip ✦ Louise Piacentini Kay & Kelly Pickering ’58 ★ Shonagh & KC Pleas ’77 MRC Bonnie & Brian Plikaytis ’69 Kimberly & Ted Plumis ’92 Jane Powers ’80 ★ ♦ Susanne Pruitt Cathy & Greg Rafanelli ’64 ★ Erin & Dave Raney ’95 Debbie & Kevin Read ’78 ★ Eileen & John Renner, Jr ’62 ★ Amy & David Reuter ✦ Catherine Torlai & Warren Rheaume Jennifer & Mike Rothmeyer ✦ Tracey & Gregory Russell ✦ Jill & Dick Russell ’62 ★ Kathleen & Richard Sanders ★
Janice & Paul Sullivan ’70 ★ Penny & Rob Sullivan, Jr ’59 Helen & Roland Teodoro Stacey & Scott Thompson Jeanne & Bob Tiscareno ✦ Sally & Michael Torre ’63 Lisa & Courtney Touw Kathy & John Tullis ▴ Susan Hoffman & Brian Turner Anne & Perry Turner Anne Marie Twining ’03 ★ Mary McKay Vial & Pete Vial Carolyn (Sumulong) ’92 & Rob von Behren Mary Helen & Gaylord Wahl Fr Dick Ward ’43 ★ Ruth & Phil Waters ’51 ★ Rhonda & Robert Watt Leondra & Eric Weiss ✦ Jeannette & Mark Wheeler ’69 ✦ Kristoffer & Timothy Whitters Linda & Herb Wilgis III ✦ Jungran Park & Won Williamson WITT Company Eilidh & Martin Wolfson Wendy & Michael Woodward Daiva Tautvydas & Roger Wylie Yuen Lui Studio Sharon Stone & Ron Zipse ▴ ✦
Victoria Ries & Samuel Saracino David Scalzo Phuong & Craig Scukas Ann & Matthew Shanahan ★ Phyllis & Mike Shea ’55 Jody & Tim Shields Asa & Preston Singletary ✦ Carla Anderson Skogland & Keith Skogland ’86 ✦ Michelle & Youssef Sneifer ✦ Sound Community Bank Molly Kledzik & Christopher Staehli Vicky & Greg Stamolis Corky & Bob Stark Libby & John Stoner ✦ Jim Sullivan ★
Peyton Circle ($500 +) Anonymous (1) Ann Alokolaro & Patrick Fennessy ▴ ✦ Jo Ann & Richard Ambur ’53 ★ Maureen & Alex Anderson Erin & Eric Anderson Schanon Odell Ataee & Tony Ataee Gail & Sean Ayres ★ Doni & Carlos Balansay ★ Patricia Grajeda & Stefan Batres ✦ Jenny & Tom Bergquist ✦ Wendy Rogers-Bermudez & Gerardo Bermudez Rachelle & Craig Bevan Juana & Michael Bhaskaran
Patricia Blake Sally Borte Robert Brennan ’59 Patti Brooke Bobbie & Bob Brown ’56 Cindie & Steve Brown III ▴ Tricia & Bill Buchanan ’70 Laurel & Brian Buckner ✦ Susan & Dan Bureau ✦ Melinda & Matt Burks ▴ Teresa & Joe Cannon ’71 Mark Capeloto ’72 Shane Carew Teresa Carew Rick Carroll ’71 ★ Mary Beth & Dr David Celio Tara & Nathaniel Clark ’88 Linda & Mike Clarke Sue & Greg Coluccio ★▴✦ Jessica & Chris Comunale ’00 ★ Leanne & Garrett Conaty Palma & Rick Conces Lynn & Mike Cordova ’73 ★ Laurie & Kelly Corr ’66 Karen Schorr Craig ’90 & Ryan Craig ’90 ★ Debbie Crawford-Zygar & John Zygar Kim & Mark Dales Bridget & Blake Darrow Molly & Bob Davidson Julia Davis ’16 ★ Teresa & Ted Davis Kimberly & Russell Dawson ’72 ✦ Megan & Matt Deines ’92 Rochelle & Roy Dela Cruz Kay & Joe Demarte ’70 Jim Dever, Jr Sistie & Brad Dickinson Kristen & Alan Dittmaier Jeri & Doug Donnelly Martha & Jeff Downer Emergency Physicians at Overlake Christine & Manny Eusebio ★ Bill Evans ’58 ★ Jeanne & Campion Fellin Karen & Douglas Fletcher Mary & Tim Flood ’51 Kristin Flor ’86 Noemi & Pete Flor ’87 Nick Foppiano ’03 Karen Neuhard-Forsythe & Thomas Forsythe III Grace & Javier Fosado Brett Franceschina ’04 ★ Katie & Jesse Franklin IV ✦ Michelle & Joel Frauenheim ’88 Kathy Jo & Sean Freeman Terri & Joe Gaffney ’63 ★ ♦ Angela Prefontaine & Bruce Gale Linda & Phil Gamroth ✦ Pam (Connell) ’87 & Karl Garand Diane & Mark Gary Jocelyn & Michael Go Mary & Pat Grady ★ Eloise & James Grams Mary & Gary Gray ’51 Karen & Paul Gruen ✦ Teri Gustafson ★ ▴ Sandy & Chip Halbert ✦ Nicole & Kevin Hamblett Heidi Peacock & Max Hanley
Laura (Giorgetti) ’81 & Erik Hanson Susie McDonald & Robert Hardy ✦ Kristina Ryhn & James Harman Pam & Victor Harned Erin & Collin Hathaway ’96 Jennifer & John Hazzard ✦ Anne & Tim Healey ’77 David Heye ’73 ★ Emily & Eric Hiatt ★ Theresa & Ralph Hill Thanh Nguyen & Vuong Hoang ✦ Angie & Chad Holmes ✦ Michele Hughes ’82 Eileen & Brian Hunt ★ Karen & Kenneth Hunt, Jr Cathy & Kevin Hylton ♦ Joyce & Al Irvine ’67 Marilyn & Dick Jaeger ’64 ★ Lisa & Jeff James Irene & Christopher Jellen ’85 Adrianna & Peter Johnson Elizabeth & Ronald Kardokus Trish & Dan Keaton Judy & David Kennedy ’59 ★ Kristin & Lawrence Kent Margaret Murphy & Ed Khalfayan ★ Chelsea King ’01 Mike Kremer ’80 Craig Krueger Kathleen Vasquez & Paul Kurose Mary & Pat Lamb James Lambeth ’54 Hilary Jebson & Loren Landerholm ✦ Karen & Darin Lang Erin Swezey & Tim Leary ★ ✦ Lisa Lee Jeanne Marie Lee Lois & Peter Leff ✦ Jamie Leigh ’94 Karen & Doug Leland ★ Carla & Don Lewis ★ Jenn & Jeff Lewis ★▴✦ Susan & Kenneth Lewis, Jr Don Luby ’59 ♦ Sharon Maghie ♦ Dorothy & Kim Mallick ✦ Beth Eagen & Daniel Malone ✦ Barb & Brian Marquardt Jessika & Jim Mazure ’81 ✦ Judy & Jim McAteer ’48 ★ Betsy & Andy McCarthy ▴ Roberta & Larry McHugh ’58 ★ Jean McMullan Mike McQuaid ’59 ♦ Katie & Chris McReynolds Anthony Merola ’68 ♦ Barbara & Dave Mitchell, Jr ’62 ★ Catherine & Eugene Moloney ’46 Karolyn & Doug Moreland ’66 Elizabeth & Jim Moyer ’61 Sorelys & John Mullins ✦ Pamela & Le Roy Munar Linda & Patrick Naughton ’65 Joan & Mike Niggemeyer ▴ Karen & Pat O’Donnell ✦
★ Endowment Contributor ▴ Current or Former Faculty or Staff ✦ SPREE Fall 2015 Fund-a-Need Contributor ♦ Panther Legacy Society
Jim O’Hanlon Janet & Patrick Oishi ✦ Janet & John O’Neil, Jr ’76 ★▴✦ Cynthia & Jose Padilla ✦ Kellyann & Kevin Padon Ellen Pan Chris Seiler & Jeffrey Parkins Patriot Fire Protection Inc Janice & Ronald Pelayo Maureen & Mark Pfister Carol Chilk & Fred Pickel ’70 ★ Danielle & Charles Purnell Doane Rising Val Ritchie ★▴✦ Anita Roberson Theresa (Navone) ’83 & Neil Roberts Ginger & John Rochford Lori Ledesma & Scott Rossick ’87 Patty Rothwell ★ Palwinder & Harjit Sandhu Anne & Daniel Saracino ’99 Joan Saxton Claudia & Anthony Scioly ’69 Gina & Robert Sheh ✦ Laura & Martin Siemion ’74 James Smith ’49 Megan & Michael Stanley Erin & Rich Stearns ★▴✦ Kathleen & Larry Steele Rachel Montague ’96 & Scott Tamfer ’96 Tuija & Douglas Thatcher Lisa & Jim Toepel Pat & Jerry Toussaint ’55 University Book Store Jill Vincenzo ▴ Nancy Bird & Dale Vogel Thomas Vogl, Jr Maynard Wagner Eileen & Robert Wagstaff ★ Judy & David Waltier ’58 ★ ♦ Michelle & Ed Wardian
Washington Women’s Foundation Nancy & Mike Watt Clare Hausmann Weiand & Bill Weiand ▴ Tracy & David Wilson Connie & Roman Wong Sonyong Yim & John Schlotfeldt ▴ Robin & Kevin Ylvisaker ✦ Christine & Ryan Yuan Luis Yuson Meghan Zech ’15 ★
Garrigan Circle ($250 +) Mike Albrecht ’57 David Alloway ’97 Dorothy (Godsil) ’89 & Aaron Ambuske ✦ Marilee & Tom Anderson Marie & Craig Arthur ’87 ★ ▴ Veronica Asui ★ ▴ Wendy & Doug Bambrick Erin (Rieger) Baranick ’00 ★ Guido Bergman ’58 ★ Bonnie & Charles Beyer Johnny Bianchi ’87 Amanda & Stuart Bilick Jill & Tom Boehmer ’70 Erin & Brian Bonipart Carol & Tom Borda ’70 Laurie Hatten-Boyd & Harlan Boyd Rita & Rob Brautigam
Kirsten & Kelly Bray ✦ Suzanne & Phil Brennan Eileen & Doug Bulger Lisa Scribante & James Burton ✦ Leeanne & Louis Burwell Leslie Cahill Bratrud ’90 & John Bratrud Jennifer & Jim Chamberlin Lisanne Chastain ’97 ★ Nicole Chastain ’95 Silvia & Lars Christian ’85 Ellen Sweeney-Clawson & DR Clawson ★ ▴ Jean & Pat Corr ’76 Linda & Chuck Dagg ★ Judy Davis ★ ▴ Cici and John Daviscourt ’71 Suzette & Leon de Turenne ’63 ▴ Tracey & Tim Dean ’78 Gayle & Jim Dever ’53 Shiloh & Don deVera Marc DiJulio ’72 ★ Jim Donovan ’54 ♦ The Dorsey & Whitney Foundation ★ Erin Duffy ’80 & James Belcher T Ryan Durkan & Charlie Burdell Carolyn & Chris Eagan ’61 ★ Epiphany Youth Group Tauna & Philip Evans Carol & John Ferro Catherine Nicholls & Mark Fishel ★ Fr Paul Fitterer, SJ ▴
“Thank you for providing a community in which I can develop an intellectual mind and loving heart, so that I may use my learning for good in the world.” – Annika ’18
Kimberly Phillips & Jeff Flinn Dana Frank Katrina Freeburg ▴ ✦ Stacey & Ben Gaffney ’92 Mary Beth & Dick Gemperle Alisa Luber & Joe Genster Joann & John Ghiglione ’48 Casey Gibson ’03 Jenne & Paul Giese ’58 ★ Karen & Bill Giffin, Jr ’64 Maria & Mark Golden Nancy Hurlbut & Patrick Grimm ’77 ★ Amy (Hostetter) & Michael Gulmann ’95 ★ Sally Morrison & Gary Haggard ’58 ★ Deborah & John Hall Hayley Martin-Hampton & Eric Hampton ’80 ★ Megan (Olson) Hanni ’98 Norm Hardy ▴ Megumi & John Haskin ★ Katy Henrickson ’91 Sam Hickey ’17 ★ Cathy Stevulak & Leonard Hill ’77 ★ Carrie (Cross) ’82 & Blythe Hirst ✦ Emmet Hogan ▴ Lori & Tom Huling Roberta Hurst Ann & David Jennings Linda & Carl Jensen, Jr ’58 ★ Monica & Brian Johnson Nicole & Jerry Johnson, Jr Paul Johnson ’82 Celia & Verne Justice Martha Noerr & Jeff Keane ’71 Patrick Kehoe ’59 Colleen Kerschbaum Dan Kingsbury ’68 Estate of Rev John E Koehler ★ ♦ Erin Light & John Kokesh ’79 Adele & Steven Kroeger ✦ Earl Lane ’63 Madeleine & William Lapke Maxine Larson Dianne & Roland Layton ’60 ★ Carol & Pat LePley ’66 Wendy & Sig Linke ’87 Mardy & Eric Lippke ’80 Masako & Todd Long Betsy & Larry Lorenz ’62 ★ ♦ Sheila & Marco Magnano, Jr ’60 ★ ♦ Meghan (Comunale) ’96 & Milo Magnano, Jr ’96 Dick Manning ’50 ♦ Lynda & Douglas Martin ✦ Ruthann & Jerry Martin ’67 Andrew Martinez ’03 Mike McBride Gretchen & Jim McDevitt ’61 Phil McLean ’56 Jill & Bob McLean ’59 ★ ♦ Tom McMullen ’66 Katy McNaughton ’01 Vicky & Kevin McNett Teresa (Lea) ’89 & Teddy Metcalf Kym Michela ’85 & Joel Krist Kat Spellman-Miner ’87 & Stuart Miner ’85 Anne & Paul Mocha ★ Jeanine & Timothy Morley Karen Freeman & Kevin Murphy ’74 ★ Tom Nguyen ▴ ✦
“I am grateful for the amazing network of people at Prep who all care for me and my success.” – Jack ’16 Margaret & Joe Niemer ’69 Kidist & Fred Norton, Jr Michael O’Connell ’62 ★ Kari & Sean O’Driscoll Nancy & Brian O’Hara ’66 John Osterman ’36 Debbie & Pat Ostrander ★ Christine & Jon Ovenell Kathleen & John Parry Debbie & Rick Patneaude ’69 Maria & Brian Paulsen ★ Mary de Rosas & Paul Peterhans ▴ ✦ Mary & Jack Peterson ’72 Shelly Kay (Hackett) ’94 & Medby Pfeiffer ’94 ★ Theresia Podany Denise & Andrew Pohlmann Kate & Mike Price ★ Julie Dunlap & Joe Pritting ✦ Michelle & Nick Psyhogeos Shana Chung & Edwin Rauzi Jane & Jack Reagan ’64 Molly & Ted Reischling Noelle & Shannon Richards ✦ Michael Robinson ’98 Mary Grace & Chris Roske ’81 Bryan Saario ’58 ★ ♦ Karen Dowdall-Sandford & Christopher Sandford Helen (Sauvage) ’79 & Bob Santucci ’77 Missy & Joe Sauvage ’81 Cathy & Lester Sauvage, Jr ’75 Alicia Scalzo Wilmoth ’95 & Jon Wilmoth Margaret & Mark Scheibe ’67 ★ Karen Mackey & Willem Scholten ▴ Monica & Mark Scott ✦ Najada & Luan Shahini Julie & George Shaw Laura Brady & David Simpson Todd Stevens ’79 Abby Mulugeta & Zebene Techane ★ Evelyn Thomas Karen & Pete Torelli ’61 ★ Bill Trinen ’90 Stephanie & Jeff Twining ’05 Paul Twining ’08 Mark Ulloa ’71 ★ Katie & Joe van Zyl Phuong Nguyen & Todd Vien Lynn Wagner ★ Joy Paraiso & Lonnie Watson, Jr ✦ TJ Werner ’15 ★ Renee Willette & Jay Schwartz ▴ Ginni & Bill Wilson ’68 ♦ Lori & Terry Winkelhake ★ Linda & Michael Wishkoski ★ Linda & Michael Zaugg ★ ▴ Dee & Tony Zimmerman ’56
Panther Club ($100 +) Anonymous (4) Janice & Bruce Abe ★ ▴ Margaret & Frank Adam Angie & Brett Aggen ★ Jordan Alcantara ’10 ▴ ✦ Emily Aleinikoff ’13 Tina Alexander Marilyn & John Allen Shari & Wim Alma ’63 ★ Pauline Alokolaro ▴ Cindi & Tom Anderson Therese (Blazina) Andre ’79 Nancy Kelley & Tom Angelovic ’61 Myrna & Joe Antonich ’63 Lynn Arthur Michael Babich ’06 ★ Lisa & Scot Baker ✦ Susie & Stan Bakun ’68 Britta (Bede) ’02 & Stephan Banchero ’00 ★ Denise & Saul Bankaitis Leslie Barich Sharon & Bill Barnes John Barth ’10 ★ Cindy Price Baur & Bob Baur Stacey & Steve Bean Molly (Findley) ’96 & Brandon Bede ’96 Lisa & Jeff Behrman ’77 MRC ★ Jon Bell ’11 Shaun Bell Tricia & Fred Bentley III Sophia Zervas-Berg & Arvid Berg Bei & Joe Bernal ▴ Geralyn & Todd Bertellotti Pam & Mike Bing ’71 Sean & Drew Blazey Elaine & Tom Bligh Lori Freer & Peter Bocek Jolene & Rick Boyle ▴ Annabel Branigan Wm Clark Brant ’63 ★ Sharon & Patrick Brem Mary Kay Brennan ★ Kate & Steve Bronson ’85 Paula Becker & Barry Brown Conne Bruce ★ Sylvia & Leland Bull ★ John Bulman ’41 ★ DeAnne & Frank Buono ’57 ★ Sandy & Rafael Burga Susan & Mike Bussell ★ Kim Butler ★ Rachel & Matt Butler ▴ Pat & Don Byington ’45 Bev & Jim Cacabelos ’77 James Cannon ’66 Kathy & Rich Cannon ’70 Jean & David Cantu ’74 Gray & Doug Cantwell Hortensia Castillo-Carey & Jay Carey ’65 Terry & Tim Carney ’74 Alison & Michael Carter, Sr
Julie & Ross Case ’70 Donna & Tom Chan ’52 Patricia & Kenneth Chastain Joanne & Ivar Chhina Corlynda & Wesley Chism Jr Ann & Jack Christiansen ♦ Rita & Peter Chudecke Dorie & William Clancy ’53 Sandra & Bill Clark, Jr ’61 Carly Clawson ’11 ★ Kendra Clawson ’09 ★ David Clough ’01 ★ Kerry & Carmon Comunale Anne & Tim Connell Jackie & Jac Cooper ★ Silvia De Biase & John Cooper, Jr Tracy Cornell Lucretia & Dan Costello ’60 ★ Leslie Craddock Nate Crawford ’14 ★ Theresa & Chris Crean ’93 Doris & Kamaul Cross Pat Crowley ’71 Caroline & Raymond Cutuli Rebecca & Tim Davidson ’63 Anne-Marie Davids-Puzzo Cindy & Pat Dawson ’71 Jackie & Roem de la Cruz John DeMan ’50 Annette & Frank DeMeyer ’57 Keli & Mark DeRitis ’69 Barbara & Brian DiJulio ’79 Chris Dishman ’77 Sue & Vic Dmitriev ▴ Stacy Donovan ’02 ★ Robin & Roger Dowdy ’87 ★ Robin & Robert Dullea ★ Jim Dwyer ’76 Marilyn & Dave Easton Dan Eiben ’64 ♦ Lisa Keith & Dave Ellinger ★ ▴ Elizabeth Elliott JoAnn & Paul Elo ★ Dana & Brian Elsner ’97 ★ ▴ Elisa & Max Engel, Jr ’96 ▴ Dina (Hababa) Erickson ’85 Norma & Tom Evered ’57 Mary & Dennis Falcone Sahar & Yousif Farjo Karen & Ross Fay ’64 ★ Kathy & Jim Feek Teresa LaCugna Fields & Brian Fields ’77 MRC ▴ Marcia Fischer ✦ Dani & David Flanagan Fran & Ollie Flor ’56 ★ Joni and Mick Flynn ’58 ★ David Foley ’59 Rachel & Nicholas Ford ▴ ✦ Nancy & Chris Fox Lois & John Fox Sandra Foy ▴ Jerel Frauenheim ’89 Jennifer Freeman ▴ Janie & Herbert Freer ’70 Dulce Frial ’78 & Harvey Moul Karen & Fritz Frolich ’57 Katharine & Stephen Fuller ★ Jill & Troy Fulmore Conlon Garcia ’13 ★
Angie & Bill Gardner III Cristopher Garlitz Gloria & Dick Gedrose ▴ Cristin & Glenn Geisendorfer Claudia Gietzen ’14 ★ Geraldine & Bob Giuntoli, Sr ’56 ★ Vera & Jim Glascock ’73 Katilin & Grant Goodall ’00 Courtney (Crean) ’95 & James Goodheart ’95 Jeannie & Charles Gravenkemper Ryan Groshong ’04 ★ Melissa & Jim Guerci ’67 Maria & John Guinasso, Jr Maureen & Bryan Gummersall ’81 ▴ Delana Beltran-Haag & Derek Haag Rebecca Hagelin Mullin ’98 Candace & Bill Hall ’89 Margie & Jon Hallgrimson Alex Hammerle-Hoover Susan & Zack Hangauer ’62 ★ Myra & Jack Hanover III ’66 ★ ♦ Leslie & Greg Harlow ✦ Aladene & Jim Harney ’53 ★ ▴ Sue & Tom Harvey ’85 Tracy & Chris Healey ’73 Cheryl Healy ▴ Liz McGowan & Guy Hedreen ’77 Georgianne & Steve Hedrick ’71 Margaret & Richard Hendrickson ’63 Matt Henn ’82 Mary Guerra & William Herkes Rita Heye Carolyn & John Hickman ’70 ♦ Lan Hoang Kathy & Bob Holert Teresa & Chip Holland ★ John Honda ’40 Paula & Jim Houston ★ Sue & Dan Huberty ♦ Lucia & Geoffrey Hui Nicole Huling-Dixson ’00 & Steve Dixson Marie & Don Ibsen ’55 ★ Joyce & Bill James ’57 Joanne Janni-Ryles Karen Keyes-Watkins & Dan Jellen ’82 Ellen & David Jenner Darlene & Tom Jergens ’75 Jamie Polito & Jim Johnston ★ ▴ Sheba Burney-Jones & Gary Jones ✦ Lance Jones ’96 Jennifer (Curran) ’92 & Ron Kelly ★ Joan & Michael Kelly ★ Barbara & Robert Kelly ’49 Kate Cudney & Jeffery KenKnight Maureen & Mike Kerschbaum ’63 Chris Kiehn ▴ Brian Kilduff ’93 ★ Nancy Kilmer Binh Dang & Eric King Bethany & Tim King ’86 Kevin Kingman ’01 Jack Kinsella ’56 Chris Kocher Julie & Steven Konen Sarita and Rajinder Kumar
★ Endowment Contributor ▴ Current or Former Faculty or Staff ✦ SPREE Fall 2015 Fund-a-Need Contributor ♦ Panther Legacy Society
Linda & Edward La Cava Shawnee Weir & Greg LaFlam ’65 ★ Ken LaGrandeur ’51 Brigid & Bruce Laing ’50 Meredith & Gregory Lambert Mary Kay & Gregory Lambert ’43 Sharon & Emmett Lane ’63 ★ Patricia & Steve LaRiviere ’52 Deborah & Scott Larsen Eileen & James Larson, Jr ’69 Vui Nguyen & Tien Le Josh Lehman ’98 Rozenn Lemaitre ★ Shirley & David Lewis Suzanne & Bill Lindberg ’63 ★ Lori & Patrick Linke ’85 Kristine & Casey Losh ’91 Kelly & Darron Losse Lisa & Kevin Lovejoy ’77 Kathleen & Mike Lovejoy Kristina Franz-Lundberg & Dan Lundberg Anh Thu Nguyen & Quang Luong J Basil Lyden Mary & Joe Lynam
Keri & Rob MacAulay ’74 Karin Ogren & Brian Mack ▴ Sandra (Blair) ’83 & Eric Maddox ★ Campbell Maghie ’16 ★ Colleen Mallahan ’03 & Ben Handel Gail Marshall & Leslie Mallonee Mary & Douglas Manning ★ Rick Markov ’61 ★ Chris Martin ’68 Tom Martin ’04 Kelly & Jeff Massey ✦ Ben Mawhinney ★ ▴ Megan McAuliffe-Bartot ’89 & Jay Bartot ▴ Julie & Rob McCann ✦ Michele & Patrick McClean Ellen & Pat McCoy ’56 Ann & Neil McCurdy Sally Sue (MacLean) ’83 & David McDonald ★
Mimi & Tucker McHugh ’67 ★ Matt McKay ’52 Colleen Browne & Dan McKillop ’62 Pat & Joe McNamee, Jr ’63 Judy & Curly McNamee ’63 Deana & Greg McNeill ▴ Gena & David McReynolds Maureen & Bryce McWalter ’68 Amy & Jim Medved Jody Melia ’49 Alicia (Collora) ’93 & Brian Meza ’92 ▴ Carl Michelotti ’55 Patti & Don Miller ’55 Hoang & Pete Mirante Jennifer Paris & Brian Moe Mimi (Bettineski) ’82 & Jim Moloney Marisa Monroe ’96 Michael Monroe ’95 Linda & Ric Monroe Mike Morrison ’71 Dieu-Thuong Nguyen Tran Quach & Hoang Nguyen Jeffrey Nicholls ’83 ★ Margi & Peter Niu
Jennifer & Tom Odle ★ Spencer O’Grady ’63 Felicia Oh ’85 ★ Tara O’Hanlon ’05 ★ Cathy & Mark Ohlstrom ’75 Judy & Terry O’Keefe ’61 ★ Sharee & Jerry Olson Anne & Pat O’Rourke ’76 Hilary Ortiz & Javier Ortiz-Aponte ✦ Darlene DeGhetto & Steve Osmek ★ Sallie & Dale Palella ’55 Susan & Michael Palmer ★ Melissa & Christopher Parent Jocelyn Roemer-Patchen & Ray Patchen ✦ Amy & Richard Pelly ✦ Gunnar Peterson ’00 Mary Anne & Doug Petesch Randy Petgrave ’85
Megan Piehler ’80 Rena (Caso) ’80 & Brian Piercy ★ ▴ Dora & Jose Pineda ▴ Viviane Diaz & Daniel Pisciotta Teresa Pitre ’77 Diana & George Plumis ’56 Christina Woods & James Potts Margaret & Pat Pressentin ’63 ★ Erin & John Pribble Dan Pugel ’69 ★ Lil Zadra & Mike Quillin ▴ Virginia & William Quinn ’41 Gene Rafanelli ’59 Marcy & Ralph Rafanelli ’52 Susie & Marty Rall ’74 Bob Ramseth ’62 ★ Susan & David Read ’65 ★ David Redenbaugh ’02 ★ Lori (Billings) ’88 & Bruce Reynolds ★ Edie & Tom Richards ’49 Cathy Seneviratne ’98 & Micah Richardson ▴ Annette & Roger Rieger Patrick Riley ’50 Maude & John Roark ’49 Kay Robinson Sue & George Rockwell ★ Pat & Dave Rogers ’60 ★ Kristin & Eric Rogers ’83 Ian Ross ’02 Shelly Chinn & James Ross Nicole Dacquisto Rothrock & Tim Rothrock ★ Jess & James Rudolf ’96 ★ Carlen Ruelos ’96 ★ Liz & Steve Rummage Maria Socorro & Rey-Dante Sahagun Cyril Sanchez ’96 Robin & Dick Sandstrom ’64 ★ ▴ June Ann & Phil Sauntry ’61 Chrissy & Bill Sauvage ’86 Catherine & Donald Schafer Connie & Fred Scheetz ’63 Mary (McDowall) ’86 & Steve Schimmelman Kim & Brian Schliesman Sheelah & Dave Schreiber ’62 ♦ Regina Arceo-Schulz & Bryan Schulz Lori & Deino Scott ’74 ▴ Michael Scott ’39 Cathy & Paul Seely ’65 Cindy (Schober) ’82 & Tom Seib ’82 ▴ Emma Sexton ’15 ★ Katie Sexton ’12 ★ Becca Sexton ’10 ★ Judy Shafer ✦ Leslee & Tim Shanahan Steven Shellenbarger ’02 Chris Sheppard ’16 ★ Judy Nakashima-Shoji & Brian Shoji Emily Showman ’99 Michele & Jack Simmons Ann Marie Slevin ▴ Anne & Garrett Smith Diane & Mark Smith ★ Beth & Jack Sommerville Lori & Jim Stark ’57 ★ Monica & George Stein Karen & Eric Stern Joan & John Sullivan ★ Marty Sullivan ’02 Michael & Robbin Sullivan ’57 Patty & Terry Sullivan ▴
Mari & Patrick Sullivan ’90 ★ Shari & Casey Sullivan ’74 Kathryn & Tom Sullivan Mary & Brian Sweeney ’70 ★ Janeth & Dale Talty Rayme & Edwin Teders Grant Telfer ’59 Marge & Ed Terhar ’46 Mulumebet Negash & Yitbarek Teshome Mary Kate (Grady) Thayer ’06 ★ Sheree Thompson Matt Throckmorton ★ ▴ Holly & Sandor Tiche Laura & Michael Tobin Mara Pinza Todd & John Todd Debo & Ernie Tolentino ★ Stacy Donovan ’02 & Jeff Torrance ’00 ★ Scottie & Tom Trebon ’62 ★ Michelle & Caslav Trifunovic Eleonor Ugay Roberta & Toshio Uno Abeba & Scott Vandenburgh Maria (Papasedero) ’00 & Nick Vermeer ★ Bud Voermans ’55 Erica & Michael Voolich ’61 Pete Voolich ’73 Stephanie Read & Ed Walker ★ Ellen Walker Roberta & Jim Walsh ’56 Melissa & William Walsh Sarah (Dunnam) ’94 & Andrew Watts ★ Mary & Steve West ’68 Kathy Greer-Wilkes & Tom Wilkes ★ Courtney (Chandler) ’97 & Mike Williams ’95 Colleen Martin & Chapin Wilson III Steven Windell ’58 ★ Cathy & Tony Wise Laurey & Mike Wittman Omi & Ted Woodward Sarah & Nick Woodward ’00 ★ Sharon & Leon Young Ruth & James Zepeda Monica & Clement Zipp, Jr ’72
Blue & White Club ($1.00+) Anonymous (3) Lirio & Francis Abenojar ★ Raymond Alindogan Susan & Michael Allen ★ Venicia Allen-Johnson ★ ▴ Lisa Burgess & Brian Alm Lauren Anderson ’98 Maeve Anderson ’15 ★ Megan Aust ’16 ★ Carla & Mike Babich Jennifer & Mike Baechler ’62 Brittanie Bailor ’06 ✦ Laura & Justin Baker ’93 Sandy & John Barnes ’56 Andrew Bartram ’98 Elaine Becker Bryson Bede ’99 ★ Nancy & Patrick Beecher ’69 Alex Behrman ’15 ★ Frances Belcher ’16 ★ Camille Benda ’89 ★ Amanda Bergman ’02 Tina Bermudez ’15 ★ Doug Bevis, Jr ’04
Eva Beyer ’15 ★ Jody & Hunt Beyer ★ ▴ Luc Birchfield ’16 ★ Benjamin Bladow ’16 ★ Ryan Blair ’16 ★ Brian Bligh ’99 Jordan Blue ’16 ★ Margaret Bocek Erin Boniface ’08 ★ Liz & Casey Borgen ▴ ✦ Fr Phil Boroughs, SJ ’67 ★ Brian Bowers ’16 ★ Patrick Boyle ’15 ★ Elaine & George Brand ’46 Cameron Breen ’11 Valerie & Edward Breen Charlie Brennan ’13 Katie Brennan ’16 ★ Michael Breshock ’15 ★ Cooper Brethauer ’16 ★ Anne & Mike Brixner ’66 Noah Brown ’16 ★ Kate Bubar ’15 ★ Sarah Buchanan ’16 ★ Barbara Bulzomi ★ Charlie Burke ’05 ★ Kim & Mike Burke ’70 ★ Olivia Caflisch ’15 ★ Tom Cain ’61 Barbara & Don Campbell ’50 John Cannon ’61 ★ Laura & Shawn Cantrell Dodie & Bob Capeloto ★ Mike Caplice ’51 Laurie & Pat Caraher ’57 Cullen Carter ’16 ★ Maureen & Tyler Caruso Judy & Chris Casper ’65 ★ Conrad Chavez ’82 Maddie Chhina ’16 ★ Clarissa & Lanny Ching ’66 Peter Christiansen ’11 ★ Marilyn Clarke Irish Coles ’48 Lauren Cook ’04 ★ Priscilla Cordell Duncan Corr ’04 ★ Ricarda Quiroz & Rosalino Cortes Dorothy & Dave Crean Doug Crooks ’93 Jeanne Davis Inola & Danny de la Cruz Kristen (Wilson) ’98 & Noel de Turenne ’98 Kate Delaney ’16 ★ Nancy & Dan Dennehy ’76 Kari (Erickson) ’93 & Dave Denton ★ Dora DeRitis Joey DeRitis ’10 Maria Banfalvy & Phil Dietrich ★ ▴ Joan & Jim DiJulio, Jr ’47 ★ ♦ Melissa Dold & Kyle Cook ▴ Connor Donnelly ’04 ★ Patrick Donnelly ’08 ★ Ross Donnelly ’05 ★ Jake Donovan ’06 ★ Jen Dotsey ▴ Mildred Douthit Andrea Driano ’89 ★ Stacy & Steve Duex ’74 ★ Joe Dugoni ’15 ★
Cristina & Bob Dugoni Cathy (Buckley) ’88 & John Dummer Cathy Dunn ’89 & Joseph Hewitt Laura Widdice ’82 & Richard Dunn ’82 ★ John Dwyer ’42 Robin & Robert Ehli ’57 Robbie & Jim Elder ’76 Granville Emerson ▴ Tricia (Cassels) ’91 & Andrew Enfield Rolita & Okey Ezeonu ★ Mike Fahey ’66 Davis Fairchild ’16 ★ James Ferrese ’15 ★ Anna Ferron ’16 ★ Megan Filarski ’15 ★ Mike Fischer ’58 ★ Leslyn & Michael Fitch Mary Kay & John Fitzgerald, DDS ’51 Garrett Fliflet ’99 ★ Anna Fotheringham ’16 ★ Kendall & James Frazier Pauline & Tyke Furey ’48 Conor Garand ’16 ★ Matt Gasparich ’00 ★ Patricia Geraghty Geri & Bob Geraghty ’64 JB Gibson ’10 Olivia Gilbert ’16 ★ Lyndsey & Brad Gillis ▴ Janell & Geoff Gilmore Teresa Colello & Steve Gilmour ’71 Joy & William Goodenough Judy & Brian Gough ’67 Georgia Green ’16 ★ Annie & Michael Griff Georgi Grimm ’15 ★ Michael Grohman ’04 ★ Matteo Guillot de Suduiraut ’16 ★ Gina & Bill Haines ’72 Ian Hajnosz ’13 ★ Myrna & Charles Hall
Reilly Hall ’73 Cheryl Woodard & James Haney Alyssa Harris ’15 ★ Lorraine & Dennis Hartmann Erik Heggelund ’03 ★ Mike Heinrich ’57 ★ Anja & John Helmon Nora Hendricks ’15 ★ Mary & Paul Heneghan, Jr ’79 Margaret & Fred Herb ’54 Bernadette Laqueur & Paul Herstein Samantha Hiatt ’16 ★ Dane Hofbauer ’02 Debra & George Hofbauer Joni (Donaldson) ’92 & Chris Hoffman Mike Holm ’04 ★ Jim Hoover ’66 Laura (Blangiardi)’04 & Ned Hosford Sandra & Garth Houlihan ’52 Fr Pat Howell, SJ John Huberty ’00 Kathy & Joe Hueffed ’90 ★ Christy & Matt Hunt ’01 Sam Hunter ’15 ★ Laura & Rick Hupf ’68 Phil Hurvitz ’80 Pat & Al Hyde ’56 Kathryn Hyde ’15 ★ Keiko & Mike Intlekofer ’66 John Jackman ’16 ★ Julia Petersen & RJ Jacobs Aidan Jensen ’15 ★ Rosalyn Jinkens Helen Johnson ’16 ★ Clara & Thomas Kachman Bill Kaiser ’94 Mulunesh Hagos & Zerai Keflu Susan Kerr Donna Keyser Jonathan Khalfayan ’15 ★ Kyri & Brad Khouri ▴
Terri & Michael Killeen Shannon King ’15 ★ Melissa & Arne Klubberud ’94 Katie Kocher ’16 ★ KPMG Community Giving Campaign Anne & Anton Kramer ▴ Kathy Krikorian & John McLaughlin Kassandra Krohn ’16 ★ Erik Kuebler ’16 ★ Max Kwan ’05 ★ Yvonne & Jack Lamey ★ Brad Laney ’93 Maxine & Bob Larson ’43 Ryan Larson ’04 Alice (Keyser) ’85 & Mike Lawson Staci Sleigh-Layman & Dan Layman ’73 ★ Matt Leff ’11 ★ Diane & Lee Libby Iolanta Louneva Katie (Harrington) ’97 & Jack Lovejoy ’97 ★ ▴ Kyle Lydon ’16 ★ Natalie Lynam ’15 ★ Jane & Jim Lyons ’50 ★ Lisa Mabunga ’09 ★ Marissa Madrazo ’15 ★ Patty & Jim Malneritch ’54 Maggie Malone ’16 ★ Grainne O’Leary & Paul Marchione ’83 Chris Martin ’16 ★ Matt Martin ’16 ★ Marianne & Alvin Matsumoto Gisele & Harry Matthews ★ JT Matthews ’15 ★ Lauren Matthews ’13 ★ Paula Maxwell ★ Kyle McAfee ’15 ★ Jack McCune ’16 ★ Lacey McGarry ’03 Sue & Greg McIvor ’70 ★ Lisa & Tom McKenny Madeline & Michael McKenzie ★
Meghan McLaughlin ’16 ★ Denny Meehan ’57 Donna & David Michaelson ’58 Natasha & Daniel Miller Barbara & Chip Miner ’81 Mary & Mark Mitchell ▴ Nick Mocha ’16 ★ Michael Moreland ’60 Caroline Motzer ’15 ★ Sam Murphy ’16 ★ Joe Nelson ’16 ★ Kevin Neuzil ’10 Linda Femling-Nielsen & James Nielsen Willow Nye ’16 ★ Fr Natch Ohno, SJ ’66 Margaret & Larry O’Leary ’63 Darik Olson ▴ Alex Osborn ’13 ★ Olivia Ovenell ’15 ★ Pamela & Jack Palmer ’60 Leila Ramac-Pasco & John Pasco John Patneaude ’00 ★ Deborah Walters & Dan Patterson ’69 Sarah Kopf & Gavin Patterson Patrick Paulsen ’16 ★ Emma Pelly ’15 ★ Annie Wakefield & David Penny ’96 Andrew Percival ’02 ★ Amy (Mecklenburg) ’94 & Francisco Perez Hannah Petersen-Barton ’96 & John Barton ★
Julia Piacentini ’15 ★ Dana Cashman & Glenn Pingul Frank Podany ’85 Katherine (Powers) ’81 & Glenn Podany ’81 Amy & John Podany ’80 Nisha & Sam Prajapati ▴ Lauren Pritting ’15 ★ Tim Prusa ’14 ★ Laurie & Kirk Putnam ’71 Ryan Raisio ’93 Maria & Nicolas Ramirez Peter Ramsay ’15 ★ Jack Ratliffe ’15 ★ Joe Ratliffe ’16 ★ Kristi Raymond Joneschild ’97 & David Joneschild Jenny Reichl ▴ Blanca and Ronie Reyes Gretta Richardson ’15 ★ Sheila Cosgrove & Gregg Ridgeway ★ Ellie Roberts ’15 ★ Catherine & Tom Roe ’53 Sydney (Odell) Rozgo ’95 Grace & Mendel Saturnino Mona & John Sauvage ’77 Karen & Daniel Schnebele ★ Elisabeth Schnebele ’15 ★ Audrey & Coby Schultz Patricia & Joe Scudder ’53 Lita Suafoa & Laufiso Seni ★ Chris Simpkins ’15 ★
Barb & Tom Skoda ’60 Monica & Bill Smersh ’77 Craig Smith ’68 Allen Smith Ali Spietz ’94 ★ Allyson Sprague ’03 ★ Krista & Max Sprague ★ Jack Stewart ’15 ★ Betsy & John Stillings ★ Perry Stout ’13 Cammy Stukel ’16 ★ Diana Bender & Louis Sweeny Sam Tabbutt ’15 ★ Victoria Talty ’15 ★ Laura & Michael Targett Mauna Arnzen & Nick Tarlson ’73 Norma & George Taylor ’45 Linda & Jack Thomas ’52 Kirstin (Reid) ’89 & Dan Thompson Katie & Paul Thurman ★ Greta Tobin ’16 ★ Guy Tobin ’81 ▴ ♦ Jordan Tolentino ’15 ★ Kathleen & Cliff Townsend Judy Moschetto & Nobi Tsuzuki United Way of Bergen County Anthony Uno ’96 Nathan Usibelli ’16 ★ Eric Van Hare ’16 ★ Margarita Cruz-Vanegas & Anwar Vanegas ★ Taariq Vanegas ’15 ★
Chelsea Villanueva ’16 ★ Leonie & Rene Villanueva Ben Wagstaff ’16 ★ Lenore Waldron Jenelle & Mark Walhout ★ RoxAnn Ward Richard Waters ’52 Joan & Bob Weis Sara (Poth) ’99 & Lucas Welch ’99 ♦ Michelle & Kevin Wherry ’74 ★ Aaron Whitters ’16 ★ Morgan Wilkes ’15 ★ Sheila Wilkie Mary & Richard Willy Keyah Wilson ’15 ★ Nicole Wilson ’16 ★ Heidi Pauwels & Dale Winebrenner Jodie (Curran) ’96 & Jeff Wise ★ Cameron Wong ’15 ★ Kelly (DiJulio) ’02 & Brian Woodward ’02 ★ Joe Wright ’64 Cortney (Comunale) ’98 & Stanford Wyatt ’98 Donna & Richard Yellam ’50 Allyson Ylvisaker ’15 ★ Lauren Ylvisaker ’16 ★ Molly & Guy Yogi Kathryn Zepeda ’15 ★ Danny Zorotovich ’98 ★
1936 John Osterman
Jack Thomas Richard Waters
Michael Scott
Richard Ambur ★ William Clancy Pat Coogan ♦ Jim Dever Grant Gauger Jim Harney ★ ▴ Tom Roe Jack Rosling Joe Scudder
1940 John Honda
1941 John Bulman ★ William Quinn
1942 John Dwyer Chuck McHugh ★
If your class year ends in a 2 or 7, this is your year for a reunion! Make plans now to join your classmates July 20 - 23, 2017 on the Prep campus. Please contact Kathy Krueger in the Alumni Office at 206-577-2149 if you would like to help plan your reunion events.
ALUMNI BOARD 2015/2016
Jack Blume ★ ♦ Don Byington George Taylor
George Brand Eugene Moloney Ed Terhar
Dick Abrams ♦ Don Ibsen ★ Carl Michelotti Don Miller Dale Palella Mike Shea Jerry Toussaint Bud Voermans
Jim DiJulio, Jr ★ ♦
Robert Kelly Jody Melia Tom Richards John Roark James Smith
John Barnes John Bradley Alec Brindle, Sr ★ Bob Brown Guy DiJulio ★ Ollie Flor ★ Bob Giuntoli, Sr ★ Al Hyde Jack Kinsella Pat McCoy Phil McLean George Plumis Jim Walsh Tony Zimmerman
Chair Luis Aragon ’97
Susie (Brazil) Bailor ’80 Kelly (Nolan) Daniels ’99 Beth (Greger) Derrig ’77 MRC Michelle Diego-Smith ’94 Brian DiJulio ’79 Kevin Erickson ’93 Eric Hampton ’80 Tom Hoffer ’80 Marc Linafelter ’68 Brian Losh ’67 Mike Matthews ’79 Sarah (Ostler) Morris ’94 Yosh Ohno ’65 Shelly Kay (Hackett) Pfeiffer ’94 Morena (Caso) Piercy ’80 Ted Plumis ’92 Jane Powers ’80 James Rudolf ’96 Bill Sauvage ’86 Kevin Smith ’79
Gregory Lambert Fr Dick Ward ★
Jim Donovan ♦ Fred Herb James Lambeth Jim Malneritch Jim Navone
Irish Coles Tyke Furey John Ghiglione Jim McAteer ★
Brett Franceschina ’04
Don Campbell John DeMan Bruce Laing Jim Lyons ★ Dick Manning ♦ Patrick Riley Richard Yellam
1951 Mike Caplice John Fitzgerald Tim Flood Gary Gray Ken LaGrandeur Tim Ryan Phil Waters ★
1952 Tom Chan Garth Houlihan Steve LaRiviere Matt McKay Ralph Rafanelli
Mike Albrecht Frank Buono ★ Pat Caraher John Curran ★ Frank DeMeyer Robert Ehli Tom Evered Fritz Frolich Mike Heinrich ★ John Hopcroft ★ Bill James Denny Meehan Jim Stark ★ Michael Sullivan
1958 Guido Bergman ★ Jerry Dinndorf ★ ✦ Bill Evans ★ Mike Fischer ★ Mick Flynn ★ Paul Giese ★
Gary Haggard ★ Carl Jensen, Jr ★ Larry McHugh ★ Steve McKay ★ Gary Merlino ★ David Michaelson Phil Perry ★ Kelly Pickering ★ Bryan Saario ★ ♦ David Waltier ★ ♦ Steven Windell ★
1959 Robert Brennan David Foley Patrick Kehoe David Kennedy ★ Don Luby ♦ Bob McLean ★ ♦ Mike McQuaid ♦ Gene Rafanelli Jerome Rose Rob Sullivan, Jr Grant Telfer
1960 Dan Costello ★ Roland Layton ★ Marco Magnano, Jr ★ ♦ Don Merlino ★ ✦ Michael Moreland Roger O’Connell ★ Jack Palmer Dave Rogers ★ Tom Skoda
1961 Tom Angelovic Tom Cain John Cannon ★ Bill Clark, Jr Chris Eagan ★ Jon Egge ★ John Griffin ★ Rick Markov ★ Jim McDevitt Jim Moyer Terry O’Keefe Phil Sauntry Pete Torelli ★ Michael Voolich
Richard Russell ★ Dave Schreiber ♦ Joe Shephard, Jr Tom Trebon ★
1963 Wim Alma ★ Joe Antonich Clarke Brant Tim Davidson Leon de Turenne Joe Gaffney ★ ♦ Richard Hendrickson Mike Kerschbaum Earl Lane Emmett Lane ★ Bill Lindberg ★ Joe Magnano ★ ♦ Joe McNamee, Jr Curly McNamee Lou Oberndorf ♦ Spencer O’Grady Larry O’Leary Skip Penny ★ Pat Pressentin ★ Fred Scheetz Michael Torre
1964 Dan Eiben ♦ Ross Fay ★ Bob Geraghty Bill Giffin Dick Jaeger ★ Greg Rafanelli ★ Jack Reagan Tom Robinson ♦ Dick Sandstrom ★ ▴ Joe Wright
1965 Jay Carey Chris Casper ★ Greg LaFlam ★ Gar LaSalle Patrick Naughton Yosh Ohno ♦ David Read ★ Paul Seely Ron Taylor
1966 1962 Mike Baechler John Bianchi Zack Hangauer ★ Steve Hopps ★ Steve Koehler ★ ♦ Larry Lorenz ★ ♦ Bill Marti ★ Dan McKillop Dave Mitchell, Jr ★ Michael O’Connell ★ Bob Ramseth ★ John Renner, Jr ★
Mike Brixner James Cannon Lanny Ching Kelly Corr Greg Duncan ♦ Mike Fahey Tom Gores ♦ Jack Hanover III ★ ♦ James Hoover Mike Intlekofer Terry Irvine Rich Kelly, Jr Pat LePley
★ Endowment Contributor ▴ Current or Former Faculty or Staff ✦ SPREE Fall 2015 Fund-a-Need Contributor ♦ Panther Legacy Society
“I get inspired by the community at Prep and all of my friends. With their support I feel like I can achieve whatever goals I set.” – Kevin ’17 Tom McMullen Doug Moreland Brian O’Hara Fr Natch Ohno, SJ Steve Scalzo
1967 Fr Phil Boroughs, SJ ★ Brian Gough Jim Guerci Al Irvine Brian Losh ♦ Jerry Martin Tucker McHugh ★ Mark Scheibe ★
1968 Stan Bakun Rick Hupf Daniel Kingsbury Marc Linafelter ♦ Chris Martin Bryce McWalter Anthony Merola ♦ Craig Smith Steve West Bill Wilson ♦
1969 Patrick Beecher Mark DeRitis Steve DiJulio ★ Jim Larson Joe Niemer Rick Patneaude Dan Patterson Brian Plikaytis Dan Pugel ★ Anthony Scioly Mark Wheeler ✦
1970 Tom Boehmer Tom Borda Bill Buchanan Mike Burke ★ Ballan Campeau ★ Rich Cannon Ross Case Joe Demarte Herbert Freer Peter Grimm ★ John Hickman ♦ Greg McIvor ★ Vincent Miller III Fred Pickel ★ Paul Sullivan ★ Brian Sweeney ★
1971 Mike Bing Joe Cannon Rick Carroll ★ Pat Crowley John Daviscourt Pat Dawson
Steve Gilmour Steve Hedrick Jeff Keane Andy MacDonald Mike Morrison Kirk Putnam Mark Ulloa ★
1972 Steve Adamek Mark Capeloto Russell Dawson ✦ Marc DiJulio ★ Bill Haines Tim Lee ✦ Jack Peterson Clement Zipp, Jr
1973 John Comick Mike Cordova ★ Jim Glascock Reilly Hall Chris Healey David Heye ★ Dan Layman ★ Jeff Parietti Nick Tarlson Pete Voolich
1974 David Cantu Tim Carney Dan Coleman ✦ ♦ Steve Duex ★ Rob MacAulay John McKay, Jr ✦ ♦ Kevin Murphy ★ Marty Rall Deino Scott ▴ Martin Siemion Casey Sullivan Kevin Wherry ★
1975 Jean-Rene Basle John DeVitis Tom Jergens Mark Ohlstrom Lester Sauvage, Jr Joe Zech ★ ✦
1976 Pat Corr Dan Dennehy Jim Dwyer Jim Elder John O’Neil, Jr ★ ▴ ✦ Pat O’Rourke Jim Powers ★ Bill Teplicky
1977 Jim Cacabelos Chris Dishman Tim Healey
Guy Hedreen Leonard Hill ★ Kevin Lovejoy Bob Santucci Bill Smersh
1977 MRC Jeff Behrman ★ Bob Cecchi ★ ✦ Brian Fields Patrick Grimm ★ Jim Navone Teresa Pitre KC Pleas John Sauvage
1978 Mark Alfieri Bridgett Chandler Tim Dean Dulce Frial Leo Morales Kevin Read ★
1979 Karen Andersen ✦ Therese (Blazina) Andre Brian DiJulio Paul Heneghan, Jr John Kokesh Mike Matthews ★ Brian Peyton Helen (Sauvage) Santucci Todd Stevens
1980 Erin Duffy JoEllen Gehl Eric Hampton ★ Tom Hoffer ★ Phil Hurvitz Mike Kremer Mary (Breskovich) Lee ★✦♦ Eric Lippke Carol Navone-Bonnie Megan Piehler Rena (Caso) Piercy ★ ▴ John Podany Jane Powers ★ ♦
1981 Jim Gemperle Bryan Gummersall ▴ Laura (Giorgetti) Hanson Teresa (Hampton) Jensen Jim Mazure ✦ Mark Metcalf ✦ Chip Miner Nelson Nakata ✦ Glenn Podany Chris Roske Joe Sauvage Guy Tobin ▴ ♦
1982 Conrad Chavez Richard Dunn, Jr ★ Andy Flor ✦ Matt Hendricks ★ ✦ Matt Henn Carrie (Cross) Hirst ✦ Michele Hughes Jennifer (Gleason) Hyde ★✦ Dan Jellen Paul Johnson Mimi (Bettineski) Moloney Maria (Dinndorf) Royer ✦ Charlie Royer ✦ Cindy (Schober) Seib ▴ Tom Seib Laura Widdice ★
Dave Brethauer ★ Monica (Hill) Brethauer ★ Nathaniel Clark Cathy (Buckley) Dummer Joel Frauenheim Lori (Billings) Reynolds ★
Nicole Chastain Courtney (Crean) Goodheart ★ James Goodheart ★ Amy (Hostetter) Gulmann ★ Erika Koehler-Stafford Michael Monroe Dave Raney Sydney (Odell) Rozgo Alicia Scalzo Wilmoth Mike Williams
1989 Dorothy (Godsil) Ambuske✦ Camille Benda ★ Andrea Driano ★ Cathy Dunn Jerel Frauenheim Bill Hall Megan McAuliffe-Bartot ▴ John McDowall Aaron Merz ✦ Teresa Metcalf Kirstin (Reid) Thompson
Leslie Cahill Bratrud Jeannine (Navone) Andy Hendricks ▴ Christofilis Lis (Briggs) LaBellarte ’83 ★♦ Ryan Craig ★ Paul LaBellarte ★♦ Joseph Hueffed ★ Sandra (Blair) Maddox ★ Clark Lindsay ✦ Paul Marchione Grace Palisoc Sally Sue (MacLean) Karen Schorr Craig ★ McDonald ★ Patrick Sullivan ★ Jeffrey Nicholls ★ Theresa (Navone) Roberts 1991 Eric Rogers Bill Trinen
1985 Steve Bronson Lars Christian Shawn Dougherty ✦ Dina (Hababa) Erickson Becky (O’Boyle) Fotheringham Tom Harvey Christopher Jellen Alice (Keyser) Lawson Patrick Linke Kym Michela Stuart Miner Felicia Oh ★ Amy (Henn) Pavelich Randy Petgrave Frank Podany
Tricia (Cassels) Enfield Katy Henrickson Casey Losh Brooks McMahon
1992 Matt Deines Ben Gaffney Joni (Donaldson) Hoffman Jennifer (Curran) Kelly ★ Chris Koehler Brian Meza ▴ Ted Plumis Carolyn (Sumulong) von Behren
Kristin Flor Tim King Bill Sauvage Mary (McDowall) Schimmelman Keith Skogland ✦
Justin Baker Chris Crean Doug Crooks Kari (Erickson) Denton ★ Brian Kilduff ★ Brad Laney Laura (Mattson) ✦ Alicia (Collora) Meza Ryan Raisio
Craig Arthur ★ ▴ Roger Dowdy ★ Pete Flor Pam (Connell) Garand Molly Haggarty Vlahovich Sig Linke Matt Parent ✦ Scott Rossick Kat Spellman-Miner
Bill Kaiser Arne Klubberud Jamie Leigh Sarah (Ostler) Morris Amy (Mecklenburg) Perez Medby Pfeiffer ★ Shelly (Hackett) Pfeiffer ★ Ali Spietz ★ Sarah (Dunnam) Watts ★
1996 Brandon Bede Molly (Findley) Bede Matt Blangiardi ★ Max Engel, Jr ▴ Collin Hathaway Lance Jones Milo Magnano, Jr Meghan (Comunale) Magnano Nicole (de Turenne) McKinley Marisa Monroe David Penny Hannah Petersen-Barton ★ James Rudolf ★ Carlen Ruelos ★ Cyril Sanchez Scott Tamfer Anthony Uno Jodie (Curran) Wise ★
1997 David Alloway Lisanne Chastain ★ Brian Elsner ★ ▴ Matt Griffith ★ Hunt Hanover Katie (Harrington) Lovejoy ★ Jack Lovejoy ★ Kristi Raymond Joneschild Courtney (Chandler) Williams
1998 Lauren Anderson Andrew Bartram Noel de Turenne Kristen (Wilson) de Turenne Ira Gerlich Rebecca Hagelin Mullin Megan (Olson) Hanni Tyler Hathaway Josh Lehman Michael Robinson Cathy Seneviratne Cortney (Comunale) Wyatt Stanford Wyatt Danny Zorotovich ★
1999 Bryson Bede Brian Bligh Kathleen (Foy) Conklin ✦ Garrett Fliflet ★ Anne Marie Koehler Tyler Lange Daniel Saracino Emily Showman Lucas Welch ♦ Sara (Poth) Welch
“I am grateful for the opportunity to go to a school that is challenging academically, has a great sense of community and spirit, and will give me the skills needed to succeed in the future.” – Conor ’18 2000
Stephan Banchero ★ Erin Baranick ★ Chris Comunale ★ Matt Gasparich ★ Grant Goodall John Huberty Nicole Huling-Dixson John Patneaude ★ Gunnar Peterson Jeff Torrance ★ Maria (Papasedero) Vermeer ★ Nick Woodward ★
Michael Babich ★ Brittanie Bailor ✦ Jake Donovan ★ Mary Kate (Grady) Thayer ★
2001 David Clough ★ Matt Hunt Chelsea King Kevin Kingman Katy McNaughton
2002 Britta (Bede) Banchero ★ Amanda Bergman Stacy Donovan ★ Dane Hofbauer Andrew Percival ★ David Redenbaugh ★ Ian Ross Steven Shellenbarger Marty Sullivan Brian Woodward ★ Kelly (DiJulio) Woodward ★
2003 Nick Foppiano Erik Heggelund ★ Colleen Mallahan Andrew Martinez Lacey McGarry Allyson Sprague ★ Anne Marie Twining ★
2004 Doug Bevis, Jr Lauren Cook ★ Duncan Corr ★ Connor Donnelly ★ Brett Franceschina ★ Michael Grohman ★ Ryan Groshong ★ Mike Holm ★ Laura (Blangiardi) Hosford Ryan Larson Tom Martin
2005 Charlie Burke ★ Ross Donnelly ★ Kate Kingen ★ Max Kwan ★ Tara O’Hanlon ★ Jeff Twining
2008 Anonymous Erin Boniface ★ Patrick Donnelly ★ Paul Twining
2009 Kendra Clawson ★ Lisa Mabunga ★
2010 Jordan Alcantara ▴ ✦ John Barth ★ Joey DeRitis JB Gibson Kevin Neuzil Becca Sexton ★
2011 Jon Bell Cameron Breen Peter Christiansen ★ Carly Clawson ★ Matt Leff ★
2012 Katie Sexton ★
2013 Emily Aleinikoff Charlie Brennan Conlon Garcia ★ Ian Hajnosz ★ Lauren Matthews ★ Alex Osborn ★ Perry Stout
2014 Nate Crawford ★ Claudia Gietzen ★ Tim Prusa ★
2015 Maeve Anderson ★ Alex Behrman ★ Tina Bermudez ★ Eva Beyer ★ Patrick Boyle ★ Michael Breshock ★ Kate Bubar ★ Olivia Caflisch ★ Joe Dugoni ★ James Ferrese ★ Megan Filarski ★ Georgi Grimm ★ Alyssa Harris ★ Nora Hendricks ★ Sam Hunter ★
Kathryn Hyde ★ Aidan Jensen ★ Jonathan Khalfayan ★ Shannon King ★ Natalie Lynam ★ Marissa Madrazo ★ JT Matthews ★ Kyle McAfee ★ Caroline Motzer ★ Olivia Ovenell ★ Emma Pelly ★ Julia Piacentini ★ Lauren Pritting ★ Peter Ramsay ★ Jack Ratliffe ★ Gretta Richardson ★ Ellie Roberts ★ Elisabeth Schnebele ★ Emma Sexton ★ Chris Simpkins ★ Jack Stewart ★ Sam Tabbutt ★ Victoria Talty ★ Jordan Tolentino ★ Taariq Vanegas ★ TJ Werner ★ Morgan Wilkes ★ Keyah Wilson ★ Cameron Wong ★ Allyson Ylvisaker ★ Meghan Zech ★ Kathryn Zepeda ★
2016 Megan Aust ★ Olivia Bean ★ Frances Belcher ★ Jojo Bentley ★ Ebbe Bertellotti ★ Amita Bhaskaran ★ Luc Birchfield ★ Isak Bjornson ★ Benjamin Bladow ★ Ryan Blair ★ Jordan Blue ★ Brian Bowers ★ Katie Brennan ★ Cooper Brethauer ★ Avery Brown ★ Noah Brown ★ Sarah Buchanan ★ Cullen Carter ★ Jessica Cary ★ Maddie Chhina ★ Jack Clancy ★ Keane Collins ★ Julia Davis ★ Kate Delaney ★ Rachel Dickinson ★ Karina Diekema ★ Davis Fairchild ★ Megan Faricy ★ Anna Ferron ★ Landon Fletcher ★
Anna Fotheringham ★ Conor Garand ★ Rachel Gemperle ★ Olivia Gilbert ★ Sahreenah Glispie ★ Georgia Green ★ Matteo Guillot de Suduiraut ★ Kristina Hall ★ Hope Harmon ★ Samantha Hiatt ★ Davis Hoover ★ Maddy Hunter ★ John Jackman ★ Helen Johnson ★ Katie Kocher ★ Hiatt Konen ★ Kassandra Krohn ★ Erik Kuebler ★ Ellie Lamb ★ Jesse Lewis ★ Matt Lico ★ Kyle Lydon ★ Campbell Maghie ★ Thomas Mallick ★ Maggie Malone ★ Nolan Manning ★ Alex Martin ★ Chris Martin ★ Matt Martin ★ Jack McCune ★ Meghan McLaughlin ★ Nick Mocha ★ Sam Murphy ★ Joe Nelson ★ Willow Nye ★ Patrick Paulsen ★ Jack Price ★ Joe Ratliffe ★ Sarah Reuter ★ James Rheaume ★ Leeds Rising ★ Evan Sarantinos ★ JT Schulz ★ Chris Sheppard ★ Cammy Stukel ★ Maya Tawatao ★ Sasu Techane ★ Greta Tobin ★ Nathan Usibelli ★ Eric Van Hare ★ Philip Vien ★ Chelsea Villanueva ★ Ben Wagstaff ★ Katie Walker ★ Ava Wardian ★ Aaron Whitters ★ Nicole Wilson ★ Lauren Ylvisaker ★ Jana Zisette ★
HONORARY GIFTS During the 2015/2016 fiscal year, gifts were made in honor or in memory of the following: Frank Ahern Therese Andre John Barrett Liam & Kamren Bell Madelyn Blazina Jolene Boyle Liz Brennan Cooper Brethauer ’16 Luc Birchfield ’16 Steve Brown Fr Tom Bunnell, SJ Joe Cali ’89 Stuart Campbell Tom Campbell Margaret Ann Campeau Cullen Carter ’16 Class of 1958 deceased members Class of 1959 Class of 1961 Class of 1962 Class of 1963 Class of 1965 Class of 2010 Class of 2011 Class of 2012 Class of 2013 Class of 2014 Class of 2015 Class of 2016 Class of 2017 Kit Clancy ’20 Carly Clawson ’11 Kendra Clawson ’09 Sue Coluccio Craig Alan Corkery ’65 Judy Davis Julia Davis ’16 Daviscourt Family Colleen Donahue ’15 Mike Durand Alex Edelstein ’94 Brian Elsner ’97 The Fairchild Family Amber Feresse Jen Freeman Fr Paul Fitterer, SJ Kathleen Furey Future Seattle Prep Students Fr James Gilmore, SJ Anne Jane Gleason John Goodwin Excellence in Jesuit Education
Cheryl Healy Fr Tom Healy, SJ Kent Hickey Joshua Howard ’90 Terese Howard Jim Johnston Bob Kokesh ’49 Erik Kuebler ’16 Sharon & Joseph Kuebler Ludmila Kuebler Nicolas Kuebler Irina & Paul Kuebler Learning Resource Center Susan & Kenneth Lewis, Jr Kyle Lydon ’16 Don MacLean ’41 & his children & grandchildren Maggie Malone ’16 Nolan Manning ’16 Linda & Douglas Martin McHugh Family Tom McKay ’56 Larry McMurray ’71 George Mead Brian Meza ’92 Mark Mitchell Adam Othman Brady Price ’13 Elliot Price ’10 Jack Price ’16 JoAnne Raisio Dave Read ’38 Maureen Reid Micah Richardson Leeds Rising ’16 John “Doc” Robertson Rollie Robbins Greg Rockwell ’62 Max Rothrock ’16 Bimal Sandhu ’14 Dick Sandstrom ’64 Athena & George Sarantinos Ben Sauvage Mary Anne & Lester Sauvage Seattle Nativity Students Seattle Prep Baseball Program Seattle Prep Faculty Seattle Prep Jesuit Community Barbara Sinn Jim St Germain ’65 Geri & John Stukel John Tallman ’51 Mr Dave Thomas, SJ Betty & Rocky Throckmorton Kathy Tullis Brady Twohy Robert Van Hare Philip Vien ’16 Leonie & Rene Villanueva Pat Volchok
★ Endowment Contributor ▴ Current or Former Faculty or Staff ✦ SPREE Fall 2015 Fund-a-Need Contributor ♦ Panther Legacy Society
MATCHING GIFT COMPANIES & FOUNDATIONS IN-KIND DONORS Alaska Airlines American International Group, Inc Amgen Foundation AT&T Foundation Baird Foundation, Inc. Bank of America Foundation Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Boeing Bristol Myers Squibb Costco Delta Dental / Washington Dental Services The Dorsey & Whitney Foundation Expedia General Electric IBM Intel Key Bank Kirchner Foundation
Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc Medtronic Foundation Microsoft Nayamode Inc Nintendo of America, Inc Nordstrom PACCAR Foundation Review Foundation Russell Investments Salesforce.com SAP America, Inc Standard Insurance Tableau T-Mobile USA, Inc UBS Financial USI Kibble & Prentice Verizon Foundation Wells Fargo
AA Party Rentals Acura of Lynnwood Chateau Ste Michelle Jim Dever Kim & Mike Durand T Ryan Durkan & Charlie Burdell Filmateria Studios Foley Sign Company – Andrea & Mark Metcalf ’81 Janet Haltom-Ames Terry & Kent Hickey lhvh Studio – Linda Van Hare Jergens Painting Company Adrianna & Peter Johnson Gar LaSalle MD, FACDP ’65 Madison Cellars – Sheri & Fred Andrews Mary Megan Olander Flowers Mathes Graphic Design – Kathy Mathes
NAMED ENDOWMENTS Joseph Preston Alex, Jr ’65 Memorial Endowment Ariel Endowment Blume Family Endowment Brandmeier/Daubenspeck Endowed Scholarship Joan & Winn Brindle ’52 Memorial Endowment Maddy & Alec Brindle ’56 Endowment Building Our Future Endowment Joe Cali ’89 Memorial Endowment Margaret Ann Campeau Memorial Endowment Chapin Memorial Endowment Class of 1941 Endowment Class of 1958 Endowment Class of 1962 Endowment in Honor of Terese & Joshua Howard ’90 James P St Germain Class of 1965 Endowment Class of 2010 Endowment Class of 2012 Endowment Class of 2013 Endowment Craig Alan Corkery ’65 Memorial Endowment Costello Family Endowment Jill Curran ’00 Memorial Endowment Amy Davis ’94 Memorial Endowment Michael Dennehy ’51 Memorial Endowment Norma & Guy DiJulio Memorial Endowment Alex Edelstein ’94 Memorial Endowment Diana B Ferrant Endowment Corrine & Mike Fiedler Endowment Fisher Endowment Fr Paul Fitterer, SJ Endowment Theresa & Henry Gai Memorial Endowment Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Endowment Fr James A Gilmore, SJ Memorial Endowment Vlasta & Joseph Giustino Memorial Endowment Anne Jane Gleason Memorial Endowment John M Goodwin Endowed Scholarship Fund Growing in the Spirit Endowment Todd Hansen ’65 Memorial Endowment William Randolf Hearst Foundation Endowment Virginia Satterberg Helsell Memorial Endowment William A Helsell Endowed Scholarship Fund Hornick Family Endowment
Gary Merlino Construction – Donna & Gary Merlino ’58 Nikko Media Norwest Graphics – Kevin Padon Ohno Construction – Karen & Yosh Ohno ’65 On Safari Foods The Paint Laboratory Peddler Brewing Company Prop Gallery Sellen Construction Company Smart with Art Stoneway Concrete – Joan & Don Merlino ’60 Sugee’s Bakery – Pat & Rich Amador Tranche Cellars Washington Assets Management – Barbary & Brian DiJulio ’79, Katie & Brad DiJulio ’04 Yuen Lui Studio - Del Lui
Jesuit Endowment Amanda Knox ’05 Scholarship Endowment Lamb Technology Endowment Learning Resource Center Endowment Lakeside Industries Endowment Donald D MacLean ’41 Memorial Endowment Charlotte Y Martin Memorial Endowment Mathieu / Rafanelli Music Endowment McCaffray Family Endowment Fr Christopher J McDonnell, SJ Memorial Endowment Ella & Thomas McHugh Memorial Endowment George Mead Endowment Morrison Family Endowment Gerald P Murphy ’52 & Frances J Murphy ’48 Science Endowment Norcliffe Foundation Endowment Rosemary and Lou Oberndorf ’63 Endowment Roger and Sheron O’Connell Scholarship Endowment Fr Richard D Perry, SJ Endowment Peyton Endowment Read Family Endowment John & Della Rehnstrom Endowment Mae E Riener Memorial Endowment Rollie Robbins Memorial Endowment Sauvage Family Endowment Seattle Prep Alumni Endowment Servant Leadership Endowment Norah Muldoon Ward Memorial Endowment John Brooks Williams Scholar Endowment Wittman Family Memorial Endowment Barbara & John Woodman Endowment Philip & Fredde Yockey Perry Endowment
Endowments that are partially funded and are part of the Seattle Prep Endowment: Class of 1945 Endowment Class of 1957 Endowment Class of 1959 Endowment Class of 1960 Endowment Class of 1961 Endowment Class of 1963 Endowment Class of 1995 Endowment Class of 2004 Endowment Class of 2008 Endowment Class of 2009 Endowment Class of 2011 Endowment Class of 2014 Bimaldeep Singh Sandhu Memorial Endowment Class of 2015 Endowment Class of 2016 Endowment Harry Carey Memorial Endowment DiJulio Family Endowment Gustafson Endowment Ignatian Educator Endowment Richard W Sandstrom ’64 Endowment Mr Dave Thomas, SJ Endowment Titcomb Family Endowment John “Brady” Twohy Memorial Endowment Mark Zamberlin ’75 Memorial Endowment
“Because of my time at Prep, I imagine myself as a competent individual who is able to think critically about the world around me and understand the importance of serving others in order to make the world a better place.” – Rachel ’18 SEATTLE PREP PANTHER TRACKS | FALL 2016 |
FINANCIAL INFORMATION For year ending 06/30/16*
*Unaudited figures
Tuition and Fees....................................................................... Annual Appeal.......................................................................... Other......................................................................................... SPREE Auction (net)................................................................ Transfers from Endowment.....................................................
JUNE 30, 2016
$ 12,860,007 $ 962,996 $ 723,949 $ 662,464 $ 663,000
81.0% 6.1% 4.5% 4.2% 4.2%
For Tuition Assistance: $641,000 For Faculty Purposes: $22,000
TOTAL REVENUES........................................................................... $ 15,872,416 EXPENSES
Salaries and Benefits................................................................ Tuition Assistance.................................................................... Plant/Security/Maintenance.................................................... Academics/Student Life........................................................... Administration/Development.................................................
JUNE 30, 2016
$ 10,247,483 $ 1,408,630 $ 1,340,058 $ 789,359 $ 663,898
SUBTOTAL EXPENSES.................................................................... $ 14,449,428 Campus Design & Development............................................ $ 1,101,988 Capital Expenditures................................................................ $ 321,000 TOTAL EXPENSES............................................................................. $ 15,872,416
64.6% 8.9% 8.4% 5.0% 4.2% 91.1% 6.9% 2.0% 100%
Who are they?
Great News About Your IRA You can make a difference in the lives of Seattle Prep students through a gift from your Individual Retirement Account (IRA) at any point during the year. A charitable gift from an IRA may be more tax effective than giving directly, and may count as part, or all, of your required minimum distribution. • • • •
Donors must be 70½ on the date of the gift. Each IRA owner may contribute up to $100,000. Funds must be transferred directly from the IRA to Seattle Prep. This provision is now permanent, so you can make a gift at any time.
Everyone’s financial situation is different. Call your IRA custodian or financial advisor for details, then visit www.seaprep.org/IRA to learn more.
If you attended Prep about 1957, you may be able to identify these six priests climbing the stairs (see the photo on the back cover). The stairs lead from the old Jesuit Residence on Interlaken to Prep’s campus. The first person to correctly identify all six priests wins a special prize! E-mail Kathy Krueger with your best guess: kkrueger@seaprep.org
A Presidential Slide The Class of 2016 put together an excellent prank last spring, transforming the plaza into a summery scene on a gray Tuesday morning. Never a class to overlook the details, the festivities included a sandy beach, spikeball, volleyball, a grill at lunch time, and over a hundred students wearing their tackiest beach attire. Maybe the bigger surprise, though, came after lunch when some of the students set up a slip and slide. To the disbelief of all of the onlookers, and to the shock of the seniors themselves, President Kent Hickey nonchalantly skipped the line, got a running start, and dove across the slide, causing a roar of cheers and laughter.