Advertising Strategies CI 5636 Online Course in Planning and Implementing Ad Strategies for Small and Large Businesses Spring 2015 Phase 2
This is phase 2 to be added to phase 1 from Fall 2014 CI4238 Dana Mathews, April 6, 2015
1 Learning Goals and Outcomes 2 Applicable UDL Design Principles 3 Instructional Strategies To Enhance Learning Transfer & Mobile Learning 4 Activities To Create An Online Community 5 Strategies And Activities To Facilitate Knowledge, Social Media Tools, Informal Learning Opportunities & Scaffolding Ideas 6 Gaming Online Learning 7 Authentic Assessment Of Identified Goals For Student Learning (Formative and Summative).
1. Goals & Outcomes
See Syllabus in Phase 1 For additional reflections on how these goals relate to the course
Goals Of Learning and Outcomes The main objective is to allow each student to approach the assigned work from their level or aptitude and apply their own inputs into completing the work. In the end the goal is to have each student understand the basic glossary and principles it takes to formulate an effective advertising strategy and also be able to evaluate their strategies and make changes if their goals are not being met. Also, each student must see how these assignments relate to the real world and be able to transition any plans and strategies to a real-world scenario. The goals are to have each student gain a level of competency in setting up these plans and be able to engage with their fellow group members about their work. Another goal will be for each student to understand how variable components of the project come together to build the final concept. In the end each student needs to develop a level of competency so they can argue their points and reasons why they feel their strategies will work. In social settings ( blogs, Facebook and other social sites) the students will begin to develope community sharing techniques and ways to transfer the knowledge they are acquiring. Case studies and hands-on work will be the main focus of the online environment and as each group sets up their individual agencies to accomplish the work, they again gain valuable social skills, those skills which will better their decision making processes. The environment will be fluid and dynamic, allowing for lots of individual input in how assignments are accomplished. The main goal is to have each student develop great cognitive planning and implication skills, those which can transition into any real-world scenario.
2. Universal Learning
Applicable Of UDL Design Principles It is important to promote engagement among all students ( both online and seated ). Today’s online environment is even more challenging. Below are the components I feel are important to include in any design platform to engage students and allow for an online community to develope.
• Opportunities for Input, engagement and ways to express an opinion about the flow of the process and if this process is working for the individual student. • Options as to how a student can accomplish assignments and project work. Personal buy-in. The goals now are less about memorization and knowledge and have shifted to a learning process. How to use various means to solve a problem and include many applications, software, devises and such to accomplish this new learning. It’s a shift to discovery in the process. It’s not the end game, but the learning that takes place . Questions are asked and mistakes are viewed as a good thing, to promote exploration.
• Allow for flexibility in the process so each learner can approach it from their viewpoint, applying their abilities and aptitudes. • Learning has gone from being fixed to now more dynamic in process. Flexible learning environments promote better learning and allows for individual input. • Social interaction and connecting with others in the class has become very important in development. The challenges a student faces in a project situation, coupled within an open, social environment can aid the student in their competencies. The above philosophies of UDL will be applied to my online class by way on engaging students through agency group work and allowing each student to chart their own course and accomplish all assignments by using their choice of processes, software, applications or social media platforms.
The agency project work will allow the students opportunities to share their knowledge with other classmates by posting all work to a class blog and conversation posting site. This will promote community and engage the students at every level in dealing with all projects,
3. Enhanced Learning Transfer
The transfer of what has been learned to new contexts Another important factor in setting up my online class is the ability to teach students how to take all the knowledge learned in this collaborate online environment and transfer it to the real world. The goal is build these cognitive shifts so students see how a process can be easily transferred to solve other problems. The knowledge gained in the proposed agency group work will expose each student to real-world scenarios and while working through each project, with others, the students gains the skills needed to transfer this knowledge to solving many other problems. The end game will be to have students process enough confidence in their knowledge that they will easily transition it to their later lives and future work. This transfer of knowledge comes by way of setting up the assignments as experimental grounds, to explore and make mistakes. The students are given the power to choose their own paths and processes. This openness and acceptance of alternative ideas sets in motion the thought processes which will one day aid in the students own transfer of knowledge to problem solving. The online structures of my proposed class will also accomplish knowledge transfer by way of adding different and harder tasks to each level of the class work and projects, allowing students to take the knowledge they know from the first project and transfer it to a harder and more challenging one. Each step and with each project the student learns to apply their learned knowledge.
Mobile Learning Is this the wave of the future?
DESIGNING FOR EFFICIENT MOBILE LEARNING Strategies to Improve mobile learning and designing my online class platform to be fluid and more focused on providing only necessary components to better learning.
Only relevant content, avoid the fluff!
Mathews, March 30, 2015
SIMPLICITY IS THE KEY HERE {Make each task vital to the learning process } Applying principles from our online reading (solutions 1-6). Solution 1 — Multimedia principle applied to m-Learning Create content using smaller chunks of text; Use images with pop-ups; and limit scrolling to the very minimum. Applying this to my online class All necessary text will be edited and when possible images will be used instead of lengthy explanations. Keep it short to avoid scrolling or having to go to other windows. In question or answer sections, apply check the box section to avoid having to input lots of text. Design in 2 columns to avoid rescaling and allowing for easier web navigation down and not across.
Student’s Picture Here
Original Design
Developing an effective adverting strategy can be lengthy in process: yet, if done correctly can save a lot of time and money. The savings in expenditures can be better used in other areas of the business. Today over 1,000,000 companies advertise in the current market. This number has doubled over the last ten years. Is this surprising?
Student’s Picture Here
Revised Design 13 point edited text and using icons and images, plus simplified answer submission.
Effective ad strategies can save time and money. 500,000 Companies 2014 Advertising 1,000,000 Companies 2015 Advertising
Is this surprising? Y N Submit
Solution 2 — Modality principle for m-Learning Use words as audio instead of text, whenever possible; Keep narration short to ease-up on download time; and Provide headsets to your users. Applying this to my online class Here I will include pod casts the students can click on and listed to, very little reading. This allows for learning while driving or while in public transportation. Include only visual graphics during the pod casts ( no text ).
Pod casts
Lesson 7 Week 13 Applying Your Budget Podcast 7
Less text and reading, instead all assignments are posted online as a Pod cast
Submit Response
Feedback is easily given after listening by clicking on a reply ICON
Solution 3 — Contiguity principle Use Flash Lite or similar technologies to implement popup text over images; and Keep feedback with the question. Do not separate naturally linked content. Applying this to my online class All student feedback will be included in a live feed that transfers all comments to the shared class web page. Popups will be used to direct the student to what the should do and what needs to be answered or completed. This is were icon development will have to be planned and designed. The interaction needs to be simply and fluid. Solution 4 — Redundancy Principle Do not duplicate information; Use duplicate narration for language learning. Applying this to my online class Streamline all processes and include only vital instructional information, careful not to repeat or drag out the instruction phase of the lesson. Develop an outline asking questions that can be used as a checklist to reflect on each assignment. This list will serve as a monitoring process to insure each lesson design is as simple as possible.
Solution 5 — Coherence principle Do not use any type of information that is not related to content and context. Do not add illustrations, music, or environmental noises. Applying this to my online class Use only vital information and graphics, no fluff! Use icons when possible and short popup windows to direct the learning process. Here basic graphics can be used as a substitute for text. Solution 6 — Personalization principle Use an audio coach or place a small icon on screen to gain access to the coach; Create a conversation with the user; and Use the first or second person in your narration or text.. Applying this to my online class Here rather than using an audio coach, I will record Pod casts for instructions and to question and guide the learner through the process. Also, at the end of the three major projects, a recorded message will be sent to each student giving them feedback on their work and possible ways to improve it. Feedback is very important here so the student feels engaged and not like they are alone on an island.
Podcast Feedback
Instructor’s Feedback on assignment Lesson 7 Chapter 23 Podcast Feedback
This engages the student and they feel connected
Link to Class Blog and other’s work
Student can see their work and other student’s work. by clicking on a blog ICON. Good reference as they work through the assignments. Also, here is a good place for rewards and or positive input from instructor The blog can also be a great way to evaluate each students understanding of the material and their interaction with other students.
The solution sections shown are copy righted material by learning solution inc. For complete references go to
Educational Learning on Mobile Devices A simple platform approach is best...
4. Creating Online Communities
Creating presence and connectivity on the island Adding components of collaborative learning is very important when trying to build community among online students. The interactions through video chats, texting and social media can all create a presence among the class. Adding choices and ways for students to set up their linking communities will also aid in their cognitive problem solving skills. The agency environment I propose for my class will have students weekly connecting through e-mail, Facebook and or class blogging sites. These sites will allow students the opportunity to provide feedback to others about project work or to discuss issues form their assignments. Examples of collaborative work and postings by students. • Have each student provide an example of a real-world experience (work or personal) where they felt an advertising strategy for a company was implemented correctly, based on our class reading. Also, add additional thoughts to how this strategy could be improved. Then share this work on the classroom blog and have each person comment on those things listed. The goal here is to have the exercise explore learner centered learning, where each student begins to take ownership of some of the class projects and exercises. • Going back to the days when each group setup their mock agency for group work, have each group submit photos of themselves and each person choose a job title for their image (job description) then have one person in the group post the pictures as one JPEG, to represent the look and makeup of the agency. Also post this on the class bog and Facebook page -This hopefully will draw interest from other classmates and in a personal way, put a face with a group’s efforts. The goal here is to bring about a more personal connection within the online class. • Lastly, it is vital to explore and to include additional problem solving exercises to engage the students – also, have each group submit a list of apps or gamification methods where their agency work could be showcased on a larger scale (a sharing method) so others could learn from the exposure; yet, in a more fun way.
5. Facilitating Knowledge
The use of social media and informal learning Social Media Tools and or applications to consider, to be incorporated into my proposed online class ( engagement is key here). It is important to remember that engagement, motivation and a student centered approach is important in facilitating informal learning environments Here it can be said that it’s not so much about the information or material; yet, the experience the learner goes through. The instructor is only a facilitator in the process. Group work and the inclusion of the class is made easier through means of social media and the tools it provides. Great examples of tools I will consider adding to my online Advertising Strategies class are as follows: Group Chats on Facebook This significant component of any classroom work can be realized by the flow of conversation, the input from all classmates and easily can be monitored for progress in potential learning. Youtube This dynamic learning source is both user-friendly and always students to not only to share available content they fine on purposed subject matter, but also to create their own and video as a tool for others to learn from. Here there is a great level of engagement and because of the students connections through the class can also serve as a bonding tool to bring online students together. Blog Building Sites These are very useful within group components and allows for downloading of project elements and gives each group member a visual snapshot of where the project is going and allows for inspiring ideas to foster though the sharing process. Again, engagement is key to learning here. Thinklink and the use of connecting material and URLs This application is great in that it allows students to design a page and also embed images, direct Link URLs, Youtube videos and lots of other social media components in the learning process. Again, it engages learners and allows them to share and see the progress of the discussions. Web Page Applications ( ) Web page applications are a little more technical, but again allows for collaborative learning by way of posting,, sharing and linking of information. Web page applications also allow for the students to customize their project flow and to become more engaged through the process. Building through stages and in the end, having a completed project ( of valuable information ) which can be shared with others.
6. Gamification
Online learning by use of gaming Engaging students and keeping their attention has gotten more challenging as students are more connected to digital devises. This being said, it gives us the perfect opportunity to develope learning around those same devises. Below are some suggestions to make online and mobile gaming more successful and engaging: •Keep the instructions simple and tell them what to do and what to expect. • Allow the player input: to design player icon and or customize the play, let them add things from their personality, also show player progress and reward them as they accomplish certain tasks. • Use a timer to make it exciting and fun. • Show awards and badges for correct answers • Show movement on the screen, letting them see how far they have advances ( graphs, menus and counters ). • Make the game or learning representative of cultural things they are aware of or may have interest in. • Add a “beat the boss” element and reward them for accomplishing certain tasks - correctly answering three questions consecutively. • REWARD, REWARD, REWARD. Also, ENGAGEMENT when possible make graphics appealing and interesting. To the right and next page is my design and concept for a game to aid students in learning about developing successful advertising strategies:
Module One You Choose A Character and Name
Your progress of CORRECT ANSWERS
Your progress of CORRECT ANSWERS Player
A. Cheney
Your Strategy Was Successful Player Your Name
2:00 -$
Each player will be asked 2 questions
2. per module, from assigned readings.
LOST Revenue
A. Goal is to answer as many advertising strategy questions within each module, while losing the lest amount of revenue.
LOST Revenue
B. There is a 2 minute time limit for each question and questions get harder as the players make their way through the modules.
A. Budget, advertising, PR B.
Measurement, goals, budget
C. Advertising, budget, sales
C. Players are given adverting awards for each correct answer - for each wrong answer each player is penalized $100. If a player loses $1,000 in revenue (10 wrong answers ) the game resets and they must start over. D. The player can visually see their progress by the moving player graph. Also, by viewing the awards and lost revenue menu at the bottom.
QUESTION: What are the 3 major concerns when planning an advertising strategy?
Your progress of CORRECT ANSWERS
Your Strategy Was Successful Player A. Cheney
LOST Revenue
E. With every 3 consecutive correct answers the player gets a ( BEAT THE BOSS ) patch. Learning Game Idea: Dana Mathews 3-23-15
ASSESSMENT AND MEETING LEARNING GOALS Formative Assessment Steps and Activities to engage the online learner as well as ways to monitor progress in the proposed class “ Developing Successful Advertising Strategies.” Mathews, April 6, 2015
The subject matter and design of this online class having substantial project and mini-group work collaborations allows for a more abbreviated review and evaluation of the student’s progress. Below are some ways to compliment the project evaluations, as well as adding extra steps to insure that the online learner is meeting their learning goals, while also grasping the concept of the material. At the end of each mini project phase “journal exploration” Have the Student and Group Write a journal entry explaining what their main take-away was from the work and how their work can be applied and used in the real world. They must defend their work with substantial purpose. Mock face-to-face presentation of Ideas in a video Have each student film with their phone or camera a brief 5 minute video of them explaining the main concept and conclusion of their project work. ( elevator pitch). Post these on the shared classroom blog site for comments. One thing I hate about the project At the end of each assignment have each student write ONE THING they hated about the assignment or a negative feeling they had while completing it. The purpose is to not only get honest feedback, but to also find ways to better the assignment or process. This gives the student buy-in and ownership. Design a poster or an ad which can represent the main concept of the work At the end of the 3 major projects have each student design a poster or ad which could possible hang in a hallway or be published online. The main objective is to have the student so focused on the projects intent, that they can communicate its workings in a simplified way in an illustration. This provides visual opportunities as well as written opportunities to explore the projects merit and serve as a great evaluation tool to gauge real learning from the work. Have the students post either to the shared class web site for comments. An Outline tells a million thoughts At the end of each assignment or project have the students post online an outline describing the main concepts of the project work, what they learned, issues they may have had and things they would do differently if they were the instructor. Here the instructor can look for clear understanding of the work and also, again, find ways to improve the learning process.
7. Authentic Assessment
Formative and Summative Assessment of online learning and evaluating if learning is actually is taking place has changed a lot over the years. Once you would check a box or fill in a blank; yet today as platform designers and online class developers we need to be focused on making the evaluation process, also a learning process. To the left are a few non-traditional ways to explore if a student is actually learning the material. These are less traditional and actually allow to student to evaluate their own knowledge. Many new assessment techniques or designs ask the student a question or present a scenario and expect the student to take their learned knowledge and apply it to the answer or discussion of the problem. The goal is to implement strategies which get the student to use higher level skills, to expand on the problem and apply variable options for the best answer. Here, real-world scenarios also come into play and provide an experimental type of knowledge testing, where new knowledge is constructed. Some of the processes to the left incorporate more of a reflective assessment, where the student explains what they have learned by perhaps describing the problem and the steps they took to solve it. They also can incorporate things they learned and challenges they faced. The goal should not be so much about right or wrong answers, but the steps that were taken in approaching the problem and the tools utilized to solve them - and in the end can these skills or knowledge be transferred to other situations? Authentic assessment invites partnership and encourages the integration of teaching, learning and assessing the student’s work. Authentic assessment could include the use of real-world scenarios, performing a task, using a constructive approach to a problem, allowing the process to be more student structured or even asking the student to analyze their own skills or project work. Formative assessments are valuable in allowing students to identify their weaknesses and work on those areas of weakness. This can be accomplished by way of asking the student to submit a preliminary copy of their advertising strategies project, where it is evaluated and the student then works to better or correct the weak areas. Summative assessment is done at the end of the learning process and can be represented as a final exam or in the case of this proposed advertising strategies class, a presentation given at the end of each project.
{a proposed online class platform}
Advertising Strategies CI 5636 Online Course in Planning and Implementing Ad Strategies for Small and Large Businesses
Dana Mathews, 2015 Dr. Amy Cheney CI-5636 Emerging Issues and Trends in Media and Technology Online Teaching and Learning