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Summary of Core Learning Opportunities

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MƒA Programming

MƒA Programming


“Alexa, Grade My Tests!”: Utilizing Technology to Give Students Feedback (SSW)

Accessing Computer Science (PLT) Art and Design Using Bootstrap Algebra (SSW) Big Data: Machine Learning and Statistics (MINI)

Coding an Epidemic Model (MINI) Creating Engaging Google Forms


Data Science in the COVID-19 Era


Designing Meaningful Coding Projects (PLT) Disrupting Algorithms of Oppression p (SSW)

Getting Sweet With Google Suite


Introduction to Python Programming


MƒA Tech Night (SSW) On Zoom and in the Room: Engaging and Assessing Students Online With Nearpod (MINI) Press Record: Making Your Instruction Work on Video (SSW)

Talk Less, Teach More: Using Video to Create a Blended or Flipped Classroom (MINI)

Using Screencastify to Enhance Instruction (SSW) INQUIRY, PRACTICE, AND LEADERSHIP

Affirming Students’ Identities p (SSW) An Anti-Bias Approach to Cultivating Equitable K-5 Classroom Communities p (SSW)

Antidote for Racial Battle Fatigue: Embodied Self-Care for Black/Brown Teachers p (SSW)

Building Rapport With Students p


Converting Pencil and Paper Exams to Virtual Assessments (SSW)

Creating a Bigger Tent... Online p


Creating a Healing-Centered (Virtual) Classroom p (MINI)

Creating Spaces that Empower Diverse Identities in the STEM Classroom p (MINI)

Cultivating Resilience (ELC) Differentiation in a Blended Classroom p (SSW)

Discovering ELL Strategies for STEM Classrooms p (PLT)

Education Revolution: Finding Your Seat at the Table p (MINI)

Equity and Optimal Challenge: ALLED Discussion Routines p (MINI)

Examining Mastery-Based Learning Best Practices (PLT)

Fostering Compassionate and Vulnerable Spaces in the Classroom and Beyond p (ELC) Fusing Science and Mathematics: Designing Relevant Interdisciplinary Lessons (PLT)

Giving Effective Feedback (SSW) Hard Conversations on Race and Equity Part II: Support for Teacher Leaders p (MINI)

How to Design Project-Based Learning Curriculum (ELC) Human-Centered Problem Solving in a Virtual World (MINI)

Implementing and Evaluating Mindfulness Practice in Your STEM Classroom (MINI)

An Introduction to Upteach (SSW) Language That Labels: Deconstructing (Dis)Abling Discourse p (SSW)

Pedagogy of Ferguson p (SSW) Peer Coaching in the STEM Classroom (PLT)

Planning Book Clubs for Equity p


Psychosocial Capacity Building With a Racial Justice Lens p (MINI)

Queer your Classroom! p (SSW) Race as Trauma in Education p (MINI)

Racial Equity in the Classroom and Beyond p (PLT) Restorative and Transformative Practices p (MINI)

Rethinking “Teacher Burnout” (PLT) Rethinking Homework (SSW) Self-Care Skills for Teachers and Students (SSW)

Short and Long-Term Crisis Intervention in the Classroom p (SSW)

So You Want to Talk About Race? p


STEM Icons in the Classroom p (PLT)

Stress Management in the New Normal (SSW) Sustainable Design in the STEM Classroom (MINI)

Taking Culturally Responsive Teaching Back to Our Schools p (PLT) Teacher as Writer (PLT)

Teacher, Know Thyself: Upending Racism and Shaping Change p (MINI) Teaching as a Human Endeavor: A Space to Reimagine and Redesign


Teaching With Graphs From The New York Times (SSW)

Trauma-Informed Teaching Practices p (MINI)

Universal Design for Learning to Create More Equitable Classroom Communities p (SSW)

Using Student-Created Podcasts as an Assessment Tool (SSW)

We Got This! Equity, Access, and the Quest to Be Who Our Students Need Us to Be p (PLT)

Where’s the Design in Universal Design for Learning? p (ELC) Working Towards National Board Certification (PLT)


Professional Learning Teams (PLT) Mini-Courses (MINI) Extended Length Courses (ELC) Single Session Workshops (SSW)

Summary of Core Learning Opportunities cont.


Advanced Desmos Activity Builder


Analyzing Free Formative Assessment Lessons in Mathematics for 6-12th Grade (PLT)

Applying Calculus to Business (SSW) Apportionment: No Representation Without Calculation (SSW) Beyond a Reasonable Doubt: The Power of Conviction in Secondary Mathematics (SSW) Bringing Culturally Relevant Mathematics Pedagogy Into the Classroom p (MINI) Bringing Modern Mathematics Into the Classroom (SSW) Building a Project-Based Curriculum for Algebra II (PLT) Building Dynamic Explorations With GeoGebra (MINI) Building Mathematics Learning Communities p (PLT) Census 2020: Making It Count in the Classroom p (SSW) Cubic Polynomials and Euler’s Triangle Determination Problem (MINI) The Dark Side of Big Data p (MINI) Engaging Activities in Statistics in a Distance or Blended Learning Environment (PLT)

Exploring Exploding Dots (SSW) Game Theory: An Introduction to Static and Dynamic Games (MINI) Fostering the Cultural and Mathematical Strengths of Our Students p (MINI) Geometry for All: Interactive Tasks to Encourage Access for ALL Students


Illustrative Mathematics: An Algebra I Curriculum Study (ELC) In Utero Human Growth: A Comprehensive Life Science Project in Calculus (MINI) Interrogating “Common Sense” in Mathematics Education: Toward AntiRacist Lenses p (MINI) Let’s Talk About It: Fostering Discourse in the Mathematics Classroom (MINI)

A “Lill” Magic (SSW) Making Algebra Accessible to All Remotely (PLT) Mathematical Language Routines


Mathematics in Managing Type I Diabetes (SSW) Maximize Real-Time Feedback Using the Desmos Activity Builder Computation Layer (MINI) Middle School Mathematics: Planning for Remote Learning (PLT) Mobilizing Mathematics Students to Demand Actions for Gun Safety (SSW) Numeracy and Algebra Routines in Virtual Spaces (MINI) Original Sources in Mathematics: The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus


Our District, Our Data: Developing Insights From Internal Data p (MINI) Pencil to Paper: Using Writing to See and Expand Mathematical Thinking


Proof Through Play: Exploring Axiomatic Systems and Proof With Games (MINI) Samurai, Kissing Circles, and the Geometry of Shinto Shrines (SSW) Statistics Through Simulations (MINI) Student-Centered Mathematics in the Remote Elementary School Classroom (PLT)

Teaching Mathematics as a Language


Understanding Calculus (PLT) Unpacking the Next Generation Mathematics Learning Standards (PLT) Utilizing Games and Puzzles to Improve Mathematical Habits of Mind


Voting Systems: How Does America Rank? (SSW) What’s the PROBLEM?: Exploring Number Theory Tasks (SSW)


The 5Es in Your NGSS Science Classroom: Elevate the Explanation


Activating Student Potential in the Blended Chemistry Classroom (PLT) Advanced Biology: Incorporating Authentic Data Analysis Into Your Classroom (PLT)

Biology Demo Derby: Virtual Edition!


Birding and Nature: Engaging Students with Place-Based Learning p (MINI)

Building Conceptual Understanding in AP Chemistry (PLT) Can Biology Class Reduce Racism? p


Changing Genetics to Change Our Health (MINI)

Chemistry Demo Derby: Virtual Edition! (SSW) Collisions Chemistry: Reconceptualizing Chemistry Through Play (SSW) Consortium Science Curriculum Designed to Liberate Students p


Crossing Disciplines and Dimensions: Engaging Modern Physics With Physicists (PLT) Energy Conservation: It Can’t Be Created or Destroyed, But it Can Be Wasted! (SSW)

Engaging Chemistry Students Virtually: Creating Resources for Online Labs (PLT)

Enhancing Scientific Literacy Through Online Collaboration (SSW)

Environmental Justice in the Science Classroom With WE ACT p (SSW)

Exploring and Enhancing Science Assessments in the Virtual Classroom


Faulty Forensics in Wrongful Convictions p (SSW)

Fields Are Real (SSW)

Food Equity in a COVID-19 World p


From Boring to Brilliant! Understanding Through Scientific Journal Articles (SSW)


Professional Learning Teams (PLT) Mini-Courses (MINI) Extended Length Courses (ELC) Single Session Workshops (SSW)

Summary of Core Learning Opportunities cont.

From Mummies to Monuments: Chemistry in Art Conservation (SSW)

Genes in Space: A Free Experimental Design Contest From miniPCR (SSW)

Geologic Field Study of Central Park (SSW) Grab Your Virtual Pipettes and Let’s Do Molecular Biology Labs Online! (SSW) Great Diseases With Tufts: Vaccines, Epidemics, and Trials for COVID-19 (MINI)

Guiding Your Students Through Student-Designed Experiments (MINI) Hacking the Brain: The Science of Emotional Response (SSW) Hands-Off, Hands-On Earth Science (SSW)

Have You Ever Seen a Crowd Go APES? (PLT)

Hydroponics Labs 101 (MINI) Imagining a Gender-Liberated Biology Classroom p


Inquiry-Based Activities for the Physics Classroom


Microbes in Your Fridge (MINI) Middle School Science Remote Learning Think Tank


Next Generation Biology: Building Better Units the NGSS Way (PLT) Next Generation Chemistry (PLT) Nuclear Weapons: Science, Policy, and Human Dimension (MINI)

Physics Demo Derby: Virtual Edition! (SSW) Queenshenge, Micromoons, and Space Systems


The Science of (Remote) Learning (MINI) Science Three Act Lessons (PLT)

The Social Biology of Ants (MINI) Solar Storms & Heliophysics: From Flares to Aurora


Sparking Independent Research With the Genes in Space Competition (PLT) Students as Scientists: Using Argument-Driven Inquiry Investigations (PLT) Sundials: Mathematics, Science, Art, and History


Uncovering the “Magic” and Science of Kaleidoscopes (SSW) Unlocking the NGSS: Growing Your Students’ Inner Scientist (PLT)

Using Design Thinking to Tackle NYSSLS (ELC) Virtual Biology: Creating Inquiry Activities Using Online Labs and Simulations (PLT)

A Walk Through the Miocene: A Paleobotany Workshop (SSW) You Want Me to Teach Physics?? (MINI)


Professional Learning Teams (PLT) Mini-Courses (MINI) Extended Length Courses (ELC) Single Session Workshops (SSW)

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