2 minute read
Thursday Thinks
Dr. Jacqueline (Jackie) Faherty is a staff scientist and senior educator at the American Museum of Natural History (AMNH). Her research centers on novel techniques for refining the detection and characterization of brown dwarfs, exoplanets, and exoplanet atmospheres. In addition, Jackie is a passionate educator at AMNH, preparing public programs and sharing her love of space with teachers in the Masters of Arts in Teaching program.
Cornelius Minor is a Brooklyn-based educator who works with teachers, school leaders, and community-based organizations to support equitable literacy reform in cities across the globe. His latest book, We Got This, explores how the work of creating more equitable school spaces is embedded in our everyday choices—specifically in the choice to really listen to kids. He has been featured in numerous publications and has partnered with The Teachers College Reading and Writing Project, The NYC Department of Education, The International Literacy Association, and Lesley University’s Center for Reading Recovery and Literacy Collaborative. Cornelius was also featured in the documentary “Out of Print.” Most recently, along with his partner and wife, Kass Minor, he established The Minor Collective , a community-based movement designed to foster sustainable change in schools. Cornelius uses his love for technology, hip-hop, and social media to bring communities together. As a teacher, Cornelius draws not only on his years teaching middle school in the Bronx and Brooklyn, but also on time spent skateboarding, shooting hoops, and working with young people. You can connect with him at Kass and Corn , or on Twitter at @MisterMinor.
Mapping the Universe Across Space and Time
Speaker: Jacqueline Faherty, Ph.D. THURSDAY, MAR 16
It is an exciting time for space science. With several high-profile astronomy mapping missions sharing their findings, scientists have an unprecedented opportunity to explore this new data for the next big discovery about our place in the Universe. In this talk, Dr. Jackie Faherty will launch teachers into an immersive tour of the most complete map of the Milky Way Galaxy (and beyond) and guide them on an adventure into nearby stellar systems, exoplanet systems, star-forming regions, and more. Specifically, Dr. Faherty will focus on the distribution of objects within 1500 light-years—including stars, brown dwarfs, and exoplanets—and discuss how they form and disperse.
It Means to Be Us Right Now p
Speaker: Cornelius Minor THURSDAY, APR 20

We know more now than we have ever known—about teaching, communities, numeracy, how to position students on the path to success, and all the different kinds of success that can coexist. Why is it, then, that in many communities, the strategies for student success continue to elude us? The world in which we teach is ever-changing and radically different than it was even two years ago. In this talk, Cornelius Minor, author of the book We Got This, will discuss how to succeed in this new context by fostering equity through authentic listening. We are more than enough. We got this!