Stories collection

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LEARNING FROM FAILURES Walter was a small boy with long curly hair : he was smaller than the other boys of his age and

looking like a girl. At school, he was bullied by the other pupils of his class because of his look. Jenny and Paul were the worst bullies ever. Jenny was older and Paul was taller than Walter. And they were always hanging around together : it was impossible to see Jenny without Paul and Paul without Jenny.

Here's what happened to Walter one day. The scene took place in winter, in December, last year : Walter looked depressed and was in a sad mood that afternoon because at noon, Jenny and Paul were very naughty towards him and made fun of him at the canteen :

'Give me your lunch ! You're such a loser !' Jenny said.'

But I'm hungry ! I can't give you my lunch !' Walter answered. 'I don't care you're hungry !You have no choice : you must give us your lunch or you will have loadsof problems.' Paul said. 'But ...' Walter tried to answer but Jenny and Paul took the glass of water and spilled it on him before he could finish his sentence.

Everybody was watching the scene and laughing at Walter, so Walter had to escape from the canteen without eating, alone.

Next, later on that same day, while Walter was quietly walking in the corridor to go to the English class with Mr Benton, their English teacher, Jenny and Paul insulted and annoyed him : 'How are you, girly boy ? What's wrong, little dwarf ?' They both asked. Walter started to cry.

Mr Benton, who was waiting for her pupils, heard someone crying in the corridor.

He went to the corridor and saw Walter crying. He asked : - What's the matter , Walter? He answered: - Nothing Mr Benton. I'm not well. But he had seen Paul and Jenny laughing and entering the classroom rushing. As Mr Benton was a very alert teacher and he had already suspected some kids of making fun of him because of his height and his looking, he said : - Walter, trust me! I can help you. Tell me the truth and I won't betray you ! When Walter heard those words and looked at his loving gaze, he started to tell him about the vexations and the abuses he suffered by Paul and Jenny, he told everything speaking as in flood. The next day, at lessons Mr Benton read a story about bullying at school, then all the students expressed their own comments and ideas : every student disapproved bullies and bullying. At last he asked if someone

had got bullied. Nobody answered.

- I know that some of you have acted as bullies at school but I believe your words and what you have stated today and from now on nobody will get bullied or will be a bully anymore. Mr Benton said. Differently , I will scourge you because I've got some proofs and I've seen something.

Paul and Jenny were stroken by Mr Benton's speech

and they understood how bad and stupid they had been and, since then ,in order to release themselves , got friends with Walter protecting him from other possible bully- guys .

THE LAST UNDESIRABLE LETTER Walter was a small boy with long curly hair : he was smaller than the other boys of his age and

looking like a girl. At school, he was bullied by the other pupils of his class because of his look. Jenny and Paul were the worst bullies ever. Jenny was older and Paul was taller than Walter. And they

were always hanging around together : it was impossible to see Jenny without Paul and Paul without Jenny.

Here's what happened to Walter one day. The scene took place in winter, in December, last year :

Walter looked depressed and was in a sad mood that afternoon because at noon, Jenny and Paul were very naughty towards him and made fun of him at the canteen : 'Give me your lunch ! You're such a loser !' Jenny said. 'But I'm hungry ! I can't give you my lunch !' Walter answered. 'I don't care you're hungry !You have no choice : you must give us your lunch or you will have loads of problems.' Paul said.

'But ...' Walter tried to answer but Jenny and Paul took the glass of water and spilled it on him before he could finish his sentence. Everybody was watching the scene and laughing at Walter, so Walter had to escape from the canteen without eating, alone.

Next, later on that same day, while Walter was quietly walking in the corridor to go to the English class with Mrr Benton, their English teacher, Jenny and Paul insulted and annoyed him : 'How are you, girly boy ? What's wrong, little dwarf ?' They both asked. Walter started to cry.

Mr Benton, who was waiting for her pupils, heard someone crying in the corridor.

Mr. Benton went out of the classroom and saw Walter crying. Then he saw Jenny and Paul laughing and he looked angry. 'Paul! Jenny! What's happened?' Paul and Jenny stopped laughing. 'Mr Benton, Walter has made jokes about Paul and me. Then he pushed Paul and Paul pushed him too. Then Walter tripped over something and dropped on the floor and cried' said Jenny. Mr Benton looked angrily to Walter. 'But...' Walter tried to answer. 'No Walter, ' said Mr Benton ' go to the headmaster and

tomorrow you will be kept in. And now Jenny, Paul, come into the class.'

Walter stood up and ran away. He ran out of the school and went home.

His parents weren't at home, so he went to the bathroom. 'I’ve had enough!' he said and took a razor blade from his dad and went to his room. He went to his desk, took a piece of paper and wrote a letter for his parents. He put the letter on the desk and lay down on his bed. Then he took the razor blade and carved his arm. As he was at his artery he stopped for a moment. But then Walter carved, harder than before. In the evening, his parents came home. Walter's mum, Caren, shouted at Walter but he didn't answer. She went to his room and screamed. Walter's dad ran to his wife. 'What's happened?' he asked. His wife pointed at Walter's bed. Her husband ran to his son. 'Call the emergency!' he shouted. But it was too late. Walter was dead. As the parents were at home again from the hospital, Caren went into her son’s room. She cried and cried. Suddenly she saw a piece of paper on Walter’s desk. She took the letter and read:

Dear Mum, dear Dad, I can't stay alive. At school I was bullied by all the children. They made jokes about me for so long. I didn't have any friends. Two of the children took my lunch away and all children laughed. I've had enough. Nobody likes me and nobody understands me. I hate my life. You don't blame anybody. I love you forever.



The beginning of the story

The happy ending

The sad ending

The illustrations

The titles

Grace Kind is a high school student and she studies music at conservatory. She is good at all her subjects . She is quite successful and very polite. She is 16 years old and she is tall,but feeble with hazel eyes and short fair hair. It is 9 o’clock in the morning and she comes to the bus stop with some books and a violin case in her hands so as to go to school. The bus stop is too small and crowded.She starts waiting for the bus like the other people at the bus stop. She has got a very important practical exam and she wants to go to school as soon as possible on that day. The bus arrives at the bus stop after twenty minutes. When the bus arrives at the bus stop,people try to get on the bus by pushing each other. Grace waits patiently for her turn to come.Just as she tries to get on the bus,a rude man with a huge body pushes Grace,says “sorry I’m in a hurry”,jumps the queue and gets on the bus.

When the man pushes Grace ,she backs a few steps and falls down.Nobody helps her stand up. In the mean time the bus leaves the bus stop.Grace is shocked and furious and she says nothing,but represses her anger.She thinks she hates men. She checks her watch .It is 8.20 a.m. She knows that the next bus will be at the bus stop in half an hour . She starts waiting impatiently,but she cannot help thinking her exam starting at 9 o’clock.She hasn’t got enough money to take a taxi either. The second bus comes at 8.50 and she gets on it. She sees all the seats in the bus are full and most of the passengers are students. She stands near a seat and holds it. A septuagenary man gets on the bus at the next bus stop. He is too old to wait standing ,but no one gives him a seat. She can’t stand and she says ; --why don’t you give your seat to that uncle ? --What’s that to you? One of the students replies and adds --- This old boy does not need to sit anywhere as he will die in a few years.We are more weary than him.If you like,you can get him to sit on your lap. The other boys nod him and look at Grace angrily. Grace is speechless , says nothing and looks at the old man desperately. ---“Do not worry,dear and I will tell you a short Indian story.When you listen to it,you will understand what I have felt” says the old man and begins to tell the story.

One day a sadhu goes to the river and there he notices a scorpion struggling in the water.The scorpion cannot swim and if the sadhu does not save it,it will drown.The monk rescues it,but the scorpion stings him.The sadhu flings his hand in pain and the scorpion goes flying back to the river.This drama goes on for several times…. Then a hunter watches the sadhu and the scorpion.He comes closer and says ---Forgive me for my frankness,but Why don’t you give up and let the scorpion drown as it is going to sting you again ?

The sadhu replies ; -----My dear child,it is the scorpion’s nature to sting.My dharma is to help any creature of any kind-human or animal. Just as he is not leaving his nature ,why should I leave my nature????? That is the story,my dear.I love today’s youth.I am sure they will learn through experience one day.Why should I hate him? I feel I am young at heart. While the old man is telling the story,the young boy and his friends eavesdrop on the story too.After a while……………..

After a while, they ( the young boy and his friends) realized the morality of the Indian story and the boy decided to let his seat to the old man : ----"OK, old man. Have my seat! I understand I'll be old one day too. I get it! I must help my neighbour". Grace was extremely happy for the old man and thanked the students. But unfortunately for her, misfortune was going on : the bus broke down and had to stop in the middle of nowhere! She thought she would never be on time for her exam! Sadly, she went down the bus. While she was walking on the zebra crossing, a car stopped by and she heard the driver ask : ---- "Where are you going, young lady?". She really thought the driver was a mean guy who was hitting on her but after glimpsing the man through the window of the car, she realized he was her music teacher! He asked again : ---- " Are you going to school, Grace? Because I am! I can give you a lift to school if you want." Of course, she needed this lift! Thanks to her music teacher, she was on time at school for her exam. Then, after her exam, she thought of the old man and his story and of her teacher and the lift. She was thankful. Her heart was fulfilled with happiness because at the beginning of the day, she was pessimistic about the society she was living in, thinking selfishness was the current social phenomenom whereas at the end of the day, optimism was back!

She knew young and old people could still help each other on bad times.

Grace Kind is a high school student and she studies music at conservatory. She is good at all her subjects . She is quite successful and very polite. She is 16 years old and she is tall,but feeble with hazel eyes and short fair hair. It is 9 o’clock in the morning and she comes to the bus stop with some books and a violin case in her hands so as to go to school. The bus stop is too small and crowded.She starts waiting for the bus like the other people at the bus stop. She has got a very important practical exam and she wants to go to school as soon as possible on that day. The bus arrives at the bus stop after twenty minutes. When the bus arrives at the bus stop,people try to get on the bus by pushing each other. Grace waits patiently for her turn to come.Just as she tries to get on the bus,a rude man with a huge body pushes Grace,says “sorry I’m in a hurry”,jumps the queue and gets on the bus.

When the man pushes Grace ,she backs a few steps and falls down.Nobody helps her stand up. In the mean time the bus leaves the bus stop. Grace is shocked and furious and she says nothing,but represses her anger.She thinks she hates men. She checks her watch .It is 8.20 a.m. She knows that the next bus will be at the bus stop in half an hour . She starts waiting impatiently,but she cannot help thinking her exam starting at 9

o’clock.She hasn’t got enough money to take a taxi either. The second bus comes at 8.50 and she gets on it. She sees all the seats in the bus are full and most of the passengers are students. She stands near a seat and holds it. A septuagenary man gets on the bus at the next bus stop. He is too old to wait standing ,but no one gives him a seat. She can’t stand and she says ; --why don’t you give your seat to that uncle ? --What’s that to you? One of the students replies and adds --- This old boy does not need to sit anywhere as he will die in a few years.We are more weary than him.If you like,you can get him to sit on your lap. The other boys nod him and look at Grace angrily. Grace is speechless , says nothing and looks at the old man desperately. ---“Do not worry,dear and I will tell you a short Indian story.When you listen to it,you will understand what I have felt” says the old man and begins to tell the story.

One day a sadhu goes to the river and there he notices a scorpion struggling in the water.The scorpion cannot swim and if the sadhu does not save it,it will drown.The monk rescues it,but the scorpion stings him.The sadhu flings his hand in pain and the scorpion goes flying back to the river.This drama goes on for several times…. Then a hunter watches the sadhu and the scorpion.He comes closer and says

---Forgive me for my frankness,but Why don’t you give up and let the scorpion drown as it is going to sting you again ?

The sadhu replies ; -----My dear child,it is the scorpion’s nature to sting.My dharma is to help any creature of any kind-human or animal. Just as he is not leaving his nature ,why should I leave my nature????? That is the story,my dear.I love today’s youth.I am sure they will learn through experience one day.Why should I hate him? I feel I am young at heart. While the old man is telling the story,the young boy and his friends eavesdrop on the story too.After a while……………..

After a while one boy ,smiling,says: --- Ehi girl, have you listened? The old man agrees with us,it's not our duty to let him sit down!! Ah,Ah, know-all girl!! Another boy says; --- The old man is ....young at heart !! and they start laughing. --Very young! Younger than us ,do you see? The old man pretends not to hear them,but Grace is getting furious.

At the next stop, a seat is freed up and Grace runs to take it to the old man but one boy

,discovering what she is going to do,trips her and Gace falls down.

She hurts her right knee and her right hand which is bleeding !

She pain boys get bus acting

cries for while the off the as if

nothing has happened. The old man is very sorry about her .She is very sad and angry: she can't play the violin because her hand hurts! Those bullies have ruined her day and her exam. Â


The beginning of the story The happy ending The illustrations

The titles The sad ending


So, I’m going to tell you the story of Antonia, the girl who was bullied by a group of three boys. Just to make some sense, the names of the boys were Yannick, Richard and Tristan. It all started, Antonia was new at the school. She wasn’t skinny, like “normal” size. She was a bit bigger and wearing glasses. As the boys saw her, they immediately started to call her names. “God, why are there such fat pigs in this world?” said Yannick. “That’s a big glassed whale right there!” shouted Richard. Everybody else was laughing or just pretending not to see or hear anything. At this point Antonia already knew something: “This is already like all of the other schools. Bullying starts all over again. Hopefully I can handle it this time. I don’t want to change school again!”

In her first lesson they threw paper at her with little insults on it. In the breaks between the lessons they pulled her hair and screamed, “Look! I caught a big glassed whale!” Every time she came home, with tears on her face, she immediately ran into her room threw herself on her bed and just cried. And every day at school it started all over again.

One evening she chatted online with one of her friends, Florentine, who she had met in a summer camp for talented musicians during the summer holidays. “They throw paper at me with insults on it. They call me names. They pull my hair. They draw ugly pictures of me on the board. And they gossip about me. It’s not really nice, I can tell you.” Antonia was silently crying while telling her friend about her hard days at school. Why didn’t anybody stop the bullies? Why didn’t anybody seem to notice anything? Why did the teachers seem to be blind? Florentine tried to cheer up Antonia. She said, “Come on. You are such a nice and talented girl. You are a great guitar player. I am your friend and will always be there for you. Just ignore those bullies; they don’t know anything about you. They are so superficial.” “If I looked like you, they wouldn’t call me names,” Antonia replied with an upset voice, but somehow her friend had encouraged her. That night she didn’t sleep well – like all the other nights – but something was different. She did no longer want to be a victim: tomorrow she would stand up against those mean boys. On her way to school the next morning the three boys were bullying Antonia again, so she tried to commit suicide, because she could not stand it any longer. But she could not kill herself because her mother was supporting her.

The following day she realized that the three boys were going away from school because their parents did not have money to pay for school. Antonia was going to live calmly because the boys were going to go away and might not bother her.

But eventually the guys didn’t go, so Antonia had a plan. The next morning when Antonia got to class she decided to do what she had thought about for so long to do to get rid of those jokes and people who only tried to damage her. She sat at her desk, left her backpack and hoped to start the routine day: insults, after five minutes they were attacking her and laughed at her. Then she closed her fists, clenched her teeth strong and started saying, ”See I know you cannot please everyone, we are all different, but for that reason you cannot treat me like you do. Why do you like doing this?” Then she thought: I'm tired already of each of you because I have shown that there are good people for your actions and if you think I will go into your game, you’re mad. I would never do anything I do not like to be done.

So, I’m going to tell you the story of Antonia, the girl who was bullied by a group of three boys. Just to make some sense, the names of the boys were Yannick, Richard and Tristan. It all started, Antonia was new at the school. She wasn’t skinny, like “normal” size. She was a bit bigger and wearing glasses. As the boys saw her, they immediately started to call her names. “God, why are there such fat pigs in this world?” said Yannick. “That’s a big glassed whale right there!” shouted Richard. Everybody else was laughing or just pretending not to see or hear anything. At this point Antonia already knew something: “This is already like all of the other schools. Bullying starts all over again. Hopefully I can handle it this time. I don’t want to change school again!”

In her first lesson they threw paper at her with little insults on it. In the breaks between the lessons they pulled her hair and screamed, “Look! I caught a big glassed whale!” Every time she came home, with tears on her face, she immediately ran into her room threw herself on her bed and just cried. And every day at school it started all over again.

One evening she chatted online with one of her friends, Florentine, who she had met in a summer camp for talented musicians during the summer holidays. “They throw paper at me with insults on it. They call me names. They pull my hair. They draw ugly pictures of me on the board. And they gossip about me. It’s not really nice, I can tell you.” Antonia was silently crying while telling her friend about her hard days at school. Why didn’t anybody stop the bullies? Why didn’t anybody seem to notice anything? Why did the teachers seem to be blind? Florentine tried to cheer up Antonia. She said, “Come on. You are such a nice and talented girl. You are a great guitar player. I am your friend and will always be there for you. Just ignore those bullies; they don’t know anything about you. They are so superficial.” “If I looked like you, they wouldn’t call me names,” Antonia replied with an upset voice, but somehow her friend had encouraged her. That night she didn’t sleep well – like all the other nights – but something was different.

She did no longer want to be a victim: tomorrow she would stand up against those mean boys. On her way to school the next morning she met some of the boys from school and they said, “Look at that whale girl with glasses!” Antonia replied, “I prefer being myself to looking like you.” One of the boys, “Aaaaahh ... a talking idiot whale! ...Brrrrr….Brrrrr….Brrrr…” Antonia was angry, ” Enough’s enough !!! I hate you, pimply-­‐faced, damned pig. How dare you talk to me like this?” The boy said, “God damn you, bird brained “and pushed her. Antonia fell down and hit her head to the curbside in the street. The boys stood next to her and said, “Stand up, Big whale, stand up”, but she couldn’t……

When she opened her eyes after ten days, she was in hospital. She had been operated by the surgeons, but the surgeons said she could neither walk nor stand up as she had a serious cerebral accident. She would become a bedridden from now on…… :(((


The illustrations

The titles

The beginning of the story

The happy ending

The sad ending

Some students are at Radice-Alighieri school in Catona,Italy. It's 3.00 p.m. and Marco, Luca, Maria are at the music classroom for the music rehearsal. They are ready to start playing when a boy comes in and says : Good afternoon teacher. I'm Giuseppe Longo and I'm here to replace Luigi.

Mrs Rossi: Okay, hello Giuseppe. So you play the guitar,do you? Giuseppe: Yes ,that's right and he starts playing. Mrs Rossi: Okay, you know the songs we're rehearsing? Giuseppe: yes I've got the list Mrs Rossi: Ready? a one-two-three-four... All the students are playing their instruments and Giuseppe too,but ...he is out of tune ; the teacher goes on making them to play twice,then she says: Stop! Are you sure you can play the guitar ,Giuseppe? Giuseppe:Well you know! practise a lot!!

Mrs Rossi : I'm sorry ,you can't do it. You can go home and


He goes out getting nervous and angry for having made a bad impression ! The next afternoon Marco and Luca are practising music, Luca tells Marco that his guitar is beautiful and Marco tells it is a Gibson SG ,worth a lot of money. Luca asks if he can try it and Marco gives it saying: - Sure, but be careful! While Luca is placing the guitar, Giuseppe arrives and taking it,starts to play. Marco, amazed, says: - Hey! What are you doing? Stop it ! Giuseppe says: - Why? Don't you like it?

-No, you can't play . Marco answers and Giuseppe smiling: Is it your guitar? Well, it's out of tune. I'll tune it. So he tightens a guitar string until he breaks it and , tauntingly , he gives Marco his guitar saying : - Now it's tuned. You can play it and goes out. Marco is dumbstruck ! Luca is speechless ! - What a bully !! says Marco Luca, shyly says: Have you got a spare string? Marco : Yes , I 've got one. I won't tell anything to my parents! I'll tell that I broke it accidentally. I hate that boy, I want only forget him!! The following day Marco sees Giuseppe in the corridor who pretending to be distracted, thrusts Marco and goes on his way. Two days after Marco,Luca and Maria go to the music classroom , Marco takes his guitar case ,opens it but it's empty, the guitar is missing! He turns pale. Maria looks at him and asks: Marco what's the matter?


Marco: Someone took my guitar ! Look ! Maria has a look into the case and sees a paper note ; -What is this? Marco opens it and reads: - "I love your guitar. I borrowed it. If you want it back leave 20 euros in your locker and put the key under the mat. Don't tell anyone or else...." Maria: -Oh dear! Who wrote the message?

Luca: Who knows! Marco: - But what can I do now? My beautiful guitar! My parents bought me to make me feel happy. Oh,no!! Luca:- Let me think. Have you got the money,the 20 euros ? Marco: - No, I only have 5 euro.I had my pocket money last day. Luca: - I 've got 10 euro. My dad gave me to buy a phone charge . Maria:- Don't worry, I've 5 euro ,my pocket money , Here take it Marco.

Marco : -Thanks a lot . If my parents knew.....But what's your plan ,Luca? Luca:- Listen! And he starts telling what he has hatched out..... When the school bell rings, all the students leave the school, but Luca,Marco and Maria don't. They go to the locker room and hide behind a row of chairs .They are waiting for the person to come and get the money . A boy comes in taking a guitar covered under a blanket .

It’s Giuseppe! He puts the guitar down into the guitar case, gets Vic’s locker key under the rug, opens it and takes the money out, then he closes and locks the locker, replaces the key under the rug and goes out. Luca and the other kids are amazed, Marco is embittered, they were suspicious of Giuseppe.... Marco picks up his guitar, they decide do not tell anything to the headmaster nor to the music teacher Mrs Rossi and go out of the room sadly and angrily. In the afternoon they meet at Luca's and decide to play a trick on Giuseppe. That bully deserves a lesson !!!

Two afternoons later.... Luca, Marco and Maria go to the school library because they know that Giuseppe must consult some books for a Science project . Maria has finished to study and stands up, says goodbye to her mates,when she arrives near to Giuseppe she makes a note slide on his desk.

Giuseppe, a bit surprised, opens the note and reads: You're cute. I like you. Meet me tomorrow in the park, near the ice-cream kiosk at 5,30 p. m. Don't be late ! But what Giuseppe doesn´t know is that the friends pull his leg with the letter. At 5.15 pm Marco, Luca and Maria arrive at the ice-cream kiosk. The two boys hide behind a cherry tree. It is summer, it´s very hot every day, the sun shines, so on the tree hang a lots of big and red cherries. Marco and Luca pick some cherries to throw them later at Giuseppe. Maria counts her money… perfect! Enough for two scoops. She waits for 10 minutes. Luca: Oh Maria look! Giuseppe is coming! Luca is soon back, behind the tree. Giuseppe: Hey Maria. How are you? Maria: Hi, Giuseppe. Thank you, very fine! The weather is perfect for an ice-cream, isn´t it? Giuseppe: Yes that´s right! Maria and Giuseppe each buy two scoops of chocolate ice-cream. Maria: Have you heard…? Marco´s guitar was stolen … The unknown person wanted 20 euros for the guitar! Giuseppe: Really?! Has Marco got his guitar back? Maria: Yes. But it’s broken. He wants to know who the blackmailer is. Have you got any idea who it could be? Giuseppe: No, I´m sor… The first cherry flies and lands directly in Giuseppe´s face. Giuseppe: What was that?! It hurt. Maria : Perhaps a bird that wants to pick a cherry off the tree and it has been dropped accidentally. Giuseppe: Yes, maybe that’s possible.. Marco and Luca giggle.

Maria:… so I don´t think it isn´t too bad that Marco’s guitar was stolen. He brags with it too much, doesn’t he? The person who has stolen the guitar is very cool! Marco is outraged. He whispers Marco: What´s wrong with Maria? Why does she say that? Luca: Oh… Marco, you are so stupid! She just says that to put him a trap. Marco: Oh… I see; that is very clever. The two boys listen again to Giuseppe and Maria. Giuseppe: Do you really think so? Ehhh…. I stole Marco’s guitar. Maria: Really?! I can´t believe that. Do you have a proof? Giuseppe: Yes, here are the 20 euros from Marco. Do you believe me? Marco and Luca come out of their hiding. Luca: Giuseppe! Why did you do that? That was very nasty! Giuseppe: Marco, Luca …. Ehhh what are you doing here? Marco: Maria, Luca and I have set you a trap and we want you to recognize yourself what you did.

Giuseppe: Okay, you got me. I´m so sorry, Marco .I was so jealous. There are your 20 euros. Please, give me your guitar, I will have it repaired. Marco: OK, Giuseppe, but don´t do that again! Giuseppe: Yes, I promise! Come on, I will pay you an ice-cream. Marco: Thank you, Giuseppe! Two days later Giuseppe gives Marco his guitar. Marco teaches Giuseppe how to play the guitar, and the students become really good friends… and Giuseppe turns into a very friendly person.

Some students are at Radice-Alighieri school in Catona,Italy. It's 3.00 p.m. and Marco, Luca, Maria are at the music classroom for the music rehearsal. They are ready to start playing when a boy comes in and says : Good afternoon teacher. I'm Giuseppe Longo and I'm here to replace Luigi.


Mrs Rossi: Okay, hello Giuseppe. So you play the guitar,do you? Giuseppe: Yes ,that's right and he starts playing. Mrs Rossi: Okay, you know the songs we're rehearsing? Giuseppe: yes I've got the list Mrs Rossi: Ready? a one-two-three-four... All the students are playing their instruments and Giuseppe too,but ...he is out of tune ; the teacher goes on making them to play twice,then she says: Stop! Are you sure you can play the guitar ,Giuseppe? Giuseppe:Well you know! practise a lot!!

Mrs Rossi : I'm sorry ,you can't do it. You can go home and


He goes out getting nervous and angry for having made a bad impression ! The next afternoon Marco and Luca are practising music, Luca tells Marco that his guitar is beautiful and Marco tells it is a Gibson SG ,worth a lot of money. Luca asks if he can try it and Marco gives it saying: - Sure, but be careful! While Luca is placing the guitar, Giuseppe arrives and taking it,starts to play. Marco, amazed, says: - Hey! What are you doing? Stop it ! Giuseppe says: - Why? Don't you like it?

-No, you can't play . Marco answers and Giuseppe smiling: Is it your guitar? Well, it's out of tune. I'll tune it. So he tightens a guitar string until he breaks it and , tauntingly , he gives Marco his guitar saying : - Now it's tuned. You can play it and goes out. Marco is dumbstruck ! Luca is speechless ! - What a bully !! says Marco Luca, shyly says: Have you got a spare string? Marco : Yes , I 've got one. I won't tell anything to my parents! I'll tell that I broke it accidentally. I hate that boy, I want only forget him!! The following day Marco sees Giuseppe in the corridor who pretending to be distracted, thrusts Marco and goes on his way. Two days after Marco,Luca and Maria go to the music classroom , Marco takes his guitar case ,opens it but it's empty, the guitar is missing! He turns pale. Maria looks at him and asks: Marco what's the matter?


Marco: Someone took my guitar ! Look ! Maria has a look into the case and sees a paper note ; -What is this? Marco opens it and reads: - "I love your guitar. I borrowed it. If you want it back leave 20 euros in your locker and put the key under the mat. Don't tell anyone or else...." Maria: -Oh dear! Who wrote the message?

Luca: Who knows! Marco: - But what can I do now? My beautiful guitar! My parents bought me to make me feel happy. Oh,no!! Luca:- Let me think. Have you got the money,the 20 euros ? Marco: - No, I only have 5 euro.I had my pocket money last day. Luca: - I 've got 10 euro. My dad gave me to buy a phone charge . Maria:- Don't worry, I've 5 euro ,my pocket money , Here take it Marco.

Marco : -Thanks a lot . If my parents knew.....But what's your plan ,Luca? Luca:- Listen! And he starts telling what he has hatched out..... When the school bell rings, all the students leave the school, but Luca,Marco and Maria don't. They go to the locker room and hide behind a row of chairs .They are waiting for the person to come and get the money . A boy comes in taking a guitar covered under a blanket .

It’s Giuseppe! He puts the guitar down into the guitar case, gets Vic’s locker key under the rug, opens it and takes the money out, then he closes and locks the locker, replaces the key under the rug and goes out. Luca and the other kids are amazed, Marco is embittered, they were suspicious of Giuseppe.... Marco picks up his guitar, they decide do not tell anything to the headmaster nor to the music teacher Mrs Rossi and go out of the room sadly and angrily. In the afternoon they meet at Luca's and decide to play a trick on Giuseppe. That bully deserves a lesson !!!

Two afternoons later.... Luca, Marco and Maria go to the school library because they know that Giuseppe must consult some books for a Science project . Maria has finished to study and stands up, says goodbye to her mates,when she arrives near to Giuseppe she makes a note slide on his desk. Giuseppe, a bit surprised, opens the note and reads: You're cute. I like you. Meet me tomorrow in the park, near the ice-cream kiosk at 5,30 p. m. Don't be late ! Maria and Giuseppe meet at the park and sit down on a bench. Maria: You know Giuseppe, I have something to tell you. Giuseppe: What is it? Is it about Marco?

Maria: No, it’s about you. I think you are very handsome. Maria: The things you do to Marco are so cool! I love it! Giuseppe: Oh, thank you, I think the same about you. They started meeting and Maria said things to Giuseppe about Marco so Giuseppe could know the things Marco didn’t like. Marco finally found out about the relationship between Giuseppe and Maria, and he was sad because he lost one of the only friends he had. Maria forgot about Marco and he was left alone and sad. Eventually Maria started bullying Marco because Giuseppe told her to do so, and Marco could never get any friends at school. Marco got depressed and had to move to another town.


The titles

The beginning of the story

The happy ending

The sad ending

The illustrations

It´s the last day of high school and Oliwia, a student, is very exicted because the head master, is going, to offer to the best students a trip to a campsite. Oliwia is a girl with black hair as coal, her eyes are round and blue as the sea. She has a sweet sight. Her skin is white, so she looks like a vampire. She is really quiet and unsociable, because she is shy. Her dad died when she was little since her dad died her mother started drinking.

She has a kid so she has to look after her mother and brother, she has and old friend, her name is Wictoria (Wiki) she has to go to class, because they are going to get their marks. When she goes to class, she founds her friend Wictoria. Wictoria is 14 years old, she is normal size and thin, like all the girls of her age. Her hair is brown and her eyes are green. She has dark skin, she isn`t shy, but she isn`t sociable either she`s patient, easy-going and little bit talkative. She has a normal family like her with a mother, father and two little twins.

The high school has three floors where each floor is organized in a different way, the high school is very big and in the playground of secondary there is a football and basketball court.

When Oliwia is going to go to get her marks, she falls down the stairs, she was injured and everyone start laughed. Wiki goes very fast to help her. She had wounds on her body. The students who are laughing are the next: Max Hofer, Stephanie and Rose.

Max is 15 years old, he´s really tall, he has long hair and brown eyes, he´s the football team of High School, he has a top 10 body, because he´s a sportive boy. He has divorced parents; he´s an only child, so he lives only with his mum, his girlfriend is Stephanie, he doesn´t feel comfortable with her because she´s really jealous.

Stephanie is 15 years old, like Max, she looks like a model girl, she´s from Miami. Her eyes are green like the lawn, and brown like the Earth, and she´s blond. She doesn´t have brothers or sisters. She´s very jealous, impatient, mean and anxious. She likes bullying different girls, because she feels superior from others. Her boyfriend is Max Hofer, and her only friend is Rose.

Rose is 14 years old, she´s the right hand of Stephanie. Her eyes are brown like her curly hair. She has one brother, the most awesome student of the High School. He´s impatient, she likes doing bulling to girls with her best friend Stephanie, but she´s friendly when she strives. One month later, the best students go to the campsite. The campsite was located in a mountain in the south. Next to the river there are fifteen woods cabins dispersed in a great space and there is a lunchroom.

At night, next to a bonfire, Rose, Max and Stephanie were cooking marshmallows. Oliwia went to cook on their bonfire, because she didn’t know how to do it, and someone accidentally pushed her and she burned the end of her hair and everyone laughed about her‌

Olivia tried to stand up without caring of their laughing and her

burned hair. Suddenly Mark got angry with the guys laughing to Olivia and helped her as he understood how dangerous the event was. He took Olivia to her tent and went back to the fire place. They talked there for a long time and went sleeping at night.

Olivia got permission from her teacher to leave the camp and packed her suitcase to go back home. Wictoria wanted to go back with Olivia ,but she convinced Wictoria to stay at the campsite. Mark saw Olivia while she was packing her suitcase and asked her where she would go. Olivia told him that she would go back home. Mark didn’t want to leave her alone and got on the bus that went to town every morning from the campsite .

While going to the town, Mark apologised to Olivia for their bullying her. She forgave him. Then Mark suggested her to go to a hairdresser with him to have her hair cut and designed. Olivia thought it was a good idea and they went to the hairdresser in the town. The hairdresser cut her hair and designed. In fact her short hair suited her more than her long hair.

Mark ,Olivia and Victoria became close friends and hanged around together .Rose and Stephan understood how they hurt Olivia and they apologised to her.

At last everyone understands that bullying does nobody any good and brings unhappiness to humanity. They have created an etwinning project with their teacher.

It´s the last day of high school and Oliwia, a student, is very exicted because the head master, is going, to offer to the best students a trip to a campsite. Oliwia is a girl with black hair as coal, her eyes are round and blue as the sea. She has a sweet sight. Her skin is white, so she looks like a vampire. She is really quiet and unsociable, because she is shy. Her dad died when she was little since her dad died her mother started drinking.

She has a kid so she has to look after her mother and brother, she has and old friend, her name is Wictoria (Wiki) she has to go to class,

because they are going to get their marks. When she goes to class, she founds her friend Wictoria. Wictoria is 14 years old, she is normal size and thin, like all the girls of her age. Her hair is brown and her eyes are green. She has dark skin, she isn`t shy, but she isn`t sociable either she`s patient, easy-going and little bit talkative. She has a normal family like her with a mother, father and two little twins.

The high school has three floors where each floor is organized in a different way, the high school is very big and in the playground of

secondary there is a football and basketball court.

When Oliwia is going to go to get her marks, she falls down the stairs, she was injured and everyone start laughed. Wiki goes very fast to help her. She had wounds on her body. The students who are laughing are the next: Max Hofer, Stephanie and Rose.

Max is 15 years old, he´s really tall, he has long hair and brown eyes, he´s the football team of High School, he has a top 10 body, because he´s a sportive boy. He has divorced parents; he´s an only child, so he lives only with his mum, his girlfriend is Stephanie, he doesn´t feel comfortable with her because she´s really jealous.

Stephanie is 15 years old, like Max, she looks like a model girl, she´s from Miami. Her eyes are green like the lawn, and brown like the Earth, and she´s blond. She doesn´t have brothers or sisters. She´s very jealous, impatient, mean and anxious. She likes bullying different girls, because she feels superior from others. Her boyfriend is Max Hofer, and her only friend is Rose.

Rose is 14 years old, she´s the right hand of Stephanie. Her eyes are brown like her curly hair. She has one brother, the most awesome student of the High School. He´s impatient, she likes doing bulling to girls with her best friend Stephanie, but she´s friendly when she strives. One month later, the best students go to the campsite. The campsite was located in a mountain in the south. Next to the river there are fifteen woods cabins dispersed in a great space and there is a lunchroom. At night, next to a bonfire, Rose, Max and Stephanie were cooking

marshmallows. Oliwia went to cook on their bonfire, because she didn’t know how to do it, and someone accidentally pushed her and she burned the end of her hair and everyone laughed about her‌

Her black hair was burnt. With her white skin and because she was dishevelled, she looked terrible! Rose, Max and Stephanie took a

video of her with a cellphone and posted it on Facebook right away with the following comment : ‘Oliwia, a vampire at the campsite’. Oliwia was scared. She didn’t know what to do. She tried to phone her friend, Wictoria but she didn’t answer. She saw the video on Facebook and 50 people had already clicked on ‘LIKE’ and 25 had already written comments such as ‘she’s so ugly with that new haircut’ or ‘She’s such a loser’ or ‘Where can I find this awful wig ?’ etc….

Oliwia was so sad that she decided to run away. She ran a long time. She couldn’t stop running. She was crying at the time. After a while, she couldn’t see anything because of the obscurity of the night and because of the tears in her eyes. But she was still running. She was very far from the campsite now.

Wictoria, who had learnt about what happened on the bonfire, tried to phone Oliwia back but she got the answering machine. Oliwia was so far, in the mountain that her phone didn’t have any network. While Oliwia was running, she stumbled and her head banged badly on the ground on a big rock.

The next morning, the police found Oliwia’s dead body.


The sad ending

The illustrations

The titles

The beginning of the story

The happy ending

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