Criminology in Latin America: Between cultural imports and paths of decolonization

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We are happy and proud to announce our new issue

Criminology in Latin America: Between





of decolonization

Guest editors:

Matías Bailone,

Ana Míria Carinhanha

Cléber da Silva Lopes

Latin American criminology has struggled between originality and import, between political commitment and ideological asepsis. In this special edition, we discuss the particularities of this subcontinent that has so much to offer to countries on the margins of planetary power.


Editorial: Criminological Encounters in a time

Editorial for the special issue: Criminology in

of social distancing

Latin America: Between cultural import and

by Mattias De Backer and Lucas Melgaço

paths of decolonization by Matías Bailone, Ana Míria Carinhanha and Cléber da Silva Lopes

Read the full article here

Read the full article here


Operationalizing injustice. Criminal selectivity

Broken windows in the Rio de la Plata:

as a tool for understanding (and changing)

Constructing the disorderly other

criminalization in Argentina

by Sebastián Sclofsky

by Valeria Vegh Weis The author discusses the relation between The author writes about the systematic injustice

Broken Windows theory, the quest for zero-



tolerance or avoidance of any image of impunity,

displays at primary (the

and the development of Uruguay’s security



describes how it



enactment of statutes by legislators and the

policies in the last decade.

executive power) and secondary criminalization (the enforcement of the law by police officers; the court process by prosecutors, defense lawyers,






Read the full article here

administration of punishment by correctional officers or parole boards) and contests the unfair patterns and unequal functioning of the criminal justice system. Read the full article here

Peripheral criminal injustice. How

O exame criminólogico no Brasil à luz da

international support for criminal procedure

criminologia clínica de inclusão social

reform in Ecuador worsened an already weak

proposta por Alvino Augusto de Sá

penal system

by Andressa Loli Bazo, Maria Isabel Lima Hamud

by Jorge Eduardo García-Guerrero and Stefan

and Natália Macedo Sanzovo


The authors highlight critical aspects from the

The authors reflect on the relation between the

practices proposed by Alvino Augusto de Sá in

latest reform of the criminal procedure in Ecuador

his technical evaluations of prisoners from the

and the US-led interventions, promoting the

perspective of the Clinical Criminology of Social








systematic disregard for the Right to Due

Read the full article here

Process. Read the full article here

Novas perspectivas sobre os estudos das tendências de homicídios

by Felipe Mattos Monteiro

O contraprograma dos drones: Usos das tecnologias de vigilância nos presídios brasileiros

by Simone da Silva Ribeiro Gomes






The author presents the dynamics of surveillance

Modeling to analyze, beyond general trends, the

technotechnologies used by inmates and prison

growth of homicide rates in Santa Catarina

officers in Brazil, as well as their impact on the

between 1992 and 2017.

prison system. she discusses how criminal factions

Read the full article here





solutions by sharing social control within prisons. Gomes







qualitative research that was carried out in prisons in the cities of Manaus, Fortaleza, Rio de Janeiro and Rio Grande. Read the full article here


Criminology in Latin America: a dialogue with

Hope in the trenches of resistance: Interview

Eugenio Raúl Zaffaroni

with Talíria Petrone

Interviewed by Matías Bailone

Interviewed by Ana Míria Carinhanha and Lucas Melgaço

Matías Bailone spoke to one of the most criminologists in the

In this interview, they talked about her life story

Spanishspeaking world about his academic and

and work in the Brazilian congress, her friendship

professional trajectory and his impressions about

and political partnership with human right’s

critical criminology in Latin America.

activist and politician Marielle Franco, and about

renowned jurists and

Read the full article here

the difficulties and perspectives in fighting for democracy and social inclusion in a scenario of hatred and violence. Read the full article here

The interview is also available in Portuguese.

Read the full article in Portuguese here

Book review

¡Bienvenidos al lawfare! Manual de pasos

Policing or perpetuating violence? State-

básicos para demoler el derecho penal (by E.

sanctioned milícias and police in Rio de

R. Zaffaroni, C. Caamaño, & V. V. Weis).

Janeiro, Brazil [Review of the book A

A book review by Marcos Aldazabal

república das milícias: dos esquadrões da

morte à era Bolsonaro (by B. P. Manso)].

They speak about the empowerment of Courts

A book review by Jessie Bullock

for key political actors; the use of the judiciary by

elites and the growing role of the Constitutional

She analyzes how Paes Manso’s work and the

and Supreme Courts in determining the political

way he examines the growth of the Rio de

arena: “the judicialization of mega-politics”. They

Janeiro’s militias can help to explain Jair

highlight two main points: “an in-depth analysis of

Bolsonaro’s election in 2018.

the criminalization of politics”, and the accessibility of the book “that addresses the general public and allows non-specialized readers to get a first insight in a situation that, due to its impact into politics, affects every citizen’s life”. Read the full article here

Read the full article here

Art intervention

Police: Forgotten soldiers

by Zare Ferragi

The author uses photographs taken in 2009-10 to reflect the meaning of community-policing for Brazil. He analyses the institutional response by the São Paulo state Military Police (or PMESP – Polıćia Militar do Estado de São Paulo) to the adoption





imported from the Japanese koban system (neighborhood police-based system), as an approach to respond to urgent social demands. He wonders how policing can be an ally to confront strong social inequalities – poverty, income




others. Read the full article here

(non-thematic) Forum: Digital technologies in community policing Guest-editors:

Lior Volinz

Lucas Melgaço

Critical criminological research on environmental and social harm: Some lessons learnt and suggestions for future research

by Anna Di Ronco

Policing by another name and entity: BIAs, delegation, and public and private technologies

By Debra Mackinnon

Read the full article here

Read the full article here

Social media, local justice, and citizen-led digital policing

By Katerina Hadjimatheou

Technical solutions to social problems: On digital participatory surveillance and the threat of the homeless

By Lior Volinz

Read the full article here

Read the full article here

Digital literacy and information inequality in Dutch WhatsApp Neighbourhood Crime Prevention groups

by Anouk Mols

Read the full article here

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Criminological Encounters Criminological Encounters is an international inderdisciplinary, peer-reviewed, and radically open-access journal in the field of criminology. It is a venue to facilitate critical dialogues between scholars of criminology and other relevant domains. Criminological Encounters is hosted and supported by the Crime and Society Research Group (CRiS) of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB). Why Criminological Encounters?

The fundamental idea behind this journal is that of "encountering". An "encounter" evokes the idea of solidary gatherings, moments to get together and build common projects as well as moments of confrontation. The encounters we intend to foment here include: Dialogues between criminology and other disciplines; Dialogues between criminology scholars and practitioners; Encounters between competing research methods, theories or between different schools of thought: e.g. qualitative versus quantitative approaches; critical versus positivistic criminology; American versus European criminology; criminology from the “Global South” and from the “Global North”.

Copyright © 2021 Criminological Encounters, All rights reserved.

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Photo credits:

First picture and cover photo © Tiago Macambira

Picture Talíria Petrone (cropped). Original image © Ricardo Albertini/Câmara dos Deputados

Cover of '¡Bienvenidos al lawfare! Manual de pasos básicos para demoler el derecho penal' © Capital intelectual, 2021

Cover of 'A república das milícias: dos esquadrões da morte à era Bolsonaro' © Todavia, 2020

Cover © P. Pajouyan, 2021.

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