Hidden secret of aloe arborescens

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Matija Sega

HIDDEN SECRET OF ALOE ARBORESCENS For fighting cancer successfully


AUTHOR’S NOTE In case of illness I recommend a visit to the doctor’s office. The book cannot replace modern medicine. There is only one health, therefore watch it and nurture it as much as possible. The data from the book should be used at the reader’s sole discretion and their own responsibility. The aim of the book Hidden secret of Aloe arborescens is to expand my knowledge and experience among you, the readers. It is about information which each of you should assess individually whether it is useful for them or not. Neither the company Fruktus, Matija Sega s.p. nor the author do not wish to interfere with your health or treatment prescribed by modern medicine. Therefore, the company Fruktus, Matija Sega s.p. and the author Matija Sega do not assume any liability for those who choose to be treated alone or use any instructions from the book.

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Table of Contents STORY OF MINE ....................................................................................................................................................... 5 NUTRITIONAL SUPPLEMENT WHICH SHOULD ALL TAKE ......................................................................................... 9 Time for change ................................................................................................................................................ 15 Now you know .............................................................................................................................................. 20 FROM HOMEMADE HONEY ................................................................................................................................... 21 TO ALOE ARBORESCENS ........................................................................................................................................ 21 Bee sting allergy ................................................................................................................................................ 23 Allergy and Aloe arborescens ............................................................................................................................ 24 Significance of honey in the preparation ...................................................................................................... 24 The true story of my grandfather ...................................................................................................................... 26 MY GRANDMOTHER BEAT CANCER! WHY WOULDN’T YOU? ............................................................................... 29 How my grandmother coped ............................................................................................................................ 31 with her disease ................................................................................................................................................ 31 That’s how it all started ................................................................................................................................. 31 Conventional treatment of cancer begins ..................................................................................................... 32 Aloe as an aid to conventional cancer treatment ......................................................................................... 32 Significant improvement in her state of health ............................................................................................ 33 She is using Aloe regularly even today .......................................................................................................... 34 I AM WELL AWARE OF HOW ILNESS CHANGES YOUR LIFE ................................................................................... 35 Impact of the disease on my daily living ........................................................................................................... 36 What I am trying to say? ............................................................................................................................... 37 PRPERATION MADE OF ALOE ARBORESCENS AND ............................................................................................... 38 HOMEMADE HONEY ............................................................................................................................................. 38 I discovered the following ................................................................................................................................. 39 Learning about the plant ................................................................................................................................... 39 Use of Aloe arborescens in the past.............................................................................................................. 40 Characteristics of Aloe leaves ........................................................................................................................... 41 Effect of Aloe arborescens ................................................................................................................................ 43 2|P a g e


Where does Aloe help ....................................................................................................................................... 45 Homemade preparation is the best .............................................................................................................. 48 Don’t forget Aloe is not almighty .................................................................................................................. 49 Side effects of taking Aloe ................................................................................................................................. 51 Side effects of taking Aloe preparation ......................................................................................................... 51 Unwanted side effects while taking the preparation .................................................................................... 52 Less common unwanted side effects ............................................................................................................ 53 RECIPE FOR THE PREPARATION BY........................................................................................................................ 55 ROMANO ZAGO..................................................................................................................................................... 55 Deviations from the recipe................................................................................................................................ 57 Preparation process .......................................................................................................................................... 58 Taking the preparation ...................................................................................................................................... 62 Aloe course of treatment .............................................................................................................................. 62 Preventive use of the preparation ................................................................................................................ 63 Flexibility of taking the preparation .............................................................................................................. 65 Regular taking of Aloe ....................................................................................................................................... 67 ALOE ARBORESCENS ............................................................................................................................................. 69 Aloe growing regions ........................................................................................................................................ 70 Aloes in our country .......................................................................................................................................... 71 The names of Aloe arborescens ........................................................................................................................ 72 Description of Aloe arborescens ....................................................................................................................... 73 Aloe leaves .................................................................................................................................................... 73 Flower ........................................................................................................................................................... 74 Root system................................................................................................................................................... 74 Aloe in modern science ..................................................................................................................................... 75 GROWING ALOE .................................................................................................................................................... 76 ARBORESCENS ....................................................................................................................................................... 76 Where Aloe grows best ..................................................................................................................................... 77 Watering Aloe ................................................................................................................................................... 79 Excessive watering ........................................................................................................................................ 80 Fertilizing Aloe arborescens .............................................................................................................................. 81 How can I determine the age of the plant? .................................................................................................. 81 Soil in which the plant grows best ................................................................................................................ 81 Replanting Aloe arborescens ........................................................................................................................ 82 Plant reproduction ........................................................................................................................................ 83

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Diseases of Aloe arborescens ........................................................................................................................ 83 CATARACT IS GONE ............................................................................................................................................... 84 Surgery was not necessary ............................................................................................................................ 84 Has cataract really magically disappeared? .................................................................................................. 85 PLEASE SHARE! ...................................................................................................................................................... 86 What about your experience? .......................................................................................................................... 87 Dear readers! .................................................................................................................................................... 88

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STORY OF MINE The first time I came up against Aloe arborescens in more detail was in 2008, when my grandma was using it to beat cancer (Hodgkin's lymphoma). That is when I realized there were very few things known about this plant. It is very difficult or practically impossible to obtain any scientifically substantiated information about the plant. I can say though, that a pioneer in this field is Padre Romano Zago (who will be mentioned in the book several times), although he does not consider himself as one. He in fact says that he is only revealing what has been forgotten from the past. In his books, where he describes the wonderful characteristics of the plant, he mostly relies upon practical examples. I myself can now, after several years of studying the plant and preparation following his recipe, confirm his findings and add some of my own experiences. In 2008 my grandma won the battle with cancer using the aforementioned preparation of Aloe arborescens, which only further increased my interest in the plant and the formula made therefrom. Since there are only a few books on the mentioned topic, I spent my evenings sitting in front of a computer, tirelessly looking for information online. All this time I have also been testing the formula on myself and been gathering information from close relatives and friends who have been also consuming the formula and consume it even today. In doing so I learned that the formula made from Aloe arborescens is not efficient only in diseases, such as cancer. It is also excellent for strengthening the immune system and difficulties that many people face every day. Although I experienced no health difficulties at the time of writing this book, I have been consuming this formula as a preventive measure and still consume it today. Also, I have no intention to discontinue with the consumption of the formula made from Aloe arborescens in the future. And you can read in the following chapters of the book why I am so strongly confident in this plant. I can affirm with greatest enthusiasm and own experience that the formula is very efficient. It is an excellent nutritional supplement, which differs from the majority of these on the market in the fact that it

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is entirely natural and that you simply and cheaply prepare it alone at home. It has helped me rectify many difficulties such as bad breath, dry facial skin, dandruff, I almost eliminated the problem I had with heartburn, and most importantly, I greatly strengthened my immune system, as I am bursting with energy ever since I started taking this Aloe formula. My day has simply extended for a few hours. I am not a doctor or a healer. I am a graduate in economy by occupation. This means I have not formal education, which would confirm my knowledge of Aloe arborescens and homemade honey. Some of you may even »stumble« at my age. However, none of that represents no obstacle in obtaining information about this wonderful plant and formula, which was presented to us by the Brazilian padre Romano Zago. Since I have been looking for information on Aloe arborescens for the past few years due to health problems of my grandparents and consequently because of own health, our close relatives and friends turn to me with different questions on the plant and its formula. In addition, I receive e-mails regularly and take phone calls from all over Slovenia. People want to learn as much as possible about Aloe arborescens and its formula. I am happy to answer their questions and search for answers to any questions I have no answer to. Thus, in recent years, I have greatly expanded my range of knowledge of this beautiful plant and its formula that opens up new possibilities for us. And it is these conversations, e-mails and phone calls that have persuaded me into writing this book. I am sure it will not answer all the questions, but I am sure it will clarify many dilemmas. I believe this book will provide solutions for many people’s problems. My examples (some of which will also be mentioned in the book) prove that both Aloe arborescens as well as homemade honey have an extraordinary healing effect. It seems only fair and just not to keep this information to myself. Quite the contrary. I believe that everyone should be familiar with and use what I am describing in the book. Own experience has also been complemented by my grandfather, who, with the help of the formula from Aloe arborescens completely removed his cataract, so surgery was no longer necessary. This book does not mention my grandma and grandpa merely by reason of both of them having a positive experience with Aloe arborescens. They are also important in terms of my knowledge of the homemade 6|P a g e


honey. They are both in fact passionate beekeepers and have passed quite some of their knowledge on myself throughout the years. If you are wondering why I am bringing up honey allow me to tell you that a formula from Aloe arborescens, according to the recipe of Padre Romano, contains almost 60% of homemade honey. So, in order to be able to present a more detailed view of the above mentioned therapeutic product, knowledge of homemade honey and its positive effects on our body is of great importance here. Let me go back to Aloe and the fact why I think you also need this book. In recent years of intensive study of this plant and formula I came to the conclusion that the plant is almost unknown to the public. Most of them who know the plant do not know how to use it or do not use it at all. We are well familiar with the »sister« plant, Aloe Vera. This plant is practically everywhere. There is an increased number of products that contain abstracts from the leaves of Aloe Vera. Thus, it can be found in various drinks, natural products, detergents, shampoos, soaps and cosmetic products. Aloe Vera is very well researched and backed up with scientific data and evidence. It is also apparent that most of information known today on Aloe arborescens is simply extracted from Aloe Vera. In my opinion, one of the most important differences that deserve mention in the introduction is the following. It was confirmed by a botanist and herbalist Dr. Aldo Facetti.* He said that Aloe Vera contains 40 % of the main ingredient against cancer, and Aloe arborescens as much as 70 %. So, Aloe arborescens is much more effective in fighting cancer. It pays to continue reading merely by this reason. Even if you do not have cancer and if mentioned disease is not in the family this information may come very useful. Let me remind you that cancer is an increasingly common disease and it is only a matter of time when it will also come across your family, if you admit it or not. I believe that homemade honey is within everyone’s reach, however, there are still only a few people that are aware of its true value. It is therefore no surprise that there are more of those who have never heard of Aloe arborescens and its healing power. The plant comes from the south of the African continent and is less known to us merely for this fact.

* Taken from the book by Romano Zago: Cancer can be cured. 7|P a g e


I am confident that knowledge of Aloe needs to be carried forward and should not sink into oblivion, as has already happened in the past. The ancient Egyptians new that plant very well and have used it in medicine regularly. Unfortunately, the knowledge was lost through time so we are required to discover the positive characteristics of this plant again. The following chapters of this book will address Aloe arborescens. So, anytime Aloe is mentioned, have Aloe arborescens in your mind. Anytime I wish to mention some other type, it will be referred to by its full name. Allow me to briefly summaries the words of introduction. I want you to become aware of numerous characteristics of Aloe arborescens. I want you to remember homemade honey and its positive effects. And since good things come in threes I want you to know that there is a cheap natural formula that is within everyone’s reach (perhaps it can be referred to as an alternative to expensive modern medicine?). Do not hold the book and information to yourself. Share knowledge with your family and friends. Let them know that there is another way to health. I wish you a pleasant reading. Use information obtained regularly in practice and shares it with those closest to you. Believe me, you will not regret it.

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NUTRITIONAL SUPPLEMENT WHICH SHOULD ALL TAKE We are constantly and every step of the way being informed by the media on a wide range of nutritional supplements, which should provide for a more health life. They tend to present less of a risk in the development of a disease, bring more energy, normalize body weight, and much more. They promise all that, but unfortunately things turn out slightly different in reality. The aim of most or all of nutritional supplements is to generate income. There is another thing. To what extent are such synthetic substances actually good for our body? I am no scientist and have no PhD in the said topic. I am only thinking with my common sense. People are living beings, like plants. Try and water the plants in your apartment with a nutritional supplement. It is very likely they will not grow better, it is even possible their growth will deteriorate. Maybe, they would in most cases result in fully drying and even dying. How healthy are therefore nutritional supplements in reality?

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As children we often made jokes on how we will eat »pills« and »powders« and no longer ordinary food when we grow up. I admit, I myself have also tested some of the nutritional supplements in my younger years and then, I once again remembered all those jokes from childhood. Anyone who wants to lose weight or otherwise change their way of life for the better, is considering amending their diet or even do something in this direction. It is a well known fact that people eat poorly and that there is still much to be done in this area. At least most of us. There are always, and of course here as well, exceptions that further substantiate my arguments. Let us for a minute go back to my childhood, i.e., powders and pills that I mentioned earlier. When I was thinking about this earlier today, I realized that jokes on this account from childhood are already coming true and have actually come true for many people.

C APSULES AND PILLS Let's see what convinced me to it. Anyone who has ever enjoyed nutritional supplements has come across different pills and capsules. These supplements should provide our body with vitamins and minerals that we fail to consume with food and consume them in insufficient quantities. We eat poor food, we eat too much, irregularly … The culprit usually responsible for such situation is lack of time. In my opinion, this is just another excuse since we have no less time available to us compared to the time we had at our disposal 100 or 1000 years ago. There are still 24 hours a day and seven days a week at our disposal. And how we spend them totally depends on us. So the problem lies in organizing our time and not the lack of it. But that is another story and it is currently not worth wasting my breath.

P OWDERS Let me get back to nutritional supplements. If you wanted to change something in yourself, you certainly faced different types of powders. I will not talk about specific brands and other details. I will mention only the fact that there are several different providers of such products in our 10 | P a g e


country. I tested some of them myself in the past. You can therefore believe that the things I am writing in this book about, rests on my own experience and experimentation. Of course, these things do not end with powders supplying our body with additional vitamins, which we fail to consume with food. Powders can replace a meal. There are also various teas, soups, energy supplements … Naturally, in the form of powders. Do not get me wrong. I have nothing against such supplements. All I am trying to say is that we are dealing with some artificially made substances, which are fed into the body. And according to my common sense such supplements are very difficult to replace a real homegrown apple and other homemade food. Anyone who seriously tackles eating in this way is practically at that joke from my childhood, where normal food is no longer needed. My opinion on nutrition is the following. People need to eat food, not products. And those powders I am talking about in this chapter are nothing more than products. I will not say I am holding on to that entirely. However, I am aware of that and try to be able to say someday that I am eating purely and only real homegrown and homemade food.

C EREALS Chocolate, cornflakes, corn … and other cereals of various forms and colours. Large boxes are usually filled with numerous vitamins such cereals ought to contain. Of course, they do not highlight the quantity of sugar contained in them. I will not waste my time or words on sugar at this point. We are all well aware of how dangerous it is, especially if consumed on a daily basis in almost all types of food. Of course many of you will say that I do not have to eat that. I agree, so I do not eat it any more. But according to full shelves and variety of these products in shopping centers there are obviously many people who are (still) not aware of that and it seems only right to mention this at this point. The next time you try to please your child by choosing the »best« cereals I advise you to think twice. It is quite likely you are doing more harm than good to your child. Think about it.

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J UICES Also, many drink a wide variety of juices. We are back to large cartons and boxes that list different types of vitamins in different colours, which particular juice ought to contain. Once again, some kind of »chemistry« and sugar. I have stopped drinking them a long time ago. I have replaced them with tap water. I occasionally add a few drops of lemon, orange sometimes, mint leaves, honey and Aloe. This is quite enough to liven up the taste of my drink. Try it, I am sure you will also like it.

C OCOA Another type of powder. This one is mixed with milk. Of course in case we have not already bought chocolate milk, which is also full of various »vitamins«. Most types of cocoa contain almost legible portion of chocolate. We could say it practically consists of sugar. If we add earlier mentioned juices and cereals to cocoa, chocolate milk or chocolate, we certainly exceeded the quantity of sugar our body needs on a daily basis. But in fact, we have not eaten anything concrete yet. Think about the quantity of such products you consume on a daily basis. How much of this is taken by your children? This certainly has no positive effect on anyone and it is time to become aware of that and make the first steps towards a healthy nutrition.

M ILK What is that again? I am lucky as I live close to a farm, where I can get fresh milk every day. But most people still buy milk from a store. Again, we come back to packaging promising us milk full of vitamins. The question we need to ask ourselves is what is it that we really get when buying such products. True homemade milk I am familiar with has a completely different taste compared to one from carton. If you are a bit older, you most certainly remember the taste of real homemade milk. Perhaps you are still drinking it and you know what I am talking about. Share this information with your children. Avoid those cartons advertised at every step. Go to a near farm instead and offer your child milk, which deserves to be called milk in the first place. 12 | P a g e


P ASTA If we go on we come to pasta. Again something artificial. What about homemade buckwheat or maize mush, cornmeal mush and potato? Here most of people use a folk tune excuse: »I don’t have time, so I prepare pasta, which is cooked in 10 minutes.« And then we have a growing number of children who think the cow is purple, that milk has a chocolate taste and brown colour.… Not to mention their health, weight and physical activity or shall we say inactivity.

F RUITS AND VEGETABLES I do not know how often you buy fruits and vegetables at the supermarket. I myself, if possible, try to avoid these purchases. Once you have experienced genuine homegrown fruits and vegetables, is quite hard to be convinced that those things they offer on store shelves, are that genuine and healthy fruits or vegetables.

M EAT Last time I ate at a tourist farm, where the food they serve, is grown organically right there on their farm. I have to admit, the meat had an excellent taste. Quite something different than meat I am used to from supermarkets and butchers. What about you, where do you buy meat?

B READ We are all very familiar with the smell of freshly baked bread. I bet that if you think of it right now, you get a warm, pleasant feeling inside. It is even better if the bread is baked at home and made from homemade meal. Mmmmmm! There is nothing like homemade bread! The difference is more than obvious. In order not to spend your and my time, I advise you to take a look at your kitchen. What else is there to be found among the food that you use daily? Let me list some other things to activate your thoughts. Flips, chips, candy, chocolate bars, confectionery products, biscuits, ready made soups, ready made sauces, frozen and semi-prepared food, pre-prepared spices, tomato in a tube, mustard, spreads, cans … 13 | P a g e


B EFORE YOU CONTINUE READING , THINK AND ANSWER YOURSELF THE FOLLOWING QUESTION What, in addition to the above, can still be found in your kitchen? All of this previously listed food is something that people in the past have not known and has spread among us in the last few decades. But before, people have always survived, although they did not have pâtés and other »artificial« food »full of vitamines«.

W HY ARE WE NOT THEN BRIMMING WITH HEALTH ? Despite all of the above listed vitamines specified in a variety of packages, I referred to earlier, and many others, which I have not mentioned, people continue to be sick. How so? We are eating and drinking only brews full of various vitamines. One would expect that we will be brimming with health. Well, unfortunately, there are more and more people, even in our country, who are brimming. But unfortunately not with health. Food I listed and which is daily on our menu only makes us fat and yes, begins to eat away our health. There are countless varieties of scientific explanations on this topis you can read about, so I have no intention to waste my time here.

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TIME FOR CHANGE Perhaps you are wondering why I am mentioning the food we all know well, when this book should be about Aloe arborescens? Allow me to explain. Like most of you, I also came up against that food. When I wanted to change something for the better, I only encountered more »artificial« food. Unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately, the effects of such food were only transitory or none at all. This kept me going on, so I eventually came to nutritional supplements, which I mostly already knew, but I did not know how effective they really are. Aloe is the one that forced me to start thinking about food. By consuming Aloe, I started paying attention subconsciously of what I am putting in myself. I subconsciously started to reduce the quantity of aforementioned products and began replacing them with real food. In addition, taking the Aloe preparation has forced me to a more regular eating rhythm. Thinking of food has thus helped med organize my eating habits. I also started to exercise more. All of this has helped me shape up my figure and I lost around 8 kilograms in the first six months.

I managed to accomplish all that without diets and sacrifices. Taking Aloe preparations at certain times has simply forced me to adapt my eating habits. This has led me to start thinking about what I eat, and consequently, due to the excess energy, to increased physical activity. My wife experienced the same changes that also started taking Aloe preparations, like me. Therefore, I believe that the consumption of Aloe preparation can have the same impact on you.

H OMEMADE HONEY Homemade bee honey, that is something which has been around me all my life. With short interruptions I eat honey practically every day. I advise this to anyone who is thinking about nutritional supplements. One, two, three spoons a day. Try it, you won’t regret it. It will certainly not be enough to eat honey for a few days and because you won’t be brimming with energy and health, then just stop. You will not 15 | P a g e


get very far this way. You have to decide and eat honey every day, all your life. It is that supplement to your food I recommend you to take from my own experience. Allow me to say the following. Honey is quite quickly absorbed into the blood. More than 80 % of the ingredients in honey are a variety of natural sugars and sugar goes into the blood soon after being ingested. So, honey is something similar like energy drinks that are based on sugar (except that in case of honey we are talking about completely different, natural type of sugar). The effect is immediate. I often take three tablespoons of honey after heavy workout, which strengthens me immediately with new power and fills me up with energy for the rest of the day. Try it. I believe that honey will have the same effect on you.

H OMEMADE BEE HONEY OR HONEY FROM THE STORE ? Whether you like the answer or not, I am fascinated by homemade local honey. If you can get one in the store, there is nothing wrong with that. In my opinion, local honey is better, not better, the best. Why? It is gathered from flows from local plants that are known to you. Also, bees breathe the same air as us and drink the same water as us. Therefore, such product is much more appetizing, more suitable for us and causes fewer allergic reactions than any foreign honey. I’m not saying that honey from Argentina or Brazil is worse than ours. Certainly not. I believe, however that local honey has a greater impact on human. Therefore, I believe that Slovenes should enjoy Slovenian honey and people living in Brazil, should eat Brazilian honey. If you are sure that honey from the store has a local origin, I think that you should not be particularly worried about its effect. Otherwise, it is recommended to visit local beekeepers that can provide you with genuine homemade honey.

P ROPOLIS Another product offered by bees. In addition, the list of bee products is very long, however, this book mentions only these two, which I take 16 | P a g e


regularly and which really help me. If you decide for propolis, I advise you to buy homemade propolis from a local beekeeper. I have tested different products, both homemade and those from the store several years ago. It is probably due the years of experience with true bee propolis that the store products failed to convince me to such extent as homemade propolis. Today, I swear on quality homemade propolis, which I also recommend to you. It can be consumed in several different ways. I don’t take propolis all year round and neither every day. I take it only, when my body tells me it needs it. Eventually you will easily sense that this is what you need and then I take homemade propolis for some time with no interruptions. Often, I simply dribble 10-20 drops directly into the mouth. If you don’t like the taste, you have another option I frequently use myself and that is to dribble propolis over a cookie and then eat it. Perhaps you are among those few »chosen ones«, who cannot take propolis for various allergies. In this case, carefully avoid using it. In case of illness, honey and propolis will, unfortunately, not provide immediate effect. This is something new, since the media has thought us that nowadays we get anything we ask for right away. Just remember the ads on radio and television: chase away the cold or fever with a single pill. Is that really possible? Well, usually not. Honey and propolis also don’t work that way. Taking them can strengthen your body and immune system to the extent that various illnesses won’t affect you, and in case they do, they are easier to be faced with. So, you will rapidly overcome cold and stand up on your feet again. Unfortunately, honey and propolis won’t help you if you take them during your illness or cold. As I already mentioned, you can strengthen your immune system, so the viruses and diseases won’t »attack« it so easily in the future. To simplify, taking honey and propolis eliminates the causes of the problem and not just consequences.

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P REPARATION FROM A LOE AND HOMEMADE HONEY So, we finally came to Aloe arborescens. I came across this preparation made according to Padre Romano Zago’s recipe only in recent years. So I added Aloe preparation to taking honey and propolis. For a long time I searched and tested a variety of nutritional supplements. And by finding Aloe, I am convinced to have found that finishing touch that was still missing. In addition to wonderful effect of Aloe in the fight against cancer, I mentioned in the introduction, this plant also contains a bunch of other vitamines, minerals and other substances that our body needs. And since I am no expert on botany, so due to increased credibility, I will list the data that are the result of long research concocted by a herbalist, Dr. Aldo Facetti. Let me list only a few important ones.

A LOIN Aloe leaves contain aloin, which protects the plant against unfavorable climate changes. It can therefore survive in harsh conditions that exist in the desert and also does not need any water for longer periods of time. Aloin acts as a laxative and with its help Aloe is able to rapidly drain off variety of toxins from our body that accumulate in us. Aloin is also one of the strongest so far known antibiotics. In addition, the strongest natural laxative is also derived from it.

V ITAMINES Aloe leaves contain a variety of vitamies, let me mention only a few most known: A, B1, B2, B6, B12, C, D, E …

M INERALS It contains calcium, magnesium, iron, sodium, boron, silicon, phosphorus, manganese, potassium …

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E NZYMES It contains cellulase, catalase, amylase, lipase, creatine phosphokinase ‌

A MINO ACIDS It contains alanine, glutamate, tyrosine, arginine, aspartate ‌ This is only a brief summary of the multitude of substances that attribute Aloe a place among the most important nutritional supplements. I myself realized that some time ago, and now, it is on you to familiarize yourself with the power this wonderful plant has.

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N OW YOU KNOW Now when you read this chapter in its entirety, you are equipped with the necessary information on natural nutritional supplements. The decision to use one or all of these now depends only on you. You will never ever have a chance to say that you did not know that you were not familiar with something else. Now you know we are talking about really excellent nutritional supplements. The next step has to be done solely by you. If you are not confident in their use, read on and discover the positive experience of many people with Aloe arborescens. I believe it will convince you too.

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FROM HOMEMADE HONEY TO ALOE ARBORESCENS Ever since I can remember, my family has been dealing with bees. My grandfather was the one who started this hobby and who I shall mention a few more times in the following pages. I learned about honey at a very young age. I am mentioning it because of the fact that it considered a very important ingredient of the preparation made according to the Brazilian padre. At this point I would like to bear in mind the fact that honey is not effective only in combination with Aloe arborescens. It is practically all around us, but we are not sufficiently aware of its power. Although I have mentioned this before, I would again like to point out the following: take honey every day. Are you wondering how I can be so confident in the effectiveness of homemade honey?

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In our family honey proved to be very efficient on more than one occasion. The most striking story is certainly the one, when the doctors wanted to cut off my grandfather’s arm, but he did not allow this procedure. He cured it with honey, although modern medicine, at that time, saw no other option but amputation. I will tell you about this story in more detail on the following pages. In addition, honey also proved to be an effective means for healing burns and injuries. My grandma nowadays in most cases still prefers taking homemade honey.

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BEE STING ALLERGY Although I enjoyed working with bees as a child, this ended quite soon. Unfortunately, my beekeeping, before it even started, got interrupted by my allergy. That’s right, you read it right. Bee sting allergy. I was quite hardy as regards bee sting, I was neither swollen anymore and bee sting had not bothered me any more than mosquito bite. However, this ended one day, when we were pouring honey. From this day on I have been allergic to bee sting and my dealing with bees ended in a moment. This happened sometime at the end of primary school, at the time of my puberty. I am not familiar with the reason, but the doctors have sent me on testing a few years later, when I was again bitten by a bee and when again, I experienced an allergic reaction to bee sting. At that time, they proved my allergy and ever since then I carry pills with myself, which I have to take in the event of a bee sting and drive myself to the closest health centre, where suitable help can be offered to me.

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ALLERGY AND A LOE ARBORESCENS Today, as I write this book, I have for quite some time already been taking preparation made of Aloe and honey. I plan to continue doing so in the future. According to Padre Romano, regular taking is very efficient in the fight against allergies. So I am able to say that I am in the middle of a small experiment. Perhaps, after thorough and regular taking of Aloe preparation I will no longer be allergic to bee sting? To be honest, I do not expect much, but if there is a minimum chance to cure myself from this bee sting allergy, I am certainly willing to try it. I will certainly report on the effect of Aloe against allergy in the future, so I kindly invite you to visit my website www.AloeArborescensMiller.net, where you will find out whether I managed to cure my allergies or not. This is far from everything you can find on the site. The content is, namely, added on a regular basis. This way I am expanding my range of knowledge on Aloe and honey, the useful content on the website, of course in proportion to time that I have at my disposal for editing the webpage. I know that curing my allergy can completely change my life and I am aware that I am not the only one who wishes that. If Aloe is truly effective also in such cases, it seems only logical not to keep this to myself and will pass such information on with greatest enthusiasm.

S IGNIFICANCE OF HONEY IN THE PREPARATION As I mentioned before, honey is a very important ingredient of the preparation made according to the recipe of Brazilian padre. Since I have a very long experience with bees and homemade honey, you can 24 | P a g e


believe me when I say that my opinion does count for something. I would like to share my knowledge and experience I have gained over this book with you through this book you are holding in your hands. I should mention that in addition to experience I have, there are several beekeepers in my family, who can always help and answer any questions I come across for the first time. Due to the nature of honey in the preparation and since there are many beekeepers available within our family and honey is practically at our fingertips, I believe I have to dedicate a few words also to homemade honey. I have been taking it regularly all my life, and have recently added Aloe arborescens to it. When you read my book that you are currently holding in your hands, I believe you will also start taking honey regularly, in case you are not doing that already.

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THE TRUE STORY OF MY GRANDFATHER The importance of homemade honey is something my grandfather is well aware off. I will present his story, which I already mentioned, on the following pages. It is a story about how the doctors wanted to cut off his arm, but he wouldn’t allow them to.

»W E ’ LL CUT OFF YOUR LEFT ARM !« That is what the doctor said about thirty years ago, when my grandfather visited him because of the pain he had in his left arm. I could say my grandfather was in his best years at that time and was not able to imagine his life without one arm. At that time, he was working as manager of the company Dinos in Novo mesto, but spent all his afternoons in the forests of Dolenjska region, as he was responsible for around 300 beehives. That was his life at that time and it could all change in a moment because of losing his arm. Grandpa was certainly not ready for that so he asked the doctor to think over and thus gained some valuable time. I have to admit, I admire him for keeping a cool head at that time and deciding to do the right thing. He believed to the very end that all was not lost, although he saw no other solution at that time. One afternoon, which, as usual, he spent with his bees, a thought occurred to him. »Why not, I have nothing to lose,« he thought. So far, bees have helped him many times, why not also in this case? He came home full of vim and presented the idea to my grandmotherhis wife. He took a jar of honey and started applying it on his left arm with a large spoon. Grandmother, who also has considerable experience with homemade honey, did not need a lot of explaining. She knew immediately what grandfather had in his mind. She grabbed an old T-shirt from the closet and wrapped the arm on which my grandfather just put homemade honey on it.

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Sometimes he also put a leather support on top, he was wearing at that time because it eased up the pain he was feeling in his arm. While being at home, he had honey applied to his arm all the time. He removed it from his arm only when he went to work or to run out errands down.

C HANGES AFTER THREE DAYS Already in the first three days of applying honey on his sick arm the honey proved to have a very beneficial effect on it. This only further strengthened my grandfather’s belief that honey was working and so he started applying it on his arm even with greater zeal. Sometime after nearly two weeks he had an appointment at his doctor to let them know about his decision on amputation. At that time, he gained much confidence in his arm since its power gradually returned and it appeared the honey was working. He immediately mentioned to the doctor that he had been “treating” his arm with honey. Although a bit skeptical, the doctor examined his arm and confirmed significant improvement. Slightly surprised by the situation the doctor agreed with my grandfather’s proposal to postpone the amputation for a while and advised him to continue with the »therapy«, and scheduled another appointment in two weeks to assess the situation.

H E STILL HAS HIS ARM Impressed by the situation, grandfather first went to see his bees on his way home, where he thanked them for their help. He continued with the »application of honey therapy«, as the doctor referred to it, for another two weeks. More the situation of the hand improved the more seldom he applied honey on it. Gradually, his arm was also fully healed or, as my grandfather often says, further strengthened. Today, he does not even remember if he ever went to the doctor to have his arm checked out. Because he felt good he gradually started forgetting about this incident. It was me who awakened him in the days of writing this book.

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Today I often remember his words when he said that, since this event he has been having much more power in his left arm than in his right one. Although he has been right-handed ever since his birth, his left arm became the dominant one after this incident and since then his work rested more on his left arm. Interesting, isn’t it?

C ONTINUATION OF HIS STORY Since the incident with his left arm my grandfather did not have any health problems and never visited the doctor’s office again. Until the summer of 2009, when his doctor gave him a call. Later on, he often made jokes on this account when he said that she only called to check if he is still alive, given that he had not visited her for about 25 years. The events that followed have completely changed his life, as well as lives of us, closest to him. Following a few preventive check-ups the doctor prescribed him pills for reducing the pressure. I will not go into details about how much this affected the developments in the future, you can explain them yourself. Since my grandfather felt great, he did not take the pills seriously and, consequently, also failed to take them on a regular basis. The events that followed in the following few days, have developed as described on the following pages. In this case, event the bees were unable to save him. In October 2009, we were all shocked by the news that our grandfather had a stroke. The fact that he stood up for his left arm quite decisively when he was young is even more noticeable today. The stroke, namely, paralyzed the right side of his body. He was thus unable to use his right arm. But blessing in disguise, he still had his left arm.

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MY GRANDMOTHER BEAT CANCER! WHY WOULDN’T YOU? The fact that my grandmother beat cancer with a help of preparation made of Aloe and honey is just the icing on the fact that I truly realized the power of this African plant. When I later browsed the web, I also found quite a few stories of other Slovenes, who managed to succeed with help of Aloe like my grandmother. What I do not understand is why people don’t publish this fact from the housetops. Why not tell their friends and acquaintances? When I discovered these wonderful properties of the plant I decided to inform as many people of this fact as possible. Those of you who can benefit from this plant right away as well as those who might need its help sometime in the future, and last but not least, also those who refuse to

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believe in its healing power, might be convinced otherwise by my true stories described in this book. Of course, I began by raising the awareness with those closest to me, but I did not need much as most of the job was already done by my grandmother, when she beat the cancer. Soon after that I also designed the website www.AloeArborescensMiller.net, where I am trying my best to present this beautiful plant to its readers as far as possible. The next step is this book you are holding in your hands. And you should know that I am just getting started. My overall aim is to get Aloe in just about any family. I will be more than grateful if you will pass on the information I am presenting in this book. But be aware that most grateful ones will be those whom Aloe will help solve their problems or even save their lives. The longer I have been following Aloe, the longer the list of various cancers, which were healed by Aloe. In addition to Hodgkin's lymphoma, which my grandmother beat, we can find many successful stories. Allow me to list some other types of cancer, in which treatment with Aloe has been very successful: uterine cancer, intestinal cancer, kidney cancer, liver cancer, lung cancer, throat cancer, prostate cancer, breast cancer, ovarian cancer ‌ The list is getting longer and longer. This is mainly about the cases encountered by the padre Romano Zago, there are a few of them that are closest to us. One of them is certainly my grandmother. Several other happy stories can be found on various forums and on the internet. Since I want to extend my range of knowledge of Aloe, I kindly ask for your help. Please provide your experience with Aloe, good ones as well as those negative ones, via e-mail info@aloearborescensmiller.net. Perhaps Aloe arborescens also helped you. Please write to me. Those most interesting ones will be published on the website. And some of them will be included in my next book on Aloe arborescens. The website www.AloeArborescensMiller.net also has a web forum for discussion and dissemination of experience and knowledge on Aloe arborescens. You can ask anything there and if only in my power, I will try and answer. The forum is also offering you a chance to personally share your experience with others.

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HOW MY GRANDMOTHER COPED WITH HER DISEASE Cancer, fatal disease of modern times. Despite her enviable age my grandmother bravely stood up against it. In combination with modern medicine Aloe arborescens allowed her to cope with cancer and finality also beat it. Her story has a happy ending, but many people did not have such luck. My grandmother believes the key role here was played by Aloe, of course in combination with medical treatment. To allow more people to stand up against and beat it, I decided to explore the details, which helped my grandmother to a haply unraveling of events. I want to see that this knowledge and experience do not go away and that they are available to as many people as possible. Therefore, I am sharing her experience through the book you are holding in your hands. I hope you will also benefit from her experience and that someday we will be able to read about many similar stories with a happy ending.

T HAT ’ S HOW IT ALL STARTED It began in August 2007, when my grandmother felt substantially swollen lymph nodes on her neck. She did not pay any special attention to them, but obviously enough to mention it to my sister. She advised immediate visit to the doctor as she assumed that something was wrong, obviously. Despite a small disagreement my grandmother went to see the doctor first thing on Monday morning. That same week, on Friday, her doctor referred her to the University Medical Centre in Ljubljana for a detailed examination. The misgivings were realized, when the doctors confirmed the Hodgkin’s lymphoma.

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C ONVENTIONAL TREATMENT OF CANCER BEGINS At that time, my grandmother was not aware that Aloe arborescens could be of great help in her treatment. She actually did not even know about Aloe at that point. After less than two months of research and preparation for treatment the latter was able to start with chemotherapy end of October 2007. Treatment was then continued with radiation. Radiations took place every 14 days, and in case of poor blood, radiation was postponed for a week. The beginning was encouraging and we were all pretty optimistic. However, the treatment gradually exhausted her. This was most shown by severe inflammation of the left eye, for which, she needed to have a surgery done despite her treatment for cancer. Although she is healthy today the treatment left consequences and is even today having poor vision in the mentioned eye. Despite the difficulties she bravely continued with treatment and at the same time looked for ways that would facilitate her treatment.

A LOE AS AN AID TO CONVENTIONAL CANCER TREATMENT In early March 2008, my Grandmother came across the book written by Romano Zago, Cancer can be cured. Author in this book lists dozens of examples of people with various forms of cancer, which were cured by a preparation of Aloe arborescens plant and homemade honey. So, my grandmother soon got everything required and started with Aloe course of treatment. She took the preparation three times a day. Together with interruptions, as mentioned by the author, she had 4 jars. After a few days of therapy her condition improved. 32 | P a g e


The early days of taking the preparation were quite straining. There were in fact some effects, which I shall mention in the following pages. Everything was pointing towards a fact that Aloe has been removing the toxins from her body, or perhaps the disease itself. The first three days she spent most of her day in the toilet. In addition to occasional nausea and excessive sweating her digestion accelerated greatly. The sweat, urine and faces had quite strong, unusual smell. Then, grandpa even said that he ran out of the apartment because of that smell. However, somewhere on the third day of taking the preparation things went back to normal. Since then, the administration of Aloe preparation took place without major difficulties, namely, still three times a day before meals. Eventually, her fatigue reduced and her life energy started to come back. She does not know exactly when she was cured. When, somewhere after a year of treatment, she completed with her therapies, her check-up at doctor’s office showed no signs of illness.

S IGNIFICANT IMPROVEMENT IN HER STATE OF HEALTH As I have already mentioned, there was a significant improvement in her state of health during the first few days of taking the preparation, which made it easier for her to continue with her treatment. In the early days of taking this preparation she came across certain side effects of the preparation, which Padre Romano mentioned in his book. For this reason and also you will know what I am talking about, the following pages summaries Padre Romano’s words. When my grandmother took four jars of this, she already felt pretty good, although she had not completed her treatment yet. Her medical examination confirmed what she already sensed before in her wellbeing. She finally cured her cancer.

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S HE IS USING A LOE REGULARLY EVEN TODAY Despite the acknowledgement by modern medicine indicating that she beat the illness, she has soon later also undergone a miner treatment with Aloe arborescens preparation. At the time of this writing my grandmother completed her Aloe treatment courses. She decides for preventive administration of the preparation and is now taking it every day. Many people, who know her, will be able to confirm that she is brimming with energy. Despite her mature age she still has many plans ahead of her she aims to achieve. I have to admit it is quite admirable. Whether this is affected by Aloe preparation she takes on regular basis or by her life energy is something I leave completely up to you.

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I AM WELL AWARE OF HOW ILNESS CHANGES YOUR LIFE I have been facing with a disease my entire childhood, which has greatly influenced my life. I have been coping with strong migraine ever since I was a little boy. I believe that many people will say that this is no big deal and that they alone are facing with the same problem. But as I mentioned, this illness has completely changed my childhood and is probably still affecting my life, although I am no longer suffering from episodes of strong migraine. To be able to understand what I am talking about, please keep on reading.

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IMPACT OF THE DISEASE ON MY DAILY LIVING My response to the opinions of those who think that »this is nothing«, is as follows. I have been experiencing migraine throughout my childhood on approximately every two to three months. Episodes of vertigo were so strong that it made even my walk to the bathroom really difficult. Why mention the bathroom? Episodes of migraine were always accompanied by vomiting. So, I often had to get up and somehow make it to the toilet. If I didn’t throw up, I was only able to just lie in my fully darkened room. Maybe some of you will say that I at least got enough sleep. However, even sleeping was quite difficult during this episode of mine. The worst part was when I woke up, so I was usually doing my best not to fall asleep so I wouldn’t have to wake up in even greater torment. Lack of sleep has led to a vicious circle, because in my opinion, lack of sleep does not exactly have a positive effect on the body. Migraines lasted from one to two weeks, namely, as I already mentioned on every two to three months. The worst thing here was that migraine sometimes strongly weakened my immune system so I often ended up sick following these episodes. I would just catch a cold, fever or some kind of viruses. So, my healing extended for a week or so. Now, try to imagine how this kind of disease impacts the life of a child. Due to continual absences from school the disease definitely affected my grades. As a child I had great interest in athletics, but these illnesses always put me of my stride and I was often forced to repeatedly start studying, work, practices … My entire fitness and strength got lost during my illness and it was really hard to start over again and again. Nevertheless, I did not give up and I am pleased to boast with my graduation and the fact that I won a bronze medal from the European Championship in Athletics. I know that there are many people who are not experiencing such medical problems, but cannot boast of such achievements which I managed to accomplish in spite of chronic migraine episodes throughout my childhood and teenage years. 36 | P a g e


W HAT I AM TRYING TO SAY ? My intention is certainly not self-praise. I am well aware of the fact that there are a lot of young people who are more successful than me and that my accomplishments are not much compared to yours or those of your child. I just want to say that I am more than well aware of what is like if someone is sick. Today, I have been fortunate enough to be familiar with an efficient natural plant that helps in a myriad of diseases. Because I know what is like to be sick, I would like to pass on my knowledge on this so-called miracle plant to all the people faced with similar problems I have alone been facing in the past. If this book will improve the life of at least one of you, then my intention is achieved. But because I believe in the power of Aloe and honey, I’m sure this book will change the life for the better to more than just one of you.

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PRPERATION MADE OF ALOE ARBORESCENS AND HOMEMADE HONEY People often say to me: »She cured her intestines with the help of Aloe, because she believed it helps.« Or someone will say: »His health improved just because he so strongly believes in Aloe.« Some people thus believe that Aloe does help. But others don’t believe in its powers. The point is not in the fact what people believe in and what they don’t believe in. The point lies in our behavior, which varies according to whether we believe in Aloe or not.

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I DISCOVERED THE FOLLOWING People, who believe in the power of Aloe, will seriously tackle its taking and also take it on a regular basis. Therefore, Aloe really helps them in their problems. People with whom I met, but who refuse to believe in Aloe and its powers, Aloe also has zero effect on them. But the secret is not in the fact whether they believe or not but in actions that follow. People, who don’t believe in the power of Aloe, also don’t tackle taking it seriously. So, they often forget to eat it, it often happens they do not even finish the jar, let alone to fully carry out the Aloe treatment course. Many people soon give up if they see no improvement after a short period of time. Thus, it is only logical that Aloe cannot help them. I therefore urge you that even you don’t believe in the power of Aloe; once you start the treatment strictly follow the instructions of padre Romano, as I am. Eat it all up to the last drop. Be consistent with its use and of course, be fair and just to yourself. If you don’t follow these instructions, you will only harm yourself.

LEARNING ABOUT THE PLANT Most information on Aloe arborescens arises from past research in Aloe Vera plant. Mayan and people in ancient Egypt were aware of the medicinal properties of the plant, but the knowledge thereof was later lost. We are learning about it again only recently, when we rediscovered its positive qualities it has on our health. Aloe arborescens is not (yet) supported by science is quite poorly researched and there are only a few official and scientific literatures to

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be found about it. Still, people are rediscovering the plant for health purposes. Most knowledge is thus transferred from knowledge in Aloe Vera, and the rest from experience of people who have already used it. Although there is no scientific basis, the plant certainly cannot be neglected. Advances in recent years certainly speak in this favor, when people, in combination with modern medicine, stand up against diseases such as AIDS and cancer. Thanks to scientific pursuits in Aloe arborescens in recent years is mainly attributed to Padre Romano Zago. Due to his work many steps have been made in the direction of scientific research of the plant. When scientists come up with discoveries I will certainly write about that on my website.

U SE OF A LOE ARBORESCENS IN THE PAST The fact on how far back go the roots of Aloe use is not even known. We only know that it has already been used in ancient Egypt. The culprit for the revival of Aloe in modern times is certainly repeatedly mentioned Brazilian padre Romano Zago. He sowed new hope among people with his book Cancer can be cured. The ancient recipe, which he literally “picked up from the street� apparently works. He brought a cheap and effective preparation among people and in help to modern medicine, which is within easy reach to anyone. Simple treatment according to his instructions requires only real homemade honey, Aloe arborescens plant and a few tablespoons of homemade spirit. The ingredients are very cheap compared to modern medicine. Therefore, I believe that everyone should be aware of this possibility. There is practically nothing to lose while there is a lot to be gained.

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CHARACTERISTICS OF ALOE LEAVES Aloe has large fleshy leaves containing gel. It is known that we can heal wounds with it, treat burns, and prevent infections, eliminate fungus. It is effective for insect bites. All of this is just the beginning. Simply tear the leaf off with your hand (or cut off part of the leaf with a knife) and squeeze gel from it. We apply it directly on the wound, burn or over the skin, where we want to eliminate the problem. This can be repeated several times a day. During winter period, I often had problems with dry skin on my face. This probably occurred due to the dry air in rooms, where central heating is used. After a few days of applying Aloe on my face, dry skin disappeared completely and was healed. You must also know that during this period of year I also regularly take preparation of Aloe according to Padre Romano’s recipe. It is also likely that the latter also had a minor or great impact on relatively rapid change. In doing so, I must point out the following. When after one month I stopped taking the Aloe preparation and applying gel from leaves on my face, the dry skin appeared on my face again. The problem was finally eliminated only after a long period of taking the preparation. The same applies to others, somewhat more persistent or chronic problems. It takes a longer period of taking the Aloe preparation in order to remove them fully. Let me remind you that in the previous years I tried practically all possible creams provided by the modern medicine, but there were no results, or they were only temporary. Aloe managed to regulate this in only a few days. Padre Romano Zago came to these conclusions through situations, when people tested these things on their own skin. I alone have also tested a few things and I have to confirm that so far, it all worked. The most striking fact here is certainly my grandmother, who cured cancer with padre’s Aloe and honey. We have to be aware that it is not

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a cure, especially if we are talking about a disease, such as cancer. Modern medicine should always come first. Preparation is mainly used for strengthening the immune system, as it prevents further progression of the disease and is thus easier to be faced and deal with. If I go back to the positive characteristics of Aloe leaves, it is worth mentioning the following. Taking fresh Aloe leaves is very effective. In the case of a heartburn (when I take too many sweets I cannot avoid easily), I cut a part from the leaf of the plant I have in my living room. I remove the thorns, wipe it out a bit and eat it. The taste is indeed very bitter, but the heartburn is practically removed right away. I did not detect such an effect on any pills for mitigating heartburns. And I have tried quite a few.

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EFFECT OF ALOE ARBORESCENS I already came across the problems, listed below, either directly or indirectly. I am very pleased to confirm firsthand that Aloe actually works. I saw it with my own eyes. •

It strengthens the immune system.

It reduces blood sugar and cholesterol.

It stimulates the immune system.

It eliminates toxins from the body and purifies the blood.

It helps in diseases such as cancer.

It relieves asthma, sore throat and bronchitis (after a few days of taking the Aloe preparation my wife eliminated chronic laryngitis – so far, the infection did not repeat, while in the past, she was always on antibiotics, which had no effect or it was very short-lived).

It strengthens the function of digestive system.

It relieves side effects of chemotherapy.

It helps with inflammation of the eyes, improves eyesight and eliminates cataract.

It relieves the pain.

It inhibits the development of fungi and bacteria.

It has an antivirus effect.

It relieves inflammation.

Has a positive effect on the stomach and intestines (my mother tested it with success, the Aloe preparation helped her remove stomach pain).

Relieves digestive problems.

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Reduces problems in skin-related diseases (I already mentioned how it cured the dry skin on my face).

Has a positive effect on the problems with hemorrhoids.

It helps in diseases of the skeleton – rheumatism.

Has a relieving effect on frostbite and burns.

It reduces problems with herpes.

It regulates the acid in the stomach (before taking Aloe I regularly experienced heartburns, but ever since taking it, this has not happened yet).

It regulates menstrual periods in women.

It eliminates the problems with night sweating during summer and also winter.

It eliminates constipation.

It regenerates and strengthens brittle nails.

It removes stubborn acne.

It improves breath (I have already eliminated bad breath in the first days of taking Aloe, which was previously a part of my daily living).

List of positive effects of Aloe arborescens is still growing. In case you have none of these problems, do not keep positive effects! Tell it to your acquaintances, friends and relatives, who could benefit from such information. Believe me; they will be more than grateful. The list of effects of Aloe contains only those problems which I came across recently and saw alone the actual effect of Aloe of preparation made from it. Below, I present two lists of problems that can be solved with Aloe and which were mentioned by the Brazilian padre Romano Zago in his book Cancer can be cured. He corroborated all the problems by examples of people who have been cured.

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WHERE DOES ALOE HELP In the first list, I listed the problems that can be solved by taking the preparation and the second one lists the problems that can be eliminated by gel from the plant. As padre Romano says, following below are listed all those healings supported by numerous examples from practice, when people actually removed their problems this way.



1. acid in the stomach, 2. gastritis, 3. ulcer, 4. conjunctivitis, 5. redness, 6. calluses, 7. changes in the skin, 8. small wounds on the scalp, 9. dandruff, 10. rheumatism, 11. arthritis, 12. intestinal polyps, 13. uterine polyps,

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14. loss of appetite, 15. dry and thin hair, 16. it regulates menstrual periods in women who have been experiencing irregular menses since puberty, 17. problems with night sweat, in summer or winter, 18. it improves a wane in libido in forty-year old men, 19. it relieves breathing of asthmatics, 20. it cures paralysis, 21. deafness, 22. it regulates bowel function and eliminates constipation, 23. it eliminates fungi, 24. it regulates cholesterol, 25. pressure, 26. Parkinson’s disease, 27. baldness, 28. sinusitis, 29. lupus, 30. herpes on the genitals, 31. psoriasis, 32. epilepsy, 33. fungus on the soles of the feet, 34. regenerates and strengths brittle nails, 35. allows men at high risk to avoid surgery of prostate cancer, 36. makes it possible to avoid surgery in case of cancer on urinary tract, 37. it removes stubborn acne, 38. it removes catarrh and relieves coughing up, 39. resolves the problem of indigestion, 40. improves bad breath, 41. stomach ulcer, 46 | P a g e


42. cataracts, 43. after taking four doses it cures cat eye disease, 44. regaining of smell, even though we were unable to smell for years.

P ROBLEMS , WHICH CAN BE RESOLVED BY TAKING OR USING THE LEAVES OF THE PLANT : 1. fungi, 2. fungi on the soles of the feet, 3. calluses, 4. fistula on the gums in the form of a narrow and deep channel, 5. swelling between the toes, 6. abscesses, 7. against dandruff, it revives the scalp, 8. insect bites (mosquitoes, bees, wasps, spiders, etc‌), 9. burns in household accidents, 10. burns from X-rays, 11. small cuts with household chores (Aloe is very good for wound healing), 12. against tetanus, 13. ezcems, 14. erisipela, 15. eye inflammination, 16. hemorrhoids, 17. if melted in the water it helps cleaning of the liver, 18. it purifies the air in a smoky room, 19. excellent affect against anemia, 20. constipation, regulates digestion, 47 | P a g e


21. rheumatism, 22. heals all injuries to the eye, 23. removes warts, 24. benefits in the fight against cancer, 25. dissolved in water cures acid in the stomach, gastritis and stomach ulcer. For most cases referred to in the second list the gel from Aloe leaves is applied. Remove the thorns from the leaf and cut it in half. Gel escaping from the leaf is simply applied to the affected site. You can also lubricate the affected site with leaf or apply gel with cotton ball or gauze. The range of Aloe effects, as indicated by Padre Romano is very wide. I do not want to convince you of its effectiveness or that you should try it. Neither that Aloe actually works in all these cases. I have not yet come across with many of the listed cases. If you decide to try Aloe I kindly ask you to let me know of its functioning. I am still in the process of collecting responses and broadening my range of knowledge and functioning of the plant.

H OMEMADE PREPARATION IS THE BEST Why do I think that? There is nowhere you will get a fresher preparation compared to the one you make yourself. It always takes time and transport for the preparation to come to you. Meanwhile, you can practically take the preparation you made at home the same moment you are making it. I am not saying the product you buy does not work. Far from that. My grandmother beat the cancer using pre-prepared preparation she bought. In my experience, both preparations are effective. However, I prefer the one made at home. In addition to the freshness, there is also the plant for which you know exactly how it was produced if you grow it at home. You can be sure they do not contain any toxic substances or undesirable matters. 48 | P a g e


D ON ’ T FORGET A LOE IS NOT ALMIGHTY What I mean by the title is best illustrated by my next story, from which I learned a lot. When I had been taking the Aloe and honey preparation for some time, I felt fantastic. Was convinced I couldn’t catch any disease. In firm belief I went shoveling snow from the front of the house in December 2012 wearing nothing but a sweater. I felt great. I wasn’t even a little bit cold. Quite the contrary. I felt pretty hot, which made me sweat a lot during shoveling the snow. We had a lot of snow at that time and it was also snowing at that time. When I removed all the snow from the parking lot, I started again, since new twenty centimeters had fallen again. I was so into shoveling that I didn’t even notice I was already soaking wet. Thus, I had been shoveling the snow wearing only sweater for more than 6 hours. As I was about to finish my job I felt slight cold. However, since I am stubborn and convinced that nothing could happen to me because of Aloe, I kept going. Due to the sweating, as I had been working intensively all the time and because of uninterrupted snowing, I was all wet. I will never forget how heavy and soaked with sweat my clothes were that day. I felt a lot easier as I took my clothes off. However, I was unable to warm myself up that day and despite taking the Aloe preparation I woke up the next morning with a sore throat. »There you have it, bumping your head against the wall like that,« my wife said to me then. However, I still firmly believed I will pull through simply because I am taking Aloe. Until the evening, when my opinion changed. That was when I started getting high fever. Today, I find this to be quite logical consequence of my actions. At that time, I mistakenly thought Aloe will save me even though I won’t take care of myself as I should. Despite my foolish behavior I have to admit being quite surprised over the course of my illness. High fever was present only the first night. I don’t know, perhaps Aloe also contributed to that. I couldn’t sleep that 49 | P a g e


night as I was sweating and changing my clothes all the time. If my memory serves me well, I changed my clothes six times before midnight that evening. Without taking any medication my fever fell to the minimum in a single night and I was able to fall asleep in the morning. The fever was at minimum for another day and completely gone on the third one. Exactly the same applies for the painful and sore throat which was cured at the same pace as my fever. Usually, it took at least a week to cure such diseases, if not even a day or two more. Aloe was probably the one, which contributed to such rapid recovery. But this s not the point I wish to emphasize with my story. I want to remind you so that something similar doesn’t happen to you too. Despite feeling phenomenal this doesn’t mean that nothing is going to happen to you. You still need to watch and take good care of your health. Aloe can only help you with that, but it is certainly not almighty.

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SIDE EFFECTS OF TAKING A LOE There are no side effects for Aloe gel for external use. This means you can safely break off the leaves and lubricate gel from the leaf anywhere on the body. Of course, don’t do that in case you are allergic to it. An allergy is very rare, but possible. In case you never used Aloe before I recommend you to try it first and make sure you are not allergic to it. Apply some gel on your ear and watch for reaction. In case of itching or redness do not use it.

S IDE EFFECTS OF TAKING A LOE PREPARATION Higher doses may cause diarrhea and excessive taking even addiction. So, take the preparation within the normal range or according to padre’s recipe. Preparation is not suitable for pregnant women, nursing mothers and babies. Women often ask me whether they can take the preparation during pregnancy. I haven’t heard of any adverse side effects because of this though. However, I also haven’t heard of any pregnant woman, nursing mother or baby taking Aloe preparation. Therefore, I still prefer to advise not to take the preparation in such case. I advise future mothers to take the preparation for a longer period of time before being pregnant. This way they will »furnish« their body with the necessary vitamines and minerals, which makes the pregnancy period easier and nicer.

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U NWANTED SIDE EFFECTS WHILE TAKING THE PREPARATION It is usually about removing foreign bodies or diseases of the body, if it is present. This is happening at a rather unusual ways. Padre Romano described the following reactions in his book, which he encountered in patients who have been taking Aloe preparation. 1. No changes or reactions. 2. Through the pores, on the skin: •

itching all over the body,

blistering on the palms and soles,

abscesses, swelling and bumps,

chickenpox-like skin lesions.

3. By extraction: •


diarrhea and digestion disorders,

a stronger odor of stool than usual.

4. With urine: •

darker, almost brown urine,

increased frequency of urination,

urine that looks like blood mixed with water.

5. Other reactions: •

bloody or supportive vomiting,


purulent secretions on arms and legs (toes) – wounds are closed themselves,

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in people with larynx cancer three holes can be opened under the chin with pus dripping there from,

unlocalised pain, especially in the abdominal area.

Problems are usually present in the first days of taking the preparation no more than three days. Padre Romano suggests not to terminate taking the preparation despite any of the aforementioned reactions. We need to be aware that we are on a good track, because toxins are sectored from our body this way. I noticed symptoms described under point three. It is true though that at the beginning of taking Aloe I had no serious illness, which would in any way be secreted from my body. All of what accompanied me in the first three days has also accompanied my grandmother in her first days of taking the preparation. In addition, her taking of the preparation was also accompanied by vomiting and increased frequency of urination, both with very strong and unusual smell.

L ESS COMMON UNWANTED SIDE EFFECTS People who take the preparation are reporting on a wide range of adverse side effects. Usually, it is nothing serious, more of a sense of discomfort than pain. I could say it is a kind of warning that something is happening in the body. According to many people’s experience discomfort is sensed in those areas in which we know the problem is. However, this is not a sign for concern. It is only an indicator of Aloe effect. Less common unwanted side effects reported to me by people from Slovenia who are taking the preparation according to the recipe of Brazilian padre, are the following: •

pain in the breasts, bladder and ovaries,

occasional discomfort on the skin,

sleeping disorders, intense and more vivid dreams than usual,

shortness of breath, feeling of choking and chest pain,

pain in sinus area,

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pain in the groin,

liquid stools,

more frequent headaches than usual, on different parts of the head,

pain in the umbilical area,

painful calves,

muscle pain,

painful bile,


Similar as with the above-mentioned adverse side effects, which occur frequently, these also, which are rare, last only about 3–5 first days of taking the preparation. Then the situation goes back to normal and the feeling of discomfort completely disappears.

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RECIPE FOR THE PREPARATION BY ROMANO ZAGO It’s time to get to know the recipe for the preparation I have been mentioning all this time. It is also quite cheap and easy to make the preparation at home. To prepare the beverage, which has proved to be extremely effective in fighting many diseases and with the help of which many even beat the cancer, requires the following ingredients: 1. 350 grams of Aloe arborescens – it is essential that Aloe is grown biologically. It is recommended that you have your own at home (somewhere on a shelf, bright stairs or in the garage), because you will know exactly what you watered and fertilized it with. Everything we will later add to such Aloe will later be taken, so it is urgent to avoid all toxins and other substances, which would accelerate its growth.

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2. 500 grams of homemade honey – make sure it is genuine homemade honey! No fake or elsewhere processed/made honey is suitable. 3. 0,4 to 0,5 dl of homemade whiskey, brandy, cognac or something similar. Why homemade? Because you need to be sure it does not contain any unnatural substances or preservatives. Homemade are usually prepared in a natural way. If you have your own brandy you can be sure of its authenticity. Never use pure alcohol, wine or beer.

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DEVIATIONS FROM THE RECIPE Slight deviations from the recipe are not a problem. I already came across slightly stronger brandy, yielding a preparation fairly strong taste of alcohol. The latter is namely felt quite hard despite the small quantities applied. Therefore, rather use slightly smaller quantity in case you don’t bear brandy very well. The same is true for the other two ingredients, but try to be as close to the original recipe as possible. In case you use smaller quantities of a specific ingredient, make sure to also use smaller quantities of the remaining ingredients as well. In order to avoid possible errors in the calculation of quantities make the preparation according to the aforementioned recipe.

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PREPARATION PROCESS Before starting the preparation process let me remind you that it is being prepared in the dark. Turn off the lights and drop the blinds. Leave the light on in some other room to have at least some light to be able to read the numbers on the scale. Or, place a candle on a little more distant place.

W HY IN THE DARK OR DUST ? The active ingredients in the plant that should function against cancer should, according to some stories, outweigh in the air and light. How much of this is in fact the case will be confirmed to us by science in the future. Until then, I suggest you stick to the ancient instructions and work in this way. It certainly cannot do any harm.

A GE OF THE PLANT In Aloe, it is important to be at least two and half years old. It is even better if it is older. It has never been proven why this is so. So, until the science does not research the plant, it is best to rely on the previous experience and knowledge passed on. In my opinion, the main reason of using the leaves of slightly older plants lies in their size. The older plant has larger and fleshier leaves. Therefore, more gel is obtained from such leaves. It is a waste to use the leaves of one year old Aloe because it will take the whole plant to make one glass and even that won’t be enough. That’s why I also recommend and use slightly older plant.

P REPARATION OF LEAVES Simply tear off 3-6 leaves, depending on size. Remove the leaves from the plant from the bottom up. Wipe the leaves with a dry, slightly damp cloth. Do not water the plant at least a week before use. Fleshy leaves of Aloe quickly get waterlogged, which dilutes the preparation and is no longer as effective as it could be. That is why we don’t wash them but only remove impurities from it using a cloth. 58 | P a g e


Cut off the tip of the leaf and thorns on the edges. Then break the leaves into smaller pieces. Add them to honey and brandy. Let me point out again that the entire process needs to be carried out in the gloom and as quickly as possible. This maintains the majority of ist characteristics! The preparation loses its power if exposed to light and air. When all three ingredients are placed in a bowl in true quantities, mix them with a blender or a stick hand blender. Mix until the pieces are completely ground so they would later not bother us when taking the preparation: i.e. one minute, depending on the power of the blender. If the finished product is then poured into a glass jar, it is recommended to wrap it in aluminum foil. As I mentioned earlier, the preparation must not be exposed to light. Close it firmly, because no air should come inside. Different container can be used for making the preparation. It is important that it is impermeable to air and light. Some companies offer pre-prepared product also in bottles. The method of storing the preparation is completely up to you. It is only important that the preparation is well sealed and stored in a cool and dark place.

I S IT TRUE THAT NOTHING METAL SHOULD BE USED FOR MAKING THE PREPARATION ? Recently, many people asked me that question, so I investigated this issue in more detail. I never came across any information indicating that Aloe arborescens should not be prepared with metal utensils. We usually use a knife to remove the thorns and to cut the leaves. We also use the blender to grind the leaves of Aloe and honey. It is quite difficult to avoid touching metal when carrying out this process. However, I did find out that this is mentioned several times in Aloe Vera. So we use the squeezing method in this case. In such a case, we squeeze the leaves and extract the gel this way.

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On the surface of its leaves Aloe Vera contains large amounts of aloin and substances which stimulate digestion in humans when consumed. Therefore try to avoid using the outer layers and use only their interior when making different preparations. In Aloe arborescens, the mentioned substance that stimulates digestion is concentrated mainly in thorns and not so much on the surface of the leaf. It is therefore sufficient to carefully remove the thorns when making the preparation of Aloe arborescens. Thorns are also removed so they wouldn’t cause injuries in the throat or inside the body, when taking the preparation, since the thorns could cause wounds. Unlike Aloe Vera we also use outer layers when making preparation of Aloe arborescens, which need to get grinded to facilitate their taking.

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S HELF LIFE The shelf life of homemade preparation is strongly affected by conditions in which it is stored. If you follow all the recommendations listed above, you can keep it somewhere to six months.

Ingredients before grinding them. Preparation contains honey which is a natural preservative allowing us to store it fresh and full of vitamines for such a period of time. The shelf life can be reduced by constant opening of the preparation and exposure to air and light. If you are using it for a longer period of time, I advise you to store it in two or three smaller containers. This prevents exposing the total content of glass, making the preparation fresh for a longer period of time. However, even in this case, I recommend you to store for a maximum of six months. It is even better to take it in a shorter time period.

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TAKING THE PREPARATION This preparation is now ready and can be consumed right away. When fresh, it foams and has a greenish colour. It will eventually change the colour to brown or light green and will be free from foaming agents. Mix the preparation before taking it. Honey usually sinks to the bottom, while Aloe accumulates at the top of the preparation. If we mix the preparation before using it, we make sure to take the right mixture of Aloe and honey.

A LOE COURSE OF TREATMENT It is recommended to make the course of treatment with the mentioned preparation at least once a year. Preparation in the glass we made is to be taken according to the following instructions: one tablespoon on an empty stomach in the morning, before lunch and before dinner. After taking the preparation is recommended not to eat for about 20–30 minutes. You should also not eat anything before taking it. So, 3 time a day one tablespoon, 20–30 minutes before the meal. We eat the content of the whole glass. It is sufficient for around 21 - 26 days. Then we make a break for 3–7 days and repeat the process. In the case we are talking about treatment of some kind of a disease, perhaps even cancer is strictly necessary to consult the doctor beforehand. In the event of cancer, it also makes sense to do an examination before and after carrying out Aloe treatment. This is the only way to know if it is necessary to continue the treatment or if the Aloe is working. My grandmother had 4 glasses of this preparation during cancer treatment. For someone just two will be enough, while someone else will need more. Depending on what we want to achieve with this or which illness we are trying to beat.

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As I mentioned before, please consult with your doctor beforehand in the event of serious illness.

W HAT ABOUT THE CASE , IN WHICH WE ARE TRYING TO RESIST CANCER WITH THIS PREPARATION ? Substances in Aloe that are active against cancer are destroyed when exposed to the light. It is therefore essential to store the preparation in a dark place at all times. The same also applies to the administration of the preparation. Since we want to maximize its impact I advise taking the preparation in a dark room, especially in cases of cancer. We need to ensure never to expose the preparation to the light or to expose it to the light and air for the shortest possible period of time.

P REVENTIVE USE OF THE PREPARATION The mentioned preparation of Aloe and honey can also be taken as preventive measure. It is known that it improves the functioning of the organism and strengthens the immune system. So we are significantly

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less susceptible to any disease in this way. I have also, as precaution, been taking the aforementioned preparation for some time now. In such a case, you can have one glass of preparation for a longer period of time, since you are taking only one tablespoon on an empty stomach in the morning. To keep the preparation fresh as long as possible, pour it in three glasses. So eat the first glass first and then the next two. In this way you will avoid daily opening and exposing the preparation to air and light.

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F LEXIBILITY OF TAKING THE PREPARATION Padre Romano has initially proposed strict following of instructions when taking the preparation. But soon later he softened his opinion. By taking the preparation through my own experience and experience of others I learned that it is no so important how we take Aloe. It is important to take it, one way or another.

Homemade preparation of Aloe and honey. Stored in a glass jar wrapped in aluminum foil. I always advise the following to people starting to use the preparation: at the beginning when starting to use the preparation, certainly follow the instructions provided by Padre Romano. Eventually, listen to your body and take the preparation in a way you think is best for you. I sometimes feel bad and then I take a few tablespoons more. Other times I feel great and don’t take Aloe at all. Use your body as an indicator telling you how much of this preparation you need to take. And as long as you don’t feel that, follow the recommendations of Padre Romano and take three tablespoons a day. Sometimes, after a long day, I feel I am about to get sick and that my body is tired of the daily efforts. Then I take 3 tablespoons of the preparation. I also repeat the process in the morning. This is usually 65 | P a g e


enough for my body to go back to its old shape. If not, I repeat the process one more time. So far, I had no need to take more of Aloe or to take it more often, since this method of taking it always turned out successfully. However, you should know that I have been taking Aloe regularly for some time now. But for someone who is just starting with this, such taking of preparation is not exactly recommended. Strict and steady start is also necessary to make the person get used to taking the preparation. Once you get used to that and once your body gets used to it, everything is easier.

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REGULAR TAKING OF ALOE As I already mentioned, it is in my opinion best to follow padre Romano’s instructions when starting to take the preparation. You can listen to your body at a later point. All you need to consider is taking Aloe on a regular basis. It does not mean that you will now become a slave to habits and get up sooner every morning to be able to take a spoon or two, or come home during work and take another spoon again etc. It is essential to take Aloe regularly. It is not just the preparation I recommend for regular taking. I sometimes simply just cut off a piece of Aloe leaf and eat it. I do not mean to scare you, but the lasted of the very leaf is quite disgusting. Aloe is very bitter and if you don’t like such taste, you may have difficulties eating it. It is true though that once you force yourself for a few times, you get used to the taste and taking it will no longer be a problem. I often make fruit juice for breakfast in the juicer, add part of Aloe leaf and drink it up. Sometimes I just squeeze two oranges and add some gel from Aloe leaf, and then drink it up. It is important to find a way or ways that suit you best for regular use of Aloe. When I say regular use I also don’t have in mind always taking a jar of Aloe on a business trip or vacation, or even the whole plant with you. You can, of course, always take short breaks from taking Aloe. This is usually done when our body tells us to do so. So then, when we simply feel great despite the fact that we are not taking the preparation in those days. This is most frequently during summer months but necessarily something you should also hold on to. As I have already mentioned several times, listen to your body and act accordingly when taking the preparation of Aloe.

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W HAT IF I DON ’ T LIKE THE TASTE OF A LOE ? This is not unusual. Just make an effort the first few days and you will be just fine. You should also pay attention to the fact that during the use of the preparation it may happen the taste will no longer suit you. This is best explained on my example. When I started with Aloe, its bitter taste did not bother me. After a day or two it was even the other way around. I liked the taste of Aloe so much I could barely hold back not to eat it more often and more of it. After two months or so of taking Aloe I entered a short period when I was just disgusted by Aloe and had to force myself into eating each and every spoon. Now I know that is the time when my body tells there is sufficient Aloe in it. I know namely I will have a desire for it again in a few days. Now I know that when Aloe »does not smell nice«, I take a break from taking it for a few days. And then re-start again when the desire for taking the preparation is back. I have to say that these breaks are very rare and short. I am eating Aloe most of the time, while the rest of my family makes shorter breaks slightly more often.

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ALOE ARBORESCENS Now that we've met the preparation of Aloes and the effectiveness thereof, it’s time to also get to know the very plant. Its »sister«, Aloe Vera is much more familiar. However, according to the experience of Padre Romano and many others who beat cancer with its help, Aloe arborescens is believed to be much more efficient, particularly in overcoming various types of cancer, tumors, and more recently, even diseases such as AIDS.

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ALOE GROWING REGIONS In the nature Aloe arborescens originates from the south of the African continent. Later, the plant also spread to Brazil and in practically all countries with warmer climate. I mentioned Brazil because it is more spread there in the nature. With the re-learning about the properties of this plant the latter also grows elsewhere in the world. Thus, there are also garden centers available in Slovenia offering you Aloe for consumption. However, such garden centers are very rare, so ask about their authenticity before visiting. If you want to use it for eating, you should be aware of the use of fertilizers and other pesticides. I believe you do not want to feed your body with such substances. So be careful of how Aloe was grown at the garden centre before eating it. Although the conditions for growth in the natural environment are quite different compared to those in our country, you can also grow Aloe at home. Therefore, few more words are devoted to its growth on the following pages.

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ALOES IN OUR COUNTRY In case you would like to see these plants live and learn more about them, please visit the Ruzzier Garden Centre – Černe. I have been using their Aloes with great pleasure and joy for a long time now. The family Ruzzier – Černe has been engaged in horticulture for three decades. They grow ornamental plants in greenhouses throughout the entire year. In recent years part of their production has been focused in growing Aloes. They are located near the Sečovlje saltpans where the coastal climate provides sufficient sunshine and wind for the plants to thrive wonderfully. Aloes are grown in flower pots so you can simply take such growing plant with you to your home. They offer plants of various ages, ranging from one to five years, but you can also get an older Aloe there. If you decide to visit them, please note that they are always available with advices of further care for Aloes. You can find them at Parecag 115/a in Sečovlje, Slovenia and when you visit, please also send regards on my behalf.

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THE NAMES OF ALOE ARBORESCENS The plant is known under different names, which is only the proof of the plant’s long-standing presence in our midst. It is frequently referred to as »healing Aloe« for the number of its healing properties that the plant possesses. The same reason was probably also responsible for the occurrence of the names »miracle plant« and »plant of life«. Due to the similarity the name »crocodile tongue« stuck to it. In addition, the name »arboraceous Aloe« is also used commonly. The reason for this is that Aloe arborescens actually grows with trunk and has a tree structure, from which also derives its name. The most commonly used is already mentioned Latin name »Aloe arborescens«. This is also the name referred to in technical literature. I kinda got used to the »slovenized« version of the Latin term, i.e. »Aloe arborescens« or simply Aloe. It is also constantly addressed under such name in the book.

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DESCRIPTION OF ALOE ARBORESCENS Its appearance is similar to a cactus, but is placed in the family of Liliaceous. Its close relatives, believe it or not, are garlic and onion. It grows into a tall tree that reaches a height of 5-10 meters. »Trunk« or Aloe stem reaches a diameter of about 10 centimeters. But do not worry, this only applies to Aloe in nature. If you plan to have Aloe at home, it won’t reach such heights. Aloes usually grow only up to around one meter. If the conditions are excellent and if you have sufficiently large container, they can climb up a little higher. To date, over 350 different types of Aloe have been studied and the numbers continue to grow. Among them, the most healing substances can be found in Aloe arborescens (at least to our so far known data, experience and knowledge).

A LOE LEAVES The leaves are light green in colour with a blue cast. More year-old plants develop leaves of up to width of 5 centimeters and a length of about 60 centimeters. The leaves are fleshy to the touch and appearance and have a bitter taste. This is not to dissuade you from trying Aloe leaves. Despite the bitter taste I advise you to also try Aloe this way. I often cut a piece of a leaf, when, for example, I have heart burst, and just eat it. You may not believe it, but heartburn stops immediately after taking a smaller peace of Aloe leaf. Younger plants have, of course, accordingly smaller leaves. You can see smaller spines at the edges. Do not worry, according to present knowledge, they are not poisonous, as some may think. I have also been frequently scratched by them but have not yet noticed any reaction to this.

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F LOWER In Slovenia, Aloe arborescens blooms once a year, somewhere in February. If the conditions are right, the plant can develop a beautiful oblong flower with small orange-red flowers. In the event of the plant having a lot of sunlight, the flower has redder colour. When the plant is kept in the apartment with less sunlight in it, the colour is slightly brighter, in combination with yellow. Also, it may happen that the plant blooms sooner at home than usual. This is due to slightly higher temperatures, as appropriate for the plant and which we usually have in our apartment. However, it s not unusual if the plant in the apartment doesn’t bloom at all. The conditions in the apartment are usually not exactly the most suitable for successful growth. The temperature of around 20 degrees is not exactly beneficial for successful growth of the plant. However, such conditions are satisfying for Aloe for passing the winter time, of course, in the event that it has enough light, which is the most important factor for its growth.

R OOT SYSTEM Thanks to its roots Aloe can survive quite some time without watering. It usually develops a strong root system allowing it to survive in hot and dry climates of South Africa or Brazil. Although you water it at home, Aloe will develop strong roots that will often come out even of the pot in which it grows. It may also be an indication that it is necessary to replace the pot for a greater one.

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ALOE IN MODERN SCIENCE As I mentioned a bit earlier, Aloe Vera is much better known. In the past, science focused mainly on the aforementioned plant and somewhat neglected Aloe arborescens. The history indicates that Aloe has already been used by the ancient Egyptians, but the knowledge of it unfortunately got lost somewhere. Thus, its healing properties are only being discovered. For the benefit of all of us, Padre Romano authorized a company, which is marketing Aloe and Aloe products on his behalf. The company devotes a large portion of money into much-needed research of the plant. In the future, you can also expect more information about the plant supported by modern science.

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GROWING ALOE ARBORESCENS In case of using Aloe for consumption, it is advisable to have the plant at home. This is the only way allowing us to have fresh plant always available when we need it. In such growing we can also be strongly confident of its past regarding the use of fertilizers and pesticides, which the plant cannot be subjected to, if used for consumption. In case you are not familiar enough with the plant I advise you to make sure it is the right type of Aloe before buying it. As I have already mentioned, there are over 350 species of Aloes and most of them are not suitable for use. In case you cannot ask an expert for opinion or do not trust in the credibility of the gardener offering you the plant, I advise you to take a look at the photos of Aloe arborescens online. In any case, I advise you to be careful when buying a plant you plan to consume. However, you can order the plant on my website www.AloeArborescensMiller.net. The quality of these plants has been proven repeatedly, as these are the plants I use myself.

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WHERE ALOE GROWS BEST Aloe is a plant that cannot grow outdoors. In any case, Aloe we have at home should be kept outside throughout the year. You should move inside during the colder months. It will get used to the room temperature, although this is not exactly its best environment. If we have that possibility, we keep it areas with temperatures ranging between 5 and 10 degrees Celsius during winter. In any case, it cannot be stored in areas, in which the temperature falls below 4 degrees. We must pay attention to the fact that it has sufficient light, as it is necessary for its growth. Therefore, window shelves are best suited for Aloe. Other than that, Aloe does not grow very well during winter. At that time, we could say it rests, or even »winters«. When the temperature falls to 4 degrees and even lower temperatures are expected, it is advisable to move Aloe to a confined space. We keep it there for so long that the temperatures outside begin to rise again and there is no chance for them to fall again to 4 degrees Celsius or less. During the year, when Aloe is kept outdoors, we need to ensure that it is placed in sunny parts, but not in direct sunlight. Although the plant would grow quite well in direct sunlight, we don’t grow it that way usually as the lower leaves start drying.

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My Aloe grows really well in the partitioned part of the garage during winter. Under two large windows at a temperature or around 10 degrees Celsius.

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WATERING ALOE As I mentioned before, this is not a very demanding plant and neither watering is troubling. However, it is advisable to use clean rainwater for watering the plant. Try to avoid tap water as it contains chlorine. In the summer period, when Aloe grows, it needs a little more water. At that time water the plant approximately once a week. If the weather is cooler and rainy and there is a lot of humidity in the air, water it even less frequently. In autumn period gradually start watering the plant less and less and as mentioned, before the temperatures fall below 4 degrees, move the plant inside. Since the plant is idle during the winter, we practically do not water it at all. Somewhere once on every two months is enough, because it practically does not need water at all.

When in need of its leaves for making the preparation, do not water the plant at a least for a week before its use.

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E XCESSIVE WATERING As you already established, Aloe needs very little water for its growth. Therefore, avoid excessive watering. Rather water it on fewer occasions then too often. When the leaves turn towards the top and are no longer equally allocated to the side, it is a sign you are watering it too much. The following step is rotting of the roots, which finally destroys Aloe. The roots also rot if Aloe stands in the water, so certainly avoid that. Once the plant starts to rot, it is necessary to make some changes. In case the plant is rotting due to excessive amounts of water, remove the water from the base or remove the plant from moist soil. Remove rotten leaves or roots. And certainly don’t water the plant so often in the future. In the event this does not stop the rotting of the plant, there is no other option but to throw the plant away.

C AN WE USE PARTLY ROTTEN OR DRY LEAVES ? I do not recommend such use and also do not use them. I always recommend using fresh leaves, and certainly not those, that are rotten, dry or yellowed, nor leaves, which have been long broken from the plant.

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FERTILIZING ALOE ARBORESCENS During the growth Aloe is usually not fertilized. In case we do fertilize it we certainly need to use biological fertilizers and natural preparations. Nettle preparation has a very beneficial effect on the growth. The best option is to fertilize the soil when replanting Aloe to a larger pot. Biological fertilizers and chicken manure are most suitable for this. In any case, I do not recommend the use of manure, in which industrial products and food additives are applied to feed the stock. All of this may enter the plant through the manure, which we later eat.

H OW CAN I DETERMINE THE AGE OF THE PLANT ? In Aloe, six new leaves usually grow within a year. Based on this we can quickly figure out the indicative age of the plant. We simply sum up all the leaves and divide the number by six.

S OIL IN WHICH THE PLANT GROWS BEST The best is actually the soil from your garden with additives of biological fertilizers and domestic chicken manure. In case we have no option for implanting it in soil from the garden, we can also use commercial potting soil. We have to be careful when choosing the type of soil, we also have to choose peat-based substrate, which should also be free from any artificial additives.

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R EPLANTING A LOE ARBORESCENS Approximately every two years, Aloe needs a bigger pot. The older the plant, the larger the pot, as Aloe develops over time a rather strong root system requiring increasingly more space. 20-centimetre diameter of the pot is sufficient for the plant of up to three years of age. Subsequently, it should be replanted in a slightly larger pot with a diameter of about 30 centimeters. First remove aloe from the pot and shake off the soil sticking to the roots. If we see dry or rotten roots we pluck them off with our hands. Then we leave Aloe lying in the shade for a day, and then plant it in a mixture of garden soil and biological fertilizer. Then we leave Aloe for about five days in the shade and, water it after five days. Then we return it back to the place, where Aloe is provided with a lot of sunlight.

Preparation for the planting of new Aloes.

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P LANT REPRODUCTION In plants that are older than one year is possible to notice some smaller sprouts that grow from the stem of the plant or from the pot, so, from the very root system. These sprouts can be used for the bud of a new plant. Simply break off around 15 centimeters large sprout and implant it in a new pot. Bury the entire stem into the soil up to the first leaves. At the beginning, water the plant a bit more than usual. It is recommended to also use natural, before mentioned manure in addition to soil. You need to be aware that all sprouts will not root. Those that will grow on can develop in a beautiful and useful plant. At this point, I would also like to mention that Aloe is growing slow. If your needs or the needs of your family for leaves are greater compared to those provided by your plants, I recommend you to buy another plant, then to fertilize these with different fertilizers. These will, of course, accelerate the growth, but also reduce the quality of the final products. That is certainly something nobody wants.

D ISEASES OF A LOE ARBORESCENS If thrips, aphids or red spiders appear on the plant, it is a sign of improper cultivation. This means that something does not suit the plant and that something needs to be changed. Such pests can be removed manually. However, if we do not eliminate the cause, the pests will keep appearing. The reasons for the occurrence of these most frequently depend on where you keep your plant. It can also be affected by other plants in the area, from where these pests are spread. In summer period plant gets attacked by caterpillars and snails. However, their presence is not exactly detrimental. Caterpillars and snails are usually fed by leaves. Therefore, remove them manually so they don’t eat nutritional supplements you are preparing for yourselves. There are no other diseases or pests associated with Aloe arborescens.

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CATARACT IS GONE At the end I would also like to tell you the story of my grandfather. You already know the one with honey. This one talks about how he learned about the positive effects of the preparation made from Aloe arborescens and honey. It all began with increasingly blurred vision of his eye. Visit at the doctor revealed the culprit for this was cataract. The doctors believed grandfather needed cataract surgery. In their opinion, it was the only option and one of the safest surgical procedures, so my grandfather agreed to it. Shortly after the onset of cataract my grandfather started with Aloe arborescens treatment, really more of a coincidence. Together with my grandmother they each took one table spoon of the preparation three times a day. As it later turned out, one glass of the preparation would suffice. A month passed by from the discovery of the cataract to his surgery. Grandfather has been regularly taking his Aloe and honey preparation during this period. He took the preparation every morning, twenty or thirty minutes before breakfast. The same was repeated before lunch and then half an hour before dinner.

S URGERY WAS NOT NECESSARY He never mentioned to me noticing any improvement in his vision, but when I took him to surgery, something surprising happened. Just before the surgery, the doctors performed another check-up and noticed that cataract disappeared. They had no explanation how this is possible and only said that he is really lucky and that cataract surgery was no longer necessary.

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Brimming with energy and new momentum because the cataract magically disappeared, he was of course the one to drive us home. Along the way we also stopped to check on his bees as none of his days would pass without him not seeing them.

H AS CATARACT REALLY MAGICALLY DISAPPEARED ? Some will say he was just lucky and that cataract magically disappeared. It is possible, however that taking preparation of Aloe arborescens contributed to the cancellation of his cataract surgery. Over the years, when I have been following up thoroughly and researching Aloe, I came across several more cases of cataract in Slovenia, where people cured it with the help of this preparation, just like my grandfather. This means that Aloe is certainly a miraculous plant. During this time I also came across examples of people who have cured their cataracts not by taking the preparation but by direct application of the gel from the leaves onto the eye. There are several types of using Aloe. A lot of them are mentioned in the book. You can discover more of them throughout further research and testing carried out on yourselves. It is important that we are aware of the possibilities Aloe offers. Then we will alone decide whether this plant is suitable for us or not.

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PLEASE SHARE! My honest and straightforward purpose is to disseminate information on the healing Aloe arborescens plant among other people. Therefore, I won’t hold it against you if you borrow this book to your friends and relatives. I wish a lot of people, including your friends and relatives, who may not even need the help of Aloe today, to learn about this book. You can never know for sure when such information will come useful. This book as such can also be the reason for you to get a better chance for healing serious illnesses and get rid of unpleasant problems. It is certainly worth to share information on. Also share information on orally. Do not let these wonderful possibilities Aloe offers go to waste. All those who don’t have this information, certainly have less chance of successfully fighting the disease. Therefore, dear readers, I say again, do share on! Thank you.

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WHAT ABOUT YOUR EXPERIENCE ? Maybe you’re one of the lucky ones who already have positive experience with this plant? If so, I would like to kindly ask you to let me know about your experience via e-mail. You story will be part of my next book or published on my web-site, if you will allow it, of course. In any case, I would certainly like to hear as many stories as possible of those of you who were cured by Aloe. This, in fact, fills me with new energy allowing me to spread on the positive power of Aloe. I will be happy to receive any response, questions, observations and most of all, good experience.

You are welcome to send info@aloearborescensmiller.net.

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DEAR READERS ! I would like this beautiful, healing Aloe to find its place in every family. I am aware that only this book is not enough for this to happen. To this end, I founded a company and set up a website providing everything necessary to convert your thoughts into actions. Of course, it is not enough to only think about using Aloe. What is needed is action!


The mentioned website provides suitable plants for the making of the preparation and those suitable for external use. In order to be able and get you aloe as simply and quickly as possible, we also send the via mail. In addition, this website also provides information on homemade honey, which is needed for the making of this effective preparation. For all those lacking either the time or will to be involved in the making of their own preparation, this website also offers already made preparations according to the mentioned recipe. This is by far not all of it. Website also provides you with plenty of useful information on Aloe and is updated regularly, also with your

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Fruktus, Matija Sega s.p. GSM: 0038640 504 245 Website: www.AloeArborescensMiller.net E-mail: info@aloearborescensmiller.net

I will be very happy to receive your questions and opinions as well as your experience and stories with Aloe arobrescens.

I will be happy to publish (if you’ll allow me) the most interesting stories in the following book or on my website. You just have to send them to me to my e-mail info@aloearborescensmiller.net.

I wish you a pleasant use of the preparation and the plant and an abundance of health!

Matija Sega

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