Fussy eater
How to overcome
a fussy horse
HorseHage has been the Official Supplier of DustFree Forage to The British Equestrian Team at every Olympic Games since Los Angeles in 1984.
here are numerous reasons why a horse can become a fussy eater and finding out why is the first port of call in rectifying the situation. Of course, like humans, some horses are just naturally faddy, and this can be a constant frustration for owners. On the other hand, if a horse that usually has a good appetite suddenly goes off his food, the cause needs to be investigated.
Because horses are naturally trickle feeders, it’s important that they are continually getting enough fibre through their digestive systems to prevent acidic attacks on the gut wall and so if a horse or pony loses his appetite and stops eating, it can easily become a more serious problem. Firstly consider whether your horse has developed a health condition which may have caused him to go off his food. Gastric problems can cause a lot of discomfort when eating and if you suspect
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