Volume 9. Issue 4. July/August 2016
Only connect: talk to a wider audience, says president
n Reflections
on society – lighting in art, culture and the urban environment 1
SLL Coordinator Juliet Rennie Tel: 020 8675 5211 jrennie@cibse.org Editor Jill Entwistle jillentwistle@yahoo.com Communications committee: Iain Carlile (chairman) MSLL Rob Anderson Jill Entwistle Chris Fordham MSLL Wiebke Friedewald Mark Ingram MSLL Stewart Langdown MSLL Gethyn Williams Linda Salamoun Bruce Weil All contributions are the responsibility of the author, and do not necessarily reflect the views of the society. All contributions are personal, except where attributed to an organisation represented by the author.
Copy date for NL5 2016 is 20 July Published by The Society of Light and Lighting 222 Balham High Road London SW12 9BS www.sll.org.uk ISSN 1461-524X © 2016 The Society of Light and Lighting The Society of Light and Lighting is part of the Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers, 222 Balham High Road, London SW12 9BS. Charity registration no 278104
(see p5). ‘Quality lighting is key to our experience of a space and to our health and wellbeing. Responsible lighting design is key to a sustainable future.’ The launch of a new charitable trust, LightAware (see p4), which aims to raise awareness about the effects of artificial lighting on human health and wellbeing is symptomatic of the current distrust of the effects of lighting. Elsewhere, the public still hasn’t a clue what to look for in an LED source, and children still don’t know that lighting design is a potential career. Lighting professionals know that more research is essential but there is a need to at least communicate what we do know to prevent the perpetuation of myth and misinformation. In terms of education at least, there are still many bridges to be crossed. Jill Entwistle jillentwistle@yahoo.com
SLL Lighting Guide 1: The Industrial Environment (2012) SLL Lighting Guide 2: Hospitals and Health Care Buildings (2008) SLL Lighting Guide 4: Sports (2006) SLL Lighting Guide 5: Lighting for Education (2011) SLL Lighting Guide 6: The Outdoor Environment (scheduled early 2016) SLL Lighting Guide 7: Office Lighting (2015) SLL Lighting Guide 8: Lighting for Museums and Galleries (2015) SLL Lighting Guide 9: Lighting for Communal Residential Buildings (2013) SLL Lighting Guide 10: Daylighting – a guide for designers (2014) SLL Lighting Guide 11: Surface Reflectance and Colour (2001) SLL Lighting Guide 12: Emergency Lighting Design Guide (2015) SLL Lighting Guide 13: Places of Worship (2014) SLL Lighting Guide 14: Control of Electric Lighting (2016) New SLL Lighting Guide: Transportation Buildings (scheduled 2016)
‘It’s only when you look back that you realise just how many quality events took place during the year’
Current SLL lighting guides
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Printed in UK
Our special Unesco International Year of Light 2015 review was sent to you with the CIBSE Journal at the beginning of June and we hope you all enjoyed reading it. It’s only when you look back that you realise just how many quality events took place during the year on top of our ‘usual’ quality events. That was some year. In the May/June Newsletter we mentioned that the Night of Heritage Light event had been shortlisted for the Lighting Design Awards 2016 and I’m delighted to confirm that the project won the heritage category (see p4). A party led by then president Liz Peck, vice president Simon Fisher, regional lighting representative Dan Lister, coordinator Juliet and myself took to the stage to receive the award in front of our fellow members and peers. We thank again all those who supported the society throughout the year and look forward to workingwith you all again. We have also entered the Night of Heritage Light in the Darc Awards 2016 in the Low Budget Art Category. If you get a moment please do take part in the judging on the website (www.darcawards.com) and we would appreciate you lending your support to the project if you feel able to do so.
Guide to Limiting Obtrusive Light (2012) Guide to the Lighting of Licensed Premises (2011)
The society’s AGM, annual awards and presidential address took place on 19 May at City Hall, London, HQ of the GLA (see p5-9). It was a great evening celebrating the members who have worked tirelessly over the years. A full review of the recipients is also on the society’s website. I would like to thank immediate past president Liz Peck for admirably steering the society through 2015 and early 2016, and welcome new president Jeff Shaw. We are very much looking forward to working with him. The 2015/2016 Lighting Masterclass series Inside Out: Light and Architecture finished at the Royal Society in May, and we have enjoyed taking the event around the UK
and to Abu Dhabi. We look forward to bringing you a brand new peerreviewed series in the autumn. I thank all the delegates who made the events so enjoyable and worthwhile and, of course, our sponsors: Philips, Thorn, Trilux and Xicato. The SLL recently supported the Centre for Doctoral Training in Science and Engineering in Arts Heritage and Archaeology (SEAHA) event on 20-21 June, held in Oxford at the School of Geography and the Environment. The two-day conference discussed all aspects of light, art, science and conservation of heritage and museums, and was very applicable to our members. The closing date for entries for the Design a Light competition for Sparks, the children’s medical research charity, is 14 July. The event is open to all and the organiser, Future Designs, will match the entry fee with all proceeds going to the charity. The winning three entries will be made as a one-off product and auctioned at the Sparks Winter Ball on 30 November. The event has no restrictions and with individual entry at £20 and team/ company entry £100 there is little to lose and a great deal to gain. For full details please take a look at the SLL website (www.sll.org.uk). Finally, our new guide, LG14: Control of Electric Lighting, is now available for download from the CIBSE Knowledge Portal. Please do download your copy, and if there is any feedback please do let me know and I will pass all comments on to the technical and publications committee. bkeely@cibse.org
Secretary’s column
Broaden the outlook New president Jeff Shaw on the need to communicate the lighting message to profession, press and public
Place of honours City Hall was the venue for this year’s AGM and awards
Reflections on society 10 Juliet Rennie continues her series of articles based on issues raised at the IYL closing ceremony Qualified success 12 James Bourne on lighting as a path to chartered engineer status Window of opportunity 13 Ruth Kelly Waskett looks back at winning YLOTY and the world it opened up Chip shape 14 Iain Carlile finds LEDs are a light motif in the LR&T online papers Lofty ambition 15 Cover project: CMS Camron McKenna winner of the BCO London and South East regional award for new workplace fit-out. Lighting by Light Bureau
Photography: Matthew Andrews
Secretary Brendan Keely MSLL bkeely@cibse.org
It seems to have burst rather suddenly on to the scene – without giving anyone much notice to meet the first deadline – but the international competition to create a light art installation involving all 17 road, rail and pedestrian bridges over the River Thames seems pretty significant stuff (see p4). Everyone’s piled in to support it too – including the Mayor of London, TfL, Network Rail and a couple of key local authorities. Collaboration has always been a sticking point in getting a coherent strategy for the river. A coherent vision for the bridges is a start. Leaving aside all allegations of London-centricity for the moment, this is a significant endorsement of the power of lighting to enhance the city, which as everyone has now learned doesn’t do the local night-time economy any harm either. One can’t help thinking that that would have been a trickier message to get across a decade or so ago. It’s been a slow and steady path to the enlightenment of officialdom, architects and other key decision-makers but this kind of recognition is encouraging. There is undoubtedly quite a superficial grasp of the benefits of lighting in instances such as this, however – a touch of bread and circuses; put lots of pretty lights on something and watch the crowds roll up – which is why new president Jeff Shaw’s message about communication remains a vital one. Especially his emphasis on the wide audience that needs to be reached. ‘We need to get the message out to all – to our industry, to the press, to the government, to the public and to our children,’ he said in his presidential address at, appropriately, City Hall
Secretary’s column
For up-to-date information follow us on Twitter @sll100
The SLL’s Night of Heritage Light (NoHL) was named Heritage Project of the Year at the Lighting Design Awards on 5 May. Then SLL president Liz Peck accepted the award on behalf of the society, accompanied by fellow NoHL
organisers: Dan Lister MSLL, Simon Fisher MSLL, SLL secretary Brendan Keely and SLL coordinator Juliet Rennie. Also integral to NoHL was Rhiannon West, who was unable to attend. ‘The Night of Heritage Light was an
New trust to look at impact of artificial light
scientists politicians and the media,’ says trustee Eleanor Levin. ‘We can’t answer all the questions ourselves, but we seek to raise awareness of this unreported issue and bring together a wide range of professionals from relevant areas such as lighting technology, neurology, dermatology, ophthalmology, architecture, psychology and more, to help piece the puzzle together.’ Among the trust’s aims are to create a world-class website that will include medical journals, peer-reviewed scientific papers, and a forum; to commission scientific research, and to lobby policymakers in the UK and Europe on the needs of light-sensitive people.
A new charitable trust aims to raise awareness about the effects of artificial lighting on human health and wellbeing. Prompted by evolving technologies and mounting anecdotal evidence that certain sources either cause or exacerbate a range of medical conditions, LightAware seeks to stimulate discussion and encourage research. ‘LightAware believes the issue needs much greater scrutiny by medics,
More information at www.lightaware.org
On the lighter side... It was probably only a matter of time. An Australian company has come up with a pair of LED spectacles which it says will help control the wearer’s circadian rhythms. Devised by sleep specialists Professor Leon Lack and Dr Helen Wright at Flinders University in Adelaide, the Re-Timer specs deliver green-blue (500nm) light to the eyes through two LED sources positioned on the frames. This is the most effective colour of light for treating seasonal affective disorder (SAD), according to the inventors, especially in the elderly, where the yellowing and increased cloudiness of the eye lens restricts the ingress of blue light.
amazing reflection of the society and its diverse membership,’ said Peck. ‘I couldn’t be prouder of the society, everyone who took part and the talented teams of industry experts who made it all happen. It is an honour to collect this award in recognition of all they achieved.’ On 1 October 2015, the SLL lit nine Unesco UK World Heritage Sites to celebrate the IYL. Each site was allocated a design team, led by an SLL member. The event was supported by just under 50 partnering organisations. Highly commended was the Australian War Memorial by Steensen Varming; Sayner Huette Foundry by Freundeskreis Sayner Huette, and Saraye Ameriha Boutique Hotel by APV Architectural Lighting Design. Derby Cathedral by James Morse Lighting Design and York Art Gallery by Arup were shortlisted.
The lighting message must be communicated to professional peers, the public and press alike, says new SLL president Jeff Shaw
Global competition for Thames bridges An international design competition to light bridges on the River Thames has been launched by the Illuminated River Foundation and the Mayor of London. The two-stage Illuminated River International Design Competition will award the commission to create a light art installation for all 17 road, rail and pedestrian bridges between Albert and Tower Bridges. Creative teams are first asked to submit details of the proposed team and experience by 7 July. The five or more finalists who reach the second stage will create concept designs for four bridges: Westminster, Waterloo, London and Chelsea, plus a design masterplan for all the bridges. The £20m project is supported by the Mayor of London, the City of London, Westminster City Council, TfL, the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea, and Network Rail. For more details go to: http:// illuminatedriver.london
The company has 11 patents and conducted five clinical trials with results showing that the body clock can be advanced to an earlier time or delayed to a later time when using light comprising a peak wavelength in the green-blue spectrum. The specs cost £149 and should be worn for 30 minutes a day, says the company, presumably recommending the advisability of doing so in the privacy of one’s own home.
Broaden the outlook
Wilde leaves LET Barrie Wilde has withdrawn as director of the LED diploma course. Described by LET chair Bob Venning as ‘an innovator and a brilliant communicator of the art and science of lighting,’ in his citation for Wilde’s President’s Medal last year, he will remain an independent educator. He is looking into a lighting design education publication, ‘a model that is collaborative, inclusive and interactive’.
Communicating the lighting message to a broad audience should be a vital ambition for the SLL, said Jeff Shaw in his presidential address. It was one motive for selecting London’s City Hall, a building whose lighting he had helped design, as this year’s location for the AGM and awards. ‘This is why I have brought you all to this venue – the seat of London’s government. We need to get the message out to all – to our industry, to the press, to the government, to the public and to our children. Lighting plays a huge part in all of our lives. Quality lighting is key to our experience of a space and to our health and wellbeing. Responsible lighting design is key to a sustainable future.’ As a child he had been inspired by lighting, from films and photography to experimenting with coloured lamps, but there had seemed to be no tangible way forward to pursue or express that passion, Shaw said. ‘I was a budding lighting designer, but what I didn’t know as a child was that I could have a career in lighting. Or that anyone had a career in lighting. ‘I want to inspire a different experience for children growing up today and in the future. I want to inspire the lighting designers and the engineers of tomorrow; to let their parents know that a respectable career lies ahead for those who want to join our industry. I want to help create a lasting legacy of engagement and interaction between the lighting community,
the construction industry and the public. I want to develop in these groups an appreciation of what encompasses quality lighting and demonstrate to them how lighting can impact on the world we live in.’ There has never been a better time to promote the lighting industry and lighting quality, said Shaw, and the 2015 Unesco International Year of Light and Light-based Technologies had provided a tremendous starting point and a brilliant opportunity for promotion of lighting. ‘Events such as the award-winning Night of Heritage Light last year helped capture the public imagination – when else has an SLL event been featured on national television?’
‘I want to inspire a different experience for children growing up today and in the future. I want to inspire the lighting designers and the engineers of tomorrow’ 5
NoHL triumphs at lighting awards
Events: AGM: Masterclass President’s address 2013/14
AGM: President’s address
People are hungry for knowledge, continued Shaw, and are talking about lighting. ‘The public needs to know how to choose an LED retrofit lamp in a shop that’s actually appropriate for them. The press needs to know how to navigate a research document without telling us that LEDs will kill us all. And the professionals in our industry need to know what is genuinely beneficial to us in terms of so-called “circadian lighting” and what might just be a sales trick with no scientific basis. We need to provide robust guidance for the industry, and assist and educate the public.’ As part of this, said Shaw, he wanted to encourage more research into the influence of lighting on health, wellbeing and human behaviour, with a view to the SLL preparing robust guidance and advising on standards ‘in this currently poorly understood area’. In advance of a well-researched lighting guide, he said, the SLL needed to urgently issue a Fact File to outline what was or wasn’t understood in this area to help demystify ‘so-called “human-centric” lighting’. ‘We need to outline what are the known knowns and the known unknowns, to quote Donald Rumsfeld.’ At the same time, he said, the SLL should continue to engage more with the public directly. ‘We could do this in a number of ways. We could help the public make informed choices about their own domestic lighting – the SLL and partners should publish advice for consumers, for example – why not a poster to go up in their local DIY store next to the lighting? I am sure that the stores would embrace something like this. It serves also to promote quality lighting and develops our industry further.’ In addition, said Shaw, it was important to continue creating events that capture the imagination, such as the Night of Heritage Light, and extend the junior version of Ready Steady Light for schools. ‘These events aim to continue to inspire the public and promote lighting to them.’
‘I want to help create a lasting legacy of engagement and interaction between the lighting community, the construction industry and the public’ It was also vital to engage young people and develop their interest in science, design and engineering – and lighting, he continued. ‘Light can be a great educational tool – what else so well encompasses creative design, science, maths and practical engineering skills, and also architecture and visual arts? The context of light can be used to inspire young people, and teach them valuable skills. And, if along the way we show them what we do for a living and build recognition of lighting as a career, all the better.’ The SLL Education and Membership committee, of which he was chair until recently, had worked alongside partners in the ILP, IALD and LIA to launch a project to develop structured advice and tools for lighting-related Stem (science, technology, engineering and maths) Ambassadors. This project has somewhat stalled of late, he said, but he planned to work together with those partners to reinvigorate it. The aim, he said, was ‘to have tangible tools for lighting
AGM: Awards
Place of honours You can’t fight it but you can light City Hall, venue for this year’s AGM and Awards
professionals wanting to be Stem Ambassadors in place by the start of the 2016/17 academic year’. He wanted to support and encourage the lighting community in delivering Stem to their local schools and colleges. The plan was to produce sample presentations, workshops and equipment kits, as well as guidance for Stem Ambassadors and how to become one. ‘We’ll cover Stem topics appropriate for all age groups. We’ll make the material available to be used by any lighting professional who wants to become a Stem Ambassador. We want to make that process easy for them, lowering the hurdles for entry. The Stem Ambassador logo already says “Illuminating Futures” and has a picture of a prism – our marketing is already in place.’ Shaw paid tribute to outgoing president Liz Peck and acknowledged the need to continue the enthusiasm she had orchestrated over the past year. She had been key in raising the awareness of the industry, and in building new and strong links between the SLL and many other like-minded groups, such as the Institute of Physics and the RIBA. ‘The SLL’s collective vision for the future is to promote lighting quality from the home to the workplace and everywhere in between, and to get the message out of the impact of lighting on our lives, the importance of quality lighting and to educate all in what we in the industry do. We need to promote this message and do this with public engagement and effective partnerships throughout our industry.’ He was looking forward to his part in developing this vision for the society, he said, but acknowledged that it was impossible to complete the task in just one year. The president elect, Richard Caple, and the three vicepresidents – Iain Carlile, Simon Fisher and Bob Bohannon – were all committed together to take forward this shared vision of improving lighting quality and the promotion of the industry beyond his own tenure as president.
This year’s AGM, awards and presidential address took place at City Hall, on the south bank of the Thames, headquarters of the Greater London Authority. The location underlined new president Jeff Shaw’s message of the importance of communicating with government among other bodies, as well as having personal significance: he helped design the lighting for the building. The President’s Medal, given for a lifetime contribution to lighting, was awarded to David Carter, in recognition of his work in education and research. Carter has been teaching architects both daylighting and electric lighting at Liverpool University since 1980. In research, he is best known for his work on allowing for the effects of obstruction on interior lighting and for what is needed to make daylight guidance systems effective. But there was another facet of his contribution that needed recognising, said Peter Boyce in his citation. He has consistently helped with the development of lighting guidance through the CIE and the SLL in a wide range of capacities, including as a member of the Code Task Group and as SLL president (20034). He has chaired the LR&T editorial board since 2007. ‘All this activity has had the aim of turning the understanding
gained from research into useful guidance for designers and educators,’ said Boyce. ‘Having worked with David over the years, I can assure you that he is also effective. He is always composed, thoughtful and reliable. He delivers on what he promises to do and what he delivers is always well thought out, clearly expressed and based in reality. ‘These are all qualities of great value as anyone who has tried to reach national, or worse, international, agreement on lighting recommendations and metrics will recognise.,’ he continued. ‘In his own quiet way, David has made a sustained and valuable contribution to the development of lighting.’ An honorary fellowship was awarded to John Fitzpatrick, the SLL’s technical secretary. As well as organising the technical ‘All this activity has had the aim of turning the understanding President’s medal: David Carter
gained from research into useful guidance for designers and educators,’ said Boyce. ‘He is composed, thoughtful and reliable. He delivers on what he promises and what he delivers is well thought out, clearly expressed and based in reality. In his own quiet way, David has made a sustained and valuable contribution to the development of lighting.’ An honorary fellowship was awarded to John Fitzpatrick, the SLL’s technical secretary. As well as organising the technical committee, he represents the SLL on the CIBSE knowledge management committee, which coordinates all the CIBSE guides and controls the Knowledge Portal. Following post-doctoral work on semi-conductor glasses at Sheffield University, Fitzpatrick joined the Thorn Lighting Laboratory in Leicester in 1970 as a research engineer, working in a pioneering team on the development of LEDs for car dashboards. In the late 1980s he headed up the laboratory for all of Thorn Lighting at Enfield. He was instrumental in establishing international standards for halogen lamps, lamp bases and lampholders. In his citation, Paul Ruffles quoted Fitzpatrick’s colleague Lou Bedocs: ‘I very much enjoyed working with John. He is
City Hall, headquarters of the GLA
AGM: Awards
AGM: Awards
Lighting Award: Liz Peck, Dan Lister, Rhiannon West (in the background picture) and Simon Fisher
Honorary fellowship: John Fitzpatrick
Regional Award: Peter Phillipson, London events committee chair
clever, rich in knowledge, particularly on light sources and standards, has an excellent attitude to man management, and is a thoroughly likeable chap and good colleague.’ A further honorary fellowship was awarded to recognise HRH The Duke of York KG’s role as UK patron of the International Year of Light 2015. He attended a number of celebratory events including the SLL’s lecture on Fresnel at the Royal Institution last March. ‘He engaged with the scientific, commercial and creative lighting industries on a large scale,’ said Liz Peck, who presented the award to the Duke of York at Buckingham Palace, along with Jeff Shaw, John Aston, Stephen Lisk, Peter Phillipson and Juliet Rennie. For the first time, the Lighting Award was presented to more than one person, the individuals who were instrumental in organising the Night of Heritage Light, winner of the heritage category in this year’s Lighting Design Awards: Dan Lister, Rhiannon West, Simon Fisher and Liz Peck, who was unaware that she was also to be included in the award. In giving her citation for her fellow organisers, she said that she couldn’t ‘emphasise enough the amount of work put into the project by Dan, Rhiannon and Simon. They gave their time, passion and emotion to the project’. The Regional Award, which recognises those who have made a continued and significant contribution to the success of the SLL around the regions, went to Peter Phillipson, chair of the London events committee. Moving to prizes presented for technical papers published in Lighting Research and Technology, this year’s Leon Gaster award went to J Schanda, P Csuti and F Szabó for their papers Colour Fidelity for Picture Gallery Illumination, Part 1: Determining the optimum light-emitting diode spectrum, and Part 2: Test sample selection – museum tests published. Both appeared in LR&T 2015 47(5): 513-521. The Walsh Weston award was given to Mark Rae for The Lumen Seen in a New Light: Making distinctions between light, lighting and neuroscience, published in LR&T May 2015 47: 259-280. Christopher Fordham and Charlie Upton received their certificates for completing the LET Diploma. The current Sponsors in Partnership – Philips, Thorn, Trilux and Xicato – were also presented with certificates.
Feride Sener Yilmaz, recipient of the Jean Heap Bursary, reported on her research. Below: post-AGM socialising
IYL closing ceremony
IYL closing ceremony
Reflections on society Continuing her series of articles that take a closer look at the topics featured in the IYL closing ceremony, Juliet Rennie focuses on the role of lighting in art, culture and the urban environment
Light for the Peace by Finnish light and glass artist Mery Crystal Ra, an installation created for the closing event in Merida, Mexico
Having heard about the impact of light on medical and scientific advancement, there were also a number of sessions at the IYL closing ceremony in Mexico that focused on the cultural and economic benefits of good quality lighting. Light in the Built Environment: Light and Architecture, for example, discussed the importance of raising awareness about lighting in everyday life and how we experience or perceive our surroundings. The panel included Mark Burton Page, general director of Lighting Urban Community International (LUCI); Gustavo Aviles, principal of Mexico City-based lighting and architectural practice, Lighteam; Jose Cardona, Barcelonabased lighting designer, and IALD president Victor Palacio. Gustavo Aviles suggested a philosophical approach to urban and residential lighting design, positing that lighting should bridge the gap between functionality and emotion. He discussed his design process and how, in residential lighting, he uses light to reflect the purpose of each room, as well as the emotional significance.
With regard to lighting an urban environment, Aviles commented: ‘When lighting a city we are not lighting simply the pavement and surroundings, we are lighting our sight, our smile, our expectation.’ Victor Palacio also observed that mistakes have been made in the past when it comes to architectural lighting, with designers lighting for the architecture, rather than the people who will be using a space. In his introductory presentation, Mark Burton Page introduced LUCI and the role that it plays as a platform linking city planners, executives, industrial stakeholders, architects and designers. He explained that the organisation was created to try and find solutions to the style of design which Palacio referenced, in order to make urban lighting design beneficial for those living and working in these spaces. Burton Page said that currently LUCI has two main driving forces: first, the advances in LED technology and intelligent lighting and, second, a broader understanding of how and why
light can be applied. He outlined how previously town planning had not considered the impact of lighting on how people would navigate a city, or the areas that people would want to congregate in, but this is changing and lighting is now being used to help shape the urban environment. Where raising awareness of light and its public benefit is concerned, Burton Page also highlighted that the number of light festivals held around the world has been steadily increasing. This linked into some of the later sessions, including a colloquium held the following day on the dialectic between effective and affective lighting, which Liz Peck took part in. Other participants included Richard Distl, an expert in spectroradiometry and photometry with special emphasis on solid-state lighting; Maurizio Dimartina, coordinator of social actions in the Historical Center Authority of the Federal District in Mexico, and Hector Solano, from the National System of Researchers, who focuses on light pollution studies. At the beginning of the session, the speakers were asked to consider a number of quotations that could be related to approaches to lighting design, including one from Harry Potter’s Albus Dumbledore: ‘There will be a time when we must choose between what is easy and what is right.’ Liz Peck picked up on this quote, in relation to considering the local environment and ecology when lighting a space. Additionally, the speakers highlighted how advances in LED technology and the potential for savings in cost and energy usage should not compromise the need for quality lighting. Maurizio Dimartina provided an interesting perspective on lighting heritage monuments within the urban landscape. He said that often this presents a challenge in that at the time of building, the architecture was not designed to be lit at night. Often these buildings pre-date the ability to do this, so that current techniques are an attempt to ‘intervene in history’. Dimartina also commented that culturally significant areas and monuments within cities are often left to be lit by private sector companies, whereas there is a public responsibility to maintain this heritage and to reclaim public areas with lighting. Liz Peck pointed out that this also relates to the quote from Harry Potter, with a focus on doing things right. Referring to the SLL’s Night of Heritage Light (NoHL), she said that when coming up with a lighting scheme for the nine Unesco World Heritage Sites that were lit on 1 October last year, each design team had to consider their site’s individual historical significance and the surrounding environment. The colloquium discussion also tied into one of the parallel sessions which Liz and I had attended that morning, focusing on light and the arts. This session comprised three presentations, focusing on different aspects of the relationship between art, light and culture. The first presentation was by Tania Aedo from Photon. ArtLab, an initiative to improve knowledge about lighting. Aedo outlined the work that Photon.ArtLab does, including workshops and live events as part of a portable museum looking at the past 5000 years of scientific enquiry into light. The workshops use light and art as an outreach tool to teach children about optics and physics, often resulting in them creating their own installations at the end of the day. I briefly mentioned Mery Crystal Ra in my first article (NL March/April 2016). She is an award-winning Finnish artist who uses a combination of light and glass to create unique pieces. In her presentation, she discussed a societal need for art, in order to reflect the spirit of a community and to add variance in an increasingly technological age. She also highlighted the versatility of light as an artistic medium, commenting on commissioned pieces that she has created for private
‘South African artist Marcus Naustetter created temporary pieces of light art to help encourage communities to engage and take ownership of their public spaces’ companies and how she has reflected their brand through her artwork, creating specific atmospheres with light. The final presentation in the Light and Art session was by South African artist and cultural activist Marcus Naustetter, who was inspired to use light in his work after climbing Kilimanjaro. Since then, Naustetter has set up a programme with young students which involves learning about space and astronomy during the day and creating their own light art at night. With South Africa’s turbulent history, Naustetter explained that there is a need to involve local communities in the scientific research and work that is taking place in observatories. For example, he contributed to the creation of the Community Dome, which is a naked eye observatory positioned next to one of the scientific observatories, with the aim of creating a link between the cultural heritage of the country and science. Naustetter also created temporary pieces of light art which he believes help to encourage communities to engage and take ownership of their public spaces. The scientific, cultural, historical and economic implications and potential of light were key throughout the closing ceremony. As John Dudley, chair of the IYL2015 steering committee, said in his opening address, the focus now is to continue the level of engagement with people outside of the lighting and scientific communities through the outreach programmes and cultural events that had been highlighted.
Masterplan for Taxco, Mexico, by speaker Gustavo Aviles: ‘When lighting a city we are not lighting simply the pavement and surroundings, we are lighting our sight, our smile, our expectation’
YLOTY: where are theyYLOTY now?
YLOTY Professional qualifications
Qualified success How James Bourne used lighting as a vehicle to achieve his chartered engineer status
as a vehicle‘James Bourne CEng MCIBSE’ was all I wanted to see at the foot of my emails since getting into consultancy 10 years ago. The status that goes with these letters seemed huge, and almost out of reach when I started. I could see the benefits for those who had these post-nominals when perusing the jobs section at the back of CIBSE Journal or online, and the difference in the profile of the roles and the associated packages that went along with them. So I decided I would do what was required to get there, and use llghting as my vehicle. From a background of hands-on electrical work, through an accredited apprenticeship, I moved through the ranks of electrical commissioning engineer to site foreman, then into the office as an electrical estimator, where my interest in lighting really took off. Next I moved into contract management and then started my own business based on electrical testing and consultancy – still with a keen interest on selling my skills as a designer and commissioner of all things electrical, especially lighting. During this time I attended many short courses through CIBSE Mid-Career College and practised lighting design. However, I found I was not able to challenge myself technically and so took the opportunity to join a global multidisciplinary design consultancy, where chartered status was back in focus for me. I managed to attain MCIBSE in the first instance, after a few years of engagement in the industry, which allowed me to influence design and stakeholders on low carbon and sensible lighting design. Apart from having been an affiliate member of the SLL and CIBSE, and reading the CIBSE Journal, I hadn’t done too much else with the organisation. I decided to become more involved
with CPD and technical events, and to investigate the best route to CEng given that I hadn’t gone to university. I spent time reviewing the documents online, and understanding the drivers of the industry so that I could focus my further studies on areas of greatest interest to me and in the sector where I had decided to become a professional. Lighting, LED, human centric lighting, daylighting, energy saving, all seemed to tick the boxes. I attended London Southbank University in a distance-learning capacity for three years, getting my advanced diploma in building services design, and then my MSc. Although these qualifications didn’t form part of my CEng submission, they helped my application by enabling me to write and present with more confidence around technical subjects. Alongside the studies, I focused on work, designing and leading on building services projects, and the areas of interest outlined above were all very prominent. I attended more CPD events on the subject, became a low carbon consultant, and then decided it was time to submit my synopsis. It was easy to find a mentor, one I knew through the Home Counties North East region, and others I knew through work and the SLL who supported me. I followed online guidance and so completed and submitted my synopsis. Here, if the truth be told, I left it. I got a response from CIBSE quite rapidly, but was focusing on the studies I mentioned earlier, so the development of the technical report went on the back burner for a while. I would keep my reading and work up to date on the subject, and carried on attending as many lectures and CPD events on lighting and daylighting-related subjects as possible. The SLL held numerous events that were right on the money when it came to subject matter. After (quite) some time when I re-engaged with the thought of writing a few thousand words on Electric Lighting, Daylighting and the Circadian Rhythm, I found that the notes that I had been keeping from the places I had visited and people I had spoken with at various SLL and CIBSE events were quite extensive. I compiled my reading lists and references first in the technical report, narrowing down the area I was going to write on and the information I would draw on. I used examples from the ‘real world’ and compared them to the notes I had taken and the references I had made while reading. I applied the knowledge I had obtained at LSBU to compile a clear and concise technical report, starting with an introduction to the subject, details of the technical knowledge I had gained and applied on projects, and thoughts on current and future practices. Before I knew it, I had exceeded the word count and had to cut elements out, or ‘refine the document’ as my reviewers would say.
‘I attended many lectures. The SLL held numerous events that were right on the money when it came to subject matter’ I had support from mentors at work, from my CIBSE region, and from the SLL. All parties were very interested in the subject and were more than willing to assist in giving advice, recommendations and tips on how to sharpen the submission. So, my CEng was awarded. The sense of achievement was immense, almost as great as the recognition received by others. My employer took notice of the status with an increase in grade and salary – but, more important, it is now on the signature block of every email I send.
Window of opportunity Ruth Kelly Waskett recalls winning the YLOTY award a decade ago and how it opened up new and unexpected opportunities I was the delighted recipient of the YLOTY award in 2006, the year after I had graduated from the Bartlett MSc Light and Lighting course. My submission was based on my degree dissertation on lighting for people with autism. Under the expert tutelage of Dr Kevin Mansfield at UCL, I had become very interested in how humans perceive light. I learned that some neurological disorders, such as autism, could result in various states of altered sensory perception, and that this could have a profound effect on how these people perceive the lit environment. Aspects of an interior that ‘neurotypical’ people consider to be enlivening, such as the play of sunlight and shadow, or dynamic artificial lighting, could in fact result in an overstimulating, and even disturbing, environment for people with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). I was subsequently encouraged to enter a paper based on this dissertation, and though I was nervous about presenting my work, ultimately my enthusiasm for the subject took over and I was delighted to be given the chance to share what I had learned with others. At the time of receiving the award, I was working for Atkins as an engineering consultant with a lighting specialism. The award propelled me forward with a new confidence to share my ideas with design team colleagues. I was seconded to work with lighting consultant Pinniger and Partners and, with Atkins, I worked on a range of fantastic transport projects, such as the refurbishment of a number of London Underground stations, as well as the redevelopment of Birmingham New Street rail station. In 2011, with a baby and a toddler demanding more time than the commute to London would allow, I left Atkins and, quite by chance, stumbled on a vacancy for a PhD studentship at De Montfort University with Professor John Mardaljevic (now of Loughborough University). I had by then encountered John’s name several times in the small world of daylighting, but we had never met. Noting that the deadline for applications was in a few days, I picked up the phone to ask if I could send in a late application. As the phone rang at the other end, I wondered what on earth I was doing, but I am extremely glad that I stayed on the line, because that call was the beginning of a fantastic, meandering journey through the world of PhD research. I have been privileged to be a part of a very interesting study, looking at the occupant experience of a novel type of glazing that was installed in their offices in 2012. Electrochromic glazing can be switched manually or
automatically to dynamically vary the tint of the glass, modulating the ingress of daylight and sunlight. Despite years of study, my interest in this fascinating material persists, and I consider it to be an exciting addition to the new generation of smart facade materials that could transform modern architecture. And yet these materials, fascinating though they may be, cannot be applied to buildings without considering the effect on the human occupants. Many a well-intentioned and beautiful daylighting design has been defeated by the occupants; if it doesn’t work for them, it just doesn’t work. The perspective of the human occupants has remained central to my work, continuing the thread that was first sown at the time of the YLOTY award. There was another important phone call in 2011, this time incoming, from Liz Peck, which resulted in me chairing the task group that revised Lighting Guide 10 (Daylighting). The revised document was published in 2014, and I am honoured to have been involved with the project. The task group was a wonderfully diverse group of practitioners and academics from a number of disciplines, and to chair a meeting felt like being inside a fantastic Venn diagram with daylighting at the centre. I learned so much from this process, and it proved to be extremely nourishing for my PhD research. The past 10 years has taught me that there is still so much we don’t fully understand about how our lighting and daylighting designs affect the people who live and work within them. It has also taught me that if you find something fascinating, pursue it and follow the road where it takes you. If given the chance to share what you’ve learned with others, take it. If you are under 30, the YLOTY is a wonderful platform from which to do this.
An electrochromic window at De Montfort University, Leicester
Cover project
LR&T essentials
Whether the concern is testing, dimming or retrofitting, LEDs are cropping up in a range of online papers, according to Iain Carlile LEDs are a bit of a light motif in the latest crop of LR&T papers available online. We start with the replacement of conventional light sources with LED luminaires, a current trend in lighting. While typically the installed LED operating power is lower than the installation it replaces, there are potential problems with the resultant inrush-current. In this context Hermoso-Orzaéz et al investigate the replacement of metal halide luminaires in a large-scale street lighting installation. Electrical measurements were taken for the installation both before and after the change. Comparing the results they found that at cold start-up the inrush currents generated by the LED light sources were significantly higher than the metal halide lamps, despite using 36 per cent less power under normal operation. In this application the authors propose that the LED luminaires are energised using magneto-thermal protection circuits with slow trip curves in order to tolerate the high, shortterm, inrush currents. Although the paper concerns the specific application of public lighting, the concerns it raises may need to be considered in any large-scale replacement of existing light sources with LED technology. Turning to the office environment, Wang and Linnartz investigate the dimming of LEDs in terms of both energy efficiency and the comfort of occupants. In order to achieve optimal efficiency and comfort the authors proposed the use of a quantitative human perception model for illuminance distribution in an indoor environment. Based on this model, the authors can propose optimal dimming levels according to the positions and preferences of occupants, both enhancing user satisfaction and reducing energy consumption. Caicedo et al also consider lighting controls in the office environment, but with respect to daylight and occupancy detection. Their proposed system uses light sensors located at both ceiling level and at the individual workstations, and occupancy sensors only at ceiling level. By varying the sensing frequency at the different locations, the authors suggest a control method to adapt the dimming levels to provide the desired illumination levels at desk level. The authors tested the control method in an office environment and found the sensors at the desk location improved the achieved illumination. Also examining sensor applications, Mead and Mosalam calibrated a Raspberry Pi microcomputer and associated camera module as a luminance sensor. Through the use of HDR (high dynamic range) imaging techniques and lens correction, they measured luminance values between 10 and 50,000 cd/sqm. They ran simulations of a simple one-windowed room, with weather files from around the world. The simulation results identified the need for spatial luminance based sensing within the built environment to counteract discomfort glare.
Photography: Matthew Andrews
Lofty ambition
Chip shape
Urban cool, light and airy: the brief for the winner of the BCO London and South East regional award for a new workplace fit-out Investigating the dimming of LEDs for energy efficiency and occupant comfort (Wang and Linnartz)
With the difficulty of testing the (relatively long) lifetime of solid-state sources, Baumgartner et al performed an extended lifetime test by ageing commercially available, high-quality, LED retrofit lamps. The lamps were aged over a 35-month period at room temperature and for a further six months at higher temperatures of 40-60 degrees C to accelerate the lamps’ ageing process. They found that all of the lamps met their rated lifetimes. Based on the test data recorded, the authors go on to propose a new ageing method for LED sources where data is sampled from both normal operation and accelerated lifetime operation, suggesting that extrapolating the data allows more accurate prediction of long-term behaviour. The authors note that switching may affect the results and needs to be considered in future studies. Iain Carlile, MSLL, is an associate of DPA Lighting
Lighting Research and Technology: OnlineFirst In advance of being published in the print version of Lighting Research and Technology (LR&T), all papers accepted for publishing are available online. SLL members can gain access to these papers via the SLL website (www.sll.org.uk) Electrical consequences of large-scale replacement of metal halide by LED luminaires MJ Hermoso-Orzaéz, JI Rojas-Sola and A Gago-Calderón Intelligent illuminance control in a dimmable LED lighting system X Wang and J-PMG Linnartz Smart lighting control with workspace and ceiling sensors D Caicedo, S Li and A Pandharipande Ubiquitous luminance sensing using the Raspberry Pi and Camera Module system AR Mead and KM Mosalam Natural and accelerated ageing of LED lamps H Baumgartner, D Renoux, P Kärhä , T Poikonen, T Pulli and E Ikonen
MCM Architecture’s brief for a new fit-out was to deliver an open and airy workspace for law firm CMS Camron McKenna when it moved to offices at Cannon Place in east central London. The client wanted to avoid cliched techniques and to introduce the sense of an urban loft space in the open-plan task and restaurant areas. Communication both with clients and between departments and floors was seen as paramount. The lighting reflects and supports these aims throughout. The offices are on three floors linked by a feature staircase visible through the atrium core of the building. Light Bureau designed an integration detail for the staircases to highlight the materiality of the stairs, which combine bronze and wooden elements. ‘This provides an illuminated marker, increasing the visibility of the stairs both within the CMS interior and externally when viewed from other parts of the building,’ says Joe Vose, associate designer at Light Bureau. CMS has four key market segments, each of which formed the basis for a client lounge or ‘hub’ spread around the client meeting floor. The centrepiece is the technology hub with a bespoke Corian bench flowing through the space. Integrated lighting reinforces the fluidity of this feature element, which also forms the adjacent reception desk (see right). As the reception is on the same floor as the building’s main communal foyer, it needed to be eye-catching and distinct from the main lobby. Integrated lighting around the sculptural desk and a feature drop pendant comprising a series of rings creates a prominent focal point. ‘The main vertical surfaces of the reception proved to be challenging as the main feature wall was a very dark specular material, and creating a homogeneous effect was made even harder by the 50mm clearance that was possible,’ says Vose. ‘The solution was a very diffuse linear channel which provided dot-free illumination to these surfaces.’ The reception also has a business centre designed to allow staff to have quick touchdown meetings with clients. This is divided from the main reception area by wavy Lasvit glass panels that close off a semi-circular area (see cover). This is both uplit and downlit to achieve a more consistent illumination Project: CMS Camron McKenna, 78 Cannon Street, London EC4 Lighting design: Light Bureau Architect: MCM Architecture
within the glass. ‘RGBW was used to add some colour to the space and complement the playful nature of the glass,’ says Vose. ‘A significant challenge was meeting the client’s expectation of how the lit glass would look, without adding a frosting or manifestation – the glass, while heavily textured, was still transparent.’ High-CRI, 3000K sources are used on client floors and in staff restaurants to provide a warmer atmosphere and differentiate these spaces from the main office space. In that area 4000K suspended T5 fluorescent direct/indirect fittings are used, a standard luminaire customised to optimise up/ downward distribution using separately controllable outputs.
2016 19 July How to be Brilliant (Organised by the ILP) Speaker: Peter Veale, director of Firefly Lighting Design Venue: Marshalls Design Space, London EC1 www.theilp.org.uk/brilliant 15 September DARC Awards Venue: MC Motors, Dalston, London E8 http://darcawards.com/architectural/ 18-20 September Plasa Venue: London Olympia www.plasashow.com 19-22 September LED Lighting China Venue: Shanghai New International Expo Centre (SNIEC) www.ledlightingchina-sh 20-22 September Sixth International LED professional Symposium and Expo (LpS 2016) Venue: Festspielhaus, Bregenz, Austria www.led-professional-symposium.com 21 September Shine On: New Perspectives on Museum Lighting Venue: Royal College of Surgeons, London WC2 www.museumsassociation.org 28 September How to be Brilliant (Organised by the ILP) Speaker: Lee Barker-Field, head of lighting design, Aecom Venue: Marshalls Design Space London EC1 www.theilp.org.uk/brilliant 13-15 October IALD Enlighten Americas Venue: Sheraton Buganvilias Resort and Convention Center, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico www.iald.org 27 October How to be Brilliant (Organised by the ILP) Speaker: Filip Vermeiren, founder and director of Inverse Lighting Venue: Marshalls Design Space London EC1 www.theilp.org.uk/brilliant 27-30 October Hong Kong International Lighting Fair Venue: Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre www.hktdc.com
15 September: DARC Awards, MC Motors, London E8
9 November Fundamental Lighting Course (Organised by the ILP) Venue: Regent House, Rugby jo@theilp.org.uk
Lighting Masterclasses: Masterclasses are kindly sponsored by Philips, Thorn, Trilux and Xicato. For venues and booking details : www.sll.cibse.org
13-15 November IALD Enlighten Europe Venue: Prague Marriott Hotel, Prague www.iald.org 23-24 November LuxLive 2016 and lightspace dot London (including SLL Young Lighter of the Year final and Mini Masterclasses) Venue: ExCel, London http://luxlive.co.uk 24 November Lux Awards 2016 Venue: InterContinental London: The O2 www.luxawards.co.uk 29 November How to be Brilliant (Organised by the ILP) Speaker: Jonathan Rush and team, Hoare Lea Lighting Venue: Marshalls Design Space London EC1 www.theilp.org.uk/brilliant 14 July Deadline for the Future Designs Design a Light competition, supported by the SLL, in aid of children’s medical charity Sparks. The winning design for a children’s light will be announced at the Sparks Winter Ball on 30 November. www.sparks.org.uk/event/competitiondesign-a-light-for-sparks/
LET Diploma: advanced qualification by distance learning. Details from www.lightingeducationtrust.org or email LET@cibse.org Mid Career College: the college runs various courses across the whole spectrum of lighting and at sites across the UK. Full details at www.cibsetraining.co.uk/mcc LIA courses: details from Sarah Lavell, 01952 290905, or email training@thelia.org.uk For up-to-date information follow us on Twitter @sll100