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What more can producers of compound and chocolate expect from their world renowned MacIntyre Refiner/Conche? With the Next Generation model, users already have a simple to operate yet fully PLC controlled Mixing, Refining and Conching solution in one stand alone, compact unit, designed for close to zero maintenance. Additionally, manufacturers of compounds and coatings are looking for short cycle times and this is now something MacIntyre can offer. At the end of the day, time is money.
The RC500i has been proven to produce milk compound in a 3 hour cycle time to a particle size of 30 microns (based on using sugar of 250 microns). For a 20 micron finish, the cycle time increases to only 5 hours, including time to load and mix the ingredients but excluding time needed to mix lecithin/flavours and discharge. What this does mean is the RC500i model can produce up to 3500Kg per 24 hour day.
Using their latest Siemens software incorporating optimised running parameters, the RC500i not only produces these exceptionally fast cycle times for milk compound but also enhanced flavour development and improved shelf life due to the extraction capabilities incorporated into the machine. The opportunity to impact not only the particle size during the process, unlike some alterative manufacturing systems, is a key feature giving MacIntyre customers a competitive edge and an opportunity to produce a higher quality compound, adding value to their products by benefiting from a more desirable finished result. The wear characteristics per batch are the lowest so far to be analysed by an independent UK laboratory. Advanced PLC control combined with a large R&D focus during 2020 has enabled MacIntyre to make the advancements in their traditional and trusted Refiner/Conche.
“Technology combined with the drive to achieve ground-breaking results have brought MacIntyre to this remarkable position today” says Joe Gorman (Managing Director). “We were aiming to launch this unique new machine at Interpack but due to the CV-19 situation, can only exhibit and present it virtually at present to any interested manufacturers”. Later in 2021, MacIntyre hope to be travelling
again and having the opportunity to optimise cycle time for customers using their new range of equipment at customer sites as well as in MacIntyre’s R&D facility.
With RC500i cycle times up to 40% faster than 2017 models, more customers than ever are looking towards MacIntyre because of the high quality achievable. This, combined with up to 30% energy savings seen with the Next Generation models, is taking the cost down of compound and coating production for manufacturers.
The RC500i is not just advantageous for more cost competitive products. It is also capable of producing 3 batches of pure milk chocolate in a 24 hour period, achieving a particle size of 20 microns (starting from sugar of 250 microns), without the need for additional conching. This exercise was carried out just to prove the excellent flavour and smoothness achievable without additional conching. While some users may prefer to conche longer, the taste and texture of 20 micron finish after 6.5 hours processing in the RC500i was surprising.
Not only can the RC500i be used for compound and pure chocolates, the MacIntyre R&D team can optimise your recipe using the latest equipment additions to their laboratory, reducing cycle times for spreads, cremes and various fat based masses. The team can optimise process methods for various rework applications, avoiding the costly issue of scrap in relation to chocolate/crème biscuits, wafers, chocolates with nuts/cremes and sugar coated lentils, to name a few possibilities
particle reduction from 250µm starting size to 30µm in 3 hours and 20µm in 5 hours. Time/hrs includes loading time.
Energy consumption over complete batch, comparison between Mk12, New Gen, and Next Gen model.
in reworking product not suitable for packaging and sale to the consumer.
For larger scale batches our Next Generation standard models are available in 1250Kg, 2000Kg, 3000Kg, 3000Kg Duplex and 5000Kg Duplex.
With cost-effective production and minimum downtime being paramount, the significance of low maintenance may only previously have sparked the interest of the maintenance engineers. However, in times of travel restrictions, remote commissioning and remote service support are not the way of the future. It is how MacIntyre have continued to support their customers since early 2020.
For more information, contact Tel: +44(0) 1241 434 444 E-mail: enquiries-macintyre@h-d-m.com