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Poultry Bedding
For several years, there has been an ongoing debate regarding problems with footpad burns in chickens. Various measures have been taken to solve the problem and now Spanvall, already known for its quality shavings, offers a product that significantly reduces pododermatitis. An additional advantage of Spanvall’s product is that it is very suitable for both broiler and breeder production. The product itself is a patented blend of shavings and peat as well as micro woodchips and a low pH value of approx. 4.5%.
Jacob Ostergaard, Spanvall’s CEO: “We have developed a type of bedding that works perfectly in poultry houses. It has
been found to reduce footpad burns to well below 5%. We can also see an improvement of FCR in the houses that use Spanvall Poultry Bedding.”
Over the past few years, Spanvall has been conducting research in order to find the most optimal bedding for both broilers and breeders: “Spanvall Poultry Bedding is optimized to absorb ammonia and also allows ventilation to penetrate the bedding and remove moisture from the house. Both of these measures help reduce pododermatitis enormously.”
The normal standard rating scale for footpad burns ranges between 0 and 50%, with 50 being the worst, but there have been cases where much higher ratings have been given. Fewer or no footpad burns means better animal welfare but also has a financial effect. Jacob Ostergaard explains: “When we bring pododermatitis down below 5% we see greatly improved FCR as well as substantially improved quality of the slaughtered chickens, all of which contributes to improved profits for the slaughterhouse and the farms. That's why we are talking about a combination of financial benefits and animal welfare."
This Spanvall product can be delivered in containers in big bales or in smaller bags.
For more information, visit www.spanvall.com