PerforrmanceTrak k News – De ecember 201 11 and Yearr-End Resu ults
Janu uary 25, 2012
Executtive Summ mary Decemb ber 2011 roun nds were up 38.4% 3 and da ays open were e up 22.5% c ompared to D December 2010, based on paired data. For the mon nth, aggregate e rounds played at all facility types supp ported by morre days open this December. Private faccilities are up p 38.1%, D 3% and Reso Daily Fee / Se emi Private fa acilities are up p 43.2%, Mun nicipal facilitie es are up 32.3 ort facilities arre up 17.1% this t month. D December 20 011 had 9 wee ekend days and December 2010 had 8 weekend dayys. For year-e end, the 2011 rounds playe ed performa ance is down at -1.2% which is a slight improvementt compared to o prior month driven by De ecember’s perrformance. Th he YTD dayys open are at a 0.1%. Dece ember results are based on n responses ffrom 2,804 fa acilities. It is a appropriate to o note that the ere are often n significant swings s in mon nthly compara ative performa ance from Occtober through h February Decemb ber 2011 mark ks an increas se in monthly y revenues compared c to D December 20 010 for all fourr of the reven nue metrics tracked by Performan nceTrak. On a YTD basis, golf fee reven nue was dow n slightly at -0 0.5% comparred to YTD De ecember 2010 data, wh hile the three other YTD Ke ey Performance Indicators (revenue) re emained up fo or the year. YT TD Merchand dise is up 4.6% %, F&B is u up 2.5% and Total T Facility revenue is up p 1.4%. Total facility reven ue is comprissed of Golf, M Merchandise, and F&B revenue e (those metric cs measured by Performan nceTrak) and further includ des any and a all other revenue items at a facility including g dues and membership m fe ees. The Perrformance Fac ctor for Decem mber 2011 is 113.0 indicatting that roun ds played per day open w were up. The Y YTD Performance Factor of o 98.7 (on a par of 100) ha as been stable reflecting ro rounds played d per days open slightly do own for the ye ear.
Year-E End 2011 Rounds R Pla ayed by Facility Type e The PerrformanceTrak rounds play yed compariso on report for 2011 2 is below w with statisticcs by facility ttype including g average rounds played, ssame month year-to-year comparison, c days d open, and days open n change. Ressort facility tyypes continue to maintain positive percent chan nges compare ed to last yearr’s figures (up p 2.8%) and P Private facilitie es increased slightly for the year at 0.6% %. The 2011 days open decline expla ains a portion of the rounds s played decrreases for all other facility ttypes.
Decem mber and Year-End Y Weather W Infformation As an ellement of the Performance eTrak newslettter we are prroviding suppllemental third d-party weather information n that indicate es ant impacts this year and/or comparisons to last yearr’s weather. W We use this information to vview possible e relationships s significa regardin ng rounds play yed, days ope en and revenue data pointts although th is weather infformation is ju ust one part o of the benchmarking dynam mic and should d be viewed as a such. For December, D 15 5 states ranke ed within their ten warmesst temperature es and 7 sttates had prec cipitation totals among their ten driest. From F the peri od of July to December there were 23 sstates that ha ad tempera atures among their ten warrmest. For the e year, the contiguous U.S . was warmerr than averag ge and precipiitation ended up close to average for the t year natio onwide. The Northeast N and d Ohio Valley regions had 7 states that h had their wetttest year on record. D Delaware was s record warm m for the yearr and Texas had h their seco ond warmest yyear on recorrd.
Year-End 2011 Sta ate by State e Performan nce State-byy-state results s below are fo or YTD rounds s played and YTD days op pen. Also repo orted is the P Performance F Factor which takes intto consideratiion rounds ch hanges compa ared to the da ays open cha anges. 19 stattes reflected rrounds played d increases and of these 17 were supported by a correlated c incrrease in days s open as wel l. Exceptions to this correlation were Alabama and Rhode Issland. 27 Sta ates reflected 2011 rounds played declin nes compared d to last year.. Based on the Performan nce Factor, th he om 5 states a top 5 sta ates are Mississippi, Rhode Island, Geo orgia, Alabam ma and Louisia ana. The botto are West Virginia, Kentucky, Ohio, Mo ontana and In ndiana. For 2011, 13 states have a positive Performa ance Factor ((over 100) and 3 states are e flat. 30 state es have a P Performance Factor under 100.
Year-End 2011 Ro ounds Playe ed Percent Change C by State S The map ps below were revised to provide p year-e end results for f 2011 comp pared to 2010 0. For the yea ar, the top 5 sstates with rounds p played increases over 2010 are Georgia a, Mississippi, North Carol ina, Delaware e and Oklaho oma. The botttom 5 states with w the highest decreases are Ohio, Connecticut, C In ndiana, Kentu ucky and Wesst Virginia. Ou ut of the botto om 5, Kentuckky and West Virginia had an increa ase in days open. There are 19 states with w rounds p layed increasses and there e are 29 statess with rounds played d decreases forr 2011. Asteris sks on the ma ap indicate insufficient resp ponses in tho ose states.
Year-End 2011 Go olf Fee Reve enue Percen nt Change by b State Again, th he map below w was revised d to provide year-end y resu ults for 2011 ccompared to 2010. The top five states w with the large est increase es for 2011 grross golf fee revenue r are Oklahoma, O De elaware, Wyo oming, Louisia ana and Rhod de Island. The e bottom 5 sta ates with the largest decre eases are: Ne ew Jersey, Ke entucky, Minnesota, West V Virginia and M Missouri. The ere are 24 stattes with gross s golf fee revenue incre eases and the ere are 24 sta ates with gros ss golf fee revvenue decreases for 2011.. Asterisks on n the map indicate insufficient re esponses in those states to o display data a.
Decem mber 2011 Revenue R per p Round Summary This info ormation is fro om the rounds s and golf fee e revenue datta set of respo onses where facilities provvided both datta points (both rounds p played and go olf fee revenu ue). Therefore e the sample here h for round ds played is d different than the overall ro ounds sample e from ressults presente ed in prior pag ges within the e newsletter. The T data belo ow is for montthly median g gross golf fee revenue and golf fee reve enue per round played. Golf Fee Revenu ue includes green fees, gu uest fees, trail fees, cart fees and any pro-rata portion of golf passs/pre-paid gre eens fees for the period. December D gro oss golf fee re evenue was up for all facilitty types natio onwide while Golf G fee reve enue per round was down in each facility y type.
The diffe erence in the number of re esponses above (revenue and a revenue per round) is where rounds were zero a and therefore revenue e per round is N/A.Â
About Performan nceTrak PGA Pe erformanceTrrak in Coope eration with the t NGCOA is i the industryy’s leading ro ounds and revvenue data co ollection and benchmarking service e. Reports arre available fo or PGA Sectio ons, States a and over 70 lo ocal markets. NGCOA repo ort packages are also ava ailable for loca al competitive e golf markets s (CGMs) and d for rate setss within CGMss. Reports incclude data forr each metric (e.g. me edian golf fee revenue), not just the perc cent change, for rounds pla ayed and 4 K Key Performan nce Indicatorss. A dedicated d team at the PGA of America A Natio onal Office gatthers this data a monthly to ssupport particcipation and b benchmark re eporting acros ss the coun ntry and to as ssist with custtomer service inquiries. Pe erformanceTra ak has a high h standard reg garding data q quality. Informattion submitted d is reviewed for significant changes and outliers, fee edback is gatthered from users regardin ng their speciffic operatio ons and their local area and d any outlier of o data is omitted from rep porting. PerforrmanceTrak iss a fully online, web-based d service w with real-time e reports availlable 24/7. Fle exibility of datta submission n is offered to o all users when a non-onliine approach is needed.
Contac ct Us The PGA A of America a: PGA Perfo ormanceTrak Customer Se ervice E-mail: P PerformanceT Web site: http://www w.PGAPerforrmanceTrak.ccom Nicole F Ferguson-Suth herland Phone: (800) 477--6465 Ext. 857 74 Email: N Ferguson@p NGCOA A: Joe Rice Phone: ((800) 933-426 62 Ext. 222 E-mail: JRice Web site es: www.NGC chmark www w.PGAPerformanceTrak.ccom/NGCOA dia Inquiries: Randy Stutz zman For Med Phone: (800) 477-64 465 Ext. 8438 8 Email: RSttutzman@pga