Woodland Bushcraft Course Details 2013

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Woodland Bushcraft For 13—19 year olds Course details 2013


Warwickshire Wildlife Trust’s Woodland Bushcraft is an intensive two day course covering a range of topics that we consider fundamental for any beginner to learn. Over the two days we aim to give a balanced introduction to several essential bushcraft skills with plenty of time to practice and improve with the help of a trained instructor.

Syllabus Tools for survival Every bushman needs his tools. Without them survival would become very difficult. But how do we know which tool to use for which job, and how do you use them safely and effectively? Becoming a master takes many years of practice but you can learn the basic techniques here and hone your skills throughout the course. Fire The fire is at the heart of any wilderness camp. It lifts the spirits, dries damp clothes and cooks inedible food. As well as developing a mastery over this powerful resource our ancestors also had great reverence for it, which can still be seen in cultures across the world today. Learning this balance between control and respect is crucial to using fire responsibly and a key part of being a true bushman. Shelter Dealing with the worst that nature can throw at us is not just about being able to find shelter. Wearing the right clothing, understanding the conditions and knowing how to react when in trouble all contribute to making time outdoors safer and more comfortable. Food and Cooking One of the many pleasures of spending time out in the bush is the smell of food cooking on an open campfire and there are certainly few things more rewarding than getting to eat it! Reconnecting with where our food comes from and learning to use a few resources to create something delicious will form part of a journey into valuing what we eat, and discovering a new respect for the natural systems that provide for us. Senses We spend more of our lives enveloped in a vibrant, noisy world than ever before. By taking time out of our ordinary schedules we can very easily reawaken our senses through simple exercises, which will be explored during this part of the course.

"Bushcraft is what you carry in your mind and your muscles." - Ray Mears


Schedule Unit Tools for survival Day 1

Day 2

Wilderness crafts

Learning points · Handling tools · Types of tools · Techniques for using tools · Tool maintenance · · Wood carving · Knots and lashing · Making nettle cordage ·

Shelter and the elements

· When shelter can save your life: Exposure, weather & being prepared · Types of shelter: natural and artificial · Building shelters ·

Fire: control and respect

· Fire lighting by friction, modern techniques, emergency techniques · Fire lighting principals: materials, finding wood, storing wood · Camp fire structure, extinguishing, leaving no trace ·

The woodland menu

· Cooking on an open fire · Learn to gut and cook fish · Basic foraging: finding water, identifying edible foods, what not to eat ·

Tuning the senses

· How the modern world dampens our senses · Retuning to our senses · A brief look at tracking ·

"The more you know, the less you carry.” - Mors Kochanski


The kit list below contains items which will be essential for your comfort and enjoyment during the course. There is no need to bring anything else other than what is listed, with the exception of prescribed medication. If you would like to book a place please print and return the booking form found on the Warwickshire Wildlife Trust website or call 024 7630 2912.

Price and dates

ÂŁ85.00 pp inc. VAT Saturday 21st & 22nd September 2013 Saturday 5th & 6th October 2013 Brandon Marsh Nature Centre Click here for map information Kit list Walking boots

What’s provided on the course

Waterproof jacket with good hood

Bushcraft knife

Waterproof trousers

Fire striker

Warm thermal layers


Fast drying trousers with good pockets

Lunch on Day 2

(not jeans) Packed lunch on Day 1 Small rucksack Please Note: Apart from an emergency telephone, all mobile phones will be switched off during the course so there is no need to bring them unless they are absolutely necessary. Other electronic devices such as cameras and mp3 players have no use during the course and should therefore be left at home.

"To poke a fire is more solid enjoyment than almost anything else in the world." - Charles Dudley Warner


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