Architectural Portfolio

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Selected works 2015-2020

Goodmorning, my name is Matteo Asperti. I actually live in Italy, where i had my first education. I began my academic career in Venice at IUAV university, which is mainly known for its dedication to preservation and the analysis of the past. Then, I moved to Milan. I’d describe this city as a great ‘melting pot’, where people from different cultural origins gather and share their tradition and ideas. This is definitely the thing that really amazed me the most. I spent six months in Lisbon, for an Erasmus experience, and I discovered

an environment which is literally exploding with new architectural offices and modern buildings. I think that those experiences have been fundamental for my academic education. I’m an open-minded person and I’m able to adapt to different kind of situations. I always look for new experiences, probably due to my curiosity. Teamwork is fundamental to me, both on my job and in life in general.

Tel: +39 347 7330073 E-mail: Romano di Lombardia (BG) Italy

Curriculum Vitae Matteo Asperti


License to practise as Architect


Master degree in ‘Architecture and Urban design’, Politecnico di Milano (IT)


Erasmus experience at the Faculdade de Arquitectura, FAUL, Lisbon (PT)


Bachelor degree in ‘Architettura, costruzione e conservazione’ at the IUAV, Venice (IT)


High School Diploma, Liceo Classico Arnaldo, Brescia (IT)

SKILLS AND INTERESTS Teamwork, strong adaptibility, learn-on-the-fly

EXPERIENCE 05.2019-04.2020

Autocad, Revit, Allplan, Sketchup

EBPC, MIlano (Italy)

Adobe Indesign, Photoshop, Ilustrator, Premiere pro, Rhino Italian (native), English (professional working proficiency), Portuguese (limited working proficiency)



Academic internship, Architect Degli Esposti Architetti, MIlano (Italy)


Certificate of participation of REVIT - BIM course


Certificate of Portuguese Language - Level A1.2


Certificate of English Language - TOEIC


Certificate of Advanced English Language


Certificate of English Language 09.2016-10.2016

Academic internship, Architect Arch. Stefania Bacci, Milano (Italy)


Junior Architect DAA, Romano di Lombardia (Italy)

Academic Projects A collection of academic projects from my academic terms

As for the historical center, the main Strategy is to reconstruct what have been there keeping the main essence and structure of the historical center but also adding new catalyst in order to enhance the negative aspects of the past. The strategy is mainly based on keeping the main urban fabric: the main street, secondary street and alleys and to sustain the historical buildings and main elements of the place. Through sustaining the historical buildings, five nodes are created: three of them develop 3 main

piazzas/public spaces connected through the main street and the other two connected through the newly added element, the green path. The green path connects the other two ends of the center intersecting with the Main Street and piazza, the main idea of this green path is to create a green valley as a natural. element going through the city center creating new public life with in the city and to act as a safe area during earthquakes. In order to highlight this new path, building around it will have different architectural typology of stepped green terraces and serves as the public buildings and facilities.

The Green Valley Amatrice, Rieti (IT) IV Academic year - Politecnico di Milano Urban Design Professor Stefano Boeri

South part of the green valley

North part of the green valley

Residential semipublic court

Urban Masterplan

Restaurant/Cafè public court

The city of San Antonio in São Tomé is the biggest city of this former Portuguese colonial island. It’s divided in two parts: the European regular grid, facing the sea, with almost all the services and public buildings. Walking into the island it’s visible how the urban grid drastically changes: apparently no more rules, everything is based on the natural settlement: rivers and curvy lines define the city. We’re in a sort of suburb in the middle of the green forest.

The project aims to design new areas with some public space for the local community, respecting their traditional streets and their particular residential tipology. Streets that sometimes become space for families, with playground or places for gathering. Inside, the residential lot is interesting since the kitchen and the bathroom are usually separated from the bedroom and the living room. This division helps us to design the private garden in the middle. The main idea was to design a new area, keeping in mind the old soul of the city.

Urbanism in an African settlement São Tomé e Príncipe V Academic Year - FAUL, Lisboa Laboratorio de Projecto Joao Sousa Morais

Urban Masterplan

The public space: example of a public playground with areas of gathering

The public space: example of a open square and a public building

Perspective street section

Exploded axonometry of two different typologyes of residential buildings

First typology Legend Bedroom Patio Toilets and bathrooms KItchen Dining Room Housing masterplan

Second typology

The new Gamla Stan’s masterplan offers an opportunity to readdress balance between road vehicles, pedestrians and cyclists while enhancing the public realm. A new civic quarter for all will provide the state of the transport art which links alongside prominent new public buildings, animated by new restaurants and cultural amenities. Both scale and grain of the new urban plan deliberately preserve the city’s character and precious views and vistas to this historic location. A series of new green areas and new public spaces, an accessible quayside with sport facilities, pedestrian and cycle routes have been designed. The area is thought to encourage activities all day long, all year round for the people of Stockholm. We want to celebrate water and regenerate an historic city district of great value. The aim of the project is the construction of a cultural building: a Craft Museum, with workshops and a refreshment area. The brick building is composed by two volumes only two floors high, in order to avoid hiding the historical facades in Kornhamnstorg. Taking advantage of the slope of the square, on the north elevation only one floor will be visibile,

while on the southern one we can see both of them. The roof follows the division of the historical facades, and it takes the cue from the narrow alley which connects Kornhamnstorg to the main street, Västerlånggatan, with a high staircase that will be winded up inside the Museum. On the roof the presence of regular rectangular openings lets zenithal light enter the exposition floor. Volumes are connected in the underground part and it allows the creation of a terrace which provides panoramic views over the newly liberated water front. Another public square is placed in front of the workshop’s area; it emphazises and exploits the slope thanks to particular steps and allows the entrance of light on the underground floor. The challenge at Gamla Stan is to transform it from an urban problem to a popular destination that stitches together two untapped parts of the city. The masterplan heals this urban ‘wound’ by establishing a clearly defined green frontage to give the island a new face.

Trämuseum I Stockholm Kornhamnstorg, Stockholm (SE) V Academic year - Politecnico di Milano Master Thesis Professor Camillo Magni


Urban Section A

Urban Section B

Ground floor - Museum

Ground floor

-1 floor - Atelier

Focus museum

Focus Waterfront

Focus museum

Focus Terrace

Section AA

Section BB

Perspective Section

- Copertura zincata (2 cm) - Travetto in legno (5 cm) - Pannelli in legno (2 cm) - Membrana impermeabile - Barriera vapore (1 cm) - Isolante termico e acustico (15 cm) - Panello in legno - Pino Silvestre (2 cm) - Assito in legno - Pino Silvestre (15x2x200 cm)

- Mattone a due teste (25 cm) - Membrana impermeabile (1 cm) - Barriera vapore (1 cm) - Isolante (15 cm) - Mattone singolo (8 cm)

- Mattone a due teste (25 cm) - Membrana impermeabile (1 cm) - Barriera vapore (1 cm) - Isolante (15 cm) - Mattone singolo (8 cm) - Membrana impermeabile (1 cm) - Muro di contenimento in calcestruzzo (40 cm) - Barriera vapore(2 cm) - Mattone singolo (8 cm) - Parquet - Pino Silvestre (2 cm) - Malta (5 cm) - Barriera vapore (1 cm) - Isolante acustico - Pannello in legno - Pino Silvestre

Detailed section CC

Detailed section DD

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