Matteo Bolgan Selected Works
Time is essential: Think different, Make it interesting
(link to video:
An Interactive Portfolio Just 90 seconds. Short moments, included in a video, to capture the essence and the poetics of my works. The QR Code brings to a short video that represents a “Resumé” of my Portfolio; it has the purpose of showing my ideas, my skills, and the flexibility of my design reasonings in a unconventional way.
Personal information Name Surname Nationality Date of birth Telephone Mail Linkedin Skype
Matteo Bolgan Italian 22/08/1990 +39 348 7099037 Drive licence class B
Skills Language Software
Mother tongue Advanced Expert Knowledge Advance Knowledge Basic Knowledge
Italian English, Spanish AutoCad (2D-3D), Adobe Photoshop Adobe Illustator, Adobe InDesign, Artlantis Studio, Rhinoceros, Microsoft Office (Excel, PowerPoint, Word), iWork (Number, Keynote, Pages) Cinema 4D, Sketchup
Model making: wood, chalk, concrete, plexiglass, carton Freehand drawing Rendering Photography
Education 2016 2016 2012
Master’s degree in Architecture, 110/110 cum Laude / First-class Honours University Iuav of Venice, Italy Department of Culture of the Project Master Thesis “Re-interpret the Emptiness: the hidden landscapes and abandoned as urban quality generators” Bachelor’s Degree in Architecture, 110/110 / First-class Honours University Iuav of Venice, Italy Department of Managment of the Project
Work experiences 2017 2016 2015 2015 2014 2011
Project architect at “Carlana Mezzalira Pentimalli” (6 months) Architects Michel Carlan, Luca Mezzalira, Curzio Pentimalli, Treviso, Italy House renovation Casa B., Salzano, Venice, Italy Collaborator at “Ceccehtto & Associati S.r.l.” (5 months) Architect Alberto Cecchetto, Mestre, Venice, Italy Architectural Visualization Workshop in collaboration with “Baumatte” & “Clinicaurbana”, Treviso, Italy Internship at “Andrés Perea Arquitecto” (5 months) Architect Andrés Perea Ortega, Madrid, Spain Internship at “Studio Rigo” (3 months) Architect Gianni Rigo, Scorzè, Venice, Italy
Publications 2016 2015 2012
Matteo Aimini, Paesaggi del Nord Est, Gioacchino Onorati editore, Canterano (RM) ISBN 9788854898592 Albero Cecchetto, Il Futuro delle Dolomiti tra Pelmo e Civetta, ListLab, Rovereto ISBN 8898774699 Il Giardino dei Passi Perduti: idee e segguestioni per “il buco del lido”, Grafiche Veneziane, Venice, Gironale di Ateneo n° 126, ISSN 2038-7814
Exhibition 2016 2015 2015 2015 2013
Landscapes of the North East: investigations and Recycle scenarios on the edge of Pedemoantana Veneta exhibition at: exhibition space “Gino Valle”, Università Iuav di Venezia DOMUS, Dolomiti Open MUSeum exhibition at: Palazzo Crepadona, Belluno Il Futuro delle Dolomiti tra Pelmo e Civetta exhibition at: Sala polifunzionale di Fusine, Zoldo Alto, Belluno Baumeeting, promoted by Bauclassroom exhibition at: exhibition space “Boselli”, Venice A New Watherfront for Rosolina Mare exhibition at: Centro Congressi Rosolina Mare, Rolosina Mare
Wunderkammer New School of Music Bressanone (BZ), Italy
Project Size Building Cost Year and Type
Client Team
Carlana Mezzalira Pentimalli (Treviso, Italy) 3.149 m2, 13.000 m2 5.4 Mio EUR 2014, Competition, 1st Price 2015, Concept Design 2016, Developed Design 2017, Project Ongoing Municipality of Bressanone ITS Engineering (Competition) Bergmeister Gmbh MĂźller - BBM Gmbh
Role Project architect Work and responsibility: - Partecipation in project proposals - Collaboration in the elaboration of working drawing - Responsible for developing specific themes - Elaboration of study model (1:50) for the classrooms and for the conference room - Collaboration in the elaboration of technical drawings - Relation with sale representatives
Š Carlana Mezzalira Pentimalli
Casa Pojan Private House Povegliano (TV), Italy
Project Size Year and Type Client
Carlana Mezzalira Pentimalli (Treviso, Italy) 380 m2, 2.360 m2 Direct assigment 2013 - 2014, Project 2014, Constriction Phase 1 2017, Constriction Phase 2 Private
Role Project architect Work and responsibility: - Partecipation in project proposals - Elaboration of production information and graphic documents for technical design under the guidance of director - Relation with sale representatives - Responsible for developing specific themes - Collaboration in the elaboration of working drawing
Š Carlana Mezzalira Pentimalli
Kulturbaum New Civic Library Bressanone (BZ), Italy
Project Size Building Cost Year and Type Client
Carlana Mezzalira Pentimalli (Treviso, Italy) 3.300 m2, 11.558 m3 4.6 Mio EUR 2010, Competition, 1st Price 2017, Concept Design Municipality of Bressanone
Role Project architect Work and responsibility: - Partecipation in project proposals - Collaboration in the elaboration of concept design (Vorprojekt) - Responsible for developing specific themes - Realization of 3D models
Š Carlana Mezzalira Pentimalli
Guggenheim Helsinki New Civic Museum Helsinki, Finland
Project Size Building Cost Year and Type Clien
Andres Perea Arquitecto (Madrid, Spain) 18.520 m2 130 Mio EUR 2014, Competition Municipality of Helsinki Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation
Role Project architect Work and responsibility: - Team leader and team work organizer - Partecipation in project development and project proposal - Elaboration of part of the final competition drawings - Realization of final competition Renders - Realization of 3D model - Elaboration of study model
© Andrés Perea Arquitecto
Embajada de EspaĂąa New Spanish Embassy Rabat, Morocco
Project Year and Type
Andres Perea Arquitecto (Madrid, Spain) 2009, Competition, 1st Price 2012, Concept Design 2013, Developed Design 2014, Working drawing 2015, Complete Spanish Minister for Foreign Affairs
Role Project architect Work and responsibility: - Partecipation in project proposals - Collaboration in the elaboration of working drawing - Responsible for developing specific themes - Elaboration of study model - Collaboration in the elaboration of technical drawings - Visit to the building site - Relation with site manager
© Andrés Perea Arquitecto
Casa B. Private House Salzano (VE), Italy
Project Size Year and Type Client
Matteo Bolgan (Salzano, Italy) 98 m2 Direct assigment 2017, Project 2017, Constriction Private
Role Project leader Work and responsibility: - Relation with client - Design research - Project development and project proposal - Elaboration of study model - Elaboration of production information and graphic documents for technical design under the guidance of director - Elaboration of working drawing - Relation with sale representatives - Elaboration of interior design - Visit to the building site - Relation with site manager
The atmosphere of indoor spaces is sometimes the most important aspect of the design process
Reverse architecture, where the negative becomes positive
Reinterpret the Emptiness Industrial Area Regeneration Nervesa (TV), Italy
Professors University Year and Type
Renato Bocchi Matteo Aimini University Iuav of Venice 2015 Graduation Atelier
The new “Pedemontana� highway is divided into fourteen transects and show the various and complex interactions between the urban systems and the different landscape situations. The sample dial measures 22x22 km, which contains the last three transects, it has allowed to recognize the importance of the vacuum structure, that is able to connecting the various urban settlements and environmental systems, creating a filamentary and connected structure. This new structure uses the waterways as supports, models itself according to the territory and sticks the industrial plaques in such a way to redefine their shape and identity. The industrial area, taken as a case study, is enclosed between the Piave river to the north and the gravel quarries to the south, in Nervesa della Battaglia. The project proposes a practice of recycling, through some intervention rules, able to rethink the role of all industrial plates of our territory; this has the purpose to promote the reduction of land consumption as well, another major problem of this century. The project also presents a sequence of new atypical spaces, at different heights and connected together, through a system of pedestrian and prefabricated shelters, able to change the aspect of the urban environment.
The fourteen transects of the Pedemontana Veneta. In evidence the 14th transect.
Actions of modification and grafting to generate new parts of cities
The 14th transect. In evidence the site plan: the industrial area of Nervesa.
The squares, to be alive, must be surrounded by activity and flexible urban spaces
The recycling practices
If the last century was the century of expansion this must be the “century of metamorphosis�
Unexpressed spaces can be re-thought as unconventional public spaces
CoHousing Tetris Cohousign Complex Padova (PD), Italy
Professors University Course Year
Cristiana Euspei University Iuav of Venice Culture of the project 2014
Through the reading of the urban fabric, the intervention has the objective of mending a part of the city of Padua, going to fit and redeveloping a military area, now abandoned. The project includes four new cohousing buildings along with four other smaller buildings, intended for public spaces, located perpendicularly to the main buildings, along the east-west direction. Another key aspect is the integration of the new buildings and the new public park, given that the last one covers most of the area of intervention. In this way, the project is not limited only to the construction of the buildings for residential use, but it arises as a new generator of a quality urban environment, not only for new residents but also for people who live in the surrounding areas. As an element of mediation between the private residential area and public park, an equipped wall was designed that recalls and compares itself with the medieval wall adjacent. The new buildings are composed of nine units, all different from each other; the different units have been designed as assembled modular element to each other, generating in this way a wide possibility of final solutions, while maintaining always the same basic module (5m x 2,5m).
A project that constantly redesigns his internal shape
section a
section b
section c
Tetris apartments
common space 2.700 m2 1.620 m2
tipology a 135 m2
tipology b 120 m2
tipology c 150 m2
tipology d 100 m2
tipology e 50 m2
tipology f 140 m2
tipology g 105 m2
tipology h 70 m2
tipology i 35 m2
Work with flexible elements generates an infinite number of possible solutions
Laguna Theater New Civic Aquarium Venezia (VE), Italy
Professors University Course Year
Fernarda De Maio University Iuav of Venice Culture of the project 2013
This project led us to confront with a possible transformation of an urban space in disuse. This former military area situated in the north of Lido of Venice, exposes itself on the lagoon to the west and hosts buildings originally used as storage rooms. In the project most of the existing buildings are demolished to make space for the new building. With this intervention we want to create an architecture that, once obtained its formal autonomy, leave its dominance to an urban idea. Starting from the typical existing building with the double pitched roof, the shape is modified and the coverage is reshaped, making it an integral part of the urban space and of the indoor and outdoor pedestrian paths. In some cases it was decided to reveal the supporting structure, recreating an essential architecture, that represents an element of permeability between inside and outside. In the interior part the aquarium presents a continuous path, where the linking element between the various levels is represented by the three central circular tanks. The last room, which hosts the reptilarium, it is represented by a totally glassed space that faces the Venice lagoon entirely.
Starting from simple elements
Sometimes is necessary a delicate operation of subtraction to generate something different
Other drawings
This Portfolio was printed in Venice in September 2017.
Due to Copyright reasons, drawings of the projects of Carlana Mezzalira Pentimalli and Andrés Perea Arquitecto are not included in this porfolio.
All images and drawings from p. 6 to p. 11 are proporty of Carlana Mezzalira Pentimalli, and all images from p. 12 to p. 15 are porporty of Andrés Perea Arquitecto. This images and informatios may not be copie, reproduced, sent or divulged to third parties, or used in any way, including for research purpose, without written consent from Michel Carlana, Luca Mezzalira, Curzio Pentimalli or Andrés Perea Ortega.
This selection of various projects does not represent a comprehensive and detailed exhibition of my work, but rather it has the purpose of showing my skills, my ideas and to demonstrates the flexibility of my design reasonings.