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Meet Beefy’s Pies mentor George Bakrnchev

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Business Psyccess

Business Psyccess

The Strategy Behind Beefy’s Pies Stunning Growth and Transformation is Now Revealed to All Sunshine Coast Business Owners!

There are a lot of things you need to get right when transforming a business and having the right mentor to help with strategy and implementation is a major key.


Mark Hobbs, Founder of multi-award winning Beefy’s Pies has transformed a family-owned, one store bakery into an eight company owned store icon with over 140 employees and growing.

But it wasn’t always like this... Mark says, “We have had other mentors but George Bakrnchev equipped and instructed us with ‘tools’ through his Entrepreneurial Masters Programme which resulted in a better, more profitable business and a bigger life for us, in all areas. Implementation is the key and that is where I can proudly say that having George as our mentor has fast-tracked many changes.”

When Mark applied one of George’s key lessons, results soared; his people and his stores grew, while creating more free time for Mark to think, plan and implement - something that was always missing in his working life. Here is that key lesson from George’s book:

Lesson # 2 – ‘Get Rid of The Monday - Sunday System’

The way you get paid as a business owner is entirely different to how an employee gets paid.

If you don’t know the difference you will be destined for a lifetime of low profits and high stress.

Business owners get paid for the results they produce and employees get paid for the time they put in. Employees work in the TIME = MONEY economy. You don’t!

An employee doesn’t have to mortgage their home, give personal guarantees or have an overdraft. Often an employee makes more money than a business owner and on top of it, there is little to no risk for the employee. Employees are entitled to superannuation, sick leave, holiday pay, every weekend off for life... it’s almost the perfect little business. What about us, the business owners?

We work in the RESULTS = MONEY economy.

If there is a good financial result, we make money. If there is a poor result, we lose money. If there is a break even result, we break even too. Business ownership is the highest risk business model you can think of. We can work 24/7 and there is no law against it. Our business success is not dependant on how many hours we put in, but by what results we produce. That’s both a blessing and a curse. ‘I’m going to help you make it a blessing...’

The Monday to Sunday system works perfectly for employees who get paid for their time. For business owners, it doesn’t matter if we are working on a Monday, a Thursday or a Sunday. All that matters is what result did our business produce for the day - what ACTIVITIES DID WE DO on any given day? A business owner’s results are driven by the type of activities we do, NOT how many hours or days we put into the business.

SWAP: The Monday - Sunday System FOR The Red – Yellow – Green Day® System

Red Day® Activities = Working ON the business (e.g. finding ways to sell more pies)

Yellow Day® Activities = Working IN the business (e.g. making the pies) and

Green Day™ Activities = NO work whatsoever (100% non-business activities)

Red Days® you find ways to make the business strategically better. You create/modify products or services for your customers. You create/ modify systems for your business so that it can look, feel, sound and taste better to your customers and stakeholders. You look at finding ways to generate repeat business, increase spend (ethically) and generate client referrals. It’s a relationship building day because relationships also equal money.

Yellow Days® you serve customers, you do the accounts, you open the business, close the business, you employ people, you order stock, you follow up on orders, you check the quality of the work that goes out - it’s the ‘stuff’ of your business.

Green Days™ means no business emails, no business reading, no business talking, no business thinking. So, what do you do on a Green Day™? Anything and everything that is not related to business.

Remember as an entrepreneur you get paid for your results not your time; Mark Hobbs uses this exact system everyday to grow his business.

Learn more, register for a FREE Business Training Webinar by Beefy’s Business Mentor

Book yourself in NOW at www.reddaycoaching.com/beefys

Places on the webinar are limited to the first 100 to register and includes two Early Bird gifts!

Meet the Man Who Quietly Mentored Beefy’s Pies into a Sunshine Coast Icon (8 Stores, 140+ Employees and Growing...)

FREE Book Offer, See Below

FREE Business Training Webinar By Beefy’s Own Personal Mentor

WEBINAR TOPIC The 8 Strategies Behind Beefy’s Pies Remarkable Success.

With Renowned Sunshine Coast Business Strategist: George Bakrnchev BBSc, FCM

Meet Beefy’s Business Mentor George Bakrnchev is the founder of Red Day® Coaching and a multiple bestselling author. He has a Bachelor of Behavioural Science Degree with a double major in human applied psychology. A Sunshine Coast local, he and his business partners have dedicated their time to helping business owners around Australia live a bigger, better life. Their clients read like a ‘Who’s Who’ of local success stories. He’s been featured on Channel 7, The Australian and the ABC.


WHEN: Wednesday 14th October TIME: 8:07am INCLUDES 2 FREE BONUS GIFTS! A complete electronic copy of George Bakrnchev’s bestselling business success book The 8th Day of the Week valued at RRP: $19.95 A FREE Beefy’s signature steak pie valued up to $7.20* Register at: www.reddaycoaching.com/beefys

Register Early & Get Free Training, A Free Book & A Free Beefy’s Pie! (total value $277.15)

1A Free Copy of George Bakrnchev’s bestselling business success book

The 8th Day of the Week which shows business owners how to go from working the equivalent of ‘8 days’ every week to taking 170 days off a year and still grow their business – valued at $19.95; and… 2 A FREE Beefy’s Signature Steak Pie* – or try the first ever award winning

Gluten Free Pie to be endorsed by Coeliac Australia – Mark Hobbs sat on this idea for 5 years before George showed him how to unlock his time and implement within 90 days– taste the results for yourself!! *Present this original article at any Beefy’s store and claim your free pie: not valid with any other offers, limit one per person per day, valid until the end of this edition.

On The Webinar You’ll Discover The Exact Same Business Freedom Blueprint That Beefy’s Used To Transform Their Business And Their Lives

George will explain The 4 Entrepreneurial Freedoms™ of TIME, MONEY, PEOPLE and PLACE that have catapulted Beefy’s transformation and how to fall in love with your business all over again and really enjoy life! Specifically you’ll learn…

● How to identify and get rid of up to 80% of your workload that makes no real difference to your income

● What work you MUST delegate/get rid of and how to do it

● How to free yourself up to take on BIGGER OPPORTUNITIES

● What daily activities you should be doing and what activities you should NEVER be doing

● The Ultimate 90 Day Goal Strategy which unlocked Mark Hobbs’ time and allowed him to open new stores and continues to create award winning products.

What George’s clients say…

What we need to build a business… “George makes you realise that what’s been drummed into us for years simply doesn’t work anymore, and reveals to us what we need to do to build a business that REALLY works.” Christopher Tolevsky CPA - Accountant & Business Development Specialist

“George he has reminded me of a Wayne Bennett type. In a era when many ‘promise the world’ but ‘deliver an atlas’ George teaches simple yet ethical business principles that are transferable to any type of business, delivered by a man who has walked the talk.” Adam Norlander - Head Professional, Headland Golf Club

From Entrepreneurial Slave to Entrepreneurial Master “As a property developer, my acceptance into The Entrepreneurial Master Programme has given me my life back all while doubling the volume of my projects. I’ve eliminated the workload that I’m not unique at, I’ve been able to increase my fun factor in the business and I have been able to take ‘stress-free’ Green Days (holidays) without having to worry about constant phone calls and emails. Without George’s systems, mentoring and accountability I would still be working 8 days a week. I fly in from Melbourne every 90 days to attend our sessions on the Sunshine Coast and it’s been worth every cent.” Alex Molnar - Molnar Jarrett Property

Book yourself in NOW at www.reddaycoaching.com/beefys

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