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Brokerage Matters
ROD RUSSELL Savvy Business Sales
Like most industries, business brokers have their quiet and busy times, often dictated by the local economy, interest rates, current affairs or simply by coincidence, when buyers and sellers could be active or just sit back and wait.
These variables can have a major effect on the end result owners may achieve for their business. Supply and demand will also affect the result and terms and conditions offered. For example, buyers who know they are one of many interested in a good business will generally lessen their conditions and time frames and be more realistic on price when going to contract.
Getting your timing right almost always equates to a better sale price, fairer conditions and less time on the market. How do you know when the time is right? Well, like residential, business sales are cyclic and history proves our markets will fluctuate according to several key indicators. Fortunately these indicators are now pointing in the right direction, banks are more generous and money has never been cheaper, the Coast is one of the fastest growing regional areas and has numerous major developments ensuring future growth. In addition, businesses are showing more profitability and Spring is traditionally the busiest time of the year for business sales as buyers are attracted to fresh financials and the Summer trade.
The demand is certainly there with a huge increase in the number of buyers entering the market in 2015 which has seen a reduction in the days businesses are on the market. The supply has been fuelled by the quality of businesses offered, increasing unemployment and retiring baby boomers selling up.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR Rod’s unrivalled professionalism and years of experience have earned him the reputation as the Sunshine Coast’s most successful business broker. He continues to raise the standards in business sales.
Caravan RV Superstore Amazing opportunity to be part of the business boom created by our caravanning baby boomers. Inspection is a must to fully appreciate this spectacular show room and workshop, that truly is a one stop shop for all caravan and RV accessories and equipment. The location is second to none, right on the Bruce Highway and surrounded by complimentary business’s, this award winning store is known Australia wide and with profits of $150,000 to one working owner it makes for exceptional buying. $270,000 plus SAV Debra Donahoe 0411 660741
Home Based Service Business Average $2,000 profit per week! Business in operation for 28 years Simple, enjoyable, easy to run Monday to Friday The current retiring owner is offering full training and client introductions to ensure a smooth transition. No formal qualifications are required, just the desire to learn simple procedures and earn an excellent income. North Brisbane location. $120,000 all inc David Nichols 0421 998 892
Industrial Café Icon Gladstone • Run under full management • Comprehensive P&E inventory • Turnover approaching $1M • Prime location with long lease • Trades Monday to Friday only Busy and profitable Gladstone industrial café, impressive 45% - 50% return on investment, even greater to a working owner. Full financials are available to genuine buyers.
Offers over $395,000 plus small SAV Jeremy Bycroft 0418 829 235
Like The First Class Lifestyle? A blue chip business with an enviable 40 year trading history and Net Profits of $500,000. This business has a diverse range of blue chip clientele (predominantly commercial) including local government, aged care, and developers throughout the state. With key staff in place the business could easily be operated under full management, the owners have minor roles which could be easily replaced. This is a rare, five day per week business with $3 million in annual sales and profits of $500,000. Here is your ticket for the first class lifestyle! $1,295,000 plus stock (approx $70k) Rod Russell 0409 931 600
Cash Business - Asking $120,000 + SAV There is plenty of dough in this long established bakery. Retiring owner is old school, no eftpos, cash only; 6 days trading. Operating successfully with the same owner for 25 years, in prime Noosa location. Key reliable staff in place, Owner works minimal hours. Wet Bakery with retail and whole sale customers. Adjusted 2014 net profit after owners salaries $127,147. Make an offer today! Must be SOLD David Nichols 0421 998892