2 minute read
Smart Business Matters
KEVIN BENNETT KB Business Solutions
In today’s environment of constant change, challenge and opportunity, the need to continually grow and develop your business is key to its future success. A smart business makes excellent use of all of its resources, makes the right decisions at the right time, and is always looking for ways to improve.
Are you frustrated with the way your business is performing?
Are you looking for a simple but effective way to become a smart business?
If you have answered YES to one of these questions, then take a moment to reflect on the following
Focus on Y our Customer o Do you ha ve a clear picture of who your customer is and wh y they purchase from you?
o Would the y recommend you to family, friends and colleagues?
Your P eople are your Best Asset o Do you w aste time managing poor per formance?
o Are you a great leader who coaches, motiv ates and inspires your team?
● Deeply Understand your Business
o A positive cash-flow is critical for the stability and well-being of any business. How well are you doing this?
o Do you really under stand how your
systems and pr ocesses are working?
● Continuous Improv ement
o Are you solving problems or just fixing them short-term?
o Do you have a culture of ‘we have always done it this way’?
Coaching is Good o Are you being challenged to think differently, see diff erent perspectives and expand your boundaries?
o Are you being moved out of your comfort zone?
Ov er the next five issues we will explore each of the above in more detail. Next issue will provide further detail on - ‘Focus on Your Customer’ but before then, ask as many of your customers as possible the following question - what is the likelihood they would recommend your business to family, friends and colleagues? Ask them to rate you on a scale of one to ten – with one being not at all, and ten, certain to recommend. Record all comments as a valuable source of feedback.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR Kevin has over 30 years of experience working with international businesses identifying and implementing ways to become smarter and improve business performance. Practical, simple and effective solutions that really work.
Coaching and Mentoring Key Note Speaker Facilitated Workshops Customised Improvement Programs
GET SMART - CALL KEVIN on 0407 144 963
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