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Business Psyccess

Business Psyccess

I am not sure about you, but I am petrified of Aldi and it’s not my first choice for a spot of relaxed shopping. I always hesitate because there are just too many issues that confront me. I never remember to bring my Aldi coin for a trolley and I can never find anything.

Once I finally feel like I have got it all together, I then have to face the checkout challenge where my groceries speed up without me and I rarely remember to bring enough bags. I liken the workplace to Aldi. At Aldi, you can purchase motorcycle jackets next to beauty products and canned goods. Your team members within your business are a bit like that. They all are required to just ‘fit’ with each other however they all have different personality styles, different skill levels and areas of expertise and they are all motivated by different things.


Enter the importance of Human Resource Management within your business

When looking at the staff within your business and any issues that arise, keep the Aldi principle in mind and consider that before you seek that new team member to join your business if it’s for the first time, or you need to expand your team, you need to think about what unique skill and expertise they need to bring to the workplace, and in turn, how they going to fit.

If there is one thing that resonates it’s that business owners are smart and resilient. It’s not a walk in the park being in business. The daily grind of keeping everything going, addressing situations as they arise, being aware of the competition and having to innovate to stay ahead of the pack, can be exhausting. In addition, business owners are responsible for meeting all the legislative compliance around employment and have to engage staff in order to maximise their productivity and effectiveness. That’s where outsourcing can be your best friend.

Choosing the right mix of compliance (policy and systems) and engagement (staff morale and productivity) is the challenge facing many businesses today due to the highly legislative environment we operate in. Choosing to align yourself with a professional Human Resource expert, limits the risk to your business allowing you as a busy business owner to reap the rewards of having your very own human resource department at your disposal freeing you up to focus on working on your business.

The return on investment for business owner or manager who does engage or outsource and embraces good robust HR practices, that are practical, is a team of people working for you who are engaged, happy, and productive but best of all, you can be assured that you are legislative compliant which equals - no stress.

MICHALLE FAULKNER EastCoast HR ABOUT THE AUTHOR Michalle Faulkner, knows people. In fact she bases her business on it! As a business owner herself, she can relate to the struggles and demands on your time when it comes to managing staff. A highly sort-after HR consultant and expert in human resources, Michalle believes; “invest in your people, increase your profit”.

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