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Locals in Business and Life
Gregory is a specialist investigator with a passion for helping government and private organisations address integrity and governance related matters. With 30 years law enforcement and corporate experience, he is sought after in the areas of HR integrity matters, sexual harassment, bullying and misconduct. He is also an accredited mediator, negotiator and author. The Forensix Group deal with issues of inappropriate workplace behaviour, like sexual harassment, bullying, criminality (fraud and appropriation), breaches of codes of conduct or whistleblowing often require different approaches and specialist skills. e

“My heart and soul are stained... with the inks of the ocean” My love and connection with the ocean came from growing up in the coastal town of Portland, Victoria. Surrounded by the open sea, I walked the beaches barefoot and spoke my wishes and secrets to the blue waters in front of me. My other love as a young girl was art, often filling pages with various sketches and scribbles of colour. In 2020 I was able to bring my life dream of combining my two greatest loves together, and Ocean Art Naomi was born. e Struggling with low self-esteem/ confidence? Yogita Ridgley author of Finding Me, Myself and I, is helping women unleash the power of their authentic self through self -discovery and travel. After traveling solo though 54 countries, Yogita now inspires and empowers women to transform from low self-esteem to self-belief. Reading Yogita’s book will lead you towards finding courage, strength and your true self. Grab yourself a copy of the book today (code Matters for 10%). e


Although Angela specialises in stress and anxiety, this doesn’t always present as a phobia or problem. Sometimes, it’s just that a client wants to get better at a particular skill. One of her ongoing clients is a professional athlete in Mexico who initially had lost her motivation and confidence after an injury. She now books in whenever she needs a reminder of her innate capacity to calm the noise in her mind and succeed in any challenge. e

Isn’t it “normal” to have trouble hearing as I get older?
At Sunshine Coast Audiology we get asked all the time, is my hearing normal for my age? We always say, a hearing loss is a hearing loss, no matter what age you are! Hearing difficulties can affect your quality of life and the lives of your loved ones. We can help. Free hearing screens for the over 50s. e
Phone 07 5378 2226
Australia's own eco-friendly surf brand, created right here at home on the Sunshine Coast. All board shorts and rapid dry, sand-repellent compact beach towels are made using recycled materials (around 10 bottles per pair of shorts). You can buy online www.notsponsored.com.au and locally at Eumundi Markets every Wednesday and Cotton Tree Markets every Sunday.Contact Brad Manuel 0417 724 347. e
Find on socials @notsponsoredsurf

To really get your brand working, you need to develop a brand strategy. Like a marketing plan, you’ll get a full understanding of your brand, what it stands for and why it exists. By knowing what your customers want and what your competitors offer, you can carve out your own little space, and own it, communicating in a way that makes your brand more attractive and be positioned right in front of your customers. That is what branding should do. Call 0401 205 198. e

The best moves are planned! Cartoplan assists people through the process of moving house or business. Cartoplan services are simple, affordable and deliver a step-by-step plan preparing the client for a “less-stress, more-success” move. Before contacting suppliers, before signing contracts, get a plan! Why a Cartoplan? Because the best moves are planned! Contact Jamie today 0431 528 400. e