4 minute read

Confessions of a Ghost-Writer with Roxanne McCarty-O’Kane


Ghostwriting is all around you, even if you don’t realise it.


That chart-topping hit you just heard on commercial radio – most likely written by a ghostwriter.

What about the autobiography of your favourite sports star who has just retired? It might be their words, but I’ll bet you my bottom dollar they didn’t slug away on the computer in between training sessions to get that bad boy published. They hired a ghostwriter.

With the vast amounts of copy being produced by top business leaders around the world, you can bet a large percentage of those posts are written by ghostwriters, who take a fee for their work, but have none of the credit, no matter how amazing it is.

How did you not know this before?

Because of the secret code that binds all ghostwriters. It is our job to work behind the scenes to bring the project to life without giving any hints to the outside world. In the world of a ghostwriter, the ownership of the completed work is transferred to the person who commissions the work.

Occasionally they might get a mention as a ‘research assistant’ or ‘contributor’ or perhaps given a little nod in the acknowledgement pages of a book, but for the most part, the job of a ghostwriter is to be as invisible as a ghost - really, there’s no play on words working here at all.

But far from being something that only those in celebrity circles can access, ghostwriting for books is becoming more commonplace for those who have a wealth of knowledge, but no time to get it down on paper. Or for those who have an incredible personal story that will change lives of the people who read it, but they have uncertainty around how to structure or create flow within the book.

I have been a storyteller since 2007 when I embarked on a career in print journalism and have been ghostwriting books for the past five years. When you find a talented ghostwriter, they nail the tone of the voice of the author, included turns of phrase used in their everyday speech and created an engaging book that readers can’t put down.

The best part of hiring a ghostwriter is that it frees you up to do what you do best! Instead of ending up in a Mexican stand-off with your computer because you aren’t sure what to include or even where to begin, you can focus on building or diversifying your business, networking to strengthen your connections or planning how you will leverage your book once it is published.

I know you have thought on more than one occasion that you have an engaging story within you. That you want to share your life or the things you have learned with the world to make it a better place. But so far, your dream has remained just that – a fantasy.

Without action, that is all it will be.

If you do decide to take the leap and write your own book, there are three core components - all of which are covered in my book The Mindful Author - that are vital to set you on the path for success in your writing journey.

1. Authenticity.

In this era when everyone’s BS radars are finely tuned, readers can smell insincerity a mile away. Be brave enough to step up and share this authentic story. Never feel like you have to be a Brene Brown or Brendan Burchard clone in order to be taken seriously – there are people out there who need to hear your story in your words!

2. Connection.

Connection lies at the core of every book that has shaped who you are over the years. The key is to create a book that connects as strongly with your core message, values, and beliefs as it does with your readers’. When you do this, they will feel like they know you and this leads to trust. Connection to yourself, your story and your audience is key.

3. Transformation.

Becoming an author is about so much more than simply slapping words between two covers – those who can align their personal story with their business goals have the potential to unlock new opportunities. The potential to leverage your book to become an industry commentator, a renowned leader, a sought-after consultant, and even a speaker on a global scale is limitless – you can take it as far as you want to.

If you know ghostwriting is your jam, visit www. roxannewriter.com and book in a call so we can connect and talk about your book vision.

To get your hands on The Mindful Author and kickstart your journey to becoming an author, head to www.roxannewriter.com.au/ books a

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