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THE embrace local ISSUE
This issue of Matters Magazine is very close to my heart. I truly believe that embracing local is what will hold the Sunshine Coast together. Personally, I don’t believe in competition, I believe in collaboration and I wish the absolute best for every single business, no matter what product or service they are selling. I wish nothing but success for every single business owner that is out there doing the best that they can in what can be said as pretty different times.
The last few years have been incomparable to anything we have seen in our time. We have never seen such craziness unfold, unprecedented bias, unprecedented discrimination, everyone has had their opinion over the last few years and been on different pages about what should or shouldn’t happen. What we should or shouldn’t do, should or shouldn’t think.
For my part I want to say, that whatever you think is fine with me, I am still 100 million per cent on the side of individual opinion, I truly believe that we should all be able to think what we want to think and NOT that we should ever be put in a box for thinking differently to the Government or to others. I truly believe that what has eventually unfolded through all of this has actually resulted in people, for the most part, being more understanding of each other, I believe that we now have a true appreciation for what we had, for the way the world was, for some of the simple things that we were unable to partake in during covid and for my part, I believe that is a good thing. When we really start to appreciate what we have, we become happy with what is. Gratitude and happiness honestly go hand in hand.
I think businesses on the Sunshine Coast really do aspire to support each other.
As the world becomes increasingly interconnected and globalised, it can be easy to overlook the importance of embracing and supporting our local community right here on the Sunshine Coast.
It is crucial to recognise the vital role that local businesses, culture, and traditions play in shaping the identity and wellbeing of a community.
By supporting local businesses and entrepreneurs, we can help create jobs and stimulate economic growth in our communities. Additionally, local businesses often offer unique products and services that cannot be found elsewhere, which can contribute to the distinctiveness and vibrancy of a community.
Furthermore, preserving and celebrating local traditions and cultural practices can help maintain a sense of community and foster a deeper understanding and appreciation of our shared heritage. Local events and festivals, for example, provide opportunities for people to come together and celebrate their shared cultural identity.
Embracing local also has environmental benefits, as supporting local agriculture and food production can help reduce the carbon footprint associated with long-distance transportation of goods. It can also encourage sustainable practices and promote a more resilient local food system.
In conclusion, it is essential to recognise and embrace the value of our local communities, as they play a crucial role in shaping our identity, well-being, and environmental sustainability. By supporting local businesses, traditions, and cultural practices, we can help create thriving and resilient communities that benefit everyone.
We are keen to know what you think. Complete our survey on page 67 to go into the draw to win a FULL PAGE in the next issue of Matters Magazine
If you need to refocus your passion towards what matters, think about what is most important to you. Attending many funerals lately, I can assure you that for me, it’s people, it’s relationships and it’s health. Yes, business matters, for sure, but life matters more!
Small Business of the Year: Business Matters

ABN: 95 131 837 833
P. 07 5493 5747
JOURNALIST/EDITOR/ADVERTISING ENQUIRIES: Vickie Magic, 07 5493 5747 or 0433 198 868 vmagic@bmmag.com.au
OPERATIONS MANAGER/ACCOUNTS: Dranko Magic, 0408 751 863 magic@bmmag.com.au
Head Designer: Zonya Bird www.CreativeBirdDesign.com zonya@creativebirddesign.com
Designer: Stu Peace stupeace@gmail.com
SUB EDITOR, WRITERS AND PROOF-READERS: Roxanne McCarty-O’Kane hello@roxannewriter.com.au

Vickie Magic editor@bmmag.com.au

Adrian Mula, Ben Price, Bret Davis, Christian Davies, Denis Poynton, Dr Karpa, Dranko Magic, Gary Martin, John Gowland, Jaya McIntyre, Jeanette Allom-Hill, Jean Sheehan, Kate Poynton, Kathy O'Grady, Kerri Steele, Kirsty Englander, Lee-anne Borham, Liisa Aimes, Luke Hawley, Lyn Kelly, Marilyn Brayshaw, Michelle Britton, Paula Gowland, Pascal Stussi, Peter Borham, Rachael Yurko, Roxanne McCartyO’Kane, Tony Gray, Vanessa Nock, Vickie Magic, Victoria Berry
ONLINE: www.mattersmagazine.com.au

Distributed from Beerwah to Pomona.
The Inkspot Commercial Printers Maroochydore 07 5443 5431.
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