2 minute read
with Jean Sheenan
Light And Sound Therapies
with Lee-Anne Borham
What if your next door neighbour was secretly your coach, mentor and guide but you were totally unaware as you were living in fear, poverty and running on empty?
That is what I have been told by so many of my coaching clients - “Jean, you were there all the time, but I didn’t know what you did or how you could help me”.
You see, when you work from your superpower INTUITION, life is easy, you manifest what you want and live your best life. Intuition is your superpower, that is your natural body and mind’s GPS that guides you to the right place, the right person, and the right decision.

That is where 1:1 coaching to access your own personal ‘Secret Codes to Success’ is a MUST so that you can open a gateway to destiny knowing ‘it always works out’.
Jean is a dynamic Medical Intuitive and Mentor who teaches business owners how to access their intuition to make the best choices to live their best life. ca
Like all organs in your body, your brain changes over time. Regular tracking of your brain performance enables you and your health care practitioner to better manage potential cognitive decline, traumatic events such as concussion, health challenges and lifestyle changes. The WAVi uses EEG technology that records an electrical signature of your brain and its response to a stimulus. Measuring brain speed, brain wave power and reaction times during the recording, we can provide a comprehensive report of your brain health and use this information to assist in developing personalised treatment plans and to monitor the effectiveness of these interventions. WAVi takes complicated brain information and makes it accessible, distilling it into actionable insights and understandable metrics. So, if you are concerned about:
• How much is my brain changing as I age?

• How can I improve my brain performance?
• How do my brain metrics relate to my mental health?
• Has my brain fully recovered from my concussion?
• When will my post Covid-19 brain fog resolve?
Book in for a WAVi scan at Attune Health today and learn how we can help. ca
P. 07 5329 7996 www.attunehealth.com.au with Dr Karpa
Dry Eye Syndrome
Dry eye syndrome is a general term for the breakdown of the tear film that protects the eye’s front surface and is the most common symptomatic eye condition treated at Best Practice Eyecare.
Dry eye syndrome causes chronic, tired, uncomfortable eyes. The symptoms range from mild to severe and include burning, stinging, itching, sandy, gritty, scratchy foreign body sensations causing excessive tearing and matting or caking of the eyelashes.

The eyelids can stick together, particularly on waking and can cause intermittent redness and blurred vision. The symptoms are worse when reading, watching TV, driving, using computers and in air-conditioned or windy environments. It leads to light sensitivity, eye pain and headaches, heavy eyelids, frequent blinking and eye fatigue. Drops alone are inadequate, and the condition often becomes chronic.
Modern treatment modalities such as Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) therapy offer most patients rapid and complete resolution of their symptoms. IPL can help in reducing the load of demodex on our skin. ca
P. 07 5492 2822 www.bestpracticeeyecare.com.au