2 minute read
When it comes to jewellery, there's something special about owning a piece that is made especially for you. This is where local custom jewellers come in. To Hold and To Have’s skilled jewellers can create bespoke jewellery that is tailored to your exact preferences, using high-quality materials and traditional techniques.
By choosing to support your local custom jeweller, you're not only getting a one-of-a-kind piece of jewellery, but you're also supporting a small business in your community. This can have a positive impact on the local economy, as well as on the jeweller themselves. By working with a custom jeweller, you'll also have the opportunity to collaborate with them on the design of your piece, making it truly personal and meaningful.
Is there something in the bottom of your jewellery box, maybe inherited from your favourite aunt, or someone you love, that you could have made into something special to remind you of them, something that suits you and that you will love to wear? ca

Jo Saxelby-Balisky
P. 07 5477 0561 www.toholdandtohave.com.au

You’re not alone if you approach superannuation with a certain amount of mistrust. The rules change often, and they can be confusing. So, it’s not surprising that a super fund you’re in control of can look appealing.
A Self Managed Super Fund, or SMSF, is one that allows you to be in the driver’s seat. Like getting your licence though, that comes with responsibility. You, along with all other members of the SMSF will be the trustees, which means you’re responsible for running the fund in accordance with ATO rulings. If you get things wrong, you could face severe penalties. It pays to know the rules.
Whilst ASIC guidance has previously suggested an account balance first of $250,000, then $500,000 as being a level where the costs became comparable with an APRA regulated fund – they’ve recently removed the account balance guide from their recommendations. That’s not to say costs shouldn’t be factored in however, they’ve suggested that balance alone is not the driving indicator of suitability.
Common advantages to establishing an SMSF include:
• Control over investment strategy and acquisition, including access to traditional asset classes and alternative investments, and the ability to hold property as a direct asset.

• Flexibility for your retirement, with seamless transition from accumulation to pension phase, in a concessionally taxed environment.
• Increased control of death benefit distribution as trustees can distribute according to their wishes, provided their trust deed allows it.
With a complex set of rules to adhere to, they’re not for everyone. If you’d like to explore whether an SMSF might be right for you, a financial planner can help to develop an investment strategy/assist with implementation, advise on investment and borrowing rules and on the types of retirement income streams a fund can pay. If you’d like to know more – we’d love to hear from you. ca www.thrivefinancial.com.au
RACHAEL YURKO Thrive Financial founder and owner is passionate about helping people like you feel like the boss, not just of their money, but of how they feel about wealth and about having enough. Everyone has a money story – if you don’t like yours - here’s permission to write a different one.