2018 Relay For Life Campsite Map
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2018 Relay for Life Special Edition
Grimes County Relay For Life Friday, April 13, 2018 . Brule Field Finding a Way Relay Schedule 4:00 PM ----------------------TEAM SET UP! 5:00 PM ----------------------TEAM SET UP! 6:00 PM-----------------------Opening Ceremony, Flag Ceremony, Mission Moment, National Anthem, Survivor Intro, DJ, Luminaria Sales 6:30 PM ----------------------Survivor Lap, Caregiver Lap, Team Flag Lap 7:00 PM ----------------------Silent Auction Opens 9:00 PM-----------------------Silent Auction Closes *Must be present to win 10:00 PM ---------------------Luminaria Ceremony 11:30 PM ---------------------Field Cleanup & Final Money Drop 12:00 AM --------------------Closing Ceremony – Money Raised, Top Team, Individual Celebrations
By Kevin Nowak
Cancer attacks the lives of people With no discrimination, So we have bonded together, With hearts full of determination.
Finding a way to stand up, For all of the people we love. Facing cancer’s attacks head on, And finding a way to rise above.
When cancer is the enemy, The outlook can appear Bleak, But we keep reaching for the cure, And the happy ending we seek.
Finding a way to overcome. Finding a way to survive. Finding a way to victory. Finding a way to thrive.
Our passion, persistence and drive, Are all factors in play. When it comes to defeating cancer, We are finding a way.
Finding a way through hard times. Finding a way to shine. Doing the amazing. Finding a way to the finish line.
Finding a way to press on, When the situation is severe. Finding a way to carry on. Finding a way to persevere.
Our passion, persistence and drive, Are all factors in play. When it comes to defeating cancer, We are finding a way.
Grimes County Cancer Survivors
Welcom e to the 2018 Grim es County Relay For Life Every action taken moves us closer to a world free from the pain and suffering of cancer. Founded by Dr. Gordy Klatt in Washington in 1985, the Relay For Life movement is the world’s largest fundraising event to save lives from cancer. Uniting communities across the globe, we celebrate people who have battled cancer, remember loved ones lost, and take action for lifesaving change.
part of it right here in Grimes County through our local American Cancer Society Relay For Life event 6 p.m. until midnight Friday, April 13, 2018, at Brule Field, Navasota Texas. I would love to see people from every part of our community get involved and join us as we “Scare the Pants Off of Cancer.”
Funds raised help the American Cancer Society provide free information and support for people Community volunteers are the facing the disease today, and fund cancer research that will backbone of this movehelp protect future gen- Join me at our Relay For Life ment, and you can be erations. Thanks to the event! Visit RelayForLife.org or call generosity of our donors, 1-800-227-2345 for more informathe American Cancer tion about local opportunities. Society has invested more than $4.5 billion in Sincerely, research since 1946, and have funded more than 20,000 scienKeli Call tists at more than 1,000 instituGrimes County Event Leader tions nationwide. American Cancer Society
2018 Relay for Life Special Edition
Journey shrouded in darkness, path lit by hope By Nicole Shupe . Examiner Editor
“The day that my mom was diagnosed with cancer, I remember that like it was five minutes ago,” said Elizabeth Trotter, American Cancer Society Hero of Hope. “I was nine years old and I bounded off the bus with my book satchel; I grabbed my little brother’s hand and we took our shoes off; we lived in Kissimmee, Florida, and we walked home through an orange grove with our feet buried in the sand, squishing the sand between our toes.” For Trotter, and so many more like her throughout the world, the journey with cancer has been one fraught with memories, victories and losses - a path punctuated by sweet, dream-like remembrances and harsh, bitter nightmares. “On one hand I remember the vision of walking with Johnny through the orchard, orange trees on both sides, and that smell, that sweet aroma,” Trotter said during the
Grimes County survivor dinner March 22. “Then, the next memory is the hospital and my mom, who weighed about 110 pounds and she is 4’11” – a tiny woman, just lying there and all these tubes coming out of her and the horror of the machines.” Cancer, a diagnosis received by more than one million people each year, can leave lasting marks on all those who it touches. From the patient to the caregiver to the next-door neighbor, each person is touched in some manner and it is the journey that can highlight strengths and weaknesses. “It is everybody that the person knows, for each of those one million people; it is huge because the impact that cancer has is like an octopus with tentacles that go out and grab things and suck it in and not in a good way – not the kind of way we all want to be drawn into each other,” said Trotter. “Cancer is, of necessity, a cooperative
all the Teams in the 2018
journey; it is something that when you have a cancer journey, you are going to go on that little walk with a lot of people.” When her mother was diagnosed in 1969, Elizabeth was just nine-years-old. She was at an age where she should have spent many days squishing sand between her toes in an orange grove. Instead, she curled up in a chair next to her mother’s bedside and walked alongside her during her cancer journey. Unfortunately for her family, her parents’ marriage did not survive the difficult path through the unknown. “On this cancer journey it is not all glamourous – cancer is like a magnifying glass; if you have a freckle or a flaw or a wrinkle and cancer has its magnifying glass up to you, you are going to see it,” remembered Trotter. “My parents had a rift in their marriage and when cancer reared its ugly head it went from a rift to a full on tear.”
The inherent memory of her parents’ separation and her mother’s cancer caused Trotter to change her own life path. Trotter’s mother survived lung cancer at a time where the mortality rate for such a diagnosis was extremely high, but the journey took a toll on the travelers. Her mother was not granted custody during the divorce, nor did she have much formal education. Where Trotter was once care-free, smelling the orange blossoms along the path, she was now on a mission to not make the mistakes of her parents. “I said, I am going to be different, I am going to go to college, I am going to be educated, I am going to take care of my family, I am not going to find myself in the same position and I will marry for love, marry once and it is going to last forever,”
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Pol. ad paid for by Barbara Walker
2018 grimes county Survivors dinner
Let’s do this together…
Let ’s
Political ad paid for by Blake Jarvis
Survivors Fighters Taken
peace for the hope for the prayers for the p
Mary Ann Waters Grimes County Tax Assessor-Collector
2018 Relay for Life Special Edition
In Memory of Abraham, Kay Acosta, Augustine Adair, Bob Adams, Ernie Adams, Jean Anderson, Earl Arevalo, Sr., Paul Arrington, Pat Ausby, LaShondra “MeMe” Baby Alex Bakenhus, Luther Barham, Betsy Bay, Kenneth Beard, Jim Becker, Mabel Bennett, Betty Benoit, Judy Bergeron, Wilbur Bingham, Muriel Blesterfeld-White, Marny Bloker, Bruce Boegner, A.P. Bosse, Bob Bowlin, Karen Brandt, Cindy Breedcloves, Woody Brewer, Jim Brewton, Irene Bricler, Jade Britton, James Britton, Ruby Brown, Jessie Brown, Kimmala Brown, Neal Wayne Buck, Travis Byers, Barry Calfee, Pat Calhoun, Georgia Call, Donald Wayne Campbell, Bill Capeheart, Dayton Carter, John Dean Carver, Virginia Casanova, Remigio Castillo, Jessie Cedars, Winston Dudley Chrisman, Herb Clark, Brenda Coats, Barbara Cole, Wes
Collins, Ethel Connor, Euell Cook, Eacott Mae Cook, Ruby Barnhart Corey, Ida Coronado, Wally Sr. Coronado, Wally Jr. Cox, Jim Cranck, Millie Cripps, Charles A. Crowder, Valda Crunk, Marcene Cruz, Florencia Curtis, Mary Dahlman, Kathy Dahmann, Julie Danford, Dane Daniel, Hattie Daniels, Hattie M. Davis, Ann Deleon, Cruz De La Fuente, Carlos Dent, Becky Dickson, Vernice Dietrich, Charles Dietrich, Frank Dobijanski, Eddie Dodd, Bobbie Scott Dodds, Joan Doell, Carol Dominguez, Manreque Dormkoski, John Doty, Suzan Downey, Jay Dugan, Christee Durham, Ricky Eaves, Linda Eckels, P.G. “Buck” Edwards, Willie Eickenhorst, Claude Eickenhorst, Marty Eickenhorst, Mary Jo Eickenhorst, Thelma Elmore, Brandi Elmore, Hazel Fernandez, Andrea Fetters, Louise Finnie, Denette Fleming, Archie Flores, Evelyn Flores, John Sr. Flores, Emily
Foote, Sylvia Foster, Earnestine Fultz, John Garrett, Lanelle George, Kim Gerke, Donna Gerke, Melinda Gold, Mary Ann Grandma Hazel Granny Little Green, Gladys Green, J.R. Green, Willie Greer, Johnie Griffin, Earl Gruner, Otto Guerrero, Mario Guitron, Elia Hale, Jantzi Hammock, Beth Miller Hammond, Julie Hanks, Harvey Harris, Earnestine Harris, Grock Harris, Ruth Mae Harrist, Alice Hendricks, Faye Hennigan, Gary Hennings, Vickie Henry, Willie Mae Hernandez, Juan B. Herrera, Mario Herrin, LaMerle Hines, Kathy Evett Mable Hinkson, Rick Hitchcock, Thomas Holder, Bob Holt, JoAnn Horn, Lela Hoyt, Pat Hubley, La Royce Hubley, Sidney Hunnicutt, Vera Hyvl, Delbert Ickes, John Imhoff, Laura Jackson, Charles Jackson, Jimmy Jasinski, Shots Jefferson, Char Jefferson, Herbert
Jefferson, Thomas Johnson, James Johnson, Mary Ann Johnson, Richard Jones, Eddie Jones, Joseph Henderson Jones, J.R. Kerr, Roger Kimmons, Joyce Kline, Nathan Knight, Cindy Kolojaco, A. J. Krysch, Ollie Kubricht, Donald Lacey, Charles Lackey, Bueford Laskowski, Maggie Lee, Maxine Lee, Sandra Lewis, Jo Ann Lightfoot, Jo Beth Lind, Clara Llanas, Launita Loera, Ramon Love, Celie Martin, Howard Martin, Itha Martinez, Eugenio Martinez Gomez, Maugro Mask, Knell McGee, Edmund McGee, Willie McKay, Charlie McKay, Sue McNew, Georgia McVey, Doug Minnie Miller, Beth Mooney, Mart Mooney, Mary Muldrow-Hollins, Alicia Neblett, Jack Neff, Elizabeth Nelson, Ann Nobles, Carolyn Eickenhorst Nobles, Ernest Nobles, Kelly Nunez, Juan Oates, MeMi
O’Bella, Cruz Ochoa, Anna Beth Olsen, Kim O’Malley, Carrie Kapchinski Orlando, Verona Ottman, Lori Paceley, Geneva Pahlman, Kath Palmer, Jennie Pasket, Floyd Patton, Shelli Pena, Elizabeth Perry, Micheal Peterson, Anton Peterson, Robert Pitman, Marcella Pork, Clara Wood Portis, Christa Purcell, Laura Ruth Putnam, Jeff Rabke, Mary Lou Ramirez, Frances Rangel, Mary Raska, Peggy Grandpa Ray Rayburn, Ed Reifschneider, Thomas
Repp, Marie Reyes, Erick Reynolds, Frankie Reynolds, Vern Reynolds, Vicky Rhea, Elbert Rhodes, Barbara Rodrigueaz, Gloria Rodriguez, Timothy Roese, Arnold Roese, Emil Rohan, Viola Rowe, Frank Rowe, Rona Ruiz, Margarito Sr. Saathoff O.K. San Angelo, Patsy Sanders, Paul Schaefer, Virginia Schroeder, Gary Gene Schroeder, Katy Scrivener, Steve Sechelski, Larry Sechelski, Margaret Sharp, Jackie Shear, Mary Ann Shiftlett, Paul Shimshack, Jessie
Shirley, Marie Seigler, Johnny Small, David Small, Robert Smart, Dylan Smith, Bennette Smith, Calvin Smith, Doreen Smith, Dorothy Smith, Leland Spell, Mary Stevenson Townley, Jimmy Stewart, Jody Aunt Sue Uncle Steve Suseberry, Archie Svadlenak, Dustin Swabado, Karey Tanner, Deanna Taylor, Jordan Taylor, Michael Team Green “Pa” Thames, Jerry Thane, Irmgard Thane, Marius Thenhaus, Maxine Thomas, Geraldine
Thomas, James Torres, Alice Torres, Marie Torres, Modesta Turner, Bonita J. Turner, Joyce Upcheshaw, George Vacante, Rosalie Valadez, John Venture, Myrtle Villarreal, Jason Wagner, Frankie Walkoviak, Marion Washington, Bob Wasserman, Loretta Watson, Shawana Wesley, Monica Jessie White, Lee Wickenheiser, Peter Willcox, Tommy Williams, Ruby Mae Williams, Nelson Willis, William E. Winckler, Arlene Wojtasazuk, Billy Sr. Worbington, Dorothy Ybarra, Martin Ybarra, Rafaela
Starts with US! RE-ELECT
Ain't Too Proud to B eg for a Cure "Brewing Up a CURE for Cancer " Front L-R: Carolyne Hooks, Trisha Harris, Kathy Land and Dorothy Malek Back L-R: Shelly Hazel, Team Captain Kay Harris and Jennifer Ramirez Not pictured: Gail Schroeder, Susan Brak, Jeanny Lawrence and Joanne Floyd
CELEBRATE the survival of our loved ones
those who lost the battle but remain in our hearts
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HOPE for victory, for a cure against cancer, for LIFE
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Every step is one closer to a cure!
NAVASOTA LP-GAS CO, INC. 726 W. Washington | Navasota, TX 77868 | 936-825-3214
2018 Relay for Life Special Edition
Why I relay I became involved with Relay after a
cause ‌ to eliminate cancer! People
loss to cancer. I was in a place where I
are accepted there, people find a com-
felt helpless and I was hurting. I found
munity of like-minded people there,
understanding, support, and help at
people find comfort and hope in all
Relay. I fell in love with Relay and
the familiar faces that return year after
all it stands for! I stay involved with
year. Relay is a wonderful, fun-filled
Relay for all the people it helps. Every
event to help raise money for fighting a
year more and more people are touched horrible disease. I hope you will come by cancer, but Relay creates a place
join us this year! It might be just the
where we all come together for one
thing that you were looking for!
Sincerely, Shelly Hazel Event Leadership Team Over Team Captains Ain’t Too Proud to Beg for a Cure
(936) 873-2511 www.fnbanderson.com
Team Walmart Earnie Washington, Judy Seigler, Erika Sanchez, Lanell Steptoe, Georgia Nelms, Martina Zaladez, Erika Flores, Charity Guthamn, Liz Moravec, Rosa Guzman, Lana Donaldson, Malaka Jackson and Dodi Emmons. Not Pictured: Alicia Lopez, Alecia Martinez, Andrea Arellano, Cecilia Woods, Dalia Alfaro, Kim Grish, Lollie Zamorano, Dorothy Thomas, Marsha Berger, Ramsay Alley, Kate Lilly, Ruben Lopez, Miranda Seigler, Eloise Wilson, Latonya Henley, Angie Guitron, Shawna Grant, Virginia Wagner, Joyce Murski, Daniela Lopez and Movica Stevenson.
We Proudly Support the Grimes County Relay for Life!
Nobles Funeral Chapel, Inc.
402 E. Blackshear • Navasota, TX 77868 936-825-7776 www.noblesfuneral.com
Praying for a Cure
518 E. Washington • Navasota
2018 Relay for Life Special Edition
Hope & Faith,
Why I relay
I Relay because I woke up today and someone else didn’t. I Relay to find a cure so that no one else has to hear the words You Have Cancer. I Relay because all of us in some way have been touched by this disease.
EVERYTHING is Possible.
We all must do everything in our power to help find the cure. Let’s make cancer something that we just read about in a book. As a Voice of Hope, I will continue to help spread the message of the American Cancer Society. And as long as there is still breathe in me, I will continue to Relay.
~ Dodi Emmons Event Leadership Team Team Walmart
Kelley Austin, ACC, CSS • kaustin@cruiseplanners.com
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Proudly Support the Grimes County Relay for Life
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Cancer Bomb Squad Shelly Small, Brianna Small, Carly Small, David Small, Anthony Small, Cody Small, Avery Small, Carson Small, Camden Small, Falyn Small, Sheryl Lucero, Joshua Lucero, Willam Johnson, Mickayla Johnson, Rebecca Beile, Sherry Fetters, Chelsea Perkins, Ethan Perkins, Cashatta Lantz, Chey Lantz, Jessica Piwonka, Kelly Piwonka, Shelby Piwonka, Chas Shows, Sheila Garcia and Karen Fetters
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2018 Relay for Life Special Edition
Why we relay
We are a family team that has been touched by cancer more times than we want to be, not only family members, but a lot of close friends have been taken from the worse disease ever CANCER! We will fight the battle every day, just as our loved ones did, but our battle will be fighting for a CURE for CANCER! So no one else has to lose a loved one again. Aug. 17, 2017, we lost a very awesome cancer fighter. He fought until he couldn’t anymore. He was our Hero of Hope in many ways and touched everyone’s lives in some way with his goodness and love for fighting so hard to be rid of cancer. So, we push ourselves every day to find a penny on the ground so we can add it to the JAR of hope that one day we CAN make a difference! This is the reason we will RELAY for the rest of our lives. Thanks! ~ Shelly Small Cancer Bomb Squad
Grimes County
Cancer hits close to home for our family. My father-in-law, A WWII vet, died from Colon Cancer at a young age and my brother-inlaw recently beat lymphoma. This disease affects all of us but we are in this fight together as we seek to end cancer. Thank you to all who signed up for the Relay for Life. We are cheering you on!
Pol. Ad Paid for by Jill Wolfskill
Proudly supporting the
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Mike Hopkins Distributing Company, Inc.
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Celebrating Lives
praying for a cure
Celebrate Life & Never Give Up!
Grimes County Sheriff’s Office Donald G. Sowell Sheriff 382 FM 149 West • Anderson, TX 77830 O ce: (936) 873-2151 • Fax: (936) 873-2010 Offi Cell: (936) 825-5726 • Home: (936) 873-2518 don.sowell@co.grimes.tx.us www.co.grimes.tx.us
104 S. 10th Street | Navasota, TX 77868 (936) 825-2085 TACLA 34092E www.gessnerac.com 2018 Relay for Life Special Edition
Celebrating Lives: Why I Relay? I Relay for my husband, Barry, who went home to be with his Lord and Savior Aug. 17, 2017. We were married for 13 wonderful years and the last eight years we spent living with cancer. He was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer in June 2009. We were so blessed to have had so much time together after his diagnosis. We continued to live life to the fullest. He never let the cancer get him down. He was such an amazing husband, father, and Pappy. We miss him daily. I Relay in memory and honor of his life and his passion for trying to put an end to cancer once and for all. ~ Karen Byers Celebrating Lives
Let’s Relay for a Cure!
Angie’s Smilin’ Stitches
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Great Job, Relay for Life Volunteers! Bert Miller, Mayor of Navasota
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(936) 873-2947
Fax: (936) 873-2556
CSB Banking on a Cure Front L-R: Liz Baldobino, Veronica Garza and Mary Hedgepeth. Back L-R: Eddie Bosse, Mary Jane Eickenhorst, Marianne Shiflett, Melissa Vezurk, Rozlynn Coronado and Justin Sandoval
Proud to be a part of RELAY FOR LIFE
Real Estate Unlimited 112 Austiana Hills
2018 Relay for Life Special Edition
Why does CSB Banking on a Cure Relay?
We Relay for all of those that have ever been touched by cancer. Our team wants to give hope to the future, to help find a cure for those fighting and to reflect on those that we have lost during the battle. Relay For Life is helping so many people out with not only research, but by helping with transportation, hotel stays and being there for those who need someone to talk to any time of the day or night. With helping Relay For Life there are more birthdays, more happy occasions and more life to live. This is why we Relay. ~ CSB Banking on a Cure
Proud supporters of the Grimes County
Relay for Life!
1614 E. Washington • Navasota, TX • 936-825-7551 • www.sterlingautogroup.net l t 17
Mid- South Synergy
Relay for Life Presenting Sponsor
L-R: Team Captain, Keli Call, Maggie O’Neil, Cissy Garcia, Artis Lawson, Amy Turner, Mason Sullivan, Leanne Floyd, Brittany McSwain, Jessica Smith, Chelsey Allen, Elizabeth Ridgeway, Dianne Sechelski, Heather Crowder and Ed Chase
10044 State Hwy 6 • Navasota, TX 77868 • 936-825-7577
W C T R A C T O R . C O M 18
2018 Relay for Life Special Edition
Mid- South Synergy Why I Relay?
Proud Supporters of the Grimes County Relay for Life
In memory of my uncle, Kim Chandler. ~ Justin Stapleton, Mid-South Synergy
I Relay to honor those who lost the battle. Inspire those who are fighting the battle. Celebrate those who have won the battle. ~ Keli Call, Team Captain
I relay for the future- so no one has to hear “you have cancer” ever again. ~ Heather Crowder, Mid-South Synergy
Ger Nay Pest Control 827 N. LaSalle • Navasota, TX 936-825-7449
Kicking cancer to the curb! Proud Supporters of Relay For Life! GUARANTEE BODY & PAINT
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2017 Grim es County Relay For Life
"Toon Out Cancer "
2018 Relay for Life Special Edition
Chase Ganske Why I Relay?
The Gam e Plan Why I Relay?
The reason I Relay is because cancer has been taken my family members and friends. I want to help contribute money to continue research, so we can find a cure. Through the American Cancer Society, when you call, you can get help to get to an appointment, help with wigs, prosthetics or someone to just listen to you when you are going through. I Relay because it is a way I feel I can help. When I see survivor coming out to the Relay, I know we are on the way to a cure, but that God has blessed them to be here longer.
I Relay in memory of my great-grandmother, Mary Lou Falkenbury, and in honor of my friend, Kimberly Tijerina. ~ Chase Ganske DAEP Teacher Varsity Assistant Football Varsity Assistant Baseball
Proudly supporting the Grimes County Relay for Life! Proven & Trusted Since 1959
My cousin, Denise, introduced me to Relay, she is a 29-year survivor. I saw her struggles, going through this, and if I knew then, what I know now, it could have been a little easier on our travels and other things we went through. I say we because I was there for her. When I think of Relay, I know I am doing something to help someone else. This is my 14th year and I am proud to Relay. ~ Francis Henderson, Team Captain The Game Plan
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continued from 5
Trotter said. “This was the agenda for my life, I set myself up with a little list and I checked little boxes off, cha-ching – got that degree, cha-ching – got married; and I thought I had it made.” But cancer does not believe in life paths, special lists or hard-won
goals. It does not care about schedules, life events or any other mile markers. Trotter remembers the call
from her mother that put another fork in their path, a second diagnosis of cancer, this time a lump in her breast. “The problem is when you find out you have cancer, you should have been researching that for the last six months,” said Trotter. “You should have been looking for a specialist, you should have been finding the best doctor, you should have been finding the best facility, you need to have already known that and it is a very scary time.” Her mother’s initial doctor wanted to perform a radical double mastectomy, but Elizabeth credits her mom’s recovery and treatment decisions to the American Cancer Society. “The other thing about my mom other than being 4’11” and weighing 110 pounds, is that she is built like Dolly Parton with red hair, for her to contemplate a double mastectomy was devastating,” remembered Trotter. “So, I did a lot of research through cancer.org and I particularly advocate the 1-800 number where you can call them and say, ‘I have gotten this diagnosis and this is what I know, can you tell me is this statistically, according to real studies, the best treatment for me?’ And that is important, because – I don’t know if you know this – but not everything on the internet is true.”
Where there is light there is hope.
Let’s Relay!
414 Farquhar St. • Navasota
Independently & Locally Owned
Trotter’s mother opted for a lumpectomy and is now considered a long-term cancer survivor. But, cancer was not done leading the family farther down its path. Through a hectic life full of caregiving, motherhood, entrepreneurship, committee volunteerism and a long list of organizations “that I shouldn’t have been on and doing way more than I needed to do,” Trotter took the advice of an advocate from the American Cancer Society to start performing self-breast exams. “I was going to take a shower everyday anyway and I thought I could probably work that in somehow and I did; about a year after I started doing that, I found a lump,” said Trotter. “They got me in and I did have early stage cancer and my journey was very, very easy in comparison to that of my mom, because of early detection. I owe my survival to the American Cancer Society and I know that you are probably just like me and you don’t have time for cancer.” According to Trotter, her mother’s family had 11 siblings and all of those who died have been a victim of cancer. Like so many other families around the world, cancer has reached out, taken their hand and led them along a path that they had no wish to follow. At the time of the survivor dinner, Trotter’s family was struggling with a possible diagnosis of cancer in her three-year-old grandson.
“I feel like I am a cancer magnet and that is ok, because I would do that a thousand times over and not have that happen to my three-year-old grandson,” said Trotter. For Trotter, her mother, her family and her grandson, the American Cancer Society and the Relay For Life program are a guiding light at the end of the cancer path. A beacon of hope that shines for all who are currently traveling through the darkness and a light of remembrance for those who have made it to the end and are now survivors. “Just remember as you are walking this year, as you are strapping on shoes and you are walking that track, for someone like me and for someone like my family and our journey, you are my hero,” Trotter said. “I appreciate everything you are doing and the hard work that you have put into this and I know I am a Hero of Hope for the American Cancer Society, but really you all are our heroes.” The American Cancer Society’s Relay For Life initiative includes more than 4 million people in 20 countries. The 2018 Grimes County Relay For Life will take place from 6 p.m. to midnight Friday, April 13, at Brule Field and Stadium in Navasota. Come help survivors and caregivers shine a light for cancer patients, while they “Scare the Pants Off of Cancer.”
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2018 Relay for Life Special Edition
In it to win it.
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Citizens State Bank proudly supports the American Cancer Society Relay for Life.
Local People... Local Decisions... 9109 Hwy 90 South • Navasota, TX 77868 (936) 825-3662 • csbtx.bank