BE0898 2014/15 Slaughter

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Module Title: Advanced Measurement and Technology Module Code: BE0898 Module Tutor: Alan Davis Coursework Title: Building Design and Performance Critique

The Potential for Refurbishment (or replacement of) Ellison Building Word Count: 3218 Student ID: 11006553 Submission Date: 10/02/2015

Advanced Measurement and Technology BE0898

Building Design and Performance Critique 11006553

Contents Title (Aim)................................................................................................................................................ 3 Introduction (Visiting Ellison building) .................................................................................................... 4 Main body (Possible improvements to the building).............................................................................. 8 Change the windows ....................................................................................................................... 8 Re-clad the building ........................................................................................................................ 9 Change the height of the sealing’s .................................................................................................. 9 Increase thermal mass and making the building more insulated and air tight. ........................... 10 Solutions for users ........................................................................................................................ 11 Change the heating system from gas condensing boilers ............................................................ 12 Renewable energy’s ...................................................................................................................... 13 Changing the roof outlook ............................................................................................................ 15 To rebuilt instead .............................................................................................................................. 16 Conclusion ............................................................................................................................................. 17 References ............................................................................................................................................ 18 Bibliography .......................................................................................................................................... 21


Advanced Measurement and Technology BE0898

Building Design and Performance Critique 11006553

Title (Aim) As buildings get older they become increasingly out dated by new more advanced buildings therefore the main aim of this report is to explore and identify the potential technics that could be used to refurbish or replace one of the University’s old buildings. The building chosen to look at is the Ellison building. This report will be looking mainly at how the building could be improved by refurbishment and will also suggest a few ideas if the building was to be replaced altogether. The drivers that will be looked at will be how the building could be improved visually to make the building look more attractive and give the University a better image in its design to attract more students, to increase a more sustainable environment in helping with the buildings energy consumption and lower carbon emissions and lastly how to make the building better for its users in terms of its usability.

Figure 1 (Ellison Building)

Figure 2 (Current energy certificate which needs improved)


Advanced Measurement and Technology BE0898

Building Design and Performance Critique 11006553

Introduction (Visiting Ellison building) Ellison building is one of the older buildings on campus at the University, which is used for students mainly from the faculty of engineering and environment. It has been around for nearly 50 years as it was built in 1966 and is a very vast building with different numbers of storeys and is divided into five different blocks, blocks A, B, C, D and E. Ellison building E has been the most recent part of the building that has been refurbished as the block was re-cladded 7 or 8 years ago and now looks very different to what it once looked. C block is very different to A and B blocks whereas D block houses the Vice Chancellor and his team therefore has very different requirement on how it looks and feels. The building has a boiler house in the basement below Ellison A block which powers all five blocks, there are 10 gas fire condensing boilers, configured in a way that they hardly ever condense. There are also gas fire water heating systems in the same plant room separate from the main boiler plant, which is used for Ellison blocks A and B which supplies heat for the castle canteen and labs for hot water and for other heating purposes. Figure 3 (Showing the different blocks to Ellison building)

Figure 4 (Block E's re-cladding) Figure 5 (The Canteen)


Advanced Measurement and Technology BE0898

Building Design and Performance Critique 11006553

Ellison used to have radiant ceiling heating installed but in the last ten years the University has tried to install radiators instead, moving away from radiated heating to installing a radiator based heating systems. Figure 7 (Example of the new radiator heating system)

Figure 6 (Example of the old ceiling heating systems)

Ellison building is a largely naturally ventilated building which relies on open windows in order to ventilate the space. There is a small amount of mechanical ventilation on the upper floors, 4, 5, 6 used for chemistry labs, with specialist extraction systems for viewing cupboards and supplies air ventilation from air handling systems on the roof. As explained the top part of Ellison A block has some parts of mechanical ventilations systems because of the use of the spaces, whereas some parts of the building don’t have any ventilation at all. With IT labs moving into the building next summer it is expected that it will become warmer due to the use of Computers. Figure 8 (Chemistry lab on the upper floors which is mechanically cooled)

Figure 9 (Chemistry lab on the lower floors)


Advanced Measurement and Technology BE0898

Building Design and Performance Critique 11006553

The construction of the building is all the same. It has a concrete frame, concrete floor slabs, concrete pillars, and regular bays with regular intervals right down the building, with artificial ceilings. The facade is non-structural which means the facade could be removed and the building would stay structurally safe. Figure 10 (Example of the regular pillars in a small lecture room)

Figure 11 (Another example of the regular pillars in a computer lab area)

The different sides of the building have different thermal comfort at different times of the day, with most lecturers saying that it is more comfortable having an office on the east facade than the west as the east side does not overheat as much as the west.


Advanced Measurement and Technology BE0898

Building Design and Performance Critique 11006553

Lastly the University tries to refurbish its buildings every 3 years. As shown below in figure 12 Ellison building D block has changed quite a bit since google maps took a photo of the building. Figures 13 and 14 show that there has been an entrance hallway added to D block and the bottom floor has been changed as there is now a glass window around the end of the block. The insides of the block have also been modernised with better ceilings and lighting as well shown in figures 15 and 16. Figure 12 (Photo of Ellison D block from google maps quite a few years ago) Figure 13 (photo of how Ellison D block looks currently)

Figure 14 (Another photo of how Ellison D block looks currently)

Figure 15 (Inside of block D Ground Floor)

Figure 16 (Inside Entrance to block D)


Advanced Measurement and Technology BE0898

Building Design and Performance Critique 11006553

Main body (Possible improvements to the building) Change the windows The windows in Ellison currently are not very aesthetically pleasing to look at and block A has silly little restrictors on them as one window swung open recently and smashed on the ground, this being a further reason to change the old rusted windows and replacing them with better more secure ones. By changing the windows by size or shape, not only will the building visually improve by having nice new ones, the windows can be changed to improve heat losses as the windows in the building currently are very poor and are not keeping in heat very well as they are very leaky. This can be improved by changing the single glazed windows to double glazed to improve the u value as the u value is not very good and needs lowered. There are a few different components that go into double glaze windows which are clear glass, emissivity glass, inert insulating gases and spacer between the glasses which all help to improve the u value according to Slimlite Double Glazing 2014. Single glazing windows normally have a u-value of 5.8 which would most likely be a similar value as to what is presently fitted to Ellison building, but if the windows were changed to Slimlite Self Cleaning Double Glazed Units with 5mm perimeter seal, it is possible to lower the u-value to 1.9 which would make a big difference to the building and could be a possible solution to the draughty windows. Although heat lose is not just down to the u value, it is infiltration heat lose as well as any uncontrolled leakage carries heat away from the building and increases energy consumption so making Ellison building more air tight is key to achieve very low energy consumption in the building which is touched on more below. Figure 17 (current look of window on Ellison building)


Advanced Measurement and Technology BE0898

Building Design and Performance Critique 11006553

Re-clad the building With changing the glazing and size of the windows this gives the option of recladding the building which could be a very good idea to use as the building visually is very ugly to look at, as mentioned already Block E is the only existing block to be re-cladded, which was done to increase and improve thermal efficiency, helping to reduce the energy consumption, environmental impact and improving the look of the building. This was re-cladded very quickly and would not take that much more time to do the rest of the building which could be suggested to do over the summer months. This would be a great way to make the building look more modern and help Northumbria attract more students as the building would look more attractive. The University could choose between different cladding options including traditional brick, contemporary tiles, rustic timber or laminate panels. An alternative method of cladding could be to use synthetic render which would not only improve the way the building looks but could help to form an air tight seal therefore reducing infiltration heat loss. Figure 18 (Example of the re-cladding on Block E)

Change the height of the sealing’s Figure 19 (Example of the different types of ceilings)

As the building has artificial ceilings, they therefore could be taken away to rise the floor sealing height, to create a taller room space and to give the rooms a new look. Taller spaces make the building better for natural ventilation, which would also expose the underside of the concrete floor slab above, this in turn would increase thermal mass and keep it a bit more comfortable. Most of the slab is straight on the floor which would provide access to use under floor heating for the floors above, if decided to do so as another source of heating instead of using radiators


Advanced Measurement and Technology BE0898

Building Design and Performance Critique 11006553

Increase thermal mass and making the building more insulated and air tight. Increasing the thermal mass of Ellison Building would help the buildings performance as thermal mass is to do with gaining and storing heat during the day and releasing it at night as thermal mass is related to the ability of the building structure to absorb and re-emit thermal energy in and out of the space as the internal temperature changes. Insulating the Ellison buildings to a higher standard and improving air tightness will both help to increase the thermal mass. This increases the significance of the stored heat which is very important. Insulating the outside of the building could make it easier to eliminate thermal bridging to further reduce heat loss and is a strong option for renovating existing buildings to near zero carbon. Figure 20 (example of how termodeck works)

Figure 21 (table comparing termodeck to other methods)

With making the building more insulated and air tight Northumbria could introduce termodeck systems. Termodeck brings more of the building structure into contact with the air in the building to maximise heat transfer which is needed to maximise efficiency. The system can very significantly reduce energy costs with savings of over 50% in some cases according to Termodeck 2013. Termodeck systems help to maximise the thermal mass of the building and stabilise temperatures reducing the need for heating and cooling, which was used in the Elizabeth Fry Building case. The whole idea of termodeck is to store heat in the buildings structure therefore reducing the amount of cooling that is needed to be done mechanically. Heat needs to be removed from the structure overnight to enable it to absorb heat the following day which is done using Night purge ventilation. Another technic that is used at night is Phase Change Material which uses off peak tariff electricity from small chillers as coolers spread over longer hours. They produce ambient air at night which enables higher efficiencies and can operate for longer therefore being more energy efficient. In other words they shift the cooling load to the night time and even out the heating load. 10

Advanced Measurement and Technology BE0898

Building Design and Performance Critique 11006553

Solutions for users Ellison building overheats quite a lot so finding a solution on how to make the rooms overheat less would dramatically make the building better for its users. Increasing ventilation is a must in this case and making better use of natural ventilation would be a lot better than using mechanical, natural ventilation takes advantage of both buoyancy and wind in order to push fresh air through a building. This removes the need for the use of intensive fans which can often be expensive in terms of installation and energy use. According to Breathing Building 2015 students’ performance can increase by 5-10% with supply of more fresh air which natural ventilation provides for free! Naturally ventilated buildings can utilise the stack effect which makes use of the fact that warm air rises above cold air, this is so that an atrium allows warm air from an occupied space to rise and escape through vents situated at the top of the building. Figure 22 (Example of the stack effect)

Northumbria could introduce a traffic light system that indicates to students and staff when it’s OK to open the windows. Although with a traffic light system frustration can build as there is no control of the environment and it does rely on clear communication and use of its users for the system to work effectively. Another alternative system which could be used that also needs the users to engage is mixed mode ventilation which is a hybrid system where natural ventilation is used in midseason conditions and mechanical ventilation is used in winter and summer to enable heat recovery in winter and guarantee fresh air movement in the summer. Figure 23 (example of the red light indicator system)


Advanced Measurement and Technology BE0898

Building Design and Performance Critique 11006553

Change the heating system from gas condensing boilers Northumbria could use other heating systems than the gas condensing boilers such as biomass heating, combined heat and power or district heating. Biomass heating could be used for to lower carbon, financial support as wood fuel boilers systems can ban benefit the renewable heat incentive, they can be a more affordable heating fuel although the piece of the wood fuel varies considerably and is often cheaper than other heating option according to Energy Saving Trust 2015. Combined heat and power could be an alternative to using the gas condensing boilers as it is a more efficient way to generate electricity close to its point of use but in a manner which enables the waste heat from the generation process to be used for space heating, domestic hot water heating, cooling and air conditioning. Figure 24 example of a combined heat and power system Image from:

District heating could also be used, as it supply’s heat to a number of buildings from a central heat source which would be good for Ellison as it is spilt in to five different buildings. It can distribute heat from a variety of different sources such as natural gas, bioenergy, combined heat and power, energy from waste heat, which gives the University a few options in using this method. It can also be updated as lower carbon option which is good for the environment. Figure 25 (Example of district heating)


Advanced Measurement and Technology BE0898

Building Design and Performance Critique 11006553

Renewable energy’s The University could use more renewable sources of energy to help with energy consumption and lower carbon emissions. The Ellison building is already powered by two wind powered turbines one being a normal type and the other being a vertical axis one, there are also a few solar panels on the roofs which all helps BREEAM ratings. Northumbria could consider adding more solar panels or other small wind turbines as there is still plenty of space on the roofs. Figure 27 (Example of Ellison's small wind powered turbine) Figure 26 (Example of Ellison's vertical axis wind powered turbine)

Figure 28(Examples of Ellison's Solar panels)

Another alternative Northumbria could do is add photovoltaic panels, like what they did to the Northumberland Building to help wall insulation improve. The panels could also help for shading and installing the panels over the windows could also save the University money rather than using traditional shading. In the lion building case they also had photovoltaic panels installed as shading which was also reduced heat gains in summer. Figure 29 (example of the photovoltaic panels on the Northumberland building)


Advanced Measurement and Technology BE0898

Building Design and Performance Critique 11006553

Northumbria could also consider making the grassy areas that are in the middle of the Ellison buildings into small ponds to encourage the idea of using very small water turbines or they could be used as an alternative source for foul water. Figure 31 (The other grassy area beside the building)

Figure 30 (Grassy area beside the building)

Figure 32 (converted to a small pond)

Figure 33 (converted to a small pond)

Figure 34 (Example of where the pond/small lake could go)

Innovate Green Office in Leeds created a lake on the site to enable the building to be built without having to bring significant amounts of additional material onto the site which in the University’s case would help more for if the building was being rebuilt again. More importantly was that the lake also contributed to reducing the burden on the foul water systems by attenuating run off during storms so the water gradually drained away, which supports the point made above. Northumbria could also consider instead of just converting the two grassy areas into pond the university could put a small lake in the middle of each of the buildings like for example were the grass part is Figure 35 (example of BIM Technology) between the statues they could make circular pond to help create a foul water system or it could be used in the opposite way as a purification system for foul water. A lake could also help as a water source for heat pumps in a Pond loop system. Northumbria could use Building Information Modelling technics to see the efficiency of the building and in order to help assess and visualise where the existing services of the building lay so they can see if the existing services could be used to connect new ones from the lake to the building.


Advanced Measurement and Technology BE0898

Building Design and Performance Critique 11006553

Changing the roof outlook Northumbria could consider a Boklok approach and could include a roof top garden on the top of each block to offer a new social dimension as like the headquarters for insurance company Willis Faber and Dumas. The University could try and make the lower level blocks have more sloping green roofs so that they could offer more open spaces for students, visitors and staff but also a space that the biomass will lend a hand in significantly reducing the need for both mechanical heating and cooling all year round. Additionally, an expansive roof could also aid in capturing rainwater runoff and promote the propagation of an array of trees and plants that would otherwise be difficult to maintain, like the Kyaoi Garden University. According to Urban Roof Garden 2015 “Buildings with roof gardens lose 30% less heat in the winter, are cooler in the summer, and offer year-round sound insulation. This helps the environment and reduces energy bills.� This would help the University lower its carbon emissions and climb up the environmental league table and obtain more BREEAM points. Figure 36 (Example of the lower Ellison Roof) Figure 37 (Example of Willis Faber and Dumas roof)

Figure 38 (Example of Kyaoi Garden University roof)

Figure 40 (Example of the highest Ellison Roof)

Figure 39 (Example of the middle level Ellison Roofs)


Advanced Measurement and Technology BE0898

Building Design and Performance Critique 11006553

To rebuilt instead If Northumbria was to completely rebuild the building again as the building is so large with a lot of administration offices and staff to house completely demolishing the entire building would not be advised, as the University could not afford to lose so much teaching space and would have problems with where the staff would be housed even if the building was reconstructed over the summer months. A phased approach would be more appropriate instead of rebuilding the building all in one go, the University could be encouraged to rebuild half of the building then do the other half or maybe do it by block by block or floor by floor to keep the University operational. The University could be encouraged to look at a boklok approach in offsite construction or prefabrication as it is a far quicker way of construction than the normal method. If the Northumbria was to rebuild the building again they could consider lots of things such as changing the design, look and orientation which could all been seen as positives but in terms of embodied energy if the University was to demolish the building it would be saving energy in the longer term but would be spending a lot of embodied energy in changing the building would could also be seen as a negative. With changing the orientation of the building it could benefit from more of an East west orientation, it could be zigzag facing or south facing as it is easier to shade and gains receives solar gain better. With the look and design it could be designed to look more like city campus east making the building more trendy and modern.


Advanced Measurement and Technology BE0898

Building Design and Performance Critique 11006553

Conclusion In conclusion the aim of this research which was to find potential technics that could be used to refurbish or replace Ellison building has been achieved as the University could use such technics as changing the single the glazing windows to double glazing windows and then could also re-clad the building to improve insulation, keep the building more tight and help the building visually. The University could change the gas condensing boilers to combined heat and power or biomass heating to save energy consumption, Northumbria could use more renewable energy technics such as using more wind and solar power or even becoming more adventurous and include a pond or two which would help sustain the environment. Roof top gardens could be introduced to also help with environmental issues and reduce carbon emissions as well as making the building look better visually and attract more students. The usability could be made better from using the mixed modes or traffic light systems and that user could concentrate more with using more natural ventilation from such methods of the stack effect. Lastly offsite construction or prefabrication could be used if replacing the building to quicken up the build process.


Advanced Measurement and Technology BE0898

Building Design and Performance Critique 11006553

References, (2015). Innovate Green office, Thorpe. [online] Available at:,_thorpe.aspx [Accessed 9 Feb. 2015]., (2015). Biomass | Energy Saving Trust. [online] Available at: [Accessed 10 Feb. 2015]. Figure 1. Slaughter, M. (2015). Technology Coursework photos. (Accessed 9 Feb. 2015). Figure 1. Slaughter, M. (2015). Technology Coursework photos. (Accessed 9 Feb. 2015). Figure 2. Slaughter, M. (2015). Technology Coursework photos. (Accessed 9 Feb. 2015). Figure 3. Slaughter, M. (2015). Technology Coursework photos. (Accessed 9 Feb. 2015). Figure 4. Slaughter, M. (2015). Technology Coursework photos. (Accessed 9 Feb. 2015). Figure 5. Slaughter, M. (2015). Technology Coursework photos. (Accessed 9 Feb. 2015). Figure 6. Slaughter, M. (2015). Technology Coursework photos. (Accessed 9 Feb. 2015). Figure 7. Slaughter, M. (2015). Technology Coursework photos. (Accessed 9 Feb. 2015). Figure 8. Slaughter, M. (2015). Technology Coursework photos. (Accessed 9 Feb. 2015). Figure 9. Slaughter, M. (2015). Technology Coursework photos. (Accessed 9 Feb. 2015). Figure 10. Slaughter, M. (2015). Technology Coursework photos. (Accessed 9 Feb. 2015). Figure 11. Slaughter, M. (2015). Technology Coursework photos. (Accessed 9 Feb. 2015). Figure 12., (2015). Northumbria University - Google Maps. [online] Available at:,or.r_qf.&bvm=bv.85076809, d.bGQ&biw=1366&bih=653&dpr=1&sns=1&um=1&ie=UTF8&sa=X&ei=5uLPVLGCFpKw7AafnYDgCQ&sqi=2&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAQ&output=classic&dg=brw [Accessed 2 Feb. 2015]. Figure 13. Slaughter, M. (2015). Technology Coursework photos. (Accessed 9 Feb. 2015). Figure 14. Slaughter, M. (2015). Technology Coursework photos. (Accessed 9 Feb. 2015). Figure 15. Slaughter, M. (2015). Technology Coursework photos. (Accessed 9 Feb. 2015). Figure 16. Slaughter, M. (2015). Technology Coursework photos. (Accessed 9 Feb. 2015).


Advanced Measurement and Technology BE0898

Building Design and Performance Critique 11006553

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Advanced Measurement and Technology BE0898

Building Design and Performance Critique 11006553

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Advanced Measurement and Technology BE0898

Building Design and Performance Critique 11006553

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