the featherstone project

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featherstone project


featherstone project a s t r a wb a le e coh aus t oolk it





De dic ation: This research book is dedic ated to my mother, Bar bara Caldwel l. I would like to thank her for instil ling in me environment al ly conscious values at a young age. She has inspired me and driven me to pursue my passion for sust ainable design in the field of architec ture.

Develope d by: Matthew Johnston







Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Building Materials & Sustainable Strategies

1. Building Materials & 1

Straw Bale


Earth Building


Passive Solar


Active Solar


Renewable Electricity Systems


Solar Thermal


Reclaimed, Recycled & Local


Light-Weight Concrete


Water Strategies


Case Study Homes


Tucson Mountain Retreat


Rondolino Residence


J2 Residence


Haus Simma




Millette/Burch Cabin


Tucson Mountain House


Jackrabbit Wash


Pueblo Revival Style


Key Considerations


Building Elements


LEED for Homes Checklist


Build It Green Checklist


Your Green Home: Where to Build



97 vii





Chapter 1:

Building Materials & Sustainable Strategies






Straw Bale: Introduction Definition Straw bale construction uses baled straw from wheat, oats, barley, rye, rice and others in walls covered by earthen or lime stucco (some use cement stucco, but not typically suggested). Straw bale are traditionally a waste product which farmers do not till under the soil, but do sell as animal bedding or landscape supply due to their durable nature. In many areas of the country, it is also burned, causing severe air quality problems. It is important to recognize that straw is the dry plant material or stalk left in the field after a plant has matured, been harvested for seed, and is no longer alive. In contrast, hay bales are made from short species of livestock feed grass that is green/alive and are not suitable for this application. Hay is also typically twice the price of straw. Considerations This technique for constructing walls has been recently revived as a low cost alternative for building highly insulating walls. The technique was practiced in the plains states in the latter 1800’s and early 1900’s. Many of the early structures are still standing and being used. The technique has been applied to homes, farm buildings, schools, commercial buildings, churches, community centers, government buildings, airplane hangars, well houses, and more. Straw is also being used as a building material currently in sheet materials such as sheathing and wall panels. However, the approach of using bales directly, despite its history, is a new technique from a regulatory standpoint. In the 1990s a number of cities passed a straw bale construction building code, followed by the state of California. Building walls with straw bales can be accomplished with unskilled labor, and the low costs of the bales make this technique economically attractive. However, it is important to realize that the cost of straw bales will differ depending on what time of year they are harvested and how far they need to be transported. They are cheaper at the time of harvest rather than after they have been stored from the previous season and, of course, cheaper if they are transported shorter distances. Bales must also be protected from getting wet. Costs also begin to rise when one considers the type of stucco and its application. An earthen plaster taken from site soil, applied by the owner/builder, and maintained by the owner is quite inexpensive, but may take a long time to apply. A cement stucco applied by a contractor is accomplished quickly and lasts a very long time without any maintenance, but also costs money. As with any style of construction, the more labor input by the owner and the less by the contractor, the less costly it will be.

Two basic styles of straw bale construction have been used: post and beam construction with straw bale infill, and structural straw bale construction or “Nebraska” style (the weight of the roof is supported by the bales). There are a number of straw bale buildings now located in the Austin area and local expert consultation and construction is readily available. (See Resources) Technology Experimentation with straw bale construction continues. A good deal of standardization and refinement in regard to techniques, tools, and associated materials is now appearing. Suppliers Straw is plentiful in many locations. However, distribution systems are not developed for straw to be used construction. Cost This can be one of the most economical wall systems. Houses have been constructed for as low cost per square foot (floor area) for very basic accomodations to high end homes at well over $100.00 per square foot. Building code acceptance will be key to obtaining conventional financing. The cost of construction with straw-bales is comparable to wood frame construction. As the cost of wood rises, and bale systems are refined, straw bale will be less. When energy savings over time are factored in, straw-bale is the economical choice. One family in California’s hot Central Valley was able to obtain a higher mortgage for their straw-bale home by showing that their cooling costs would be substantially less. Public Acceptance The appearance of a completed straw bale structure is similar to a southwestern adobe style building. This look is generally positively viewed . There will be hesitation among mainstream buyers to this technique at first since it is new and unusual. Significant interest in this type of construction exists in our region, although the adobe style is not typical for this area. Regulatory Any unusual building technology must be evaluated by the code enforcement authorities before approval can be granted. This is typically done by review of another code agency’s approval or position on the technology or by review of test data supplied by a reputable independent laboratory. In the case of straw bale construction, there are precedents of approval in other jurisdictions. Anyone wishing to receive approval should follow the local straw bale construction code. The inspections department in other areas can refer to the Green Building Program for locations of precedents from our as well as other building inspection departments. building materials & sustainable strategies


Guidelines & Overview Straw bale construction exhibits R values from R-30 and up to R-45. The bales are typically covered with concrete mortar/stucco or earthen/lime plaster, achieving a high degree of fire resistance. Two hundred million tons of straw are burned annually in the US. The stability and lack of weathering in straw is not desirable in agriculture but quite desirable in construction. Straw in straw bale structures has not shown evidence of termite infestations. Dry bales should be used. Moisture levels in use and in storage should be below 14%. The bales should be kept dry after construction. Bales may be anchored to each other for stability while under construction using stakes of wood (1×2×36), rebar (#3 or #4) or bamboo that penetrate at least two bales. Another less popular method uses mortar or clay between bales. A new method uses bamboo (or similar) stakes on both sides of the bales, tied with wire or twine, “corsetting” the bales. Such anchoring is generally accepted to be primarily necessary to keep walls from toppling during construction; well applied plaster will usually provide sufficient stability once complete – though by that time, whatever pinning method was used is embedded in the walls. Bales can be used flat or on edge. They are best used flat for structural purposes. Plaster will also “key” into the ends of the straw when bales are laid flat, whereas bales on edge will have the long length of the straw on the wall surface, providing a weaker bond between the plaster and bale. Bales come with two-wires or three-wires (or strings) holding them together. Twowire bales weigh about 50 pounds and three-wire bales, 75-100 pounds. Two-wire bales are usually 14 inches high, 18 inches wide, and 32-40 inches long (typical in Texas). Three-wire bales are 16-17 inches high, 23-24 inches wide, and 42-47 inches long (typical in western states). Bales should be firm and strung tightly with either baling wire or twine. Half bales and whole bales are needed so the bales are staggered when stacked. A post and beam timber frame construction (or steel or concrete) can use bales as infill. The frame adds to the expense in materials and in labor for constructing it and then working around the frame with the bales. However, this approach will be more readily received by building officials. Window and door frames and headers can be made from wood. Windows and doors are typically accentuated towards the interior or (less preferable) exterior of the opening creating a deep well. Care is needed to if creating a deep well on the exterior to avoid water entering or collecting in these areas. Windows tend to be a point of failure due to water invasion, so they must be detailed carefully.





A wood plate or concrete beam (or bond beam) is placed on top of the wall. Trusses or roof framing can be set on this. A threaded bar can penetrate through the top bales and be fastened to the plate or beam for added roof stability Poultry netting can be mounted on both sides of the walls for plastering, though it is no longer considered mandatory by many bale builders. Stucco lath is used around windows, doors, and corners for added strength. The wire netting and lath are typically held against the bales by wire ties through the bales or “U” shaped pins into the bales. Utilities can be laid in the walls as they are built, laid against the bales after the walls are built or run in moldings, interior walls, under floors, or in the attic. Structural/Load Bearing, or “Nebraska Style,” straw bale construction requires that the bales sit for a short period of time to complete any settling before stucco is added, or that the walls be mechanically pre-compressed. If the bales are firm, there will be very little settling (typically less than 1 inch). A wire tie-down system which is connected to the foundation and the top plate, application of downward pressure using a front end loader bucket or similar, or any of a number of other techniques have the ability to firm up the wall and compress it to compensate for any settling concerns. Approximately 10,000 acres of wheat and oats are harvested in the Travis County region each year. Eight to ten acres can supply sufficient straw to build a small house. The best time to obtain straw is at harvest time, May through June in central Texas.

Straw-bale Construction When considering ecologically sound construction methods and materials, few if any have as many layers of redeeming value as straw-bale construction. For starters, the raw material is 100% waste of another industry, the growing of grain for food, and in many cases is otherwise burned, causing serious pollution. The material is also packaged in a convenient and user-friendly form. Straw-bale construction is a proven method of long-lasting durable building. Homesteaders in the Great Plains started building with bales in the late 1800’s, and many of these structures still stand today. Properly built and maintained, straw buildings can have a useful life span of at least 90 years.

Straw walls place all the wall elements in the right location. Protective layer on the outside, ample insulation at the the center, and thermal mass to the interior. These area the ingredients of high-performance wall systems, in this case utilizing natural, healthy materials. When laid flat and stacked like bricks in a ‘running bond’ pattern, a plastered or stuccoed straw-bale wall is ±27” thick and yields an insulating value of R-57. Stacked ‘on edge’, with straw parallel to the plane of the wall, similar insulation levels are achieved in 25% less width (±18”). The State of California has established R-30 as the accepted value, still several times the value of typical insulated wood walls. Straw-bale can have great aesthetic value, and lends itself to a variety of styles and finishes. The thick walls present opportunities for niches, deep window sills and seating areas, and “truth windows”. The substitution of bales for lumber can relieve the pressure to log old-growth forests, preserving ecosystems for wildlife habitat, air-quality and soil-stabilization. And, as Matts Myhrman once said, “You can do anything with straw-bales, except have skinny walls!”

building materials & sustainable strategies






building materials & sustainable strategies


The Green Studio Handbook





Earth Building In the right circumstances monolithic earth walls are an effective construction system, providing durable walls that mediate the daily and seasonal temperature swings. Earth construction may well be the oldest method of building in the world, as ancient cities of Mesopotamia were built of rammed earth and stone. It is the quintessential local building material, with a large variety of types and styles suited to an equally large variety of climates and soil types. Some of these systems include adobe, light straw-clay, cob, and hybrid adobe. Rammed earth or the sprayed soil-cement variation known as PISE. Soil-cement is typically reinforced, and stabilized with cement or lime, important when working in locations with seismic concerns. Without an insulating layer, monolithic earth construction should only be used in relatively mild climates and with careful attention to solar orientation, shading and passive design. The mass helps mediate diurnal temperature swings, but spaces may become too warm or cool during unseasonable periods of weather. We generally prefer to use earth as a finish on straw-bale or other insulating systems, or as a thermal mass wall within an insulating envelope. This way the full benefits of the earthen walls are enjoyed in a wider variety of climatic conditions. Aesthetically a variety of textures and finishes can be achieved depending on technique – from the striations of a rammed earth wall, to a textured or troweled sprayed wall – giving structures a natural, timeless quality.

Compressed Earth Block Often called CEB’s or pressed adobes, are construction blocks composed of clay, sand, and sometimes a stabilizing ingredient (such as lime or Portland cement). These blocks are uniform in size and shape due to the fact that the ingrediants are pressed by a hydraulic or lever arm machine. These CEB machines can be transported to remote regions to transform unfertile dirt into long term housing (emergency) quickly. Compressed Earth Blocks can be entirely natural. As with sundried adobes, compressed adobes add excellent thermal mass that helps alleviate indoor temperature fluctuations. CEBs are denser than sun dried adobes. Rammed Earth Is a wall system made of earth, water, and sometimes cement tamped in lifts inside of removable forms. Compaction is the force which turns soil into sedimentary rock. In rammed earth, compaction occurs through impact, the force of a tamper falling time and again on a recipient soil mass. This impact not only compresses the soil, but also encourages the individual particles within the soil to realign themselves. The jarring action of the tamper forces the particles into the tightest possible molecular and mechanical configuration. Rammed earth construction can utilize local natural materials and provides excellent thermal mass.

Adobe Adobe is the popular Spanish word for mud brick. The term Adobe refers to an unfired earth brick used for building walls. Adobe bricks are made of sand, clay, water, and sometimes straw. The brick typically measures approximately 10”wx14”lx4”h. The bricks are dried in the sun and then stacked to build walls. Often covered in stucco or earth plaster, adobe walls provide excellent thermal mass that combines well with passive solar heating. Adobes can also be used to form vaults and domes. Adobe is a forgiving material. Some feel that the unfired clay in adobes has an additional low- tech evaporative cooling effect similar to a phase change material. Sometimes adobes are stabilized with various additives to make them more impervious to moisture. Most of the oldest structures still in existence are were constructed with adobes. An adobe is a very natural product. Some estimates suggest over 1/2 the worlds population live in earthen structures. building materials & sustainable strategies


Passive Solar Passive Solar Design takes advantage of site, climate, and the energy of the sun to provide thermal comfort - both heating and cooling. Shaping and orienting buildings and paying careful attention to design, building systems and detailing are key to optimizing the passive performance. Because the strategies are so variable depending on the specifics of the location, passive solar design results in buildings that are finely tuned to their settings and site. In most climates buildings can achieve passive comfort for a majority of the time, with additional energy inputs for extreme periods of weather being met through supplemental systems, ideally from renewable energy resources (aka ‘active solar’), as discussed below. Factors that influence the siting of a structure include orientation relative to solar access, protection from harsh sun or winds, and relationships to slopes or existing vegetation. Generally buildings should have the majority of their glazing facing within 30° of due south, and we find that in most instances the optimal orientation is roughly 17.5° east of due south, so a building has more morning gain and less later in the day. Microclimate conditions (i.e. fog, diurnal temperatures, etc.) and the specifics of the site require further consideration when determining the optimal orientation. Passively heated buildings typically feature high insulation levels and tight construction, south-facing glazing, and thermal mass within the building’s insulation envelope. Thermal mass is defined as heavy, dense materials, which might include slab-on-grade floors, thick soil or plaster wall finishes, thick or double gypsum board finishes, and masonry elements such as fireplaces, masonry heaters, or planters. Properly sized shading over windows and doors is key to controlling unwanted solar gain. Generally one wants to limit east, west and north facing glazing, though with high quality windows and advanced glazing systems one can enjoy views in these directions without high energy loss or gain penalties. Passive cooling similarly features proper shading and thermal mass within the building envelope, and in many climates a comfortable environment can be maintained with natural ventilation alone. Here in California where nighttime temperatures are lower, night flushing via fans or natural convection (warm air rising) can be used to remove heat stored in the thermal mass from the building. Windows or fan openings are then closed in the morning and the mass helps keep the building cool and comfortable. Other passive design features that can reduce the active energy needs of a building include daylighting, air-to-air heat exchange, radiant barriers and/or ventilated roof systems, and movable shading systems such as shutters or awnings. Employing these passive strategies can reduce or eliminate the mechanical systems, saving both direct costs and long-term energy costs. 10




By properly orienting the building & windows, adding thermal mass, analyzing sun angles to determine overhang sizes and locations, and adding night insulation, the use of solar energy can greatly decrease the need for mechanical heating and cooling systems, thus greatly reducing energy costs. By balancing room volume, south facing glass, and thermal mass, the sun’s energy benefits are maximized without the use of mechanics, machines, or electronics. There are three main methods to utilize passive solar heating. They are: direct gain, trombe wall, or green house strategies that can be mixed depending on circumstances. Depending on the climate, or site conditions it may be necessary to combine passive solar with backup systems in order to achieve effective and flexible heating and cooling.

Active Solar

Renewable Elec. Systems

Active Solar describes energy systems which capture the sun’s energy and store it in some manner for later use, through mechanical or electrical means. The two basic types are electrical systems, such as photovoltaics, wind, or hydro, and thermal systems that heat liquid for domestic hot water and/or space heating needs.

Residential scale renewable energy typically means electricity generation via photovoltaic panels, but if the conditions allow, wind or micro-hydro are attractive renewable energy options. The discussion here is focused on photovoltaic (aka PV) systems.

Active solar systems use mechanical components such as solar hot fluid pipes, photovoltaic solar panels and wind generators for collection of active solar energy. These technologies can absorb the sun’s heat and store it in water tanks, rock beds, or the like. Pipes or wires and ducts are required to distribute the heat with the aid of fans and pumps. A renewable energy, active solar is a sustainable way to heat fluids or create electricity.

Framed PV panels are the most common form of photovoltaic energy collection. These panels laminate solar cells (thin slices of mono-crystalline or polycrystalline silicone) onto glass surfaces which are interconnected in arrays generating DC (direct current) electrical energy, typically between 12 and 48 volts, though some grid-intertie inverters operate at higher voltages. An inverter converts the DC current into typical household AC (alternating current) 120 volt power. Regarding residential projects, the average California household uses 20 kWh (kiloWatt-hours) of electricity per day. With some basic energy conservation (efficient lighting and appliances, limited or no air conditioning, and conscious use) a household should be able to get that use down to 10 kWh or less. Assuming an average of 5 hours of sunlight, and some electrical inefficiencies (line loss, inverter, etc.) this would require an array of approximately 2500 Watts (2.5 kW). Typical PV panels generate 10 Watts per square foot, so a 2.5 kW array will cover an area of roughly 250 sq. ft. For top performance panels are sloped and oriented close to due south. Optimal orientation and slope depend on ones latitude and weather patterns; here in the San Francisco Bay Area the optimal angle for a fixed array facing due south is approximately 30° above horizontal. With seasonally adjusted panels, one can achieve an additional 10% of production. Fully tracking arrays can increase output by about 35% at our latitude, but tracking systems are prone to significant maintenance.

building materials & sustainable strategies


Solar Thermal Systems Collecting heat from the sun and storing it in the form of water is the most typical active thermal system, with the heat then being used later for domestic hot water and/or space heating needs. There are a few basic variations we employ, but we aren’t limited to these. Batch collectors use domestic water pressure to push fresh water through the hot water collector, for domestic needs. This type of collector can only be used in climates that do not experience hard freezes. When the tap is turned on, heated water is pushed from the panel to the faucet where it is replaced with cool, incoming water. Often this is piped through a hot water heater, either as a pre-heat to a tank type heater, or through a solar-calibrated instant hot water heater, which doesn’t turn on if the water is already hot. Solar hot water systems in freezing climates will typically feature a closed loop system running anti-freeze (glycol) treated water through the collectors to a heat exchanger which in turn heats water in a solar storage tank. Unless the tank is located above the panel, this water must be pumped mechanically, either with a thermostatically controlled pump, or a 12V DC pump powered by a photovoltaic panel, which is elegant system in that it only runs when the sun is shining, heating the water in the collector. Space heating can be accomplished with a variation on the closed loop option, by increasing the size of the collector array and, following the heat exchange, piping some of the heated fluid to either a large hot water storage tank, or through tubing that is buried in a 2’ to 3’ deep insulated bed of sand beneath the floor slabs. This combined solar direct hot water and space heating system was pioneered by Shelter Systems in Wisconsin, and made popular by Bob Ramlow. (This system and all things related are discussed in Bob’s book ‘Solar Water Heating’). This system can be combined with masonry heaters and wood-burning boilers as well as with air-source and geo-exchange heat pumps. Solar Hot Water 1. Solar water heating systems use solar panels, called collectors, installed on the roof. 2. These collect heat from the sun and use it to warm water which is stored in a tank. 3. A boiler or immersion heater can then heat the water further until it reaches the temperature set by the tank’s thermostat.





Reclaimed, Recycled & Local Light-Weight Concrete Reclaimed materials are re-used without any reprocessing. Direct re-use of materials, products, or goods that may involve cleaning or refurbishing. Adaptive Reused Materials Materials re-used for an entirely different function. Recycled Materials Materials that would have been considered waste, but was reprocessed to make a new consumer product. With energy input, the re-use of post consumer or post industrial waste.

A concrete building system that utilizes a light-weight aggregate or has a substantial amount of air in the mixture. Some light-weight aggregates are pumice (volcanic rock) or fly ash. Some fly ash is reclaimed from industrial waste. Lightweight concrete typically has a medium compressive strength, and fairly good thermal mass and insulation qualities. This medium weight material is easy to work with and has proven to be a very efficient building system. These materials can be environmentally sound, plentiful, energy-efficient, safe, reliable, and as easy to use as traditional materials (such as wood or standard concrete).

The re-use of materials is not only environmentally correct, but recycled materials can also be as interesting as natural materials. There is a crucial need for our economy to duplicate natures cycles, in which the waste of one process becomes the food for another.

building materials & sustainable strategies


SIPs SIPs are the 21st Century Building Material Structural insulated panels (SIPs) are a high performance building system for residential and light commercial construction. The panels consist of an insulating foam core sandwiched between two structural facings, typically oriented strand board (OSB). SIPs are manufactured under factory controlled conditions and can be fabricated to fit nearly any building design. The result is a building system that is extremely strong, energy efficient and cost effective. Building with SIPs will save you time, money and labor. Building with SIPs generally costs about the same as building with wood frame construction when you factor in the labor savings resulting from shorter construction time and less jobsite waste. Other savings are realized because smaller heating and cooling systems are required with SIP construction. Structural insulated panels (SIPs) are one of the most airtight and well insulated building systems available, making them an inherently green product. An airtight SIP building will use less energy to heat and cool, allow for better control over indoor environmental conditions, and reduce construction waste.





WATER STRATEGIES Reduce site disturbance, restore open space by using indigenous plants and developing a more natural landscape solution will help to achieve this credit without adding any cost to the project. Choosing plants that need little water and no irrigation system will reduce the operational costs associated with an irrigation system. (SS Credit 5.1)

Establishing a water balance (a numerical account of how much water enters and leaves the boundaries of a project) is a critical step in understanding water flows on-site. Balancing available on-site water supplies, including rainwater and recycled water, with occupant demand. Net-Zero Water Abstract (Cascadia GBC)

Limit disruption of natural water hydrology by reducing impervious cover, increasing on-site infiltration, reducing or eliminating pollution from stormwater runoff, and eliminating contaminants. Design the project site to maintain natural stormwater flows by promoting infiltration. Specify vegetated roofs, pervious paving, and other measures to minimize impervious surfaces. Reuse stormwater volumes generated for non-potable uses such as landscape irrigation, toilet and urinal flushing and custodial uses. (SS Credit 6.1) Limit disruption and pollution of natural water flows by managing stormwater runoff. Use alternative surfaces (e.g., vegetated roofs, pervious pavement or grid pavers) and nonstructural techniques (e.g., rain gardens, vegetated swales, disconnection of imperviousness, rainwater recycling) to reduce imperviousness and promote infiltration thereby reducing pollutant loadings. Use sustainable design strategies (e.g., Low Impact Development, Environmentally Sensitive Design) to design integrated natural and mechanical treatment systems such as constructed wetlands, vegetated filters, and open channels to treat stormwater runoff. (SS Credit 6.2) No potable water use for landscape irrigation. Perform a soil/climate analysis to determine appropriate plant material and design the landscape with native or adapted plants to reduce or eliminate irrigation requirements. Where irrigation is required, use high-efficiency equipment and/or climate-based controllers. (WE Credit 1.2) Innovative wastewater technologies and water use reduction. Use high-efficiency fixtures, dry fixtures such as composting toilets and waterless urinals, and occupant sensors to reduce the potable water demand. Reuse of stormwater and greywater for non-potable applications such as toilet and urinal flushing, mechanical systems and custodial uses. (WE Credits 2 & 3) LEED for New Construction

Toward Net-Zero Water The key here is to emphasize closed-loop systems, ultra-efficient measures to reduce system demands, small-scale management systems, fit-for-purpose water use and diverse, locally appropriate infrastructure. building materials & sustainable strategies






building materials & sustainable strategies






Chapter 2:

Case Study Homes






Tucson Mountain Retreat Architects: DUST Location: Tucson, Arizona Area: 3,640 sqft Year: 2012 The Tucson Mountain Retreat is located within the Sonoran Desert; an extremely lush, exposed, arid expanse of land that emits a sense of stillness and permanency, and holds mysteries of magical proportions. The home is carefully sited in response to the adjacent arroyos, rock out-croppings, ancient cacti, animal migration paths, air movement, sun exposure and views. Great effort was invested to minimize the physical impact of the home in such a fragile environment, while at the same time attempting to create a place that would serve as a backdrop to life and strengthen the sacred connections to the awe-inspiring mystical landscape. Intentionally isolating the parking over 400 feet from the house, one must traverse and engage the desert by walking along a narrow footpath toward the house, passing through a dense clustered area of cacti and Palo Verde that obscure direct views of the home Upon each progressive footstep, the house slowly reveals itself, rising out of the ground. The entry sequence, a series of playfully engaging concrete steps, dissolves into the desert. As one ascends, each step offers an alternative decision and a new adventure. Through this process, movement slows and senses are stimulated, leaving the rush of city life behind. The home is primarily made of Rammed Earth, a material that uses widely available soil, provides desirable thermal mass and has virtually no adverse environmental side effects. Historically vernacular to arid regions, it fits well within the Sonoran Desert, while at the same time it embodies inherent poetic qualities that engage the visual, tactile and auditory senses of all who experience it.

zone must be accessed by leaving the occupied zone, stepping outside, and entering a different space. This separation resolves the clients’ desired acoustic separation while at the same time, offers a unique opportunity to continuously experience the raw desert landscape. Rooted in the desert, where water is always scarce, the design incorporates a generous 30,000 gallon rainwater harvesting system with an advanced filtration system that makes our most precious resource available for all household uses. Solar heat gain is reduced by orienting the house in a linear fashion along an east–west axis, and by minimizing door and window openings in the narrow east and west facades. The main living and the sleeping spaces extend into patios and open toward the south under deep overhangs that allow unadulterated views and access to the Sonoran Desert. The overhangs provide shelter from the summer sun while allowing winter sunlight to enter and passively heat the floors and walls. They also scoop prevailing southerly breezes and enhance cross ventilation, which can be flexibly controlled by adjusting the floor-to-ceiling sliding glass doors. When the large glass doors are fully opened, the house is transformed, evoking a boundless ramada-like spirit where the desert and home become one.

The program of the home is divided into three distinct and isolated zones; living, sleeping, and music recording/home entertainment. Each case study homes






case study homes






case study homes






Rondolino Residence Architect: nottoscale Location: High Desert near Scotty’s Junction, Nevada Size: 1,200 sf building, 900 sf exterior deck Completed: December 2010 The Rondolino residence is the prototype of the T-modulome, a prefabricated building system by nottoscale that was first developed in 2002. Fabrizio Rondolino, an independent writer and author from Rome, Italy commissioned nottoscale to build the T-modulome on an isolated stretch of land in the Nevada desert near Scotty’s Junction. After a couple of challenges that we faced due to the remoteness of the site and the Wild West mentality of the local contractors, the building was finally completed in December of 2010. During the entire process the client and architect solely communicated via e-mail and did not even meet or talk once – and to this day have not met in person. The site is an isolated piece of land in the Nevada High Desert near Scotty’s Junction and is far from any infrastructure or for that matter any neighbor, which is why we had to scrape a dirt path to the site, dig a well, create a leech filed and bring electricity to the site. After spending several days on the site, nottoscale situated the building in such a way as to take full advantage of the surrounding views, existing wind patterns and the trajectory of the sun. The client loves the desert and wanted a vacation home in the middle of this isolated stretch of high desert that incorporates the vistas by visually expanding into the surrounding landscape, providing stunning views, while also making the desert part of the interiors – merging the inside with the outside. One of the main design considerations was to take advantage of the views and to give the owner the feeling to be in the middle of the desert even though when he is inside the home. This is why we introduced large floor to ceiling windows in all living quarters and raised the building on a concrete plinth which seems to emerge out of the desert landscape while overlooking the scenery. This gives the user the impression to float over, yet to be completely immersed into the desert landscape. We also took great care how to place windows so that they frame special aspects of the landscape – the long and low window in the kitchen for example frames a beautiful mountain range which one can only see while sitting down at the dining table.

and flooded with light, while visually expanding and connecting the interiors with the desert landscape. A large 900 sf deck with a sunken-in hot tub connects the two building modules while creating a transition zone between the inside and outside that through the use of large full height glass sliding doors can be completely opened so that the outside and inside of the building seamlessly merge if one desires so. The building itself sits on a large concrete plinth elevating the building above the desert floor so that it appears to float above the ground while lifting it out of the flash-flood water level. Passive cooling concepts such as cross and stack ventilation, shading, building orientation were used throughout the project. The House is oriented in such a way as to take advantage of prevailing winds that, through cross and stack ventilation, maintain a comfortable temperature in the house, avoiding the need for an highly energy intensive air conditioning system. The windows facing south are shaded by the large trellis on the deck while all the bedroom windows are facing north in order to prevent heat-gain. The large crawlspace under the house double functions as storage space as well as a climate buffer as it is filled with gravel that helps to maintain a low average temperature below the house throughout the year. The house is built with high insulating SIP panels and is heated with a radiant heating system that can easily be upgraded to a radiant cooling system if the client desires to do so. Various sustainable systems and approaches were used in order to minimize the physical as well as the carbon footprint of the building. The architect did not only furnish the entire house but also provided all items that are needed for a stay such as a fully equipped kitchen, stereo system, washing machine, alarm system and tools, so that the client only needs to bring his clothing and food when he comes to the house. Making this a truly turn key vacation home.

The house itself measures 1,200 sf, has 3 bedrooms, two bathrooms, an office, a storage and utility room as well as a large open kitchen, dining room, living room area that can extend onto the deck when the large sliding doors are opened. In order to minimize the built envelope the enclosed rooms are kept relatively small while a 9’-0” ceiling together with floor to ceiling windows make the space seem spacious case study homes






case study homes






case study homes






case study homes






case study homes






J2 Residence Architects: assemblageSTUDIO Location: Las Vegas, Nevada, USA Area: 12,000 sqft Year: 2011 The project is located in the master planned development of Summerlin, along the western edge of Las Vegas at the base of Red Rock. The community’s design requirements call for “design individuality, horizontally and sensitivity to the desert hillside environment.� J2 recognizes the owners and developers combined appreciation of the desert environment through our choice of materials, environmental orientations, daylighting, landscaping and use of renewable energy sources. Our client desired a home that engaged the outdoors within their living spaces. Expanded views into the adjacent golf course and foothills provide a connection between indoors and out. Each public space; great room, dining room, library, and casita is provided a view into the distant landscape as well as intimacy with the courtyard and pool. The basement bar and game room area connects to the outside through a courtyard which admits daylight into the space. The home provides a large percent of its own power consumption through Kyocera Multicrystal Photovoltaic Modules placed on the wing canopy. The canopy has been designed to eliminate direct sunlight from entering into the residence during the hottest seasons while allowing maximum visibility to the south. Rammed earth construction creates a thermal mass to mitigate the extreme fluctuations in day and nighttime temperatures.

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Haus Simma Architects: Georg Bechter Architektur+Design Location: Egg, Austria Area: Floor area: 169 m² (1,819 sf) Year: Reconstruction completed in 2010 In Bregenz Forest in Austria, a brick building from the 1960s was turned into a residential house optimized in terms of energy costs and ecological features. Future-oriented Building from the 1960s The house of the Simmas in Egg in Bregenz Forest in Austria was not able to meet the family’s requirements. The layout from the 60s was not outdated, but the main problem was that the house did not meet current standards in terms of energy standards. The family assigned Georg Bechter Achitektur + Design to take care of overhauling and renovating the building. As much of the existing structure was to be kept, however, living comfort were supposed to be adapted to today’s standards. With House Simma Georg Bechter showed how these two aspects were able to be connected with each other and which potential buildings from the 60s can have.

House Simma is now a consequently ecological residential house, which also convinces through its regionally oriented overhaul. All materials, be it wood or straw, come from the nearby surroundings and have been deployed completely untreated. Also the involved companies are located nearby, the architect lives only 6 kilometers from the house. The customers also gave a helping hand during the project. Massive Structure with a regional “Dress” The unusually thick walls are not only of energetic benefit, the compact character of the structure also serves as a means of design. The window reveals are getting thinner towards the top and thus emphasize the walls’ thickness towards the outside. The reveals also let plenty of natural light inside. The smoothed wooden facings are a visual contrast to the timber shingles, encasing the house from all side, which is typical for the region. The massive building has been embedded exceptionally well into the built surroundings thanks to the shingle façade. With house Simma, Georg Bechter did a great job in blending old and new. This should not only be a new standard concerning the renovation of old buildings. His project serves – from an ecological as well as from a design-oriented point of view – as a role model for sustainable and regional (re-) buildings.

Turned and opened In a way, the house was a “troublemaker”, since it was the only building the gable of which was built crosswise to the roofs of the neighboring buildings. Within the scope of the overhaul works the roof has been raised half a level and turned at the same time, so that its gable now points into the same direction as the ones of its neighbors. The layout of the inside has been altered as well. The rooms on the first floor have been opened and connected with each other, so the architect was able to create a spatial continuum. The ceiling of the living area has been raised by 80 cm. This has created a bright, generous room. The kitchen ceiling, lower by default, has been left the way it was. The various room heights give the rooms, despite the open layout, a character of its own. On the upper floor you will find three bedrooms and a bathroom. Consequently ecological and regional During the renovation project the architect and the customer had the main focus on ecological aspects. In order to improve insulating properties, the whole brick building has been enwrapped into a 40 cm thick straw layer. Apart from that, uneven parts were straightened and overhanging roof edges were cut off. The result was a compact structure which was able to be brought to low-energy standards thanks to the insulation. On the first floor the inside walls were faced with 3 cm thick panels, on the upper floor loam rendering was deployed. Both materials can pick up and absorb moistness and thus guarantee, together with the integrated heat recovery ventilation system, a well-balanced room climate. After this the walls are now nearly 81 cm thick. case study homes






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BaleHaus@Bath As part of ModCell’s® ongoing research programme we have built a two storey BaleHaus® on the campus of the University of Bath. The project is known as the BaleHaus@Bath. The construction programme commenced on the 16th of June 2009 and was completed in September 2009. The research will concentrate on a number of key area’s including: • Thermal performance • Acoustics • Air tightness • Relative Humidity The building has been fitted with the latest testing technologies to monitor all aspects of the buildings performance. At the end of the project the building will be dismantled and relocated to another site.

a commercial reality. The ModCell® system utilizes the excellent thermal insulation qualities of straw bale and hemp construction to form prefabricated panels, made in a local Flying Factory™. ModCell® allows super-insulated, high-performance, low energy ‘passive’ buildings to be built using renewable, locally sourced, carbon sequestering that offers sustainable building materials. ModCell® is designed for use in offices, schools, housing and commercial buildings. This innovative, offsite-manufactured wall and roof cladding system can be quickly and efficiently installed, creating buildings with thermal performance up to three times higher than the current building regulations require. This super-insulated system, combined with our airtight details, means that buildings constructed using ModCell® panels meet the demanding PassivHaus specification. As a result, ModCell® buildings can have zero heat requirements, saving money and CO2 emissions.

The ModCell® panels being used on the first floor of the building were previously used as the ground floor of ‘The House That Kevin Built’, THTKB. We are delighted that they have found a new home at the University of Bath. ‘The unique combination of high energy efficiency, use of renewable materials, and the ability to capture and store carbon in the structure, that Balehaus® offers are a very exciting prospect for the market. That’s why the Technology Strategy Board has supported the development of both Modcell® and Balehaus® as products with significant potential to reduce the environmental footprint of buildings’. “We won’t get to an ultra-low-carbon built environment simply by improving on the performance of the same old construction techniques. We need a lot more genuinely disruptive innovation. The BaleHaus (incorporating specially designed straw or hemp bales) certainly hits that button, and could play an important part in enabling house builders (both big and small) to meet their carbon targets, stay profitable and provide people with the quality, style and comfort they’re looking for.” Jonathon Porritt Founder Director Forum for the Future modcell overview ModCell® is one of the first products to make large-scale, carbon-negative building case study homes






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Millette/Burch Cabin Nevada City, California This 872 s.f. off-grid straw-bale project is a getaway home for a San Francisco couple with two active young boys. Located at 3600 ft. elevation in the remote Nevada County, the house mediates the northern edge of a forest glade, with driveway access and entry against a steeper slope to the north. The entry/mudroom, bath and mechanical space are located in a wood-framed volume a half level up from the main living space. This simple, strawbale volume opens to a south-facing terrace, connecting it to the forest glade, and a more intimate queen bed sized sleeping bay. An open loft above the kitchen provides additional sleeping space for kids and guests. The house features energy independence by necessity. Solar hot water collectors provide domestic hot water as well as space heating by flowing the heated fluid first through a heat exchanger and then into tubing buried in a 2 ft. bed of sand beneath the floor slabs. P.V. panels on the roof harvest electricity, stored in batteries, powering the well pump and other domestic needs. The metal roof, earth-cement on bale walls, fiber-cement siding and fire safe perimeter aim to survive a wildfire, ensuring that this small cabin will provide many years of service.

Hot water collector provides domestic hot water and heat for the small cabin. Along with the solar hot water collectors heating is accomplished through a 2ft deep Sandbed heat storage system. Though it’s tucked deep into the wilderness, the home sits isolated in a clearing to protect it from wildfires. The siding, metal roof and earth-cement on bale walls all contribute to the home’s wildfire resistance. An Honest Interior Inside, the home is unadorned with plywood-clad ceilings, polished concrete floors and rich, textured plastered walls. The arrangement of the floor plan is simple, but executed with defined, functional spaces. A queen sized sleeping nook off the living room, for instance, can be used as daytime away space while still being connected to the hub of the house. At night, it becomes its own bedroom by being buffered from the other sleeping areas by the living room. The kitchen, tucked below a bedroom feels as though it occupies its own room even though it shares floor space with the main living area. Upon visiting their site, Arkin Tilt presents you with a short passage. It reads: “As a branch grows in search of sunlight so too does a design evolve as a natural fit to its climate and circumstance.” Like all of their work, the Chalk Bluff Cabin delivers on that idea. Residential Architect, “Mountain Solo”, July 2011

David Arkin and Anni Tilt of Arkin Tilt Architects design beautiful homes. A lot of architects design beautiful homes, though. What distinguishes the work of Arkin Tilt is their ability to capture the essence of a place and the personality of a client and craft a design that complements both to near perfection. What makes the firm particularly unique is their unwavering dedication to ecologically sensitive design. They won’t take on a project that doesn’t have energy and resource efficiency as a core focus. This takes us to the Chalk Bluff Cabin, an off-thegrid straw bale getaway high on the remote edge of the Tahoe National Forest in California. Hybrid Straw Bale The 872 sq.ft. cabin is a hybrid straw-bale home. That simply means that some of the walls are conventionally built with dimensional lumber, the roof is made of SIPS and the other part-the main volume in this case-is built with straw bales. It’s an approach commonly taken by the firm, who are strong advocates of the ecological and performance benefits of building with straw bales, but acknowledge the benefits of other construction methods as well. Cut off from the Grid The home is so remote that its location is well beyond the utility grid. The home harvests energy from the sun through a PV array on the roof and stores the energy in batteries to operate the well pump and other domestic electrical services. A Solar case study homes






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The Green House: new directions in sustainable architecture

case study homes






Jackrabbit Wash Architects: Aaron D’Innocenzo Location: Joshua Tree, California Area: 148 sqm (1,600 sf) Year: 2012 This house was designed and hand built entirely by the owner as his first major project after graduating with a Master in Architecture. It is located in the Mojave Desert near Joshua Tree, California. As a result of its passive solar design, the house is able to heat and cool itself yearround, with no external energy input from traditional HVAC systems. In many ways, this house is the antithesis of Le Corbusier’s concept of a house as a “machine for living in”, as it is highly site-specific, extremely energy efficient, does not rely upon HVAC systems for temperature control, and nearly every element was designed and hand crafted specifically for this house. The project took nearly eight years to complete as all of the construction was done by the owner/architect himself. No contractors, sub-contractors, or daily helpers were involved.

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Pueblo Revival Style Pueblo Revival homes borrow ideas from the ancient earthen homes of Native Americans. Pueblo homes have many of these features: • Massive, round-edged walls made with adobe • Flat roof with no overhang • Stepped levels • Rounded parapet • Spouts in the parapet to direct rainwater • Vigas (heavy timbers) extending through walls to support the roof • Latillas (poles) placed above vigas in angled pattern • Deep window and door openings • Simple windows • Beehive corner fireplace • Bancos (benches) that protrude from walls • Nichos (niches) carved out of wall for display of religious icons • Brick, wood, or flagstone floors

tive layers of mud. Pueblo Revival houses became popular in the early 1900s, mainly in California and the southwestern United States. During the 1920s, aviation pioneer Glenn Curtiss and his partner James Bright introduced their own version of Pueblo Revival architecture to Florida. In the region that is now Miami Springs, Curtiss and Bright built an entire development of thick-walled buildings made of wood frame or concrete block. Modern day Pueblo homes are often made with concrete blocks or other materials covered with adobe, stucco, plaster, or mortar.

Due to Spanish influence, Pueblo Revival homes may also have these features: • Porches held up with zapatas (posts) • Enclosed patios • Heavy wooden doors • Elaborate corbels Variations of the Pueblo Revival style: • Pueblo Deco. Combining Pueblo Revival with Art Deco architecture, these homes are decorated with geometric patterns and Native American designs. • Santa Fe Style. This type of Pueblo became the standard in New Mexico after it was defined by the Santa Fe Historic Zoning Ordinance of 1957. • Contemporary Pueblo. Stripped down, unornamented Pueblos without posts, beams, or vigas. • Territorial Pueblo. Corners are square instead of rounded. Windows are framed with straight wooden moldings. About Pueblo Houses: Since ancient times, Pueblo Indians built large, multi-family houses, which the Spanish called pueblos (villages). In the 17th and 18th centuries, the Spanish made their own Pueblo homes, but they adapted the style. They formed the adobe into sun-dried building blocks. After stacking the blocks, the Spaniards covered them with proteccase study homes






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Chapter 3:

Key Considerations






Building Elements 1. Substructure a. Soils i. Types, presence of caliche aka bedrock b. Foundations i. Type, slab on grade, reinforced concrete, piers, c. Basement 2. Shell a. Superstructure (structure above grade) i. Structural system, Nebraska style (needs to settle), post and beam, wood trusses, types of connections ii. Number of floors, loft b. Exterior Enclosure i. Exterior wall construction type, clay, wood, masonry, straw, etc. ii. Exterior wall finish, clay, wood, hardboard, stucco (lime okay, cement not recommended), stone, veneer, masonry iii. Insulation, straw, batt/blanket, spray/rigid foam, rigid, block, loose fill (mineral), blue jean cotton, SIPs iv. Amount of ornate details, decorative openings, etc. (style) c. Roofing i. Roof material type, slate, metal, wood shingles/shakes, concrete tile, standing seam (good for PV) ii. Roof form, metal butterfly, flat adobe (rainwater collection, over hangs that respond to glazing, correct orientation, passive design), parapet iii. Underside of roof, open to structure, hard lid, cathedral ceiling iv. Skylights and roof penetrations (daylighting strategy) 3. Interiors a. Partitions b. Doors & Windows i. Glazing to wall ratio ii. Types, sizes and quantities c. Stairs d. Finishes i. Interior wall finish, gypsum board, plaster ii. Floor finishes, tile, linoleum, wood, carpet

4. Services (access to utilities) a. Plumbing i. Water balance, needs and uses, irrigation ii. Water storage and collection iii. Graywater iv. Water closet types b. HVAC i. Natural ventilation, mixed mode, central, heat recovery, radiant (floors, ceilings if multiple levels), passive heating, thermal mass (floors, thrombe wall), solar chimney (with black selective coating), fireplace c. Electrical i. Renewable energy investment, PV (rebates in NV), local resources ii. Energy budget, energy efficiency fixtures (LEDs, etc) 5. Equipment & Furnishings a. Energy Star 6. Sitework a. Landscaping b. Proximity to town c. Access to daylight, views, prevailing winds, sounds, smells d. Accessibility, is the site level 7. Budget & Schedule a. Overall sf needed / desired b. $ per sf target c. Number of exterior building corners d. Number of bedrooms, bathrooms, etc. e. Availability of local building materials, straw bales, certified wood, embod ied energy of materials (metal roof), red list materials, rapidly renewable (bamboo, linoleum), etc. f. Construction workers availability, labor g. Code compliance and building dept.

key considerations






LEED v4 for Building Design and Construction: Homes and Multifamily Lowrise Project Checklist Project Name Date Y


N Credit 1

Integrative Process


Location and Transportation Y

Prereq 1

Possible Points:

Floodplain Avoidance

15 Required


LEED for Neighborhood Development Location



Site Selection


Credit 3

Compact Development


Credit 4

Community Resources


Credit 5

Access to Transit


Sustainable Sites

Possible Points:

Credit 11

Heating & Cooling Distirbution Systems


Credit 12

Efficient Domestic Hot Water Equipment


Credit 13



Credit 14

High Efficiency Appliances


Credit 15

Renewable Energy


Materials and Resources

Possible Points:



Prereq 1

Certified Tropical Wood



Prereq 2

Durability Management


Credit 1

Durability Management Verification


Credit 2

Material Efficient Framing




Prereq 1

Construction Activity Pollution Prevention


Credit 3




Prereq 2

No Invasive Plants

Environmentally Preferable Products

Credit 4



Credit 1

Heat Island Reduction

Construction Waste Management

Credit 2

Rainwater Management


Credit 3

Non-Toxic Pest Control


Water Efficiency Y

Prereq 1

Possible Points:

Water Metering

12 Required


Total Water Use


Indoor Environmental Quality

Possible Points:



Prereq 1




Prereq 2

Combustion Venting



Prereq 3

Garage Pollutant Protection



Prereq 4

Radon Resistant Construction



Prereq 5

Air FIltering



Prereq 6

Environmental Tobacco Smoke



Prereq 7



Credit 2

Indoor Water Use


Credit 1


Credit 3

Outdoor Water Use

Enhanced Ventilation


Credit 2

Contaminant Control


Credit 3

Balancing of Heating and Cooling Distribution Systems



Credit 4

Enhanced Compartmentalization


Energy and Atmosphere

Possible Points:


Prereq 1

Minimum Energy Performance


Credit 5

Combustion Venting



Prereq 2

Energy Metering


Credit 6


Prereq 3

Education of the Homeowner, Tenant or Building Manager


Credit 7

Enhanced Garage Pollutant Protection Low Emitting Products

2 3

Credit 1

Annual Energy Use


Possible Points:

Prereq 1

Preliminary Rating

6 Required

Credit 2

Efficient Hot Water Distribution System


Credit 1



Credit 3

Active Solar Ready Design


Credit 2



Credit 4

HVAC Start Up Credentialing


Credit 5

Advanced Utility Tracking





Regional Priority

Possible Points:


Credit 1

Regional Priority: Specific Credit



Credit 2

Regional Priority: Specific Credit


Prereq 4

Home Size

Credit 6

Building Orientation for Passive Solar


Credit 3

Regional Priority: Specific Credit


Credit 7

Air Infiltration


Credit 4

Regional Priority: Specific Credit


Credit 8

Envelope Insulation


Credit 9



Credit 10

Space Heating & Cooling Equipment



Possible Points: Certified 40 to 49 points

Silver 50 to 59 points

Gold 60 to 79 points


Platinum 80 to 110

key considerations


6. Design and Build Structural Pest Controls TBD a. Install Termite Shields & Separate All Exterior Wood-to-Concrete Connections Possible Points TBD b. All Plants Have Trunk, Base, or Stem Located At Least 36 Inches from Foundation Total Points Available in Foundation = 12

GreenPoint Rated Checklist: Single Family The GreenPoint Rated checklist tracks green features incorporated into the home. A home is only GreenPoint Rated Checklist: Single Family GreenPoint Rated if all features are verified by a Certified GreenPoint Rater through Build It Green.

Possible Points


Enter in the % of landscape area. (Projects with less than 15% of the total site area (i.e. total lot size) as landscape area are capped at 6 points for the following measures: C1 through C7 and C9 through C11. TBD 1. Group Plants by Water Needs (Hydrozoning) Total Points Targeted: 0 2. Mulch All Planting Beds to the Greater of 3 Inches or Local Water TBD Ordinance Requirement Total Targeted: 0 Landscapes 0 Points 0 3. Construct 0 0 Resource-Efficient 0 TBD a. No Invasive Species Listed by Cal-IPC Are Planted TBD b. No Plant Species Will Require Shearing 0 030 c.075% of0 Plants 0 Are Drought Tolerant, California Natives or Mediterranean Species TBD or Other Appropriate Species 304. Minimize Turf in 9 Landscape Installed by Builder 6 Not Be Installed on Slopes Exceeding 10% and No Overhead Sprinklers 5 a. Turf Shall 0 0TBD 0 030 05 06 09 Installed in Areas Less than 8 Feet Wide

GreenPoint Rated is provided astracks a public service by Build It Green, a professional The GreenPoint Rated checklist green features incorporated into the home. non-profit A home iswhose only mission is to promote healthy, and resource efficient in California. GreenPoint Rated ifenergy all features are verified by buildings a Certified GreenPoint Rater through Build It Green. The minimum requirements of as GreenPoint Rated by are:Build verification of a50professional or more points; Earn the following GreenPoint Rated is provided a public service It Green, non-profit whose mission is minimum per energy category: (30), Indoorbuildings Air Quality/Health (5), Resources (6), and Water (9); and to promotepoints healthy, andEnergy resource efficient in California. meet the prerequisites A.2.a,ofH10a., J.2., N.1, andare: Q0.verification of 50 or more points; Earn the following The minimum requirements GreenPoint Rated


2. Use Frost-Protected Shallow Foundation in Cold Areas (CEC Climate Single Family Checklist 0




0 0

New Home Version 4.2 Single Family Checklist 0 New Home Version 4.2

3. Use Radon Resistant Construction credit is a requirement associated with J4: EPA IAP] Build [*This It Green 4. Install a Foundation Drainage System [*This credit is a requirement associated with J4: EPA IAP] 5. Moisture Controlled Crawlspace [*This credit is a requirement associated with J4: EPA IAP] 6. Design and Build Structural Pest Controls a. Install Termite Shields & Separate All Exterior Wood-to-Concrete Connections b. All Plants Have Trunk, Base, or Stem Located At Least 36 Inches from Foundation Total Points Available in Foundation = 12 area. tEnter h e infthe e a%tofh landscape erston e (Projects p r o j ewith c t less than 15% of the total site area (i.e. total lot size) as landscape area are capped at 6 points for the following measures: C1 through C7 and C9 through C11.

0 0

0 0 0

Water Water

Resources Resources

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

R 2 b. Install Irrigation System That Will Be Operated at ≤50% Reference ET Single Family Checklist TBD 0 2 for Credit are C1, C2, and C6a or C6b.) © Build It (Prerequisites Green New Home Version 4.2 1 2 12. Use Environmentally Preferable Materials for 70% of Non-Plant 1 Landscape Elements and Fencing 0 1TBD 1 A) FSC-Certified Wood, B) Reclaimed, C) Rapidly Renewable, D) Recycled-Content 1 E) Finger-Jointed or F) Local 1 13. Reduce Light Pollution by Shielding Fixtures and Directing Light TBD


Downward Resources



Total Points Available in Landscape = 35


TBD a. Place Joists, Rafters and Studs at 24-Inch On Center TBD b.1Door and Window Headers are Sized for Load Points TBD Possible c. Use Only Cripple Studs Required for LoadNotes 2. Construction Material Efficiencies 2 a. Wall and Floor Assemblies (Excluding Solid Wall Assemblies) are Delivered Possible Points TBD Panelized from Supplier (Minimum of 80% Square Feet) 2 1 of 11 TBD b. Modular Components Are Delivered Assembled to Page the Project (Minimum 25%) 3. Use Engineered Lumber 2 TBD a. Engineered Beams and Headers Page 1 of 11 TBD b. Wood2I-Joists or Web Trusses for Floors TBD c. Engineered Lumber for Roof Rafters TBD d.2Engineered or Finger-Jointed Studs for Vertical Applications TBD e. Oriented Strand Board for Subfloor TBD f. Oriented Strand Board for Wall and Roof Sheathing 1 Headers TBD 4. Insulated 1 5. Use FSC-Certified Wood TBD a. Dimensional Lumber, Studs and Timber (Minimum 40%) Points TBD Possible b. Panel Products (Minimum 40%) 6. Use Solid Wall Systems (Includes SIPS, ICFs, & Any Non-Stick Frame Assembly) TBD a. Floors


Points Achieved

Community Community

PointsPoints Achieved Achieved



0 0

1. Replace Portland Cement in Concrete with Recycled Fly Ash Totaland/or Points Available in Site = 12

16) © BuildZone It Green

Enter Project Name

1 D. STRUCTURAL FRAME & BUILDING ENVELOPE 1. Apply Optimal Value Engineering 0 1 0 1


Slag (Minimum 20%) B. FOUNDATION


5. Plant Shade Trees 6. Install High-Efficiency Irrigation Systems TBD a. System Uses Only Low-Flow Drip, Bubblers, or Sprinklers TBD b. System Has Smart (Weather-Based) Controller Notes(CALGreen code if applicable) TBD Possible 7. Incorporate Points Two Inches of Compost in the Top 6 to 12 Inches of Soil 8. Rain Water Harvesting System Notes TBD a. Cistern(s) is Less Than 750 Gallons 1 Possible Points is 1 TBD b. Cistern(s) 750 to 2,500 Gallons 1 TBD c. Cistern(s) is Greater Than 2,500 Gallons 1TBD 1 9. Irrigation System Uses Recycled Wastewater TBD 10. Submetering1for Landscape Irrigation 11. DesignRLandscape to Meet Water Budget a. Install Irrigation System That Will Be Operated at ≤70% Reference ET TBD 2 (Prerequisites for Credit are C1. and C2.)


Total Points Available b. Full environmental quality management plan and pre-occupancy flush outinisSite = 12 B. FOUNDATION conducted (Prerequisite is A5a) TBD




Points Achieved

b. Duct Full environmental quality management plan and pre-occupancy flush out is a. openings and other related air distribution component openings shall be covered

TBD TBD conducted (Prerequisite is A5a) during construction. (CALGreen code if applicable) Enter Project Name




0 0




0 0 0 0 0 0


5 b. 0 5Turf 0is6Small 0 9Percentage of Landscaped Area (2 Points for ≤25%, 4 Points for ≤10%)



0 N 0




0 0



0 0



0 0


0 0TBD 0 030



1. Protect Topsoil and Minimize Disruption of Existing Plants & Trees a. Protect Topsoil and Reuse after Construction Limit and Delineate Construction FootprintofforExisting Maximum Protection 1. b. Protect Topsoil and Minimize Disruption Plants & Trees 2. a. Divert/Recycle Job Construction Waste Protect Topsoil andSite Reuse after Construction (Including Waste and Existing Structures) b. Limit and Green Delineate Construction Footprint for Maximum Protection Required: Divert weight) of AllWaste Construction and Demolition Waste 2. a. Divert/Recycle Job50% Site(by Construction (Recycling or Reuse) (CALGreen Code) (Including Green Waste and Existing Structures) b. 100% of Asphalt and Concrete 65% (by weight) of Remaining Materials a. Divert Required: Divert 50% (by weight) of Alland Construction and Demolition Waste c. Divert 100%orofReuse) Asphalt(CALGreen and Concrete and 80% (by weight) of Remaining Materials (Recycling Code) 3. b. Use Recycled Content (Minimum 25%) Divert 100% of AsphaltAggregate and Concrete and 65% (by weight) of Remaining Materials a. Walkway andofDriveway Base c. Divert 100% Asphalt and Concrete and 80% (by weight) of Remaining Materials Roadway Base 3. b. Use Recycled Content Aggregate (Minimum 25%) 4. a.Cool Site: and Reduce Heat Base Island Effect On Site Walkway Driveway 5. b. Construction Environmental Quality Management Plan, Duct Sealing, Roadway Base Flush-Out is a requirement associated with 4. and CoolPre-Occupancy Site: Reduce Heat Island [*This Effectcredit On Site J4: EPA IAP] Environmental Quality Management Plan, Duct Sealing, 5. Construction a. Duct openings and Flush-Out other related air distribution component openings shall and Pre-Occupancy [*This credit is a requirement associated withbe covered during construction. (CALGreen code if applicable) J4: EPA IAP]






Enter Project Name Enter Project Name A. SITE


The criteria for New the green building practices listed below are described in the GreenPoint Rated Single Single Family Home 4.2 / 2008 Title 24 Family Rating Manual. For more information please visit

IAQ/Health IAQ/Health

selected as "Yes" or "n/a" for compliance with GreenPoint Rated. Build It Green is not a code enforcement The criteria for the green building practices listed below are described in the GreenPoint Rated Single agency. Family Rating Manual. For more information please visit


minimum points per category: Energy (30), Indoor Air Quality/Health (5), Resources (6), and Water (9); and This accommodates the verification mandatory CALGreen measures but does not signify meetchecklist the prerequisites A.2.a, H10a., J.2., N.1,ofand Q0. compliance unless accepted by enforcing agency. All CALGreen measures within the checklist must be selected as "Yes" or "n/a" for compliance withof GreenPoint Buildmeasures It Green is not a code This checklist accommodates the verification mandatoryRated. CALGreen but does not enforcement signify agency. compliance unless accepted by enforcing agency. All CALGreen measures within the checklist must be

Single Family New Home 4.2 / 2008 Title 24

0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0




1. Install Insulation with 75% Recycled Content a. Walls b. Ceilings c. Floors




Total Points Available in Insulation = 3

1. Distribute Domestic Hot Water Efficiently (Max. 5 points, G1a. is a Prerequisite for G1b-e) a. Insulate All Hot Water Pipes [*This credit is a requirement associated with J4: EPA IAP] b. Use Engineered Parallel Plumbing c. Use Engineered Parallel Plumbing with Demand Controlled Circulation Loop(s) d. Use Traditional Trunk, Branch and Twig Plumbing with Demand Controlled Circulation Loop(s) e. Use Central Core Plumbing 2. Water Efficient Fixtures a. High Efficiency Showerheads ≤2.0 Gallons Per Minute (gpm) at 80 psi. (Multiple showerheads shall not exceed maximum flow rates) (CALGreen code if applicable) b. High Efficiency Bathroom Faucets ≤ 1.5 gpm at 60psi (CALGreen code) c. High Efficiency Kitchen and Utility Faucets ≤1.8 gpm (CALGreen code if applicable) 3. Install Only High Efficiency Toilets (Dual-Flush or ≤1.28 Gallons Per Flush (gpf)) (CALGreen code if applicable) Total Points Available in Plumbing = 12


0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0

Points Achieved





Enter Project Name

Points Achieved

Enter Project Name

[*This1credit is a requirement associated with J4: EPA IAP] b. Test Total Supply Air Flow Rates 1 TBD 0 [*This1credit is a requirement associated with J4: EPA IAP] TBD 1 c. Third Party Testing of Mechanical Ventilation Rates for IAQ (meet ASHRAE 62.2) 0 2. Install Sealed Combustion Units 6 [*This credit is a requirement associated with J4: EPA IAP] TBD a. Furnaces 0 3 TBD b. Water Heaters 0 0 TBD 3. Install High Performing Zoned Hydronic Radiant Heating 2 4. Install High Efficiency Air Conditioning with Environmentally TBD 0 Single Family Checklist 2 Refrigerants Preferable © Build It Green New Home Version 4.2 1and Install Effective Ductwork 5. Design TBD a. Install HVAC Unit and Ductwork within Conditioned Space 0 1 b. Use Duct Mastic on All Duct Joints and Seams TBD 0 [*This credit is a requirement associated with J4: EPA IAP] 1 Relieve the Ductwork System c. Pressure TBD 0 1 [*This credit is a requirement associated with J4: EPA IAP] 6. Install High Efficiency HVAC Filter (MERV 6+) TBD 0 [*This credit is a requirement associated with J4: EPA IAP] 1 7. No Fireplace OR Install Sealed Gas Fireplace(s) with Efficiency TBD 0 Rating >60% using CSA Standards 1 [*This credit is a requirement associated with J4: EPA IAP] 8. Install ENERGY STAR Bathroom Fans onNotes Timer or Humidistat (CALGreen code if TBD 0 Possible Points applicable) 2 9. Install Mechanical Ventilation System for Cooling (Max. 4 Points) of 11& All Bedrooms TBD a. Install ENERGY STAR Ceiling Fans & Light Kits inPage Living3Areas 0 1 b. Install Whole House Fan (Credit Not Available if H9c Chosen) (CALGreen code if TBD 0 2 applicable) 1 TBD c. Automatically Controlled Integrated System with Variable Speed Control 0 2 Mechanical Ventilation for IAQ 10. Advanced


d. Engineered or Finger-Jointed Studs for Vertical Applications 0 e. Oriented Strand Board for Subfloor 0 f. Oriented Strand Board for Wall and Roof Sheathing 0 0 4. Insulated Headers 5. Use FSC-Certified Wood TBD a. Dimensional Lumber, Studs and Timber (Minimum 40%) 0 TBD b. Panel Products (Minimum 40%) 0 6. Use Solid Wall Systems (Includes SIPS, ICFs, & Any Non-Stick Frame Assembly) TBD a. Floors 0 TBD b. Walls 0 TBD c. Roofs 0 7. Energy Heels on Roof Trusses TBD 0 (75% of Attic Insulation Height at Outside Edge of Exterior Wall) 8. Install Overhangs and Gutters TBD a. Minimum 16-Inch Overhangs and Gutters 0 TBD b. Minimum 24-Inch Overhangs and Gutters 0 9. Reduce Pollution Entering the Home from the Garage [*This credit is a requirement associated with J4: EPA IAP] 0 TBD a. Install Garage Exhaust Fan OR Build a Detached Garage b. Tightly Seal the Air Barrier between Garage and Living Area (Performance Test TBD 0 Required) Total Points Available in Structural Frame and Building Envelope = 39 0 E. EXTERIOR Single Family Checklist TBD 0 1. Use Environmentally Preferable Decking © Build It Green Installation Techniques Specified and Third-Party Verified New Home Version 4.2 2. Flashing TBD 0 [*This credit is a requirement associated with J4: EPA IAP] TBD 0 3. Install a Rain Screen Wall System TBD 0 4. Use Durable and Non-Combustible Siding Materials TBD 0 5. Use Durable and Fire Resistant Roofing Materials or Assembly Total Points Available in Exterior = 8 0

a. Required: Compliance with ASHRAE 62.2 Mechanical Ventilation Standards (as TBD Possible Points adopted in Title 24 Part 6) [*This credit is a requirement associated with J4: EPA IAP]


1 b. Advanced Ventilation Practices (Continuous Operation, Sone Limit, Minimum 1 Efficiency, Minimum Ventilation Rate, Homeowner Instructions) 1 Air Ducted to Bedroom and Living Areas of Home TBD c. Outdoor 11. Install Carbon Monoxide Alarm(s) (or No Combustion Appliances in Living TBD Possible Space and No Attached Garage) Points [*This credit is a requirement associated with J4: EPA IAP] Total Points Available in Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning = 27 TBD


0 0 0 0





1. Pre-Plumb for Solar Water Heating 2. Install Wiring 1Conduit for Future Photovoltaic Installation & Provide 1 200 ft2 of South-Facing Roof 1 3. Offset Energy2Consumption with Onsite Renewable Generation 0.0% (Solar PV, Solar Thermal, Wind) 1 1 Enter %1 total energy consumption offset, 1 point per 4% offset Total Available Points in Renewable Energy = 27

0 J. BUILDING PERFORMANCE 3 1. Building Envelope Diagnostic Evaluations 0 a. Verify Quality1 of Insulation Installation & Thermal Bypass Checklist before Drywall TBD 0 [*This credit1is a requirement associated with J4: EPA IAP] b. House Passes 0 2 Blower Door Test TBD [*This credit is a requirement associated with J4: EPA IAP] 0

Possible Points

© Build It Green 1. Properly Design HVAC System and Perform Diagnostic Testing a. Design and Install HVAC System to ACCA Manual J, D, and S Recommendations (CALGreen code if applicable) 0 4 [*This credit is a requirement associated with J4: EPA IAP] The GreenPoint Rated checklist tracks green features incorporated into the home. A home is only b. Test Total Supply Air Flow Rates GreenPoint Rated if all features are verified by a Certified GreenPoint Rater through Build It Green. 0 1 [*This credit is a requirement associated with J4: EPA IAP] GreenPoint Rated is provided as a public service by Build It Green, a professional non-profit whose mission is c. Third Party Testing of Mechanical Ventilation Rates for IAQ (meet ASHRAE 0 efficient buildings 1 to promote healthy, 62.2) energy and resource in California. The minimum requirements of GreenPoint Rated are: verification of 50 or more points; Earn the following 2. Install Sealed Combustion Units [*This credit is a requirement associated with J4: EPA IAP]minimum points per category: Energy (30), Indoor Air Quality/Health (5), Resources (6), and Water (9); and meet the prerequisites A.2.a, H10a., J.2., a. Furnaces 0 N.1, and Q0. 2 b. Water Heaters 0 2

GreenPoint Rated Checklist: Single Family

0 0

0 0

Single Family Checklist New Home Version 4.2

Possible Points

Totalconsiderations Points Targeted: key




3. Offset Energy Consumption with Onsite Renewable Generation (Solar PV, Solar Thermal, Wind) Enter % total energy consumption offset, 1 point per 4% offset Total Available Points in Renewable Energy = 27



0 0

c. Interior Trim and Shelving (90% Minimum) 25 9. After Installation of Finishes, Test of Indoor Air Shows Formaldehyde TBD Level <27ppb Total Available Points in Finishes = 27

L. FLOORING Possible Points







Points Achieved

Enter Project Name TBD


1. Use Environmentally Preferable Flooring ( Minimum 15% Floor Area) A) FSC-Certified Wood, B) Reclaimed or Refinished, C) Rapidly Renewable, D) Recycled-Content, E) Exposed Concrete, F) Local. Flooring Adhesives Must Meet SCAQMD Rule 1168 for VOCs. 0 1 TBD TBD 2. Thermal Mass Floors (Minimum 50%) Notes 3. Low Emitting Flooring (Section 01350, CRI Green Label Plus, TBD Single Family Checklist c. Blower Door Results are Max 2.5 ACH50 for Unbalanced Systems (Supply or Exhaust) Floorscore [*This credit is a requirement associated with J4: EPA IAP] TBD© Build It Green 0 1 Page 5 of 11 New Home Version 4.2 or Max 1.0 ACH50 for Balanced Systems (2 Total Points for J1b. and J1c.) 4. All carpet and 50% of Resilient Flooring is low emitting. (CALGreen code if TBD applicable) TBD d. House Passes Combustion Safety Backdraft Test 0 1 Total Available Points in Flooring = 8 2. Required: Building Performance Exceeds Title 24 (Minimum 15%) 0% 0 M. APPLIANCES ≥30 AND LIGHTING (Enter the Percent Better Than Title 24, Points for Every 1% Better Than Title 24) TBD 1. Install ENERGY STAR Dishwasher (Must Meet Current Specifications) 3. Design and Build Near Zero Energy Homes TBD 0 6 2. Install ENERGY STAR Clothes Washer (Enter number of points, minimum of 2 and maximum of 6 points) a. Meets ENERGY STAR and CEE Tier 2 Requirements 4. Obtain EPA Indoor airPlus Certification TBD TBD 0 2(Modified Energy Factor 2.0, Water Factor 6.0 or less) (Total 42 points, not including Title 24 performance; read comment) b. Meets ENERGY STAR and CEE Tier 3 Requirements 5. Title 24 Prepared and Signed by a CABEC Certified Energy Plans TBD 1 TBD 0 (Modified Energy Factor 2.2, Water Factor 4.5 or less) Examiner (CEPE) 3. Install ENERGY STAR Refrigerator 6. Participation in Utility Program with Third Party Plan Review TBD a. ENERGY STAR Qualified & < 25 Cubic Feet Capacity a. Energy Efficiency Program TBD 0 TBD 1 b. ENERGY STAR Qualified & < 20 Cubic Feet Capacity [*This credit is a requirement associated with J4: EPA IAP] 4. Install Built-In Recycling Center or Composting Center b. Renewable Energy Program with Min. 30% Better Than Title 24 (High Performing TBD 0 TBD 1 a. Built-In Recycling Center Home) TBD b. Built-In Composting Center Total Available Points in Building Performance = 45+ 0 5. Install High-Efficacy Lighting and Design Lighting System Possible Points K. FINISHES TBD a. Install High-Efficacy Lighting TBD 0 1 1. Design Entryways to Reduce Tracked-In Contaminants 2. Use Low-VOC or Zero-VOC Paint (Maximum 3 Points) TBD b. Install a Lighting System to IESNA Footcandle Standards or Hire Lighting Consultant a. Low-VOC Interior Wall/Ceiling Paints (CALGreen code if applicable) Total Available Points in Appliances and Lighting = 13 TBD (<50 Grams Per Liter (gpl) VOCs Regardless of Sheen) 0 1 N. OTHER [*This credit is a requirement associated with J4: EPA IAP] 1. Required: Incorporate GreenPoint Rated Checklist in Blueprints TBD b. Zero-VOC: Interior Wall/Ceiling Paints (<5 gpl VOCs Regardless of Sheen) 0 2 TBD [*This credit is a requirement associated with J4: EPA IAP] 3. Use Low-VOC Coatings that Meet SCAQMD Rule 1113 (CALGreen code if applicable) TBD 2. Pre-Construction Kick-Off Meeting with Rater and Subs TBD 0 2 [*This credit is a requirement associated with J4: EPA IAP] 3. Homebuilder's Management Staff are Certified Green Building TBD Professionals 4. Use Low-VOC Caulks, Construction Adhesives and Sealants that TBD 0 2 4. Develop Homeowner Education Meet SCAQMD Rule 1168 (CALGreen code if applicable) 1. Building Envelope Diagnostic Evaluations a. Verify Quality of Insulation Installation & Thermal Bypass Checklist before Drywall [*This credit is a requirement associated with J4: EPA IAP] b. House Passes Blower Door Test [*This credit is a requirement associated with J4: EPA IAP]

Enter Project Name


5. Use Recycled-Content Paint


6. Use Environmentally Preferable Materials for Interior Finish A) FSC-Certified Wood, B) Reclaimed, C) Rapidly Renewable, D) Recycled-Content or E) Finger-Jointed F) Local







Enter Project Name

Points Achieved

a. Cabinets (50% Minimum) b. Interior Trim (50% Minimum) c. Shelving (50% Minimum) d. Doors (50% Minimum) e. Countertops (50% Minimum)

0 0

0 0 0 N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N 0




1 Single Family Checklist a. Develop Homeowner Manual of Green Features/Benefits (CALGreen code if applicable) TBD© Build It Green 0 New Home Version 4.2 [*This credit is a requirement associated with J4: EPA IAP] b. Conduct Educational Walkthroughs (Prerequisite is N4a) [*This credit is a requirement TBD 0 associated with J4: EPA IAP] 5. Install a3Home System Monitor OR Participate in a Time-of-Use TBD 0 Pricing 2Program Total Available Points in Other = 6 0 2

0 0 0 & PLANNING 0 O. COMMUNITY DESIGN 2 1. Develop2 Infill Sites 0 TBD a. Project is an Urban Infill Development 7. Reduce Formaldehyde in Interior Finish – Meet Current TBD b. Home(s)/Development is Located within 1/2 Mile of a Major Transit Stop CARB Airborne Toxic Control Measure (ATCM) for Composite Wood TBD 2. Build on Designated Brownfield Site TBD N 0 Formaldehyde Limits by Mandatory Compliance Dates (CALGreen code if applicable) 3. Cluster Homes & Keep Size in Check [*This credit is a requirement associated with J4: EPA IAP] TBD a. Cluster Homes for Land Preservation Notes TBD b. Conserve Resources by Increasing Density (10 Units per Acre or Greater) 8. Reduce Formaldehyde in Interior Finish - Exceed Current CARB Single Family Checklist c. Home Size Efficiency for Composite Wood Formaldehyde Limits Prior to Mandatory © BuildATCM It Green Page 6 of 11 New Home Version 4.2 i. Enter Average Unit Square Footage Compliance Dates TBD a. Doors (90% Minimum) 0 1 ii. Enter Average Number of Bedrooms/Unit 4. Design for Walking & Bicycling TBD b. Cabinets & Countertops (90% Minimum) 0 2 a.1Site Has Pedestrian Access Within 1/2 Mile of Community Services: TBD c. Interior Trim and Shelving (90% Minimum) 0 TIER 1: Enter Number of Services Within 1/2 Mile 9. After Installation of Finishes, Test of Indoor Air Shows Formaldehyde TBD 0 3 1) Day Care 2) Community Center 3) Public Park 4) Drug Store Level <27ppb 5) Restaurant 6) School 7) Library 8) Farmer's Market 9) After School Total Available Points in Finishes = 27 0 Programs 10) Convenience Store Where Meat & Produce are Sold Possible Points L. FLOORING the eatherstone project 90 TIER 2: Enter Number of Services Within 1/2 Mile 1. Use Environmentally Preferable Flooring ( Minimum 15% Floor Area) 1) Bank 2) Place of Worship 3) Laundry/Cleaners 4) Hardware TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD


Points Achieved


0 0 0

1 2 3

0 0 0

1 2




3. Innovative Wastewater Technology (Constructed Wetland, Sand Filter, Aerobic System)











2. Use Moisture Resistant Materials in Wet Areas: Kitchen, Bathrooms, Utility Rooms, and Basements [*This credit is a requirement associated with J4: EPA IAP]

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Innovation: Enter up to 4 Points at right. Enter description here Innovation: Enter up to 4 Points at right. EnterNotes description here Innovation: Enter up to 4 Points at right. Enter description here Innovation: Enter up to 4 Points at right. Enter description here Page Innovation: Enter up to 4 Points at right. Enter description here8 of 11 Total Achievable Points in Innovation = 33+

0 0 0 0 0 0

Home meets all applicable CAL Green measures listed in above Sections A - P of the GreenPoint Rated checklist.


The GreenPoint Rater is not a code enforcement official. The measures in this section may be verified by the GreenPoint Rater at their own discretion and/or discretion of the building official.

1 2TBD 1TBD 1 TBD 1

1. CALGreen 4.106.2 Storm water management during construction. 2. CALGreen 4.106.3 Design for surface water drainage away from buildings. 3. CALGreen 4.303.1 As an alternative to perscriptive compliance, a 20% reduction in baseline water use shall be demonstrated through calculation 4. CALGreen 4.406.1 Joints and openings. Annular spaces around pipes, electric cables, TBD 3 conduits, or other openings in plates at exterior walls shall be protected 5. CALGreen4.503.1 Gas fireplace shall be a direct-vent sealed-combustion type. Woodstove or TBD pellet stove shall 2 comply with US EPA Phase II emission limits 6. CALGreen 4.505.2 Vapor retarder and capillary break is installed at slab on grade TBD foundations. TBD 7. CALGreen 1 4.505.3 19% moisture content of building framing materials 8. CALGreen 702.1 HVAC system installers are trained and certified in the proper installation of TBD 1 HVAC systems. Total Achievable Points in California Green Code = 0 1 Summary 1 Total Available Points in Specific Categories Minimum Points Required in Specific Categories


0 0


3. Innovative Wastewater Technology (Constructed Wetland, Sand Filter, Aerobic System)




4. Composting or Waterless Toilet






The following measures are mandatory in the CALGreen code and do not earn points in the GreenPoint Rated Checklist, but have been included in the Checklist for the convenience of Possible Points jurisdictions.

E. Exterior 1. Vegetated Roof (Minimum 25%) G. Plumbing 1. Greywater Pre-Plumbing (Includes Washing Machine at Minimum) 2. Greywater System Operational (Includes Washing Machine at Minimum)


1 1

3. Innovation: List innovative measures that meet green building objectives. Enter in the number of points in each category for a maximum of 4 points for the measure in the blue cells. Points achieved column will be automatically fill in based on the sum of the points in each category. Points and measures will be evaluated by Build It Green.



Points Achieved



0 0




Enter Project Name TBD

0 Doors c. Orient Porches (min. 100sf) to Streets and Public Spaces 0 Single Family Checklist d. Development Includes a Social Gathering Space 0 Build It Green 6. Design for Diverse Households (6a. is a Prerequisite for 6b. and 6c.) New Home Version 4.2 a. All Homes Have At Least One Zero-Step Entrance 0 Q. b. All Main Floor Interior Doors & Passageways Have a Minimum 32-Inch Clear 0 Passage Space c. Locate Half-Bath on the Ground Floor 0 d. Provide Full-Function Independent Rental Unit 0 Total Achievable Points in Community Design & Planning = 35 0 A. Site 1. Stormwater Control: Prescriptive Path (Maximum of 3 Points, Mutually Exclusive with PA2.) a. Use Permeable Paving for 25% of Driveways, Patios and Walkways b. Install Bio-Retention and Filtration Features c. Route Downspout Through Permeable Landscape d. Use Non-Leaching Roofing Materials e. Include Smart Street/Driveway Design 2. Stormwater Control: Performance Path (Mutually Exclusive with PA1): Perform Soil Percolation Test and Capture and Treat 85% of Total Annual Runoff C. Landscape 1. Meet Local Landscape Program Requirement D. Structural Frame & Building Envelope 1. Design, Build and Maintain Structural Pest and Rot Controls a. Locate All Wood (Siding, Trim, Structure) At Least 12" Above Soil b. All Wood Framing 3 Feet from the Foundation is Treated with Borates (or Use Factory-Impregnated Materials) OR Walls are Not Made of Wood


4. Composting or Waterless Toilet 0 5. Install Drain Water Heat-Recovery System 0 6. Install a Hot Water Desuperheater 0 H. Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning 1. Humidity Control Systems (Only in California Humid/Marine Climate Zones 1,3,5,6,7) 0 [*This credit is a requirement associated with J4: EPA IAP] 2. Design HVAC System to Manual T for Register Design 0 K. Finishes Meet SMaRT Criteria (Select the number of points, up to 5 points) 0 1. Materials N. Other 1. Detailed Durability Plan and Third-Party Verification of Plan ImplementationSingle Family Checklist 0 Build It Green Signage of Project's Green Features New Home Version 4.2 2. Educational 0 a. Promotion of Green Building Practices b. Installed Green Building Educational Signage 0





5. Design for Safety & Social Gathering

TBD a. All Home FrontName Entrances Have Views from the Inside to Outside Callers Enter Project b. All Home Front Entrances Can be Seen from the Street and/or from Other Front

0 0




c. Install Traffic Calming Strategies (Minimum of Two): - Designated Bicycle Lanes are Present on Roadways; - Ten-Foot Vehicle Travel Lanes; - Street Crossings Closest to Site are Located Less Than 300 Feet Apart; - Streets Have Rumble Strips, Bulbouts, Raised Crosswalks or Refuge Islands


2. Use Moisture Resistant Materials in Wet Areas: Kitchen, Bathrooms, Utility Rooms, and 2 Basements [*This credit is a requirement associated with J4: EPA IAP] 9 E. Exterior 1. Vegetated Roof (Minimum 25%) G. Plumbing 1. Greywater Pre-Plumbing (Includes Washing Machine at Minimum) 2. Greywater System Operational (Includes Washing Machine at Minimum)


0 0



b. Conserve Resources by Increasing Density (10 Units per Acre or Greater) c. Home Size Efficiency i. Enter Average Unit Square Footage ii. Enter Average Number of Bedrooms/Unit 4. Design for Walking & Bicycling a. Site Has Pedestrian Access Within 1/2 Mile of Community Services: TIER 1: Enter Number of Services Within 1/2 Mile 1) Day Care 2) Community Center 3) Public Park 4) Drug Store 5) Restaurant 6) School 7) Library 8) Farmer's Market 9) After School Programs 10) Convenience Store Where Meat & Produce are Sold TIER 2: Enter Number of Services Within 1/2 Mile 1) Bank 2) Place of Worship 3) Laundry/Cleaners 4) Hardware 5) Theater/Entertainment 6) Fitness/Gym 7) Post Office 8) Senior Care Facility 9) Medical/Dental 10) Hair Care 11) Commercial Office or Major Employer 12) Full Scale Supermarket i. 5 Services Listed Above (Tier 2 Services Count as 1/2 Service Value) ii. 10 Services Listed Above (Tier 2 Services Count as 1/2 Service Value) b. Development is Connected with A Dedicated Pedestrian Pathway to Places of Recreational Interest Within 1/4 mile

Points Achieved



© Build It Green

1 2

N N N N N N N N 0 35


Single Family Checklist New Home Version 4.2

key considerations







key considerations






Your Green Home

key considerations






Resources Websites Archdaily Architectural Record Building Cost Estimator asp# Build it Green Deep Green Architecture Dwell Ecological Planning inhabit Insulation Types Green Spec

Mapolis Modcell National Renewable Energy Lab Straw Bale Construction Structural Insulated Panel Assoc. Styles

Books 21st Century Sustainable Homes Architectural Graphic Standards The Green Studio Handbook The Green House: new directions in sustainable architecture The Hybrid House: designing with sun, win, water and earth Strawbale Home Plans Your Green Home

Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design Living Future Institute key considerations






the sustainability tree



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