LOGOS Geun myo kim it 9.2
Monday, November 14, 2011
Monday, November 14, 2011
Logos for SWA •
Sinarmas World Academy needs new logos for the AOI(Areas Of Interaction), IB Learner Profile and the Design Cycle Specification and Limitations
The Logos will be made using the application “Sketch Up”
Must have catchy colors
Must look good and catchy
Without a laptop, the 3D models of the logos cannot be made
The logo may not contain sexual or violent contents
Unit Question Will a logo make the school seem more Interesting and Better?
Monday, November 14, 2011
Introduction •
My Client SWA, a school that has been open for 3 years needs a new logo for the school, AOI, IB Learner Profile and the Design Cycle. I will have an interview with my client on what style, design and colors they would want to make a logo that signifies SWA.
Through out the semester I will be investigating, designing, planning and creating logos for the school SWA. I will make a very good logo that would make our school look good without the knowledge of the school, but just from the look of a logo. I will research the internet on the techniques to making a logo and even compare different logos to see what types of logo best fits for a logo here at SWA.
Monday, November 14, 2011
AOI(areas Of Interaction) •
Monday, November 14, 2011
The AOI for this topic is Human Ingenuity, this semester I will be making logos from nothing but comparing different logos, research and my own creativity. Creativity and Enthusiasm is need to produce the best logos. Human Ingenuity is when we explore the process and productivity of the human mind. This concludes the fact that this semesters project is all about Human Ingenuity.
Client Interview • •
Why do you want new logos for SWA?
What Types of colors would you like to have for the Logo? (Can be a specific color or mixtures)
Just like before, I would like to have mostly red, yellow, white. But for the new one we could have many different colors, but I would like the logos mostly bright because the color catches peoples attentions and it looks good and professional.
I would like some new logos for SWA so that we can get rid of the old ones and have new ones that make the school look good. This is why we need some outstanding logos from you.
Monday, November 14, 2011
Do you want the logos to look Simple, Complexed(with secret messages), glossy, luxury, etc? (What concept/style?)
The logos would be better if the looked simple, but with some hidden messages so that it would seem interesting and worth a good look at. The style of the logos should be Indonesia-ish, we could have the traditional patterns, colors, etc.
• •
For what areas do you need the logos for? The new logos are needed for the school, AOI, IB Learner Profile and the Design Cycle.
Monday, November 14, 2011
CLient Interview Summary •
From the client interview, I have found out that Sinarmas World Academy wants logos that have an Indonesian feeling to it while it is simple and has meanings to it. From the interview I have found the solution to making good designs. I will find various types of logos that are bright and interesting. I will compare them to see if there are some secrets to why they are interesting and how I could put a hidden message in my logo. SWA wants logos that gives a good impression of the school just from the look of the logo. But to be successful in this I should be able to accomplish all the wants of my client.
Monday, November 14, 2011
Brainstorming Be clear of the message the logo presents
Hidden messages in the logo
Bright Colors
Must look aesthetically pleasing
Logos SWA Uniform Colors
Interest point
Have a very catchy slogan
Monday, November 14, 2011
Case study
Target Group/ Customer
People 20 and above
All Ages
All Ages
International Package Delivery Company
Sports Products
Search Engine
The Logo has eye catching color with a hidden arrow between the E and the x. The hidden message makes the logo very interesting.
This a very simple design that has a very interesting curve to it, the tick.
This logo is also a very simple logo, But it has various range of colors and it has a very funny and cute sound to its name, Google~
The logo make the product or a place look good just by looking at its logo. I t is a way of grabbing people interest to a certain product of a place
The logo make the product or a place look good just by looking at its logo. I t is a way of grabbing people interest to a certain product of a place
The logo make the product or a place look good just by looking at its logo. I t is a way of grabbing people interest to a certain product of a place
Ease of Creation Monday, November 14, 2011
It Is fairly easy to create a logo like this, This logo too is a very easy logo to create, but This is the basic logo for any product, it only but I will be abit hard to have hidden like the nike logo itself. I should have a interest has a name to the product making it very easy to create. point to it like the tick in the logo for nike. messages in the logo
Case study Summary •
For the case study, I researched many pictures and found different types of logos like the 3 logos I chose. These are all different types of logos. The FedEx logo is a logo that is simple but has a very interesting hidden message to it. The point of the logo is the hidden message. While the Google logo is a simple colorful logo that only tells us the name of the product. a logo like google may seem very unattractive, but the colors in it catch the viewers. Different from the 2 logos is the Nike logo. The Nike logo is a very interesting logo, the logo has a interest point to it. The tick in the logo is its interest point and the name, Nike is a very short and catchy name. The 2 combination of the interest point and the catchy name makes logo so interesting to the viewers and yes, nike is a very well known sports product company.
Monday, November 14, 2011
Summary of research •
I have research many techniques in making a very good logo. I have analyzed many different types of logos and the best looking and interesting logos were all logos of famous brands like Nike, Fedex, Adidas, Tobleron and etc. Good companies have great logos and great logos give a very good impression of a certain product. Many good logos have a catchy name, catchy slogan, colorful, simple and have hidden messages sometimes. As a viewer, I found many logos very interesting especially the Tobleron logo.
Monday, November 14, 2011
Impact on the environment •
The logo itself has no impact on the environment, but the process does. To design logos I use paper to draw many different designs, I’ll use alot and probably waste more than 30% of the amount I use. to make paper we need trees and if I waste paper, I am killing the trees causing soil erosion, landslides, global warming and etc.
The research of the topic requires a laptop, and the laptop I’m using now wastes huge amounts of electricity. Waste of electricity means wasting our finite resources on earth.
Monday, November 14, 2011
Impact on the Society
The logo I make will have a great impact on the society. The logos posted in the school, brochures or news will make people interested in the school although they’ve just seen the logo. People might come to check out the school because of a good first impression. After checking out the school people might decide to send their children to SWA. The logos might play a very important role in the increase of income and students in SWA.
Monday, November 14, 2011
design brief •
Monday, November 14, 2011
I will design and create logos that will help make SWA look better. I will create 6 logo designs that will be analyzed and compared. The Design step in the Design Cycle is a very important step because, without the Design step we would create a random design, but with the design stage we get to analyze different design to come up with the best
Specification Title
Specification and Why?
I will use the app called Sketch Up, this app helps make 3D figures, It is the perfect app for making the logos.
I will check on some of the application that can be used to create 3D figure. (Applications that can run on MAC)
The time provided for the creation is 3 weeks
I will create a timeline with ganttchart to see if my division of different tasks can be done in the time provided
I will create a 3D model, so there is no defined size to it.
No Tests Needed
The logos have to be simply, but catchy. So that People will be interested to see our school
My friends and client will give me a comment on what could be improved and what is good about the product.
Target Audience
All ages are suitable for my target audience
No Tests Needed
The function of the advertisement is to attract the target audience and to make them have a good first impression about the school.
I will show this to the students in my class to see if they like the logo.
The purpose of the logo is to make people want to check out our school or anything about the school, making them interested.
I will show the logo to my parents to see if they as a parent find the logo interesting enough.
- Not Needed -
- Not Needed -
Material Monday, November 14, 2011
Materials needed to make the logo is just my laptop and maybe Different applications that can be used to make the advertisement will be tested to see which one is raw materials like metal and plastic if I am to make a solid most suitable for the final product that will be made, version of it
Summary of investigation •
In the interview with my client, he provided me information on what kind of logo he wants for the school. All the concepts and style wanted were clarified in the client interview.
The Case Study helped me have a better understanding of what I have to do. The case study makes us investigate different goals that need to be achieve through out the project.
The research I did on the types of logos and techniques in making a good logo helped me know better on what a good logo is and what a bad logo is. THe different types of logos I’ve seen helped me analyse the logos and find patterns, pros and cons about the logos.
The specification and test made me clear of what I had to do in the design stage. The test I made in the specification will be done after the logos are made. The specification really helped me think of all the mistakes that could be made and prevent it from happening. The tests helped me think of what other people opinion would be on my logos and what I can change from the comments I get from the people.
Monday, November 14, 2011
Work cited - http://bedrockasia.files.wordpress.com/2010/10/sws-identity1.png - http://www.findthatlogo.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/nike-official-logo.jpg - http://www.betleywhitehorne.com/bwlog/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/fed-ex-logo1.jpg - http://www.toxel.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/08/creativelogos15.jpg - http://www.smashingmagazine.com/2009/08/26/vital-tips-for-effective-logo-design/
Monday, November 14, 2011
Monday, November 14, 2011
Monday, November 14, 2011
Monday, November 14, 2011