Table of
1.0 Research & Strategy 1.1 The Rundown 1.2 Research 1.3 Target Audience 1.4 SWOT
2.0 Creative Development 2.1 MoodBoards 2.2 Tool Box 2.3 Logo Re-Design 2.4 Final Logo 2.5 Logo Proportion 2.6 Logo Proper Use 2.7 Color Palette 2.8 Commercial 2.9 Dynamic Mood Board 2.10 Animated Logo
3.0 Style Guide 3.1 Typography 3.2 Imagery 3.3 Textures
4.0 Design Solution 4.1 Video 4.2 Social Media 4.3 Video Games 4.4 Wearable Gear 4.5 App Attack 4.6 Print Ads
Re se ar ch & St ra te gy
1.0 Research & Strategy 1.1 The Rundown 1.2 Research 1.3 Target Audience 1.4 SWOT
The Rundown
The project rundown is a complete re-brand of the electric motorcycle company Mission Motorcycles. With this re-brand comes a new perspective on how to approach design as a whole. I find myself drawn to brake down the walls of traditional design and push the limits of design theory. Within these pages is a brand new way to view electric vehicle transportation and its effect it has on the world. This project is also geared toward raising awareness for eco-friendly transportation and reducing our need for fossil fuels.
Introduction Over the last decade, Mission Motorcycles has been designing and re-inventing the electric motorcycle with the goal of producing a superior electric engine. With state-of-the-art technology, innovation, and high standards, Mission Motorcycles has developed a truly eco-friendly motorcycle engine. With zero emissions and a wide range of other environmentally friendly features, such as minimal noise pollution, Mission Motorcycles has produced an electric motorcycle line that is competitively superior to most gasoline powered motorcycles today. The goal of Mission Motorcycles is to make the company’s InfiniteDrive™ a marketable technology with superior range and power.
The average consumer will spend more on electricity, but the savings from fuel costs and maintenance are more than worth the cost. The average savings in electric charging is 74% in comparison to fuel costs at the current rate of gas prices today. The overall savings in maintenance costs is 46% due to the lack of moving parts and the elimination of the combustion engine.
Rebrand Objective and Campaign Project Mission After a decade of producing superior motorcycles and introducing electric motorcycle engines to a market eager for a product that would define the future of motorcycle engine performance and rider experience Mission Motorcycles was expected to bring the ultimate electric superbike to market. It did just that. At the core of its success was the breakthrough electric power train technology of Mission Motors’ InfiniteDrive™ superior electric propulsion. With the merger of Mission Motorcycles and Mission Motors, a line of motorcycles has been developed that rivals the fastest superbikes of today’s gas driven world. It’s a fact that Mission Motorcycles competitors have mass produced efficient gas powered motorcycle engines and even made significant headway in developing alternative electric transportation systems such as hybrids. Even though scrutiny and bias is a part of the market towards the electric motorcycle market. The superior technology that Mission Motorcycle has created along with Mission Motors has proved to be overwhelmingly powerful in the market of motorcycles worldwide.
Nonetheless, even this daunting price will not discourage the Mission Motorcycles Company from rebranding itself to appeal to the optimum target audience. The rebranding effort will focus on consumer demographics as well as the positive effects Mission motorcycles have on the environment. Taking into consideration the high tech features of the Mission Motorcycles and its appealing zero emission standards, the most realistic demographic is the younger generation. The market is there ready to be impressed, eager to purchase, and excited about helping to preserve the environment free of polluting emissions. Since tens of thousands of young people enjoy motorcycle riding in the United States and throughout the world, the task at hand is to find a way to lower the price of owning an electric motorcycle for those who want to ride one in place of a gas powered motorcycle. As to relate back to the overall idea behind why a rebrand of Mission Motorcycles is important. Too emphasize the benefits of a zero emissions; electric vehicle the company needs to raise its advertising ability to hit a larger target audience. All of this can be done with social media as in reference to Facebook and other sites that allow you to showcase your company and what it has to offer. “Maintaining a good client relationship throughout this process relies on clear, effective and
frequent communication, a good design brief and agreement of defined roles and responsibilities.� (Best, 2006, p,149). More importantly is that Mission Motorcycles needs to revamp their overall approach to marketing, as only a select few of their target audience can really appreciate their product. With a logo redesign, new color scheme, television spots, along with radio and YouTube usage will bring much more attention to the brand of Mission Motorcycles.
ge r Ta nce die u A
Vinnie Bootain Age- 35 Gender- Male Location- Toledo, Ohio Education Level-Some College Income- $55,000 Occupation-Mechanic
Vinnie Bootain was born on February 16th 1978 in the city of Toledo Ohio. He had a rough childhood growing up, abusive parents and very bad home life. At a young age Vinnie was in trouble with the law and has several problems with incarceration, drunk driving, drugs and other issues with the law in the city of Toledo. After many years going in and out of jail for various reasons, Vinnie got the wake up of a life time. He had been out drinking one night and decided to drive home and nearly killed a family by driving on the wrong side of the road. After this near miss and life changing event Vinne decided to pursue better choices, which is when he met his wife Shawna. For years one of his crew members from his motorcycle club had be inviting Vinnie to church and finally Vinnie said yes. He started working with young men that were in the same place he was in at a young age to reach them early. That is when Shawna became apart of the group and they later married in 2008 and have three beautiful children together. Vinne is passionate about motorcycles and how they impact his life. He has been building motorcycles for over 15 years and enjoys the thrill of ridding them on warm summer days in Toledo. His ambitions are to raise his children with love for themselves and for their beliefs, and enjoy the rest of his life as a bike builder. With his head on straight and his wife by his side, Vinnie feels that life is finally in tune with how he wants to live and is happy to have a second chance at life. In his time as a bike builder Vinnie has come across different types of bikes and how they impact the world. He has recently discovered electric motorcycles and is interested in seeing how they match up to the choppers that he builds. Vinnie believes that alternative avenues of approach for fuels are a necessary aspect of keeping the earth alive and well. He is determined to help by looking into owning and electric vehicle in the near future.
Sophia Rateeni
Age- 22 Gender- Female Educational Level- College Income- $85,000 Occupation- Engineer
T Au arg die e nc e
Sophia Ratteeni was born on September 10th 1991 in the small town of Sunnyvale California. She was given up for adoption as her biological mother could not afford to keep her when she was born. After jumping from foster house to foster house, Sophia finally came to live with a Christian family, Patrick and Donna Ratteeni. This couple had good family values and were unable to have children of their own. Sophia who was seventeen at the time she came to live with Mr. and Mrs. Ratteeni finally found her place in the world and soon was able to start attending classes for college in her chosen field of engineering. While in school Sophia was a waitress at a local sports bar called McClearies, where she was saving every dollar she could to buy her an affordable form of transportation. This Vehicle would help her travel to and from school and work.At the present moment Sophia has a close relationship with her family and is eager to finish school and start her dream job in engineering. She is doing well at her job and has a bubbly personality that makes interacting with people at her job as a server more fun and exciting. She is very happy with her life and enjoys different kinds of activities in her off time. She has done many different water sport over the years and has a love for the water and its tranquility. Her fashion sense is geared towards the Italian that is apart of her heritage. She likes to look good but have fun with her way of dress as not to blend in with everyone around her. In the future she has a dream of traveling to Italy and exploring her roots. As such her adobtive parents support her in her ideals and are proud of there daughters accomplishments.
• Mission Motors is committed to providing components at the efficient frontier of electric and hybrid performance. • maximize the potential of the electric power train • Top selling electric motorcycle
• Short travel time • Lone charging times • Expensive to purchase
• Potential to become the first global electric motorcycle company • To raise awareness for eco friendly transportation. • Potential to decrease gas use.
• Expanding new technology • Competitors prices • New and ever changing designs by competitors.
2.0 Creative development 2.1 MoodBoards 2.2 Tool Box 2.3 Logo re-design 2.4 Final Logo 2.5 Logo Portions 2.6 Logo proper use 2.7 Color palette 2.8 Commercial 2.9 Dynamic Mood Board 2.10 Animated Logo
ive at ent e Cr opm el ev
d o s o d M r a o B
The two designs for the moodboards both show how and why I wanted to portray Mission Motorcycels in the rebrand. The tactic used was to make the company look and feel more dynamic in its appearance, demeanor and message. With the current look and feel of Mission Motorcycles there is a lack of boldness in their approach. With the new moodboards and new direction of taking the company, there will be a dramatic new face lift for Mission Motorcycles.
Dodger Titles OCR A Std Body Copy
Logo Uses/Sketches
The starting sketches for the re-desided logo for Mission Motorcycles were at first all over the place in terms of design. My objective at this beginning point was to incorporate different types of fusions of the name Mission Motorcycles and plugs. My idea was to represent electric motorcycles with the use of a plug. Over the course of designing the new logo I came up with many different concepts regarding this idea and tried many variations. The final concept for the logo incorperated all of my ideas and more.
Logo Uses/Final Logo
The final desige for the Mission Motorcycles logo is both bold, dynamic and easy to look at. The concept at first escaped me, but after many versions and redesigns the final logo is all that I could ask for and more.
Logo Uses/Proportions
The specifics behind the proportions of the new mission motorcycles logo are to keep the logo looking neat and Easyto-use. The text that is used in the logo should be no longer then from front wheel to back wheel. Scaling should be kept in the right proportion to avoid distortion of the logo and 2.5
Logo uses/proper use
The Mission Motorcycles logo can and should be used in color whenever possible. This is to keep in line with the brand and its Identity. As long as placment Doesn’t inhibit proportions and color, placement can be anywhere on any object.
Color palette
RGB R-59 G-118 B-196 R-158 G-158 B-158 R-255 G-255 B-255 R-30 G-196 B-44 R-0 G-0 B-0
CKMY C -70% M-40% K-0% Y-23% C-0% M-0% K-0% Y-38% C -0% M-0% K-0% Y-0% C -85% M-0%
The following colors selected are to showcase to the target audience and other designers that Mission Motorcycles can be strong and confident in the rebrand. But also, Mission Motorcycles has the ability to show that they are eco-friendly in their mission to change the world with a colorful and bold product. With this ideology in mind, Mission Motorcycles has the potential to really amp up their products and services by appealing to the masses with vibrant color.
The images selected will help to create a “zag” for the company campaign project by giving the target audience the inner desire for a complex thrill of a lifetime. Each image selected helps make the company Mission Motorcycles “zag” because all the images playoff one another in relevance to the overall theme for the campaign project. The images not only fill the gap that is needed to convey the visual message with images. Also it gives a bold yet simplistic view of what’s to come for the overall campaign project. “While the previous section gave you clues for finding your zag, this section offers a process for designing it. I use the word design as economist Herbert Simon used it: “Everyone designs who devises courses of action aimed at changing existing situations into preferred ones.” The preferred situation in this case is a compelling brand based on radical differentiation. The course of action is a brand strategy that zags.” (Neumeier, 2008, p, 47).
1. Cam- Fade up from black 2. Shot- Full View 3. SFX- Whooshing sound to signify
Cam- 3d rotation of background Shot- Full view SFX- Sounds of motion for speed
Cam- 3d transition of camera and background Shot- Wide Shot SFX- Charging energy or humming
Cam- Fade to black Shot- Wide Shot SFX- powering down sound
Cam- Multiple transition of background images Shot- Medium shot of first descriptive word SFX- Decoding sounds as characters fade in
Cam- Fade to black Shot- Wide Shot SFX- powering down sound
Cam- Splash background and fast transitions Shot- Close up of first descriptive word SFX- Motorcycle engine starting up and revving
Cam- End Shot- End SFX- End
Cam- Fast transition into new background Shot- Close up of second descriptive word SFX- waster flowing, birds chirping, nature flowing
y or t d S ar bo 2.8
Dynamic Mood Board
Animated Logo
St y Gu le ide
3.0 Style Guide 3.1 Typography 3.2 Imagery 3.3 Textures
Typography TITLES (Dodger) abcdefghIjklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789
Body Copy (OCR A Std) abcdefghIjklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789
SubTitles (New Academy) abcdefghIjklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 The typography choice for the campaign is appropriate because it has a punch to your face look that just pops off the page. This type choice will flow throughout the project which will keep people engaged while reading the material. The tone of the copywriting for my campaign project will be direct and over the top. The reason behind this choice of tone for the copywriting, is because these days people aren’t shocked or surprised anymore by the norm. People in todays world need to be hit in the head with a sledge hammer to get their attention.
IMAGERY The use of imagery for this project was to find photos that would slap the target audience in the face. Each image suggests a “zag” by their pizzazz in the way they are designed and conceptualize their artistic mediums. “Of course, first you have to get a simple idea—a zag. Second, you have to use “generative learning” rather than “simple learning” to change the way the business operates. “Simple learning” is learning how to do the same thing better. “Generative learning” is learning how to do new things. “Most of all,” said Gerstner, “it requires that the organization do something different, value something more than it has in the past, acquire skills it doesn’t have.” (Neumeier, n.d., p,127) the concept of theme comes into play because of “simple learning” and “generative learning”. These two concepts play greatly into the theme for Mission Motorcycles rebrand because with them, Mission Motorcycles can rise above their competitors and supersede them with better intuition.
Another important aspect to consider when designing for a company is textures. The human brain is hard wired for our sense of touch. When translate the world through our eyes and what we can feel with our bodies. The importance of picking the correct textures for Mission Motorcycles was imparative because haveing a motorcycle without the right feel can take away from the riders experence with this awesome machine. So in useing bold, dynamic and elegant textures, Mission Motorcycles can follow the road less traveled
4.0 Design Solution 4.1 Video 4.2 Social media 4.3 Video games 4.4 Wearable gear 4.5 App Attack 4.6 Print Ads
n g i s De tion lu So
Since most of our media today allows you to take and or share video, all of these mediums together will allow for almost global domination of the brand Mission Motorcycles. With all aspects of these tools being used to forecast the brand and its identity the use of video on all fronts will bring to light the much-needed press that Mission Motorcycles needs.
With the combination of all the media outlets that I have chosen for my campaign project, social media would gain tremendous momentum at building the brand and the identity of Mission Motorcycles. Each separate outlet has it’s own unique ability to share with each other. Social Media can be viewed and shared in order for a message, product or service. The following quotation gives a clear perspective as how Social Media can be used with other forms of media to showcase their brand. “The sale marked Groupon’s first nation-wide deal with a major brand. For Gap, the deal brought in a ton of cash and, hopefully, new customers. “We’re really trying to reach new customers,” said Chris Gayton, Gap’s Senior Director of Media. “To reach them in ways that are part of their everyday so that it becomes like a conversation.” (Sniderman, page 1, 2010.).
Video Games
The overall concept of having Mission Motorcycles featured in a video game is to bring focus on the company and its message to help promote eco-friendly transportation. The idea that a major video game studio would showcase Mission Motorcycles would help spread the brand and increase brand awareness. The overall objective for this venture is to give customers a choice of how to customize a Mission Motorcycle in a virtual environment. Which gives them the freedom to design and upgrade the bike as they see fit.
Wearable Gear
A majority of companies that have succeeded over the years have had many different types of products and services to help raise their brand awareness. One very effective source of marketing for a campaign is a clothing/ gear line that allows customers to accessorize with their main product. This strategy helps promote the products and services of the company and lets other people know what the company has to offer.
APP Attack
The strategy behind applications is to allow Mission Motorcycle users to share their experiences, record their energy output, and connect with other Mission Motorcycle riders. Applications also give people the freedom to use other technology to help market the product or service that they are using. Also having a good application with your product that can be used on a customer’s phone or tablet allows the customer to have a deeper relationship with the product or service that they are using. Which in turn helps the brand and its overall spread. 4.5
Print Ads
Print ads have been used for many years and have a place in today’s society for campaign marketing. Strategy behind print ads is to place them in strategic places with high-traffic volumes so people can see the brand Mission Motorcycles day in and day out. A well-designed print ad that has been well placed can draw the attention of many people. And with the help of guerilla marketing, the product or service
References: Wheeler, A. October 22nd 2012. Designing Brand Identity: An Essential Guide for the Whole Branding Team, 4th Edition. John Wiley & Sons P&T, VitalBook file. Club S. (2011). Myths-vs-Reality Retrieved from: NREL. 2013. Electricity-Locations Retrieved from: *Best, K. (2006). Design Management: Managing Design Strategy, Process and Implementation. AVA Publishing, VitalBook file.* O’Grady, Visockey J and K. (2006). A Designer’s Research Manual, Succeed in Design By Knowing your Clients And What They Really Need. Rockport Publishers, Inc. Curtis, H. 2011. MTIV: Process, Inspiration and Practice for the New Media Designer, 1/e Vitalsource eBook for Full Sail University. Pearson Learning Solutions, VitalBook file. Best, K. (2006). Design Management: Managing Design Strategy, Process and Implementation. AVA Publishing, 2006. VitalBook file. Levens, M. (n.d.). Marketing, 1/e Vitalsource eBook for Full Sail University. Pearson Learning Solutions. VitalBook file. Neumeier, M. (n.d.). The Designful Company: How to build a culture of nonstop innovation for Full Sail University. Pearson Learning Solutions. VitalBook file. Wheeler, A. (2012). Designing Brand Identity: An Essential Guide for the Whole Branding Team, 4th Edition. John Wiley & Sons P&T, VitalBook file.z Ted H. (2013). A Pro Designer Shares the Psychology of Font Choices [Infographic] Sniderman, Z. (2010). Olenski, S. (2014). King, J. (2013). Neumeier, M. (2008). ZAG: The #1 Strategy of High-Performance Brands. Pearson Learning Solutions. VitalBook file.
Photography References
Photography References Continue