Matthew Smith 2018/19 Design Realisation

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Matthew Smith Design Realisation 2018/19 Unit 21

1A Brief Location Site photos and description, archaeology, Surrounding uses + party walls Social context and users Relation to key buildings Transport Conservation area Listed buildings Key council docs Future plans Protected views Sun - wind Geology and water Precedents Site drawings 1B Client intro Funding Procurement Team and hierarchy Schedal 2 Construction Phasing Building Programe Structure Stratagy MEP Stratagy Fire Stratagy Facade Stratagy Internal Hyginic Stratagy Studio Stratagy GA Plans GA Sections Details

Section 1A 1.01 Introduction


A school for training surgeons that addresses the problem of lost techniques and skill sets. The relationship between surgeons, anatomists and artists will be repaired and reappreciated. The students will explore anatomy by drawing, sculpting, sewing, dissecting and manipulating the human form; forced to showcase the hidden wonders of what sleeps beneath. The students will gain enhanced practical skills and a new creative language to communicate the human anatomy. The site is situated in St. Brides Ave, a narrow alley running along the perimeter of St. Brides Churchyard. The alley embodies a surgical incision - slicing and opening the skin between the church and adjacent buildings. My architecture reflects this, incorporating elements of ‘anatomical architecture;’ light, precise and organic.


Experimental Surgeons School


Training surgeons




St. Brides Ave, London


Surgeons are losing many of the key skills required of their discipline such as manual dexterity and visualisation. Surgeons will be taught as artists. Experimenting with drawing, sculping, sewing and the manipulation of human anatomy in order to bring well-crafted techniques back to the surgeon’s tool kit.

Supporting Quotes

“Artists are crucial to the history of anatomy” Ruth Richardson, Historian and Author “Some of the work they did, we actually can not reproduce with the skills of today” Harold Ellis, Clinical Anatomist, School of Biomedical Sciences, King’s College, London “I have ideas about how everybody should be left beneath their skin” “I want my knots to be beautiful” “You develop a kind of aesthetic” Atul Gawande, Surgeon, Writer, and Public Health Researcher, Professor of Surgery at Harvard

Supporting Articles

Section 1B 1.02 Clients, Funder, Tennants

The project consists of 4 key players. A main developer client, two tenant clients and one main funder. Together the 3 clients will write a brief and list the key requirements for the design to meet and incorporate. They will also identify the site and purchase it from its current owner. Once the brief has been established the main developer client will look to secure funds for the project.

Tenent Client Fund

Risk/Consequence: Fail to acquire the site – if the owner of the proposed site refuses to sell or overprices their land the project will be stopped until another site can be secured. This could also end the project completely. Fail to secured funds – if the project cannot secure enough money the project will not go ahead.

The Welcome Trust is be the main funder of the project. The Welcome Trust is a London-based biomedical research charity. They contributed £120 million to fund the construction of the Sir Francis Crick Institute, a state of the art biomedical research facility based in London’s King Cross. To quote their website “Our funding supports over 14,000 people in more than 70 countries. In the next five years, we aim to spend up to £5 billion helping thousands of curious, passionate people all over the world explore ideas in science, population health, medical innovation, the humanities and social sciences and public engagement.”

The Royal college of surgeons England is the main client. They have commissioned the scheme and will take on more of a developer role. The RSC “is a professional membership organisation and registered charity, which exists to advance patient care. We support over 25,000 members in the UK and internationally by improving their skills and knowledge, facilitating research and developing policy and guidance”

Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry will be one of the main tenants and occupier of the building. Facilitating the medical education role with in the scheme. Because of this, they will contribute funds to the running of the building as well as an initial investment. They will also have a client-based role and will help specify the require spaces and equipment. The school was formed by the merger of London Hospital Medical College and St Bartholomew’s Hospital Medical College. Barts was approached for this project because it is the largest hospital with in the city of London - where the site is situated

The Royal Academy of Art, London (The RA) will be one of the main tenants and occupiers of the building. Facilitating the Art education role with in the scheme. Because of this they will contribute funds to the running of the building as well as an initial investment. They will also have a client-based role and will help specify the require spaces and equipment. The RA is a prestigious London based art institution. Hosting exhibitions, education and debates. They are made up of a collection of artists, architects and, historically, anatomists. Because of this link and pedigree linking art and anatomy the RA is a perfect client/tennant for this scheme.

Section 1A 1.03 Location

The chosen site is located in the churchyard of St Brides Church. just off Fleet Street in the city of London. The churchyard sits north of the main church and is surrounded by buildings on each side. To the west and north it is broken up by a footpath and to the east, a one-way street. This site was chosen due to the burial ground underneath which the project aims to excavate and build a new necropolis, where the cadavers will be laid to rest. The proximity to Barts is also a major plus; keeping the site close to other tenant buildings. xxxx




8.5m 40m





Section 1A 1.04 Site Description 1/3

The following images show the site and the surrounding context. The perimeter of the site is made up of narrow roads and alleyways, bordered by the churchyard, which is raised above street level. This gives St Brides dominate presence. This development will need to reference the ‘City of London local development scheme; City of London Churchyards of Statements of Significance’ adhering within these guidelines will make for a stronger planning argument, increasing the likelihood of gaining planning permission.






06 site photo key







City of London | Local Development Scheme H i s to r i c E nv i ro n m ent St rateg y

City of London Churchyards Statements of Significance

Section 1A 1.05 Site Description 2/3

The scans show the main body of the site: The churchyard. It currently consists of trees, benches and disused head stones moved to the perimeter fence. there are also several different types of paving and a ramp leading up from the main entrance to the north.

04 03



site photo key

Section 1A 1.06 Site Description 3/3

02 01

site photo key

Section 1A 1.07 Existing Trees

The site is populated with several trees ranging in size, age and species. These trees are managed and cared for by the city so any required work / adaptation will need to be approved by the governing bodies. I aim to fell 11 of the trees to make space for the development. I will consult the ‘city of London, tree strategy’ document to make sure the proposed work is inline. Risk/Consequence The removal of trees runs counter the planning argument. To lessen the impact of this decision I would need to replace the falled trees and provide more then were there.


Within Site











Semi Mature












Height Girth















Liriodendron Established




















9 10

City of London Supplementary Planning Document













































Tree Strategy Part 1

site plan outlining tree locations



City Managed Trees tree 1,2,3

tree 4,5

tree 6,7

tree 9,10,11

Section 1B 1.08 Site Archaeology

St Brides has a rich archaeological history. It currently sits on the foundations of 6 previous churches. Dating back to Roman London. The medieval church was destroyed in the Great Fire of London and was rebuilt by Sir Christopher Wren. It was this design that we can see today with the prominent church spire. During WW2 the church was bombed in the Blitz and had to be restored. It was this bombing, however, that revealed the lost crypts housing hundreds of skeletons. It is believed they were victims of the great plague 1665 and the cholera epidemic 1854. The crypt was sealed by parliament and forgotten about. The team at the ‘Centre for Human Bioarchaeology’ at the Museum of London have done extensive work at St Brides, collecting and recording the remains. I aim to use the centre as a key consultant when excavating the site, allowing them access to study any remains that are found.

st brides romen ruins

Post Blitz Post Great Fire of London

recoved skelotons

Medieval Saxon Roman

medieval St brides

Because of this rich archaeological history, I will be using and referencing the guidelines set out in the ‘City of London, Archaeology and Development Guidance’ As a precedent I will follow a similar process to that of Crossrail who recently discovered human remains in two sites across the City of London.

St Brides Crypt

I will use the fact the site has been layered up on top of existing sites to my advantage in the planning argument, showing the site has a history of change and development. I will also re-bury any excavated remains back into the site in the new necropolis. Risk/Consequence It is not known what will be exgavated during the excavation process. Depending on what/and many things are found this could have a significant consequence on the timeline of the project, delaying future work, cost the client

post great fire of london

Crossrail exaggeration

City of London | Local Development Scheme H i s to r i c E nv i ro n m ent St rateg y

Archaeology & Development Guidance SPD

post Blitz

St Brides Crypt

Crossrail exaggeration

Section 1A 1.09 Site Sections

Three sections dissecting the site show the context building heights as well as the ascent facades to the north and south. The church spire has been dash in for reference. All drawings are to a diagrammatic scale.




Section Cut

Projected Church




site photo key


Section 1A 1.10 Wind Analysis

The winds mostly prevail from a SW direction, being situated within a courtyard the site is shielded from these wonds by the surrounding buildings. As long as the proposed building does not raise apove this ‘shield’ the impact of the wind will be minimal.







10% WNW








SW Key:

Prevailing wind


Contextual shields




Section 1A 1.11 Sunlight Analysis

The site is situated within a courtyard shielded by the surrounding buildings. The churches’ north façade gets no direct sunlight



15° 30





° 45

-4 5°




20 -60 °

° 60









07 E







16 09

15 10












Contextual shields







° 35 -1



Winter Solstice path




Year round path




Summer Solstice path


Section 1A 1.12 Rights of Light

The proposal will interfere with the rights of light and right to light of the buildings to the north and south of the site. The building to the south gets no direct sunlight throughout the year, but the faรงade to the north with be severely effected. To combat this I will offset the main body of my building away from faรงades. I will also try to buy their rights, neither of the surrounding buildings are residential. I will also argue that the existing trees have already been impairing their light. Risk/Consequence Failure to secure the rights of light could stop the proposal from gaining planning permission as well as costing


RoL RtL Issue


Projected North windows

Projected South windows

Section 1A 1.13 Party Walls

The site does not have any connection party walls, but it being less than 3m from its neighbours to the north and south means it has party foundation issues that will need to be negotiated. Risk/Consequence Lengthy negotiations can hold up the project as well a costing money.






Grade 1

Grade 2

Party Foundation Issue

Section Cut



Section 1A 1.14 Conservation Areas

The site is situated within the Fleet Street conservation area. New developments will need to be in keeping with the constraints outlined in the ‘City of London, Fleet Street Conservation Area, Character Summary and Management Strategy’ Risk/Consequence Failing to respect the surrounding architecture character of the contexts could lead to the building failing to get planning permission

Fleet Street CA Character Summary and Management Strategy Feb 2016



Fleet Street


St Paul’s Cathedral


Newgate Street

Site xxxx

Section 1A 1.15 Listed Buildings

The site is surrounded by listed buildings ranging from grade 1 to grade 2 star Risk/Consequence The proposal will need to be careful not to harm or negatively impact these buildings. Doing so could lead to the proposal failing to obtain planning. Due to the complexity of the site, the contractor will need to be careful not to damage the surrounding buildings.


Grade 1

Grade 2

Grade 2 Star

Section 1A 1.16 Protected View

The site sits just outside the St Pauls building height policy area and is not in the path of any direct views. It is however within two views listed with in Fleet Street conservation area. Risk/Consequence Inhibiting these views could lead to the proposal failing to get planning permission

City of London

P ro t e c t e d V i ews Supplementar y Planning Document

Fleet Street CA Character Summary and Management Strategy Feb 2016




01 02



St Pauls heights policy area

Protected vistas

City boundries

St Paul’s Cathedral

Camera position site photo key

site photo key

Section 1A 1.17 Surrounding Uses

The surrounding context is mostly made up of mixed use developments with retail/food and beverage outlets on the ground floor and offices above them. Fleet Street is a key area earmarked for business and retail development in the future. The lack of surrounding residential buildings is a positive to the proposal as it allows the contractor to work during unsociable hours

3 1 Ludgate House




Fleet Street







98 -100

101 8 7

66 30

St Bride’s Avenue






24 2-3




Bride Court




2 5

Mixed use retail/office

Mixed use F&B/retail

Mixed use F&B/resi

Mixed use retail/resi

Place of worship


Food & bevarage (F&B)



Salisbury Court


St Bride’s Church

6 1820 17

St Bride’s Passage

St Bride’s House

1214 The Bridwell Theatre

7 16

Tote House 8-12

Section 1A 1.18 Transport Links

The site has good transport links with several buses running down Fleet Street. There are 2 tube stations with in a 10 min walk and two railway stations within a 2 and 6min walk. Due to this I will not provide parking on site improving the green conditions of the proposal

City Thameslink

ST Pauls

2 min walk

6 min walk



Quickest walking route

Underground station

Railway station

Bus stop transport map

Blackfriers 6 min walk

Section 1A 1.19 Site Access

The site has limited direct road access. Brides Lane to the east of the site is the only serviceable road. It’s a narrow one-way street also housing a bike lane. In all other directions the site is bordered by pedestrian walkways. The nearest main roads are Fleet Street to the north and New Bridge Street to the east. Both have several lanes of traffic, including bus lanes. Risk The lack of main road access will prove problematic during the construction phase of the project. Large vehicles, heavy machinery, building materials and building waste will need to be carefully orchestrated in order to minimalize disruption to the surrounding context. A logistical consultant will be brought into the design team to facilitate this need.


Main Road

Secondary Road

Cycle Path

Pedestrian Path

Section 1A 1.20 Council Planning Guidelines

The project will need to be familiar with and adhere to several city-wide planning guidelines, these are not necessarily strict rules, but rather aims and standards that the city and boroughs are targeting. By meeting these guidelines, the project will be looked on more favourably when applying for planning. Risk Failure to meet these outlines could result in the project not gaining planning. To counter this the project will hire a planning consultant.


The London Plan is the widest in scope covering an overall strategy for economic, environmental, transport and social framework, as well as incorporating strategies from other plans and key areas including transport, economic development, housing, culture, social issues, health and environmental issues.


Developed in relation to


LOCAL PLAN January 2015

The City of London Local Plan is a specific set of planning guidelines for the boroughs’ own development up to and beyond 2026. The plan adheres to the standards and aims set out by ‘The London plan’ with exceptions to key localised targets and needs.


Section 1B

Section 1B 2.01 Procurement

There are 3 main procurement routes. All of which have their own pros and cons. Due to the complexity of my proposal I have decided to take a traditional procurement route, prioritizing quality and cost. Due to the nature of the exaggeration the time line, the project is uncertain and could stretch on. For this reason, I believe the other routes are unsuitable.








Competitive tender allows for negotiating costs. Allows client to save money. The tender process adds time to the project schedule




Higher quantity and detailed drawings issued before tender ensures the quality of design this also allows for a more accurate costing of the project, in turn keeps the cost down



Design + Build Pro

Bring the contractor on early save time due to the lack of tender


Project will be done on a fixed price. Anything over the agreed price will be funded by the contractor.


Contractor takes responsibility and risk for delivering the project


Quality suffers due to the contracted leading design and construction. Time and cost is prioritised over quality


Client has to commit to a design early


Managment Contract Pro

Appointed managing contractor takes the responsibility and risk for the project being delivered


Contractor appointed early allows some work to begin before the design is finished. Saving time.


Having the team together early allows for better input on the quality and buildability of the design during the design process.


The cost of the project is at risk of fluctuating as the design has not be finalized and subject to change

Section 1B 2.02 Design Team

Tenent Client Fund

Contracted to

Contracted to

Cost Consultant

Design team


Contractor Coordinated by

The design team will consist of an architect (lead consultant), contractor, engineers, consultants and a archaeologist. All these members will have their own individual contract with the client. The funder on the project will employ a cost consultant to represent their intrests and oversee the spending of their money.




Section 1B 2.04 Consultants

Consultants are professionals with an expert knowledge in a particular field. They’re hired by the client to compete a specific task for a fixed fee. Consultants are used on complex parts of the project to aid the design team in designing and delivering complicated areas. The consultants will be coordinated by the design team.


tra ed ct to

Design team


on C





e ct

Coordinated by

Consultants Planning Consultant Interior designer Surveyor

Quantity Surveyor

RoL Surveyor Logistics Consultent

Fire Consultent Specialist Designers

Section 1B 2.03 Sub-Contractors

The main contractor will hire sub-contractors for their skills and expertise in constructing and installing elements of the building. When the main contractor prices the tender package, they will include the price of the sub-contractors, pricing in a tolerance for attendance and mark-ups. The contractor will purchase materials and goods from a supplier. Unless a particular product has been specified in the tender package the contractor will find the cheapest option to increase their profits. The design team can also spec’ standard or particular products or materials that need to be met. To ensure the quality of the product, the design team will specify the standard of material or product which needs to be met. This will be spec’d in the tender package and the contractor will be contractually obligated to meet/ purchase those products/materials.


Main Contractor Contracted to + Coordinated by

Material + Goods Supplier

Sub contractors

Façade contractor

Specialist Interior contractor


Structural contractor


Lighting contractor

Electricians Archaeologist Specialist contractors

Section 1B 2.07 Economic Generation

Funding Streams Teaching Bodies Barts





Private Trusts

Private Teaching Public Lectures

The building will have several different funding streams for it to be economically efficient. Barts and the Royal Academy will contribute a large portion of funds for their use and tenancy of the building. As the project is artistic, scientific and educational it will apply for both corporate and private donations. The building will host several events and activities to generate income. This will come from private teaching and hiring of spaces when not in use by the students. The events will also be open to sponsorship deals and any art sold at the exhibitions will contribute a percentage of the sales fee. The prospect of influencing the cost and maintenance of the project lessens as the build nears completion. It is, therefore, crucial to make correct costing decisions early on in the design phase for the project to be an economic success.

Exhibition Private Events Costs







1 - Concept phase

3 - Building phase

Cumulative costs

2 - Design phase

4 - Operation phase

Influence on cost


Section 1B 2.08 Project Schedule + RIBA

St Brides Experimental Surgeons School ID 1

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

10 11 12 13 14 15

Task Name



Project Stages

1140 days 410 days 70 days 0 days

Mon 01/04/19 Mon 01/04/19 Mon 01/04/19 Mon 01/04/19

Design Stage 0

Architect apointment (compotition win) Identify strategic objectives core 8 wks project requirements. Issue strategic briefing document as 0 days basis for profesional team apointment. Tender profesional services contracts6 wks Apoint design team

Stage 1

0 days 50 days 8 wks

Design team Development initial Project brief Client sign off initial project brief inc 2 wks cost plan

Stage 2

100 days 12 wks Client sign off initial concept inc cost 2 wks Concept design

plan Submit for outline planning


Fri 11/08/23 Fri 23/10/20 Fri 05/07/19 Mon 01/04/19 Mon 01/04/19 Fri 24/05/19 Fri 24/05/19

Fri 24/05/19

Mon 27/05/19 Fri 05/07/19 Mon 08/07/19 Mon 08/07/19

Fri 05/07/19 Fri 05/07/19 Fri 13/09/19 Fri 30/08/19

20 21

Stage 4

130 days 12 wks 2 wks

Mon 27/04/20 Fri 23/10/20 Mon 27/04/20 Fri 17/07/20 Mon 20/07/20 Fri 31/07/20

12 wks 10 wks 720 days 720 days 0 days 4 wks 8 wks

Mon 03/08/20 Mon 03/08/20 Fri 06/11/20 Fri 06/11/20 Fri 06/11/20 Mon 09/11/20 Mon 07/12/20

8 wks

Mon 01/02/21 Fri 26/03/21

12 wks

Mon 29/03/21 Fri 18/06/21

12 wks

Mon 21/06/21 Fri 10/09/21

0 days

Fri 10/09/21

Fri 10/09/21

Mon 13/09/21 Mon 28/02/22 Mon 15/08/22 Mon 29/08/22 Fri 13/01/23 Mon 16/01/23 Mon 05/06/23 Fri 11/08/23 Fri 11/08/23 Fri 11/08/23

Fri 25/02/22 Fri 12/08/22 Fri 26/08/22 Fri 13/01/23 Fri 13/01/23 Fri 02/06/23 Fri 11/08/23 Fri 11/08/23 Fri 11/08/23 Fri 11/08/23

17 18 19

22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44

cost plan

Technical Design Client sign off technical design inc cost plan Submit Planning Construction tender

Construct Stage 5 Award construction contract Contractor mobalisation Establish site and commense excurvations Allowance for removal of remains if found. Basement excurvations, pilling comences Form basement, initial superstructure, ground level slab Waterproof basement, drying commence Install remaining superstructure

24 wks 24 wks Main stair install 2 wks Facard envelope install. 20 wks building water tight 0 days Internal fit out inc MEP 20 wks Comissioning of MEP, Arch finishes 10 wks Satage 6&7 0 days Parctical completion 0 days Defects, in use servey. 0 days install floor slabs, lift shafts

Qtr 3

Qtr 4

2020 Qtr 1

Qtr 2

Qtr 3

Qtr 4

2021 Qtr 1

Qtr 2

Qtr 3

Qtr 4

2022 Qtr 1

Qtr 2

Qtr 3

Qtr 4

2023 Qtr 1

Qtr 2

Qtr 3


24/05 05/07

Mon 16/09/19 Fri 31/01/20 Mon 16/09/19 Fri 06/12/19 Mon 09/12/19 Fri 20/12/19 Mon 23/12/19 Fri 31/01/20 Mon 23/12/19 Mon 23/12/19 Mon 03/02/20 Mon 13/04/20

Outline planning granted

Qtr 2

Mon 02/09/19 Fri 13/09/19

6 wks 0 wks Satge 3 90 days Developed design 16 wks Incorporate planning comments 8 wks Client sign off developed design inc 2 wks


2019 Qtr 1

Fri 31/01/20 Fri 31/01/20 Fri 24/04/20 Fri 10/04/20 Fri 27/03/20 Fri 24/04/20

Fri 23/10/20 Fri 09/10/20 Fri 11/08/23 Fri 11/08/23 Fri 06/11/20 Fri 04/12/20 Fri 29/01/21





11/08 11/08 11/08

Qtr 4


Section 2

Section 2 2.0 Construction Phasing

St Brides Experimental Surgeons School

Phase 1


Task Name 1

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

10 11 12 13 14 15




410 days 70 days 0 days

Mon 01/04/19 Fri 23/10/20 Mon 01/04/19 Fri 05/07/19 Mon 01/04/19 Mon 01/04/19 Mon 01/04/19 Fri 24/05/19

Contractor appointed and mobilised. 1140 days Mon 01/04/19 Fri 11/08/23 Project Stages Design Stage 0

Architect apointment (compotition win) Identify strategic objectives core 8 wks project requirements. Issue strategic briefing document as 0 days basis for profesional team apointment. Tender profesional services contracts6 wks Apoint design team

Stage 1

0 days 50 days 8 wks

Design team Development initial Project brief Client sign off initial project brief inc 2 wks cost plan

Stage 2

100 days 12 wks Client sign off initial concept inc cost 2 wks Concept design

plan Submit for outline planning

Fri 24/05/19

Fri 24/05/19

Mon 27/05/19 Fri 05/07/19 Mon 08/07/19 Mon 08/07/19

Fri 05/07/19 Fri 05/07/19 Fri 13/09/19 Fri 30/08/19

20 21

Stage 4

130 days 12 wks 2 wks

Mon 27/04/20 Fri 23/10/20 Mon 27/04/20 Fri 17/07/20 Mon 20/07/20 Fri 31/07/20

12 wks 10 wks 720 days 720 days 0 days 4 wks 8 wks

Mon 03/08/20 Mon 03/08/20 Fri 06/11/20 Fri 06/11/20 Fri 06/11/20 Mon 09/11/20 Mon 07/12/20

8 wks

Mon 01/02/21 Fri 26/03/21

12 wks

Mon 29/03/21 Fri 18/06/21

12 wks

Mon 21/06/21 Fri 10/09/21

0 days

Fri 10/09/21

Fri 10/09/21

Mon 13/09/21 Mon 28/02/22 Mon 15/08/22 Mon 29/08/22 Fri 13/01/23 Mon 16/01/23 Mon 05/06/23 Fri 11/08/23 Fri 11/08/23 Fri 11/08/23

Fri 25/02/22 Fri 12/08/22 Fri 26/08/22 Fri 13/01/23 Fri 13/01/23 Fri 02/06/23 Fri 11/08/23 Fri 11/08/23 Fri 11/08/23 Fri 11/08/23

17 18 19

22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44

cost plan

Technical Design Client sign off technical design inc cost plan Submit Planning Construction tender

Construct Stage 5 Award construction contract Contractor mobalisation Establish site and commense excurvations Allowance for removal of remains if found. Basement excurvations, pilling comences Form basement, initial superstructure, ground level slab Waterproof basement, drying commence Install remaining superstructure

24 wks 24 wks Main stair install 2 wks Facard envelope install. 20 wks building water tight 0 days Internal fit out inc MEP 20 wks Comissioning of MEP, Arch finishes 10 wks Satage 6&7 0 days Parctical completion 0 days Defects, in use servey. 0 days install floor slabs, lift shafts

Qtr 3

Qtr 4

2020 Qtr 1

Qtr 2

Qtr 3

Qtr 4

2021 Qtr 1

Qtr 2

Qtr 3

Qtr 4

2022 Qtr 1

Qtr 2

Qtr 3

Qtr 4

2023 Qtr 1

Qtr 2

Qtr 3


24/05 05/07

Mon 16/09/19 Fri 31/01/20 Mon 16/09/19 Fri 06/12/19 Mon 09/12/19 Fri 20/12/19 Mon 23/12/19 Fri 31/01/20 Mon 23/12/19 Mon 23/12/19 Mon 03/02/20 Mon 13/04/20

Outline planning granted

Qtr 2

Mon 02/09/19 Fri 13/09/19

6 wks 0 wks Satge 3 90 days Developed design 16 wks Incorporate planning comments 8 wks Client sign off developed design inc 2 wks


2019 Qtr 1

Fri 31/01/20 Fri 31/01/20 Fri 24/04/20 Fri 10/04/20 Fri 27/03/20 Fri 24/04/20

Fri 23/10/20 Fri 09/10/20 Fri 11/08/23 Fri 11/08/23 Fri 06/11/20 Fri 04/12/20 Fri 29/01/21





11/08 11/08 11/08

Qtr 4


Section 2 2.0 Construction Phasing

St Brides Experimental Surgeons School

Phase 2


Task Name 1

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

10 11 12 13 14 15




The site is cleared and excavation levelsMon 01/04/19 Fri 11/08/23 1140 days Project Stagesfor foundations and basement begins. An archaeologist examines 410 days Mon 01/04/19 Fri 23/10/20 Design Stage 0 and analyses the excavation. 70 days Mon 01/04/19 Fri 05/07/19 Architect apointment (compotition 0 days win) Identify strategic objectives core 8 wks project requirements. Issue strategic briefing document as 0 days basis for profesional team apointment. Tender profesional services contracts6 wks Apoint design team

Stage 1

0 days 50 days 8 wks

Design team Development initial Project brief Client sign off initial project brief inc 2 wks cost plan

Stage 2

100 days 12 wks Client sign off initial concept inc cost 2 wks Concept design

plan Submit for outline planning

Mon 01/04/19 Mon 01/04/19 Mon 01/04/19 Fri 24/05/19 Fri 24/05/19

Fri 24/05/19

Mon 27/05/19 Fri 05/07/19 Mon 08/07/19 Mon 08/07/19

Fri 05/07/19 Fri 05/07/19 Fri 13/09/19 Fri 30/08/19

20 21

Stage 4

130 days 12 wks 2 wks

Mon 27/04/20 Fri 23/10/20 Mon 27/04/20 Fri 17/07/20 Mon 20/07/20 Fri 31/07/20

12 wks 10 wks 720 days 720 days 0 days 4 wks 8 wks

Mon 03/08/20 Mon 03/08/20 Fri 06/11/20 Fri 06/11/20 Fri 06/11/20 Mon 09/11/20 Mon 07/12/20

8 wks

Mon 01/02/21 Fri 26/03/21

12 wks

Mon 29/03/21 Fri 18/06/21

12 wks

Mon 21/06/21 Fri 10/09/21

0 days

Fri 10/09/21

Fri 10/09/21

Mon 13/09/21 Mon 28/02/22 Mon 15/08/22 Mon 29/08/22 Fri 13/01/23 Mon 16/01/23 Mon 05/06/23 Fri 11/08/23 Fri 11/08/23 Fri 11/08/23

Fri 25/02/22 Fri 12/08/22 Fri 26/08/22 Fri 13/01/23 Fri 13/01/23 Fri 02/06/23 Fri 11/08/23 Fri 11/08/23 Fri 11/08/23 Fri 11/08/23

17 18 19

22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44

cost plan

Technical Design Client sign off technical design inc cost plan Submit Planning Construction tender

Construct Stage 5 Award construction contract Contractor mobalisation Establish site and commense excurvations Allowance for removal of remains if found. Basement excurvations, pilling comences Form basement, initial superstructure, ground level slab Waterproof basement, drying commence Install remaining superstructure

24 wks 24 wks Main stair install 2 wks Facard envelope install. 20 wks building water tight 0 days Internal fit out inc MEP 20 wks Comissioning of MEP, Arch finishes 10 wks Satage 6&7 0 days Parctical completion 0 days Defects, in use servey. 0 days install floor slabs, lift shafts

Qtr 3

Qtr 4

2020 Qtr 1

Qtr 2

Qtr 3

Qtr 4

2021 Qtr 1

Qtr 2

Qtr 3

Qtr 4

2022 Qtr 1

Qtr 2

Qtr 3

Qtr 4

2023 Qtr 1

Qtr 2

Qtr 3


24/05 05/07

Mon 16/09/19 Fri 31/01/20 Mon 16/09/19 Fri 06/12/19 Mon 09/12/19 Fri 20/12/19 Mon 23/12/19 Fri 31/01/20 Mon 23/12/19 Mon 23/12/19 Mon 03/02/20 Mon 13/04/20

Outline planning granted

Qtr 2

Mon 02/09/19 Fri 13/09/19

6 wks 0 wks Satge 3 90 days Developed design 16 wks Incorporate planning comments 8 wks Client sign off developed design inc 2 wks


2019 Qtr 1

Fri 31/01/20 Fri 31/01/20 Fri 24/04/20 Fri 10/04/20 Fri 27/03/20 Fri 24/04/20

Fri 23/10/20 Fri 09/10/20 Fri 11/08/23 Fri 11/08/23 Fri 06/11/20 Fri 04/12/20 Fri 29/01/21





11/08 11/08 11/08

Qtr 4


Section 2 2.0 Construction Phasing

St Brides Experimental Surgeons School

Phase 3


Task Name 1

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

10 11 12 13 14 15




The basement is made watertight and dry, internal days Mon 01/04/19 Fri 11/08/23 Project Stagesbegins to dry. Once it is 1140 work can begin. 410 days Mon 01/04/19 Fri 23/10/20 Design Stage 0 The remaining primary structure 70 days is Mon 01/04/19 Fri 05/07/19 installed above ground. Architect apointment (compotition 0 days Mon 01/04/19 Mon win) Identify strategic objectives core 8 wks project requirements. Issue strategic briefing document as 0 days basis for profesional team apointment. Tender profesional services contracts6 wks Apoint design team

Stage 1

0 days 50 days 8 wks

Design team Development initial Project brief Client sign off initial project brief inc 2 wks cost plan

Stage 2

100 days 12 wks Client sign off initial concept inc cost 2 wks Concept design

plan Submit for outline planning

01/04/19 Mon 01/04/19 Fri 24/05/19 Fri 24/05/19

Fri 24/05/19

Mon 27/05/19 Fri 05/07/19 Mon 08/07/19 Mon 08/07/19

Fri 05/07/19 Fri 05/07/19 Fri 13/09/19 Fri 30/08/19

20 21

Stage 4

130 days 12 wks 2 wks

Mon 27/04/20 Fri 23/10/20 Mon 27/04/20 Fri 17/07/20 Mon 20/07/20 Fri 31/07/20

12 wks 10 wks 720 days 720 days 0 days 4 wks 8 wks

Mon 03/08/20 Mon 03/08/20 Fri 06/11/20 Fri 06/11/20 Fri 06/11/20 Mon 09/11/20 Mon 07/12/20

8 wks

Mon 01/02/21 Fri 26/03/21

12 wks

Mon 29/03/21 Fri 18/06/21

12 wks

Mon 21/06/21 Fri 10/09/21

0 days

Fri 10/09/21

Fri 10/09/21

Mon 13/09/21 Mon 28/02/22 Mon 15/08/22 Mon 29/08/22 Fri 13/01/23 Mon 16/01/23 Mon 05/06/23 Fri 11/08/23 Fri 11/08/23 Fri 11/08/23

Fri 25/02/22 Fri 12/08/22 Fri 26/08/22 Fri 13/01/23 Fri 13/01/23 Fri 02/06/23 Fri 11/08/23 Fri 11/08/23 Fri 11/08/23 Fri 11/08/23

17 18 19

22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44

cost plan

Technical Design Client sign off technical design inc cost plan Submit Planning Construction tender

Construct Stage 5 Award construction contract Contractor mobalisation Establish site and commense excurvations Allowance for removal of remains if found. Basement excurvations, pilling comences Form basement, initial superstructure, ground level slab Waterproof basement, drying commence Install remaining superstructure

24 wks 24 wks Main stair install 2 wks Facard envelope install. 20 wks building water tight 0 days Internal fit out inc MEP 20 wks Comissioning of MEP, Arch finishes 10 wks Satage 6&7 0 days Parctical completion 0 days Defects, in use servey. 0 days install floor slabs, lift shafts

Qtr 3

Qtr 4

2020 Qtr 1

Qtr 2

Qtr 3

Qtr 4

2021 Qtr 1

Qtr 2

Qtr 3

Qtr 4

2022 Qtr 1

Qtr 2

Qtr 3

Qtr 4

2023 Qtr 1

Qtr 2

Qtr 3


24/05 05/07

Mon 16/09/19 Fri 31/01/20 Mon 16/09/19 Fri 06/12/19 Mon 09/12/19 Fri 20/12/19 Mon 23/12/19 Fri 31/01/20 Mon 23/12/19 Mon 23/12/19 Mon 03/02/20 Mon 13/04/20

Outline planning granted

Qtr 2

Mon 02/09/19 Fri 13/09/19

6 wks 0 wks Satge 3 90 days Developed design 16 wks Incorporate planning comments 8 wks Client sign off developed design inc 2 wks


2019 Qtr 1

Fri 31/01/20 Fri 31/01/20 Fri 24/04/20 Fri 10/04/20 Fri 27/03/20 Fri 24/04/20

Fri 23/10/20 Fri 09/10/20 Fri 11/08/23 Fri 11/08/23 Fri 06/11/20 Fri 04/12/20 Fri 29/01/21





11/08 11/08 11/08

Qtr 4


Section 2 2.0 Construction Phasing

St Brides Experimental Surgeons School

Phase 4


Task Name 1

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

10 11 12 13 14 15




70 days

Mon 01/04/19 Fri 05/07/19 Mon 01/04/19 Mon 01/04/19 Mon 01/04/19 Fri 24/05/19

The above-ground floor slabs are 1140 daysfor all Mon 01/04/19 Fri 11/08/23 Project Stagesinstalled and lift shafts installed levels. 410 days Mon 01/04/19 Fri 23/10/20 Design Stage 0

Architect apointment (compotition 0 days win) Identify strategic objectives core 8 wks project requirements. Issue strategic briefing document as 0 days basis for profesional team apointment. Tender profesional services contracts6 wks Apoint design team

Stage 1

0 days 50 days 8 wks

Design team Development initial Project brief Client sign off initial project brief inc 2 wks cost plan

Stage 2

100 days 12 wks Client sign off initial concept inc cost 2 wks Concept design

plan Submit for outline planning

Fri 24/05/19

Fri 24/05/19

Mon 27/05/19 Fri 05/07/19 Mon 08/07/19 Mon 08/07/19

Fri 05/07/19 Fri 05/07/19 Fri 13/09/19 Fri 30/08/19

20 21

Stage 4

130 days 12 wks 2 wks

Mon 27/04/20 Fri 23/10/20 Mon 27/04/20 Fri 17/07/20 Mon 20/07/20 Fri 31/07/20

12 wks 10 wks 720 days 720 days 0 days 4 wks 8 wks

Mon 03/08/20 Mon 03/08/20 Fri 06/11/20 Fri 06/11/20 Fri 06/11/20 Mon 09/11/20 Mon 07/12/20

8 wks

Mon 01/02/21 Fri 26/03/21

12 wks

Mon 29/03/21 Fri 18/06/21

12 wks

Mon 21/06/21 Fri 10/09/21

0 days

Fri 10/09/21

Fri 10/09/21

Mon 13/09/21 Mon 28/02/22 Mon 15/08/22 Mon 29/08/22 Fri 13/01/23 Mon 16/01/23 Mon 05/06/23 Fri 11/08/23 Fri 11/08/23 Fri 11/08/23

Fri 25/02/22 Fri 12/08/22 Fri 26/08/22 Fri 13/01/23 Fri 13/01/23 Fri 02/06/23 Fri 11/08/23 Fri 11/08/23 Fri 11/08/23 Fri 11/08/23

17 18 19

22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44

cost plan

Technical Design Client sign off technical design inc cost plan Submit Planning Construction tender

Construct Stage 5 Award construction contract Contractor mobalisation Establish site and commense excurvations Allowance for removal of remains if found. Basement excurvations, pilling comences Form basement, initial superstructure, ground level slab Waterproof basement, drying commence Install remaining superstructure

24 wks 24 wks Main stair install 2 wks Facard envelope install. 20 wks building water tight 0 days Internal fit out inc MEP 20 wks Comissioning of MEP, Arch finishes 10 wks Satage 6&7 0 days Parctical completion 0 days Defects, in use servey. 0 days install floor slabs, lift shafts

Qtr 3

Qtr 4

2020 Qtr 1

Qtr 2

Qtr 3

Qtr 4

2021 Qtr 1

Qtr 2

Qtr 3

Qtr 4

2022 Qtr 1

Qtr 2

Qtr 3

Qtr 4

2023 Qtr 1

Qtr 2

Qtr 3


24/05 05/07

Mon 16/09/19 Fri 31/01/20 Mon 16/09/19 Fri 06/12/19 Mon 09/12/19 Fri 20/12/19 Mon 23/12/19 Fri 31/01/20 Mon 23/12/19 Mon 23/12/19 Mon 03/02/20 Mon 13/04/20

Outline planning granted

Qtr 2

Mon 02/09/19 Fri 13/09/19

6 wks 0 wks Satge 3 90 days Developed design 16 wks Incorporate planning comments 8 wks Client sign off developed design inc 2 wks


2019 Qtr 1

Fri 31/01/20 Fri 31/01/20 Fri 24/04/20 Fri 10/04/20 Fri 27/03/20 Fri 24/04/20

Fri 23/10/20 Fri 09/10/20 Fri 11/08/23 Fri 11/08/23 Fri 06/11/20 Fri 04/12/20 Fri 29/01/21





11/08 11/08 11/08

Qtr 4


Section 2 2.0 Construction Phasing

St Brides Experimental Surgeons School

Phase 5


Task Name 1

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

10 11 12 13 14 15




70 days

Mon 01/04/19 Fri 05/07/19 Mon 01/04/19 Mon 01/04/19 Mon 01/04/19 Fri 24/05/19

The main staircase is delivered to edge 1140 daysof the Mon 01/04/19 Fri 11/08/23 Project Stagessite and installed onto the slab. 410 days Mon 01/04/19 Fri 23/10/20 Design Stage 0

Architect apointment (compotition 0 days win) Identify strategic objectives core 8 wks project requirements. Issue strategic briefing document as 0 days basis for profesional team apointment. Tender profesional services contracts6 wks Apoint design team

Stage 1

0 days 50 days 8 wks

Design team Development initial Project brief Client sign off initial project brief inc 2 wks cost plan

Stage 2

100 days 12 wks Client sign off initial concept inc cost 2 wks Concept design

plan Submit for outline planning

Fri 24/05/19

Fri 24/05/19

Mon 27/05/19 Fri 05/07/19 Mon 08/07/19 Mon 08/07/19

Fri 05/07/19 Fri 05/07/19 Fri 13/09/19 Fri 30/08/19

20 21

Stage 4

130 days 12 wks 2 wks

Mon 27/04/20 Fri 23/10/20 Mon 27/04/20 Fri 17/07/20 Mon 20/07/20 Fri 31/07/20

12 wks 10 wks 720 days 720 days 0 days 4 wks 8 wks

Mon 03/08/20 Mon 03/08/20 Fri 06/11/20 Fri 06/11/20 Fri 06/11/20 Mon 09/11/20 Mon 07/12/20

8 wks

Mon 01/02/21 Fri 26/03/21

12 wks

Mon 29/03/21 Fri 18/06/21

12 wks

Mon 21/06/21 Fri 10/09/21

0 days

Fri 10/09/21

Fri 10/09/21

Mon 13/09/21 Mon 28/02/22 Mon 15/08/22 Mon 29/08/22 Fri 13/01/23 Mon 16/01/23 Mon 05/06/23 Fri 11/08/23 Fri 11/08/23 Fri 11/08/23

Fri 25/02/22 Fri 12/08/22 Fri 26/08/22 Fri 13/01/23 Fri 13/01/23 Fri 02/06/23 Fri 11/08/23 Fri 11/08/23 Fri 11/08/23 Fri 11/08/23

17 18 19

22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44

cost plan

Technical Design Client sign off technical design inc cost plan Submit Planning Construction tender

Construct Stage 5 Award construction contract Contractor mobalisation Establish site and commense excurvations Allowance for removal of remains if found. Basement excurvations, pilling comences Form basement, initial superstructure, ground level slab Waterproof basement, drying commence Install remaining superstructure

24 wks 24 wks Main stair install 2 wks Facard envelope install. 20 wks building water tight 0 days Internal fit out inc MEP 20 wks Comissioning of MEP, Arch finishes 10 wks Satage 6&7 0 days Parctical completion 0 days Defects, in use servey. 0 days install floor slabs, lift shafts

Qtr 3

Qtr 4

2020 Qtr 1

Qtr 2

Qtr 3

Qtr 4

2021 Qtr 1

Qtr 2

Qtr 3

Qtr 4

2022 Qtr 1

Qtr 2

Qtr 3

Qtr 4

2023 Qtr 1

Qtr 2

Qtr 3


24/05 05/07

Mon 16/09/19 Fri 31/01/20 Mon 16/09/19 Fri 06/12/19 Mon 09/12/19 Fri 20/12/19 Mon 23/12/19 Fri 31/01/20 Mon 23/12/19 Mon 23/12/19 Mon 03/02/20 Mon 13/04/20

Outline planning granted

Qtr 2

Mon 02/09/19 Fri 13/09/19

6 wks 0 wks Satge 3 90 days Developed design 16 wks Incorporate planning comments 8 wks Client sign off developed design inc 2 wks


2019 Qtr 1

Fri 31/01/20 Fri 31/01/20 Fri 24/04/20 Fri 10/04/20 Fri 27/03/20 Fri 24/04/20

Fri 23/10/20 Fri 09/10/20 Fri 11/08/23 Fri 11/08/23 Fri 06/11/20 Fri 04/12/20 Fri 29/01/21





11/08 11/08 11/08

Qtr 4


Section 2 2.0 Construction Phasing

St Brides Experimental Surgeons School

Phase 6


Task Name 1

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

10 11 12 13 14 15




Faรงade structure is installed, encasing Alldays large Mon 01/04/19 Fri 11/08/23 1140 Project Stagesthe building in a steel web. internal elements have been delivered 410 days Mon 01/04/19 Fri 23/10/20 Design Stage 0 and craned up to their respective 70 days floor Mon 01/04/19 Fri 05/07/19 before the faรงade0structure was Architect levels apointment (compotition days Mon 01/04/19 Mon installed. win) 01/04/19 Identify strategic objectives core 8 wks project requirements. Issue strategic briefing document as 0 days basis for profesional team apointment. Tender profesional services contracts6 wks Apoint design team

Stage 1

0 days 50 days 8 wks

Design team Development initial Project brief Client sign off initial project brief inc 2 wks cost plan

Stage 2

100 days 12 wks Client sign off initial concept inc cost 2 wks Concept design

plan Submit for outline planning

Fri 24/05/19

Fri 24/05/19

Mon 27/05/19 Fri 05/07/19 Mon 08/07/19 Mon 08/07/19

Fri 05/07/19 Fri 05/07/19 Fri 13/09/19 Fri 30/08/19


Stage 4

130 days 12 wks 2 wks

Mon 27/04/20 Fri 23/10/20 Mon 27/04/20 Fri 17/07/20 Mon 20/07/20 Fri 31/07/20

12 wks 10 wks 720 days 720 days 0 days 4 wks 8 wks

Mon 03/08/20 Mon 03/08/20 Fri 06/11/20 Fri 06/11/20 Fri 06/11/20 Mon 09/11/20 Mon 07/12/20

8 wks

Mon 01/02/21 Fri 26/03/21

12 wks

Mon 29/03/21 Fri 18/06/21

12 wks

Mon 21/06/21 Fri 10/09/21

0 days

Fri 10/09/21

Fri 10/09/21

Mon 13/09/21 Mon 28/02/22 Mon 15/08/22 Mon 29/08/22 Fri 13/01/23 Mon 16/01/23 Mon 05/06/23 Fri 11/08/23 Fri 11/08/23 Fri 11/08/23

Fri 25/02/22 Fri 12/08/22 Fri 26/08/22 Fri 13/01/23 Fri 13/01/23 Fri 02/06/23 Fri 11/08/23 Fri 11/08/23 Fri 11/08/23 Fri 11/08/23

18 19

22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44

cost plan

Technical Design Client sign off technical design inc cost plan Submit Planning Construction tender

Construct Stage 5 Award construction contract Contractor mobalisation Establish site and commense excurvations Allowance for removal of remains if found. Basement excurvations, pilling comences Form basement, initial superstructure, ground level slab Waterproof basement, drying commence Install remaining superstructure

24 wks 24 wks Main stair install 2 wks Facard envelope install. 20 wks building water tight 0 days Internal fit out inc MEP 20 wks Comissioning of MEP, Arch finishes 10 wks Satage 6&7 0 days Parctical completion 0 days Defects, in use servey. 0 days install floor slabs, lift shafts

Qtr 4

2020 Qtr 1

Qtr 2

Qtr 3

Qtr 4

2021 Qtr 1

Qtr 2

Qtr 3

Qtr 4

2022 Qtr 1

Qtr 2

Qtr 3

Qtr 4

2023 Qtr 1

Qtr 2

Qtr 3


24/05 05/07

Mon 16/09/19 Fri 31/01/20 Mon 16/09/19 Fri 06/12/19 Mon 09/12/19 Fri 20/12/19



Qtr 3

Mon 02/09/19 Fri 13/09/19

Mon 23/12/19 Fri 31/01/20 Mon 23/12/19 Mon 23/12/19 Mon 03/02/20 Mon 13/04/20

Outline planning granted

Qtr 2

Mon 01/04/19 Fri 24/05/19

6 wks 0 wks Satge 3 90 days Developed design 16 wks Incorporate planning comments 8 wks Client sign off developed design inc 2 wks


2019 Qtr 1

Fri 31/01/20 Fri 31/01/20 Fri 24/04/20 Fri 10/04/20 Fri 27/03/20 Fri 24/04/20

Fri 23/10/20 Fri 09/10/20 Fri 11/08/23 Fri 11/08/23 Fri 06/11/20 Fri 04/12/20 Fri 29/01/21





11/08 11/08 11/08

Qtr 4


Section 2 2.0 Construction Phasing

St Brides Experimental Surgeons School

Phase 7


Task Name 1

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

10 11 12 13 14 15




70 days

Mon 01/04/19 Fri 05/07/19 Mon 01/04/19 Mon 01/04/19 Mon 01/04/19 Fri 24/05/19

Faรงade installation complete. The Internal 1140 days finMon 01/04/19 Fri 11/08/23 Project Stagesbuilding is now water tight. ishes and fit-out can now commence. 410 days Mon 01/04/19 Fri 23/10/20 Design Stage 0

Architect apointment (compotition 0 days win) Identify strategic objectives core 8 wks project requirements. Issue strategic briefing document as 0 days basis for profesional team apointment. Tender profesional services contracts6 wks Apoint design team

Stage 1

0 days 50 days 8 wks

Design team Development initial Project brief Client sign off initial project brief inc 2 wks cost plan

Stage 2

100 days 12 wks Client sign off initial concept inc cost 2 wks Concept design

plan Submit for outline planning

Fri 24/05/19

Fri 24/05/19

Mon 27/05/19 Fri 05/07/19 Mon 08/07/19 Mon 08/07/19

Fri 05/07/19 Fri 05/07/19 Fri 13/09/19 Fri 30/08/19

20 21

Stage 4

130 days 12 wks 2 wks

Mon 27/04/20 Fri 23/10/20 Mon 27/04/20 Fri 17/07/20 Mon 20/07/20 Fri 31/07/20

12 wks 10 wks 720 days 720 days 0 days 4 wks 8 wks

Mon 03/08/20 Mon 03/08/20 Fri 06/11/20 Fri 06/11/20 Fri 06/11/20 Mon 09/11/20 Mon 07/12/20

8 wks

Mon 01/02/21 Fri 26/03/21

12 wks

Mon 29/03/21 Fri 18/06/21

12 wks

Mon 21/06/21 Fri 10/09/21

0 days

Fri 10/09/21

Fri 10/09/21

Mon 13/09/21 Mon 28/02/22 Mon 15/08/22 Mon 29/08/22 Fri 13/01/23 Mon 16/01/23 Mon 05/06/23 Fri 11/08/23 Fri 11/08/23 Fri 11/08/23

Fri 25/02/22 Fri 12/08/22 Fri 26/08/22 Fri 13/01/23 Fri 13/01/23 Fri 02/06/23 Fri 11/08/23 Fri 11/08/23 Fri 11/08/23 Fri 11/08/23

17 18 19

22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44

cost plan

Technical Design Client sign off technical design inc cost plan Submit Planning Construction tender

Construct Stage 5 Award construction contract Contractor mobalisation Establish site and commense excurvations Allowance for removal of remains if found. Basement excurvations, pilling comences Form basement, initial superstructure, ground level slab Waterproof basement, drying commence Install remaining superstructure

24 wks 24 wks Main stair install 2 wks Facard envelope install. 20 wks building water tight 0 days Internal fit out inc MEP 20 wks Comissioning of MEP, Arch finishes 10 wks Satage 6&7 0 days Parctical completion 0 days Defects, in use servey. 0 days install floor slabs, lift shafts

Qtr 3

Qtr 4

2020 Qtr 1

Qtr 2

Qtr 3

Qtr 4

2021 Qtr 1

Qtr 2

Qtr 3

Qtr 4

2022 Qtr 1

Qtr 2

Qtr 3

Qtr 4

2023 Qtr 1

Qtr 2

Qtr 3


24/05 05/07

Mon 16/09/19 Fri 31/01/20 Mon 16/09/19 Fri 06/12/19 Mon 09/12/19 Fri 20/12/19 Mon 23/12/19 Fri 31/01/20 Mon 23/12/19 Mon 23/12/19 Mon 03/02/20 Mon 13/04/20

Outline planning granted

Qtr 2

Mon 02/09/19 Fri 13/09/19

6 wks 0 wks Satge 3 90 days Developed design 16 wks Incorporate planning comments 8 wks Client sign off developed design inc 2 wks


2019 Qtr 1

Fri 31/01/20 Fri 31/01/20 Fri 24/04/20 Fri 10/04/20 Fri 27/03/20 Fri 24/04/20

Fri 23/10/20 Fri 09/10/20 Fri 11/08/23 Fri 11/08/23 Fri 06/11/20 Fri 04/12/20 Fri 29/01/21





11/08 11/08 11/08

Qtr 4


Section 2 2.0 Construction Phasing

St Brides Experimental Surgeons School

Phase 8


Task Name 1

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

10 11 12 13 14 15




70 days

Mon 01/04/19 Fri 05/07/19 Mon 01/04/19 Mon 01/04/19 Mon 01/04/19 Fri 24/05/19

Fit-out and construction compete. over Mon to 01/04/19 Fri 11/08/23 1140 days Project StagesSite is cleared up and handed tenant. 410 days Mon 01/04/19 Fri 23/10/20 Design Stage 0

Architect apointment (compotition 0 days win) Identify strategic objectives core 8 wks project requirements. Issue strategic briefing document as 0 days basis for profesional team apointment. Tender profesional services contracts6 wks Apoint design team

Stage 1

0 days 50 days 8 wks

Design team Development initial Project brief Client sign off initial project brief inc 2 wks cost plan

Stage 2

100 days 12 wks Client sign off initial concept inc cost 2 wks Concept design

plan Submit for outline planning

Fri 24/05/19

Fri 24/05/19

Mon 27/05/19 Fri 05/07/19 Mon 08/07/19 Mon 08/07/19

Fri 05/07/19 Fri 05/07/19 Fri 13/09/19 Fri 30/08/19

20 21

Stage 4

130 days 12 wks 2 wks

Mon 27/04/20 Fri 23/10/20 Mon 27/04/20 Fri 17/07/20 Mon 20/07/20 Fri 31/07/20

12 wks 10 wks 720 days 720 days 0 days 4 wks 8 wks

Mon 03/08/20 Mon 03/08/20 Fri 06/11/20 Fri 06/11/20 Fri 06/11/20 Mon 09/11/20 Mon 07/12/20

8 wks

Mon 01/02/21 Fri 26/03/21

12 wks

Mon 29/03/21 Fri 18/06/21

12 wks

Mon 21/06/21 Fri 10/09/21

0 days

Fri 10/09/21

Fri 10/09/21

Mon 13/09/21 Mon 28/02/22 Mon 15/08/22 Mon 29/08/22 Fri 13/01/23 Mon 16/01/23 Mon 05/06/23 Fri 11/08/23 Fri 11/08/23 Fri 11/08/23

Fri 25/02/22 Fri 12/08/22 Fri 26/08/22 Fri 13/01/23 Fri 13/01/23 Fri 02/06/23 Fri 11/08/23 Fri 11/08/23 Fri 11/08/23 Fri 11/08/23

17 18 19

22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44

cost plan

Technical Design Client sign off technical design inc cost plan Submit Planning Construction tender

Construct Stage 5 Award construction contract Contractor mobalisation Establish site and commense excurvations Allowance for removal of remains if found. Basement excurvations, pilling comences Form basement, initial superstructure, ground level slab Waterproof basement, drying commence Install remaining superstructure

24 wks 24 wks Main stair install 2 wks Facard envelope install. 20 wks building water tight 0 days Internal fit out inc MEP 20 wks Comissioning of MEP, Arch finishes 10 wks Satage 6&7 0 days Parctical completion 0 days Defects, in use servey. 0 days install floor slabs, lift shafts

Qtr 3

Qtr 4

2020 Qtr 1

Qtr 2

Qtr 3

Qtr 4

2021 Qtr 1

Qtr 2

Qtr 3

Qtr 4

2022 Qtr 1

Qtr 2

Qtr 3

Qtr 4

2023 Qtr 1

Qtr 2

Qtr 3


24/05 05/07

Mon 16/09/19 Fri 31/01/20 Mon 16/09/19 Fri 06/12/19 Mon 09/12/19 Fri 20/12/19 Mon 23/12/19 Fri 31/01/20 Mon 23/12/19 Mon 23/12/19 Mon 03/02/20 Mon 13/04/20

Outline planning granted

Qtr 2

Mon 02/09/19 Fri 13/09/19

6 wks 0 wks Satge 3 90 days Developed design 16 wks Incorporate planning comments 8 wks Client sign off developed design inc 2 wks


2019 Qtr 1

Fri 31/01/20 Fri 31/01/20 Fri 24/04/20 Fri 10/04/20 Fri 27/03/20 Fri 24/04/20

Fri 23/10/20 Fri 09/10/20 Fri 11/08/23 Fri 11/08/23 Fri 06/11/20 Fri 04/12/20 Fri 29/01/21





11/08 11/08 11/08

Qtr 4


Section 2 2.0 Internal Programme

Programme Taxonamy Dissection room - one of the focal points of the architecture. The room will be one of the largest spaces in the school, flooded in natural light. Bodies will be brought up from the morgue for students and teachers to dissect. Morgue - the cadavers will be stored and embalmed in this space before dissection. Studio - another key space in the building. The students will inhabit this space when they are learning several artistic techniques. Workshop - this space will allow students access to tools and machinery to further expand their craft, make larger sculptures and design and manufacture their tools. theatre - one of the key larger spaces in the building which will be used equally for teaching on the anatomy in terms of dissection and art. Classroom - this space will be a traditional classroom space used for lectures of a more conventional sense. Consulting room - this room will allow future cadavers to come in, ask questions about the process their body will go through on donation. Changing room - acting as a threshold between the living and the dead, students, teachers and technicians will use this space to prepare for work either with a cadaver or with a canvas. Necropolis - the cadavers will eventually be laid to rest in a large underground necropolis in the existing graveyard of St. Bride’s Church. This space is in tribute to Gandy’s last project to exhibit at the RA before his passing; an underground necropolis consisting of metal coffins below London. An annual funeral will be held at the necropolis in honour of those who donated their bodies to art and science. The tutors, students and families will all be invited to attend.

Building Overview

The internal spaces are divided up into five main spaces. Spreading out over all levels of the building. The circulation spaces are pushed to the long parameters of the building. Allowing the main working spaces to inhabit the negative body left behind.

Mixed Spaces

The mixed spaces are where the living and deceased meet and interact. Once the activity has finished they will both depart via their separate portals to the tailored circulation spaces. The mixed spaces will have a hard, free flowing surface for easy cleaning.

Section 2 2.0 Internal Programme

The living spaces are solely occupied by the living, having no contact with the deceased. These spaces are lighter with a softer texture. Hygiene is no longer a high priority. The living circulation allows the negotiation of the building without coming into contact with the cadavers - allowing for both side of the building to function simultaneously. The spaces share the same properties as the living circulation.

Living Circulation

Living Spaces

Section 2 2.0 Internal Programme

The deceased spaces are off limits to the living except for technicians, who act as a negotiator between the two worlds. The deceased spaces are cooler, harder, more hygienic and easier to clean then the living spaces. The deceased circulation allows the cadavers to navigate the building without coming into contact with the living. The circulation spaces share the same texture and material language as the main deceased spaces.

Deceased Circulation

Deceased Spaces

Section 2 2.00 Structure Strategy

The primary structure of the building is made from concrete. Concrete was chosen because it allows itself to be pours and shaped into fluid forums. The building is supported by a grid of columns and beams distributed at >7m spacing. Two cores at either end stop the building from twisting and buckling. Below ground the columns are met by a concrete retaining wall and deep piles. Due to the depth and size of the basement interlocking piles have been introduced. The secondary structure supporting the faรงade is made up of a triangular network of steel tubes (CHS) welded together at the meeting points. The secondary structure is then connected back onto the primary structure, slab edge and the ground floor retaining wall.

Section 2 2.00 MEP Strategy

Due to the complex and precise nature of the building it will be heated and ventilated mechanically. The services are run horizontally from one core to another, fitted between the ceiling soffit and slab. They travel vertically though risers in the lift core, transporting air from the flumes at the top of the building down into the plant room from where it will be filtered, heated and then pumped back out and distributed around the building. Dirty, stale air with be sucked into the ducts and distributed from another flume on the opposite side as the intake. The passive ventilation comes in the form of light tubes dissecting down from the roof to the second floor. These can be opened and closed mechanically by louvers on the roof.

Section 2 2.00 Fire Strategy

To combat the risk of fire, the building will be fitted out with a sprinkler system. This doesn’t just stop the spread of fire but also fights to extinguish it before it gets to an unmanageable size. The building will use both entrances as fire escapes depositing users at either end of the building. A second stairwell from the top to the bottom would drastically improve the fire strategy and may the planner may ask for one to be incorporated into the design.

Section 2 2.00 Facade strategy

Facade strategy The building’s façade will aim to reflect that of its occupation and users. It will resemble that of the human skin and an artists’ canvas stretched over a canvas. In order to achieve this, I’ve opted to use PTFE, a translucent tensile fabric. This will be pulled taut over a supporting steel structure tight back onto the main body of the building. It will be insulated with transparent insulation to allow light to pass though, then a second interior fabric will be applied acting as an interior finish and breather membrane.

Section 2 2.00 Deceased and mixed Straspaces.pace stratagy

Deceased and mixed spaces. Hard-wearing, non-porous, hygienic materials are a priority for a healthcare or lab project which these spaces best resemble. I aim to make a smooth seamless surface blending the floor, walls and ceilings into one. This stops the spread of dirty and bacteria sticking to the surface. In order to achieve this, I will use a solid surface material, made up from acrylic, minerals and natural pigments. This can be thermally moulded into the desired shapes then fixed back onto a metal wall system.

Section 1B 2.00 Studio Stratagy

The studios will have lightweight, translucent properties, maximising the amount of light available to the artist. Whilst still conforming to the organic nature of the building, I will use a single layer tensile fabric with the illusion that it is being pulled down from the ceiling. The use of latex allows the artist to paint the walls themselves, adding thickness and layers to particular areas when needed. They can also dissect the walls, sewing the incisions back up and healing the wound with more latex. This bridges the surgical and artistic world perfectly. When the artists leave they can cut down the walls and start a fresh. It allows for the space to be accommodating to the individual needs of the artists whilst still denoting a place to call their own.

Section 2 2.00 Basement typical 1:100 - A2


Section 2 2.00 Basement level 02 1:100 - A2

BoH Plant


Section 2 2.00 Basement level 01 1:100 - A2



Reception Room


BoH Lobby + Waste Store

Section 2 2.00 level 00 1:100 - A2


Section 2 2.00 level 01 1:100 - A2

Toilets Consolting Room

Workshop Classroom

Section 2 2.00 level 02 1:100 - A2


Section 2 2.00 level 03 1:100 - A2

Changing Rooms

Section 2 2.00 level 04 1:100 - A2

Living circulation

Dissection Rooms

Deceased circula-

Section 2 2.00 level 05 1:100 - A2

Living circulation


Section 2 2.00 Section AA 1:200 - A3

Section 2 2.00 Section BB 1:200 - A3

Section 2 2.00 Main Stair Detail 1:20 - A3

PTFE external layer 100 mm transparent insulation 100 mm Steel structure Internal breather membrane

100 mm Steel wall structure 12.5mm plasterbored 7.5 mm solid surface wall finish 20mm solid surface floor finish False floor pedestal 200 mm Concrete slab 500 mm Concrete beam Steel support

Section 2 2.00 Envelope detail 01 1:5 - A3

External drain Internal drain

400mm Concrete retaining wall

100mm ridged insulation

10mm dimple drain sheet – (waterproof line)

50mm concrete floor

100mm insulation

False floor pedestal

Breather membrane

20mm floor finish

75mm metal wall stud system

200mm concrete slab

12.5 mm pasteboard 5mm internal finish External drain

Section 2 2.00 Envelope detail 02 1:5 - A3

Section 2 2.00 Envelope detail 03 1:5 - A3

PTFE external layer 100 mm transparent insulation 100 mm Steel structure Internal breather membrane Steel Collor Rigid insulation Steel Facade Clip

300mm Concrete wall 10mm dimple drain sheet 100mm insulation Breather membrane 75mm metal wall stud system 12.5 mm pasteboard 5mm internal finish

Section 2 2.00 Envelope detail 05 1:5 - A3

PTFE external layer 100 mm transparent insulation 100 mm Steel structure Internal breather membrane Steel Facade Clip

Section 2 2.00 Envelope detail 06 1:5 - A3

Section 2 2.00 Envelope detail 06 1:10 - A3

100 mm transparent insulation breather membrane

PTFE external layer 100 mm transparent insulation 100 mm Steel structure Internal breather membrane Steel Facade Clip Rigid rubber insulation Insulated Rubber Sleeve

Section 3 Bibliography

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