The script the man who can’t be moved music video analysis
Like all the other music videos I have analysed there are lots of close of the main star and the narrative follows the main star who is the lead singer/ songwriter Danny O'Donoghue. This complies with the stereotype that record labels want lots of close of the stars, so they can sell the music according to Andrew Goodwin’s theory.
The first shot of the music video however isn’t Danny O'Donoghue it’s a shot of his shadow this could be to signify he alone and there is
nobody next to him or it could imply that he feels like he is missing someone (In this case a lady) as this is what we here in the song. A lot of pop songs are written about love and this one is no different. The script has a big focus on heartbreak and album. During the song there is a connection between the Lyrics and the visuals, Which Andrew Goodwin said was a common convention in music videos. It helps the audience understand the narrative by using Semiotics which relate to the music and the visuals. Roland Bathes said there was two types of semiotics, Action codes which are a shorthanded way to show something is happening and advance the narrative for example later in the video when we see time moving through a time lapse of a watch. And enigma codes where a question or problem is given and then producer releases information about at a pace which keeps the consumer always interested. For example, in the music video we see Danny walking around at first at don’t see him sitting by the side of the road till about a minute into the video.
Danny O'Donoghue is wearing a dark leather jacket with the zip half way up and his collar turned up this could be to connote that he doesn’t care how he looks especially because the lyrics of the song could be decoded to mean all he cares about is this girl he broke up with. The jeans suggest this is a very casual affair and the white bland t-shirt could connote that he doesn’t want expensive clothes with labels on he just wants this girl. This is further shown by him having his hand in his pocket suggesting he doesn’t care if he looks professional or smart he just wants this girl back.
During the song, we saw lots of quick edits which is very interesting, and I believe it keep up with the beat or it could be to imply that the relationship he is talking about ended too quickly. The song is a performance narrative (Joan Lynch) which helps us recognise all the members of the band but also the performance sections are cut in between the narrative so the narrative is still moving when the band are performing. It is conventional to see at least a little performance piece in a pop song as it’s important for people to get to know the band as they are more likely to buy the record if they now the singers.
During the performance part, we see the instruments being played this is often conventional in pop when they show the whole band performing especially when there is a drum and a guitar in the music. However, when it’s a solo artist is also conventional to see the singer performing and, in the narrative, and even in this video frontman Danny is this performing and part of the narrative with Danny acting and singing at the same time it shows he is the lead singer and suggests he is more important than some of the other band members.
In this music video, we see quite a lot of camera movement for example we see a track with a medium shot so we see different angels of Danny O'Donoghue face and the producer may have used different angles to help make the narrative progress and keep the consumer entertained as they don’t feel like there watching the same shot over and over again.
We also see other the shoulder shots which are not conventional used in music video, but they are used to show the bypasses reaction in this case. It gives the feeling that Dany is not conscious of other people’s reaction by just sitting there when other actors are
staring at him.
There is also a hint at voyeurism in this music video with the idea that Danny’s story has been reported on the news. Andrew Goodwin is the theorist behind Voyeurism and it could be suggested that by having breaking news on the bottom section of the music video and this may be Decoded by some audience member that this video is important just due to the breaking news tap being displayed.
Carol Vernallis suggested the narrative of a music video was often circular as it follow the songs form, and this is the case in this video at the end of the video if you played the same video again from the start you could link the ending and the beginning, and it would be very similar.