Parametric Design : The Egg Project

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Matthieu Bouchaud The Egg Project An exploration of the iterative design process

November 2016

The iterative desing process is something essential to me. I always work in a serial approach to explore different spatial solution where each version is a subtle variation of its neighbor. I am convinced that this method allows to achieve a form of accuracy. When those different propositions are evaluated, it is then possible to choose gradually what is the best option and why. When I finished my Architectural Portfolio, I discovered that something was missing to illustrate my technical skills. So I decided to give myself a practical exercise. In order to demonstrate my ability to handle complex geometries I decided to model and render in 3 days the most possible iterations of a form with Rhino, Grasshopper and Vray. Here are the results.

The simple Egg

I gradually increase the length of a polyline, while keeping it constrained to the surface of the egg with selfcollisions. I used the Kangaroo plugin for Grasshopper.

Creation of vectors, oriented from the volume center of the egg to random points on the surface. Intersection curves between planes normal to the vectors and the egg surface. Extrusion of boundary surfaces generated from those curves.

Same definition as before but more random points. Pipes are generated from the intersection curves.

Random extrusion of a subdivided mesh with the Catmull Clark component in Weaverbird to get a smooth result.

Same definitions as before but I used an attractor point to control the extrusion of the subdivided mesh.

Same definitions but I used the Split-Quad component instead of the Catmull-Clark

The egg is scaled down from the center then subdivided. Faces are culled to create a checkerboard pattern and extruded to the original egg surface.

Same radius planar disks are packed on the surface using Kangaroo.

Different radius planar disks are packed on the surface using Kangaroo.

A dual mesh is created from the egg. Hexagons are reduced and quad-meshes are created between edges. The meshes are joined, welded, thicken and a Catmull-Clark is performed.

Same definition with a denser initial mesh.

Same definition but the reduction is increased following position in the Z axis.

Same definition but the reduction is increased following position in the Z axis on a denser mesh.

Same definition with random reduction.

Same definition with random reduction on a denser mesh

A vertical plane align to the center of the egg intersect it. A boundary surface is created from the intersection curve and subdivided into several square surfaces. Those square surfaces are extruded both sides to reach the egg surface.

Same definition with increased subdivision of the surface.

The egg is subdivided into several 4 edges surfaces and diagonals are created and piped.

A Voronoi 3D intersect the Egg. Polylines obtained are relaxed to create a Voronax that is then extruded and thicken.

Simple Wafe definition with horizontal and vertical extruded surfaces.

Simple Wafe definition with vertical orthogonal extruded surfaces.

The mesh is subdivided. Points are created in the middle of the highest horizontal edges of the meshes. Points are moved perpendicularly and tangentially to the egg surface. Quad meshes are created, joined and welded. Then a Catmull Clark is performed to get a smooth result.

Same definition with the vector rotated to simulate the opening of a pineapple like structure.

Voronoi 3D trimmed by the Egg brep. Randomly chosen cells are culled to create holes.

Voronoi 3D trimmed by the Egg brep. Non-planar and duplicate surfaces are culled. Surfaces are then extruded both sides.

Same definition as before with holes on the planar surfaces

Radiation Analysis

I used Ladybug to perform a Radiation Analysis. By analysing the effects of the sun over the surface for a year in a special location, I was able to make a design that is literally shaped by the sun. I am convinced that environmental simulation must become part of my architectural tool kit.

I created holes on the surfaces whose sizes vary according to the amount of solar energy received. The greater the amount of energy received, the smaller the perforation.

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